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        한국사상(韓國思想)(철학(哲學)) : 반계(磻溪) 유형원(柳馨遠)의 저술 재검토와 후학의 관련 자료 고찰

        이형성 ( Hyung Sung Lee ) 한국사상문화학회 2015 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.79 No.-

        조선은 양란 이후 사회적 질서가 무너져 사회·경제적으로 위기를 초래하였다. 이러한 시대 위기를 극복하고 국가와 사회의 안정을 도모하고자 하는 학자들이 있었다. 무너진 질서 체계를 적극 바로잡으려고 추진한 학자는 바로 반계(磻溪) 유형원(柳馨遠)이었다. 그의 『반계수록(磻溪隨錄)』은 당시 사회상을 철저하게 반영한 저서였다. 유형원은 10대 중반에 병자호란을 겪은 이후 삶이 매우 어려웠다. 출사(出仕)를 통해 어려운 삶을 극복하고자 하였다. 하지만 당시 무너진 사회 질서를 목도하고서 출사보다는 참다운 학문을 지향하는 열정이 남달랐다. 부안으로 이주한 이후 초야에서 학문을 깊이 탐구하며 52세에 삶을 마감하기 전까지 많은 저술을 남겼다. 유형원 사후, 그의 문인과 후학들이 지은 「전(傳)」과 「행장(行狀)」등은 그의 저술 서목이 언급되었지만 일률적이지 못한 면이 있고 서명이나 권수도 약간씩 다르기도 하였다. 그리하여 유형원이 지은 서목을 일일이 재검토하여 내용적으로 재분류하였다. 그리고 후학들의 유형원 관련 직·간접 자료를 살펴보면서 그들 자료에 담긴 유형원의 내용을 간략하게 다루었다. 그 자료를 일일이 나열하기 어려운 측면이 있어 후학14인만을 한정하였다. 이러한 작업은 앞으로 유형원의 사상을 입체적으로 고찰할 수 있는 계기를 마련해 줄 것이다. 나아가 근기실학과 대비되는 호남만의 독자적 실체를 가지는 것이므로, 유형원에 대한 직간접 자료 발굴 조사가 이루어질 때 “호남실학”을 종합적으로 연구하는 계기가 될 것이다. After the both wars of Imjin and Byeongja, Joseon incurred social and economic crises due to destruction of its social order. There were scholars who sought to overcome the time of crises for national and social stability. A scholar that intended to systematically correct everything was Yu Hyung-won(柳馨遠) who was playing an active role in Honam Province. His Bangyesurok(磻溪隨錄) was a piece of writing which thoroughly reflected social aspects of that time. After his death, writings such as Jeon(傳) and Haengjang(行狀) by other literators and junior scholars mentioned his written works but it was not so much of uniformity and there also was not inconsiderable number of scholars who followed Yu Hyung-won’s thoughts and promoted reforms. This article reexamined every piece of Yu Hyung-won’s writings one by one and reclassified them according to their contents. Referring to both direct and indirect materials of scholars who succeeded Yu Hyung-won’s thoughts, this study briefly covered Yu Hyung-won’s study in those materials. This work would be a future opportunity to examine Yu Hyung-won’s thoughts in a stereoscopic manner and to study “Silhak(Realist School of Confucianism) in Honam Province” comprehensively. Further, it would help to get a sense of the independent identity of Honam Province in comparison to Silhak in near-capital area(近畿實學).

      • KCI등재

        박형규 목사의 삶과 신학 : 길을 열어간 발자취를 따라서

        최형묵(Hyung-Mook Choi) 한신대학교 신학사상연구소 2019 신학사상 Vol.0 No.187

        “나의 믿음은 길 위에 있다.” 회고록의 제목처럼, 한국 민주화 운동의 실질적 구심이자 상징인 박형규 목사의 삶과 신학은 과연 길 위에 있었다. 그는 언제나 길을 열어가는 대열의 선두에 있었다. 박형규 목사의 삶을 돌아보면, 굴곡진 한국 현대사에서 정말 절묘하게도 필요한 때 필요한 자리에서 주어진 상황을 돌파해나가는 역할을 맡았다. 1973년 남산 부활절 사건으로 처음 투옥된 이래 여섯 차례에 걸친 투옥, 그리고 감옥행보다 더 고통스러운 노상 예배의 여정은 그가 어떤 의미에서 길을 여는 대열의 선두에 서 있었던가 하는 것을 잘 보여주고 있다. 박형규 목사는 민중 선교의 선구로서, 민중 사건의 유발자로서 민중신학의 원천을 형성하는 역할을 맡았다. 박형규 목사는 사실상 한국 민중신학을 탄생시킨 실질적 주역이었다. 이 논문은 민중신학을 형성한 한 기원으로서 박형규 목사의 삶과 신학을 조명한다. 그의 장쾌한 발걸음이 일궈낸 신학 사상에서 우리는 진정한 민중 해방의 복음이 갖는 역동성을 실감한다. 우리가 그의 신학 사상을 논하는 것은 그 역동성을 오늘의 교회와 삶의 현실에서 되살리고자 하는 데 그 뜻이 있다. “My faith is on the road.” Like the title of his memoirs, the life and theology of Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park, the real center and symbol of the Korean democratization movement, was on the road. He was always at the forefront of the democratic movement. Looking back at Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park’s life, he took on the role of breaking through the given situation in the most necessary time and necessary place in Korea’s twisted modern history. The six experiences of imprisonment since his first imprisonment for the 1973 Namsan Easter Incident and his experience of street-worship show how was a leader. Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park played a role in shaping Minjung theology as a pioneer of people’s mission and as a cause of people’s events. Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park was in fact a real protagonist who gave birth to Korean Minjung theology. This article highlights Pastor Hyung-Kyu Park’s life and theology as a source of Minjung theology. In the theological thought formed in his great steps we realize the dynamism of the gospel of true people’s liberation. Our discussion of his theology is meant to bring that dynamism to life in today’s church and life.

      • KCI등재

        담계(澹溪) 금서경(金瑞慶)의 반계학(磻溪學) 계승과 경세의식(經世意識)

        이형성 ( Hyung-sung Lee ) 퇴계학부산연구원 2016 퇴계학논총 Vol.27 No.-

        조선은 임진왜란과 병자호란 이후 사회 경제적으로 위기를 직면하였다. 당시학자들은 성리학에 대한 치밀한 연구보다는 국가와 사회의 개혁을 통한 안정을 도모하려 하였다. 그 중심의 인물이 바로 유형원(柳馨遠)이었다. 유형원은 32세 때 호남 부안 우반동에 정착하여 제자 양성보다는 국가와 사회의 부조리를 개혁하는 학문과 저술에 전념하였다. 이러한 활동 때문인지 몰라도 그의 문인들은 많이 언급되지 않았다. 그런데 최근에 알려진 담계(澹溪) 김서경(金瑞慶: 1648∼1681)의 유고집으로 인해 김서경이 유형원의 학문을 계승하였음을 알 수 있었다. 김서경은 부안 우반동에서 유형원을 모시면서 11년 동안 수학하였다. 스승 유형원을 만나기 이전, 성리학적 실천을 지향하면서도 고대 동양 역법의 기초이론으로불리는 ‘기삼백(朞三百)’을 혼자 풀어내 수리 능력을 보이기도 하였다. 16세 때 유형원에게 나아가 학문을 익힐 적에, 그는 스승으로부터 『중용』의 박학(博學)ㆍ심문(審問)ㆍ신사(愼思)ㆍ명변(明辨)의 방법, 『대학』의 격물치지(格物致知), 『논어』의 박문약례(博文約禮)라는 학문적 방법을 배양하였다. 이러한 방법으로 학문에 매진하다보니 자연 과거공부에 전념하지 않았다. 하지만 부친의 간곡한 권고로 향시에 합격한 다음, 33세 때 성균관에서 과거시험을 준비하다가 병을 얻어 귀향한 지 얼마안되어 1681년 34세의 일기로 삶을 마감하였다. 본 글은 김서경이 남긴 『담계유고(澹溪遺稿)』를 통해 그의 반계학 계승과 경세의식을 살펴본 것이다. 그 내용은 세 방향으로 전개되었다. 첫째, 김서경은 알려져있지 않은 인물이기에 생애와 저술을 많이 다루었다. 둘째, 유형원에게 나아가 11년 동안 학문을 익히며 반계학(磻溪學)을 계승하였지만 유형원과 같이 사회개혁을 지향한 글보다는 심의 참다운 수양을 통해 성인(聖人)을 지향하려는 의식이 강하게 드러내고 있어 이를 다루었다. 사회개혁에 대한 글이 전무한 것은 아마도 그가 요절하였기 때문일 것이다. 셋째, “백성을 포용하고 대중을 기른다[容民畜衆]”는 경세의식을 살펴본 것이다. 이 의식 속에는 의식주에 모자람이 없도록 하여 육체를 기르고 인륜 도덕을 가르쳐서 정신을 길러야 한다는 양면성을 내포하고 있다. 이는 위정자가 “때에 따라 마땅함을 헤아린다”는 의식을 통해 백성을 포용하고 대중을 기르도록 하는 것이었다. 김서경의 반계학 계승을 통한 경세의식은 양란으로 인한 위정자의 윤리의식의 결여를 극복시켜 유학의 주체적 인간상을 회복시키려는 것이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 사상사적 측면에서 보면 실학의 초기 단계의 경세치용적 윤리관을 제시하는양상이 강하다 할 것이다. By the mid-17th century, Chosun was in a social and economic crisis. Scholars turned away from theoretical studies of Neo-Confucianism to studies of governance in order to reform the society and stabilize the lives of the people. Kim Seo-kyung(金瑞慶: 1648∼1681) found home in Buan and studied under Yoo Hyung-won(柳馨遠) who sought to reform the irregularities of the society. Kim had begun with studies in his home town, focusing on Neo-Confucian practice. After he met Yoo, following in the rigorous methodology of Yoo, Kim shifted focus of his academic works from studying for civil service entrance examination to self-development aimed at becoming a virtuous man. Unfortunately, Kim’s life was cut short at 34 years and he could not further expand his research. This study examines Kim Seo-kyung’s Damgyeyugo(澹溪遺稿) in order to see how he succeeded the tradition of Bangyehak(磻溪學: ideology of Bangye) as well as his philosophy of governance. The author does this in three ways. First, since Kim Seo-kyung is a little-known figure, his life and works are introduced. Second, Kim’s succession of Yoo Hyung-won’s ideas is examined, especially his aspiration to a virtuous man through the real self-discipline of the mind. Third, the study explores his philosophy of governance which sought to embrace the people and foster the public. Kim Seo-kyung’s succession of Bangyehak and philosophy of governance can be understood as an effort to rebuild a moral awareness, which had been eroded by Injin and Byungja Wars, so as to restore the Confucian autonomous agency. Hence, in terms of the history of ideology, this follows in the practical morality of the early forms of realist Confucianism.

      • 공생별의 고분산 분광선 연구 - CI Cyg 방출선

        형식 ( Siek Hyung ),이성재 ( Seong Jae Lee ),한경아 ( Kyoung A Han ) 충북대학교 과학교육연구소 2015 과학교육연구논총 Vol.30 No.2

        1998년 9월 12일 (위상 □ = 0.90)와 2002년 8월 12일 (□ = 0.47)에 Aller 와 Hyung이 관측한 Lick 천문대의 HES 고분산 분광 자료, 그리고 2009년 10월 21일 (□ = 0.54) 보현산 천문대에서 형식과 이성재가 관측한 BOES 고분산 분광자료를 이용해 공생별 CI Cyg를 연구하였다. 방출선 윤곽과 선세기는 관측시기의 별 위상에 따라 변화를 보였다. 우리는 O I, O III, [O I], [O III], N III, [S III], Si II 선들의 윤곽을 제시하고, 이를 통해 공생별CI Cyg를 구성하는 뜨거운 백색왜성과 M4 분광형을 가진 차가운 적색거성 주변 가스의 물리적 조건에 대해 논의 하였다. We investigated the high dispersion HES data of the Symbiotic star CI Cyg observed at Lick Observatory on September 12th, 1998 (phase □ = 0.90) and on August 12th, 2002 (□ = 0.47) by Aller and Hyung. along with the BOES data observed at Bohyunsan Observatory on October 21st, 2009 (□ = 0.54) by Hyung and Lee. The emission line profiles and their line intensities show change depending on the phase of different observing periods. We present the line profiles of O I, O III, [O I], [O III], N III, [S III], and Si II and discuss the physical condition of the nebulous gas surrounding two components of the symbiotic star CI Cyg, i.e., a small hot white dwarf and a cold M4 type red giant star.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of the Crystallization Behavior of Silica Between Mg and Al‑Phosphate Used in Tension Coatings of Grain‑Oriented Electrical Steel

        Hyung‑Ki Park,Min‑Soo Han,Chang‑Hwan Chang,Jong‑Tae Park,박창수,Hyung‑Don Joo 대한금속·재료학회 2020 METALS AND MATERIALS International Vol.26 No.3

        The effect of the phosphate component on the thermal stability of tension coatings was investigated with a focus on thecrystallization behavior of amorphous silica in the tension coating. After stress-relief annealing, core loss of samples coatedwith a Mg-phosphate was improved, while that coated with an Al-phosphate was deteriorated. The domain wall spacing ofthe samples coated with Mg- and Al-phosphates was respectively increased and decreased after stress relief annealing. Thismeans that the stress relief annealing did not much diminish the tensile stress for Mg-phosphate coating but much diminishedthe tensile stress for Al-phosphate coating. Based on FTIR and XRD results, we found that the crystallization temperatureof silica with Al-phosphate was lower than that of silica with Mg-phosphate. The crystallization of silica was accompaniedby an abrupt volume change, which formed cracks in the tension coating and deteriorated the tensile stress.

      • KCI등재

        Secondary Recrystallization in Metals: Approach by Solid-State Wetting Hyung-Seok Shim and Nong-Moon Hwang

        ( Hyung Seok Shim ),( Nong Moon Hwang ) 대한금속재료학회(구 대한금속학회) 2014 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.52 No.9

        The mystery of Goss selective abnormal grain growth (AGG) in Fe-3%Si steel has long remained unsolved since its discovery by Goss in 1933. Similarly, the mechanism of secondary recrystallization, which is commonly observed in many metallic systems, has long been a puzzle. Here, attempts to solve this puzzle are reviewed with a focus on solid-state wetting along the triple junction of polycrystalline metals. Especially, the grains with sub-boundaries of very low energy exclusively have a high probability to grow by solid-state wetting and as a result can grow abnormally. The 3-dimensional Monte Carlo (MC) and phase field model (PFM) computer simulations showed that the presence of sub-boundaries induces AGG. The existence of sub-boundaries exclusively in abnormally-growing grains was experimentally confirmed in Fe-3%Si steel and in 5052 Al alloy. The time evolution of abnormally growing grains by ex-situ observation and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analysis of 5052 Al alloy clearly revealed many microstructural evidences for AGG by triple-junction wetting. Misorientation angle measurements by EBSD of the grains belonging to the penetrating morphology showed that the penetrated grain boundaries have high energy and the penetrating grain boundaries tend to have low energy, in agreement with the wetting condition along the triple junction. Parallel three-dimensional MC simulations starting with the experimental misorientationdata, which consider sub-boundaries and precipitates, show many realistic AGG features observed experimentally. (Received July 28, 2013)

      • KCI등재

        Underlying representations in glide formation in Korean: A reply to Cho (2000)

        Hyung-Soo Kim 한국음운론학회 2002 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Kim, Hyung-Soo. 2002. Underlying representations in glide formation in Korean: A reply to Cho (2000). Studies in Phonetics, Phonology and Morphology 8.1. 65-83. One of the most recalcitrant problems in Korean phonology has been the explanation of the irregular continuative form wa<oa ""come[continuative]""(cf inf. o-ta) where, unlike verbs such as poa, pwa ""see[continuative]""(cf. inf. po-ta), glide formation occurs obligatorily without compensatory lengthening. In Kim (1999) it has been proposed that the exceptional behavior of the verb 0- can be most aptly explained by positing its underlying form as WΛ, whose stem vowel drops before a vowel-initial ending but contracts with the preceding W to become 0 before a consonant-initial suffix. Cho (2000), however, has criticized this analysis as being too opaque, employing a synchronically unmotivated underlying representation. This paper responds to her criticism by reviewing and revaluating all of the underlying representations posited in previous analyses while offering additional arguments for the abstract underlying form WΛ. (Jeonju University)

      • KCI등재

        Consonant gemination and glide strengthening in Lugamda : A theoretical analysis of two universal phonological processes and their interaction

        Kim, Hyung Soo 대한언어학회 1993 언어학 Vol.1 No.-

        Hyung-Soo Kim(1993), Consonant gemination and glide strengthening In Luganda: A theoretical analysis of two universal phonological processes and their Interaction Linguistics, vol 1. Theoretical Phonology maintains that rules used in description and explanation of language must be universal, belonging to the set of universal phonological processes. This conception of phonological explanation is applied to the analysis of geminate consonants in West Germanic, Italian, and Luganda (Eastern Bantu). Analysis of West Germanic and Italian data illustrates the relative phonological strength on parameters, the Inertial Development Principle, and a universal condition that stipulates preferential application of consonant gemination in sufficiently strong environment. Analysis of Luganda data reveals how the universal processes of consonant gemination and glide strengthening interact to produce previously unexplained consonant-cum-geminate clusters. In addition, it shows that consonant gemination in Luganda occurs essentially under the sanle condition as in West Germanic and Italian, thus refuting the .p!$os claim by Clements (1986) that Luganda gemination occurs as a result of compensatory lengthening of consonant. `ham concluded that Luganda gemination is not an isolated case of oompensatory 'consonant' lengthening but its application is governed by the universal conditions on consonant gemination, occurring, as in West Germanic and Italian consonant gemination, in contiguity with a sufficiently strong resonant consonant.

      • KCI등재

        Underlying Bases for Reduplicated and Sound Symbolic Words in Korean: The so-called emphatic suffixation revisited

        Hyung-Soo Kim 한국언어학회 2006 언어 Vol.31 No.2

        Kim, Hyung-Soo. 2006. Underlying Bases for Reduplicated and Sound Symbolic Words in Korean: The so-called emphatic suffixation revisited. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 31-2, 207-231. This paper reanalyzes the so-called emphatic suffixation in Korean, with a focus on the base and suffixal forms used in previous analyses. Jun (1994) analyzes these cases under his rule of Metrical Weight Consistency, but there is no independent evidence for the redundant base-final /l/ in his underlying structure of talkɨlak < *talkɨl-lak "rattling". In this paper, a new morphological analysis is provided by investigating 1) the stem-suffix correlations stipulated by Jun and 2) the patterns of affixation and alternation in ideophones such as talkak, talkɨlak, and talkatak. It is argued that these three near-synonymous ideophones share the same underlying stem *talkɨ- and the surface variants are a combined result of affixation and three independent phonological rules: /ɨ/-truncation (talkak<*talkɨ-ak), /t/-to-/l/ lenition (talkɨlak<*talkɨ-tak) and dissimilation of KCVK# → CVK# (talkatak<*talkak- tak). Some comments on recent Optimality-Theoretic analyses and their weaknesses are made as well as a remark on the ramifications of the analysis. (Jeonju University)

      • KCI등재

        Universal Phonological Processes in eastern Bantu : a Theoretical analysis

        Kim,Hyung Soo 대한언어학회 1999 언어학 Vol.7 No.1

        Kim, Hyung-Soo. 1999. Universal Phonological Processes in eastern Bantu: a theoretical analysis. Linguistics 7-1, 199-225 In this paper the concept of universal phonological process in Foley's Theoretical Phonology is utilized to first introduce five phonological processes that commonly occur in eastern Bantu languages and then explain two important problems in morphophonemic alternation occurring in Luganda first singular present forms and Swahili adjectives. The five processes introduced are glide formation, syncope, glide strengthening, assibilation, and dissimilation. These processes are argued to be universal because 1) they occur not only in many Bantu languages but also in remotely related languages such as Korean and 2) their knowledge is required as a prerequisite to finding a coherent explanation of the two morphophonemic alternations. A brief comment on the ramifications of the analysis for the phonological theory in general is also included, especially the difficulties that a constraint-based approach may face in analyzing phonological probelms of this type. (Jeonju University)

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