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      • KCI등재후보

        빌라조경 설계사례에 관한 연구 : Case Study of Jang-chung Dong Villa

        김동찬,이윤수,유재설,박익수,임동민,임상재 경희대학교 부설 디자인연구원 1998 예술· 디자인학연구 Vol.1 No.1

        The goal of this study is to propose a plan for the Jang-Chung Dong Villa. This Villa is located on Jang-Chung Dong Jung-Gu, Seoul. And, this place is where high-class residential area. This Site area covers about 1925.6m². This base idea of this plan is to provide a community of dwelling houses with identity and amenity in outdoor spaces in order to create the high-class environment of outdoor spaces. Design principles are established as follow; to make spaces for flexibility in the garden related activities, to provide many chances to contact with nature, and to feel pride in the villa life.

      • KCI등재

        五加皮의 造血 및 免疫調節效果에 대한 實驗的 硏究

        任中根,徐榮培,金東熙,薛仁燦 대한본초학회 2000 大韓本草學會誌 Vol.15 No.1

        In order to investigate the reinforcemental Effects of Acanthopanax Radicis Cortex about immunity and hematogenic action. The various immune responses were studied. The results were obtained as follows: 1. Positive cell was significantly increased at the 0.25 d r n P degree of density in the effect of CD4 about the spleen cell. 2. In the effect of IgG positive cell was significantly increased as comrared with the data of control only at the 0.25 mg/ml degree of density. 3. In the effect of Mac-1 positive cell was significantly increased in all treated degree of density. 4. In result of observing the change of WBC after Cyclophosphamide-processing the number of WBC was significantly increased in treated Group. 5. Measurement of RT-PCR in Hematopoietic stem cell TPO PCR products was increased as compared with medium at the 1 ㎛/ml degree of density. 6. In reinforcemental effect about Stem cell factor SCF PCR product was increased as compared with medium at the low degree of density. 7. In reinforcemental effect about IL-3 PCR product was increased as compared with medium at the low degree of density. 8. In reinforcemental effect about IL-6 PCR product was significantly increased as compared with all treated group. 9. Assay about positive cell in the spleen cell, the positive cell was significantly increased in CD4, CD19. 10. Created amount NO was treated group significantly increased all degree of density. 11. In promotional dissolution-effect, treated group was increased one and half times or twice all degree of density as compared with negative control. According to the above results, Acanthopanax Radicis Cortex increase coherence with T-cell by dint of activating CD of T-cell, presentate an antigen, activate IL-3, IL-6 which stimulate B-cell mading an antibody, activate IFN- y which appeal anti-viral activity by dint of activating macrophage, activate IgG which being made in B-cell neutralize Virus directly, increase immunity by means of promoting dissolution of Spleen cell which involve immune cell and strengthen hematogenic action by dint of activating TPO, SCF. Although Acanthopanax Radicis Cortex was used in retrogressional joint disease of deficiency syndrome by reinforcing Liver and Kidney, strengthening bones and sinews, because IFN- 7 which appeal anti-viral activity and IL-6 which almost appear in arthritis increased significantly, in future we should make an effort in looking into action of Acanthopanax Radicis Cortex about common cold by infection and arthritis of excess syndrome.

      • 한국의 외국인력 정책

        임현진,설동훈 서울대학교 사회과학연구원 2000 한국사회과학 Vol.22 No.3

        현행 외국인력 정책인 '산업기술연수제도'와 '연수취업제도' 의 문제점을 극복하기 위한 대안으로서 '고용허가제도' 의 내용을 탐색하고, 그 실시 방안을 설계한다.현행 외국인력 정책은 ①명분과 실제가 일치하지 않는 표리부동한 편법, ② 미등록노동자 수의 증가를 막는데 실패한 제도, ③ 외국인노동자 인권침해를 유발한 제도, ④ 외국인노동자 선발을 둘러싼 비리를 양산한 제도, ⑤ 미등록노동자가 산업연수생보다 법률적으로 우대받는 제도라는 치명적 문제점을 갖고 있다.본 연구는 외국인력 정책 대안으로서 고용허가제도의 내용을 정리하고, 구체적 시행계획을 설계하여 제시하고 있다.고용허가제도는 '국내 노동시장 보완성의 원칙' 과 '차별 금지의 원칙' 에 기초를 두고 있는데, 국내 외국인노동자에게 '근로자' 신분을 부여하여 합법적으로 취업할 수 있도록 하는 외국인력 관리 방식이다.고용허가제도가 실시되면 한국 정부의 직업안정기관이 외국인력 수입의 주체가 될 것이며, 송출비리와 불법체류자 양산 등 각종 문제를 해소할 수 있을 것이다. In this paper, we discuss various problems of Korea's current foreign labor policy instituted in such systems as the 'Industrial and Technical Training Program for Foreigner's(ITTP) and the 'Working After Training Program for Foreigners'(WATP).As and alternative to these current systems, we suggest an the 'Employment Permit Program for Foreigners'(EPP) and illustrate how this new system with public employment security organizations as labor importing agencies would help solve such problems as the rising number of undocumented workers in Korea. The ITTP, Korea's first foreign labor import scheme, prevents foreign workers-so-called industrial trainees-from acquiring proper working status and accompanying benefits.As such, industrial trainees and other undocumented migrant workers lack the means to protect themselves from abuses of employers and routine threats to deport them.In 1998, the WATP was introduced as an improvement to the ITTP.In this new system, trainees who pass certain skills tests after a two-year of industrial traineeship are allowed to enjoy workers rights under the Labor Standards Act and the Minimum Wages Act.However, the problems resulting from the ITTP remain as (1) industrial trainees continue to be abused and are still only de facto laborers; (2) the number of undocumented (or illegal) migrant workers has not been reduced with the WATP; (3) migrant workers' basic human rights continue to be violated; and (4) undocumented migrants are better paid than the legal industrial trainees, which further encourages the trainees to leave their designated work places. We propose the EPP as a solution to the above problems and discuss a detailed implementation plan of the system.This new system is based on the principles of local labor market complementarity and of non-discrimination of migrant workers.Once the Korean government passes and implements the Employment of Foreign Workers Act, as we propose in this paper, public employment agencies would bee able to import foreign workers as legitimate "laborers" to Korea way, it would become possible for the Korean society to reap the maximum economic benefits from the inflow of unskilled migrant workers without depriving the migrant workers of their social and economic rights.

      • SCOPUS

        Fibrin-Reinforced Collagen Matrix Enhances Tissue Regeneration and Angiogenesis

        Seol, Dong Lim,Jang, Won Hee,Lee, Sung Jae,Yang, Young Il Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2005 Key Engineering Materials Vol.288 No.-

        <P>The goal of this study was to investigate effects of fibrin reinforcement of collagen sponges on fibroblasts-mediated contraction and in vivo tissue regeneration, especially angiogenesis. Human dermal fibroblasts (HDFs)-populated collagen sponges reinforced with or without fibrin were cultivated via the free-floating method in vitro. They were then evaluated using xenogeneic implantation into nude mice. The HDFs-populated collagen sponges reinforced with fibrin exhibited significantly decreased HDFs-mediated contraction in vitro (p<0.05). Microvascular and cellular densities of the collagen sponges were significantly higher with fibrin than without (p<0.01). Cell ingrowths, neovascularization, and deposition of ECM matrix were more evenly distributed in the fibrin-reinforced collagen matrices. The results demonstrated that fibrin reinforcement of porous collagen sponges can reduce cell-mediated contraction in vitro while enhancing functional integration with surrounding tissue in vivo.</P>

      • SCOPUS

        Enhanced Biological and Mechanical Properties of Artificial Dermis Prepared Using a Perfusion Culture System

        Seol, Dong Lim,Kim, Hyeong In,Lee, Woo Jung,Jang, Won Hee,Kim, Jeong Koo,Lee, Sung Jae,Yang, Young Il Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2005 Key Engineering Materials Vol.288 No.-

        <P>A culture system that is capable of providing even and uniform distribution and deposition of cells and extracellular matrix (ECM) is desired to enhance biological functions of the tissue-engineered artificial dermis (TEADs). For this purpose, we have developed a perfusion culture system that offers uniform exchange of nutrients and gases along the scaffold. Viability and effectiveness of the system were investigated by comparing biological and mechanical properties of TEADs. Results showed that the TEADs constructed by the perfusion culture system revealed significantly increased cell growth, ECM synthesis, and elastic modulus compared to those by the conventional static culture system. In addition, histological findings indicated that cells were more evenly distributed and ECM deposition increased in TEADs with the perfusion culture system. Therefore, it can be suggested that the perfusion culture system can constitute a more promising approach for constructing the TEADs.</P>


        Position Signal Compensation Control Technique of Hall Sensor Generated by Uneven Magnetic Flux Density

        Lim, Jong Suk,Lee, Jae-Kwang,Seol, Hyun-Soo,Kang, Dong-Woo,Lee, Ju,Go, Sung-Chul Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2018 IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity Vol.28 No.3

        <P>Generally, brushless dc (BLDC) motor control uses a 120° conduction method that utilizes a low-cost Hall sensor as a position sensor. However, because of the mounting position error of the Hall sensor and the uneven magnetic flux density of the rotor, an erroneous position signal may be output, which will adversely affect the BLDC motor control. Therefore, this paper analyzes the abnormal electric current section that occurs due to the position error of the Hall sensor and the uneven magnetic flux density. Subsequently, the error is derived from the analyzed phenomenon as a formula. The compensation control algorithm to overcome the control problem due to this error is studied, and a method to maintain an accurate energization interval is suggested. Further, it is shown through experiments that the quantitative analysis of the error using the proposed compensation control algorithm is valid.</P>

      • Optimal Design Strategy for Improved Operation of IPM BLDC Motors With Low-Resolution Hall Sensors

        Seol, Hyun-Soo,Lim, JongSuk,Kang, Dong-Woo,Park, Joon Sung,Lee, Ju IEEE 2017 IEEE transactions on industrial electronics Vol.64 No.12

        <P>This study proposes an interior permanent magnet (IPM) brushless dc (BLDC) motor design strategy that utilizes BLDC control based on Hall sensor signals. The magnetic flux of IPM motors varies according to the rotor position and abnormal Hall sensor problems are related to magnetic flux. To find the cause of the abnormality in the Hall sensors, an analysis of the magnetic flux density at the Hall sensor position by finite element analysis is conducted. In addition, an IPM model with a notch structure is proposed to solve abnormal Hall sensor problems and its magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) model is derived. Based on the MEC model, an optimal rotor design method is proposed and the final model is derived. However, the Hall sensor signal achieved from the optimal rotor is not perfect. To improve the accuracy of the BLDC motor control, a rotor position estimation method is proposed. Finally, experiments are performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed IPM-type BLDC motor and the Hall sensor compensation method.</P>

      • Pseudomonas aeruginosa의 pyocin型 및 抗菌劑 耐性

        林永洙,李裕澈,徐民濩,薛盛用,趙東澤,全燾基 대한화학요법학회 1983 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        膿, 喀痰, 血液 및 기타의 可檢物에서 51株의 緣膿菌을 分離하였다. 이들 菌의 penicillin 및 cephalosporin 製劑 等 β-lactam系 9種과 aminoglycoside系 5種 및 기타 製劑 6種 等 都合 20種의 抗菌劑에 對한 感受性檢査를 실시하여 그 力價를 比較하였다. 分離株 全部가 8劑以上에 重複耐性을 나타내었고 15劑以上에 高度耐性을 나타낸것이 24株(47.0%)였다. Carbenicillin과 gentamicin(Gm)에 各各 51.0% 및 58.8%의 높은 耐性을 나타내었으나 cefotaxime(Ct), cefoperazone(Cz), mexalactam(Mx), amikacin(Ak) 및 rifampicin(Rf) 等에는 11%~19%로서 耐性頻度가 비교적 낮았다. 1981年度 分離菌에 비해 1982年度의 分離菌의 耐性빈도가 훨씬 높았다. 95%의 菌株들의 發育을 抑制하는 最少濃度(MIC 95%)成績을 보면 Ct,Mx,Gm,Ak.tobramycin(Tb) 및 trimethoprim等의 藥劑에서 年度別 耐性의 증가추세를 볼 수 있었다. Penicillin, ampicillin, cephalothin, cephaloxidine, cefoxitin, streptomycin, kanamyci, sulfisomidine, chloramphenicol等에는 大部分이 MIC가 512㎍/㎖ 以上으로 나타났고, Ct,Cz,Mx에는 大部分의 菌株들이 4~64㎍/㎖의 MIC를 정했다. Gm,Tb, tetracycline等에는 MIC범위가 넓게 산재해 있고 Ak,Rf에는 4~32㎍/㎖의 낮은 濃度를 정했다. 한편 緣膿菌의 pyocin型別檢査成績은 49%에서 型別이 가능하였고 그중 1型이 6株, 10型이 8株로 많았다. Untypable菌株는 小集國型으로 임의로 나눈바 指示菌株 1,2,3,4,7 및 8을 抑制한 B型이 13株로 가장 많았다. pyocin型別에 따른 耐性菌의 分離頻度나 耐性藥劑의 重複度 等은 有意한 差異가 없었다. A total 51 strains of Pseudonwnus aerugimsa were isolated from pus, sputum, blood, and ather clinical specimens, and tested for the antimicrobial, susceptibility to 20 drugs including 9 drugs of &lactam an&otks, 5 of amhoglycosides, and 6 other drugs. All strains were multiply resistant to more than 8 drugs, and 24(47.076) were mdtiply resistant to more than 15 drags. Twenty-six (51. Q%) strains were resistant to carbeniciUin(Cb), and 58.8% to gentamiCin(Gm). The frequency of resistance to cefotaxime((Cz), moxalactam(Mx], amikacin(Ak), and rifampicin(Rf) were 11.876, 15.7%, 11.8%, 17.676, and 19.6%, respectively. The frequencies of resistant strains isolated in 1982 were mu-ch higher than those in 1981. MIC 95% (needed to inhibit 9576 of strains)-of the Ct,Mx,Gm,Ak, tobramy&(Tb), and trimethoprim showed increasing tendency by years. MIC 59% of penicillin, ampicWm, mphdothin cephaloridhe, cefoxitin, streptomy&, kanamycin, sulfisomidiie, and chforamphenicof were mor e than 512Pg/ml. MIC ranges of CLCn, and Nx were 4pg/ml to 64pg/ml. Those of Gm,Tb, and tetracycline were widely distributed. MIC levels of -4k and Rf were relaiively low. Pyocin typing was performed for tbe epidemiological evaluation of the drug resistance, by the method of -lies and Govan, and 25149. 0%) strains were typed. Eight strains were classified as type 10,6 as type 1, and 3 as type 28. Sfxains belonging to type 2, lfi, 19,30,31, and 28 were one-lor two. In this study, there was no Significant correlation between the pyocin type and the multi pacitr4. or frequency of drug resistance.

      • Design of Winding Changeable BLDC Motor Considering Demagnetization in Winding Change Section

        Seol, Hyun-Soo,Kang, Dong-Woo,Jun, Hyun-Woo,Lim, Jongsuk,Lee, Ju IEEE 2017 IEEE transactions on magnetics Vol.53 No.11

        <P>In this paper, a changeable winding brushless DC (BLDC) motor for the expansion of the speed region is described. The changeable winding BLDC motor is driven by a large number of phase turns at low speeds and by a reduced number of turns at high speeds. For this reason, the section where the winding changes is very important. Ideally, the time at which the windings are to be converted should be same as the time at which the voltage changes. However, if this timing is not exactly synchronized, a large current is generated in the motor, and the demagnetization of the permanent magnet occurs. In addition, a large torque ripple is produced. In this paper, we describe the demagnetization of the permanent magnet in a fault situation when the windings change, and we suggest a design process to solve this problem.</P>

      • KCI등재

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