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        아편전쟁을 바라보는 조선의 다중 시선 - 19세기 중후반 조선 조정, 지식층, 서민층의 대청인식 연구 -

        장보운 ( Zhang Bao Yun ) 한국사상사학회 2017 韓國思想史學 Vol.0 No.56

        본 연구는 제1차·제2차 아편전쟁에 대한 조선 조정, 지식층 그리고 서민층의 반응을 중심으로 당시 조선 사회 각 계층의 대청인식에 대해 고찰하였다. 제1차 아편전쟁에 대해 당시 조선에서는 유신환(兪莘煥), 이항로(李恒老) 등 극소수의 지식인을 제외하고는 조선 조정 내부나 지식층, 서민층에서 모두 큰 위기로 인식하지 않았고 무덤덤하거나 낙관적인 반응을 보였다. 이는 서민층이나 일부 지식인들이 전쟁 소식을 신속하게 접하지 못했던 것도 한 원인이었을 것으로 파악된다. 또한 청이 제1차 아편전쟁에 대해 보여준 상황에 대한 인식이 낙관적이었기 때문에 조선사회에서도 청의 패전에 대해 큰 관심을 가지지 않았다고 분석된다. 한편 제1차 아편전쟁에서 청의 패배를 충격이나 위기로 받아들인 일부 지식인들 간에도 사상적 균열을 보이며, 청의 멸망을 기대하는 부류와 청과의 공동운명 관계를 강조하는 부류가 나뉘는가 하면 서민층에서는 대청(對淸)복수의식이 여전히 상당부분 남아 있었다. 이는 서세(西勢)의 위협이 각 계층 조선인들에게 동일한 위기감으로 인식되지 않았기 때문으로 사료된다. 그러나 제2차 아편전쟁은 조선 조정이나 지식층, 서민층에서 모두 순망치한의 위기감을 느끼게 했다. 이러한 위기에 대한 대응 및 청에 대한 태도에서 당시 각 계층은 다양한 견해를 보였다. 조선 조정이나 지식층 중 일부 관료적 지식인은 청을 연합세력으로 이해했다. 반면, 재야지식인이나 서민들 가운데에는 청이 약해짐에 따라 대청(對淸)복수론을 펼치는 사람이 있는가 하면, 청을 객관적으로 파악하거나 청의 위기에 대해 관망적 자세를 취한 사람도 있었다. 이는 각 계층의 서로 다른 서세인식, 그리고 조선에 대한 정치적, 문화적 자신감 등 조선의 주체성에 대한 태도의 차이와 관련된다고 생각된다. This article considers how the different society strata of the Joseon Dynasty`s perceptions of the Qing Dynasty were affected by the First and Second Opium Wars with attention to the reactions of the Joseon Dynasty, intellectuals, and commoners at that time. As regards the First Opium War, except a few intellectuals, such as Yu Shin-hwan(兪莘煥, 1801~1859) and Yi Hang-no(李恒老, 1792~ 1868), the Joseon government, the intellectuals and the commoners did not recognize it as a serious crisis and reacted with a calm, even optimistic, attitude. The fact that the commoners and some intellectuals did not receive the latest news about the war in a timely manner contributed to this perception. Additionally, Qing Dynasty`s own attitude to the First Opium War reduced concerns about the Qing`s defeat in Joseon society. In contrast, even those intellectuals who viewed the Qing defeat as a threat still had different viewpoints. Firstly, some of them expected the destruction of the Qing Dynasty; while others emphasized the common destiny between the two countries. Further, commoners retained a significant amount of revenge consciousness regarding the Qing Dynasty. That the Western powers were not viewed with the same sense of crisis by Koreans of different class influenced the diversity of opinion. However, the Second Opium War induced in all Joseon social strata an extreme sense of crisis. Still, opinions about the crisis and attitudes toward the Qing Dynasty varied among the classes. On one hand, the rulers of government and some intellectuals who participated in realpolitik understood the Qing as an allied force. On the other hand, due to the weakness of the Qing Dynasty, the commoners and some intellectuals who were out of power expanded calls for revenge against the Qing; finally, some also looked at the Qing Dynasty objectively, and took a wait-and-see attitude to the Qing`s crisis. Different social strata`s perceptions of Western powers and their own attitudes toward the identity of the Joseon Dynasty, such as the level of self-confidence in the realms of policy, culture, and so on, directly affected their perceptions of the Qing and its level of crisis in the aftermath of both Opium Wars.

      • KCI등재

        A modified heteropoly acid catalyst with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide for methacrolein to methacrylic acid

        Yun-Li Cao,Lei Wang,Li-Long Zhou,Bao-Hua Xu,Yan-Yan Diao,Suojiang Zhang 한국공업화학회 2018 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Vol.65 No.-

        A novel type of heteropolyacids, CTAB-CsH3PMo11VO40 (CTA-CsPAV), was developed by a method of emulsion synthesis using cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) as the structure promoter, which was applied as a catalyst in the oxidation of methacrolein (MAL) to methacrylic acid (MAA) with fixed-bed reactor. The structure and property of CTA-CsPAV were characterized by FT-IR, XRD, nitrogen adsorption-desorption, NH3-TPD, SEM, XPS, and so on. The structure-performance relationship of CTA-CsPAV was systematically studied, wherein the influence of surface area, acidity, redox property of CTA-CsPAV were focused and discussed. Importantly, the long-term performance of CTA-CsPAV was also investigated.

      • Human Recombinant Endostatin Combined with Cisplatin Based Doublets in Treating Patients with Advanced NSCLC and Evaluation by CT Perfusion Imaging

        Zhang, Feng-Lin,Gao, Er-Yun,Shu, Rong-Bao,Wang, Hui,Zhang, Yan,Sun, Peng,Li, Min,Tang, Wei,Jiang, Bang-Qin,Chen, Shuang-Qi,Cui, Fang-Bo Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.15

        Aims: To study the effectiveness of human recombinant endostatin injection (Endostar(R)) combined with cisplatin doublets in treating advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and to evaluate outcome by CT perfusion imaging. Methods: From April 2011 to September 2014, 76 patients with advanced NSCLC who were treated with platinum-based doublets were divided into group A (36 patients) and group B (40 patients). Endostar(R) 15mg/day was administered 4 days before chemotherapy and combined with chemotherapy from day 5 in group A, and combined with chemotherapy from the first day in Group B. Endostar(R) in the two groups was injected intravenously for 14 days. Results: Treatment effectiveness in the two groups differed with statistical significance (p<0.05). Effectiveness evaluated by CT perfusion imaging, BF, BV, MTT and PS also demonstrated significant differences (all p<0.05). Adverse reactions in the two groups did not significantly vary (p> 0.05). Conclusions: The response rate with Endostar(R) administered 4 days before chemotherapy and combined with chemotherapy from day 5 in group A was better than Endostar(R) combined with chemotherapy from the first day, and CT perfusion imaging could be a reasonable method for evaluation of patient outcomes.

      • KCI등재

        安倍经济学与韩国, 中国金融市场间的动态关系

        厉蕴璋(Yun-Zhang Li),鱼永浩(Yong-Hao Yu),薄舒文(Shu-Wen Bao),刘轩玮(Xuan-Wei Liu),崔泰荣(Tae-Yeong Choi) 한국동북아경제학회 2023 동북아경제연구 Vol.35 No.2

        本研究采用SV-TVP-VAR模型分析韩国和中国股市与安倍经济学之间的动态关系。 实证分析结果如下。 4个变量的随机变异率趋势图均表现出明显的变异聚集效应。 韩国KOSPI市场的随机波动率在400期(新型冠状病毒事件初期),中国SSEC指数的随机波动率在190期(2015年中国股票灾害)中呈现极端值。 日本20年国债的随机变动率在200期和400期附近,日元汇率在200季度附近达到了变动率的极端值。 另一方面,不同时差(第1、3、5期)的冲击反应函数结果如下。 日元汇率在kospi400期(新型冠状病毒)以后产生了强负的冲击。 中国SSEC指数从第80期(2013年初)开始出现明显的负冲击,新型冠状病毒以后这种冲击得到了加强。 20年期日本国债利率对韩国和中国股指产生了强烈的“正(+)”冲击,新型冠状病毒以后这种冲击正在加强。 各时间点(2013年1月、2015年7月、2020年2月)的冲击反应函数结果显示,三个时间点日元汇率都在短期内对韩国和中国股市造成负(-)冲击。 然而,这种负性冲击并没有持续很长时间。 以韩国市场为例,由于2013年安倍经济学经济政策发表和2020年新型冠状病毒事件的发生,20年期满的日本国债利率对韩国股市产生了最大的积极冲击。 以中国为例,在2020年新型冠状病毒事件时,从20年期满的日本国债利率受到了积极的冲击。 본 연구에서는 SV-TVP-VAR 모형을 이용하여 한국 및 중국 주식시장과 아베노믹스 간의 동태관계를 분석하였다. 실증분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 4개 변수의무작위 변동률 추세 그래프는 모두 명백한 변동 집합 효과를 나타냈다. 한국코스피 시장의 무작위 변동률은 400기(코로나19 사태 초기)에서, 중국 SSEC 지수의 무작위 변동률은 190기(2015년 중국 주식 재해)에서 극단값을 보였다. 일본의 20년 국채의 무작위 변동률은 200기와 400기 부근에서, 엔화 환율은 200 분기 부근에서 변동률의 극단값에 도달했다. 한편, 시차(1기, 3기, 5기)별 충격반응함수 결과는 다음과 같다. 엔화 환율은 코스피 400기(코로나19) 이후 강한음(-)의 충격을 미쳤다. 중국 SSEC 지수는 80기(2013년 초)부터 음(-)의 충격이뚜렷하게 나타나, 코로나19 이후 이런 충격이 강화됐다. 20년 만기 일본 국채금리는 한국과 중국 주가지수에 강한 양(+) 충격을 미쳤고, 코로나19 이후 이런양의 충격이 강화되고 있다. 시점별(2013년 1월, 2015년 7월, 2020년 2월) 충격반응함수 결과 세 시점 모두 엔화 환율이 한국과 중국 주식시장에 단기적으로 음(-)의 충격을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 이러한 부정적인 충격은 오래 지속되지 않았다. 한국 시장의 경우 2013년 아베노믹스 경제정책 발표와 2020년 코로나19 사태 발생으로 인해, 20년 만기 일본 국채금리가 한국 주식시장에 가장 큰 긍정적인 충격을 미쳤다. 중국의 경우 2020년 코로나19 사태 때 20년 만기 일본 국채금리로부터 긍정적인 충격을 받았다. This study analyzes the dynamic correlation between Abenomics and Korean and Chinese stock markets using SV-TVP-VAR model, and obtains the following empirical results. In the analysis of random volatility, the random volatility of four variables has obvious volatility aggregation effect. The random volatility of KOSPI market in Korea is extreme in 400th issue. The random volatility of Japan’s 20-year government bonds is extreme near the 200th and 400th issues, and the yen’s exchange rate is extreme near the 200th issue. According to the pulse response function of different lead times(3rd, 5th), the yen exchange rate had a strong negative impact on Korea’s KOSPI stock index after the 400th(COVID-19), and on China’s SSEC stock index from the 80th(early 2013). The 20-year interest rate on Japanese government bonds showed a strong positive impact on Korean and Chinese stock indices. The positive impact has been strengthened since COVID-19. The results of the impulse response function at different points of time (January 2013, July 2015, and February 2020) implied that the yen’s exchange rate had a short-term negative impact on Korean and Chinese stock markets at all three points of time. On the other hand, the negative impact of 20-year interest rates on the Korean and Chinese stock markets are not likely to be sustainable. For the Korean market, the stock market was hit hardest by 20-year interest rates on Japanese bonds in 13 years after the announcement of Abe’s economic policy and the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020. For China, except for the positive impact of the 20-year interest rate on Japanese government bonds during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, the other two cases have been negatively impacted.

      • KCI등재

        Novel DNAH1 Mutation Loci Lead to Multiple Morphological Abnormalities of the Sperm Flagella and Literature Review

        Zhuang Bao-Jun,Xu Su-Yun,Dong Liang,Zhang Pei-Hai,Zhuang Bao-Lin,Huang Xiao-Peng,Li Guang-Sen,You Yao-Dong,Chen Di'Ang,Yu Xu-Jun,Chang De-Gui 대한남성과학회 2022 The World Journal of Men's Health Vol.40 No.4

        The protein encoded by dynein axonemal heavy chain 1 (DNAH1) is a part of dynein, which regulates the function of cilia and sperm flagella. The mutant of DNAH1 causes the deletion of inner dynein arm 3 in the flagellum, leading to multiple morphological abnormalities of the sperm flagella (MMAF) and severe asthenozoospermia. However, instead of asthenozoospermia and MMAF, the result caused by the mutation of DNAH1 remains unknown. Here we report a male infertility patient with severe asthenozoospermia and teratozoospermia. We found two heterozygous mutations in DNAH1 (c.6912C>A and c.7076G>T) and which were reported to be associated with MMAF for the first time. We next collected and analyzed 65 cases of DNAH1 mutation and found that the proportion of short flagella is the largest, while the bent flagella account for the smallest, and the incidence of head deformity is not high in the sperm of these patients. Finally, we also analyzed 31 DNAH1 mutation patients who were treated with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and achieved beneficial outcomes. We hope our research will be helpful in the diagnosis and treatment of male infertility caused by DNAH1 mutation.

      • Behaviors of UHPC-filled Q960 high strength steel tubes under lowtemperature compression

        Jia-Bao Yan,Shunnian Hu,Yan-Li Luo,Xuchuan Lin,Yun-Biao Luo,Lingxin Zhang 국제구조공학회 2022 Steel and Composite Structures, An International J Vol.43 No.2

        This paper firstly proposed high performance composite columns for cold-region infrastructures using ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) and ultra-high strength steel (UHSS) Q960E. Then, 24 square UHPC-filled UHSS tubes (UHSTCs) at low temperatures of -80, -60, -30, and 30℃ were performed under axial loads. The key influencing parameters on axial compression performance of UHSS were studied, i.e., temperature level and UHSS-tube wall thickness (t). In addition, mechanical properties of Q960E at low temperatures were also studied. Test results revealed low temperatures improved the yield/ultimate strength of Q960E. Axial compression tests on UHSTCs revealed that the dropping environmental temperature increased the compression strength and stiffness, but compromised the ductility of UHSTCs; increasing t significantly increased the strength, stiffness, and ductility of UHSTCs. This study developed numerical and theoretical models to reproduce axial compression performances of UHSTCs at low temperatures. Validations against 24 tests proved that both two methods provided reasonable simulations on axial compression performance of UHSTCs. Finally, simplified theoretical models (STMs) and modified prediction equations in AISC 360, ACI 318, and Eurocode 4 were developed to estimate the axial load capacity of UHSTCs at low temperatures.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of storage period of fresh ginseng for quality improvement of dried and red processed varieties

        Na Zhang,Xin Huang,Yun-Long Guo,Hao Yue,Chang-Bao Chen,Shu-Ying Liu 고려인삼학회 2022 Journal of Ginseng Research Vol.46 No.2

        Background: Dried and red ginseng are well-known types of processed ginseng and are widely used as healthy food. The dried and red ginseng quality may vary with the storage period of raw ginseng. Therefore, herein, the effect of the storage period of fresh ginseng on processed ginseng quality was evaluated through multicomponent quantification with statistical analysis. Methods: A method based on ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry in multiple-reaction monitoring mode (UPLC-MRM-MS) was developed for quantitation of ginsenosides and oligosaccharides in dried and red ginseng. Principal component analysis and partial least squares discriminant analysis were conducted to evaluate the dynamic distributions of ginsenosides and oligosaccharides after different storage periods. Results: Eighteen PPD, PPT and OLE ginsenosides and nine reducing and nonreducing oligosaccharides were identified and quantified. With storage period extension, the ginsenoside content in the processed ginseng increased slightly in the first 2 weeks and decreased gradually in the following 9 weeks. The content of reducing oligosaccharides decreased continuously as storage time extending, while that of the nonreducing oligosaccharides increased. Chemical conversions occurred during storage, based on which potential chemical markers for the storage period evaluation of fresh ginseng were screened. Conclusion: According to ginsenoside and oligosaccharide distributions, it was found that the optimal storage period was 2 weeks and that the storage period of fresh ginseng should not exceed 4 weeks at 0 °C. This study provides deep insights into the quality control of processed ginseng and comprehensive factors for storage of raw ginseng.


        Analysis on the creep response of bolted rock using bolted burgers model

        Zhao, Tong-Bin,Zhang, Yu-Bao,Zhang, Qian-Qing,Tan, Yun-Liang Techno-Press 2018 Geomechanics & engineering Vol.14 No.2

        In this paper, the creep behavior of bolted rock was analyzed by using the unconfined creep tests and the numerical results. Based on the test results, the Bolted Burgers creep model (B-B model) was proposed to clarify the creep mechanism of rock mass due to rock bolts. As to the simulation of the creep behaviour of bolted rock, a new user-defined incremental iterative format of the B-B model was established and the open-source $FLAC^{3D}$ code was written by using the object-oriented language (C++). To check the reliability of the present B-B creep constitutive model program, a numerical model of a tunnel with buried depth of 1000 m was established to analyze the creep response of the tunnel with the B-B model support, the non-support and the bolt element support. The simulation results show that the present B-B model is consistent with the calculated results of the inherent bolt element in $FLAC^{3D}$, and the convergence deformation can be more effectively controlled when the proposed B-B model is used in the $FLAC^{3D}$ software. The big advantage of the present B-B creep model secondarily developed in the $FLAC^{3D}$ software is the high computational efficiency.

      • Evaluation of Several Screening Approaches for Detection of Cervical Lesions in Rural Shandong, China

        Zong, Li-Ju,Zhang, You-Zhong,Yang, Xing-sheng,Jiang, Jie,Cui, Bao-Xia,Qiao, Yun-Bo,Li, Li,Jiang, Kan,Zhang, Wen-Jing,Kong, Bei-Hua,Shen, Keng Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2015 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.16 No.5

        Purpose: The study was designed to: (1) investigate the prevalence of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) infection and cervical neoplasia; and (2) evaluate clinical performance of visual inspection with acetic acid/ Lugol's iodine (VIA /VILI), Pap smear, high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) DNA test for detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse (CIN2+) and (3) explore appropriate screening approach in rural areas of Shandong Province. Materials and Methods: A total of 3,763 eligible women from Yiyuan County in Yimeng mountainous areas of rural Shandong, China, were enrolled and underwent Pap smear, HR-HPV DNA testing by Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2), and VIA /VILI tests. Women positive in any test were referred to colposcopy and biopsy as indicated. Results: The prevalence of HR-HPV infection among all enrolled women was 11.1% and that in healthy women was 9.9%. In total 33 cases of CIN1, 16 cases of CIN2, 6 cases of CIN3 but none of cervical cancer were detected and the crude prevalence of CIN2+ was 0.58%. For detecting CIN2+, the sensitivity of HR-HPV DNA testing, VIA/VILI, Pap smear was 90.9%, 77.3%, 81.8%, respectively. Pap smear had the best specificity of 98.2%, followed by HR-HPV DNA testing with specificity of 89.4%, VIA/VILI had the lowest specificity of 81.2%. Colposcopy referral rate of HR-HPV DNA testing, VIA/VILI, Pap smear was 11.1%, 18.5%, 2.3%, respectively. Conclusions: Our results suggest that HR-HPV DNA testing alone might be appropriate for primary cervical cancer screening in rural low-resource areas of Shandong Province, China.

      • KCI등재

        miR-1301/TRIAP1 Axis Participates in Epirubicin-Mediated Anti-Proliferation and Pro-Apoptosis in Osteosarcoma

        Lijun Yu,Min Meng,Yun Bao,Chao Zhang,Bei Gao,Rina Sa,Wenyuan Luo 연세대학교의과대학 2019 Yonsei medical journal Vol.60 No.9

        Purpose: Epirubicin is one of the most effective drugs against osteosarcoma. miR-1301 is involved in the occurrence and developmentof osteosarcoma. Whether miR-1301 is responsible for the chemosensitivity of osteosarcoma cells to epirubicin remainslargely unknown. Materials and Methods: U2OS and SAOS-2 cells were treated with various concentrations of epirubicin. Flow cytometry was employedto evaluate cell apoptotic rate. Cell proliferation was measured by Cell Counting Kit-8 assay. Western blot and quantitativereal-time polymerase chain reaction were utilized to detect the expressions of B-cell lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2), Bcl-2 assaciated X protein(Bax), cleaved-caspase-3, cleaved-poly (ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARP1), TP53-regulated inhibitor of apoptosis 1 (TRIAP1),and microRNA-1301 (miR-1301). The relationship between miR-1301 and TRIAP1 was determined by luciferase reporter assay. Results: Epirubicin inhibited proliferation in a dose-dependent manner, induced apoptosis, decreased the expression of Bcl-2,and increased the expressions of Bax, cleaved-caspase-3, and cleaved-PARP1 in osteosarcoma cells. miR-1301 was downregulatedin U2OS and SAOS-2 cells. Importantly, epirubicin significantly increased the levels of miR-1301. Overexpression of miR-1301suppressed proliferation and promoted apoptosis. Interestingly, those effects were enhanced by epirubicin. In contrast, miR-1301depletion attenuated the epirubicin-mediated anti-osteosarcoma effect. miR-1301 negatively regulated the expression of TRIAP1in U2OS and SAOS-2 cells. Furthermore, epirubicin inhibited the mRNA and protein levels of TRIAP1 by upregulating miR-1301levels. Epirubicin suppressed cell proliferation by downregulating TRIAP1. Conclusion: miR-1301 was implicated in the chemosensitivity of osteosarcoma to epirubicin by modulating TRIAP1.

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