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      • Characteristics of F₂Hybrids from Crosses between Korean Cultivars and Canadian Cultivars in Buckwheat(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.)

        Yoon,Kyoung-Min,Hong,Soon-Kwan,Park,Cheol-Ho 한국자원식물학회 2002 Plant Resources Vol.5 No.1

        Korean cultivars of buckwheat(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) was crossed with Canadian cultivars in order to improve seed yield as well as leaf production of buckwheat for using as food and medicine. The agronomic characteristics and rutin contents of F₂hybrids are investigated for further selection of superior lines. Dry weight per plant was the highest in a line 1110(6.71g) and leaf weight per plant was the highest in a line 1110(1.91g). Hybrid seeds were 0.55 - 0.70cm long and 0.37 - 0.47cm wide on average. 100 seeds weight ranged from 2.57g to 3.58g. Line 1076 produced the longest seeds(0.70cm) and line 1186 was the longest in seed width. Line 1196 showed the highest 100 seeds weight(3.58g). The highest frequency of the LWR(length/width rate) was 0.66~0.70, indicating that seed shape of the hybrids was mostly oval. Line 1087 showed the highest contents of rutin(77.26ppm). Lines 1090 and 1181 contained respectively rutin of 54.76ppm and 54.35ppm in the seeds. From the yield and rutin point of view, the most superior lines was line 1087 among the lines used for this study.

      • 달맞이꽃 뿌리의 성분에 관한 연구

        최윤수,석경순,이경선,전숙경 대구효성가톨릭대학교 1992 연구논문집 Vol.45 No.1

        Oenothera odorata Jacquin(Onagraceae), native to south America, is naturalized and grows wild in Korea. The seed oil, named evening primerose oil, of this plants is used for prophylacsis of adult disease. From the roots of this plant, β-sitosterol, β-sitosterol-3-O-D-glucopyranoside and asiatic acid were isolated. The structures were elucidated by spectrometric methods and chemical transformation.

      • KCI등재

        문학번역 연구 현황과 과제: 엄마를 부탁해 영역본 연구를 중심으로

        윤선경 ( Sun Kyoung Yoon ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2013 현대영어영문학 Vol.57 No.3

        The English version of Shin Kyung-sook`s novel Please Look after Mom has appealed to many English readers and has become a bestseller since it saw the light of day. It was translated by Kim Chi-young and published by Knopf, a division of the major publisher Random House in the U. S. in 2011. Kim was commissioned to translate the Korean novel into English by the publisher. In 2011 it was selected as ‘Best of the Month’ in Amazon and won the Man Asian Literary Prize. In this context, many Korean Translation Studies scholars have expressed their academic interest in Kim`s translation: Lee Hyung-jin, Cheong Ho-jeong, Kim Young-shin and Yoon Sun Kyoung. Recently, they have produced articles on the English version from similar but different perspectives. This article examines the current tendency of literary translation research in Korea by looking at those scholars` articles from five different perspectives. It also seeks to suggest some thoughts on how to contribute to the development of Korean literary translation research: the introduction of the ‘cultural turn’ into Korea beyond the heavy focus on the evaluation and fidelity issues of translation. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

      • 유치원 오후 연장프로그램의 기본방향

        윤기영,김경숙 서원대학교 교육연구소 1993 敎育發展 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study are to examine kindergarten's extended-day program(KㆍEㆍP) and to project the concept and the basic direction of KㆍEㆍP management. The study includes analysis of awarness, attitude, and needs of participants for KㆍEㆍP. The resuts of this study are as follows; 1.The KㆍEㆍP means 1-3 hour educational activities with care service which is added to regular program in afternoon to increase learning experience of children. 2.The KㆍEㆍP is developed by participant's change of awarness and needs. 3.Compared with regular program, the KㆍEㆍP has special characters such as diversity, extra curricular activity, complex, extended hour and lunch time. 4.The KㆍEㆍP is practiced in many private kindergarten's popularly. 5.Intergrated project approach is a meaningful method for KㆍEㆍP. 6.Curriculum localized is necessary to the KㆍEㆍP. 7.The direction for suitable KㆍEㆍP management is, 1) to found program development and management on localized curriculum with children, parents, family, local community and each kindergarten's empathy. 2) to exercise the program more widely and deeply during the extended hour than in the morning. 3) to pursue the diversity and spontaneousness of children through real life experience. 4) to make a integreation between education and care as well life experience view and logical view. 5) to have flexibility according to the change of situation in grouping and forming the program.

      • 유아를 위한 환경교육방안 모색

        윤기영,조경희 西原大學校 1992 西原大學 論文集 Vol.29 No.-

        This Study is to make a environmental education plan for young children for the plan, the objective, substance, method, evaluation of recent environmental education are reviewed in relation with the importance of E.C.E(Early Chilhood Education), young dhild development, E.C.E curriculum sand educational environment. The result shows the needs and possibility for the effective environmental education in the kindergarten. It is also shown some problem in the current situation such as the lack of systematic efforts in developing programs and educational materials. Therefore a plan for the systemic environmental education in the kindergarten is proposed as follows : 1. Appropriateness, integration, and relation must be accomplished. 2. The basic objective is to establish appropriate value and attitude. 3. The substance is to induce the young children to love animals and plants 4. The method is through the experiences in the every day life 5. Physical space, materials, and equipment are needed for cognition of ecological principles. 6. Effective educational materials are needed for young childrens activity. 7. The evaluation has developing skills for emotional area and young children. 8. Teacher education should be reinforced. 9. Kindergarten program must relation with home and society. 10. Kindergarten program should be localized.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 지역형 유치원 종일제 프로그램 개발을 위한 인식 및 요구조사

        윤기영,김경숙 서원대학교 학생생활연구소 1992 학생생활연구 Vol.10 No.-

        본 연구에서 얻어진 결과를 요약하여 제시하면 다음과 같다. 1. 종일제 프로그램을 유치원에서 운영하게 된 주된 동기는 「부모의 맞벌이 증가로 인한 요구」라고 인식하고 있었다.(75.5%) 2. 오후까지 연장된 시간이 유아에게 주는 장점으로 「많은 개별활동 또는 소그룹활동이 증대」될 수 있다는 것과(29.5%) 오랜시간동안 「유아가 가정과 격리」된다는 점(48.7%)을 단점으로 인식하고 있었다. 3. 종일제 프로그램에서는 「안정된 정서-가정적인 유치원 분위기 제공」을 중시 하여야 하는 것으로 인식하고 있었다.(53.2%) 4. 종일제 프로그램 운영의 문제점으로 종일제 프로그램 구성시 「참고자료가 부족」하며(25.6%),「시설설비의 부족」(24.4%),「교사의 능력및 피로문제」(24.4%)를 인식하고 있었다. 5. 종일제 프로그램에서 요구되는 역할은「유아의 신체적·심리적 안전과 보호」적인 것으로 인식하고 있었다.(68.0%) 6. 종일제 프로그램을 담당하는 교사를 위하여 「종일제 프로그램의 계획 및 운영」에 대한 연수교육을 기대하고 있었다.(80.1%) 7. 종일제 프로그램에서 요구되어지는 교사는 「전문대학 이상의 학력 」을 가진 교사로서(85.9%),「2년이상의 경력교사」(39.7%)와 특기와는 「관계없이」(51.9%) 성별면에서는 「여교사」(37.1%), 혼인면에서는 「기혼·미혼 관계 없다.」(59.6%)로 기대하고 있었다. 8.종일제 프로그램을 실시하는 유치원의 위치는 「유아집 가까이」(51.9%), 「집과 직장사이」(18.0%), 「부모직장 가까이」(17.3%)의 순이였다. 9. 종일제 프로그램을 실시하는 유치원은 「수면실」(50.0%), 「식당」(28.2%), 「휴게실」(19.2%)을 갖출 것을 요구하였다. 10. 종일제 프로그램에서 납입금액은 그 기준이 불명확하기는 하지만 현행 납입금액에 대해서 「부족하다」(51.0%) 「적절하다」(38.9%), 「비싸다」(10.1%)의 순으로 인식하고 있었다. 11. 유아의 적용연령에 대해서는 「만5세에게만」(44.9%), 「4세부터」(42.3%) 「3세부터」(12.8%)의 순으로 나타났다. 12. 집단구성은 「동일연령」으로 구성되어지고(68.0%), 학급편성은 「오전의 반일제 일과운영후 오후에 따로 학급이 편성」도기를 64.7%가 기대하였으며,「오전-오후의 전담교사가 교재」되어지는 것을 67.3%가 요구하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 13. 종일제 프로그램의 집단활동형태는 전체 53.2%가 「소집단 활동」을 기대하였으며 「개별활동」을 37.2%가 「대집단 활동」은 9.6%로 기대되고 있었다. 14. 일과운영시간은 평일의 경우에는 「9시부터 오후 2시까지」를 가장 많이 기대하였으며, 토요일의 경우에는 「9시부터 12시까지」를 프로그램이 실시되지 않는것에 대한 의견도 28.2%로 나타났다. 15. 종일제 프로그램에 있어서 여름방학에 대한 요구는 「4주간」이 가장 많았으며 겨울방학기간은 「5주간」이 요구되고 있었다. 16. 종일제 프로그램에서의 낮잠시간은 71.7%가 필요한것으로 인식하고 있었으며 시간은 「31분∼1시간」정도를 가장 많이 기대하고 있었다. 17. 유아의 영양관리 측면에서 제공되어지는 간식은 「1일 2회」제공되기를 요구하고 있었다. (76.9%) 18. 유아에게 제공되어지는 점심은 「유치원에서 준비」하여 제공될 것을 69.2%가 요구하였고, 「밥은 유치원에서 반찬은 각자 준비」하는 방법도 25.0%가 요구하고 있었다. 19. 종일제 부모를 위한 부모교육의 내용은 주로「유아의 정서적 안정」에 관련된 내용이거나 「기본생활습관지도」에 관한 내용을 요구하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 20. 부모, 교사, 원장은 현행 종일제 프로그램에 대한 문제점으로「오후시간의 활동 부족」,「물리적 환경의 미비」를 공통적으로 지적하였다. 21. 종일적 프로그램의 효율적 운영을 위한 개선방안으로는「교재·교구의 충분한 확보」「오후 프로그램의 다양화」와 이를 뒷받침할 수 있는 자료집 발간이 시금하며 「시설·설비의 보완, 확충」이 필요하다는 의견이 제시되었다. This study focuses on the basic research for the local-type development of the local-type Full-day kindergarten principal, teacher and parent's understanding and needs were surveyed. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. The respondents accepted the Full day kindergarten program as desirable. 2. They have different opinions about the circumstances of the kindergarten. So a comprehensive direction is required to solve the problem. 3. They don't agree on the content of the all day program. So more research is required. 4. Some kindergartens of Cheongju should change their program because they only extend the duration of the children's stay at the kindergarten.

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