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      • KCI등재후보

        독일어와 한국어의 의성어,의태어 비교 연구

        김순임 한국독일언어문학회 2003 독일언어문학 Vol.0 No.21

        In dieser Arbeit wird eine Untersuchung der Ideophone75) im Deutschen und Koreanischen unternommen, in zwei Sprachen also, die sprachtypologisch sehr verschieden sind. Im Koreanischen sind die lautsymbolischen Worter sehr entwickelt und in dreifacher Hinsicht differenziert: Phonomime (= Onomatopijie), Phhomime und Phono-Ph2nomime7~). Diese Worter werden in der koreanischen Alltagsprache sehr oft venvendet. Die koreanischen Ideophone werden zur Wort-klassenkategorie Adverb zugerechnet. Im Satzzusammenhang aber funktionieren sie etwas anders als andere Adverben: so modifizieren sie z.B. fast nur Verben oder sie konnen wie ein selbsthdiges Wort vom Satz isoliert stehen. Im Vergleich dazu wird das &nliche Sprachphhomen im Deutschen eher als Peripherie betrachtet und ist nicht so subklassifiert wie im Koreanischen. Explizit sind nur die Onomatopijien im Lexikon eingetragen; sie werden zur Subklasse der Interjektionen gerechnet. Bei genauerer Betrachtung der deutschen Phonomime stellt sich allerdings heraus, daR es durchaus phono-phhomimische Worter gibt: z.B. patsch, klatsch usw. Es erhebt sich somit die Frage: gibt es im Deutschen auch den phiinomimischen Ausdruck? Oder wie kann man die Bewegungsgestalt der Sachverhalte im Deutsche fomdieren? Bei einer ersten Betrachtung ist zunkhst leicht festzustellen, da8 deutsche Phhomime nicht existieren. De Durchsuchung einiger Texte ergibt, dal3 Phhomime in anderer Art und Weise als im Koreanischen ausgedriickt werden konnen: es wird nhiich an dieser Stelle ein Verb gebraucht: z.B. kribbel krabbel, schmacht schnapp in den Satzen a) - c). Im Deutschen werden die Phiinomime mit dem Wortstamm des Verbs durch okkationelle Bildung verwirklicht. a) Knbbel, krabbel, bums da fie1 einer b) Seufz, schluchz, schmacht ... wer sortied die Liebesgde fiir die Stars? c) Schnapp, schmatz, schluck, mjamm -, das hat den Padagogen nicht gefallen, denn damit war der Zeigefinger ab Daraus konnen einige SchluRfolgerungen gezogen werden: 1. sowohl das Deutsche als auch das Koreanische verfugen uber Ideophone. 2. sie werden in beiden Sprachen anders versprachlicht. 3. diese Unterschiede miissen Mar wahrgenommen werden, wenn man koreanische Ideophone ins Deutsche cder umgekehrt ubersetzt. Abschlieaend sei die Tatsache erwiihnt, daR der Terminus Ideophon eigentlich aus der Unte,rsuchung afrikanischer Sprachen stammt. Nach der Untersuchungen mancher euro-amerikanischer Wissenschaftler sind die Ideophone in diesem Sprachgebiet sehr entwickelt und im Sprachgebrauch verbreitet. Sie spielen in den afrikanischen Sprachen eine groRe Rolle.

      • KCI등재

        독일어 영어 동사구조 및 형태의 통계적 비교

        김순임,송경안 한국독일어교육학회 1998 외국어로서의 독일어 Vol.3 No.-

        Beim Lernen der Fremdsprache wird der Transfer der schon erwor-benen oder erlernten Sprache vorausgesetzt. Um Deutsch als zweite Fremdsprache effektiv zu lernen und zu lehren ist es notwendig, die lexikalische Struktur des Englischen, das bei uns als erste Fremd-sprache fungiert, zu kennen. Denn normalerweise denkt man, daβ die lexikalische Struktur der beiden Sprachen sehr ahnlich waren, weil sie historisch gesehen aus der gleichen Sprachfamilie, dem Germanischen, stammen. Aber durch den Vergleich der Lexik im Deutschen und Englischen wrid gezeigt, daβ die Struktur der englischen Worter eher dem Franzosischen, einer der romanischen Sprachen, nahesteht als dem Deutschen. In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wieweit die Verben der beiden Sprache in der morphologischen Struktur gleich oder unterschiedlich sind. Aus de statistischen vergleichsanalyse einer bestimmten Quantitat von deutschen und englischen Verben Verben stellen sich einige Phanomene Heraus: 1. In der Frequenz des wiederholten Auftretens der Verben zeigne die beiden Sprachen keinen groβen Unterschied und diesbezuglich tritt die durchschnittliche Produktivitat der Verben beider Sprachen fast gleich auf. 2. Im Englischen kommen die zweigliedrigen Verben haufig vor, die den zusammengesetzen Verben des Deutschen entsprechen. 3. In der analyse der zusammengesetzen Verben der beiden Sprachen ergibt sich, daβ die Durchschnittsproduktivtat der Morpheme der englischen Verben niedriger ist als die der deutschen Verben. Das bedeutet, daβ das Deutsche im Vergleich mit dem Englischen aus den relativ wenigen Morphemen viele Verben gestalten kann. 4. Die Morphemkombinationsmoglichkeit der deutchen Verben ist groβer als im Englischen. Das beruht darauf daβ die deutschen Morpheme verschiedene Funktionen haben. Beispielsweise kann ein Verbzusatzmorphem sowohl als Verbstamm, als auch als Grundverb fungieren. Dieses Merkmal bezieht sich auf fast dem gleichen Prozentsatz der durchschnittlichen Produktivitat der deutschen Verben wie beim Englischen. 5. Die Verbaffixe beider Sprachen ahneln sich fast nicht in ihrer Formen. Die Ahnlichkeit der Verbformen von dem Englischen und dem Deutschen betragt 20%, wobei der Prozentsatz der Affinitat zwischen englischen und franzosischen Verben doppelt hoch ist. Aus der Untersuchung konnen wir sagen, daβ sich die englische Sprache auf der lexikalischen Ebene dem Deutschen unahnlich entwickelt hat und daβ diese Tatsache zum Unterricht des Deutschen als zweiter Fremdsprache im Rahmen des Transfers des Englischen auf das Deusche erkannt werden muβ.

      • KCI등재

        초·중·고등학교 학생·학부모·일반교사의 보건교육 영역별 요구도와 보건교육

        윤순녕,김영임,최정명,조희순,김영희,박영남,오경순,이분옥,조선녀,조소영,한선희,하영미 韓國學校保健學會 2005 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.18 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the needs of health education in students, their parents and teachers in the elementary, middle and high schools and the current situation of health education class. Method: The subjects of this study were a total of 9450 persons including students, their parents and teachers from 279 schools throughout the country. They were selected through convenient sampling. Data were analyzed through x^(2)­test and ANOVA. Result: Students, their parents and teachers replied that 18 dimensions of health education class (DHEC) are necessary. The four DHEC - healthier life style, sex education, mental health and safety education - showed high educational needs in students, their parents, and teacher. High school students had higher educational need of 'symptom management for daily living' than elementary and middle school students. Students, their parents and teachers in elementary school had higher educational needs of 17 DHEC that those in middle and high school. The percentages of schools with health education class taught by health teachers were 99.2%, 75.5% and 66.0% respectively in elementary, middle and high schools. Health education was given mainly using physical education classes at elementary schools, and creative class hours at middle and high schools. In general, health education took 1-3 hours per week at elementary schools, and less than an hour at middle and high schools. Conclusion: Therefore, based on the results, systematic health education class should begin from elementary school to meet the need of health education in students, their parents and teachers, and further study should be made on the number of hours required and the amount of contents of 18 DHEC.

      • KCI등재

        초·중·고등학교 학생, 학부모, 일반교사의 보건교육 요구

        윤순녕,김영임,최정명,조희순,김영희,박영남,오경순,이분옥,조선녀,조소영,한선희,하영미 韓國學校保健學會 2004 韓國學校保健學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to identify needs of health education of the students, parents, general teachers, and health teacher of the elementary, middle, and high schools. Method : 279 schools of elementary, middle, and high school were sampled nonproportionally during the period from June 28 to July 26, 2004 . The data were collected by the questionnaire from 1,888 students, 1,876 parents, 1,695 general teachers, 279 health teachers. A frequency, % and χ2-test were used to analysis by SAS program. Result : 1. It showed that 98.1% of elementary school students, 92.3% of middle school students, 89.6% of high school students answered that they need health education. The most of students, parents, and general teachers had high interests in health education. 2. In the case of students, main causes of needs of health education was 'to prevent diseases or accidents''. But parents answered that it was 'to build up a healthier behavior'. General teachers answered that it was 'more effective systematic and continuous health education'. 3. Over 80% of students, parents, and general teachers about the question of who qualified person is to teach health education as a regular class responded that health teacher is available. Especially 93% of elementary school students answered like that. 4. The most of students, parents, and general teachers answered that health education in the classroom is favorable 1 to 2 hours per week. Conclusion : As results of the study , the majority of students, parents, general teachers agreed needs of health education. Therefore, on the basis of this study, systematic and continuous health education is necessary. Additionally the establishment of independent health subject is required certainly.

      • 우리나라 長壽者의 生活 및 意識調査에 관한 硏究 - Ⅴ. 過去의 健康疾病 및 苦痛에 대한 態度 -

        최진호(Jin-Ho Choi),변재형(Jae-Hyeung Pyeun),임채환(Chae-Hwan Rhim),양종순(Jong-Soon Yang),김수현(Soo-Hyun Kim),김정한(Jeung-Han Kim),이병호(Byeong-Ho Lee),우순임(Soon-Im Woo),최선남(Sun-Nam Choe),변대석(Dae-Seok Byun),김무남(Mu-Nam 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 1994 군산대학교 수산과학연구소 연구논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        The present study was designed to be link a part of the research on the investigation on daily life and consciousness of the longevous people in Korea, and to investigate the health conditions, and the attitude on disease and suffering of longevous people in the past. 1. By the health conditions of longevous people between 40 and 60 years, ""very good"" showed the highest figure of 71.0%, followed by ""ordinary"" (21.6%). Consequently it is found that 92.6% of total longevous people surveyed maintained the good health conditions above ordinary. 2. Of the experiences of disease and/or injury after 60 years of longevous people, ""never"" showed the highest figure of 74.7%, while ""had"" showed the only 22.6% of total longevous people surveyed. 3. Of the details of disease and/or injury after 60 years of longevous people. ""digestive disease"" showed the highest figure of 32.6%. followed by ""apoplexia cerebri & hypertensions""(14.0%) and ""heart disease""(14.0%), and followed by ""respiratory disease""(12.3%). 4. Of the experiences of suffering between 40 and 60 years of longevous people, ""never"" showed 53.7% of total longevous people surveyed, while the frequency of suffering decreased in the order of ""once""(22.7%), ""2 times""(15.8%) and ""3 times""(4.7%). By the details of suffering between 40 and 60 years of longevous people. ""family life"" showed the highest figure of 85.1%, followed by ""business""(10.1%). 5. By the attitude on suffering of longevous people, ""tried to forget soon"" showed the highest figure of 54.2%, followed by ""continuous worried""(23.3%), and followed by ""not worried""(7.2%).

      • 초등사회과 경제 영역의 기본 개념별 수행평가 방법에 관한 연구

        김용조,임순환 광주교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2000 初等敎育硏究 Vol.15 No.1

        This paper focused on the application at actual teaching field in the way of performance assessment that lately entered the stage as an alternative plan traditional way of evaluation at the 5th grade social studies economic area in elementary school. This paper presented the ground of an argument of performance assessment introduction based on a developmental evaluation view, cognitive psychology and multi-intelligence theory. Constantly to be feed back the goal of social studies economic education, guidance content, evaluation, we established the goal of social studies economic education and analyzed the content of economic education by ten pieces of basic concept in the 5th grade social studies elementary school. On the basic of these, we reconstructed by 8 pieces of basic concept against being guide at the 5th social studies curriculum now in use. One hand for the development of performance assessment of economic area, this paper utilized the existing techniques of performance assessment and made a criterion plan of the performance assessment . on the basic of this. We projected the way of performance assessment by basic concept. The result is as follows First, The production of a criterion plan of performance assessment can be a suitable tool of performance assessment. Second, if we used compound numbers technique of performance assessment, the result of evaluation would bring along the synergy effect. Third, we extracted the economic basic concept against being guided to the 5th grade in the elementary school. For further more studies, this paper suggests that the test way of performance assessment must be exploited as possible as early to know how much contribute to make progress higher order thinking like originality and problem solving capacity to information-oriented society and knowledge foundation society in the coming up.

      • 여호와의 증인 환자에서 산과적 출혈 후 무수혈 치료 2예

        김재령,여소진,이해혁,김정식,김태희,남계현,이권해,이임순,박진화,황경호 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Jehovah's Witness comprise a unique obstetric population. Their refusal of blood stems from an interpretation of a literal translation of the Bible, and it is this belief that puts them at an increased risk of morbidity and mortality if hemorrhage occurs. We report two cases of a Jehovah's Witness who bled massively due to obstetric hemorrhage, refused blood transfusion and had profound anemia. The patients were treated with recombinant human erythropoietin, parenteral iron and oxygen. And they were treated on an intensive care unit with intermittent positive pressure ventilation. We reviewed with literature considering the therapy for acutely anemic patients who refuse transfusion to decrease the duration of the most severe anemia.

      • KCI등재

        주의력결핍/과잉운동장애(ADHD) 아동의 진단도구로서 부모용 행동 평가지의 타당도 연구 : 한국아동인성검사와 아동ㆍ청소년 행동평가척도를 중심으로

        김지혜,소유경,정유숙,이임순,홍성도 대한소아청소년정신의학회 2000 소아청소년정신의학 Vol.11 No.2

        본 연구에서는 현재 주의력-결핍 및 과잉운동장애(Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, 이하 ADHD)의 주요한 평가척도 중의 하나로서 이용되고 있는 한국아동인성검사(Korean Personality Inventory for Children, K-PIC)와 아동ㆍ청소년 행동평가척도(Korean Child Behavior Checklist K-CBCL)의 임상적 타당도에 대해 살펴보고자 하였다. 피검자들은 ADHD의 하위 유형 중 주의력-결핍 우세형(ADHD-I)으로 진단된 환아 11명과 과잉 행동-충동 우세형 및 복합형(ADHD-H)로 진단된 환아 23명, 우울, 불안 등 정서적 문제로 진단(신경증 집단 ; N) 받은 정신과 외래 환아 16명, 정상아동 15명 등 총 65명이었다. 먼저 각 집단별로 분산분석을 실시하였고, 각각 행동 평정 척도의 변별력을 측정하기 위하여 판별분석을 실시하였다. 이 집단들의 K-PIC와 K-CBCL 결과들에 대한 전체(omnibus) F-검증 결과, K-PIC의 과잉행동(HPR) 척도와 K-CBCL의 주의집중문제(Attention Problems, 이하 AP) 척도들은 분산분석결과 유의한 차이를 보였다. 하지만 사후검증 결과, ADHD-I 집단과 ADHD-H 집단 그리고 신경증 집단 사이에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않는 반면, 그 세 집단은 모두 정상집단과 .05 유의도 수준 하에서 유의한 차이를 나타내었다. 이러한 결과는 K-PIC의 과잉행동(HPR) 척도와 K-CBCL의 주의집중문제(Attention Problems) 척도의 경우, 기본적으로 임상군과 정상군을 구별하는데는 유용하지만 임상군내에서의 세부 진단을 위해 사용하는 데는 한계가 있음을 시사해준다. 또한 본 연구 결과 상대적으로 HPR 척도는 ADHD-H type을 감별하는 데 더 유용한 반면, K-CBCL의 AP 척도는 ADHD-I type을 감별하는 데 더 큰 강점을 갖는 것으로 보이나, HPR 척도와 AP 척도 중 어느 하나만을 사용하는 것보다는 병행하여 사용하는 것이 더 바람직한 것으로 보인다. 특히 cut-off score면에서 두 척도 중 어느 하나에서 T점수 65점 이상 상승할 때 ADHD로 진단내리는 경우, 가장 효과적으로 정분류율(true positive rate : sensitivity)과 정배제율(true negative rate : specificity)을 조화시킬 수 있는 결정규칙이 되는 것으로 나타났다. 중심 단어 : 주의력결핍/과잉운동장애 한국아동인성검사ㆍ아동ㆍ청소년 행동평가척도. This study was designed to examine the validity of HPR subscale in Korean Personality Inventory for Children(KPI-C) and Attention Problems subscale in Korean Child Behavior Checklist(K-CBCL) as diagnostic tool for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder(ADHD). Nineteen ADHD-1 type, twenty-three ADHD-H type, sixteen Neurosis, and fifteen normal children with the age from 6 to12 were selected based on DSM-IV, and their responses of the KPI-C and CBCL were analyzed. Omnibus F-test results showed that there were significant differences in the F scores of HPR and Attention Problems T scores(p<.05). But in Post-hoc analysis, the HPR and AP scores in three clinical groups were significantly higher than in normal group, but there was no group difference among three clinical groups(p<.05). These results shows that HPR subscale and Attention Problems subscale may be useful tools for screening clinical groups(vs normal group) but there was a limit to the clinical validity of two subscales as diagnostic tools for the subtypes of ADHD. KEY WORDS : ADHDㆍKPI-CㆍK-CBCLㆍHPRㆍAttention problems.

      • 임신 종결 후 발생한 자궁 동정맥 누공에서 자궁동맥색전술로 치료한 1예

        김종민,이해혁,김태희,남계현,심일구,이권해,김형문,이임순,장종호 순천향의학연구소 2004 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.10 No.2

        Arteriovenous fistula of uterus is rarely reported disease. This vascular malformation is very dangerous condition because Dilatation & curettage can cause massive uterine bleeding without accurate diagnosis. The diagnosis is made by angiography, gray scale ultrasonography, color and duplex doppler ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging is helpful. Especially color and duplex doppler ultrasonography is allows convincing detection and diagnosis of arteriovenous fistula. Recently transcatheter uterine artery embolization is treatment of choice. We have experienced a case of arteriovenous fistula of uterus. Which is presented with a brief review of literature.

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