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      • The Relationship between Mitochondrial ROS and ER Stress in Allergic Airway Diseases

        ( So Ri Kim ),( Yong Chul Lee ),( Dong Im Kim ),( Mi Ran Kang ),( Yang Keun Rhee ),( Heung Bum Lee ),( Seoung Ju Park ),( Chi Ryang Chung ),( Seung Yong Park ),( Hee Jung Kim ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2012 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 추계학술대회 초록집 Vol.114 No.-

        Mitochondria and the Nox family of NADPH oxidase are the two major sources of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that are induced by external stimuli, and the mitochondria respiratory chain is considered as an important site of ROS production within most cells. Recent evidence has demonstrated that various biological stimuli increase accumulation of unfolded or mis-folded proteins in ER lumen, which is referred to as "ER stress". Moreover, these various pathologic stimuli have been reported to provoke oxidative stress as well as ER stress. In this study, we used the mice sensitized with OVA and LPS and then challenged with OVA (OVALPS-OVA mice) for elucidation of the relationship between mitochondrial ROS and ER stress in bronchial asthma. The OVALPS-OVA mice showed that the expression of ER stress markers and the protein levels of un-folded-protein response (UPR)-related marker in lung tissues were significantly increased after OVA challenge. In addition, we visualized the localization of mitochondrial ROS in BAL cells isolated from OVALPS-OVA mice using confocal microscopy; the significant increase in mitochondrial ROS in BAL cells was observed after OVA challenge. Our results also showed that Necrox-5 or 4-PBA significantly reduced the increases in ER stress, mitochondrial ROS, inflammatory cytokines, airway in-flammation, and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. These findings suggest that mitochondrial ROS and ER stress plays an im-portant role in the induction and maintaining allergic airway diseases synergistically.

      • Mito-Tempo Can Protect Against the Allergic Airway Inflammation through Reducing Mitochondrial ROS Generation

        ( So Ri Kim ),( Yong Chul Lee ),( Dong Im Kim ),( Yang Keun Rhee ),( Heung Bum Lee ),( Seoung Ju Park ),( Chi Ryang Chung ),( Seung Yong Park ),( Mi Ran Kang ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2012 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 추계학술대회 초록집 Vol.114 No.-

        Oxidative stress is well known to be implicated in the development of asthma. The mitochondrial respiratory chain is a major site of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and, at the same time, an important target for the damaging effects of ROS. Mito-Tempo is a specific mitochondrial ROS inhibitor and it is known to be associated with opening of mi-tochondrial permeability transition pore and inhibition of cell necroptosis or apoptosis. However, there is little information on the protective effects of Mito-Tempo on the inflammatory airway disorders including bronchial asthma and its acute exacerbation. We investigate the effects of Mito-tempo on the allergic airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness using the mice sensitized with OVA and LPS and then challenged with OVA (OVALPS-OVA mice). The OVALPS-OVA mice showed the typical features of neutrophilic asthma; increased airway inflammatory cells, the pathologic changes, the increased levels of Th2 cytokines in lungs of OVALPS-OVA mice, increased mitochondrial ROS generation, and increased bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Interestingly, we found that in OVALPS-OVA mice, Mito-Tempo, a novel mitochondrial targeting agent significantly reduced the increases in inflammatory cytokines, mitochondrial ROS generation, airway inflammation, and bron-chial hyperresponsiveness. These findings indicate that mitochondrial dysfunction including oxidative damage may be im-plicated in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma and provide the therapeutic potential of a mitochondrial targeting agent, Mito-Tempo, for bronchial asthma.

      • 일반논문 : 통신자료제공제도(전기통신사업법 제83조 제3항)의 문제점과 개선방안 -ISP에 대한 수사기관의 통신자료제공 요청과 이용자의 정보인권 보장을 중심으로

        김소리 ( So Ri Kim ),이수진 ( Su Jin Lee ),임효준 ( Hyo Jun Im ) 서울대학교 BK21 법학연구단 공익인권법연구센터 2013 공익과 인권 Vol.13 No.-

        이 연구에서는, 수사기관이 이용자의 인적사항 등을 요청하면 전기통신사업자가 이에 응할 수있도록 한 ‘통신자료제공제도(전기통신사업법 제83조 제3항)’의 문제점과 개선방안에 대해 논한다. 이 제도에 대한 논란은 2010년부터 본격화되기 시작했으며, 2012년에 있었던 헌법재판소 결정과 고등법원 판결로 인해 사회적 이슈로 떠올랐다. 통신자료제공제도의 활용 건수는 매년 큰 폭으로 증가하는 추세이다. 이런 현상의 본질적인 이유는 ISP(인터넷서비스제공자)가 수사기관의 요청에 대해 예외 없이 통신자료를 제공하고 있다는 사실에 있다. 현행법상으로 통신자료제공 여부를 결정하는 주체는 법원이 아닌 ISP다. 그러나 ISP는 이러한 결정을 할 역량이 부족할 뿐더러 거절 시 받게 될 수사기관으로부터의 압박에서 자유롭지 못하다. 이 때문에 통신자료제공제도는 법문상 ‘재량적’으로 규정되어 있음에도 불구하고 사실상 ‘강제적’으로 운용되고 있다. ‘정보의 유통에 대한 개인의 통제권’을 그 주요 내용으로 하는 정보인권은 새로운 영역의 권리를 보편적 권리로 격상시킨 ‘새로운 인권담론’이며, 동시에 기존의 인권담론과 그 맥락을 같이하고 있는 ‘기본적 인권’이다. 특히 정보와 관련된 권리들이 기존의 권력관계와 맞물리며 작동할 수밖에 없다는 점에서 정보인권을 소수자 문제와 연결지어 생각할 필요가 있다. 통신자료제공제도에서 쟁점이 되는 정보인권은 익명표현의 자유와 개인정보자기결정권이다. 우선 통신자료제공제도는 2012년 위헌 결정이 내려진 ‘제한적 본인확인제(일명 인터넷 실명제)’와 마찬가지로 익명 표현의 자유를 침해한다. 이는 익명 표현의 자유라는 이용자의 개인적 권리를 침해하는 것에서 더 나아가 이용자의 자유로운 의사표현을 바탕으로 여론을 형성하는 ISP의 언론의 자유 또한 제한하는 결과를 낳는다. 그 외에도 통신자료제공제도는 개인정보자기결정권을 근본적으로 침해한다. ISP가 제공하는 통신자료는 이용자의 개인정보에 해당한다. 그러나 이를 제공함에 있어 정보주체인 이용자의 동의를 요구하는 등의 사전개입절차가 없고, 사후통지절차 또한 미비하다. 민감한 개인정보에 대하여 그 어떤 통제장치도 마련되고 있지 않은 것은 기타 유사한 제도와 비교해 보았을 때도 불합리한 것으로 평가된다. 그러므로 통신자료제공제도는 폐지 또는 개정되어야 한다. 우선 ‘수사기관의 통신자료 취득행위’를 대상으로 헌법소원심판을 청구함으로써, 부수적 규범통제에 의해 통신자료제공제도 자체에 대한 위헌결정을 받아내는 방법이 있다. 이와 달리 입법론적으로는 이 제도를 삭제하거나 수정하는 방법도 생각해볼 수 있다. 우리가 상정하는 새로운 입법안은 영장주의를 기본원칙으로 채택하고, 이용자의 사전개입절차 및 사후통지절차를 마련하는 것을 그 내용으로 한다. 통신자료제공제도는 어디까지나 ‘통신비밀 누설 금지 원칙’의 예외에 해당한다. 그럼에도 지금과 같이 주객이 전도된 상태가 방치되고 있는 것에는, 정보인권 침해에 대해 미온적인 태도를 보이고 있는 국가의 잘못이 크다. 국가가 나서지 않는다면 이 제도의 잠정적 피해자인 국민들이라도 나서야 한다. 정보인권이야 말로 새로운 민주주의를 위하여 다시 한 번 쟁취해 내야 할 우리의 ‘인권’이기 때문이다. This paper deals with the problems and improvement plans of the Communication Data Provision System(Telecommunications Business Act §83-3) which allows ISP (Internet Service Provider) to provide users` personal data when requested by investigation agencies. The controversy over this system kicked into high gear in 2010 and became a main social issue after the decision of the Constitutional Court and the ruling of the High Court in 2012. The use of the Communication Data Provision System has considerably increased year by year. This trend largely originates from the reality that ISP provides investigation agencies with users` personal data with few exceptions. Under current law, it is not the Court but ISP that decides if providing users` personal data is approved or not. However, ISP does not have enough ability to make such decision; moreover it cannot avoid the pressure that investigation agencies may exert especially when ISP refuses to provide data. Because of this, although the law leaves the provision of user`s personal data ‘to discretion’, the Communication Data Provision System is more likely to be operated ‘by force’. The discourse about information human rights, which defines the individual`s control over the distribution of information as its core content, has contributed to newly raising the status of information human rights up to the stream of the universal rights. Also it has served as the discourse about ‘fundamental human rights’ which extend the realm of the previous human rights discourse. Especially given that information-related rights are not free from the existing power relations, we have to further consider minority-related issues with regard to information human rights. The freedom of anonymous speech and the right to informational self-determination are the two issues mainly discussed about information human rights with regard to the Communication Data Provision System. First, the Communication Data Provision System can infringe the freedom of anonymous speech, similar to the Restrictive Identification System(the so-called Internet Real-name System) which was ruled unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court in 2012. This can breach not only the user`s individual rights, the freedom of anonymous speech, but also ISP`s freedom of speech that makes ISP shape public opinion based on users` free expression of opinion. In addition, the Communication Data Provision System fundamentally infringes the right to informational self-determination. The communication data provided by the ISP is the user`s personal information. However, there is no proceeding for users` prior intervention, such as requesting process for users` consent, nor is there any follow-up proceeding to notify the users. Given the other similar systems, the absence of control system whatsoever on such sensitive personal information can be problematic. Therefore, this paper argues that the Communication Data Provision System should be abolished or revised. The first alternative to the present system is to file a petition in an attempt to get a decision of unconstitutionality on the Communication Data Provision system from the Constitutional Court. By filing a constitutional appeal against the investigation agency`s ‘acquisition’ of communication data, the system can be found unconstitutional through incidental norm control(Incidenter-Kontrolle). Secondly, the statement that this system should be deleted or revised can be supported by the principle of legislation. The new legislation bill projected in this study includes warrant requirement as a basic principle as well as user`s prior intervention proceedings and follow-up notice proceedings. The Communication Data Provision System has been exempted from the basic principle, ‘prohibition of communication secrets` leakage’. The main reason why this preposterous situation still exist is closely related to the lukewarm attitude of the government toward the information of information right. If the government does not take any measures, then at least the citizens, the potential victims of this system, should do so. Information human rights is the ‘human rights’ that we should strive again to achieve for a new democracy.

      • KCI등재

        A Review on the Application of Nanotechnology in Food Processing and Packaging

        ( Seong In Cho ),( Yong Rok Kim ),( Joon Woo Lee ),( Dae Sup So ),( Yong Jin Cho ),( Hyun Kwon Suh ),( Tu San Park ),( Seoung Im Oh ),( Ji Eun Im ) 한국산업식품공학회 2010 산업 식품공학 Vol.14 No.4

        Currently, nanotechnology is widely applied in various industrial fields and is rapidly emerging as a promising future technology. In food industries, nanotechnology is used to enhance food quality and safety. Numerous cutting-edge studies on the advantages of nanotechnology have been conducted in the fields of food processing, food ingredients and additives, food packaging, and food engineering for optimal health. The market for these areas of research has grown steadily, and is expected to continue to do so. Because of this, R&D for nanotechnology that can be used effectively in food industries is being performed by several companies, as well as in academic research institutions around the world. This review describes the recent global R&D trends that have been in progress for two key areas: food processing and food packaging.

      • KCI등재

        경희의료원 제3 중환자실(동서협진중환자실)에 입원한 89명의 중증 급성기 뇌경색 환자에 대한 임상적 고찰

        허홍,소형진,임주혁,조인영,이혜영,민경윤,류재환,이범준,Heo, Hong,So, Hyung-Jin,Im, Ju-Hyuk,Cho, In-Young,Lee, Hae-Yong,Min, Kyoung-Yoon,Ryu, Jae-Hwan,Lee, Beom-Jun 대한한방내과학회 2007 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.28 No.4

        Objects : To gain better insights of East-west integrated treatment of ischemic stroke. We analyzed 89 patients with severe acute ischemic stroke who were admitted to the East-west integrated intensive care unit. Methods : Subjects enrollment was from the East-west integrated intensive care unit of Kyung Hee Medical Center from March 2006 to February 2007. Patients were admitted within 14 days after the onset of ischemic stroke. We assessed the subjects' general characteristics, risk factors, admitting routes and periods, diagnostic imaging, process of western treatment and Korean traditional treatment, complication and consequence. Results : The proportion of males was 50.6%, of females 49.4%, average age was male 66.0$\pm$10.3 and female 71.1$\pm$10.5. Average length of hospital stays was 19.5 days. Monthly admissions were highest in November and December. The admission route was through emergency room (61.8%) or ward (34.8%). Mean Glasgow coma scale score was 10.0$\pm$2.5, average time from symptom of onset to hospital admission was 2.3$\pm$2.2 days. Dominant ischemic vascular territory was middle cerebral artery (66.3%). Initial western treatment was argatroban (22.5%), urokinase (28.1%), and heparinization (38.2%). Distribution of Sasang constitution of So-yang to Tae-eum to So-eum was equal to 5.4 to 2.9 to 1.5. Major complications were observed in 40 (42.7%) patients. In hospital mortality was 12.4% (11 deaths), all of them caused by aggravation of neurological deficit and only 3 of them with major complications. There appears to be a significant positive relationship between length of hospital stay and occurrence of complications (P<0.05). After discharge from the ICU, 64 (71.9%) patients were improved, 11 (12.4%) patients had expired, and 14 (15.8%) patients were transferred. Conclusions : From this study, we suggest that patients with severe acute ischemic stroke should be treated with East-west integrated therapy for more favorable consequences and decreased mortality.

      • KCI등재

        A Review on the Application of Nanotechnology in Food Processing and Packaging

        Seong-In Cho,Yong-Rok Kim,Joon Woo Lee,Dae-Sup So,Yong-Jin Cho,Hyun Kwon Suh,Tu San Park,Seoung-Im Oh,Ji-Eun Im 한국산업식품공학회 2010 산업 식품공학 Vol.14 No.4

        Currently, nanotechnology is widely applied in various industrial fields and is rapidly emerging as a promising future technology. In food industries, nanotechnology is used to enhance food quality and safety. Numerous cutting-edge studies on the advantages of nanotechnology have been conducted in the fields of food processing, food ingredients and additives, food packaging, and food engineering for optimal health. The market for these areas of research has grown steadily, and is expected to continue to do so. Because of this, R&D for nanotechnology that can be used effectively in food industries is being performed by several companies, as well as in academic research institutions around the world. This review describes the recent global R&D trends that have been in progress for two key areas: food processing and food packaging.

      • 信用카드와 衝動購買 : 서울市 居住 信用카드 사용주부를 대상으로

        임정빈,박소현 漢陽大學校 韓國生活科學硏究所 1993 韓國 生活 科學 硏究 Vol.- No.11

        This study aims to investigate the cognition for the credit card of housewives, the fregueney of impulsive pruchasing by credit cards and the correlation with the former and the latter. The findings are as follows : The cognition for the credit card of housewives is positive in housewives who are higher educated, social status and working. The housewives using credit cards for impulsive purehase are lower status in occupation and they use them frequently. There are negative correlation between the cognition for the credit cards and impulsive purchasing.

      • 일 요양병원에 입원한 만성질환자들의 건강증진 프로그램 적용후 임상검사치 변화

        임기동,이영선,박계남,류소연,김기순 조선대학교 2003 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.28 No.1

        Objectives and Method : To find the change of clinical laboratory value change of some chronic degenerative disease patients who were admitted to E sanatorium hospital in Y city from January 2001 to June 2002 after a health promotion program, a quasi-experimental study was done. Results : 1. The characteristics of study subjects showed 47.5% of male, 52.5% of female, 50% under 50 years in age Their common disease was cancer and cardiovascular disease, endocrine disease, liver disease followed in frequency. Before admission 74.2% smoked, 67.5% enjoyed drinking alcohol and 92.5% preferred to take meat 2. After health promotion program mean systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, serum total cholesterol, serum triglyceride, fasting blood sugar and serum total protein were decreased statistically significantly, compared to the value at the beginning of admission 3. By the group of patients characteristics like sex, age, smoking status, drinking status, meat intake preference and kind of diseases suffering from, mean systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, serum total cholesterol, serum triglyceride showed consistent decrease after health promotion program compared to the beginning of admission Mean levels of fasting blood sugar, serum total protein, white blood cell (WBC) counts, red blood cell (RBC) counts, GPT showed irregular change in some patients characteristics group Conclusion : Keen and consistent change was shown at blood pressure and lipid parameter after a health promotion program toward chronic degenerative disease patients. To confirm that the cause of change was due to life style change or accidental reason, further systematic studies are required.

      • KCI등재

        수유 요인에 따른 유치열의 치면별 우식패턴

        임경욱,이광희,라지영,안소연,김윤희 大韓小兒齒科學會 2010 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.37 No.2

        연구목적은 모유 또는 분유 섭취 시 나타나는 유치열의 치면별 우식패턴에 차이가 없으며 수유기간에 따른 차이도 없다는 가설을 검증하는 것이었다. 익산시, 청주시, 울산광역시의 36-71 개 월 어린이 815명을 대상으로 구강검사로 치면별 우식경험도를 조사하고, 보호자들을 대상으로 설문지 조사법으로 모유와 분유 중에서 생후 1년간 주로 수유한 것과 수유 기간을 조사하였다. 모유군과 분유군 간 우식경험유치면수(dmf)의 차이는 유의하지 않았다. 모유군에서 분유군보다 우식경험도가 더 높았던 유치군은 상악 유전치이었고, 유치면군은 상악 유전치 협설면과 인접면이었으며, 유치는 상악 유절치와 상하악 제2유구치이었고, 유치면은 상악 유중절치의 협면과 원섬면, 상악 유측절치의 협설면, 인접면, 상악 제2유구치의 설면, 인접면, 교합면, 하악 제2유구치의 협면, 원심면이었다. 모유군에서 수유기간이 증가함에 따라 우식경험유치면수가 증가한 유치군은 상악 유전치와 상악 유구치이었고, 유치면군은 상악 유전치의 인접면, 상악 유구치의 협설면, 인접면, 교합면, 하악 유구치의 인접면이었으며, 유치는 상악 유전치, 상악 유구치, 하악 제 2유구치이었고, 유치면에서는 상악 유전치의 인접면, 상악 제 1유구치의 협설면, 인접면, 교합면, 상악 제 2유구치의 협면, 하악 제 2유구치의 근심면이었다. 분유군에서는 수유기간 3년 이상에서 우식경험유치면수가 증가하였으나 차이가 유의하지 않았다. 수유와 관련되어 발생하는 상악 유절치의 중증 유아기 우식증은 분유를 수유하는 경우보다 모유를 수유하는 경우에 더 많이 발생하였다. 모유 수유를 2년 이상 하는 경우에는 상악 유절치의 우식 예방을 위한 조치가 필요하다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the tooth surface caries patterns in the primary dentition according to breast or bottle feeding. The subjects of study were 815 children, 36 to 71 months old, in Iksan, Cheongju and Ulsan cities. The caregivers of the children were asked which they fed between the breast milk and the infant formula during the 1st year after birth and the duration of feeding. There was no significant difference in dmfs between the breast milk group and the infant formula group(significance level 0.05, same below). Tooth groups, tooth surface groups, teeth, and tooth surfaces which had significantly higher dmfs in the breast milk group than in the infant formula group were upper anterior teethttooth groups), upper incisors' buccal and proximal surfacesttooth surface groups), upper incisors and upper second molars (teeth), upper central incisors' buccal and distal surfaces, upper lateral incisors' buccolingual and proximal surfaces, upper 2nd molars' lingual. proximal. and occlusal surfaces, and lower 2nd molars' buccal and distal surfaces. In the breast milk group, tooth groups, tooth surface groups, teeth, and tooth surfaces which dmfs significantly increased as the duration of the feeding increased were upper anterior teeth and upper molars (tooth groups), upper anterior teeth's proximal surfaces, upper molars' buccolingual, proximal, and occlusal surfaces, lower molars' proximal surfacesttooth surface groups), upper anterior teeth, upper molars, lower 2nd molars (teeth), upper anterior teeth's proximal surfaces, upper 1st molars' buccolingual, proximal. and occlusal surfaces, upper 2nd molars' buccal surfaces, and lower 2nd molars' mesial surfaces (tooth surfaces). In the infant formula group, dmfs increased after 3 years of feeding, but the difference was not significant. Caries prevention is necessary in case of breastfeeding more than two years.

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