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        도시공원 바닥포장의 디자인 개선에 관한 연구

        김신원(Shin Won Kim),박태석(Tae Seok Park),노희곤(Hee Gon Noh) 한국디자인문화학회 2009 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        도시가 발전하면서 사람들은 삶에 있어 정신적, 문화적 욕구의 충족에 더 많은 관심을 가지게 된다. 도시환경을 개선하고자 하는 요구는 과거에 비해 더욱 심화되었다. 조경 분야에서 외부 환경의 물리적 요소는 이러한 요구에 부응하는데 있어 중요한 역할을 한다. 일반적으로 외부 공간을 형성하는 주요한 골격은 토지, 식물, 정형적 요소 등이다. 도시생활에서 이용자가 향유하는 공간으로는 주로 자연이 우세한 자연적 공간, 인공적 요소가 가미된 자연적 공간, 인공성이 주가 되는 자연적 공간 등이 있다. 이러한 공간은 사람들이 자연과 접하며 휴식하고 만나고 담소를 나누는 장소가 된다. 외부 공간은 실용적인 기능뿐만이 아니라 시각적인 아름다움도 지녀야 한다. 최근 들어 조경디자인 분야에서 공간을 구성하는데 질 높은 다양한 재료들이 활용되고 있다. 그런데 도시공원을 보면 특히 바닥포장과 관련해서는 개선해야 할 부분이 많이 있다. 시대의 흐름 및 도시민의 요구에 부응하여 빠른 시일 내에 도시공원 바닥포장 디자인의 개선이 이루어져야 하고 재료 선정에 변화가 있어야 한다. 도시공원의 바닥포장은 이용자의 쾌적성, 안전성, 접근성 등에 영향을 준다. 도시공원 바닥포장의 디자인 개선에 관한 본 연구는 쾌적한 도시공원을 위해 필요로 하는 바닥포장의 조성에 대한 연구이다. 연구방법은 선유도, 서울숲, 월드컵공원의 현황을 조사하여 바닥포장과 관련된 문제의 요인과 유형을 분석하고, 문제를 해결하고 공간의 질을 높이기 위해 바닥포장 개선 방안을 연구하여 설계안을 제시하였다. 도시공원 바닥포장의 품질 개선을 도모하며, 향후 도시공원 바닥포장 디자인의 수준을 제고하는데 유용하게 활용될 수 있는 자료를 제공하는 것에 본 연구의 의의와 목적이 있다. 연구를 수행하기 위하여 도시공원 바닥포장에 대해 현황 조사 및 분석이 이루어졌다. 또한 연구 결과를 토대로 하여 바람직한 바닥포장 재료 및 색채를 선정하고 적절한 바닥포장 디자인의 변경안을 제시하였다. 도시공원 바닥포장의 디자인 변경이 요구되는 현황을 조사하고 그 원인을 분석하여 개선안을 제시한 본 연구의 내용은 이용자가 만족할 수 있는 쾌적하고 아름다운 도시공간을 조성하는데 도움이 될 것이다. As cities continue to develop, people desire to fulfil their mental and cultural desires. So the demand for improving the city environment is more palatable than ever. The `outer-space` physical element in landscape architecture has its own role to play in satisfying this demand. The general frame of `outer-space` is mostly based on land, plants, and formative factors, regardless of size, fixedness, or location. The space for leisure use is divided into three parts. The first is `natural space` including mountains, rivers, and seas. The second is `natural space with added artificial elements` such as parks and terraced land on the rivers, which are created to protect the natural space from probable damage and to make full use of the space as rest areas. The third is `purposeful space` such as squares and parks with environmental and human facilities. They are the spaces made for the purposes of resting, recreation, and/or indicating the border of inside or outside of buildings. The ideal function of the elements of outer space is not only providing beauty, but also playing an important role in determining the atmosphere of limited space like parks. With the rapidly changing social norm, the design period tends to get shorter and shorter, and the recent trend is to use materials with high quality and diversity. However, the design of pavement in city parks has not been remodeled. Great improvements to facility maintenance, repair work, and plant preservation in parks have been made, but the issue of remodelling pavement has hardly been considered. Given that the type of pavement can give comfort or stress to the people visiting parks, it plays an important role in park design. This study is to design and create surface pavement for improving the outdoor spatial quality of city parks. The specific goals and objectives of this study are: to develop design criteria for creating user-responsive outdoor space, based upon the research findings drawn from site survey and analysis focusing on the surface pavement in city parks; and to make specific design recommendations, if there is room for improvement, for improving the outdoor spatial quality of city parks. This research study focused on surface pavement in 3 city parks (Seonyu Island, Seoul Forest, World Cup Park) such as overall image, arrangement of pavement, design and pattern, material, and color. With this background, and with survey and analysis, this study will suggest design changes to pavement in order to make the public space of the city park more satisfying and comfortable to its users. Findings obtained from this research study could be used in the designing of future projects in order to get a better understanding of the needs of users. The changes in order to meet users` needs and to improve the spatial quality of the city parks should be implemented.

      • KCI등재

        도시의 모험놀이터‘플레이파크’에 관한 고찰

        신순호(Shin Soon Ho),박성현(Park Sung Hyun) 한국도시행정학회 2011 도시 행정 학보 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to suggest a preliminary data based upon implications from the analysis of Japan’ s Play Park that how we could introduce Play Park in the urban environment. With this in mind, We have looked at the concept of Play Park, the history of Play Park, and the role of Play Park. After that, We have examined “Hanegi Play Park”, which is known for the most advanced model in Japan, based on the following analytical frameworks. First of all, We identified geographic characteristics (location, area, space, facilities, and tools), and then looked into utilization(number of users, age of users, and contents of play), operating structure(operating system and solidarity), and operating contents and method(finance, safety, program, and insurance). In order to enhance the accuracy of research, We have used the different way of research according to its characteristics such as geographic characteristics with observation and utilization, operating structure, and operating contents and method with interview. After analyses, We have found out that a few thing were shall be considered before it introduced Play Park in urban environment. First, Play Park did not require special components such as condition of site and man-made structures, therefore We suggested that we should consider trying the existing park that hardly uses or becomes obsolete on a trial basis. Second, We suggested that we need to take account of operating solidarity in order to make the best use of Play Park. In other words, it shall be an organic cooperation system that local government limits their role to provide only place and finance, while residents could take charge of Play Park operation and all other matters as a “trust”way. Last but not least, it should be discussed how to raise funds. In case of “Hanegi Play Park”, it consists of two parts with ratio of 3:1; consignment fee from local government and earnings from own business. We, however, need to discuss whether this ratio is reasonable or not. It is more desirable to raise funds through own business as much as possible rather than local government financial support.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Analysis on the Value of Yongsan National Park and its Economic Effect

        Chang, In-Seok,Cho, Young-Tae,Lee, Mi-Hong,Park, Shin-Won Land and Housing Institute 2011 LHI journal of land, housing, and urban affairs Vol.2 No.4

        This study estimated economic value and benefits of Yongsan National Park, which will be constructed by financial investment of the government and objectively estimated the real value of it by understanding the value of the park from a user's view of the park. For this, the value of Yongsan National Park is divided into using value such as carbon reduction and the function of relieving urban heat island as an environmental material and non-using value based on willingness to pay of the public according to the construction of the park. As a result of the analysis, it was found out that the using value of Yongsan National Park would reach 130 million won up to maximum level of 450 million won per year, and the non-using value was analyzed to be worthy of 2,344 won per capita every month. Besides, economic ripple effect that can be expected in the process of the park construction project was analyzed to be a national policy that creates effect on production inducement of 2.6 trillion won and value added of 809.6 billion won and new jobs for 25,620 persons. Considering the value of Yongsan National Park and the effect of the project based on the result of this study, it was found that it could sufficiently secure the validity of implementing the project compared to the financial investment by the government. Therefore, it must be emphasized that diffusion strategy is necessary for national understanding and for a nation to make it understood its appropriateness widely in respect to the construction of Yongsan National Park for the successful construction of Yongsan National Park and to raise its using value in the future.

      • KCI등재

        ‘뒤틀린 기독교’굳히기

        박정신(Chung-shin Park),박규환(Qu-hwan Park) 한국인문사회과학회 2012 현상과 인식 Vol.36 No.1

        이 글은 박 정희 시대 한국 개신교의 자취를 돌아보고 그 됨됨이를 밝히고 있다. 박 정희 군사 독재 시기 한국 개신교는 정통성과 정당성을 결여한 정치권력에 맞설 수 있는 자원을 지니고 있었지만 또 다시 정교유착의 길을 선택, ‘뒤틀린 기독교’를 굳혀놓았다. 교회 조직의 이익을 위하여 스스로 권력의 우산 아래로 들어가 기존 질서를 신성시하는 담론과 행동을 생산하였던 것이다. 이를 증명하기 우I하여 이 글은. 군사정권과 개신교의 엉김의 역사. 이를테면 쿠데타와 베트남 파병, 삼선개헌과 10월 유신에 대한 개신교의 대응을 살펴보았고 개신교가 정교유착의 매개로 채택한 ‘국가주의’ 담론의 내용과 유통 경로를 확인하였다. 박 정희 시대 개신교는 또한 박 정희의 ‘돌진적’이고 ‘반동적’인 근대화에 엉김으로써 ‘교회교’로 전락하였다. 이를 논증하기 위하여 이 글에서는 박 정희 식 근대화에 호응하여 내놓은 개신교의 교회 성장 전략과 성장 신학을 검토하고, 교회가 유물론과 성장 신학의 포로가 되고 ‘봉건적’ 종교로 굴절되는 과정을 살펴보았다. 군사 정권과 유착하여 국가주의와 성장 이데올로기, 시장주의와 봉건 윤리를 재생산하는 노릇을 충직하게 수행한 한국 개신교는 조직과 영향력에서 한국 최대의 종교 집단. 힘 있는 주류 종교의 지위를 획득하였다. 그러나 삶의 현실에 대하여 끊임없이 회의하고 삶의 바탕 그 자체를 뛰어넘는 기독교 본연의 종교성, 바로 그 초월성을 고스란히 잃어버렸다. 그런 점에서 박 정희 시대는 ‘뒤틀린 기독교’로서 한국 개신교의 생김새와 됨됨이를 굳힌 시기였다. The aim of this research is to define the characters of the Korean Protestant church during the Park Chung-Hee era, arguing that the Korean Protestant church not only conformed to the Park"s military regime under the torch of nationalism, but also supported Park"s “modernization of the fatherland” by actively accepting the “growth-first” ideology. Firstly, as its responses to the Park"s military coup, the dispatch of troops to Vietnam, the amendment of the constitution in 1969, and the October Revitalization Reform (Yusin) well showed, the Korean protestant church did not stand against the existing political power that lacked legitimacy and justification. Here it showed the contents and the process of the discourse, “nationalism” which Protestant church chose to get close and positive relationship with the dictatorial government to achieve the church"s interests. Secondly, Korean Protestant church degraded to a ‘Churchianity’ by sticking to the Park"s reactionary and rush-to modernization. To prove this, it examined the strategies and theology for their church growth that churches presented to respond to the Park"s modernization. And also it observed that churches became a slave of materialism and theology of church growth then came to be a feudalistic religion. With the adoption of “nationalism,” which was in fact a statism, and the “growth-first” ideology, the Korean Protestant church could become the biggest and the most influential religious organization in Korea. However, in the process of quantitative growth, it lost its original transcendent ideal that makes it possible to criticize and relativize the worldly life. In this point, it is possible to say that the distorted nature of the Korean Protestant church was confirmed again during the Park"s regime.

      • KCI등재

        설악산국립공원 지역의 노루 서식지 이용 특성에 관한 연구

        박용수 ( Young Su Park ),이우신 ( Woo Shin Lee ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2014 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        This study was conducted to obtain the basic research about Siberian roe deer (Capreolus pygargus), and to establish a conservation area into Seoraksan(Mt.) National Park, South Korea. We recorded Siberian roe deer field signs (bedding sites, feeding areas, feces and tracks etc), and habitat variables such as nearest distance to the watercourse, trails, slope, aspect, forest type and land cover etc. from Jan. 2006 to Dec. 2007 in Seoraksan(Mt.) National Park. According to the research of habitat characteristics of Siberian roe deer inhabited in Seoraksan(Mt.) National Park preferred mixed forest consisted of aged forest and middle-aged forest on the gentle slope which was close to hydrosphere in the middle elevation area of altitude of 400~600m above sea level in Seoraksan(Mt.) National Park. The results indicated that Siberian roe deer appeared to prefer south slope or north slope during the snow season and west or east slope during the non-snow season. The area of most suitable habitat for Siberian roe deer in Seoraksan(Mt.) National Park was 125.8km2 (32% of the total area) followed by 244.3km2 buffer area (62.2% of the total area), and 22.9km2 unsuitable habitat area (5.8% of the total area), which means environmentally unsuitable habitat for Siberian roe deer was rare in Seoraksan(Mt.) National Park. Thus, the area classified as major area in Seoraksan(Mt.) National Park appeared to be most important for the protection of Siberian roe deer.

      • KCI우수등재

        서울시 마을마당의 이용후 평가

        김신원,허준,박율진,Kim, Shin-Won,Heo, Jun,Park, Yool-Jin 한국조경학회 2000 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.27 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for planning and designing Village Parks in Seoul in the future, which result from analyzing post-occupancy evaluation. For conducting this study, 10 Village Parks among 45, built between 1996 and 1997, were selected and analyzed. The results of this study are as follows. The degree of satisfaction of 10 Village Parks in Seoul has been evaluated on a scale of 10, to be a 6.68 average. This result means that the most respondents are satisfied with the existing Village Parks in Seoul. The correlation of the degree of satisfaction with major planning factors for 3 types of Village Parks shows that accessibility is the most important factor. As for future directions of planning and designing Village Parks, many kinds of sitting, leaning and resting place need to be provided. It is also necessary to improve the visual quality of the parks with various spatial elements. The research also shows that various facilities for people's use should be provided in Village Parks.

      • 韓國産 野生草花에 관한 硏究 : 동의나물, 모데미풀, 피나물을 中心으로 With special reference to Caltha plaustris var. membrancea, Megaleran-this saniculifolia, Hylomecon vernale

        申永澈,金在佶,李東珍,朴永達 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1995 農業科學硏究 Vol.12 No.2

        The primary purpose of this study is to investigate user's recreation experience satisfication and user's evaluation of forest landscape in Uam natural park. Another purpose of this study is to suggest directions for enhancing forest scenic beauty for every seasons. The data were collected by self- administered questionnaires from 182 users is SAM- IL park where main entrance of the Uam park. This study primarily consists of two phases : 1. The presentation of users' characterics. 2. The analysis of forest landscape in natural park. The majority of the respondents(68.3%) Prefered to reforestation. They also perceived that the scenic beauty of the park was satisfactiory. There were differences in users' satisfaction levels of scenic beauty for the park due to their socio-economic background.

      • 白鼠에 있어서 振動 緊迫으로 因한 前胃部 肥厚性變化에 關한 實驗

        朴信培 최신의학사 1968 最新醫學 Vol.11 No.5

        Many investigators produced lesions in the fore-stomach of rats by feeding with subnutritional diet. Singer (1913) first produced lesions in the forestomach by feeding rats with bread mixed wood sawings. Fibiger(1919) produced also lesions in the fore-stomach by feeding with cockroaches (P. americana) -; infected with Gongylonema neoplasticum. He claimed to have induced cancer of the fore-stomach of the rats in 53 percent of his experimental animals. r But it was found by Passay et aI.(1935) that Fibiger's lesion of the fore-stomach was not cancer, but that the lesions only comprised hyperkeratinization and hyperplasia of the squamous epithelium of the fore-stomach together with some papillomatosis. Vappenheimer et al.(1924) also produced the same lesion in the fore-stomach of rats on a rachitic ";diet which consisted of 95 % flour. t Hoelzel and DaCosta(1931) produced ulcers in rats on low protein diet. Sharpless(1937) also produced hyperplasia of the fore-stomach in 100% of rats fed on a low protein(casein) diet. These investigators, in producing the lesions, fed the rats with either bread or flour or low protein diet. t?f F4jimaki(1927, 1928) produced the lesions in rats by feeding vitamin A deficiency diet, but he later reported that vitamin A deficiency was unimportant. The lesions of fore-stomach in rats were also produced with vitamin B2 deficiency by Findlay(1928) and with vitamin B, deficiency by Passay et al.(1935) and Dalldorf and Kellogg(1932). Levrat and Lambert(1959) produced gastric ulceration glandular portion of rat by stimulating the rats with intermittent electric light and at the same time rocking the rats. But they did not find any change in the fore-stomach. In this laboratory, Lee 0964), Moon(1964) and Park(1967) produced hyperplasia, hyperkeratinization and ulcers in the fore-stomach of rats by shaking the rats with modified method of Levrat and Lambert's experiment. Ae purpose of this experiment was to try to clarify the descrepancies between the results of Levrat ~)-nd Lambert and those of park. My results showed that gastric ulceration of the glandular portion Of the rat's stomach was not produced by Levrat and Lambert's method. I then investigated the part that diet might play in this descrepancy The rats were fed on various diets and shaking stress w kas given to rats, and the fore stomach change was investigated. The results obtained were different Irom that of Park(1967). Methods and Results Apparently healthy adult male albino rats were used. The rats were on rice diet to which was added. various amount of Brewer's yeast or vitamin mixture. The rats were fed on the experimental diet aG least 10 days before from the beginning of the experiment. (A) The effect of intermittent photic stimulation and shaking stress on the change of the stomach. The experiment of Levrat and Lambert was repeated by shaking and shining the rats with interm ittent electric lamp. The rats were kept in dark room and were subjected to mechanical shaking with frequency of 130-170 per minute for 23 hours daily and at the same time were stimulated with 100 watt electric lamp which was intermittently off and on. The stress was added for a week then the rats were sacrificed and the stomachs were investigated. There were no definite ulcers of glandular portion big enough to be recognizable macroscpically. Rather there appeared lesions on the fore-sto. mach. The lesions of the fore-stomach were the same as those shown by the experiments of Lee and Moon etc. (B) The effect of diet on the lesions of stomach produced by shaking stress. The experiment of Park was repeated. Though Park produced lesions of the fore-stomach in more than 50% of the rats subjected to the experiments, in my experiment, the lesions occurred in far less than 50% of the rats subjected to the experiment with the same condition as that of Park_ So the experiments were repeated changing the diet as well as frequency and the period of the shaking. When the Brewer's yeast was decreased and olive oil added instead of cod liver oil to the diet and the frequency of the shaking stress increased from 240 to 260 per minute and the period of shaking stress increased from 3 to 4 hours a day and the period of experiment from 6 to 7 days, then more than 50% of the rats subjected to the experiment, developed the lesions of the fore-stomach. In the next experiment, casein was added to the diet. No lesions of fore-stomach was produced among the rats fed on the diet added casein, while lesions were produced among the rats fed on the diet to which no casein was added. The diet to which vitamin A was added was compared with the diet to which the vitamin was not added. The vitamin A deficiency did not effect the production of the lesions of fore-stomach. Summary The shaking stress was given to the albino rats and the change of gastric mucous membrane was investigated. 1. The experiment of Levrat and Lambert was repeated. No definite change of glandular portion was detected but rather the lesions of fore-stomach were detected. 2. The. production of the lesions of fore-stomach of the rats fed on rice diet by shaking stress varied by changing the content of the diet. The poduction of the lesions was high when the rats fed on diet which-contained less Brewer's yeast, and which contained olive oil instead of cod liver oil. No change of fore-stomach was found when the rats were fed a diet which contained cod liver oil and more Brewer's yeast and more protein,

      • KCI등재

        도시공원 이용자들의 형태 분석 및 이용 만족도에 관한 연구

        박장근(Jang Geun Park),임란희(Ran Hee Lim),지용범(Yong Beom Ji),신희진(Hee Jin Shin) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 2001 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate of form analysis and extent of Satisfaction of people using park. For this study, the population was the user Mansuck Park in Suwon City from 06.06.2001 to 06.07.2001. Sampling was made according to the self-administration method The participants in the questionnaire were 224. From the analysis of data, this study reached the following coclusions. 1. An analysis of form ; 1) A walking was 53.1 percent according to the analysis of using form in traffic means. There were some differences by age, job, education level, income. 2) The evening was 41.5 percent , and the afternoon was 28.6 percent according to the time period of using. There were some differences in all items as gender, age, job, education level, income. 3) The family or relative was 48.2 percent, and the friends (lover) was 32.6 percent according to the companion. There were some differences in all items as gender, age, job, education level, income. 4) The rest and walk 50.0 percent , and meeting, talk was 17.4 percent according to the using park. There were some differences by gender, age, job, income. 5) The shade of a tree, bench, grass was 55.4 percent, and the promenade was 23.7 percent according to the place and facilities for using. There were some differences by age. 2 And extent of satisfaction for using park ; The satisfaction in the location of facilities, the management and scene of the park was in high content degree. But, the satisfaction in the number of facilities and the staff was in low content degree.

      • KCI등재

        LNT를 통해 분석한 국립공원 탐방목적과 산행 윤리 의식의 상관성 : 내장산국립공원 백양사지구와 남창지구를 중심으로

        최형철(Choi Hyung Chul),박재철(Park Jae Chul),노재현(Roh Jae Hyun),신상섭(Shin Sang Sup),허준(Huh Joon) 한국산림휴양학회 2010 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        본 연구는 LNT 항목의 분석을 통해서 산행 목적과 산행윤리의식 사이의 차이를 규명하기 위하여 수행되었다. 이를 위해서, 내장산국립공원의 백양사지구와 남창지구를 사례로 연구를 수행하였다. 이를 통해 국립공원 방문목적에 따라서 윤리 의식이 유의한 차이가 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 다시 말하면, 산행목적의 탐방객이 행락 목적의 탐방객보다 윤리 의식이 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. This study was performed to identify the difference between purpose and ethics consciousness of national park visit through analysis of LNT(Leave No Trace) items. For this, case study was performed in the Baekyangsa and Namchang district in Naejang national park. Study methods were questionnaire and statistic analyses. Through these, the difference of Ethics Consciousness of national park visit according to visit purpose of one was identified. In other words, it was identified that visitors for climbing purpose had higher than those for pleasure-making in Ethics Consciousness of National Park Visit.

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