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      • 2004학년도 신입생 실태조사

        서정조,김두화,김성현 濟州大學校 學生生活硏究所 2005 學生生活硏究 Vol.26 No.-

        The purposes of this survey are to collect and analyze basic data on freshmen, to understand students' general matters and to utilize the data as basic materials for student guidance and administration; to find out the students' general matters, we asked freshmen about their psychological character, values, university life, impression and pride on university, the reason for choosing their majors, whether they will keep studying, the relations with professors, life in their high school, social relationship, the point of view on social issues, and to what extent they turn to the consultation service center. The survey was conducted among 2,832 freshmen during the orientation course in 2004, and 1,812 students (64% of the total) answered. The results are as follows; 1. Most freshmen live in Jeju. The number of students from other regions and cities is also increasing gradually, so the university should create conditions to accommodate those who want to use the dormitory 2. The increase in students who have entered the university after taking entrance examination more twice indicates that they want to pursue a study in line with their aptitude. Most students' supporters are their fathers. 84.8% of the respondents have both a father and a mother. which shows that broken families became a serious social issue. The educational background of parents is getting higher. They are mostly engaged in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. Many students' family income is over 1.5 million won a month, but a lot of students do not know about their financial status, showing their indifference in home economy. 3. Most of the freshmen replied that they live happily with their family. As to the relationships with their parents, most were positive, but some students feel uncomfortable with their parents or even say their parents do not care about them. 4. About their mental and emotional status, 73.4% showed a positive response. Their tuition fees and living expenses are primarily covered by their parents, but the number of such students has decreased compared to last year. 5. Their motivation of university entrance is to get well-paid jobs, develop their abilitiesand acquire professional knowledge. They want to make many friends and study hard. 79.5% of respondents said they want to study or travel abroad. Accordingly, the authorities need to offer as many chances as Possible. 6. Most students do not want to live in the dormitory, and many (43.9%) want scholarship and part-time jobs to pay tuition fees and other expenses so that more funds and programs for scholarship should be secured. Most of the freshmen are satisfied with the CNU website. They want to study a major that can be related to the career to pursue. 7. Some respondents said they will join clubs for their hobby or sports because they want to make many friends and do much experience. Others said they do not want to join any club because they do not feel any need. Programs to encourage students to participate in a club: should be developed. 8. They think; what is important in their life is leading a financially stable life and the exertion of their ability, and the attitude they have as a college student is to prepare themselves to become an able member of society and intellectuals. 9. The freshmen had a good impression on Cheju National University (CNU) before entering the university, but most of them do not know well about CNU, which means public relations were not enough: What they took into account when applying was the possibility of success given their scores. Their aptitude and qualifications were second. They got information on the university mostly from the website of CNU. This reminds us of the importance of on-line homepages. On the other hand, the university exposition tour arranged by CNU turned out to be of little help to applicants. 10. The publicity commercial conducted every November- December does not attract attention from students. Among means of public relations targeting students living outside Jeju, nationwide, mass media or in-person visit to high school bear good result. Publicity activities need not only efforts of officials in charge but also attention of all staff, faculty and students of the university. 11. Most of the freshmen are proud of entering CNU. They decide their major whey in their third year of high school or during the applying period. The number of students who decided their major when they were in middle school is on the decrease, which indicates that students select their major without discretion instead of setting a goal in advance and trying to achieve it. 12. Freshmen are satisfied with their major. However, they neither know well about a transfer system nor a double major system. As to double major, the most preferred second major is education. The reason for pursuing double major is to have more chance of employment, which shows students understand the difficulty in getting a job from the beginning of entrance. 13. The students expect advice on fields of study as well as close relations from them. The students have relatively integrated relations with others. They prefer lecturer-centered or experiment classes. When faced with troubles, they talk to their friends or mother, in some cases to their siblings and father. The social relations are largely good, but 4.1% confessed to their problem in relations with others. Programs for relationship development and improvement are needed. 14. Freshmen consider efforts and capability as the requirements for social success. They picked unemployment as the most serious problem faced with Korean society. They consider poor local development and backward cultural facilities as challenges faced by Jeju. Therefore, social and political leaders are urged to realize the situation and deal with regional development of Jeju with caution. 15. The students want to get advice from the consultation service center on personal problems. What they want to talk about are jobs, scholastic performance and graduate schools. They want to take aptitude tests. They are also thinking about volunteering to help others. Many students want to build their social experience through volunteer public service, so various service programs should be develop.

      • 의료 IC 카드의 표준화

        서화정,이기한 서울여자대학교 자연과학연구소 1997 자연과학연구논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        In this paper concerning the problems of medical card used in Korea at present, we implement the medical IC Card to practical use to make the examination and the prescription of the patient easy. Especially, in order to propose the way of the expression for common medical information and to provide important in relation to medical insurance of the patient, we develope memory file system for organic Health IC Card. So, we intend to come up the standard in using medical IC card for the purpose of the exchange of the information for the patient among the every hospital.

      • 울산광역시 소비자상담 현황 및 과제

        서정희,백재화,염수경 울산대학교 2000 생활과학논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        이 논문은 울산광역시를 대상으로 하여 소비자상담업무를 전담하고 있는 행정기관, 민간 소비자단체 및 울산에서 소비자상담을 가장 활발하게 벌리고 있는 백화점 두 곳을 조사대상으로 선정하여 소비자상담실태를 조사하고 문제점과 발전방향을 제시함으로써 울산광역시 소비자행정과 소비자단체를 활성화하고, 백화점의 고객만족경영을 수립하는데 필요한 정보를 제공해 주고자 한다. The purpose of this paper was to provide the information enforcing the consumer support administration in local government, activating private consumer organization and enhancing the customer satisfaction in department store in Ulsan metropolitan city. For this purpose the data of consumer counseling practiced in private consumer organization, local government and department store in Ulsan Metropolitan city during 1998.

      • 서울市內一部 動物病院에서 臨床診療된 愛玩犬의 病類別 分布에 對한 醫學統計學的 考察

        徐政煜,李元暢,鄭柄鉉,尹和重 건국대학교 동물자원연구센터 1999 動物資源硏究誌 Vol.20 No.-

        우리 나라의 소동물 수의임상분야(獸醫臨床分野)에서 주류를 이루고 있는 애완견의 병류별 질병분포를 파약하여 수의임상반야의 기초자료로 제시하고자 시도하고 서울시내 중견 동물병원 5곳을 무작위선택방법에 의하여 선정하여 1993년도부터 1995년도 말까지 3개년간의 임상의료철을 수집, 의학통계학적 방법을 이용 분석 및 관찰한바 몇 자기 결과를 얻어 다음과 같이 적요 한다. 진료과별 진료건수의 분포를 보면, 전체진료건수 8,360건 중에서 내과질환이 53.6%를 점유하고, 외과질환은 13.01%, 비뇨생식기질환1.96%, 피부과질환 15.47%, 안과질환 2.68% 그리고 이(耳)과질환 13.28% 등으로 관찰되었다. 조사 관찰된 내과질환은 총 19종의 질병과 4,481건의 진료건수가 있었으며, 이중에서 위발증(胃發症)이 가장 많아 21.38%를 점유하고 있었고, 외과질환은 성형외과와 정형외과 질환을 포함하여 역시 총 19종의 질병과 1,088건의 진료건수가 있었는데, 이중에서 외상(外傷)이 가장 많아 19.21%, 비뇨 생식기질환은 6종류의 질병과 164건의 진료건수가 있었으며, 그 중에서 비뇨기 감염증이 가장 많아 37.0%를, 피부질환은 5종의 질병에 1,293건의 진료가 있었고, 이중에서 체외기생충의 감염이 37.74% 그리고 안이과(眼耳科)질환은 7종에 1,332건으로 외이염(外耳炎)이 가장 많아 59.49%를 점유하고 있었다. 애완견에서 빈발하는 10대 질환의 분포를 관찰하바, 위염 (11.46%), 위장염(10.28%), 외이염(9.74%), 기관기관지염(8.49%), 대장염(6.41%), 체외기생충증(5.84%), 체내기생충증(4.35%), 이내(耳內) 진드기(3.8%), 피부진균증(3.53%) 및 피지누증 (3.12%) 등의 순으로 관찰되었다. 끝으로 애완견의 전염병으로는 distemper가 44.8%, parvoviral infection 39.37%, coronaviral infection 15.83% 그리고 본조사기간중 서울시내에서의 rabies 발생건수는 전혀 없었다. The purpose of this study was to a retrospective and medical statistical observation on the clinical cases of pet-dogs by veterinary hospital in Seoul City, during the period from 1993 to 1995, which important not only in veterinary clinic but also pet animal health information system development for veterinary practitioner of Korea. The results were summarized as follows: In the clinical cases determined by the international classification of diseases, during the period of three years, 8,358 cases of morbidity of pet-dogs were shown by five veterinary hospital for small animals. Among them, the disease of internal medicine, including medicine, including digestive, respiratory, circulatory, metabolic and parasitosis were 53.6% of total cases, the surgical disease, including orthopedic and plastic surgery were 13.01%, the disease of urogenital was 1.96%, the disease of dermatology was 15.47%, the disease of ophthalmic was 2.68% and the disease of otiatric was 13.28%, respectively. The gastric crisis of 21.38% among 4,481 cases of 19 kinds on the disease of internal medicine showed the highest morbidity. The trauma of 19.21% among 1,088 cases of 19 kinds in the surgery, including orthopedic and plastic surgery, the case of urogenic infection of 37.0% among 164 cases of 6 kinds in the urogenital organe, the ectoparasitosis of 37.24% among 1,293 cases of 5 kinds in the disease of dermatology, the otitis externa of 59.49% among 1,332 cases of 7 kinds n the opthalmatic and otiatric diseases showed the highest morbidity in each part of veterinary clinics. Observation on the morbidity of the main disease of pet-dogs were gastritis (11.46%), gastroenteritis (10.28%), ectoparasitosis (9.64%) including ear-mite, otitis externa (9.47%), trachobronchitis (8.49%), enterocolitis (6.41%), endoparasitosis (4.35%), dermatophytosis (3.53%) and seborrhea (3.12%), respectively. Finally, distributive observation on the incidence case of the main infections disease in pet-dogs which that distemper, parvoviral infection and coronaviral infection were 44.80%, 39.37% and 15.83, respectively.

      • 개에서 피지선 과형성의 진단 및 치료 증례

        박희서,손화영,정성목,송근호,조종기,이영원,신상태,김명철,김덕환,박성준 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2004 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.12 No.-

        An eleven year old castrated male Maltese was presented to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University. In physical examination, approximately 0.5 cm round mass was observed on tail base. This small elevated mass has also shown alopecic and firm configuration. It was differentially diagnosed as sebaceous adenoma and hyperplasia by fine needle aspiration. After surgical removal, the sample was diagnosed as sebaceous hyperplasia by histopathological examination. It has not yet shown any signs of recurrence and prognosis has teen good.

      • B형 간염바이러스의 태아와 성인간세포에 대한 감염성 해명 연구

        정태호,김성국,서화정,윤영국,임종완,차상호,Chung, Tae-Ho 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1997 慶北醫大誌 Vol.38 No.2

        목적 : 사람의 태아와 성인의 간세포에 B형 간염바이러스의 감염도를 비교 분석함으로써 HBV와 간세포간의 친화도내지는 HBV 수용체에 관한 정보를 얻고자 함. 대상 및 방법 : 성인이 외상을 입어 부득이 손상된 간조직을 절제하였을 경우와 모자보건법상 임신지속이 어려운 상태에서 부인과적 수술시 21주 전후의 태아 간조직을 얻어 DMEM 을 배지로 50% 용량으로 HBsAg 양성인 사람 혈청을 가하여 5일간 체외 배양하고 병리조직학적 처리후 효소면역학적 방법으로 HBsAg 를 염색하여 바이러스의 존재 여부를 검색하였다. 결과 : 태아와 성인 간조직을 5일간 체외 배양하였을 때 그 조직상은 간조직임을 인지할 수 있었다. HBV 의 감염여부는 DAKO 사의 효소면역법으로 조사한 결과 태아의 간조직에서는 HBsAg양성부위를 발견하지 못하였으나, 성인 간조직에서는 HBsAg 양성부위가 발견되었다. 결론 : 태생 21주 전후의 태아의 간세포는 HBV 와 친화도는 아주 미약하거나 없고, 성인 간세포는 HBV에 대한 친화도가 높다. 따라서 태생 21주의 간세포에는 HBV 의 감염이 어렵다는 것을 인지하게 되었다. Considerable progress has been made in the immune prophylaxis of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection and in the understanding of its replication and pathogenecity at the molecular level. However, a convenient in vitro assay for HBV infectivity has been lacking and the early steps of viral life cycle are now yet well understood. Primary cultured human hepatocytes are reported to be susceptible to HBV 10-12, but these systems are not practical because they are short-lived and require primary explanted human liver. However, it is uncertain yet whether primary hepatocytes of human fetal liver are susceptible to HBV for infection or not. We have expanded the infectivity of HBV into a primary cultures of human fetal hepatocytes together with controversy of adult primary hepatocytes. To investigate the infectivity of HBV for adult and fetal hepatocytes After 5 day culturing fetal(1) and adult(2) liver tissues, which obtained from a surgical operation on DMEM culture media with half HBV positive serum, separating liver cells and fixing them, the existence of HBsAg antigen was investigated through the immuno-enzymatic staining. HBsAg stained area was not found in the 21 weeks gestation liver cells until 5 days of invitro-culture, while it was found in the adult liver cells. This test result showed that the HBV infection is very hard to happen in the liver cells 21 weeks gestation or prior one.

      • KCI등재후보

        녹차 및 결명자 추출물의 교정용 브라켓과 치면 사이의 경계부에서 분리된 mutans streptococci에 대한 항균작용

        임성훈,서정순,윤영주,김광원,유소영,김화숙,국중기,이병래,차종희,박재윤 대한치과교정학회 2003 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.33 No.5

        본 연구는 치아우식증에 관련된 Mutans streptococci 표준균주 및 임상분리 균주의 성장억제를 유도할 수 있는 천연 생약추출물을 검색하기 위하여 실시되었다. 녹차추출물은 CHMC-2032를 사용하였으며, 결명자 추출물은 50% 에탄올을 이용하여 얻었다. 이들 추출물의 Mutans streptococci 표준균주 및 교정환자들에서 브라켓과 치면 사이의 경계부에서 분리된 각각 10 균주씩의 S. mutans 및 S. sobrinus에 대한 최소성장억제농도를 액체배지 희석법으로 구하였다. 그 결과 CHMC-2032의 S. mutans 및 S. sobrinus의 표준 균주, S. sobrinus의 대부분 임상분리 균주에 대한 최소성장억제농도는 5 mg/ml이었다. 그러나 결명자 추출물에 의한 S. mutans 및 S. sobrinus에 대한 세균 성장억제 효과는 미미하였다. 본 연구 결과 치아우식증의 예방적 측면에서 결명자차보다는 녹차를 마시는 것이 유리하며, CHMC-2032를 이용하여 구강양치용액을 제조하여 사용할 경우 교정환자를 포함하여 대부분의 사람에게서 치아우식증 예방 효과가 있으리고 추정된다. Mutans streptococci is the major causative factor in dental caries. Especially, orthodontic patients with fixed appliance are a risk group for dental caries. Because fixed appliances attached on teeth may change the environment of dental plaque, the enamel decalcification or dental caries around the bracket and band is a major side effect of orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to search plant extracts that have antimicrobial effect on mutans streptococci. Seed-extract of Casio tora were prepared with ethanol and CHMC-2032, the leaf-extracts from Camellia sinensis extract, was obtained extract, 2 type strains and 20 clinical isolates of mutans streptococci isolated from the interface between orthodontic brackets and tooth surfaces in the orthodontic patients were used in this study. The minimal inhibitory concentration of CHMC-2032 was 5 mg/ml on the S. mutans KCTC 3065, S. sobrinus KCTC 3088, and 8 clinical isolates of S. sobrinus. However, there was no antibacterial effect of seed-extract of C. tora on mutans streptococci. These data suggest that green tea may be more effective than the tea prepared from C. tora in the prevention of enamel decalcification or dental caries around brackets.

      • B형 간염바이러스의 태아와 성인간세포에 대한 감염성 해명 연구

        정태호,김성국,서화정,윤영국,임종완,차상호 경북대학교 의학연구소 1999 경북대학교병원의학연구소논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        사람의 태아와 성인의 간세포에 대한 B형 간염바이러스의 감염도를 비교 분석함으로써 HBV 와 간세포간의 친화도내지는 HBV 수용체에 관한 정보를 얻고자 함 대상 및 방법 : 성인이 외상을 입어 부득이 손상된 간조직을 절제하였을 경우와 모자보건법상 임신지속이 어려운 상태에서 부인과적 수술시 21주 전후의 태아 간조직을 얻어 DMEM 을 배지로 50% 용량으로 HBsAg 양성인 사람 혈청을 가하여 5일간 체외 배양하고 병리조직학적 처리후 효소 면역학적 방법으로 HBsAg 를 염색하여 바이러스의 존재 여부를 검색하였다. 결과 : 태아와 성인 간조직을 5일간 체외 배양하였을 때 그 조직상은 간조직임을 인지할 수 있었다. HBV 의 감염여부는 DAKO 사의 효소면역 법으로 조사한 결과 태아의 간조직에서는 HBsAg 양성부위를 발견하지 못하였으나, 성인 간조직에서는 HBsAg 양성부위가 발견되었다. 결론 : 태생 21주 전후의 태아의 간세포는 HBV 와 친화도는 아주 미약하거나 없고, 성인 간세포는 HBV에 대한 친화도가 높다. 따라서 태생 21주의 간세포에는 HBV 의 감염이 어렵다는 것을 인지하게 되었다. Considerable progress has been made in the immune prophylaxis of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection and in the understanding of its replication and pathogenecity at the molecular level. However, a convenient in vitro assay for HBV infectivity has been lacking and the early steps of viral life cycle are now yet well understood. Primary cultured human hepatocytes are reported to be susceptible to HBV 10-12, but these systems are not practical because they are short-lived and require primary explanted human liver. However, it is uncertain yet whether primary hepatocytes of human fetal liver are susceptible to HBV for infection or not. We have expanded the infectivity of HBV into a primary cultures of human fetal hepatocytes together with controversy of adult primary hepatocytes. To investigate the infectivity of HBV for, adult and fetal hepatocytes After 5 day culturing fetal(1) and adult(2) liver tissues, which obtained from a surgical operation on DMEM culture media with half HBV positive serum, separating liver cells and fixing them, the existence of HBsAg antigen was investigated through the immuno-enzymatic staining. HBsAg stained area was not found in the 21 weeks gestation liver cells until 5 days of invitro-culture, while it was found in the adult liver cells. This test result showed that the HBV infection is very hard to happen in the liver cells 21 weeks gestation or prior one.

      • CORBA 기반 SNMP 게이트웨이

        정영준,송화선,서희정,김주영 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 1999 정보통신논문지 Vol.3 No.-

        As telecommunicaton networks becomes more complex and intelligence, it is essential to develop an integrated network management system between heterogeneous telecommunication networks. To fulfil such demands, one solution is CORBA, which provides a distributed platform, in this paper, we present the design and implementation of a gateway between CORBA and SNMP, called as an Internet management protocol. The proposed scheme allows a CORBA managerto access the SNMP MIB without special transformation of SNMP managed objects and only but using SNMP API which the gateway provides. Also since managed objects are represented in CORBA IDL, a new SMI can be updated only by recompiling the interface. Consequently this gateway approach gives a great of advantages in a point that any changes of managed object implementation on managed agents MIBs are not required.

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