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      • KCI등재

        Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor 1 례

        심상덕,최영민,강순범,이효표,김완영,서대식 대한산부인과학회 1992 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.35 No.7

        Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor는 상당히 드문 난소종양의 하나인 점으로 해서 발생기전이나 내분비적 특성, 예후 등이 정확히 알려져 있지 않다. 동물실험 등을 통한 발생기전의 연구와 함께 AFP이 분비되는 이종 조직을 함유한 사례들의 면밀한 관찰을 통하여 발생기전이나 종양의 경과 예후추적에 도움이 될 수 있는 소견을 이끌어 내는 것이 앞으로의 과제라 생각되며 저자 등이 특이하게 폐경기의 여성에서 발견된 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor 1례를 경험하였기에 간단한 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. The Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor belongs to sex cord stromal ovarian tumor and the testosterone secreting tumor. This tumor occasionally shows the retiform differentiation or heterologous element in pathologic specimen, the choice of treatment is TAH, BSO if patient did not want reproductivity. The chemotherapy or radiotherapy is recommended above stage IB. We experienced a Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor and so we present it with brief review of literature.

      • KCI등재

        외음 및 질에 발생한 원발성 악성 흑색종 : 임상 - 병리학적 고찰 A Clinicopathologic Review

        강순범,이효표,송용상,김재원,박노현,김용범,박인애,심재윤 대한산부인과학회 1998 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.41 No.9

        1987년부터 1996년까지 서울대학교 병원 산부인과, 내과 및 치료방사선과에서 외음 및 질의 원발성 악성 흑색종으로 수술, 항암제 투여 및 방사선 치료 등을 받았던 7명의 환자를 대상으로 임상병리학적 특징을 확인하고 예후와의 관련성을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 초기 병변에서 발견된 경우 1예만이 생존하고 있으 므로 조기진단이 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있으며, 부인과 적 진찰시 의심이 가는 병변, 특히 색소 침착이 있는 병 변에 대해서는 조직검사를 시행하도록 하고, 외음부 병 변의 자가 진찰에 대한 교육을 실시하는 것이 필요하다. 2. 예후인자로는 환자의 나이, 해부학적 위치, 종양의 성장 양식, 암세포의 침윤 깊이, 표면 궤양 유무, 림프절 전이 등이 관여할 것으로 생각되나, 대상 환자의 수가 작 아 통계적 유의성을 밝힐 수는 없었다. 3. 외음 및 질의 악성 흑색종에는 편평상피세포암에 적용되는 FIGO 병기 분류법과 함께, Chung`s level이나 Breslow`s depth 등을 동시에 사용하는 것이 바람직하며, 치료 및 수술방침은 편평상피세포암보다는 기존의 피부 흑색종에 적용되는 원칙에 따라 정하는 것이 좋다고 판 단된다. 아직까지 외음 및 질의 악성 흑색종에 대한 치료 원 칙이 확립되어 있지 않다. 적절한 치료법의 확립을 위해 서는 표준화된 전향적인 방법에 의한 다기관 공동의 연구가 필요하다. Vulvovaginal melanomas are uncommon, and their clinicopathologic characteristics may be different from classic cutaneous melanomas which develop on parts of the body exposed to the sunlight. The objective of this study is to identify the clinicopathologic characteristics of vulvovaginal melanoma and to determine the prognostically significant pathologic factors. A retrospective clinical review was done on 7 cases of primary malignant melanomas of vulvo-vagina treated in Seoul National University Hospital from 1987 through 1996. Pathologic review was performed about the stage including tumor depth and growth pattern, ulceration, mitoses, host response and vascular invasion. The mean age was 51.7 years. The most common symptoms were a palpable mass and bleeding or discharge. Six of 7 patients received radical operations and only one is still alive over 4 years. The others were all dead, and their mean survival time was 17 months. In the pathologic aspects, 4 cases had Chung`s level V and 5 cases were more than 3 mm of Breslow`s tumor depth. The most common morphologic appearance was a nodular type with ulceration, which may be associated with an unfavorable outcome. The role of radical surgery in the management of vulvovaginal melanoma seems to be very limited. The more effective early detection and therapeutic guidelines should be required to achieve an better outcome. Large scaled prospective, randomized trials will be able to provide a decision for the proper surgical management and adjuvant therapy.

      • KCI등재

        임신 및 비임신에 있어서 질점막상피세포의 성염색질출현에 대한 관찰

        심재기(JK Shim),박상빈(SB Park),홍형식(HS Hong),유성하(SH Ryu) 대한산부인과학회 1968 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.11 No.10

        It has been ported that incidence of nuclear sex chromatin in various tissue of human rebeing. Del Campo and associate disclosed a variation in the frequency of sex chromatin pattern in the buccal smears during the days of the normal menstrual cycle. And the influence of sex hormone administration on the incidence of nuclear sex chromatin was studied. The study was performed on the frequency of sex chromation pattern in the vaginal smears during the day of the normal menstrual cycle and various month of gestation and results were obtained as follows. 1. Sex chromatin frequency in vaginal smear of 89 female was 96.4% in normal menstrual cycle. 2. Marked variation was not observed in the frequency of sex chromatin during the normal menstrual cycle. 3. 46 gravid showed 95.9% of sex chromatin frequency in vaginal smear and no noticeable difference was noted on the month of gestation.

      • KCI등재

        부인과 질환의 진단시 진단적 복강경술의 임상적 효용성에 관한 연구 1987 년-1994 년 6665 예의 분석과 이전 5000 예와의 비교

        최영민,강순범,이효표,이유미,이진용,장윤석,문신용,김정구,신창재,김석현,서창석,기숙현,심종옥 대한산부인과학회 1995 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.38 No.9

        1974년 6월부터 1987년 5월까지 서울대학교병원 산부인과에서 시행된 5000예의 진단적 복강 경술과 1987년 6월부터 1994년 3월까지 시행된 6665예를 대상으로 통계학적 분석을 시행하 며 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 적응증은 원발성 및 속발성 불임증 환자가 각각 3391(67.9%)와 3500예(52.5%)로 가장 많 았고 난관복원술 전에 시행했던 경우가 509예(10.2%)와 1233(16.8%) 자궁외임신이 의심되는 환자가 각각 369예(7.4%)와 249예(3.4%) 불확실한 종괴가 238예(4.8%)와 859예(11.7%) 원발성 무월경이 151예(3.0%)와 30예(4.1%) 등의 순으로 과거에 비해 자궁외임신은 감소하였고 불확 신한 종괴가 증가하여 적응증의 순이 바꾸었다. 2. 불임증 환자의 경우 각가 84.5%와 85.5%에서 골반내 이상소견이 보였는데 양측 난관 폐 색이 34.4%와 25.1% 편측 난관폐색이 18.6%와 11.3% 골반내 유차이 13.8%와 16.1%, 자궁내 막증이 3.3%와 17.9%, 다낭성 난소가 3.0%와 0.47%로 난관폐색은 전체적으로 감소하였으며 자궁내막증과 골반내 유착이 과거에 비해 현저히 증가하여 불임증환자의 상당부분을 차지하 게 되었고 다낭성 난소의 경우는 감소된 추세로 나타났다. 3. 자궁난관조영술과 진단적 복강경술의 일치율은 각각 77.0%와 75.5%이었다. 4. 자궁외임신이 의심되었던 360예와 249예에서 복강경술을 시행한 결과 각가 206예(55.8%) 와 216예(86.7%)에서 자궁외임심으로 확진되었으며 이중 165예(44.7%)와 169예(67.9%)는 비파열성 자궁외임신으로 복강경술에 의하여 조기에 진단할 수있었다. 5. 골반내 종양이 의심되었던 238예와 859예에 있어서 임상적 진단의 오류는 각각 24.9%와 6.64%로 상당히 감소하였으며 17.1%와 7.33%에서 불필요한 개복수술을 피할 수 있었다. A Clinical analysis of the recent 6665 cases of diagnostic laparoscopy from the June, 1987 to March, 1994 was preformed and we compared with the previous 5000 cases from June 1974 to May 1987. Infertility was the most common indication (67.9%, 52.5%) pelvic abnoramlities were found in 84.5% of 3391 infertile patients and 85.5% of 3500 infertile patients respectively, and tubal occlusion and pelvic adhesions were the most common abnoramlities. With regard to the tubal patency, there was a discrepancy rate between laparoscopic and hysterosalpingographic finding in 23.0% of 1976 inferitle patients and 24.5% of 2600 infertile patients, respectively. In 55.8% of 369 patients and 86.7% of 249 patients with the suspected ectopic pregnancy, the diagnosis was confirmed by laparoscopic examination. And laparoscopic evaluation could circumvent the unnecessary laparotomy in 33.1% and 34.8% of patients respectively. The error in prelaparoscopic diagnosis of the obscure pelvic mass was 29.4% and 6.64%, respectively, and laparotmy could be avoided in 17.1% and 7.33% following laparoscopic examination.


        자궁경부 상피내 종양의 진단에 있어서 원추생검의 효용성

        김병기,김종혁,송은섭,심상덕,최영민,강순범,이효표 대한부인종양 콜포스코피학회 1990 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.1 No.1

        Naked eye punch biopsy or colposcopir,ally directed punch biopsy before cervical conization was performed in 84 patients during the period. Jan., 1981 to Dec, 1989 at Seoul National University Hospital. Diagnosis ranged from dysplasia to invasive rarcinoma of the cervix. The correct diagnosis rate of naked-eye punch biopsy, that of colposcopically directed biopsy and the role of cone biopsy were evaluated. The correlation between thc diagngeis af cytology and that of cervical conization are also evaluated. The correct diagnsis rates af the naked eye punch biopsy of dysplasia. carcinoma in situ, and microinvasive carcinoma were 77.8%, 77.8k, and 16.7% respectively. The correct diagnosis rates of colposcopieally directed biopsy of dysplasia. carcinatna in situ, and microinvasive carcinoma were 72.7%, 83,8% and 30.0% respectively. The diagnostic accuracy of cytology was 83.1% within one grade, Fifty-two of 84 cases had hysterectomy following cone biopsy, There were residual lesions found in the cervices of the removed uteri, and 3 cases of more severe grade than those found by cone biopsy. The frequency of the residual lesion in the removed uteri was 32.7% in total, 22.7% in CIS, and 33.3% in microinvasive carcinoma.

      • KCI등재

        The Overexpression of Insulin-siRNA and Insulin Degrading Enzyme Decreases Insulin Levels In vitro and In vivo

        DY Hwang,JH oh,YK Kim,SB Shim,SW Jee,SH Lee,SJ Seo,YS Song,KT Nam,JY Cho,Jane Hwang,IS Jang,JS Cho 한국실험동물학회 2005 Laboratory Animal Research Vol.21 No.2

        Type 2 or noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus accounts for over 90% of cases and is characterized by a triad of resistance to insulin action on glucose uptake in peripheral tissues, impaired insulin action to inhibit hepatic glucose production, and dysregulated insulin secretion. To determine whether a transgene-based small interfering RNA (siRNA) for insulin and an overexpression of human insulin degrading enzyme (hIDE) decrease the insulin level in vitro and in vivo or not, several siRNA sequences and hIDE gene for insulin were overexpressed in the insulinoma cells and mouse via tail vein. The siRNAs for insulin suppression were very effective at the regions of 88-99 bp and 109-131 bp in rat insulin sequence. Insulin suppression by the specific siRNA sequences and hIDE significantly induced endoplasmic reticulumn (ER) stress and decreased insulin receptor a expression in insulinoma cells. The insulin level in plasma significantly decreased by overexpressions of the siRNAs and hIDE gene in mouse, which may be caused by the degradation of insulin due to overexpression of hIDE protein in mouse liver. These results suggest that this plasmid for the suppression of insulin secretion by the specific siRNAs and the insulin degradation by an overexpression of hIDE protein may be useful on the development of animal model for Type 2 diabetes.

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