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      • KCI등재

        주요우울증이 근로자의 생산성에 미치는 영향 : WHO-HPQ(Health and Work Performance Questionnaire)를 이용한 예비연구

        김원,황태연,함병주,이준석,최병휘,김세주,서용진,강은호,우종민 大韓神經精神醫學會 2007 신경정신의학 Vol.46 No.6

        Objectives : Major depressive disorder (MDD) causes patients' distress and makes socioeconomic burden, both directly and indirectly. We used the concept of lost productive time (LPT) to estimate the indirect costs and calculated both absenteeism and presenteeism among workers with MDD. Mcthods : Depression group was recruited from workers visiting psychiatric outpatient clinic who had MDD without major physical or mental disorders (N= 106). Age and sex matched healthy control group was also recruited through advertisement (M=100). All participants completed a interview using WHO Health and Work Performance Questionnaire (HPQ), Job Stress Measurement Scale for Korean Employees, and Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression. Statistical analysis was performed with independent t-test or χ² test as characteristics of values (p=0.05). Results : The number of absence (0.94-day/month vs. 0.10-day/month, P=0.015) andthe numberofearly leaving (2.56-day/month vs. 0.24-day/month, P<0.001) were significantly higher in the depression group. Depression group evaluated their Perfor-mance level much lower than controls with significant value (5.16 vs. 7.62, P<0.001). In addition, depression group estimated their performance level during the last 4 weeks lower compared to the level of past 1-year (5.16 vs 6.63, P<0.001). The estimated costs of absenteeism in depression group were higher than controls by 2,520,000 Korean Won per year, and those of presenteeism were also higher by 4,880,000 Korean Won per year. The total costs of LPT in depression group were higher than controls by 7,400,000 Korean Won, which corresponds to 26% ofmean annual salary. In addition, the level of occupational stress, such as high demand and interpersonal conflict, was higher in the depression group. Conclusion : Major depressive disorder costs substantial productivity loss to workers and their company. Presenteeism imposes more time cost than absenteeism. Effectiveness trials are needed to devise cost-effective programs for the early detection and treatment of depression at the workplace.

      • KCI등재

        신경망분석을 이용한 축구경기 승,패 예측모형 개발 -2006독일월드컵 대회를 중심으로-

        김주학 ( Joo Hak Kim ),노갑택 ( Gap Taik Ro ),박종성 ( Jong Sung Park ),이원희 ( Won Hi Lee ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2007 체육과학연구 Vol.18 No.4

        본 연구는 축구 경기 기록자료를 활용하여 축구경기의 승·패를 예측할 수 있는 모형을 개발하는 데 있다. 활용된 경기기록 자료는 2006년 독일 월드컵대회에 나타난 축구경기 전체 64경기의 FIFA TSG공식자료와 M대학교 경기분석 프로그램을 활용하여 산출된 경기기록 자료를 사용하였다. 연구기법으로는 최근에 예측연구에 많이 활용되고 있는 신경망 분석을 이용하여 예측율을 확인 하였으며, 예측율은 2개의 예측모형으로 분류하여 결과를 산출하였다. 구체적인 내용 및 방법은 다음과 같다. 2006년 독일월드컵에 나타난 기록 관련 요인 중 경기 내적요인을 중심으로 축구 경기의 승·패와 관련한 요인을 탐색하고 2006년 독일월드컵 전 경기에 대한 비디오녹화를 실시하였으며, 녹화된 비디오를 통하여 기록요인에 대하여 실시간 축구 경기분석 프로그램을 활용, 승·패와 관련한 기록요인을 점수화하였다. 점수화된 기록요인은 점유율, 성공률 관련 등 여러 가지 요인이 있었으나 실제 경기에서 예측을 할 수 있는 요인을 전문가와 회의를 통하여 선정하고 선정된 요인을 바탕으로 신경망 분석방법을 이용하여 축구경기 승·패 예측 모형을 개발하여 예측율을 확인하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전문가회의를 통하여 기록화 할 수 있는 기록자료 요인을 중심으로 2006년 독일월드컵 전체 경기에 대하여 축구 경기분석 프로그램을 통하여 점수화하여 실제 다양한 요인이 내재된 경기에 대하여서도 내용분류를 통하여 점수화할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 점수화된 경기 내적요인을 중심으로 신경망분석 방법을 통하여 축구경기에 대하여서도 승·패를 예측할 수 있음을 확인하였으며 타 종목에 대하여서도 실현 가능함을 확인할 수 있었다. 셋째, 축구경기의 승패에 대하여 87.5%의 예측율을 보임으로써 축구경기의 요인에 대한 중요도를 평가할 수 있는 연구의 기초를 확립하였다고 판단된다. This study was on purpose to investigate the various factors of soccer games into inner factors and classify performance factors objectively and scientifically using a soccer game analysis program and develop a model which can predict the result of the soccer games using the Neural NetWork Analysis that stands on the game graded record. The game recorded data was collected from the FIFA TSG official record and the data which was gained using a game analysis program. It has searched the factors related the game results which were focused on the game inner factors of the related factors in 2006 World cup games and recorded the whole games of 2006 World cup games, graded the recording factors related the win/lose using the video and the real time game analysis program with numbers. The graded recording factors with numbers were several; ball possession, completion, and so on. However, through the meeting with Neural NetWork Analysis, professionals prediction related factors which can predict in the real games were selected. And a soccer game win/lose prediction model was developed using the selected factors and Neural NetWork Analysis. It also was compared with the preceding researches in documents record studies. Followings are main results of this study; First, It was confirmed that it is available to grade the real factors in the games which include various factors through the professionals` meetings which implemented the analysis the 2006 Worldcup games and it was focused on the recording factors. Second, the graded recording inner-factors make it possible to predict the soccer game results using the Neural NetWork Analysis method. It was verified that it can be effective in other sports also. Third, the rate of predicting the soccer games` results was 87.5%. It is possible to understand this study contributes on the basis of the importancy of soccer game factors.

      • KCI등재

        배구 서브리시브에 따른 팀 간 공격 차이 분석

        김종원 ( Jong Won Kim ),김주학 ( Joo Hak Kim ),김진환 ( Jin Hwan Kim ),홍성진 ( Seong Jin Hong ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2011 체육과학연구 Vol.22 No.3

        이 연구는 국내 남자프로배구경기에서 나타난 서브리시브에 따른 팀간 공격 차이를 서브리시브의 유효성, 세터/비세터에 의한 세트, 세터의 위치, 공격형태, 공격결과를 기반으로 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 알아보기 위하여 NH농협 2009~2010 V리그 남자프로배구경기 126경기를 대상으로 하였다. 분석된 요인들을 기반으로 팀간 공격형태별 빈도, 대전팀간 교차분석, 공격형태별 성공 비율 차이를 분석하여 다음과 같이 나타났다. 첫째, 요인에 따른 공격형태별 빈도를 분석한 결과, 서브리시브가 성공하였을 경우 7개팀 중 5개팀이 속공공격, 실패하였을 경우 7개팀 모두가 오픈공격의 빈도가 높게 나타났다. 둘째, 요인에 따른 대전팀 교차분석의 차이를 검증해 본 결과 차이가 나타났다. 시즌 1위팀인 S팀은 7위팀인 A팀보다 서브리시브 성공률에서 10%이상의 차이가 나타났으며, 서브리시브의 성공·실패와 상관없이 7개팀 모두 96%이상의 세트가 세터에 의해 이루어지는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, 공격결과 성공률 평균에서는 상위팀인 S팀·H팀(56.9%), 중위팀인 D팀·L팀(54.7%), 하위팀인 W팀·K팀·A팀(47.7%)로 나타나 상위팀일수록 더 높은 공격결과 성공률 평균이 나타났다. 셋째, 공격형태별 성공 비율 차이를 분석한 결과, 이동공격을 제외한 모든 공격형태에서 차이가 나타났다. 오픈공격에서는 S팀이 D팀은 제외한 모든 팀보다 높은 오픈공격 성공 비율의 차이가 나타났으며, A팀은 W팀을 제외한 모든 팀에게 높은 오픈공격 성공 비율의 차이를 나타내주는 특징을 보였다. 시간차공격에서는 K팀이 A팀을 제외한 모든 팀에게 높은 시간차공격 성공 비율의 차이를 나타내주었으며, 속공공격에서는 H팀이 D팀을 제외한 모든 팀에게 높은 속공공격 성공 비율의 차이가 나타났다. 후위공격에서는 하위팀인 W팀·K팀·A팀에서 상위팀들에게 높은 후위공격의 성공 비율의 차이를 나타내주는 특징을 보였다. 퀵오픈공격에서는 A팀이 K팀은 제외한 모든 팀에게 높은 퀵오픈공격 성공 비율을 나타내주는 특징을 보였다. 서브리시브에 따른 팀 간 공격에서 서브리시브의 유효성, 세터/비세터에 의한 세트, 세터의 위치, 공격형태, 공격결과에 따라 팀 간 차이가 나타났다. 안정된 서브리시브와 세트는 여러 공격형태와 높은 공격성공률과의 관계가 매우 높다고 볼 수 있다. 대부분의 기록에서 승리한 팀이 패배한 팀보다, 시즌 순위 기록으로 상위팀이 하위팀보다 우위를 나타내 여러 요인들의 안정 및 높은 성공률을 위하여 꾸준한 연습과 대전팀의 경기기록에 대한 연구가 필요하다. The study was to compare the differences of attacking patterns related to serve receives basing on effectiveness of serve receives, setter/non-setter, location of setter, type of attacks and outcomes of attacks. The subjects were 126 games in 2009~2010 Korean NH Nonghyub V-league men`s championships. The analysed factors were considered on frequencies of type of attacks by each team, cross comparisons between teams played and a ratio of successful outcome by the type of attacks. The results were found as following belows; Firstly, in the comparisons of frequencies on the type of attacks, 5 teams among 7 teams shown greater frequencies on counter-attacks while the teams were winning. Secondly, there were significant differences of types of attacks between teams. The championships` winner, team S was greater than other teams about 10 % of successful serve-receives and 96% of sets were done by setter without the relationships of successful or unsuccessful serve-receives. Also, the successful percentage of attacking outcomes were ordered by ranks such as superior team S and H (56.9%), mid-ranks team D and L (54.7%) and inferior team W, K and A (47.7%). Thirdly, in the comparisons of successful ratio of type of attacks, there were significant differences between the type of attacks except moving-attacks. In the open-attacks, the ratio by team S was greater than team D. In addition, there was significant difference on the ratio by team A excepted the comparing with team W. In the time difference attacks, the ratio by team K was different comparing to other teams excepting team A. In the counter-attacks, team H were greater ratio excepting to team D. In the backward-attacks, the inferior teams (W, K and A) made greater successful ratio of attacks against the superior teams. In the quick-attacks, there was grater ratio by team A against others excepted to team K. There were differences of the effectiveness of serve-receives, sets by setter/ non-setter, location of setter, type of attacks and outcome of attacks depending on the teams. The stable serve-receives and sets were highly relevant to the various types of attacks and greater ratio of successful attacks. The continuous practice and study on oppositional data are required in order to enhance their performances because the winning and superior teams were stable ratio of successful attacks rather than the losing and inferior teams.

      • 오원천의 식물플랑크톤 군집에 대한 연구

        주현수,김진,박종천,정원석,송현철,이용탁,이우범 國立麗水大學校 環境問題硏究所 2004 環境硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.-

        We carried out a study on phytoplankton community at Owon stream, Jeollabukdo, Korea. The author have examined 83 taxa of the phytoplankton from researched area. These were composed of 5 classes, 11 orders, 21 families, 44 genera, 79 species, and 9 varieties. The composition of occurrence species were as follows: green algae are 48.2%, diatoms are 33.7%, blue green algae are 10.8% and etc(7.3%). Dominant species were Chlamydomonas angulosa, Pandorina morum, Coelastrum microporum, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Staurastrum gracile, Melosira varians, Me. italica, Synedra ulna, Sy. acus, Cocconeis placentula, and Cymbella tumida. The standing crops varied from 1,650cells/ℓ to 47,000cells/ℓ. Phytoplankton density of Owon stream were lower about 8.6 times to a 1,531 times than those of other lakes and rivers in Korea. So, to preserve the water quality in Owon stream we have to manage continuously on the nitrogen and phosphorus.

      • 재발성 류마티즘 환자에서 발작의 유발인자

        주유철,이동민,양종태,신병철,임태영,서정균,정기영,최동헌,김원,조영신,고희관 조선대학교 2001 The Medical Journal of Chosun University Vol.26 No.2

        Background and Objectives : Palindromic rheumatism (PR) is known to be triggered without any obviously inciting events in most patients, although, in a few cases, attacks have been noted to relate to another events such as weather change, childbirth, ingestion of certain foods, or over-exercise. The aim of this study was to characterize the triggering factors on palindromic attacks. Materials and Methods : We evaluated sixty-four patients with PR for the presence of triggering factors and the relationship between attacks and triggering factors by interview of patients. We considered that there was an probable association between episodes and PR, if episodes within 24 hours prior to PR had triggered at least 50% of all attacks and a definite association between episodes and PR, if episodes within 24 hours prior to PR had triggered 100% of all attacks. Results : In 15 patients (35.9%), there was a possible association between episodes of PR and initiating events. In 8 patients (12.5%), there was a definite association between episodes of PR and initiating events. The triggering factors were physical over-activity including exercise (19/64: 29.7%), foods, such as rawfish, crab, and chicken, including alcohol (19/96: 19.8%). However, there were no difference between the groups with and without the triggering factor in sex ratio, duration and onset of PR, the positive rate of rheumatoid factor and involved sites. Conclusion : Our observations showed that PR was triggered by physical over-activity more than in previous reports and hypersensitivity to foods was a causative factor in some patients with PR. However, patients with triggering factors had a similiar clinical profile to patients without triggering factors.

      • KCI등재
      • 조류생산잠재력에 의한 진양호의 생물학적 수질평가

        주현수,김진,박종천,정원석,이원교,이우범 國立 麗水大學校 環境問題硏究所 2000 環境硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        On filtrated and autoclaved water samples from Lake Jinyang, algal growth potential(AGP) test using Selenastrum capricornutum Printz were performed from February, 1999 to October, 1999 in order to assess fertility potential of the lake and to identify possible limiting nutrients. Algal growth potentials of the filtrated and filtrated after autoclaved samples were 0.018 ㎎/ℓ ~9.965 ㎎/ℓ and 0.018 ㎎/ℓ ~28.788㎎/ℓ respectively during surveyed period. AGP of the filtrated after autoclaved were higher than those of the filtrated only except some specific stations. The points of maximum growth were measured after addition of N, P and unenriched samples (control). The limiting factor was nitrogen only at site 5 in spring and phosphate appeared to be the major limiting nutrients in spike test throughout the year, especially during spring and autumn. Accoding to trophic level by Sudo(1980), the water quality of lake Jinyang were estimated mesotrophic at site 2, 4, 5, 6 in spring, at site 3, 6 in summer and at site 6 in autumn but all other sites were oligotrophic. But it is suggested that if we have not manigement of lake Jinyang, the water quality is possible to convert eutrophic.

      • 저서동물을 이용한 진양호 유입하천의 수질평가

        주현수,박종천,이원교 國立 麗水大學校 環境問題硏究所 1999 環境硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        This study was conducted to evaluate the biological water quality by aquatic benthos community analysis in the upper stream of Lake Jinyang of Kyungsangnamdo province. The total of benthic animal during surveyed period was indentified in all sites 31 species, 31 genera, 27 famillies 15 orders 7class in 4 phylums; In phylum platyhelmites 1 species, 1genus 1 family 1 order 3 class , in annelida 3 species 3 genera, 3 famillies 3 orders 2 class, in mollesca, 4 species, 4 genera, 3 famillies 3 orders 2 class, and in arthropoda 29 species, 24 genera, 20 famillies 8 orders 2 class were recorded. According to the analysis of biological indices of dominance index(DI), water quality of majority was either ? -mesosaprobic or polysaprobic but site 1 and 4 were polysaprobic at all seasons. In case of diversity index(H'). however, water quality in all sites were polysaprobic.

      • 국산 체외 충격파 쇄석기의 음향학적 특성 평가

        최민주,이종수,김성삼,조성찬,양형석,손종수,천원기 제주대학교 공과대학 첨단기술연구소 2001 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.12 No.2

        In the study we measured and evaluated the acoustical property of a domestic spark gap type extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). Altering the discharging medium between the electrodes of the shock wave generator (water, 1% an 10% NaCl electrolyte), we measured shock waveforms and sound pressure level (SPL). For the shock waves produced using the discharging medium, water, it was seen that the shock wave peak pressure went up to 70 MPa, and the SPL was in the range of 90 - 100 dB. As the concentration of NaCl increased in the electrolyte. the SPL did not change much and was shown to increase correlation with the discharging voltage. In the case of the discharging medium. 10% NaCl electrolyte, it was found that the shock amplitudes varied in a narrow range when being high in the concentration of NaCl and were large when being high in discharging voltages. While the stone fragmentation was in process, we measured the acoustic emission and compared their spectral properties.

      • KCI등재후보

        완전 고환성 여성화 증후군 1례

        이원주,김택훈,권경익,김종인,조남규,박세출 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1993 계명의대학술지 Vol.12 No.2

        저자들은 외형상 여성으로써 원발성 무월경과 양측 외음부 종양 촉지를 주소로 입원한 complete testicular feminization syncrome 1례를 경험하였기에 이를 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다 The 46, XY individual with complete testicular feminization syndrome is a phenotypic female who is usually somewhat tall, has excellent breast development and presents to the gynecologist because of primary amenorrhea and an inguinal mass. In complete testicular feminization syndrome, axillary and pubic hair are sparse or absent and some degree of virilization such as clitorial hypertrophy, partial labioscrotal fusion and hirsutism doesn't occur at puberty. We report a case of complete testicular feminization syndrome with the brief review of literatures.

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