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        작업관련성 수근관증후근 감시체계

        정우철,권호장,하미나,노상철,권범선,현정근,이성재,이종민,권정이,김준성,백남종,이호,이경우,이삼규 大韓産業醫學會 2004 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        목적: 작업관련 근골격계질환은 중요한 직업관련성 질환 중의 하나이고 작업관련 수근관증후군은 이러한 작업관련 근골격계질환 중에서도 많은 부분을 차지한다. 이 연구는 작업관련 수근관증후군의 역학적 특성에 대해 알아보고자 수행되었다. 방법: 본 연구에서는 '수근관증후군 감시체계'를 통해 2000년 6월부터 2003년 2월까지 보고 된 672례의 수근관증후군 사례를 분석하였다. 직업력이 확인된 314명을 대상으로는 직업 및 작업내용에 따라 작업관련성 수근관증후군의 비율이 어떻게 달라지는지를 분석함으로써 수근관증후군 위험요인을 조사하였다. 결과: 직업력이 확인된 314명의 환자 중 작업 관련성이 의심되는 사람은 228명 (72.6%) 이었다. 직업별로는 '단순노무종사자', '농림어업숙련자', '서비스종사자' 등에서 작업관련 수근관증후군의 비율이 여성에서 유의하게 높게 나타났으나 연령, 비만도 지수, 과거병력 등에 따른 차이는 관찰되지 않았다. 주관적 증상 중에 '손을 많이 사용한 후 심해진다'와 '손을 털면 덜해진다'라는 항목을 작업관련성 수근관증후군 환자에서 더 많이 호소하였고 다른 증상은 별다른 차이를 보이지 않았다. 작업관련성 수근관증후군 환자가 비교적 많이 노출되는 작업은 '지나치게 손을 뻗쳐서 하는 일', '손을 불편한자세로 유지하는 일' 등이었다. 결론: 전체 수근관증후군 중 작업관련성이 있다는 비율이 매우 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 수근관증후군 감시체계가 작업관련성 수근관증후군의 여러 특성을 밝히는데 매우 효과적인 것으로 나타났으나 현재까지는 중재 대상을 구체적으로 특정하기에는 한계가 있다. Objectives: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most important work related musculo-skeletal diseases in Korea. However, there are few epidemiologic studies on the work-related CTS (WR-CTS). This study aimed to investigate the epidemiologic characteristics of WR-CTS in Korea. Methods: Data obtained from the "CTS Surveillance System". Physician case-reports in the surveillance were used to document patterns of WR-CTS by age, gender, occupation, sign, symptom, working history. Results: Six hundred and seventy-two cases of WR-CTS were ascertained of which 3 14 with complete information on occupational history were analyzed. It has been estimated that as many as 72% of' all CTS cases are work-related. The highest proportion of WR-CTS was observed in 'elementary occupation workers', followed by 'skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery worker'. The distributions of WR-CTS cases were similar with respect to age, obesity, and past medical history. The proportion of WR-CTS was higher in females. There was no significant difference in physical examination findings between WR-CTS and non WR-CTS cases. Repetitive work and the inappropriate hand posture seemed to be the risks for WR-CTS. Conclusion: WR-CTS is a significant public health problem. The CTS surveillance system is quite useful to elucidate the characteristics of WR-CTS, but it remains of limited use in targeting specific industries and occupations for intervention.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 직무 스트레스 측정도구의 개발 및 표준화

        장세진,고상백,강동묵,김성아,강명근,이철갑,정진주,조정진,손미아,채창호,김정원,김정일,김형수,노상철,박재범,우종민,김수영,김정연,하미나,박정선,이경용,김형렬,공정옥,김인아,김정수,박준호,현숙정,손동국 大韓産業醫學會 2005 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        Background and Purposes: Over the past three decades, numerous studies performed in Korea have reported that job stress is a determinant risk factor for chronic diseases and work disability. Every society has its own culture and occupational climate particular to their organizations, and hence experiences different occupational stress. An occupational stress measurement tool therefore needs to be developed to estimate it objectively. The purpose of this study is to develop and standardize the Korean Occupational Stress Scale (KOSS) which is considered to be unique and specific occupational stressors in Korean employees. Subjects and Methods: Data were obtained from the National Study for Development and Standardization of Occupational Stress (NSDSOS Project: 2002-2004). A total of 12,631 employees from a nationwide sample proportional to the Korean Standard Industrial Classification and the Korean Standard Occupational Classification were administered. The KOSS was developed for 2 years (2002-2004). In the first year, we collected 255 items from the most popular job stress measurement tools such as JCQ, ERI, NIOSH and OSI, and 44 items derived from the a qualitative study (depth interview). Forty-three items of KOSS, in the second year, were retained for use in the final version of the KOSS by using Delphi and factor analysis. Items were scored using conventional 1-2-3-4 Likert scores for the response categories. Results: We developed eight subscales by using factor analysis and validation process: physical environment (3 items), job demand (8 items), insufficient job control (5 items), interpersonal conflict (4 items), job insecurity (6 items), organizational system (7 items), lack of reward (6 items), and occupational climate (4 items). Together they explained 50.0% of total variance. Internal consistency alpha scores were ranged from 0.51 to 0.82. Twenty-four items of the short form of the KOSS (KOSS-SF) were also developed to estimate job stress in the work setting. Because the levels of the subscales of occupational stress were gender dependent, gender-specific standard norms for both the 43-item full version and the 24-item short form using a quartile for the subscales of KOSS were presented. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that KOSS might be an appropriate measurement scale to estimate occupational stress of Korean employees. Further and more detailed study needs to be conducted to improve the validity of this scale.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고등학생의 성, BMI에 따른 자가건강관리행태,신체적 자기효능감에 관한 연구

        백영호,고정림,천은석 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2007 교사교육연구 Vol.46 No.2

        본 연구는 고등학생의 성, BMI에 따른 자가건강관리행태와 신체적 자기효능감에 관한 연구를 위해 B·U시에 있는 13개 고등학교 총 1,810명을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 불성실한 84명을 제외한 1,726명을 대상으로 고등학생들의 성, 계열, BMI에 따른 자가건겅관리행태를 비교하였다The Journal, College of Education. Vol. 46, No. 2, (2007) 성에 따른 자가건강관리행태는 남·여학생 모두 평균수면시간은 6시간, TV시청시간은 1시간으로 컴퓨터 사용시간은 남학생 2시간·여학생 1시간으로 남·여학생 모두 스트레스해소방법은 음악듣기, 아침식사여부는 매일 먹는다, 간식횟수는 매일 먹는다, 간식선호도는 비스켓, 빵류, 인스턴트섭취횟수는 주1~2회, 선호음식은 육류, 선호음료는 주스류, 체형인지정도는 약간 살찐 체형, 운동을 하지 않는 이유는 시간이 없어서, 운동을 하는 이유는 신체적 건강을 위해서, 음주횟수는 마시지 않는다, 흡연·음주가 학업에 미치는 영향은 학업에 지장이 있는 것 같다. 신경안정제·수면제·각성제 등의 복용여부는 없다로 나타났다. TV시청시간, 아침식사여부, 선호음료, 체형인지정도, 신경안정제, 수면제, 각성제 등의 복용여부에서는 남학생이 더 나은 자가건강관리행태를 컴퓨터 사용시간, 간식선호도, 인스턴트섭취횟수, 선호음식, 음주횟수, 흡연·음주가 학업에 미치는 영향에서는 여학생이 나은 자가건강관리행태를 나타냈다. BMI에 따른 자가건강관리행태는 저체중·정상체중·과체중 모두에서 평균수면시간은 6시간, TV시청시간은 1시간으로 컴퓨터 사용시간은 1시간, 스트레스해소방법은 음악듣기, 아침식사여부는 매일 먹는다로 간식횟수는 저체중·정상체중은 매일 먹는다·과체중은 주 1~2회로 저체중·정상체중·과체중 모두에서 간식선호도는 비스켓·빵류, 인스턴트섭취횟수는 주 1~2회, 선호음식은 육류, 선호음료는 주스류로 체형인지정도는 저체중은 마른체형으로 정상·과체중은 약간 살찐 체형으로 저체중·정상체중·과체중 모두에서 운동을 하는 이유는 신체적 건강을 위해서, 운동을 하지 않는 이유는 시간이 없어서, 음주횟수는 마시지 않는다, 흡연·음주가 학업에 미치는 영향은 학업에 지장이 있는 것 같다, 신경안정제·수면제·각성제 등의 복용여부는 없다로 나타났다. 정상은 저체중·과체중보다 간식선호도에서 과체중은 정상·저제중보다 아침식사여부, 간식횟수, 선호음식, 체형인지도에서 자가건강관리행태가 좋았다. 신체적 자기효능감은 성별로는 남학생이 여학생보다 높게 나타나 유의한 차이를 나타내었고, 계열별로는 유의한 차이가 없었으며, BMI는 정상체중이 저체중과 과체중보다 높게 나타나 유의한 차이를 나타내었다. 이상의 연구결과 청소년들의 올바른 자가건강관리행태를 높이고, 잘못된 생활습관과 식습관을 바로 잡을 수 있는 체계적이고 지속적인 청소년 자가건강교육 프로그램이 개발되어야 할 것이며, 청소년기에 맞는 보다 일반화된 검사를 할 수 있는 자가건강관리행태와 신체적 자기 효능감의 설문지 개발과 자가건강관리의 능동적 실천 방안을 마련해야 된다고 본다. For the study on the type of self-care status according to gender, BMI and physical self- efficacy of high-school students, this study took a census at 1,810 students of 13 high-schools at area of U and P. This study took a Chi-square to compare the type of self-care status according to gender, BMI of high-school students. The study calculate mean, standard deviation and then perform one-way ANOVA to compare physical self-efficacy of high-school students. Verifications on those was executed by Duncan with the significance level of a=.05. The conclusions of this study are followed below. At both boy and girl students: average sleeping time -6 hours, average watching TV time - 1 hour, the methods of releasing a stress : listening to music, yes or no of eating a breakfast -Taking a breakfast everyday, how often they eat snack foods - everyday, the preferred snack foods - biscuit, bread, the frequency of eating fast-foods - 1~2 per week, the preferred foods - meats, the preferred beverage - juices, the cognition on body type - a little fat body. The reason why they don't excise - having no time to excise, the reason why they do excise - To have a healthy body, the frequency of drinking alcohol - zero, the affection of smoking and drinking alcohol on studying - It seems to be, yes of no of taking medicines such as tranquilizer, sleeping drug, stimulant - No. The time of using a computer - boys (2 hours) / girls (1 hour).Boy students have a better types of self-care status than girl students in watching TV time, yes or no of eating breakfast, the preferred beverage, cognition on the body type, yes of no of taking medicines such as tranquilizer, sleeping drug, stimulant. Girl students have a better types of self-care status than boy students in the time of using a computer, the preference of snack foods, the frequency of eating fast-foods, the preferred foods, the frequency of drinking alcohol, the affection of smokingㆍdrinking alcohol on studying. At all under, normal, over-weight students: the average sleeping time - 6 hours, the average watching TV time - 1 hour, the average time in using a computer - 1 hour, the methods of releasing a stress - listening to music, yes or no of eating a breakfast : -Taking a breakfast everyday, the preferred snack foods - biscuit, bread, the frequency of eating fast-foods - 1~2 per week, the preferred foods - meats, the preferred beverage - juices. The reason why they do exercise : -To have a healthy body, the reason why they don't excise -having no time to excise, the frequency of drinking alcohol - zero, the affection of smoking and drinking alcohol on studying - It seems to be, yes of no of taking medicines such as tranquilizer, sleeping drug, stimulant - No. The frequency of eating snack-foods : low & normal - everyday / over - 1~2 times. The normal weight students have a better types of self-care status than low or over-weight in the preferences of snack-foods. the over weight students have a better types of self-care status than the normal or low-weight in yes or no of eating a breakfast, the frequency of eating snack-foods, the preferred foods, the cognition on body type. On gender, it shows a meaningful difference that the boy students are higher than the girl students in the physical self-efficacy. On BMI, it shows a meaningful difference that normal weight are higher than low & over weight in the physical self-efficacy. These results show us that we have to develop a systematic and continuous health education programs for juveniles-self that enhance upright types of self-care status and fix the wrong living and eating habits. And these results also show us that we have to prepare the types of self-care status which can be generally tested for juveniles and the development of census on the physical self-efficacy and active practice plan on self-care status.

      • 세침 흡인술을 이용한 종창된 림프절의 세포학적 평가

        백강현,윤기영,최호정,정성목,이영원,조성환,박성준 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 附設 動物醫科學硏究所 2011 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.18 No.1

        Fine needle aspiration(FNA) cytology is considered as the diagnostic technique of choice in the assessment of swellen lymph nodes. The aim of this study is to determine the indication and diagnostic method of FNA of lymph node lesions performed at Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital of Chungnam National University. The records of 16 patients which had undergone FNA during the study period were retrieved. The cytological results were classified as lymphadenitis, lymphoid hyperplasia and lymphoma. Lymphoma cases were classified as B-cell origin and T-cell by immunophenotyping. The result of the FNA cytological diagnosis showed that nine (56%) of the patients were lymphoma, five (31%) of the patients were lymphoid hyperplasia and two (13%) of the patients were lymphadenitis.

      • 고교생의 자가건강관리형태에 관한 연구

        고정림,천은석,백영호 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 2008 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.24 No.1

        본 연구는 고등학생의 자가건강관리형태에 관한 연구를 위해 B.U시에 있는 13개 고등학교 총 900명을 대상으로 설문을 실시하여 불성실한 25명을 제외한 875명을 대상으로 고등학생들의 자가건강관리형태를 비교하였으며, 자료처리는 chi-square 검정을 실시하였으며, 유의수준은 a=.05로 설정하여, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 강관리형태는 성별에 따른 체형인지도와 운동여부의 형태를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 여학생, 남학생 모두에서 체형인지도는 약간 살찐형, 운동참여이유는 건강, 운동 불참이유는 시간이 없어서로 각각 나타났으며, 여가시간 사용 형태에서 컴퓨터 사용시간은 여학생이 1시간 남학생은 안한다가 가장 높았고, 스트레스 해소 방법과 수면시간은 남녀 모두 음악 듣기와 6시간의 수면이 가장 높게 나타났다. 성별에 따른 음식 섭취형태는 선호음식이 여학생 남학생 모두 육식 위주가 가장 많았고, 선호음료는 여학생이 쥬스류, 남학생은 쥬스와 유제품이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다.........

      • KCI등재

        불완전 전뇌 허혈후 소생의 백서 모델을 이용한 재관류 뇌혈류량과 허혈성 뇌조직 손상도와의 관계

        서정필,송근정,황태식,정연권,신백효,김승호 大韓應急醫學會 1999 대한응급의학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        Background: Experimental data indicate that low-flow reperfusion following prolonged cardiocirculatory arrest may aggravate early cerebral microcirculatory reperfusion disorders. We investigated the influence of cerebral reperfusion flow change to the ischemic histopathologic damage of brain tissue after incomplete forebrain ischemia in rats. Materials and method: Anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats were undergone ligation of both internal carotid artery by microvascular clamp for 10 minutes. After release of the clamp, reperfusion was started with several different flow levels (0, 10, 20, 30, 50, and 100%) of internal carotid artery comparing to pre-clamping phase using flowmeter. After 15minutes of reperfusion, rat brains were prepared by perfusion-fixation with 3% formaldehyde. Under light microscopic examination of Hematoxylin-Eosin stained tissue slide, histopathologic damage was examined at cortex, putamen, and hippocampus regions. Categorical hisotopathologic damage scores were derived in each regions by manual counts of ischemic neurons. Result: The histopathologic damage scores were 0, 10.2±0.5, 7.6±1.5, 5.9±1.4, 5.0±2.8, 3.5±0.7, and 1.0±0.0 in control, 0, 10,20, 30, 50, and 100% reperfusion groups, respectively(p<0.05). Conclusion: Our results showed significant increment of brain histopathologic damage scores along with decreasing amount of cerebral reperfusion flow after incomplete forebrain ischemia. We believe restoration of reperfusion flow to pre-ischemic level would be a critical component in attenuation of brain ischemic damage.

      • 엉겅퀴로부터 분리한 Silymarin 및 Silybin이 Macrophages에 의한 사람 Low Density Lipoprotein의 산화에 대한 항산화 효과

        류병호,이백천,정영기 동의대학교 기초과학연구소 1998 基礎科學硏究論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        This study was undertaken to evaluate an antioxidative activity of silymarin and silybin obtained from Silybum marianum against oxidation of human low density lipoprotein (LDL). The electrophoretic mobility observed apparently was higher phase for LDL oxidized by macrophages compared to native LDL. Silymarin and silybin inhibited the copper-catalysed oxidation of human LDL in a dose-dependent manner. Silymarin and silybin at the concentration of 50μM/ml also inhibited the copper catalysed oxidation of LDL induced by the cell J774 and macrophages. LDL reisolated from the cell incubation in the presence of silymarin or silybin was degraded at rates similar with native LDL. Silymarin or silybin found to be potential inhibitors against oxidation of ^125I-LDL by macrophages and endothelial cells.

      • 직무중심의 성과주의 인사제도

        신건호,백정식 단국대학교 경영경제연구소 2000 經營, 經濟硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        Corporate's mission is to creat values in market, to develop and to prolong. Management is to evaluate, to actualize values effectively in market. The thinking of outcomes in corporate has been changed from sales amount, profits to social contribution, environmental creation. The key of innovation is performance - The idea of intellectual performance. The management based performance focuses on the effective and high quality performance in individuals of organizations. The future role of H.R.M. is to develop High Performer at last, to raise the corporate's power of value creation. The realization of corporate's mission comes true through employee's job. Accountability is composed of performance and activity. the personnel management based job classification is quite different from person related. The most important definitions are Accountability and Competency. Job based compensation is different from Seniority based compensation. Job based compensation will actualize the corporate's needs for exemple reduction of persennel expenses and motivation of young employees. Performance Management System has an important role in Pay for Performance system. Competency is another important ability and characteristics to create performance. To recruit and to transfer someone who have motivation and characteristics, to teach them skills and knowledge will be realistic and effective.

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