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      • 영화의 탄생 : 뤼미에르와 인상주의 회화

        심은진 청주대학교 학술연구소 2015 淸大學術論集 Vol.25 No.-

        We have looked into how films create image through light and show motion and time flow. We call movies a films when they imply they are based on photography. Films and Movies contain introspection of impressionists. They both try to show captured reality and ephemerality by reproducing light and atmosphere. Showing the change of light and atmosphere is completely accomplished through vue of cinematography which Claude Monet tried through Series. Lumiere film emphasizes edge of frame by leading eye movement opposite to perspective like Edward Manet's works. Also, Lumiere's film utilize outer space of frame, like 'cutting effect' of Edgar De Gas. Lumiere's frame composition and position shows that they viewed motion pictures in drawing perspective. But Lumiere wasn't directly influenced by impressionists. He well knew about visual desire and interest of people like impressionists. This is also Lumiere's personal visual interest on Franerie's view. Films still show trace of drawings but fulfill much further desire of people.

      • KCI등재

        초등 과학에서 STS 주제에 대한 수행평가자료의 개발 : 6학년 "우리 몸의 생김새" 단원의 호흡관련 주제를 중심으로 Focused on the Respiration Theme in the Unit of "Our Body"

        심주옥,김은진,임채성 한국초등과학교육학회 2005 초등과학교육 Vol.24 No.1

        In this study, we developed an elementary science performance assessment material on STS theme, especially the respiration. The material is constituted with 3 components, which are performance task, students' response format and scoring system, and it also has various objective domains such as applying science knowledge, improving science attitude, using ICT, communicating and reflective thinking. It offers teachers a tool by which they can assess students' abilities on a whole. The task is made with the motivation-evoking content of "No Smoking". It is constructed on the activity of writing a letter to his/her father not to smoke. The students' response format is made by problem solving process, and the scoring system is matched with the steps of students' response. The material involves several theoretical backgrounds and the strengths of performance assessment. In addition, due to the detailed students' format and scoring system, it can be used practically in elementary science classroom.

      • 영화 속에 나타난 이미지의 정체성에 대한 문제

        심은진 청주대학교 학술연구소 2009 淸大學術論集 Vol.14 No.-

        Le num?rique s?int?gre au cin?ma, ? la fois au niveau des techniques de repr?sentation et ?celui de la structure narrative. Sur l??cran, la m?moire artificielle cohabite avec le souvenir optique, ou an?antit tout le r?el dans l?image. Devant ces images, le spectateur ne peut distinguer le vrai du faux. Comme les personnages compl?tement troubl?s par la fausse m?moire implant?e, le spectateur s?interroge sur l?identit? de l?image. Dans les films sur l?image virtuelle, les personnages programm?s avec des m?moires artificielles, sont les repr?sentants du spectateur de cin?ma qui se confronte au probl?me de l?identit? de l?image. Dans ces films, la photo met en sc?ne la question ontologique du cin?ma. Le cin?ma conna?t une crise d?identit? avec l?arriv?e des nouvelles technologies. Si on consid?re le cin?ma au point de vue de ?l?identit? abstraite du M?me?, c?est-?-dire comme le film, on ne peut ?chapper au dilemme du ?M?me? et de l??Autre?. Par les techniques de fabrication qui se renouvellent sans cesse, l?image filmique et ses formes narratives ne cessent d??voluer et de varier. Pour le film, il n?y a pas de s?curit? ontologique Comme nous l?avons analys? ? propos de Quaid dans Total Recall et Roy dans Blade Runner, l?identit? du cin?ma doit ?tre consid?r?e par le biais de ?l?identit? narrative? comportant le changement et la mutabilit? dans le temps. La croyance aveugle que Rachel dans Blade Runner attache ? la photo, renvoie ? ?l?identit? comme m?met容. Pour elle, la photo est comme r?elle. Sur la photo, elle cherche ?l?identit? comprise au sens d?un m?me?. Si on consid?re les bases photographiques du cin?ma comme ?"r?elles", comme le lieu d?une repr?sentation v?ridique et d?une authentique exp?rience?, on reste dans ce dilemme. Si le cin?ma se d?finit par les modes de production et d?exploitation en vigueur durant son premier si?cle d?histoire, et si les spectateurs sont nostalgiques du "grand" cin?ma, des chefs-d??uvre, alors le cin?ma est d?sormais mort du fait de l?av?nement du num?rique. Le spectateur n?est plus simplement le r?cepteur de l?image. Il devient ? la fois le spectateur-observateur et le spectateur-acteur. C?est nous, spectateurs, qui dor?navant, devenons les sujets constitu?s ? la fois comme ?lecteurs? et comme ?scripteurs? de notre exp?rience visuelle. Il s?agit de raconter ce que nous voyons, ? travers notre ?il, quelle que soit la nature de l?image.

      • 영화와 디지털 이미지 : 데이비드 크로넨버그David Croneneberg의 <엑시스텐즈eXistenZ>에 대하여

        심은진 청주대학교 학술연구소 2008 淸大學術論集 Vol.10 No.-

        En reprenant un certain nombre de signes esthétiques et thématiques du jeu vidéo, eXistenZ met en scène une nouvelle topologie de l’image numérique et la problématise dans une fiction de cinéma. Allegra Geller dans eXistenZ a dans le corps un «pod» qui permet de brancher directement le «game-pod». Elle est un corps-machine. Dans ce film le corps-machine est un thème dominant. Chez David Cronenberg, le concept d’hybridation définit la nouvelle image. La multiplication des cuts produit des images passagères qui annulent la frontière entre le réel et le virtuel. Tout au long du film, l’absence de différence entre mondes différents laisse jusqu’à la fin le spectateur dans une incertitude. eXistenZ reste dans le territoire plus libre du cinéma. Dans ce terrain de l’imagination, sans dieu ni maître, la liberté du spectateur déborde. Notre savoir et notre imagination sont sollicités de façon ludique pour démêler l’entrelacement d’une constante mise en abyme. Key Word : 디지털 이미지, 데이비드 크로넨버그, 엑시스텐즈, 가상 세계

      • 집합주거단지의 치유조경 계획요소에 관한 연구

        이은엽, 박진아, 심준영, 이시영 배재대학교 자연과학연구소 2014 自然科學論文集 Vol.25 No.1

        본 연구는 집합주거를 대상으로 그 외부공간에 치유환경을 제공하고자 함이 궁극적 목표이며, 본 연구는 그 이전에 치유환경설계에 앞서 치유정원의 환경적 특성과 치유정원의 계획요소를 밝히고자 한다. 본 연구를 통해 치유공간계획을 위한 기초적 지침을 제시하고자 한다. 연구방법으로서, 기존 학자들의 치유정원에 관한 특성을 분석하여 공통적인 환경특성 요소들을 도출하고, 이를 바탕으로 국내·외의 문헌을 참조하여 세부항목을 설정하고 치유정원의 특성을 파악하였다. 치유정원의 계획원칙 및 요소를 도출하기 위해 문헌조사와 전문가의 의견을 취합하여 공동 집합 주거단지에 적용 가능한 조경계획요소를 설정하였다. 치유환경의 환경특성의 계획요소는 총 6가지의 항목을 설정하였다. 안전한 환경, 치료적 환경, 보조적 환경, 지남력 강화환경, 쾌적성, 사회적 환경으로 구분하였다. 계획원칙으로는, 안전감, 이용자 그룹과 요구에 대한 인식, 다양한 활동패턴의 제공, 다양하게 경험할 수 있는 치유공간, 휴식과 활동공간에 대한 특성부여, 사적공간과 사회적 교류, 주변환경과 전망, 유니버셜 디자인, 셉테드 디자인으로 구분하였다. The purpose of this study is to figure out planning guidelines and environmental characteristics of healing garden for providing healing surroundings on outdoor spaces of multiple housing complex. To do this, this study examined previous research papers and scholastic writings, related to healing environment and garden, and analyzed case studies. As a result, composition elements of planning for healing garden were classified 6 types; safe, therapeutic, assistance, orientation strengthen, comfort and social environment. Planning principles of healing landscape are set for 9 types; sense of safe, recognition of the user group and demand, offers a variety of activity patterns, healing space for various ways to experience, characteristics for relaxation and activities, private space and social interaction, surroundings and views, universal design and cpted design. From the precedent review and literature view planning guidelines for creating healing gardens will be created. These guidelines will then be applied to an existing healing site to create an informed design solution.

      • KCI등재

        정신종양학의 역사와 현황

        함봉진,심은정,김하경,김종흔 大韓神經精神醫學會 2007 신경정신의학 Vol.46 No.5

        Cancer statistics shows a high risk and increasing incidence of cancer among Koreans. Considerable burdens related to cancer and its treatment causes significant psychosocial distress among cancer patients and their family. Due to early detection and progress in cancer treatments, cancer is becoming a chronic illness and the quality of life and long-term impact of cancer is receiving increasing attention. Psycho-oncology is a subspecialty of oncology that addresses a psychosocial dimension of cancer throughout 'the continuum of cancer care', viz. from prevention and early detection to palliative and end-of-life care. This paper reviews the development of psycho-oncology and its current status in international and national context so as to promote efforts toward an integrative cancer care in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        저농도 노말헥산의 만성폭로가 말초신경계에 미치는 영향

        이수진,송재철,장은철,이경영,심상효,박시복,박영재,김현주 大韓産業醫學會 1999 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.11 No.3

        Objectives: The effect of chronic exposure to low levels of n-hexane on peripheral nervous system and the relationship between duration of employment and impairment of peripheral nervous system was studied. Methods : In 21 workers at two shoe-maker factories and 21 unexposed controls, measurement of exposure of solvents, symptom Questionnaire, physical examination and electrophysiological study were conducted. Results : Mean ages of study subjects in the exposed and the unexposed were 39.9 and 40.1 years old. Mean durations of employment were 15.1 and 10.0 years, respectively. Mean concentrations of urinary 2.5-HD were 2.23 mg/g creatinine, 0.23 mg/g creatinine, respectively. Mean concentration of solvents in air were 21.1 ppm of n-hexane, 72.2 ppm of toluene and 0.5 ppm of MEK. There were no differences in the prevalence of subjective symptoms and abnormal neurological signs between the exposed and the unexposed. But vibration extinction time(VAT) of the exposed (8.8 second) was shorter than that of the unexposed (11.9 second) (p<0.05). Mean values of electrophysiological studies(EPS) of the two groups were within normal limit. However, mean conduction velocity of median motor nerve and median F wave(MMNCV and MFCV), mean amplitude of median sensory action potential(MSAP) were decreased in the exposed (p<0.05). Moreover, the rate of abnormal finding more than one in sensory nerves was increased in the exposed than those in the unexposed(p<0.05). Correlation coefficients between duration of employment and mean conduction velocity of median sensory nerve (MSNCV) and between duration of employment and MFCV were -0.57, -0.43, respectively (p<0.05). Conclusions : These results showed that chronic (mean 15 years) low level(mean 23 ppm) exposure to n-hexane cause subclinical impairment of peripheral nervous system. These results also suggest that the longer duration of employment, the shorter values of EPS and VAT.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우리 나라 복식(服飾)과 서역복식간(西域服飾間)의 공통성(共通性)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -삼국시대(三國時代), 통일신라시대(統一新羅時代)를 중심(中心)으로-

        전지은 ( Jee Eun Jeun ),심하진 ( Hwa Jin Shim ) 한국패션비즈니스학회 2001 패션 비즈니스 Vol.5 No.4

        This thesis looks into the characteristics and compares the clothing styles between the Three Kingdom to the Unified Shilla era. The purpose of this study is to see what common themes exists between the foundation of Korean clothing and how it has evolved and through see to what extent the Chinese influence has been to Korean clothing culture. Also by explaining the originality and creativity of Korean clothing, we will be able to make clear the status of Korean culture. These findings include the following; 1. The Korean strait line Gik-ryong Kyo-im can also be found at the Gochang region in the west. 2. The Ban-ryong-ui, worn by the aristocrats of the Three kingdom and Unified Shilla era, began to appear from the nobles from the Nam-Buk cho(South-north era). This combined with a Bokdu(headwear) became a part of casual dress wear. 3. Go(pants) became a traditional part of clothing for Unified Shilla and the west. 4. Ban-bi and Bae-dang, all forms of Bansu-ui ( short sleeve), came from Chinas Kucha and Hotan and came to Korea. 5. Chinas Pae-baek and Pae-za (Shawl) which is the same as Unified Shillas Peo was also to be found to have come from the west. 6. The way a different color line was added to clothing both can be found in Korean and western clothing. Similarities to material used are; First, expensive wool was used and mostly originated from the west. From far away Rome came the O-saek-gae (Five-color wool). Secondly, Kong-gak me (peacock feather) and Bi-chi mo were all originated from the west. Third, Sil-sil is stated in the Sam-kuk Sa-ki (Three Kingdom records) as being prohibited to be worn by Jin-gol women (Highest nobility during Shilla era) as headwear or comb (pin) or as a comb(pin) for yuk- doo poom ( 6th class nobility) women. Suggesting that it existed and other sources tell us that it came from Tashkent region of Russia and was a jewelry of some sort. From what we have seen above, we can see the similarities between Korean and western clothing cultures and that these interactions not only occurred with China but with many other nations. We can see that our ancestors were creative and original that when importing foreign cultures that they transformed them into a Korean style. That these foreign cultures were transformed into our own style is good evidence to these facts.

      • 점포내 VMD요소가 SPA 브랜드 정체성에 미치는 영향

        김소영, 손지훈, 심효진, 신동훈, 정일호, 홍동우, 김은영 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2013 생활과학연구논총 Vol.17 No.2

        This study was to examine the effect of VMD factors on brand identity for SPA brands. As brand stimulus, four SPA brands(e.g., Basic House, Codes combine, Uniqlo, Zara) were selected by pretest. For collecting data, a self-administered questionnaire was developed based on the literatures and intercept survey was conducted. A total 508 usable responses were obtained from consumers who shopped at the selected brands' stores. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and regression analysis were used. As perceived by consumers, VMD consisted of seven factors: lightening, scent, color, layout, music, window display, and item presentation. The VMD factor was significantly related to brand identity for the SPA brands. Specifically, brand awareness was predicted by color, layout and item presentation; brand association strength was predicted by color, layout, and widow display; favorable brand association was predicted by item presentation; salience of brand association was predicted by color and music; and brand image association was predicted by color, layout, music, and item presentation. Thus, this study discussed a managerial implication for SPA retailers to develop a visual merchandising strategy in the competitive marketplace.

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