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        기업의 사회적 책임

        신동윤(Sin,Dongyun) 한국비교노동법학회 2014 노동법논총 Vol.30 No.-

        Corporate Social Responsibility has been internationally at the center of discussion while ISO 26000 was adopted and promulgated in 2010. It is known that the discussion has generated from the traditional corporate moving from maximizing profits and shareholders’ centering interests to stakeholders’ centering interests. In other words, the modern society requires that many companies do a business with responsibility, fairness, and transparency while there is a conflict between corporate profits and social publicness. ISO 2600 as an international standard of social responsibility, demands that other organizations as well as companies join voluntarily so that they identify seven core subjects and prepare for the strategies in the medium to longer term. In specific, it is necessary to confirm whether or not the companies fulfill social responsibility on the labor field under the law, regulation, and collective agreements at the level of ISO 26000. By extension, with the conflict between employers and employees resolved through social dialogue, the government should play a mediatory role to narrow and solve the different opinion and conflict between both parties. ISO 26000 has officially announced that Corporate Social Responsibility is voluntarily fulfilled and practiced. In this regard, whether or not the social responsibility is fulfilled shall not be forced on the domestic companies. In some possibilities, effectiveness is doubtable and abusing regulations is criticizable. As a result, the government’s support and benefit shall simultaneously be performed in order that companies voluntarily join and fulfill social responsibility and the support and benefit shall give the company having the voluntary choice and requirement. That is to say, the administrative and judicial penalty shall be imposed on the case that the companies violate the requirements under the system of the voluntary choice and requirement.

      • KCI등재

        오키나와 공동체 자립 담론의 향방 ―오시로 다쓰히로의 「신의 섬」·「후텐마여」를 중심으로

        김동윤 ( Kim¸ Dong-yun ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구원 2021 탐라문화 Vol.- No.67

        이 글은 오시로 다쓰히로의 소설에 나타나는 오키나와의 자립에 관한 관점을 고찰한 것이다. 「신의 섬」(1968)과 「후텐마여」(2011)를 텍스트로 삼았다. 「신의 섬」은 1960년대 후반의 시점에서 오키나와전투 시기에 발생한 집단자결의 진상규명 문제를 통해 야마토의 책임을 묻고 있는 작품이다. 집단자결에서의 일본군의 책임을 묻어둔 채로 오키나와의 일본복귀는 곤란하다는 작가의 견해가 읽혀진다. 작중인물을 통해 오키나와의 정체성, 본토와의 거리 등이 강조되지만 독립을 추구하는 것은 아니다. 다만, 차별 없는 통합이 전제되는 일본복귀를 주장한다. 「후텐마여」는 오늘날에도 쟁점이 되고 있는 미군기지 문제를 다루었다. 미군기 폭음을 중심으로 악화된 기지 문제를 짚어내되, 제반 모순이 너무나 밀착됨에 따라 어디서부터 어떻게 풀어나가야 할지 모르는 깊디깊은 오키나와의 암울한 현실이 그려졌다. 오키나와 전통과 정체성에 대해 관심을 가지면서 비판적 현실인식을 토대로 자신의 영역에서 분투하는 청년들의 모습도 보여준다. 다만, 기지문제에서 자위대 문제를 논외로 한 점은 한계로 지적된다. 오시로는 오키나와가 일본의 일원이면서도 야마토와는 유다른 역사와 문화를 갖춘 독자적인 공동체임을 강조한다. 그러면서도 그는 복귀론자에 더 가까운 것으로 보인다. 복귀에 의한 통일을 추구하되 지역적 개성을 강조한 것이다. 동화와 이화 사이에서 깊이 고민한 그로서는 현실여건을 고려한 의식세계에서는 동화로 기울 수밖에 없었을 것 같다. 반면에 역사문화적인 정체성과 구조적 차별을 충분히 인식한 저변의 무의식세계에서는 이화를 견지했을 것으로 판단된다. This article examines the view of Okinawa's self-reliance in Oshiro Tatsuhiro's novel. The texts include < Kamisima >(1968) and < Futenma >(2011). First, < Kamisima > is a work that holds Yamato responsible for the fact-finding of mass suicide that occurred during the Battle of Okinawa in the late 1960s. Oshiro's view that it is difficult to return to Japan with Okinawa buried the responsibility of the Japanese military in the mass suicide process is read. Although Okinawa's identity and distance from mainland Japan are emphasized through the characters, they are not seeking independence. However, it insists on returning to Japan, where integration without discrimination is premised. Second, < Futenma > dealt with the issue of U.S. military bases, which is still at issue today. The problem of the deteriorated base centered on the noisy sound of the U.S. military plane, but as the contradictions are so close that deep Okinawa's grim reality is depicted where and how to solve them. It also shows young people who are interested in Okinawa tradition and identity and struggle in their own areas based on critical reality awareness. However, the fact that the Japanese Self-Defense Forces issue was excluded from the base issue is pointed out as a limitation. Third, Oshiro emphasizes that Okinawa is a member of Japan but also an independent community with a different history and culture from Yamato. Nevertheless, he appears to be more of a reversionist. He agonized deeply between assimilation and dissimilation. As a result, in the consciousness world, considering the actual conditions, it was tilted toward assimilation. On the other hand, as he fully recognized historical and cultural identity and structural discrimination, he would have dissimilation in the subconscious world.

      • KCI등재

        역동하는 섬의 상상력 - 오키나와 · 타이완 · 제주 소설에 나타난 폭력과 반(反)폭력의 양상 -

        김동윤 ( Kim¸ Dong-yun ) 한민족문화학회 2020 한민족문화연구 Vol.70 No.-

        이 글은 20세기 중반 거대한 폭력의 한복판에 놓였던 동아시아 세 섬의 역사와 현실을 담아낸 소설을 함께 살피고자 했다. 오키나와전투, 타이완 2 · 28항쟁 그리고 제주 4 · 3항쟁의 과정에서 제국과 국가가 휘두른 폭력의 문제와 그에 대응하는 반(反)폭력의 양상이 어떻게 문학적 상상력을 통해 재현되는지에 초점을 두었다. 오키나와 작가 오시로 사다토시(大城貞俊 1949∼)의 「게라마는 보이지만(慶良間や見いゆしが)」 (2013), 타이완 작가 린솽부(林雙不 1950∼)의 「황쑤의 작은 연대기(黃素小編年)」(1983), 제주 작가 고시홍(高時洪 1949∼)의 「도마칼」 (1985)에 주목했다. 이들은 비슷한 시기에 태어난 섬의 토박이로서 유소년 시절부터 전후적 상황의 직접적인 영향권 아래에 있었던 전후세대 작가들이다.「게라마는 보이지만」은 오키나와전투 시기에 집단자결의 현장에서 살아남아 부부가 된 이들이 80대 후반에 이르러서 자살을 감행한 사건을 다룬 소설이다. 전쟁이 끝난 것이 아니라 현실은 여전히 전쟁에 밀착되어 있음을 노부부의 연쇄 자살로써 충격적으로 제시하고 있다. 「황쑤의 작은 연대기」는 2 · 28의 와중에서 무고하게 체포되어 사형 집행 직전에 풀려난 예비신부가 그 충격으로 인해 철저히 파멸로 치닫는다는 내용이다. 왜소한 처지로나마 거대한 국가폭력에 순응할 수 없다는 타이완 민중의 내면적 저항이 상징적으로 읽힌다. 「도마칼」은 4 · 3 때 행방불명되었던 남편이 25년 만에 나타남에 따라 광기로 좌충우돌하는 한 여인의 상황을 다뤘다. 4 · 3의 상흔은 치유되기는커녕 더욱 깊어만 간다는 점을 강조하는 한편, 식칼을 휘두르는 여인의 행위를 통해 제주 민중의 저항이라는 메시지도 던지고 있다.세 소설은 칼과 낫이라는 생필품이 끔찍한 살상과 위협의 도구로 돌변하게 되는 상황을 통해 제국과 권력의 폭력 문제를 극단적으로 제시했다. 이는 거대한 폭력에 대한 왜소한 민중의 대응방식인바, 반폭력의 상상력이 수난의 극대화라는 양상으로 나타난 것이다. 모두 과거에 폭발된 폭력의 광포성이 현실에서도 여전함을 역동적으로 그려냈다는 공통점도 있다. 방언이나 속담을 활용해 지역공동체의 정체성을 강조하는 것도 반폭력의 한 양상이다. This paper was intended to look at works that capture the history and reality of three East Asian islands that were placed in the middle of massive violence in the mid-20th century. It emphasized how the aspects of anti-violence was represented through literary imagination as a response to the problems of violence exercised by the empire and the state during the Battle of Okinawa, Taiwan’s 228 Incident, and the Jeju 4.3. The works that it focused on are Kerama Is Visible [慶良間や見いゆしが Kerama Ya Miiyushiga] (2013) by Japanese novelist Oshiro Sadatoshi (大城貞俊 1949∼), “The Small Chronicle of Huang Su” [黃素小編年 Huang Su Xiao Biannian] (1983) by Taiwanese writer Lin Shuangbu (林雙不 1950∼), and The Knife [도마칼 Domakal] (1985) by Jeju writer Ko Si-Hong (高時洪 1949∼). The authors mentioned above are post-war generation writers who were born around the same time, and as natives to the respective islands, were put under the direct influence of the post-war situation since childhood.Kerama is Visible is a novel that is centered around a woman and her husband, both survivors of military-forced civilian mass suicide during the Battle of Okinawa, who eventually end up committing suicide when they reach their late 80’s. Through the series of suicides by the elderly couple, it shockingly proposes that the war did not come to an end, but that it continues to be tightly adhered to reality.“The Small Chronicle of Huang Su” takes place during the 228 Incident about a falsely arrested bride-to-be, and the shock of being released just before the execution leading to her complete destruction. The Internal resistance of not being able to accept the massive violence by the state in any given situation is symbolically read through the text.The Knife deals with the situation of a woman, whose husband went missing after the Jeju 4.3, and how his return 25 years later drives her into complete madness. Not only does it emphasize the fact that the scars of the Jeju 4.3 is actually getting deeper instead of healing, it is also throwing in the message of the Jeju people’s resistance through the act of a woman wielding a kitchen knife.The three works presented the issue of violence by the empire and power in an extreme way, through situations where daily necessities like a knife and a sickle transform into tools of gruesome murders or weapons of intimidation. This is a method of reacting to the massive violence by the powerless public, and that the imagination of anti-violence appeared as an aspect in maximization of suffering. They also all have in common that they dynamically portrayed the fact that the brutal violence that exploded in the past remains unchanged. Emphasizing the identity of a local community by using dialects or proverbs can also be seen as an aspect of anti-violence.

      • KCI등재

        신라 하대 처용(處容)의 관등 급간(級干)과 그의 실체

        이동윤 ( Lee¸ Dong-yun ) 부경역사연구소 2021 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.49

        본고는 『삼국유사』 「處容郞望海寺」조에서 확인되는 등장인물의 관등인 級干이 가지는 의미를 분석하고, 그와 관련하여 신라 하대 處容의 실체를 검토하였다. 級干은 급벌찬으로 알려진 신라의 9등급 관등이다. 이 관등의 수여 대상을 확인한 결과, 군공을 세우다 전사한 자들이 많았고, 그들을 위무하기 위한 관등의 하나가 級干이었다. 더불어 처용이 가진 級干 관등을 분석하여, 해당 관등이 역신에 대항하는 긍정적 존재가 사회에 미치는 위무적 영향력을 담보한 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 「처용랑망해사」조의 지백 級干(地神)이 부정적 차원의 자연재해로 해석되는 점과 대응된다. 또한 처용의 등장 배경이 동해와 관련되어 있다는 점으로 말미암아, 신라 초기부터 동해와 관련된 왕실의 인식이 어떠하였는지 살펴보고, 이를 처용이라는 인물과 연결을 지을 수 있는지에 대하여 생각해보았다. 처용은 헌강왕 당시의 왕실과 혈연적으로 관련되었다고 보기 어려웠다. 헌강왕이 문무왕과 같이 용으로서의 면모를 강조한 바가 확인되지 않는 한, 헌강왕을 용으로 볼 수도 없고, 용의 아들이 처용을 헌강왕과 연결하기는 곤란하다. 또한 산신과 지신의 춤사위가 사실상 자연재해를 상징하는 것으로 보고, 동일선상에서 부정적으로 파악되는 역신에 대항한 처용을 만들어진 신적 존재로 파악하고자 하였다. This paper analyzes the meaning of 'Geupgan(級干)', which is the official character of the characters in the "Cheoyongrang Manghaesa(處容郞望海寺)" section of the Samguk Yusa(三國遺事), and examines the reality of Cheoyong(處容) with it. Intervals are grade 9 bureaucracies, also known as Geupbeolchan(級伐飡). As a result of confirming the recipients of this bureaucracy, many died while establishing the military service, and one of the bureaucracies to consolate them was the rank. Based on this, it was possible to analyze Cheo-yong's inter-class bureaucracy, and it could be seen as guaranteeing the consoled influence of the positive existence against the evil spirit on society. This corresponds to the fact that the inter-class governments of the land god in the "Cheoyongrang Manghaesa" section are natural disasters of a negative dimension. Also, since the background of Cheoyong's appearance is related to the East Sea, we examined what the royal family's perception of the East Sea was from the early days of Silla, and thought about whether it could be connected with the character of Cheoyong. It was difficult to say that Cheoyong was related by blood to the royal family at the time of King Heongang(憲康王). Unless it is confirmed that King Heongang emphasized the aspect of a dragon like King Munmu(文武王), King Heongang cannot be regarded as a dragon, and it is difficult for the son of the dragon to link Cheoyong with King Heongang. In addition, the dance movements of the mountain gods and the earth gods were viewed as actually symbolizing natural disasters, and Cheoyong, who opposed the evil spirit perceived negatively in the same line, was attempted to be understood as a created divine existence.

      • P040 : Superficial spongiotic dermatitis as a sign of regressing verruca plana: histopathological analysis

        ( Dongyun Shin ),( Do Young Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2014 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.66 No.2

        Background: Histologic findings of verruca plana in“regressing phase” are considered different with those of the classic verruca plana, but there are just anecdotal reports in the literature. Objectives: To analyze the clinical and histopathological characteristics of spontaneously regressing verruca plana. Methods: A retrospective single-center analysis. A total 25 patients who showed typical clinical features of verruca plana, and the lesions disappeared spontaneously within 4 weeks after skin biopsy was included. Clinical characteristics evaluated based on review of medical records and photographs, and histological characteristics were analyzed. Results: Most common involved area was face(60%), followed by arms(36%) and legs(20%). Eight patients (32%) had been treated with recent ablating procedure. Histopathological findings include superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrations(96%), spongiosis and exocytosis(84%), focal basal vacuolization(64%), parakeratosis(64%), apoptotic keratinocytes(56%), and band-like lichenoid infiltration(28%). These pathological findings were more compatible with pityriasis rosea or pityriasis lichenoides chronica, rather than classic verruca plana. Conclusion: The histopathologic findings of spontaneously regressing verruca plana were different with those of classic verruca plana. Therefore, if clinically typical verruca plana showed superficial spongiotic dermatitis in histology, observation could be a treatment of choice.


        Dongyun Sin 한양대학교 법학연구소 2015 Hanyang Journal of Law Vol.2 No.-

        Over the past, the Korean government has encouraged people to expand the industry of the Internet. As a result, there have been a great number of computer rooms, where many people go and use the Internet. Furthermore, most of the households usually have at least one personal computer which is connected by the Internet. Ironically, as more people use the Internet, the Korean government enacts stricter regulations. The expansion and popularity of the Internet have played an important role in the music industry. As the Internet use grows, however, illegal music downloading will spread. Online music downloading illegally is not finished in spite of the lawsuits and copyright law. The true problem is not the lack of adequate laws but the lack of underlying cultural and social support for the laws. To solve the problem, the Korean government and music companies take into account the fact that the Internet has stimulated a shift in Korean cultural attitudes because of the generation who has grown used to the idea that everything accessed on the Internet is free. As a result, they advocate that one of the most effective tools is an aggressive public campaign to inform people that music downloading is a criminal act as the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) did.

      • P039 : Analysis of human blood follicular helper T cells in patients with psoriasis

        ( Dongyun Shin ),( Dae Suk Kim ),( Jung Hwan Lee ),( Sung Hee Kim ),( Hee Joo Kim ),( Do Young Kim ),( Soo Min Kim ),( Min Geol Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2014 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.66 No.2

        Background: Follicular helper T (Tfh) cell is a recently characterized subset of helper T cells, with a distinct gene expression and a specialized role in supporting antibody response. Recently, blood Tfh cells are reported to be altered in patients with autoimmune disorders. However, there is no report about Tfh cell in patients with psoriasis. Objectives: To analyze the human blood Tfh cells in patients with psoriasis. Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 16 psoriasis patients (PSO) and 11 healthy controls (HC) werestained with antibodies against CD4, CXCR5, PD-1, ICOS and analyzed with flow cytometry. Clinical and laboratory parameters were also measured. Results: The portions of CD4+CXCR5+ T cells in CD4+ T cells were not significantly different between PSO and HC. However, interestingly, the portions of CXCR5+PD-1 T cells in CD4+ T cells were significantly lower in PSO than HC (4.45% vs 2.14%, p=0.0421, respectively). The portions of CXCR5+PD-1 T cells in CD4+ T cells were also negatively correlated with ESR (p=0.0238, r=-0.5188), and significantly lower in patients with higher ASO titer (p=0.0445). Conclusion: CD4+CXCR5+PD-1+ T cells, which are known as activated subsets of Tfh cells, were significantly less expressed in PSO compared to HC, and negatively correlated with laboratory parameters of psoriasis. These results suggest that Tfh cells and B cell immunity could be altered in psoriasis.

      • KCI등재

        The Mediating Effect of Impulsivity on Resilience and Depressive Symptoms In Korean Conscripts

        Dongyun Lee,So-Jin Lee,Chul-Soo Park,Bong-Jo Kim,Cheol-Soon Lee,Boseok Cha,Ji-Yeong Seo,Jae-Won Choi 대한신경정신의학회 2019 PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION Vol.16 No.10

        Objective Resilience and impulsivity have opposite effects on depression in stressful situations. This study aimed to investigate the association among resilience, impulsivity, and depression in young males. Methods The participants consisted of 429 conscripts who underwent military training over 5 weeks. The surveys included the Connors- Davidson Resilience Scale-Korean version, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-11-Revised, and the Center for Epidemiological Studies- Depression Scale. The surveys were administered both before and after training. Results When simultaneously considering impulsivity and resilience, resilience was not associated with depression. Impulsivity had a complete negative mediating effect on resilience and depressive symptoms. Impulsivity is a significant negative mediating factor for the protective effect of resilience on depression. Conclusion This study recommends considering impulsivity when evaluating the protective role of resilience against depression.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Striking a Balance on Labor Market Flexibility under the Legal System

        Dongyun Sin(신동윤) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2015 法學硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        본 논문은 우선 대륙법과 영미법으로 나누어진 법체계가 노동시장에 어떻게 영향을 끼치는지 분석한 것이다. 첫 번째 논의는 다른 법체계를 가진 노동시장은 어떠한 특징을 가지고 있는지에 대한 질문이며 두 번째 논의는 그러한 법체계는 노동시장을 어떻게 변화시킬 수 있는 지이다. 첫 번째 논의는 대륙법과 영미법상의 노동시장의 현재 경향을 반영하고 있다. 우선, 대륙법상의 고용과 노사관계법은 성문법에 기초하는 반면, 영미법 체계는 재판의 결정에 바탕을 두고 있다. 둘째, 대륙법상의 고용계약은 대부분 강행법규로 적용받는 반면, 영미법계는 임의규정을 기초로 하고 있다. 두 번째 논의에 관하여, 유연성이라는 개념을 다시 정립할 필요가 있다. 노동시장유연성은 사용자와 근로자사이의 쌍방 간의 이익을 향상시키는 것으로 정의되어져야 한다. 일반적으로, 노동시장유연성은 사용자가 근로자의 노동력, 임금, 노동조합을 변경할 수 있는 능력으로써 인식되고 있다. 그러나 근로자관점에서의 노동시장을 바라볼 필요가 있다. 결론적으로, 한국뿐만 아니라 대륙법과 영미법 체계를 가진 나라는 사용자와 근로자사이의 이익의 균형을 맞추기 위한 서로 다른 접근이 검토되어야 한다. This paper primarily focuses on the type of legal system, divided into civil law and common law systems. It also analyzes how the legal system affects labor markets. The first question is whether labor markets under different legal systems have any distinctive characteristics. In addition, the next question is how the different legal systems can reform their labor markets. The first question takes into account the current trends of labor markets in civil law and common law systems. First, employment and labor law regimes rely on codification in the civil law system and judicial decisions in the common law system. Second, employment contracts are based on the primarily imperative rules in the civil law system, while founded on the dispositive rules in the common law system. According to the second question, it is important to redefine flexibility. Labor market flexibility shall be defined as enhancing bilateral interests between employers and employees. In general, people recognize that labor market flexibility is the ability of employers to make changes to workers’ workforces, wages, and unions. However, it is also necessary to take a look at the employee’s perspective of the labor market. Consequently, one should examine different approaches to strike a balance of interests between employers and employees in civil and common law countries including Korea.

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