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      • 가정폭력경험이 청소년의 정서적 문제에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        李仁順 慶南大學校 行政大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        This study examines the effects of experiencing and witnessing domestic violence has on adolescents' self awareness as well as emotional issues of depression and anxiety. The results of the study is intended to be used as fundamental data for seeking intervention regarding adolescents' psychological and social ineptitude and proposing effective approaches for social welfare services. In order to achieve the objectives, 250 students attending middle and high schools in Masan and Changwon were significantly sampled as survey subjects, and a questionnaire was conducted on April 2005. Among the surveyed, 236 were used as the analytical data. Conflict management behavioral scales of CTS and CTS2 were used to assess the degrees of witnessing violence between parents and experiencing parent-child violence. Other tools used were BDI for measuring depression, specific anxiety test(STAI-Ⅱ) for anxiety and SPPA(Self-Proception Profile for Adolescents) for self-awareness. Main findings of the study are as follows. First, it was found that 70.6% of the surveyed adolescents had either witnesses or experienced the father exercising violence of some kind toward the mother. In particular, 71.1% of the surveyed adolescents had witnessed the father being verbally abusive toward the mother, and 70.1% had experienced direct verbal abuse, indicating that verbal abuse was the most serious problem among domestic violence. It was also revealed that 13.1% of the surveyed teenagers said that they had either witnessed or experienced physical violence. Second, examination of the correlation among factors related to adolescents' experience with domestic violence revealed that indirect experience of violence has significant positive correlations with direct experience of violence, depression and anxiety, whereas it has significant negative correlations with self-awareness, gender and sibling order. Furthermore, experience of indirect violence turned out to have significant positive correlations with depression, anxiety, self-awareness, age and religion whereas it has significant negative correlations with gender and sibling order. Third, as results of conducting path analyses to assess the elements that are affected by direct and indirect domestic violence, it turned out that indirect violence does not have effects on self-awareness. However, it was revealed that direct violence has negative correlation with self-awareness, indicating that adolescents with direct violence experience has low self-awareness. Fourth, it was examined that direct and indirect experience of violence has a positive correlation with depression. This signifies that adolescents that have experienced direct and indirect violence has higher degrees of depression. Self-awareness has a negative correlation with depression, meaning that the lower the degree of self-awareness, the higher the degree of depression. Furthermore, as results of surveys regarding the influence of direct violence experienced by adolescents on their deviant behavior, it turned out to have significant correlations with all of the variables chosen: exercising violence on others, suicidal tendency, experience of smoking and experience of running away from home. Direct violence especially displayed a high degree of correlation with the experience of running away from home. The study results bears significance in implementing social welfare in following regards. First, there must be measures taken to provide and link school and local social welfare programs to prevent and remedy problems occurring due to domestic violence. Second, it is necessary to provide specialized social welfare services by categorizing the groups according to the degree of domestic violence experienced and gender. Moreover, there must be constant development and provision of emotional support and treatment programs for adolescents with domestic violence experiences. Third, training must be provided for social welfare institutions and police who are responsible for providing services and initial intervention regarding domestic violence. Fourth, in order to recover the family relationship, there must be programs designed to restore trust and improve communication between the parents and children. Such programs will alleviate adolescent problems caused by domestic violence, help the adolescents cope with the society and help restore the relationship among the family members. 본 연구는 가정에서의 폭력을 경험하고하고 폭력행위를 목격한 경험이 청소년의 자기개념이 정서적 문제인 우울과 불안에 미치는 영향에 대해 고찰하여, 청소년의 심리ㆍ사회적인 부적응에 대한 개입 및 효과적인 사회복지서비스 접근 방법을 모색하기 위한 기초 자료로 활용하고자 하였다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 마산과 창원에 소재하고 있는 중,고등학교를 유의표집한 250명을 조사 대상으로 선정하여, 2005년 4월에 설문조사를 실시하여 최종 236부를 분석대상으로 하였다 측정도구로는 조사대상자의 부부폭력 목격정도와 부모-자녀간의 폭력경험정도를 조사하기 위해 갈등관리행동척도인 CTS와 CTS2를 사용하였다. 우울척도로는 BDI, 불안척도로는 특성불안검사(STAI-Ⅱ).자기개념척도로는 SPPA(Self-Proception Profile for Adolescents)척도를 사용하였다. 본연구의 주요결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조사대상 청소년의 70.6% 어떠한 형태로든 아버지가 어머니에게 폭력을 행사하는 장면을 목격하였거나 경험한 것으로 조사되었다. 특히, 조사대상 청소년의 71.1%가 아버지가 어머니에게 언어적 폭력을 행사하는 장면을 목격하였고, 조사대상 청소년 중 70.1%는 직접적인 언어폭력을 경험한 것으로 조사되어 가정 내의 폭력 중 언어폭력이 심각한 것으로 조사되었으며 조사 대상 청소년의 13.1%가 신체적인 폭력을 목격하였거나 경험한 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 청소년의 가정폭력경험과 관련된 변수들과의 상관관계를 조사해 본 결과 조사결과 간접폭력경험은 직접폭력경험, 우울, 불안과는 유의미한 정적인 상관관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났으며, 자기개념, 성별, 형제서열과는 유의미한 부적인 상관관계를 나타내었다. 또한 간접폭력경험은 우울, 불안, 자기개념, 연령, 종교와는 유의미한 정적인 관계를 성별과 형제순위와는 유의미한 부적인 관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 청소년의 직ㆍ간접 가정폭력경험이 영향을 미치는 요소를 분석하기 위하여 경로분석을 실시한 결과 간접폭력의 경우 자기개념에 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났으나 직접폭력의 경우 자기개념에 부적인 상관관계를 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 직접폭력을 경험한 청소년의 경우 자기개념이 낮은 것을 의미한다고 볼 수 있다. 넷째, 직ㆍ간접폭력 경험은 우울에 정적인 상관관계를 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 직ㆍ간접폭력을 경험한 청소년의 경우 우울정도가 높은 것을 의미한다고 볼 수 있다. 자기개념은 우울에 부적인 상관관계를 나타내었는데, 자기개념 정도가 낮을수록 우울정도는 높게 나타나는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 청소년의 직접 경험한 가정폭력이 일탈행동에 미치는 영향에 대한 조사결과, 변수로 택한 타인폭행, 자살충동, 흡연경험, 가출경험 모두와 유의미한 상관관계가 있는 것으로 조사되었다. 특히 가출경험과 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 이상의 연구 결과가 사회복지 실천과 관련하여 갖는 논의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 가정폭력경험의 영향으로 인한 문제를 예방하고 치료하기 위한 학교 사회사업 및 지역사회복지 프로그램을 제공하고 연계하는 방안들이 마련되어져야 한다. 둘째, 가정폭력의 경험정도와 성별에 따른 집단을 분리하여 차별화 된 사회복지 서비스의 제공이 필요하며, 가정폭력 경험 청소년에 대한 정서적 지원과 치료 프로그램의 지속적인 개발 및 보급되어야 한다. 셋째, 가정폭력과 관련하여 서비스를 제공하는 사회복지기관 및 초기개입자인 경찰 등에 대해 주요 영역에 대한 교육이 필요하다. 넷째, 가정폭력 경험 청소년을 위한 각종 프로그램 진행시 가족관계 회복을 위하여 부모-자녀 간 신뢰회복 및 의사소통 증진 프로그램을 강화하여 가정폭력으로 인한 청소년의 문제 완화와 적응향상의 효과와 더불어 가족 전체의 관계 회복 효과를 개선할 수 있도록 해야 한다.

      • 동사 「쓰다」의 의미연구

        이인순 전북대학교 교육대학원 1986 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The purpose of this study is to examine criteria of the homonymy and polysemy Korean verb [sseuda] has, and to establish each the fundamental meanings of [sseuda] classified into several homonyms. And, on this background, it also deals with a description of the differentiating process of the multivocal meanings embodied variously in context. It is developed according to the following procedure. Chapter Ⅰ begins with a introduction of the purpose of this study and the preceding studies. Also the necessity, method, and procedure of this study are presented. Chapter Ⅱ continues with a prescription of homonymy and polysemy of language and a preparation for semantic analysis. In Chapter Ⅲ the fundamental vocabularies of [sseuda] are devided into 5-groups. And how are these formed in the phonological aspect and the semantical aspect is given. In Chapter Ⅳ the meanings of [sseuda] which were devided into 5- groups in Chapter Ⅲ are analysed according to the order of [sseuda_1] (classified as a meaning of 'use' or 'employ', etc.), [sseuda_2] (as a meaning of 'write', or 'compose', etc.), [sseuda_3] (as a meaning of 'put on', 'wear', or 'cover', etc.). [sseuda_4] (as a meaning of 'taste bitter'), and [sseuda_5] (as a meaning of 'light'). In Chapter V the conclusion is given by suming up what stated above. Finally the problems and directions of investigation from this moment on are presented.

      • 강경애의「인간문제」연구 : 작가 현실인식과 여성인식을 중심으로

        이인순 수원대학교 교육대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        As this thesis is in regard to Kang Kyeung-ae who exerted in 1930th and the author of 「Human Crisis」; observed on characters who worked in the colonial period; focused on women through Kang Kyeung-ae's eyes, through which, the realistic problem on women today and the solution to be understood, and studied as well. Kang Kyeung-ae is an author who illustrated on women's reali쇼 during the colonial period where our national tragedy and confliction was extremely demonstrated and semi-federalism system and custom oppressed women at the time. In this study observed how much women's reality of life was reflected under the colonial period through the realistic women characters who presented on Kang Kyeung-ae's pieces of works overall 1930th. And also the purpose of this study is to observe Kang Kyeung-ae's interest through the character who appears in the work and the reality preparation process. 「Human crisis」is written abased on a labour woman, 'Seonbi', who experienced the historical and social confliction and tragedy as a labourer. The author indicated that, in the「Human Crisis」, labor woman was harassed not only by the national diversity but also by sexual favoritism under the traditional patriarch ideology in duplicate or triplicate sufferings. It is clearly shown in regards to the method of coping with of the character, which the heroine understood her oppression situation and searched the method of coping with the crisis. It means that women's liberation should be realized not only on breaking the patriarch ideology of limited scope but also on reformation overall society. 「Human Crisis」tried to demonstrate of enthusiasm about history development and optimistic view which diversification caused by struggling of national freedom based on human liberation should be occurred inevitably, during the process of solving the problem of brutal extraction and oppression under the Japanese imperialism and the followers' power of the semi-federalism. Namely, Kang Kyeung-ae implied a view of unfolding new world based on historical and philosophical recognition beyond of the contradiction of the Korea's modernization caused by the colonial reign . Although author Kang Kyeung-ae reflected the labors, farmers who were groaning under Japanese colonial reign and their living life and fatal on the level of class confrontation and class fighting, but failed to give shape it at the level of 1930th when the labor movement of general public, farmer movement were enhanced. However, Kang Kyeung-ae tried to overcome and give a form of wholesome objective of reality in the novel through typical character, so, she achieved realism of 'women experience by women', that is, by dealing with women's life and experience on the level of women's level in a society. Through women being oppressed, contradiction of class was faced facts as they were, and it was believed when class was released, women also could be freed. This kind of reality implies limitation, though, it should be explained under the present historical background.

      • 商街建物賃貸借保護法에 關한 硏究

        이인순 忠南大學校 大學院 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        On November 1st, 2002 a bill for protection of commercial building tenants was passed by the government and It came into effect as the commercial Building Lease protection Law, which enables financially inferior lease holders to have more secured status in lease systems. The purpose of the law is to guarantee the stability of economic activities by defining special cases in the Civil Law related to lease. However, the law did not meet the high expectation that the government and public intended at the initial stage of drafting. It, in reality, caused unintended side effects such as, soaring price in lease, or severely unsatisfied criticism from public. Insufficient investigation of real estate property market was also another factor to the one of the unexpected results of the law. Therefore, this study aims to look into major contents of the Commercial Building Lease Protection Law, compare and examine cases of legislation with many other foreign countries, It is strongly believed that thorough analyses of currently emerging problems would bring some possible solutions to unsatisfied public in real estate market. For the reason, the study consists of following chapters: In Chapter Ⅰ, the purpose and range of the study are discussed. In Chapter Ⅱ, to make the study clearer, a field survey was conducted in terms of opposing power of lease, repayment circle, renewal duration, registration order, etc., which are considered important to the commercial building lease that has a great influence on the national economy. In Chapter Ⅲ, some foreign legislation cases are examined, such as Britain, France, Germany, and Japan as well as the contents of Korea′s Commercial Building Lease Protection Law. Based on the discussion of the chapter, a system that the government needs is recommended. In Chapter Ⅳ, On the Business Building Lease Protective Law, In particular, the problems and suggestions are presented regarding the range of application, the requirements to acquire opposing power, the right to demand contract renewal and the right to Premium. In Chapter Ⅴ, as a conclusion, the problems and improved suggestions mentioned above are focused. Especially, The chapter also suggests proposals that the Commercial Building Lease Protection Law not only merely solves conflicts between lease holders and free holders or protects lessees, but also promotes the modernization in using commercial buildings and improves the commercial efficiency from the viewpoint of our society′s overall economy.

      • 초등학교 컴퓨터 교육에서 상황학습과 전통적학습의 비교 분석

        이인순 인천교육대학교 교육대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        본 연구의 목적은 최근 교육공학 분야에서 효과성을 인정받고 있는 상황학습 이론에 입각하여 컴퓨터 교육을 실시할 수 있는 상황학습 모형을 정립하고, 상황학습 및 전통적학습이 워드프로세서 학습 시간의 학습태도와 컴퓨터 학습능력 향상에 미치는 효과를 검증하는 것이다. 본 연구를 위해 초등학교 특기적성교육 컴퓨터부 활동을 하고 있는 본교 4학년 2개 반을 선정하여 각 1개 반씩 상황학습 집단과 전통적학습 집단에 배정하였다. 실험집단에는 상황학습 모형을 적용하여 수업을 하였고, 비교집단에는 전통적학습 모형을 적용하였다. 수업처치는 ‘문서 작성하기’라는 공통된 주제를 가지고 각 집단의 특성을 살리는 범위에서 실시하였다. 연구에 사용된 각종 검사 도구는 교과서 분석과 문헌 연구를 통하여 연구자가 개발하고 인천교육대학교 교육대학원 초등컴퓨터교육과 교수님들의 내용타당도 검증을 마친 도구를 사용하여 처치하고 사전 및 사후에 검사를 실시하고 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 먼저, 상황학습 및 전통적학습이 워드프로세서 시간의 학습태도에 미치는 효과에 대해서 이해도·흥미도·성취도·집중도·적용도·자발성의 6개 영역에서 살펴 보았다. 그 결과, 이해도 면에서는 전통적학습이 상황학습보다 더 나은 효과를 나타내었고, 나머지 5개 면에서는 상황학습이 우세한 결과를 보였다. 다음으로, 상황학습 및 전통적학습이 학습자의 컴퓨터 학습능력 향상에 미치는 효과에 대해서 살펴 보았다. 그 결과 전통적학습이 상황학습보다 근소한 차이로 우위를 보였다. 이해도와 학습능력 향상도 면에서 전통적학습이 상황학습보다 우위를 보인 것은 여러 가지 이유를 찾을 수 있다. 먼저 연구가 단기간에 이루어진 일회성 연구였다는 점이고, 다음으로 연구대상이 저연령이어서 상황학습에 대한 이해가 다소 부족했다는 점, 그리고 투입하는 교육과정 및 설계가 다소 미흡했다는 점이다. 하지만, 컴퓨터 학습에 대한 아동들의 학습태도면에서 상당부분 상황학습이 전통적학습 보다 우세했다는 점은 연구의 큰 성과이자 의미를 찾아볼 수 있는 대목이라고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this study is to set up the situated learning model for computer education and to investigate which method has better effect on the students' computer skill and learning attitude among the situated learning model and the traditional learning model. For experiment, this study selected two classes of the fourth grade students who have learned computer skill from the talent-aptitude program of the elementary school, which were divided into the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was taught by the situated learning model, while the control group was taught by the traditional learning model. The same subject: " Making a document" was carried out on both of the experimental group and the control group within the limit of activating each group's trait. The testers related in this study were designed through analysing and researching over textbooks and treatises and they were identified categories as the validity of their contents through the pretest and posttest which were examined by the professors of the Elementary Computer Edu. in the Graduate school at the Inchon National University of the Education. The result of this study is as follows. In order to investigate the effect of the students' learning attitude, students had been tested on six factors: the Understanding, the Interest, the Achievement, the Concentration, the Applicability, and the Spontaneity. As for the Understanding, the traditional learning model has better effect on students than the situated learning model. But the situated learning model was much superior in the other factors to the traditional learning model. Next, it had been examined how much students improved their computer skills under the situated learning model and under the traditional learning model. The study showed that the traditional learning model resulted in a little bit higher scores than the situated learning model. In this study's result on the Understanding and on the improving students' computer skill, there can be several reasons why the traditional learning model had much more effect than the situated learning model. First, this study had been conducted in too short time was spent to set up a new model properly. Second, students were too young to understand what the situated learning model was in detail. Third, the curriculum and design used for this study was too poor to get expected results. However, it was a great success to find out that the situated learning model is superior in the students' learning attitude to the traditional learning model.

      • 영화자료 분류에 관한 연구

        이인순 상명대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        국문요약 영화자료 분류에 관한 연구 본 연구는 기존의 일반분류표와 영화전문자료실의 영화 관련 자료의 분류체계를 살펴보고, 영화전문자료실 분류체계의 개선 방안을 제안하기 위하여 시도되었다. 문헌연구와 인터넷 검색을 통해서 영화자료의 의의와 종류, 영화자료의 특성 및 일반자료 분류법의 영화자료 분류현황을 파악하였다. 또한, 영화전문자료실을 직접 방문하여 실무자와 면담한 후 분류체계를 비교하고, 영화자료 분류 모형을 제안하였다. 연구 결과는 첫째, DDC는 보조표와 지시사항을 통하여 영화분야 전반에 걸친 상세한 분류가 가능하고 상관색인이 있어서 영화와 관련 있는 타 분야의 분류현황을 알 수 있으나, 감독과 배우 등 인물을 분류할 경우 사람을 나타내는 형식구분을 해줌으로써 오히려 분류번호가 지나치게 길어지는 단점이 있었다. 둘째, KDC는 우리나라 실정에 맞게 재구성한 한국의 표준분류표이지만 DDC처럼 보조표가 없고 지시사항도 정교하지 않으며 전개항목의 내용이 매우 미흡하여 항목을 좀 더 전개할 필요성이 있었다. 셋째, LCC는 영화를 문학 분야에 배정하여 분류하고 알파벳과 숫자를 조합하여 표기하였으며, 영화촬영술과 영화촬영에 필요한 각종 기기를 사진 분야에서 상세 분류하고 일반저작의 하위항목인 특수주제에서는 무려 83개 항목으로 세분하고 있었다. 시나리오는 영화분야에 배정되었고 만화영화대본과 번안 또는 개작한 시나리오까지 세분류되었다. DDC와 KDC에 비해 항목이 매우 세분화되어 있어서 영화분야 분류에 가장 적합한 것으로 밝혀졌다. 넷째, 우리나라에는 영상자료원 영상자료실, 영화진흥위원회 영화자료실, 아리랑정보도서관 영화정보실 등 세 곳의 영화전문자료실이 있다. 영상자료실과 영화자료실은 각각 자관의 특성에 적합하게 고안한 분류표를 사용하고 있고 영화정보실은 KDC를 적용하여 사용하고 있었다. 이상의 연구를 기초로 하여 영화전문자료실에 적합한 분류체계 모형을 다음과 같이 제안하고자 한다 : 첫째, 우리나라 영화전문자료실의 분류 개선안이므로 한국영화를 총류 다음에 배정하였다. 한국영화 안에 한국영화사, 한국영화인물, 한국영화 연구⦁비평, Korean Cinema, 영상관련 기관 발간도서, 국내 영화제, 국제영화제 등 국내 영화 관련 7개 항목으로 구분하였다. 둘째, 국내⦁외에서 개최되는 각종 영화제를 포함시켜서 해외영화제, 국내영화제, 국내에서 개최되는 국제영화제 등으로 구분하였다. 셋째, 각국의 영화에서는 일본영화와 중국영화, 아시아권 영화 등으로 구분하였다. 넷째, 영화인물을 별도로 배정하여 국내 영화인물과 구별하였고, 시나리오는 서명의 가나다순으로 별치하여 분류⦁정리하도록 하였다. 다섯째, 영화관련 실물자료는 매체 약자와 숫자를 조합하여 사용하고, DVD 분류는 영화자료실의 분류표를 적용하여 사용할 것을 제안하였다. ABSTRACT A Study of Classification for Cinema Materials This study was made for the purpose to examine the existing general classification and the system of classification for cinema related materials presently used by libraries specialized in cinema. It was made to propose the improvement of the system of classification for libraries specialized in cinema. Through documentary research and internet research, it grasped the meaning and kinds of film materials, the characteristic of film materials as well as the present state of classification of film materials under the classification methods for general materials. Also, it compared the system of classification after having face-to-face talks with the hands-on staffs by direct visits to libraries specialized in cinema and proposed a model of classification for cinema materials. In conclusion, the DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification) was able to classify in details all around the field of cinema through the subsidiary table, instructions and to see the present state of classification in other fields related to cinema referring to the relative index. While it had the weakness that the class numbers became longer than needed, it classified the types to show people in the case of classification for figures such as directors, actors, etc. Second, the KDC is the Korean standard classification which had been restructured to meet the practical state of Korea. But it did not have any subsidiary table like the ones of DDC and its instructions were not precise enough, and it also had to develop items much more since the contents of developed items were left in large numbers to be desired. Third, the LCC assigned cinema to the field of literature for the classification to show it in the combination of the alphabet and numbers. It classified various instruments necessary for cinematography and filming in the field of photograph, and subdivided into as many as 83 items regarding special subject as a sub-item under general writings. Scenario was assigned to the field of cinema to be subdivided into scripts of animation as well as adapted or rebuilt scenarios. As compared with DDC and KDC, it was found to be very suitable for the classification of cinema because of very detailed subdivision of items. Fourth, there are three libraries specialized in cinema in this country, which are Film Library at the Korean Film Archive, Korean Film DB at the Korean Film Council, and Cinema Information Center at Arirang Digital Public Library. Film Library and Korean Film DB were using their own classification respectively developed to be suitable for the characteristic of each institution, while Cinema Information Center was using the one applied by KDC. Based on above forementioned study, it proposes a model for the system of classification to be suitable for libraries specialized in cinema as in the followings: First, since this is the improvement plan of classification for Korean libraries specialized in cinema, it assigned Korean cinema to the second to general works. Under Korean cinema, it classified in Korean cinema related seven items, which are History of Korean Cinema, Features in Korean Cinema, Study and Criticism of Korean Cinema, Korean Cinema, Publications from Film Related Institutions, Domestic Film Festivals, International Film Festivals, etc. Second, it classified into overseas film festivals, domestic film festivals, and international film festivals held in this country including various film festivals held home and abroad. Third, it classified into Japanese cinema and Chinese cinema, cinema in Asian region regarding cinemas in each country. Fourth, it assigned features in cinema separately to distinguish from features in domestic cinema and for scenario, it assigned in the order of alphabet of the name so to classify and organize it accordingly. Fifth, for actual materials related to cinema, it used in the combination of the abbreviation of each medium and numbers, and for the classification of DVD, proposed to use by the application of the classification by the Korean Film DB.

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