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        """ 鄧小平 體制下의 中共의 黨一軍關係와 中共指導體의 展望 """

        黃珍煥 陸軍士官學校 1986 한국군사학논집 Vol.30 No.-

        중공에서의 당-군관계는 다른 공산주의 국가에서와 마찬가지로 중공정치 역학을 이해하는데 있어서 중요한 변수의 하나로 연구되어져 왔다. 특히, 중공체제의 안정성을 이해하는데 있어서 당-군관계의 고찰은 더욱 그러하다. 이러한 맥락에서, 본고는 현 등소평 체제하의 중공의 당-군관계를 분석하고, 이를 토대로 현 중공 지도체제의 미래를 조망하려 한다. 먼저, 등소평 체제하의 당-군관계를 분석, 평가하기 위하여, 당과 군 내부의 파벌을 중심으로 그들의 국내정책에 대한 태도의 차이를 중심적으로 다루었다. 특히 그중에서도 모택동 사후 당과 군사이에 집중적으로 논의되고 있는 군사개혁과 군사현대화에 초점을 맞추어 ;1)군사개혁과 현대화의 현실태, 2)문제점 및 한계성, 3)당과 군사이에 등소평 노선에 대한 찬반 논쟁, 4) 여기서 야기된 군부내 반대세력의 심각성 정도 등을 분석하였다. 이러한 분석을 바탕으로 현 등소평 체제하의 당-군관계를 평가하고, 나아가서 체제의 안정성에 대한 예측과 예상되는 몇가지 한계성을 제시하였다. 본고에서는 1978년 이후 등소평 체제하의 기간을 주 연구범위로 다루었으며, 등소평의 군개혁노선에 반대하는 군부내 세력을 위주로 분석하였다. 끝으로, 이글은 공산주의 국가들에서의 당-군관계 연구의 새로운 모델이나 접근법을 제시한다기 보다는 현존하는 몇가지 접근법을 토대로 현중공의 당-군관계를 분석하고, 나아가 체제의 안정성을 평가, 예측하는데 연구의 주안점을 두었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        21세기 한국군의 PKO 전략 연구 - 군사력의 소프트 파워적 활용을 중심으로 -

        황진환,김건우 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2012 한국군사학논집 Vol.68 No.3

        This study aims at examining the Republic of Korea(ROK) Armed Forces' soft power strategy in the 21st century. For this purpose, firstly, this paper builds a conceptual framework for analyzing peacekeeping operations(PKO). Secondly, the paper analyzes two representative PKO of ROK armed forces. Finally, it suggests some policy options for better implementing South Korea's PKO. The ROK Armed Forces made efforts to stabilize the armed conflict, build a governance system, provide humanitarian assistance, support social and economic development, advance local relationship and implement military exchange in the conflict region. They succeeded in connecting their efforts in the operation to national interest. On the other hand, limitations are identified such as a shortage of civilian peacekeepers and the lack of specialty of the contingent units. As a result, the ROK Armed Forces needs to cultivate civilian PKO experts and reinforce civil-military cooperation in PKO. Therefore, they must improve the operational capability in PKO by developing specialized PKO programs appropriate for themselves and reforming the organizational structure of contingent units for effectiveness

      • 제1, 2차 북한 미사일 위기와 미국의 대북 통제정책

        황진환 원광대학교 2006 圓光軍事論壇 Vol.- No.2

        This paper attempts to analyse the U.S. efforts and policy responses over the North Korea's recurring missile crises of the 1998 and 2006. By Comparing Pyongyang's intentions and Washington's responses in each crisis, this article aims not only to prospect the future U.S. arms control policy toward North Korea, but also to propose problems and limitations of U.S. - North Korean and North-South Korean relations. To carry out this objective, this paper focuses on the following three aspects. First, it analyses major trends and motives of North Korea's missile developments. Second, it explores the background and consequences of the 1998 North Korea's missile crises by examining throughly the U.S.-North Korean missile negotiations under the Clinton administration. Third, it analyses the backdrops of the North Korea's second missile crisis of 2006 and U.S. policy responses by looking at new U.S.'s arms control policy over the Weapons of Mass Destruction(WMD) under the Bush administration. Finally, based on above considerations, it proposes some policy measures for South Korea toward North Korea, especially regarding on the Gaesung Industrial Complex business and Seoul's participation on the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI).

      • KCI등재

        Stratification and Salt-wedge in the Seomjin River Estuary under the Idealized Tidal Influence

        황진환,장동민,김용훈 한국해양과학기술원 2017 Ocean science journal Vol.52 No.4

        Advection, straining, and vertical mixing play primary roles in the process of estuarine stratification. Estuaries can be classified as salt-wedge, partially-mixed or well-mixed depending on the vertical density structure determined by the balancing of advection, mixing and straining. In particular, straining plays a major role in the stratification of the estuarine water body along the estuarine channel. Also, the behavior of a salt wedge with a halocline shape in a stratified channel can be controlled by the competition between straining and mixing induced by buoyancy from the riverine source and tidal forcing. The present study uses Finite Volume Coastal Ocean Model (FVCOM) to show that straining and vertical mixing play major roles in controlling along-channel flow and stratification structures in the Seomjin river estuary (SRE) under idealized conditions. The Potential Energy Anomaly (PEA) dynamic equation quantifies the governing processes thereby enabling the determination of the stratification type. By comparing terms in the equation, we examined how the relative strengths of straining and mixing alter the stratification types in the SRE due to changes in river discharge and the depth resulting from dredging activities. SRE under idealized tidal forcing tends to be partially-mixed based on an analysis of the balance between terms and the vertical structure of salinity, and the morphological and hydrological change in SRE results in the shift of stratification type. While the depth affects the mixing, the freshwater discharge mainly controls the straining, and the balance between mixing and straining determines the final state of the stratification in an estuarine channel. As a result, the development and location of a salt wedge along the channel in a partially mixed and highly stratified condition is also determined by the ratio of straining to mixing. Finally, our findings confirm that the contributions of mixing and straining can be assessed by using the conventional non-dimensional parameters with respect to salt-wedge behavior.

      • KCI등재

        난류가 플랑크톤의 거동에 미치는 영향: 역학적 관점에서 본 얇은 층의 형성과정

        황진환,Hwang, Jin Hwan 한국해양학회 2012 바다 Vol.17 No.4

        The present work reviews some mechanism explaining how thin layer can develop in the near coastal zone. The existence of thin layer was observed by physical research methods later than classical biological approaches. The Richardson number, which is a ratio between the stratification and shear stress is crucial factor determining the occurrence of thin layer. Micro-structure turbulence seems to affect the plankton behavior, in particular the encountering rate. Encountering rate affects significantly feeding, reproduction etc. and this fact was proved by the mechanical simulation methods. Recently the Gyrotaxis was introduced to explain how thin layer occurs in the mixing layer. Such physical approaches to explain ecological problem will be prominent methods for marine ecological research area. 본 연구에서는 최근 물리적 관측 방법으로 그 존재가 확인된 얇은 층(thin layer)의 형성 메커니즘에 대하여 검토하였다. 기존의 연구들에서는 성층과 전단응력의 상대적 크기인 Richardson수가 얇은 층의 중요한 결정요인인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 성층이 없는 조건하에서의 물리적 수치 실험은 미세 난류(micro-structure turbulence)가 플랑크톤의 거동에 변화를 주어 성장과 재생산 등에 영향줄 수 있음을 설명하였다. 기존의 플랑크톤 거동에 성층과 전단응력의 효과를 고려하여 최근 Gyrotaxis의 메커니즘으로 얇은 층이 형성되는 과정을 설명하였다. 이러한 생태학적 문제에 물리학적 연구방법론의 적용이라는 최근의 연구경향은 현재 및 향후에 해양생태학에서 중요한 접근방법이라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        1990년대 이후 남북 군사분야 회담 연구: 패턴과 정향

        황진환,정성임,박희진 통일연구원 2010 統一 政策 硏究 Vol.19 No.1

        This study aims at analyzing the dynamics of South-North military talks in the post Cold War era from 1990 up to present. For these purposes, main emphasis is given to analyses on the backgrounds, the characteristics of process and representatives of the military talks, the characteristics of media reporting, and finally finding out some policy considerations for the policy of South Korea. The military talks can be characterized as the proclamatory agreements after the high-level talk in 1990, working-level talks after the first South-North summit talks in 2000 and then, the exclusive negotiations on military agendas after the general-level talk in 2004. The agenda of South-North military talks has not continued during the given period. In the years of 2000s’, the agreed agendas proposed by South Korea could not have been discussed on the actual tables, and the talks have influenced by external factors. The troubles in the process of talks have originated from the fundamentally different stands of South and North Korea, the observance of former agreements, and the negotiation strategies of North Korea both in 1990s’ and 2000s’. The South Korean representatives in 2000s’ have been changed by the new assignment of personnels in charge or the agendas of talks, while North Korea has appointed new representatives by the generational shifts. Additionally, South Korea has composed the representatives on the level of talks, but those of North Korea who work in small numbers have repeatedly appeared both in the general-level talks and the working-level talks. According to media reports, North Korea considered South Korea’s negotiation attitude as ‘saving face-ism’, while South Korea judged that intentionally North Korea delayed or broke down the talks. Upon these analyses, South Korea is expected to seek regularizing and reorganizing of military talks, to set the priority of goals in talks, to search the strategies which will enable agendas to come up in due order and to balance among them, and to prepare the negotiations which keep agendas themselves from being new cards on the negotiating table. 이 논문은 1990년대 이후 현재까지의 남북군사회담을 개최 배경, 회담 및 대표의 특징, 언론 보도의특징 및 한계를 중심으로 분석하고, 이를 통해 한국의 정책적 고려사항을 도출하는데 목적이 있다. 남북군사회담은 1990년 남북고위급회담 이후에는 선언적 합의에 머물렀지면, 2000년 제1차 남북정상회담 이후에는 실무회담 중심으로, 그리고 2004년 남북장성급 회담 이후로는 군사의제 전담협상으로 변화하는 특징을 가진다. 그러나 1990년대 이후 남북군사회담의주제는 연속성을 가지지 못했다. 시기별 회담은 모두 남북한의 근본적 입장차이, 기존 합의의 준수 여부, 북한측 협상 전략 때문에 어려움을 겪었고, 또 외부요인에 의해 좌우되어 왔다. 회담대표를 보면, 한국의 대표 교체는 주로 담당 직책의 변화 및 회담주제와 연관된 반면, 북한의 대표 교체는 담당자의 세대 교체에 따른 것이다. 또한 한국은 각급별 회담에 따라 대표구성이 다른 반면, 북한은 장성급회담 대표와 실무회담 대표가 상당수 중복되며 적은 인원수로 운영되는 특징을 보인다. 언론 보도를 보면, 북한은 군사문제에 관한 한국의 협상태도를 ‘체면주의’로 인식하고 있는 반면, 한국은 북한이 고의적으로 회담을 지연시키거나 결렬에 이르게 한다고 판단하고 있다. 이와 같은 분석을 바탕으로 향후 한국은 군사회담의 정례화 및 회담기구의 재정비를 모색하고, 회담목표의 우선순위를 결정해야 하며, 회담주제의 순차적 의제화 및 균형화 전략을 모색하고, 회담주제의 협상 수단화를 막을 수 있는 협상전략을 모색해야 한다.

      • KCI등재
      • The Directions of Defense Transformation for the ROK Ground Forces

        황진환 육군사관학교 화랑대연구소 2009 한국군사학논집 Vol.65 No.2

        Today’s technological advancements have altered the paradigm of war. “The Third Wave” has swept over society’s economic system, forcing its armed forces to change at every level not only technology but also organizational structure, doctrine, strategy, tactics, training, and logistics simultaneously. Under the guidance of the defense transformation paradigm, this paper explores roles that ROK(Republic of Korea) Ground Forces are expected to assume in the future and requirements that ROK Ground Forces have to meet to fulfill their responsibility. Based upon this analysis, some policy options for South Korean government are suggested. South Korea needs to concentrate her energy on defense transformation in a way that ROK Ground Forces can ensure five key elements for the future warfare: responsiveness, agility, lethality, survivability and sustainability.

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