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        정성임 이화여자대학교 통일학연구원 2015 Journal of peace and unification Vol.5 No.2

        This paper compares the U.S.-Iran nuclear negotiations with the North Korea nuclear talks, focusing on the North’s motivation for nuclear development, the negotiation processes, the negotiation methods, and other influential factors and draws implications from the U.S.-Iran nuclear negotiations for the North Korean nuclear negotiations. North Korea’s motive for possessing nuclear weapons is closer to a security model’s, and its negotiation means is more direct and provocative. The economic factor has no specific effect in the North Korean nuclear negotiations due to the characteristic of the North’s economic system, the selective sanctions of the international community, and the passive attitude of China. Also, due to the rise of China and the fact of North Korea-China relations, the United States faces difficulties in considering the North Korean issues together with the Chinese variables in the negotiations. To resolve the North Korean nuclear negotiations in the future, the interests of countries participating in the six-party talks needs to be considered to increase negotiating pressure on the North. In addition, judging from North Korea’s economic system and economic policies, the economic incentives and sanctions must be appropriately employed and means to increase effectiveness devised. Also, changes in North Korea-U.S. relations must put South Korea at the center and be aimed at transforming North Korea. Finally, changes in North Korea since the suspension of the six-party talks must be taken into account, and the negotiation strategy toward North Korea must be readdressed.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘跟’·‘跟着’의 詞典 해석상의 문제 고찰 -의미항·품사·어법단위를 중심으로

        정성임 중국인문학회 2018 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.68

        Considering the Problem of Translation in 詞典 of Modern Chinese 跟․跟着 - particullarly about the semantic clause, part of speech, and grammar unit This article is talking about the semantic clause, part of speech, and grammar unit of Modern Chinese 跟[gēn] and 跟着[gēn zhe] by following the way of the former research paper about the problem of translations in the dictionary of the words 就̀ [jiù]․就是[jiù shì] and 還[hái]․還是[hái shì] The result is as follows. 1. The basic meaning of the word 跟[gēn] in Ancient Chinese is heel[脚後跟 jiǎohòugen] and was used as a noun or verb. However, it is used as a morpheme in Modern Chinese. 2. The word 跟[gēn] is used usually as a verb in Modern Chinese. Depending on the text it is used in, it can be interpreted as a preposition or a conjunction. However, it is still used as a semantic clause of a verb. 3. The appearance of 跟着[gēn zhe] by the interpretation of 『漢語大詞典[Hànyǔ dà cídiǎn]』 can be predicted as the end of Cheong(淸末). In 『現代漢語詞典[Xiàndài Hànyǔ cídiǎn]』, 跟着[gēn zhe] belongs to an adverb. However, in Modern Chinese, 跟着[gēn zhe] is a phrase that is a combination of the verb 跟[gēn] and the postpositional particle 着[zhe] . It is used as a predicate or an adverb. In other words, 跟着[gēn zhe] is a verb phrase.

      • KCI등재

        ‘小+N’의 ‘小’ 의미 해석 연구-한국어 ‘작은/어린(새끼)’ 해석을 중심으로-

        정성임 영남중국어문학회 2019 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.82

        Korean language enables to distinguish small (‘작다’) and young (‘어리다’) or has alternative words to replace, however, in case of the Chinese language, when ‘⼩’ is placed prior to a noun, it is hard to identify a difference between small in size and young in the meaning of not long after born because ‘⼩’ includes the meanings of both. This study aimed to investigate the semantic analysis of ‘⼩’ in ‘⼩+N’ actively and to help the readers understand and solve the issues that can occur during interpretation process. First, this study classified the types of ‘N’ into ‘animal’ and ‘non- animal’ categories, and proposed the appropriate semantic interpretation of ‘⼩’ depending on the classified category. Second, ‘⼩’ of ‘⼩+N’ that was used for personification implies a meaning that is close to ‘young (baby)’ and ‘child oriented’. In the ≪low- grade textbook of the Chinese elementary school textbook series≫, ‘⼩+N’ appears with a higher frequency, indicating an association with a child oriented attribute. Third, when interpreting the ‘⼩’ of ‘⼩+N’ into the Korean language, there are various expressions in the Korean language such as ‘작은(small)’, ‘어린(새끼) young(baby))’, ‘조그만(little)’, ‘아기(baby)’, ‘꼬마(kid)’ that can replace or distinguish each other in terms of a semantic aspect. However, since ‘⼩’ plays all roles in the Chinese language, therefore, this study proposed a necessity to consider the contexts absolutely together with a category classification of ‘N’ when interpreting the ‘⼩’.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        남북 군사회담의 제약요인과 가능조건

        정성임 세종연구소 2015 국가전략 Vol.21 No.2

        The thesis aims to analyze the obstacles and suggest the feasible conditions for the inter-Korean military talks taking notes of their environmental factors. In the talks so-far, arms control could not have been a main agenda. The necessary conditions of arms control, like the consensus on maintaining the political status-quo and weakening the political conflicts, have been lacked, and the sufficient conditions also deformed. Those have resulted in unripe environmental conditions for the talks. 'The burden of armaments' cannot be the trigger factor for arms control as the military power is the only security resource North Korea has, and 'the alliance condition' is a modified relationship between North Korea and US since the South-US alliance is the core of mutual deterrence. To utilize the inter-Korean Military talks as a practical arena of arms control, 'the balance of mutual deterrence' and 'the change in the North Korea-US relationship' should be supported on the ground of 'the consensus on maintaining the political status-quo.' 이 논문은 남북 군사회담의 환경요인에 주목하여 제약요인을 분석하고 향후 가능조건을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 그동안 남북 군사회담은 군비통제를 주요 의제로 삼지 못했다. 정치적 현상유지에 대한 공감대, 정치적 갈등 약화 등 군비통제의 필요조건이 결여되고 충분조건 또한 변형되어 나타나는 등 회담의 환경요인이 성숙되지 못했던 것이다. ‘군비부담 조건’은 북한에게 유일한 안보자원이 군사력이라는 점에서 군비통제의 유인요인이 되지 못하며 ‘동맹 조건’은 한미동맹이 상호 억지력의 핵심이라는 점에서 북미관계로 변형되었다. 따라서 남북 군사회담이 실질적인 군비통제의 장이 되기 위해서는 ‘정치적 현상유지에 대한 합의’를 전제로 ‘상호 억지력의 균형’ 그리고 ‘북미관계의 변화’가 뒷받침되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        김정은 정권의 제도적 기반: 당과 국가기구를 중심으로

        정성임 통일연구원 2012 統一 政策 硏究 Vol.21 No.2

        This thesis aims to examine the institutional foundation of Kim Jong-un regime focusing on the party and the state agencies. Institutionally the absolute power of Kim Jong-un has not changed and the difference between Father and Son lies on their management of it. The core organization of power structure is the party and its control on the army has been enhanced. Kim Jong-un grasps firmly on the command and personnel management of the army (the first chairman), ascendancy (National Defense Commission), and the party leadership (the Party Central Military Committee). Additionally, the committee has guided the military field and the defense businesses through the party while National Defense Commission has led the armed forces area and national defense constructing businesses,which shows more clearly divided roles and assignments between the party and the state agencies. Hereafter, relating to the stability of the regime, it should be watched whether these institutional assurance of power can be settled in reality. 이 논문은 김정은 정권의 제도적 기반을 당 및국가기구를 중심으로 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 제도적 측면에서 김정은의 절대 권력은 변화되지 않았으며 김정일과의 차이는 권력의 운용방식에 있다. 권력구조의 핵심기구는 당이며 군에 대한 당적통제는 보다 강화되었다. 김정은은 군에 대한 지휘권과 인사권(제1위원장), 지도권(국방위원회)과 당적 지도권(당 중앙군사위원회)을 모두 장악하고 있다. 그리고 당 중앙군사위원회는 군사분야와 국방사업을 당적으로 지도하는 한편, 국방위원회는 무력부문과 국방건설사업을 각각 지도하는 등 당과국가기구 간에 업무와 역할 분담이 보다 명확해졌다. 향후 정권의 안정성과 관련, 이러한 권력의 제도적 보장이 현실로 정착될 수 있는가에 주목해야한다.

      • KCI등재

        조사시찰단의 보고로 본 1880년 조선의 수출입 통계

        정성일(鄭成一) 한일관계사학회 2020 한일관계사연구 Vol.68 No.-

        이 글은 1880년 조선의 수출입 통계에 관한 것이다. 첫째, 분석 자료는 두 가지이다. 하나는 1881년 조사시찰단의 한 사람으로 일본을 다녀온 이헌영(李헌永)의 보고 자료이다. 다른 하나는 일본 대장성(大藏省)이 발간한 일본의 조선무역 자료이다. 둘째, 분석 대상은 1880년 한 해 동안 조선과 일본 사이에서 이루어졌던 무역 실적이다. 이 분석을 통해서 조선의 해관(海關) 설치와 각국에 대한 개항이 본격화되기 전인 1880년 조선의 수출입 실상을 파악할 수 있게 한 점이 이 논문의 특징이다. This paper verifies the statistics of trade between Korea and Japan in 1880. First, the materials for analysis are two. One is the set of reports by Lee Heon-Yeong who visited Japan as a member of Korean Embassy to Japan in 1881. The other materials are the foreign trade reports published by the Japanese Ministry of Finance in 1881. Second, the subject of analysis is the performance of trade between the two nations for one year. It may be suggested that the actual conditions of the trade between Korea and Japan in 1880 were grasped through analyses of the trade materials reported by Lee Heong-Yeong and the Japanese Ministry of Finance in 1881.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 차원 낱말의 의미소에 관한 고찰

        정성임 중국학연구회 2004 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.29

        This research paper makes a study of the meanings and the relationships of the word groups:{長}/{短}, {遠}/{近}, {高}/{低}, {寬}/{窄}, {厚}/{薄}, {大}/{小}, {粗}/{細}. These are based on the dimentional concepts that are used for Mathemetics. One dimentional space is a concepts that states, lines spread into space, and includes length, distance, height and depth. The two dimentional space speaks for surfaces and areas. It includes width, thickness. The three dimentional space is consists of volumes, and is connected with thickness. The meanings are based on the sameness and difference of the "seme" about each word that comes from each dimension. This paper asks whether the meanings have some different things, and what semantic field is composed by the word? The sentences that are showed up in this paper ,and the meanings of the words refer to "the dictionary of common used words" (Chinese changyongci yongfa cidian Lee Xiao-qi and 4 rearchers, 1997).

      • KCI등재

        보드게임을 활용한 대학 중국어 수업의 학습적 효과

        정성임 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.2

        보드게임을 활용한 대학 중국어 수업의 학습적 효과정 성 임* 요약: 본고의 연구 목적은 중국어 능력을 키울 수 있는 효과적인 중국어 수업 방법의 하나로 보드게임 적용을 제안하는 것이다. 연구자는 2021년 1학기 부산에 소재한 S대학교의 1학년 학생을 대상으로 5주간 총 10시간의 ‘보드게임으로 배우는 중국어’ 수업을 진행하였다. ‘날씨’, ‘청결’, ‘숫자’, ‘양사+명사’, ‘동사+명사’의 주제별 수업마다 실시한 사전/사후 테스트로 정량적 결과를 도출하여 학습자의 객관적인 학습 효과를 입증하고, 의견 조사를 통해 정의적 결과를 설명한다. 그 결과 보드게임을 활용한 중국어 수업은 단시간 암기 효과, 장기적 기억 효과, 자발적 반복 효과, 높은 흥미도와 참여도의 효과, 수준 편차의 부담감 해소가 가능한 오락적・교육적 기능을 가진 학습자 중심의 수업임을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 연구가 초보적 발판이 되어 향후 중국어 교육과 보드게임을 접목한 지도법에 대한 폭넓은 연구가 계속되길 바란다. 핵심어: 보드게임, 중국어보드게임, 학습용보드게임, 교육용보드게임, 대학생보드게임 □ 접수일: 2022년 3월 3일, 수정일: 2022년 3월 25일, 게재확정일: 2022년 4월 20일* 신라대학교 중국어중국학과 조교수(Professor, Silla Univ., Email: dior22kr@silla.ac.kr) The Learning Enhancement Effect of Chinese Classesat University Using Board GamesSungim Jung Abstract: The purpose of this study is to propose the application of board games as one of the effective Chinese teaching methods to develop Chinese language skills. The researcher conducted a total of 10 hours of Chinese learning through board games for five weeks for the first semester of 2021 at S university in Busan. Quantitative results are derived from pre/post tests conducted for each subject of ‘weather’, ‘cleanliness’, ‘numbers’, ‘quantifiers+noun’, and ‘verb+noun’ to prove the learner’s objective learning effect and explain the affective results through opinion surveys. As a result, Chinese classes using board games were shown to be learner-centered classes with entertainment and educational functions that can enhance short-time memorization effect, long-term memorization effect, spontaneous repetition effect and high interest and participation, and relieve the burden on the learning level gap in the learners. This study is expected to serve as a rudimentary basis to continue a wide range of further studies on teaching methods that combine Chinese education and board games. Key Words: Board Games, Chinese Board Games, Board Games for Learning Purposes, Educational Board Games, Board Games for College Students

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