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      • KCI등재

        메신저 대화에서의 방언 사용 양상에 대한 연구

        홍미주 ( Hong¸ Mi-ju ) 한국어문학국제학술포럼 2021 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.53 No.-

        본고의 목적은 메신저 대화에서 방언의 사용 양상과 정도를 밝히는 것이다. 이를 위해 대구 지역에 거주하는 40대 여성 화자들로 구성된 카카오톡 대화방의 대화에서 관찰되는 경상방언형과 표준어형의 사용 정도를 살펴보았다. 그 결과, 메신저 대화에서 실현되는 전체 방언형 중 음운, 문법, 어휘 층위에서 실현되는 방언형의 비율은 문법(88.6%), 음운(7%), 어휘(4.4%) 순으로, 방언형 사용은 거의 문법 층위에 집중되어 있다. 그리고 방언형 중 표준어에 대한 사용 정도는 문법형태에 따라 상이하였다. 그리고 표준어화의 변화 속에서도 방언형이 사용되는 이유 중 하나를 방언형이 대화 상황에서 수행하는 기능에서 파악하였다. 방언형이 담화적 기능을 수행할 경우, 그 방언형은 표준어형으로 대체되지 않고 계속 사용될 가능성이 높은 것으로 판단하였다. 본 연구는 메신저 대화에서의 방언형과 표준어형의 사용 양상을 대조적으로 살피고, 방언형이 담화적 기능을 수행함을 논의하여, 현재 지역 화자들의 방언 사용 양상과 기제를 파악하는 데 기여할 수 있다. This paper examines the use of standard and dialect forms by female speakers living in Daegu, in terms of their aspects, extent of use, and discourse function, when contact emerges between standard language and local dialect. The various Gyeongsang dialect forms that appear in KakaoTalk chatrooms were classified by types and the frequency of their uses was analyzed. Although mobile messenger conversations are written language, they provide semi-verbal data that fully reflect everyday spoken language. The usage patterns of standard and dialect forms were categorized into three levels of analysis, namely phonology, vocabulary, and grammar, so as to determine the type of dialect forms and to examine the extent of use of standard forms and dialect forms. In addition, this paper finds that the reason why dialect forms are still used despite the social prestige that standard language has, lies in the discourse function of dialect forms. The main contents of the discussion in this paper can be summarized as follows. First, local speakers use dialect forms in everyday conversations despite the standardization of Korean that entails strong changes in the language. Second, dialect forms are realized at various levels: grammar (88.6%), phonology (7%), and vocabulary (4.4%), and dialects are most active at the grammatical level. Third, the interrogative verb ending ‘na/no/ka/ko’ appeared in almost all of the questions and was not replaced by a standard form. In contrast, the dialect coordinative ending ‘-aka’, which indicates the cause or the sequence of actions, was rarely used and instead, its standard equivalent ‘-ase’ was generally realized. Fourth, in the case of the dialect forms which are combined with sentence endings, they are used for their discourse function as they express the speaker’s intention in a more euphemistic, friendly, and non-categorical manner. When a dialect form has the value of discourse function, it is most likely that it will not be replaced by a standard form and will remain in usage.

      • KCI등재

        언어의식의 일면에 대한 고찰 - 식단어에 대한 인식을 대상으로 : 언어의식의 일면에 대한 고찰

        홍미주(Hong Mi-ju) 한국사회언어학회 2007 사회언어학 Vol.15 No.1

        The objective is to investigate the aspect of language attitude, people"s knowledge about standard form, and attitude toward standard form. Important findings from the questionnaire survey results can be summarized as follows. With an exception of 25% who are not really concerned about a norm, most of the participants think that they should defend a norm of language. However, when they realized their everyday language is not a norm, they show tendency to defend their use and think, there is no need to change it. Changing this two-fold language attitude seems to be the priority in leading people to use a standard form of language.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습자를 위한 한국어 현실발음 교육 내용 연구

        홍미주(Hong, Mi-ju),김예니(Kim, Ye-ni) 국어교육학회 2021 국어교육연구 Vol.- No.76

        본고의 목적은 한국어 학습자에게 현실발음 교육이 필요하고, 현실발음 교육이 이해차원에서뿐만 아니라 표현 차원에서도 이루어져야 함을 논의하는 것이다. 현실발음은 비규범발음이지만 구어에서 빈도 높게 실현되는 발음으로, 학습 자료의 실제성을 높이고 한국어 모어 화자와 원활한 의사소통을 위해 현실발음이 발음 교육의 대상이 되어야 함을 논의하였다. 이런 논의를 위해 본 연구에서는 외국인 학습자를 대상으로 설문조사를 시행하여 현실발음에 대한 학습자의 인식과 요구를 파악하였다. 그리고 현실발음의 유형과 교육항목 선정을 위해 한국 드라마에서 실현되는 현실발음을 분석하여, 고빈도로 출현하는 현실발음의 유형은 이해뿐만 아니라 표현 차원에서 교육해야 함을 제안하였다. 이를 바탕으로, 본 연구에서는 현실발음 중 1) 표준발음에 비해 압도적으로 높은 빈도로 실현되는 현실발음, 2) 대화상 기능 수행에 관여하는 현실발음, 3) 복수표준발음 중 구어에서 실현 빈도가 더 높은 발음, 4) 어간의 재구조화에 따른 현실발음, 5) 의미 변별에 관여하는 현실발음의 경우에는 이해뿐만 아니라 표현 차원에서의 교육도 필요하고, 이에 따라 학습자가 실제 대화에서 발음할 수 있도록 지도할 것을 제안하였다. This paper discusses the need to consider actual pronunciation when teaching pronunciation to learners of Korean and examines the educational contents and methods for actual pronunciation on the levels of understanding and use. This study examines the results of a survey into foreign learners’ perceptions and needs regarding actual pronunciation. It appeared that for many learners perceived actual pronunciation differently from standard pronunciation and that teaching actual pronunciation was necessary both for understanding and output. In order to determine the types of actual pronunciation and select the educational items, this paper analyzed the realizations of actual pronunciation in Korean dramas and suggested that the types of actual pronunciations with a high frequency should be taught both in understanding and language output. This paper proposes the following types as educational contents for both understanding and output, namely 1)the actual pronunciation realized with an overwhelmingly high frequency compared to standard pronunciation, 2)the actual pronunciation with a conversational function, 3)in case of multiple standard pronunciations, the pronunciation with a higher frequency of realizations in spoken language, 4)the actual pronunciation according to the stem restructuring, and 5)the actual pronunciation contributing to semantic discrimination, in order to teach learners Korean pronunciation as in actual conversations.

      • KCI등재

        노년층과 청년층의 방언 차이에 대한 연구-경북 영천 방언의 문법 형태를 중심으로-

        홍미주 ( Hong Mi-ju ) 경북대학교 영남문화연구원 2016 嶺南學 Vol.0 No.31

        본고의 목적은 경북 영천 방언의 문법 형태를 파악하고, 연령에 따른 문법 형태의 실현이 어떻게 다른지 파악하는 것이다. 이를 위해 영천 지역의 노년층 화자와 청년층 화자가 사용하는 문법적 요소를 대조적으로 파악하고, 어떠한 차이가 있으며 그러한 차이가 나는 이유에 대해 논의한다. 영천에 거주하는 노년층 화자와 청년층 화자가 사용하는 조사, 종결어미, 연결어미, 시제, 부정 표현 등을 조사하여 살펴본 결과, 노년층은 주로 전통적인 방언 문법 형태를 사용하고, 청년층은 노년층이 사용하는 방언 문법 형태의 60% 정도를 사용한다. 청년층은 상황에 따라 표준어형과 방언형을 구별해서 사용하는데, 아주 친밀한 상대와 대화할 때 방언을 사용하여, 이중방언사용자의 모습을 보인다. 청년층에서 방언형 사용이 줄어드는 이유는 방언형을 몰라서가 아니라 청년층 화자가 대화 상황에 따라 표준어와 방언을 사용하기 때문이다. 이러한 논의를 통해 연령에 따른 영천 방언의 문법 형태 사용 양상과 젊은 세대의 방언 사용 기제를 파악하는 것이 가능하다. This paper examines lexical forms in the Yeongcheon dialect and seeks to understand their different realisations according to age groups. In order to achieve this, this study compares and contrasts the grammatical elements used by elderly speakers with those used by younger speakers, and discusses in depth, whenever differences lie between the two groups, the reasons for such differences. Then, focusing on the younger group, the study investigates whether this group recognizes and uses dialectal lexical forms. The grammatical elements surveyed are as follows: particles, sentence endings, connective endings, tenses, negative terms. The investigation into the use of these items by speakers of older and younger generations in Yeongcheon has yielded five major results. 1. The elderly mainly use lexical forms of the traditional dialect. 2. Although younger speakers know these lexical forms, they only use 60% of them. 3. Younger speakers distinguish and use standard and dialectal lexical forms depending on the situation. For instance, they use dialect only when conversing with close friends, that is, the use of dialect can be perceived as an intimate speech marker. 4. The main reason why the use of dialectal forms among the younger generation is decreasing is not their ignorance of the dialect but rather the restrictions on its use. In other words, some conversational situations require the use of standard Korean, thereby limiting the opportunities to use dialectal forms. 5. As bidialectal speakers, the younger generation knows both standard and dialectal lexical forms and thus can strategically choose the appropriate form according to the situation they are facing.

      • KCI등재

        식품 상품명의 언어적 특징과 사회문화적 의미

        홍미주(Mi Ju Hong),송현주(Hyun Ju Song) 언어과학회 2015 언어과학연구 Vol.0 No.72

        The aim of this study is to comprehend the structural and semantic characteristics of the food product names that are on the market today as well as to examine the sociocultural meaning they convey. Because the language reflects the culture and diet of those who compose a given society, analyzing food product names thus helps to understand the demand and the sociocultural trends that take place in that society. This paper investigates a total of 622 Korean food product brand names of 7 kinds of food products (sauce, noodles, oil, seasoning sauce, meat and fish product, kimchi, rice) marketed by 5 food companies in order to analyze their structural, semantic, and sociocultural features. From a morph-syntactic perspective, a large number of these brands, which are essentially written in Korean alphabet, are made up of many syllables and present a variety of compound structures. From a semantic point of view, most either reflect the flavor and the texture of the product, or designate its place of origin or its locality, or disclose its ingredients, or reveal its use and function. The results of this analysis show a number of relevant sociocultural characteristics. First, Koreans pursue a healthy lifestyle by consuming products that contain safe ingredients and follow traditional recipes. Second, the diversified demand of consumers has led to the diversification of brand names as well as its segmentation. Third, changes in lifestyle such as urbanization, nuclearization of family, and increase in female employment, contribute to a growing tendency towards easy-cooking food. Finally, if among all tastes hot spicy flavor is a favorite, we can consider this as an answer to the stress caused by the recent economic crisis.

      • KCI등재

        일상 발음과 언어규범에 대한 태도와의 관계

        홍미주(Hong Mi-ju) 한국사회언어학회 2006 사회언어학 Vol.14 No.1

          The objective of this study was to investigate university students"s pronunciation, their knowledge of standard pronunciation, attitudes toward standard pronunciation through a questionnaire on the relation between actual pronunciation and attitudes toward standard pronunciation. Analysis of the questionnaire shows several notable results. University students make nonstandard pronunciation such as ㅅ→ㅆ, ㅈ→ㅉ in initial positions and in consonant clusters of a declinable word stem ㄺ→ㄹ, ㄼ→ㄹ. University students also show a good knowledge of orthoepy. They tend to think that people should follow orthoepy as much as possible but at the same time, people can make use of nonstandard pronunciation if the pronunciation is easier for speaker. The result on attitudes toward orthoepy showed that if a speaker"s own pronunciation corresponds with standard pronunciation, people think they should observe orthoepy. Results regarding the pronunciation of consonant clusters of a declinable word stem ㄺ→ㄹ, ㄼ →ㄹ, suggest that standard pronunciation of a declinable word stem ending in ㄺ, ㄼ should be modified.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 중국인 학습자의 청취,발음 오류 분석을 통한 한국어 평음,경음,격음 교육 방안 연구

        위원징 ( Wen Jing Yu ),홍미주 ( Mi Ju Hong ) 국제한국어교육학회 2013 한국어 교육 Vol.24 No.4

        The aim of this paper is to find out the causes of the error patterns of listening and pronunciation in L2-Korean on neutral, fortis and aspirated stops in Chinese. All participants responded the questionnaires and they listen and utter Korean. The target of the consonants are collected and analyzed. Different groups of participants took part in the experiment: Korean speaking level, male and female. Through the experiment I analysis the frequencies of errors, and results indicate that there are three significant problems. First, When it comes to listening and pronunciation, the highest frequency of error is the fortis sound. Second, it is often confused to listen and pronounce among neutral, fortis and aspirated stops. And third, If they had not corrected their errors at the beginning stage, their problems would have been fossilized. This study shows two alternative solutions of education as to work out these problems based on the results of the survey. One is visual effective teaching method of Korean which show how different triple stops are. The other is tactile effective teaching method of Korean which makes them recognize laryngeal tension by touching with their fingers, when they say the fortis sound. Through this alternative solution of education, they can improve their pronunciation habit, which is not exist in Chinese pronunciations. (Kyungpook National University)

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 양식 넙치, Paralichthys olivaceus에서 분리된 VHSV(Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus)의 유전학적 검토

        김수미,이재일,홍미주,박헌식,박수일 한국어병학회 2003 한국어병학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        PT-PCR법을 이용하여, 우리 나라 동해안의 양식 넙치에서 VHSV를 검출하였으며 5개의 VHSV isolates의 N gene과 G gene을 sequencing하였다. Phylogenetic analysis를 실시하여 이들 VHSV isolates와 지리적 분리 유래가 다른 VHSV strains간의 유전학적 상관관계를 조사하였다. 일반적으로 VHSV strains의 유전형은 그 지리적 분리 유래에 따라 American type (Genogroup Ⅰ), British Isles type (Genogroup Ⅱ), European type (Genogroup Ⅲ)으로 구분할 수 있으며, 본 연구에서는 우리 나라 양식 넙치에서 분리한 5개의 Korean isolates는 모두 Genogroup Ⅰ에 속하며, 일본의 Obama25 type과 유사하다는 것을 밝혔다. RT-PCR method was applied to detect and clone the nucleocapsid protein (N) gene and glycoprotein (G) gene for sequencing 5 Korean VHSV isolated from cultured olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Phylogenetic analysis was performed to investigate their relationship with the VHSV strains described previously and isolated from different geographical area. Generally, VHSV strains were separated phylogenetically according to the major geographical area of isolation: Genogroup Ⅰ(American type), Genogroup Ⅱ (British Isles) and Genogroup Ⅲ (European type). This study revealed that all 5 Korean VHSV isolated were belonged to Genogroup Ⅰ and closely related to Japanese Obama25 type.

      • 수온 변동 자극이 양식 넙치, Paralichthys olivaceus의 비특이적 생체 방어에 미치는 영향

        이덕찬,김도형,김수미,강명석,홍미주,김현정,박수일 한국어병학회 2002 한국어병학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 넙치에 대한 수온 변동 자극의 영향을 생체 방어적인 측면에서 검토하고자 하였다. 수온 변동 자극은 매일 18℃에서 25℃까지 상승과 하강을 반복하는 방법을 사용하였으며 그 기간은 30일간 지속하였다. 실험어는 온도변화를 주기 시작한 후 28일째까지 무작위로 채포하여 말초혈액 중의 백혈구 수, 전혈의 식작용능, 활성산소, 환원능, chemiluminescence(CL) response 및 lysozyme용균능과 같은 각종 비특이적 생체방어와 관련한 실험을 수행하였다. 수온 변동 자극을 주기 시작한 후 1일째부터 시작하여 1주일 이내에 약 18%의 넙치가 폐사하였으며 이후에는 대조구와 유사하였다. 또한, 수온 변동 자극을 준 실험구의 호중구 수는 2주째에 유의적인 증가를 보였으며, 림프구 수는 2일과 3일째에 감소하였으나 1주째부터 대조구와 유사한 수준으로 회복되었다. 실험구에서는 식작용 결과 식균율과 식균지수에서 이물질 투여 후의 반응이 늦게 나타났다. 식세포의 활성을 조사한 NBT reduction 실험에서는 실험 기간 동안 대조구와 유사한 경향ㅇ르 나타내었다. 또한, CL response의 경우, 실험구는 온도 변동 자극초기에 대조구에 비하여 유의적으로 낮았다. 그리고, 식세포가 분비하는 용균성 효소인 점액 내 lysozyme의 활성은 실험 기간 동안 실험구에서 낮게 나타나는 경향을 보였다. 이러한 여러 가지 비특이적 생체 방어 반응의 저하 현상은 수온 변동 자극 초기에 나타났으며, 1주일 정도 지속하면 그 환경에 적응하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 이러한 현상은 이들이 초기 폐사 발생과 어떤 상관 관계에 있는 것으로 생각되었다. This study was performed to know the effects of stress nduced by the daily fluctuation of water temperature fro 18? to 25? up and down for 30 days on the defence mechanism of olive flounde,r Paralichthys olivaceus. To make clear the temperature stress on the defense mechanism of the tested fish, several factors of immune response such as counting of leucocyte appearance in periopheral blood, phagocytic activity in whole blood cells, nitroblue tetrazolium(NBT) reduction, chemiluminescence(CL) response, and lysozyme activity were investigated at 28 days after giving the change of water temperature. The fish was controlled under the none feeding condition during experimental period. Mortality of the tested fish was rapidly increased up to 22% within the first one week of the experimental period without any additional stress factors. The number of neutrophil of peripheral blood in the tested group was significantly higher than the control group at the 2nd week, but the number of lymphocyte was significantly lower than the control group at the 1st and 3rd day of the experimental period, respectively. In the NBT reduction test, the activity of macrophage in the control group fish was the highest on the 7th day while that in the tested group was on the 3rd day. Also, the phagocytosis of tested group against formalin killed cells was retarded compared with the control CL response of the tested group was significantly lower from 2nd to 5th day of the experimental period than the contro. The lysozyme activity of tested group was remained higher during the experimental period than the contro. Even through the tested fish showed different results in some non-specific factors of immune responses between tested and control group fish, olive flounder seems highly adaptable in repeated water temperature change in condition after one week under the given temperature fluctuation range

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