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      • KCI등재

        개화기 사과 '후지'와 '홍로'의 품종간 저온 피해율, 호르몬과 유리당 분석

        정재훈,한점화,류수현,조정건,이슬기,Jeong, Jae Hoon,Han, Jeom Hwa,Ryu, Suhyun,Cho, Jung Gun,Lee, Seul-Ki 한국생물환경조절학회 2021 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.30 No.4

        최근 지구온난화에 의한 이상기상으로 겨울철 한파와 봄철 저온에 의한 농작물 피해가 심각하게 발생하고 있다. 특히 과수의 개화기 저온피해는 꽃눈의 생육단계에 따라 차이가 있으며 발육이 진전될수록 내한성이 약해져 개화 직전부터 낙화 후 1주까지 한계온도가 다르게 발생한다. 따라서 개화기가 빠른 사과 '홍로'가 '후지'보다 피해가 심각한 것이 일반적이나 2020년 4월 저온피해는 개화기가 늦은 '후지'의 피해가 심하게 발생하여그 원인을 분석하고자 본 연구를 수행하였다. 충북 보은군 사과나무 '후지'와 '홍로'를 동시에 재배하는 2농가를 대상으로 품종 간 피해율 실태조사를 실시하였다. 또한 정확한 품종 간 비교 분석을 위하여 생육단계가 동일한 시료를 선택하여 인위적으로 저온처리(-2.0℃, -4.0℃)를 하여 피해 정도를 조사하고, 원인 분석을 위해 조직 내 유리당과 호르몬 함량을 분석하였다. 실태조사 결과 2농가 모두 '후지'가 '홍로'보다 피해율이 높았으며, 특히 B농가(저지대, 평지) '후지'의 경우 피해율이 60.5%로 가장 높았다. 또한 동일한 생육단계의 시료를 사용한 인위적 저온 처리 시험결과에서도 '후지'와 '홍로' 품종 간 피해율에 유의한 차이가 있었다. 유리당 함량은 저온 피해율이 낮았던 '홍로'가'후지'보다 높았으며, 호르몬 분석 결과 정상 꽃눈보다 손상된 조직에서 ABA, IAA와 SA 함량이 높게 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구 결과 조직내 유리당 함량이 높으면 저온 피해율이 낮은 것을 확인할 수 있었으며, 특히 저온 피해율은 sorbitol 함량과 부의 상관관계를 이루고 있다. Freezing damage to fruit trees is frequently occurring due to cold in winter and low temperature in spring to abnormal weather caused by global warming. In particular, the freezing injury of deciduous fruit trees is highly dependent on the developmental stages of the flower buds. And the cold resistance is weakened as the growth progresses, so it is most vulnerable period from flowering to petal fall(post-bloom). Therefore, this study was conducted to analyze the cause of the freezing injury caused by severe low temperature to 'Fuji', which has a late flowering period more than 'Hongro' in April 2020. We investigated freezing injury rate in 'Fuji' and 'Hongro' apple trees damaged by natural low temperature at Boeun-gun, Chungbuk province in Korea. In addition, flower buds in the same developmental stage (tight cluster) were treated artificially low temperature to investigate the injury rate for accurate comparative analysis between varieties, and to analyze the soluble sugar and hormone contents in the flower buds. As a result of survey in natural low temperature, 'Fuji' had a higher injury rate than 'Hongro' in both orchards, and in particular, B orchard 'Fuji' had the highest injury rate of 60.5%. Also there were significantly difference in the freezing injury rate between 'Fuji' and 'Hongro' in artificially low temperature treatments. As a result of analyzing the soluble sugar contents in 'Hongro' was higher than 'Fuji'. Also ABA, IAA and SA contents were more increased in the damaged tissue than in the normal flower buds by low temperature treatments. Consequently, it was assumed that the freezing injury was closely related to soluble sugar contents in the flower buds. In particular, the freezing injury rate was negatively correlated with the sorbitol contents.

      • KCI등재

        『대학연의(大學衍義)』와 조선의 정치사상

        정재훈 ( Jung Jae Hhoon ) 한국사상사학회 2020 韓國思想史學 Vol.0 No.64

        중국의 남송시대에 진덕수가 지은『대학연의』는 주희의 정치사상을 계승한 성리학적 이상이 담긴 제왕학의 교본이다. 원, 명, 청대를 거치면서 제왕의 정치사상에 깊은 영향을 준 이 책은 고려 말 한국으로 전래된 이후 조선시대의 정치사상에도 많은 영향을 끼쳤다. 조선전기에는 현실의 정치에서 중요하게 참고되는 기준이 되는 책으로서 인용이 많이 되었다. 특히 『대학연의』에서 주목된 것은 왕조운영에 적합한 제왕학의 모델이었다. 그것은 현실적으로 신하들과의 관계, 궁중 내부의 비빈과의 관계, 환관 등에 대한 경계에 대한 풍부한 사례 등의 구체적인 역사적 사례가 대상이 될 수 있었다. 이 점은 원대나 명대에서 『대학연의』가 주목되었던 맥락과 다르지 않았다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 적극적인 활용의 결과 『대학연의집략(大學衍義輯略)』과 같이 『대학연의』의 사실과 고려사의 사실을 덧붙여서 만든 책이 출현하기도 했고, 『치평요람(治平要覽)』과 같이 치국, 평천하의 영역을 보완하려는 책도 등장하였다. 조선중기에는 조선전기 체제에 대한 총체적인 반성 위에서 새로운 국가운영 원리를 모색하려는 사림들이 등장하였다. 이들은 『대학』에 대한 이론적 탐색을 심화하였고, 그 결과 이언적은 『중용구경연의(中庸九經衍義)』에서 『대학연의』의 군주수양론을 보다 정밀하게 구체화하였다. 이이는 『성학집요(聖學輯要)』에서 『대학연의』의 내용을 완전하게 해체해서 치국, 평천하의 영역까지 포괄하여 조선에 맞는 제왕학으로 재구성 하였다. 이는 사림들의 붕당정치가 가능하게 하는 이론적 전제가 되었다. 조선후기에는 성리학적 경세론이나 제왕학에서 어느 정도 벗어나는 노력이 나타났다. 당쟁이 치열해지면서 『서경』을 통해 국왕의 왕권을 강조하는 『홍범연의(洪範衍義)』가 출현하기도 하였고, 정조(正祖)는 『대학유의(大學類義)』를 통해 국왕이 직접 경세의 영역을 주도하는 질서를 추구하기도 하였다. 19세기의 세도정치시기에도 권상신이 지은 『국조대학연의(國朝大學衍義)』와 같이 중국의 제왕 사례가 아니라 조선의 국왕의 사례로써 완전히 내용을 바꾼 조선판 『대학연의』가 출현하였다. 이와같이 『대학연의』는 조선의 정치사상의 변화에 큰 영향을 미치면서 그 논리는 조선에서 완전하게 변용되거나 새롭게 이해됨으로써 조선의 정치사상을 이해하는 하나의 지표로서 파악할 수 있다. Daehak Yeoneui was written by Jin Deok-su(陳德秀) of the Southern Song dynasty and has been regarded for centuries as the ultimate guidebook to ideal monarchy, as it contains Neo-Confucian ideals first conceived by Ju Hi(朱熹). This book continued to inspire many rulers (and their political philosophies) during the Yuan, Ming and Qing periods, and it was also introduced to the Korean peninsula at the end of Goryeo period to have a huge impact on Choson’s political philosophy as well. In the early half of the Choson period, this book was often cited as an important standard to be cherished in real life politics. What Daehak Yeoneui essentially presented was an ideal model for the governance of the monarchs who had to rule entire countries. And the book contained numerous examples of past kings’ relationships with his vassals, his queens and concubines, and eunuchs (which attracted Yuan and Ming monarchs’ attention as well). The book’s natural fame led to publications of similar materials such as Daehak Yeoneui Jib’ryak(大學衍義輯略), which added historical facts of the Goryeo period to the original Daehak Yeoneui, or Chipyeong Yoram(治平要覽), which was created to guide the Choson kings in their ruling of the country and pacifying bigger planes. Then, in the middle period of Choson, the Sarim figures appeared and began searching for a new set of principles to run the Choson dynasty, based on a fairly critical take on how things went earlier in Choson. They studied Daehak much more profoundly and in a more academic fashion. As a result, for example, Yi Eon-jeok meticulously analyzed the argument of “Rulers should vigorously build their character” [featured in Daehak Yeoneui] in his Jung’yong Gu’gyeong Yeoneui(中庸九經衍義), and Yi Ih, in his Seonghak Jibyo(聖學輯要)’ completely dismantled and then recomposed all the contents of Daehak Yeoneui and even add other issues such as “Chiguk(Rule the country)” and “Pyeongcheonha(Pacify the universe),” to compile yet another form of ‘Principles for Monarchy(or Monarch studies)’ which would fit the reality of Choson nicely. And most importantly, these efforts were what enabled the Bungdang Party politics to prevail and blossom in this period. In later periods, emerged were some efforts that tried to break free from Neo-Confucian dynasty-governing theories or monarchy studies. With party collisions heating up, arguments in favor of the monarch’s absolute authority (based on Seogyeong) were suggested through books such as Hongbeom Yeoneui(洪範衍義), and King Jeongjo(正祖) himself authored Daehak Yu’eui(大學類義) to emphasize his own role in leading the agenda of world governing. Even during the “Sedo politics” period (during which powerful houses controlled the Choson political arena) in the 19th century, published were books like Gwon Sang-shin’s Gukjo Daehak Yeoneui, which was essentially a Choson version of Daehak Yeoneui, filled with not Chinese but Choson kings’ examples. As we can see, while Daehak Yeoneui heavily affected changes in the Choson politicians’ political philosophy, the Choson people also managed to understand it from an entirely different angle. In other words, Choson’s view on Daehak Yeoneui lets us understand the nature of Choson’s political philosophy and its evolution.

      • KCI등재

        고차 다층구조 신경회로망을 이용한 LCD 모니터의 색 보정

        정재훈,이동욱,안강식,조석제,Jung, Jae-Hoon,Lee, Dong-Wook,Ahn, Kang-Sic,Cho, Seok-Je 한국정보처리학회 2004 정보처리학회논문지B Vol.11 No.2

        본 논문에서는 고차 다층구조 신경회로망을 이용한 LCD 모니터의 색 보정 방법에 관하여 제안하였다. LCD 모니터는 다양한 디스플레이 시스템 구성요소로 인해 비선형적인 특성을 지닌다. 이러한 비선형적 특성들을 해결하고 양질의 영상을 나타내기 위해서는 LCD 모니터좌표와 입력되는 색 자극치 사이의 비선형 색 좌표변환이 필요하다. 고차 다층구조 신경회로망은 학습을 통해 입력되는 색 자극치를 효과적으로 모니터에 가상한다. 실험을 통해 제안한 방법이 칼라 영상의 재현에 효과적임을 확인하였다. This paper presents a new color correction method for color reproduction on LCD-based monitor by means of high-order multilayer neural networks. LCD monitors have nonlinear characteristics from various displaying system components. To overcome these nonlinearities and produce quality image, we need a nonlinear transformer for color coordinate transformation between the LCD monitor coordinates and the input color stimulus values. A high-order multilayer neural network is effectively trained to learn a mapping to determine the required color value of monitors for producing a given color stimulus. From the experimental results, the proposed method is effective in reproducing the color images.

      • KCI등재

        Fruit Quality of 1-Methylcyclopropene Treated 'Formosa' Plum on the Shelf Life at Ambient Temperature

        정재훈,김영칠,정석규,Jung, Jae-Hoon,Kim, Young-Chil,Jung, Seok-Kyu Korean Society of Horticultural Science 2010 원예과학기술지 Vol.28 No.3

        The effects of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) for controlling ripening processes such as weight loss, fruit softening, soluble solids content (SSC), titratable acidity (TA), and fruit skin color were investigated and also the possibility that 1-MCP can inhibit the development of brown rot was explored in 'Formosa' plum ($Prunus$ $domestica$ L.). Fruit were treated with $1{\mu}L{\cdot}L^{-1}$ 1-MCP on the day of harvest and one day after harvest for 16 h at ambient temperature ($20^{\circ}C$), followed by 14 days of shelf life. 1-MCP treatment delayed fruit softening, weight loss and changes in skin color and TA during the shelf life period, but did not affect SSC. These 1-MCP effects were similar with and without delayed treatment. 1-MCP treatment inhibited the development of brown rot caused by $Monilinia$ $laxa$ during storage. Our data shows that treatment delays of ${\geq}1$ day before 1-MCP application had no negative effect of fruit softening, fruit skin color, and TA at ambient temperature ($20^{\circ}C$). Overall, these results indicate that 1-MCP can be used to maintain the quality of non-refrigerated plums. 본 연구는 1-MCP가 'Formosa' 자두의 저장 중 품질 변화와 유통기간 연장에 미치는 효과를 밝히고자 수행하였다. 수확한 'Formosa' 자두를 균일한 크기와 색깔로 선별한 후 수확 당일 그리고 수확 후 1일 후에 걸쳐서 각각 1-MCP를 $1{\mu}L{\cdot}L^{-1}$ 농도로 $20^{\circ}C$에서 16시간 동안 처리하여 대조구(무처리)와 비교하였다. 1-MCP를 처리한 후 14일 동안 상온에서 자두의 연화도, 과중감소율, 가용성고형물 함량 변화, 산도, 그리고 과실의 색깔 변화를 측정하였다. 과중감소율과 과실연화도는 1-MCP 처리구가 무처리구에 비해서 적은 변화폭을 보여주었다. 1-MCP 처리 시기(수확당일 그리고 수확 후 1일) 간에는 따른 큰 차이는 없었다. 가용성고형물 함량에는 통계적 유의성은 없었으나, 1-MCP처리구의 과실에서는 산도와 과실의 색깔 변화가 무처리구에 비해서 적게 나타났다. 또한 1-MCP는 저장 중에 발생하는 과실의 부패병 억제효과를 나타내었다. 따라서 본 연구결과, 1-MCP 처리시기(${\geq}1$일) 연장은 상온저장시 과실의 경도, 산도, 과일 색깔 변화에 큰 영향을 미치지 않았으며, 또한 과실품질 유지에 실용성이 있는 결과를 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        상악전치부 심미에 대한 인식도 평가

        정재훈,오상천,Jung Jae-Hoon,Oh Sang-Chun 대한치과보철학회 2003 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.41 No.5

        Statement of problem : The beauty has a little different meaning according to a time, culture, and nation. Purpose : This study was undertaken to determine the Korean perception of the altered upper anterior dental esthetics including the lack of symmetry, the midline deviation, the gingival exposure, the inclination of incisal plane, the type of incisal plane, and the type of gingival line. Material and Method : 670 subjects were participated in this survey. A questionnaire accompanied by 12 sets of computer-manipulated images using 3D MAX 4.2 software was used to record the ranking of the geometric preference related to the anterior esthetic discrepancies in three or four degrees of alteration. The statistical significance of the differences between the groups was determined by a one-way ANOVA and a t-test. Results : The results obtained were as follows: 1) The Korean perception of the anterior dental esthetics according to the subjects' occupation, sex, and age was most affected by occupation. 2) The masked image emphasizing the dentition and lips appeared stranger than the non-masked image at the same alteration. 3) The lack of symmetry, which was expressed as a unilateral discoloration of the tooth, showed incongruity in any teeth of the anterior dentition. The incongruity was more severe as the degree occurred closer to the midline. 4) The deviation of midline was showed more severe strangeness as the degree of deviation increased. However, more than half of the subjects did not perceive a deviation of 5mm. 5) During smiling, the exposure of the upper gingiva showed more severe incongruity as the degree of gingival exposure increased. 77% of the subjects perceived strangeness at the gingival exposure of 4.5mm. 6) The inclination of the incisal plane appeared stranger as the degree of inclination increased. 62% of subjects perceived strangeness at the $7.5^{\circ}$ inclination of the incisal plane. 7) The type of incisal plane showed increasing strangeness in the order of convex/downward, straight/horizontal, and concave/upward. 80% of subjects perceived strangeness at concave/upward. 8) The type of gingival line was showed increasing incongruity in the order of the same, a little above, and a little under the zenith of the lateral incisor to the line joining the zenith of the central incisor and the canine. However, less than half the subjects did not perceive strangeness at any alteration of the gingival line. Conclusion : The Korean perception of the upper anterior dental esthetics was different to the westerner's perception in the some respects.

      • KCI등재

        거대 분자운의 원적외선 특성

        정재훈,김현구,김봉규,Jung, Jae-Hoon,Kim, Hyun-Goo,Kim, Bong-Gyu 한국천문학회 2006 天文學論叢 Vol.21 No.2

        Infrared color-color diagram of 10 giant molecular clouds are examined to explore the dust property from the COBE Diffuse Infrared Background Experiment of the 100, 140, and $240{\mu}m$ emission. Four of them, Taurus, Mon OB1, Gem OB1, and Chameleon, show the anti-correlation in $R_{100/140}-R_{140/240}$ plot and the horizontal distribution in $R_{100/240}-R_{140/240}$ plot, which disagree with those of theoretical calculation. These could be explained by the depletion of $100{\mu}m$ and the excess of $140{\mu}m$ emission, though no existing dust model could support them. Mean color temperature of the anti-correlation region appears to be lower than that of the linear region, whose temperatures are 15.3, 17.0 K, respectively. And the linear region shows large dispersion in the plot of intensity relation. Both imply that a star formation would be more active, but not homogeneous, in the linear region compared to the anti-correlation region.

      • 고관절 주위 골절환자에서 술 전 색 도플러 초음파를 이용하여 진단한 심부 정맥 혈전의 빈도

        정재훈,이경재,민병우,손은석,구태원,Jung, Jae-Hoon,Lee, Kyung-Jae,Min, Byung-Woo,Son, Eun-Seok,Koo, Tae-Won 대한정형외과초음파학회 2014 대한정형외과 초음파학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        목적: 고관절 주위 골절 환자에서 술 전 색 도플러 초음파 검사를 이용하여 심부 정맥 혈전증을 진단하고 그 발생 빈도를 알아 보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 2013년 6월부터 2014년 5월까지 본원에 내원한 고관절 주위 골절 환자 중 이전에 심부 정맥 혈전의 과거력이 없으며 술 전 색 도플러 초음파 검사에 동의한 환자 27예를 대상으로 하였으며 남자가 8예, 여자가 19예이었다. 평균 연령은 74.3세(41-87)였다. 고관절 주위 골절의 진단명은 대퇴 경부 골절 15예, 대퇴 전자간 골절 11예, 비구 골절이 1예였다. 모든 수술은 본원 내원 후 48시간 이내에 시행하는 것을 원칙으로 하였으며 내원 24시간 이내에 색 도플러 초음파 검사를 시행하였다. 결과: 심부 정맥 혈전은 총 6예(22.2%)에서 발견되었다. 이중 2예(7.4%)는 근위 심부 정맥 혈전이었고 4예(14.8%)는 원위 심부 정맥 혈전이었다. 심부 정맥 혈전 발생 군이 평균 79세(75-87), 발생하지 않은 환자 군이 평균 72세(65-86)로 유의하게 많았다(p=0.038). 결론: 고관절 주위 골절 환자에게 수술 이전 실시한 색 도플러 초음파 검사상 22.2%로 비교적 높은 빈도로 심부 정맥 혈전이 발견되었다. 고관절 주위 골절 환자에서 술 전 심부 정맥 혈전증에 대한 보다 적극적인 검사가 필요할 것으로 사료된다. Purpose: To evaluate the incidence of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) before hip fracture by duplex color Doppler ultrasonography. Materials and Methods: From June 2013 to May 2014, 27 patients who had agreed to perform color Doppler ultrasonography before hip fracture surgery were evaluated for the incidence of DVT. Patients who had history of DVT were excluded. Five patients were men and 19 patients were women. The mean age was 74.3 years old (41-87). There were 15 cases of femoral neck fracture, 11 cases of intertrochanteric fractures and one case of acetabular fracture. Surgical intervention underwent within 48 hours from admission and duplex color Doppler ultrasonography was carried out at the day of admission. Results: DVT occurred in six cases (22.2%). Four cases (14.8%) occurred in proximal deep vein and two cases (7.4%) occurred in distal deep vein. The mean period of immobilization was longer in patients who had DVT. But there was no significant difference. The mean age was 79 years old (75-87) in patients who had DVT and 72 years old (65-86) in patients who had not. There was significant difference (p=0.038). Conclusion: The incidence of DVT which was diagnosed by duplex color Doppler ultrasonography before hip fracture surgery was relatively high (22.2%). So it is necessary to undergo duplex color Doppler ultrasonography more aggressively to rule out DVT before hip fracture surgery.

      • KCI등재

        갈근약침(葛根藥鍼)이 알콜 중독(中毒) 백서(白鼠) 해마(海馬)의 Nitric Oxide Synthase에 미치는 영향(影響)

        정재훈,김호현,이은용,Jung, Jae-houn,Kim, Ho-hyun,Lee, Eun-yong 대한침구의학회 2003 대한침구의학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Puerariae radix(PR) herb-acupuncture on nitric oxide synthase(NOS) expression in hippocampus of alcohol-intoxicated Sprague-Dawley(SD) rats. Methods: SD rats were randomly assigned into 6 groups; normal group, control group, alcohol with herb-acupuncture group(0.3, 3, 30 and 300mg/kg PR). Normal groups were received with NaCl, while alcohol intoxication groups were injected intraperitoneally with alcohol(2g/kg) twice per day for 3 days. Herb-acupuncture groups were injected on Zhongwan(CV12) for 5 consecutive days. For the detection of NADPH-d-positive cells in hippocampus, immunohistochemistry was performed. Results: n control group, a significant decrease in NADPH-d-positive cells was observed compared to normal group. In alcohol with herb-acupuncture group, NADPH-d-positive cells increased significantly compared to control group. Conclusions: The present results revealed that NOS expression is enhanced in the hippocampus of SD rats through PR herb-acupuncture in an acute alcoholic intoxication condition.

      • 봉약침을 이용한 만성 좌둔 점액낭 치료에 대한 증례 보고

        정재훈,홍서영,김융기,임형호,조현철,Jung, Jae-Hoon,Hong, Seo-Young,Kim, Yeung-Kee,Lim, Hyung-Ho,Cho, Hyun-Chol 척추신경추나의학회 2003 대한추나의학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Objectives : This report was performed to evaluate the treatment of acupuncture Therapy. Bee venom acupuncture Therapy, Herbal medication and Moxibustion In Chronic lschial bursitis. Methods : We treated 1 case of chronic Ischial Bursitis with acupuncture therapy, Bee Venom Acupuncture therapy, herbal medication and Moxibustion Results : After 8 weeks of acupuncture Therapy. Bee venom acupuncture Therapy, Herbal medication and Moxibustion. a remarkable improvenment was made for Chronic lschial bursitis. The patient couldn't feel painful swelling over the center of the buttock and down the back of the leg. Conclusion : Acupuncture Therapy, Bee venom acupuncture Therapy, Herbal medication and Moxibustion were effective In reducing the symptoms. We think that it need the further study and clinical trial for Chronic lschial bursitis.

      • 갑상설관낭종에서 발생한 유두상암종 4예

        정재훈,한명월,노종렬,최승호,김상윤,남순열,Jung, Jae Hoon,Han, Myung Woul,Roh, Jong-Lyel,Choi, Seung-Ho,Kim, Sang Yoon,Nam, Soon Yuhl 대한기관식도과학회 2012 大韓氣管食道科學會誌 Vol.18 No.1

        Carcinoma arising in a thyroglossal duct cyst is a not common disease. It is detected in approximately 1% of thyroglossal duct cyst, therefore the clinical manifestation of the patient with carcinoma is undistinguishable from the common cystic lesion. Clinically, it may be confounded with a benign lesion and diagnosed after operation. The mainstream of treatment is the Sistrunk operation, however, there is no definite agreement regarding further treatment in addition to an excision of the cyst. The role of total thyroidectomy and the radioactive iodine therapy have been discussed for adjuvant treatment. We have experienced four cases of papillary carcinoma arising in thyroglossal duct cyst. In the three of the cases, the patients underwent Sistrunk operation, while the other one had additional total thyroidectomy and postoperative radioactive iodine therapy. There was no complication in the perioperative period and no signs of recurrence or metastasis during follow-up period.

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