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        이종태의 해방전후 음악활동 고찰

        이수정 ( Lee Su Joung ) 민족음악학회 2021 음악과 민족 Vol.- No.61

        이종태는 음악교육자·작곡가·지휘자·아악 전문가이자, 군인이다. 1930년 일본음악학교를 졸업한 인텔리로서 해방 이전에는 음악가로 활발히 활동하다가, 해방 후에는 모든 음악 경력을 접고 군대에 들어가 준장으로 예편하였다. 해방을 기점으로 격변한 인생사를 반영하듯 그에 대한 역사적 평가는 상반되게 나타나 있다. 음악인 이종태는 친일 및 전쟁협력 단체에서 활동한 행적에 대한 역사적 책임을 물어 『친일인명사전』에 수록되어 있는 반면, 군인 이종태는 1958년 국방부장관 공로표창, 1966년 보국훈장 천수장을 받으며 승승장구하여 현재 국가유공자로 인정되어 국립묘지 장군묘역에 묻혀있다. 음악인 이종태는 서양음악, 궁중음악, 음악교육 등 영역을 가리지 않고 활동하였다. 수십개의 음악 단체에 소속되었으며, 식민지 관변 단체에서 활동하였다. 중동학교, 중앙불교전문학교, 경성고등음악학원, 이화여자전문학교, 이왕직아악부에서 후학을 양성하였으며, 경성관현악단, 영미합창단 등에서 지휘를 하였다. 1930년 <소년>이라는 작품을 작곡한 이래, <내일>·<그리운 소년>·<우리들은소년>·<김소좌를 생각함>·<총 후> 등의 친일 작품을 양산하였다. 『보통학교조선어독본』을 토대로 음악 레코드를 제작하거나, 경성방송 ‘군가공부’라는 프로그램을 진행하면서 전시 시국 가요를 교육 보급시켰고 강연활동도 활발하게 하였다. 또 이왕직아악부에 10여년을 재직하면서 서양음악 교육과 오선보 채보사업에 관여하며 아악 전문가로 행세하고, <기미가요>와 <우미유카바>를 아악기로 연주할 수 있도록 편곡하는 등 이왕직아악부의 친일활동을 지원하였다. 일제강점기 음악계에서 보여준 활동 내용과 양상은 놀라운 정도이다. 이러한 활동을 하던 이종태는 해방이 되자, 초창기 대한민국 군대와 군악대가 만들어질 당시 42세의 나이에 군에 입대하였다. 군예대 창설에 관여하였고, <상이군인의 노래>·교향시<조국찬가>·교성시<광복10년> 등을 군대 내의 음악 행사를 맡기도 하였다. 군인이라는 신분 제약이 있어 일반에 잘 알려지지는 않았지만, 군대 내에서 승승장구하였다. 태세 전환에 성공하면서 친일 행적은 감추어져 국가유공자로 대접받았으며 사후에 부인인 스즈키 미사호(鈴木美佐保)와 나란히 국립묘지에 묻혀있다. 한국근현대사에서 친일청산을 하지 못했던 과오를 이종태라는 인물을 통해 다시 생각하게 한다. Lee Jong-tae was a music educator, composer, conductor, and soldier. Lee, an intellectual and a graduate of Japanese Music School(日本音樂學敎) in 1930, worked actively as a musician before liberation. After liberation, he gave up his career in music and joined the army and was appointed as a brigadier general. As if reflecting the dramatic convulsion of his life after the liberation, historical evaluations on Lee have conflicting arguments. Lee as a musician was listed in the pro-Japanese Biographical Dictionary as a result of activities as a pro-Japanese and working with war cooperation organizations. On the other hand, Lee as a soldier had a successful career, being commended for his service by the Minister of National Defense in 1958, and receiving an Order of National Security Merit, Cheonsu Medal in 1966. As this research is the first to study Lee, we examine Lee's musical activities, and take a brief contemplation on projects he put parts in as a commissioned consultant of Iwangjikyangyakbu (Yi Royal Household Music Band). Lee as a musician worked in all areas including Western music, court music, and music education. He was a member of dozens of music organizations, and worked in a colonial government organization. Under a war footing, he distinguished himself in pro-Japanese groups and thereby entered major musical circles. Furthermore, after joining the Yi Royal Household Music Band, he participated in the project of the Staff(stave) transcription as an expert of court music during ten years of his incumbency as an editor of omnifying court music (‘A-akumbopyeonchansamuimsichoktak’ 雅樂音譜編纂事務臨時囑託). He also actively supported the pro-Japanese activities of the Yi Royal Household Music Band by rearranging Kimigayo and Umiukaba to be playable for court instruments. His decision to change his stance after liberation was surprisingly quick. In the early 1947, when the Korean military and military band were formed, he joined the army at the age of 42. He became a military band master in the eighth regiment and after the recapture of Seoul in 1950, he participated in establishing the KAS (Korean Army Arts Service 陸軍軍藝隊). Since then, he was unable to actively engage in music due to his status as a soldier. However, he did not stop interacting with musicians until 1970, revealing his presence at international music festivals. Since 1961, when he was serving as the head of the National Cemetery, he cooperated with the National Gugak Center to hold Confucian ceremonies in the National Cemetery on Memorial Day. It is desperately necessary to criticize Lee's pro-Japanese activities during the Japanese occupation, and reflectively view the fact that Lee has never been discovered until now and is still presently being treated as a man of national merit.

      • KCI등재후보

        문화 : < 황화만년지곡 > 연구

        이수정 ( Su Joung Lee ) 온지학회 2016 溫知論叢 Vol.0 No.46

        이 글은 창작국악 첫 작품으로 알려진 1939년 김기수작곡 이능화작사의 <황화만년지곡>에 대한 연구가 미진하다는 문제점을 인식하여 창작배경, 작곡과 초연상황, 악보의 내용 등을 연구하였다. 일본 건국2600년 기념 헌정작품으로 작곡된 이 작품은 일제에 의해 수년간 준비된 행사 중에 하나로 파악하였다. 이 작품이 작곡되고 연주되었던 1940년 아악부의 외부 활동은 이왕직 왕실을 드러낸다는 의미를 가지고 있다. 따라서 일제에 의해 상징적인 의도로 이용되었는데 <황화만년지곡>이 그중에 한 부분이었던 것으로 파악하였다. 작곡배경이 되는 황기2600년 기념행사의 성격과 사회적인 분위기, 일본기원 2600년 봉축곡과 그 곡들이 작곡되었던 당시의 상황을 통해 식민지 조선의 이왕직에까지 철저하게 준비시켰던 결과물로서 이 곡이 작곡되었다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. <황화만년지곡> 초연이 1940년 2월 13일 부민관 공연이었다는 사실을 확인하였고 <황화만년지곡>과 <황화만년지무>가 상관관계가 없다는 새로운 해석을 하였다. 악보에 기보된 악상기호의 내용, 악기의 사용과 연주편성 등 상관관계 등을 살펴 실제 연주와 악보상의 내용이 조금 달랐을 것이라는 점을 확인하였다. 가사분석을 통해 내용은 친일의지가 분명하지만, 해당 가사부분의 악보가 없으므로 음악적인 부분에서 어떻게 해석하여 작곡하였는지는 알 수 없다. 1940년의 기원 2600년 행사를 중심에 놓고 <황화만년지곡>을 살펴보니 이 곡이 한국최초의 창작국악 또는 김기수 개인의 처녀작으로만 한정되는 작품이 아님을 알 수 있었다. 일제강점기의 역사적 현실을 담은 곡으로서 음악사적 의미를 이해하고자 하였다. This dissertation known as the first new creation work of Korean Traditional music in 1939, Hwang-hwa-man-nyeon-gi-gok composed by Ki-soo Kim and writtenby Neung-hwa Lee, includes the background of creation, the situation of composition and first performance, the contents of the musical notes. This work composed for the tribute to the memorial of 2600 founding anniversary Japan is one of the occasion which has been arranged by the Japanese Empire for years. As the external activities of Ah-ack-bu with this work means to reveal the royal family of Yi Wang-jik, this work was used by Japanese Empire. This dissertation states the feature of the memorial of 2600 founding anniversary Japan, the background of composition, society, the history of Memorial bong-juk-gok. This dissertation states that Hwang-hwa-man-nyeon-gi-gok had it``s premiere in 13th February in 1940 in Bu-min gwan, and interpret that there is no mutual relation between Hwang-hwa-man-nyeon-gi-gok and Hwang-hwa-man-nyeon-gi-moo. It was concerned that the actual performance and the score may have some differences according to the correlation of the contents of signs, instruments, organization. It also states pro-Japanese by analyzing the lyrics. It has been found that Hwang-hwa-man-nyeon-gi-gok of the Memorial in 1940 has more meanings than the first creation of Korea and the Ki-soo Kim``s maiden work. This work can be under stood by meaning of the history and the Colonial Japanese era according to the Musical history in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 이왕직아악부 음악촉탁의 역할과 영향의 이중성

        이수정 ( Lee Su Joung ) 이화여자대학교 음악연구소 2021 이화음악논집 Vol.25 No.1

        본 논문은 일제강점기 이왕직과 이왕직아악부에 소속된 음악 관련 촉탁(囑託 음악 촉탁)의 활동을 살펴본 연구이다. 일제강점기 이왕직아악부는 궁중음악의 연주를 지속했지만, 한편에서는 새로운 변화가 있었다. 민간음악과 서양음악을 받아들였고, 학교식 교육방법을 도입하고, 궐 밖의 행사장이나 무대에서 공연하면서 악현과 악곡 구성에 변화를 겪게 된다. 또 오선보 악보를 비롯한 악서(樂書) 및 음악사 편찬이 진행되는 등 연주, 교육, 연구전 분야에서 근대적 변화가 있었다. 그동안 이러한 변화를 주도한 담당자에 관한 연구가 없었는데, 본 연구에서는 그 담당자인 음악 촉탁을 대상으로 삼아 연구하였다. 이왕직에서는 1926년 악서 편찬 촉탁 안확을 시작으로 다양한 음악 촉탁을 채용했다. 가곡·가사·시조·잡가 교육을 위한 가요교수촉탁 하규일·임기준, 오선보 채보 관련 촉탁 백우용·이종태·이시가와 기이치·이가라시 데이자부로, 악서 편찬 관련 촉탁 안확·성낙서·조범하, 양악 교육 관련 촉탁 백우용·이종태·요시자와 미노루, 아악부 강사 촉탁 이병기, 악사 촉탁 김영제 등이다. 이러한 음악 촉탁을 통해 이왕직아악부는 선진적 교육과 문화를 제공받을 수 있었지만, 이질적인 외래 형식과 문화를 일시에 도입하였다는 점에서 공과를 남겼다. 궁중음악에 서양음악 문화를 도입하고 민간 전통음악까지 폭넓게 수용했다고 평가할 수도 있겠으나, 아악의 범주에 계통적 혼란이 생기고 조선의 궁중 악기로 일본국가를 연주하고 친일 음악을 작곡하는 양상도 공존하였다. 일제강점기 아악부에서 보인 이와 같은 변화는 식민지 관변단체로서의 한계 때문에 어쩔 수 없이 일어난 변화였다고 볼 수도 있지만 이를 통해 궁중음악의 본질이 희석된 점과 기존의 전통음악에 미친 영향에 대해서는 면밀히 분석하여 그 공과를 재평가할 필요가 있다. This paper explores Yiwanggik and activities of commissioned employees of Yiwanggik Aakbu during Japanese colonial era. Yiwanggik Aakbu inherited parts of Joseon court music traditions in Japanese colonial era. There were big and small changes in inheriting environment. In terms of music, it adopted folk-music and Western music in style of school education. Orchestration and musical composition also changed as they performed outside of the palace or on stage. Modern concepts of staff notation, and music books and musical history were compiled. In this way, there were novel transitions in all areas of performance, education, and research. Commissioned employees of music took charge of this. Yiwanggik commissioned various employees from 1926 to 1945. Mostly recruited those whom had no direct connection to Yiwanggik Aakbu, but from high authorities such as the Japanese government-general of Korea and Gyunghakwon. Therefore, those commissioned employees of music had a major impact on the future of music. In particular, Ha Gyu-il, who was hired while adopting folk-music to courts, taught ‘Jung-ak’ and ‘Jung-ga’ to members of Aakbu during 11 years of his employment. As a result, folk-music was able to enter the palace. A systemic confusion occurred that included folk-music in the category of Korean Aak. For another instance, Lee Jong-tae put his parts in educating Western music and transcribing staff notation. Thereby, members of Aakbu were able to play by reading music, write and compose. Lee also took the lead in helping pro-Japanese activities of the Yiwanggik Aakbu. Commissioned employees of music in Yiwanggik Aakbu took a part of colonial modernity in confusions of preserving traditions and development.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        서울시내(市內) 일부(一部) 저소득층(低所得層) 비급식국민학교(非給食國民學校) 아동(兒童)의 식생태(食生態)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        정상진,최선혜,모수미,이수정,Chung, Sang-Jin,Choi, Sun-Hae,Mo, Su-Mi,Lee, Soo-Joung 한국식생활문화학회 1991 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.6 No.4

        A study of eating behavior was conducted among 274 children of Nan Hyang elementary school, located in low income area of Seoul, where a school lunch program is not operated. During weekdays, 19.6% of children ate breakfast and 18.4% ate supper alone or with their siblings. The school provided boxed lunches for 10.5% of the children with governmental funds, who were chosen by the school based on their household income. But the percentage of the children skipping breakfast was 14.6%, lunch 10.3% and supper 8.0%. The results of nutritional analysis of the children who had three meals a day and those of children skipped one of the regular meals were compared. The group who had three meals consumed more nutrients except vitamin C than the group skipped meal (p<0.01). Most common meal pattern was consisted of cooked rice, Kimchi and side dishes. When the children didn't have afternoon classes, 10.0% of the children ate Ramen only at home without any side dishes. Among the protein sources, the beans and bean products were the most common items. When we studied the three different lunches such as A) the boxed lunches provided by school, B) the boxed lunches from home and C) the lunches ate at home, the A) lunches provided the most common items. When we studied the three different lunches such as A) the boxed lunches provided by school, B) the boxed lunches from home and C) the lunches ate at home, the A) lunches provided the milk products, fruits, ice cakes${\cdots}$etc. Their favorite foods were fruits, yoghurt, Chinese black noodle, and sweet potatoes whereas being not prefered foods, were aromatic vegetables. It seemed that the increasing rate of working mothers and the overflooding of instant foods have caused to neglect children's meal management. To solve these problems, nutrition education and extend of school lunch programs should be emphasized.

      • KCI등재

        COVID-19 감염병전담병원 간호사의 조직몰입에 미치는 영향요인

        문수희,김민혜,김두영,류윤지,이수정,장진녕,정미열,조윤주,최효정,Moon, Su Hee,Kim, Min Hye,Kim, Doo Young,Ryu, Yoon Ji,Lee, Soo Joung,Jang, Jin Nyoung,Jung, Mi Yeoul,Cho, Yoon Ju,Choi, Hyo Jeong 한국중환자간호학회 2022 중환자간호학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        Purpose : This study investigated coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) related stress, resilience, and organizational commitment, and determined the factors influencing nurses' organizational commitment at an infectious disease hospital of COVID-19. Methods : A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted with 138 nurses. Data analysis, including descriptive statistics, independent t-tests, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlations, and multiple regression analysis, were performed using SPSS 26.0 program. Results : Factors influencing organizational commitment included resilience (𝛽=0.31, p<.001), position (𝛽=0.31, p<.001), COVID-19 related stress (𝛽=-0.26, p<.001), and COVID-19 nursing period (𝛽=-0.19, p=.012). These variables explained 29.6% of the organizational commitment. Conclusion : In order to enhance the organizational commitment of nurses in infectious disease hospitals of COVID-19, active program development and intervention are required at the organizational level to improve nurses' resilience and relieve stress related to nursing infectious disease patients..

      • KCI등재

        서울시내 일부 저소득층 비급식국민학교 아동의 식생태에 관한 연구

        모수미,정상진,최선혜,이수정 한국식생활문화학회 1991 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.6 No.4

        A study of eating behavior was conducted among 274 children of Nan Hyang elementary school, located in low income area of Seoul, where a school lunch program is not operated. During weekdays, 19.6% of children ate breakfast and 18.4% ate supper alone or with their siblings. The school provided boxed lunches for 10.5% of the children with governmental funds, who were chosen by the school based on their household income. But the percentage of the children skipping breakfast was 14.6%, lunch 10.3% and supper 8.0%. The results of nutritional analysis of the children who had three meals a day and those of children skipped one of the regular meals were compared. The group who had three meals consumed more nutrients except vitamin C than the group skipped meal (p<0.01). Most common meal pattern was consisted of cooked rice, Kimchi and side dishes. When the children didn't have afternoon classes, 10.0% of the children ate Ramen only at home without any side dishes. Among the protein sources, the beans and bean products were the most common items. When we studied the three different lunches such as A) the boxed lunches provided by school, B) the boxed lunches from home and C) the lunches ate at home, the A) lunches provided the most common items. When we studied the three different lunches such as A) the boxed lunches provided by school, B) the boxed lunches from home and C) the lunches ate at home, the A) lunches provided the milk products, fruits, ice cakes…etc. Their favorite foods were fruits, yoghurt, Chinese black noodle, and sweet potatoes whereas being not prefered foods, were aromatic vegetables. It seemed that the increasing rate of working mothers and the overflooding of instant foods have caused to neglect children's meal management. To solve these problems, nutrition education and extend of school lunch programs should be emphasized.

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