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      • KCI등재

        도심하천과 자연하천의 저서성 대형무척추동물 군집 구조

        신석민 ( Seok Min Shin ),최일기 ( Il Ki Choi ),서을원 ( Eul Won Seo ),이종은 ( Jong Eun Lee ) 한국환경과학회 2013 한국환경과학회지 Vol.22 No.12

        This study was conducted to compare benthic macroinvertebrate communities of urban stream and nature stream in Daegu-si, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsan-si, Andong-si, and Cheongsong-gun. The survey was carried out with 12 points in total six points for urban stream, six points for nature stream from Sept. 2011 to July 2012. In the urban stream were 33 species belonged to 24 families, 11 orders, 7 classes and 4 phyla while in the nature stream were 73 species belonged to 38 families, 12 orders, 5 classes and 4 phyla. In general, species diversity indices and species richness indices appeared low in urban stream but dominance indices was high. Functional feeding groups and Habitat Oriented Groups appeared comparatively simple in urban stream rather than nature stream. As a result of analysis of community stability, species included to areaⅠand area Ⅲ equally appeared in nature stream while species included to area Ⅰ mostly appeared in urban stream. An analysis of the correlation between the population density and the number of species, the population number and biological indicators such as DI, H``, RI, and ESB revealed that there was a significant correlativity with the diversity index and a very high correlativity with the number of species, abundance index and the ESB. On the other hand, the population number and the dominance index did not reveal any correlativity. For indicator species, Hydroptila KUa, Physa acuta appeared in urban stream while Paraleptophlebia chocolata, Epeorus pellucidus appeared in nature stream.

      • KCI등재

        비만 예방 교육 및 유산소 복합운동이 중년 비만여성의 기초체력, 신체조성 및 혈액성분에 미치는 영향

        신석민(Shin, Seok-Min),김병수(Kim, Byung-Soo) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        The subjects of this study was to investigate the complex of aerobic exercise on the changes of body composition and blood lipid and basic physical fitness in middle aged females(n=32). Aerobic exercise group practiced the aerobic exercise with treadmill and bicycle erogometer 60 minutes in a bout, three times a week at the intensity of aerobic threshold level. Resistance exercise consisted of the item weight and the subjects’s own body weight at a level of 50-60% 1RM. As a result, the basic physical fitness cause VO ₂ max, back strength trunk flexion, muscle endurance, power, flexibility and balance was increased significantly, and systolic blood pressure was significantly reduced. In factor of body composition was significantly decreased in body lipid ratio, abdominal fat mass, BMI in post-exercise state. In the testing of blood component total cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose concentration was significantly decreased. Consequently, this study showed that combined exercise could have positive effect on middle aged women in the aspect of physical strength, body composition, compared with pre-treatment test result, there was positive change in combined exercise after treatment.

      • KCI등재

        중학생들의 비교과 체육활동이 학교적응 및 스트레스에 미치는 영향

        신석민(Shin, Seok-Min),김병수(Kim, Byung-Soo) 한국체육과학회 2015 한국체육과학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        This research aims to observe the interrelationship among middle school students participation in sports activity after school, level of students’ stress, and school adjustment. The data were collected from 15 middle schools in the city called ‘C’, ‘G’ province from March to June 2014 and were analysed by comparing the students (male-97, female-89) who participated in sports activities, such as after school sport activity, sports club, and Saturday sports activity, with non- participants(male-90, female-91). The results are as follows. First, the finding reveals that the participants reported higher degree of school adjustment in terms of the relationship with teachers and schoolmates, classes, school regulation and lower level of stress than non-participants. Second, among the participants male students showed better adjustment to school and lower level of stress compared to female students, Third, students’ degree of school adjustment was closely affected by frequency and duration of their participation in sports activity. Finally, the frequency and duration of sports activity can lead to lessen the level of students’ stress and in this respect students participation in sports activity can have positive impacts on school adjustment directly and indirectly.

      • KCI등재

        건강도시 조성을 위한 올레길의 공간 스토리텔링 연구

        신석민(Shin, Seok-Min) 한국사회체육학회 2017 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.67

        In this study, prior to the empirical study on the city Olle trail, the academic understanding was sought to identify the value inherent in it. Specifically, based on the theoretical understanding of spatial storytelling, the storytelling property of the city Olle trail was approached in the context of story and expression. The contents are as follows. First, it was a theoretical understanding of spatial storytelling. Space storytelling was a storytelling that connects between people and space through experience of space. Such space storytelling became a source of understanding its place identity and place image. Next, it was understood in the context of story and expression related to the storytelling property of the city Olle trail. From a story point of view, the main theme of the city Olle trail was ‘health’ and ‘history and culture’. In the city Olle trail, the health of the citizens was realized as a main theme and it contributed to the boom of walking in space. Also, from the expression point of view, ‘slowness’ and ‘process’ were experienced as significant expression methods in the city Olle trail. Specifically, the city Olle trail was a ‘healing space’ of life that evokes emotions from ‘fast’ to ‘slow’ and it is also a place where the process was represented rather than the place where the results were expressed, so it was deeply meaningful.

      • KCI등재

        골프경기 중 발생한 상해와 형사책임

        신석민(Shin, Seok-Min) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2012 東亞法學 Vol.- No.54

        스포츠는 스트레스 해소, 건강유지 및 증진, 그리고 정신적 쾌락을 제공해주는 순기능이 있다. 골프는 운동 중 신체적 접촉이 없지만, 삶의 질에 상당한 영향을 주는 스포츠로 그 저변이 확대되어 가고 있다. 그러나 스포츠는 상대가 있는 경기이기 때문에 경쟁에서 우월함을 드러내고자 최선을 다하기 때문에 항상 위험성을 가지고 있다. 스포츠 경기 중 상해의 결과가 발생한 경우 단순히 운동경기로 보고 형사책임을 면하면 법적 안정성과 준법정신이 약화될 수가 있고, 예외 없이 형사처벌을 한다면 스포츠가 주는 순기능이 반감될 수 있다. 운동경기 중 타인에게 상해를 입힌 행위와 일반 상해를 동일하게 취급할 수 없다. 운동경기가 갖는 순기능이 있기 때문이다. 특히 골프경기에서 경기자에게 형사책임을 묻는 상황은 골프를 치는 사람에게 날벼락이 될 것이다. 어느 누구도 골프경기과정에서 의도하지 않게 발생하는 사고로 민사책임은 별론으로 하더라도 형사책임까지 지는 것을 원치 않기 때문이다. 따라서 골프경기 중 발생한 상해와 형사책임의 소재를 명확히 하고 그 이론적 근거를 정리할 필요가 있다. 대상판결은 형법 제266조 과실치상죄에서 골프 등 개인 운동경기 참가자의 주의의무와 운동경기 도중 참가자가 제3자에게 상해의 결과를 발생시킨 경우 위법성이 조각되기 위한 요건 및 골프경기 중 골프공으로 경기보조원을 맞혀 상해를 입힌 행위가 이에 해당하는지 여부가 쟁점이 된 사안이다. 하급심에서는 인과관계도 쟁점이 되었다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 사실관계를 중심으로 법적 쟁점이 된 형법 제17조 인과관계와 객관적 귀속(Ⅱ), 형법 제14조 주의의무 위반(Ⅲ), 그리고 형법 제24조 피해자 승낙ㆍ추정적 승낙과 형법 제20조 정당행위의 문제를 소송당사자의 입장을 대비시켜 정리하면서 대상판결을 검토하고자 한다(Ⅳ). 결론에서는 대상판례의 의미와 과제를 제시하고자 한다 A sport has right function such as relieving stress, maintaining and improving health, and offering emotional excitement. Golf, despite the lack of physical contact, is getting popular influencing the quality of life extensively. Yet any sport carries some level of risk since there is always a counterpart and players have to compete each other fiercely in order toreveal superiority over one another. In the case of injuries resulting from any sport games, if the injuries are considered as simple happenings and allow to evade further criminal liabilities, the consistency of law as well as the law-abiding spirit can be worsen. However, if players receive criminal liabilitieswithout exception, right function a sport offers can vanish. It is impossible to treat injuries occurred in sport games the same as those in general cases because they are right function in sport games. In particular, it would be unnatural for golfers to take full responsibilities for injuries while playing golf. Some could defense for civil liabilities but no one wants to hold any criminal liabilitiesfor unintentional injuries. Consequently, it is necessary to clarify who is responsible not to mention to define theoretical basis when it comes to the injuries occurred during a golf game. Object judgment, referring to criminal law article 266 in charge of accidental injuries, was issued whether it is valid or not in case of accidental injuries caused to third party by participant or when golf assistant was injured by a golf ball. It was also an issue of law considering cause-and-effect relationship in inferior court. Therefore, this paper intends to define legally controversial issues that are criminal law article 17, cause-and-effect relationship and objective revert(Ⅱ), criminal law article 14, violation of caution obligation(Ⅲ) and criminal law article 24, consent of the victim & assumption consent and criminal law article 20 justifiable act in comparison with theparties to a suit, and to review object judgment(Ⅳ). At the end of the paper, the meaning of object judgment and problems to be solved are presented. In conclusion, revision of legislation which allows people to avoid any criminal liabilities from criminal law article 268, charge of accidental injuries. As well as criminal law article 266 in charge of accidental injuries is required because it can protect participants from criminal responsibilities and have jurisdiction justice realized by restoring unintended victims. This is the problem left in object judgment.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Combined Exercise on Body Composition, Blood Lipids, and BDNF in Obese Adolescents

        Seok-Min Shin(신석민),Chol-Hyoung Kim(김철형) 한국생명과학회 2012 생명과학회지 Vol.22 No.9

        비만은 여러 가지 질환을 유발하는데 이중에서도 뇌신경세포의 활성 및 생성에도 부정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고되고 있어 이에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구는 과체중 및 비만 청소년의 BDNF 개선을 위한 운동 효과를 검증하고자 12주 복합운동에 따른 신체구성, 혈중지질, BDNF의 변화를 분석하였다. 이를 위해 과체중 및 비만 청소년 18명을 복합운동군 9명, 대조군 9명으로 무선표집하여 연구를 진행하였다. 연구 결과 통계적으로 집단간 차이를 보이며 체중(p<0.01), BMI (p<0.05), 체지방률(p<0.05), 체지방량(p<0.01)이 감소하고, 제지방률(p<0.05)이 증가하였다. 또한 TC와 LDL-C의 평균은 운동군이 대조군보다 더 많은 감소 경향을 나타내었고, HDL-C는 두 집단 모두 감소하는 경향을 보였으나 모두 집단간 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 또한 BDNF의 평균은 운동군이 대조군보다 더 많은 증가 경향을 나타내었으나 집단간 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 본 연구를 통하여 12주 복합운동 프로그램은 과체중 및 비만 남자 청소년의 체중, BMI, 체지방률, 체지방량, 제지방률은 개선시킬 수 있으나 혈중 지질 및 BDNF의 변화에는 영향을 미치지 못하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구를 통하여 12주 복합운동프로그램은 과체중 및 비만 남자 청소년의 체중, BMI, 체지방률, 체지방량, 제지방률은 개선시킬 수 있으나 혈중지질 및 BDNF의 변화에는 영향을 미치지 못하는 것을 알 수 있었다. Exercise leads to the release of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that alleviate pain, both physical and mental. The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of combined exercise on body composition, blood lipids, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in overweight and obese adolescents. The subjects of this study were 18 boys who were divided into a combined exercise group (EG: n=9) and a control group (CG: n=9). The combined exercise program required exercise 50-60 minutes per day, three times a week, for 12 weeks. The results of the comparative analysis are as follows: The between-group comparison of the difference in the means before and after the intervention revealed a significant decrease in the EG compared with the CG: weight (p<0.01), BMI (p <0.05), %fat (p<0.05), fat mass (p<0.01). The %LBM of the EG showed a more significant increase (p<0.05) compared with the CG. The TC, LDL-C, and BDNF were not different between the EG and the CG. However, the TC and the LDL-C were decreased more in the EG than in the CG. The BDNF was increased more in the EG than in the CG. In conclusion, the combined exercise improved body composition but did not affect serum lipids or the BDNF.

      • KCI등재

        Wavepacket Correlation Function Approach for Nonadiabatic Reactions: Quasi-Jahn-Teller Model

        박희수,Changkyun Shin,신석민 대한화학회 2014 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.35 No.4

        Time-dependent formulations of the reactive scattering theory based on the wavepacket correlation functions with the Møller wavepackets for the electronically nonadiabatic reactions are presented. The calculations of state-to-state reactive probabilities for the quasi-Jahn-Teller scattering model system were performed. The conical intersection (CI) effects are investigated by comparing the results of the two-surface nonadiabatic calculations and the single surface adiabatic approximation. It was found that the results of the two-surface nonadiabatic calculations show interesting features in the reaction probability due to the conical intersection. Single surface adiabatic calculations with extended Born-Oppenheimer approximation using simple wavepacket phase factor was found to be able to reproduce the CI effect semi-quantitatively, while the single surface calculations with the usual adiabatic approximation cannot describe the scattering process for the Jahn- Teller model correctly.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재

        공부하는 학생선수상의 정립을 위한 공공스포츠클럽의 가치체계 분석: 수단-목적 사슬이론 관점에서

        이혁기 ( Lee Hyuck-gi ),신석민 ( Shin Seok-min ),김인형 ( Kim In-hyung ),전원재 ( Jeon Won-jae ),장승현 ( Jang Seung-hyun ) 한국체육학회 2021 한국체육학회지 Vol.60 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 공부하는 학생선수상 정립을 위한 공공스포츠클럽 경험에 대한 가치체계를 규명하는데 있다. 이를 위해, ‘수단-목적 사슬이론’을 적용하고, APT 래더링 기법을 활용하였다. APT 래더링 기법의 단계는 내용분석 → 함축매트릭스 → 가치체계도 절차를 따랐으며 이를 위해 SPSS 23.0 프로그램을 이용하여 교차분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 공공스포츠클럽의 속성-혜택-가치 간의 연결 관계를 토대로 가치체계도를 통한 중심 래더를 분석하였고, 도출된 중심 래더는 첫째, 「비강압적 훈련 → 즐거움 → 학생선수 인권 보장」 래더, 둘째, 「비강압적 훈련 → 즐거움 → 사회성 함양」 래더, 셋째, 「타학교 학생과 훈련 → 사교성 증진 → 사회성 함양」 래더로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 통해 우리는 공공스포츠클럽이 기존의 운동부와는 상이하며 한편으로 공부하는 학생선수가 지향하는 ‘학생선수 인권 보장’, ‘사회성 함양’의 가치체계를 지닌다는 점을 알 수 있었다. 결국, 본 연구는 공공스포츠클럽 내 학생선수의 가치구조를 규명하는데 있어 이론적 틀을 제공해줄 수 있을 것이며 나아가 공부하는 학생선수상을 정립하는데 도움을 줄 것으로 기대된다. The purpose of this study was to find out the value system for the experience of student athletes who has belonged to public sports clubs to establish the character regarding the studying student athletes. For this, ‘means-end chain theory’ was applied and the APT laddering technique was used. APT laddering technique was performed in accordance with the contents analysis → structural implication matrix → hierarchical value map procedure, and cross-tabulation analysis was conducted by using SPSS 23.0 program. The core ladder was analyzed through the hierarchical value map created based on the connection among attributes-consequence-values of public sports clubs. The results of the central(core) ladder were as follows. The first ladder was shown as non-forced training → pleasure → guarantee of student athletes’ human rights, secondly, non-forced training → pleasure → building sociality, thirdly, training with other school students → sociability development → building sociality. From these findings it can be seen that public sports clubs were not only different from the sports clubs that have existed since the past, but also had the value system of "guaranteeing student athletes’ rights” and “building sociality” that student athletes have been aiming for. Eventually, this study will be able to provide a useful theoretical framework for identifying the value structure of student athletes belonging to public sports clubs, and is expected to help to establish a person image related to studying student athletes.

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