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      • KCI등재

        기능적 발목관절 불안정성 축구선수의 신경근 훈련이 발목관절 기능 및 운동 수행능력에 미치는 영향

        런하오,임나단,김태규 한국체육과학회 2022 한국체육과학회지 Vol.31 No.6

        This study attempted to investigate the functional ankle instability (FAI) of soccer players. In this study, twelve college soccer players were selected as subjects. Before the experiment, based on the ankle joint instability scale (AII, FAAM, idFAI), six subjects with FAI were divided into FAI experimental group, while the other six subjects without FAI were classified as control groups. Firstly, functional movement tests were performed on two groups of subjects, including dynamic balance ability, rear-foot angle and hopping. Then, the two groups of subjects performed neuromuscular training for up to six weeks. When the training was over, we performed the same functional movement tests on both groups. Finally, we analyzed and compared the indicators of the experimental group and the control group before and after the training. The detailed results are as follows: After six weeks of neuromuscular training, there was a tendency for the dorsiflexion of the ankle joint to increase as well as the varus of knee-joint during the drop landing. After six weeks of neuromuscular training, the dynamic stability forward extension of the CON group was increased and the ability of side hop and figure-of-8 hop was improved. After six weeks of neuromuscular training, it was confirmed that the forward extension and figure-of-8 hop in the dynamic stability of the CON group were significantly improved than the FAI group, although we did not point out the differences between the groups before training. These results will provide useful information about the design considered for rehabilitation or prevention of CAI for soccer players.

      • K-path 확산 방법을 이용한 스마트 디바이스 간 멀티비전 디스플레이 기술

        런하오 ( Hao Ren ),김바울 ( Paul Kim ),김상욱 ( Sangwook Kim ) 한국정보처리학회 2014 한국정보처리학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.21 No.2

        Our research is different form traditional to have some large LED screen grouping together to constitute multi-vision technique. In this paper, we purpose a method of using 요-path diffusion method to build connect between the devices and find an optimal data transmission path. In second half of this paper, through practical application, we using this technique transmitting data successfully and achieving a simple Multi-vision effect. This technique possess smart devices and Wifi P2P’s features, these features improve system’s dynamic and decentralized processing ability make our technique has high scalability.

      • KCI등재후보

        退溪≪传习录论辩≫分析 (퇴계의 ≪전습록논변(傳習錄論辯)≫ 분석)

        신민(任新民) 연민학회 2019 淵民學志 Vol.32 No.-

        Yi Toegye’ academic system can be conveniently and strictly called “learning-sage”, while Wang Yangming’s system can be called “knowing-sage”. According to Aristotle’s Theory on “Four causes”, we can conclude that the material cause of Yi Toegye’s learning-sage is “Ten Diagrams of Sage-learning”, the formal cause is adherence to the moral law and the will to knowledge, the efficient cause is holding in awe and veneration, the final cause is learning-sage. We can also conclude that the material cause of Wang Yangming’s knowing-sage is the mind of sage, the formal cause is the intellectual intuition, the efficient cause is philosophical insights, the final cause is knowing-sage. Thus, we can distinguish the differences of two systems. Eliminating the difference between two systems remains a mere theoretical possibility. If we try to understanding Yangming’s studies within learning-sage, misunderstanding is inevitable. Within the learning-sage, the mind is mainly finite, while the other is infinite. Finally, we can respond to other questions of Yi Toegye’s On Chuanxilu. 退溪的学问系统可以方便称为“学圣”, 阳明的学问系统可以方便称为“知圣”。退溪“学圣”系统的目的在于学圣, 工夫在于持敬, 对象在于≪圣学十图≫, 特色在于尊德、好学。阳明“知圣”系统的目的在于知圣, 工夫在于体悟, 对象在于圣心, 特色在于体道、用道。退溪学和阳明学的差异, 籍此可见。两种系统的差异是难以改变的。如果以“学圣”系统去理解阳明, 自然会对阳明学产生隔阂。学圣系统中的“心”和知圣系统中的“心”是不同的, 一为有限心, 一为无限心。如果不区分, 必会导致种种误解。此外, 我们可以基于阳明“知圣”系统, 对退溪的其他论辩作出回应。

      • KCI등재후보

        퇴계의 ≪전습록논변(傳習錄論辯)≫ 분석

        신민 ( Ren Xinmin ) 연민학회 2019 淵民學志 Vol.32 No.-

        퇴계(退溪)의 학문체계는 “학성(學聖)”이라 부를 수 있고, 양명(陽明)의 학문 체계는 “지성(知聖)”이라 부를 수 있다. 퇴계 “학성” 체계의 목적은 성인을 배우는데 있고, 공부는 “지경(持敬)”에 있고, 대상은 ≪성학십도(聖學十圖)≫에 있으며, 특색은 존덕(尊德)과 호학(好學)이다. 양명의 “지성” 체계는 목적이 성인을 알아가는 데 있고, 공부는 체득하고 깨달음에 있으며, 대상은 성인의 마음에 있고, 특색은 체도(體道)와 용도(用道)에 있다. 퇴계학과 양명학의 차이는 여기에 있다. 이 두 체계의 차이는 바꾸기 어렵다. 만약 “학성” 체계로 양명을 이해한다면 자연스레 양명학에 대해 거리가 생기게 된다. 학성 체계의 “마음”과 “지성” 체계의 “마음”은 서로 다른 것이다. 하나는 유한한 마음이고 하나는 무한한 마음이다. 만약 이를 구분하지 않는다면 종종 오해가 발생하게 된다. 이외에 우리는 양명의 “지성” 체계를 기초로 하여 퇴계의 기타 논변에 대응할 수 있다. Yi Toegye’ academic system can be conveniently and strictly called “learning-sage”, while Wang Yangming’s system can be called “knowing-sage”. According to Aristotle’s Theory on “Four causes”, we can conclude that the material cause of Yi Toegye’s learning-sage is “Ten Diagrams of Sage-learning”, the formal cause is adherence to the moral law and the will to knowledge, the efficient cause is holding in awe and veneration, the final cause is learning-sage. We can also conclude that the material cause of Wang Yangming’s knowing-sage is the mind of sage, the formal cause is the intellectual intuition, the efficient cause is philosophical insights, the final cause is knowing-sage. Thus, we can distinguish the differences of two systems. Eliminating the difference between two systems remains a mere theoretical possibility. If we try to understanding Yangming’s studies within learning-sage, misunderstanding is inevitable. Within the learning-sage, the mind is mainly finite, while the other is infinite. Finally, we can respond to other questions of Yi Toegye’s On Chuanxilu.

      • KCI등재

        왕가위(王家衛)의 <동사서독 東邪西毒> : 영웅 무협에서 인문 무협으로

        ,심은진 한국인문사회질학회 2022 한국융합인문학 Vol.10 No.2

        왕가위의 <동사서독>은 김용의 무협소설 사조영웅전射鵰英雄傳을 토대로 각색한 작품이다. 왕가위 감독은 영화에서 새로운 캐릭터를 창조하고 이야기 플롯을 변화시키며 무협소설을 재해석했다. 왕가위 영화에서 협객들은 다원적인 남성성을 표현한다. 코넬이 모델로 제시한 지배적 남성성, 공모적 남성성, 종속적남성성, 주변적 남성성의 모습을 <동사서독>의 협객들에서 찾을 수 있다. 다원적 남성성을 보여주는 협객은 영웅이 아닌 사랑의 배신과 집착에 고통받는 평범한 인물로 나타난다. 김용의 소설에 표현된 ‘협의’ 사상은 왕가위의 영화에서는 불교 사상과 결합한다. <동사서독>은 무협 세계 속 남녀를 통해 사랑에 대한집착과 고통을 보여주며 불교에서 설명하는 ‘내려놓기’의 개념을 알려준다. 또한 시간의 표현을 통해 왕가위는 불교의 윤회 개념을 전달한다. 영화는 계절의 반복과 시간의 순환을 인물의 등장 순서, 그리고 인물의운명과 연결한다. 책력(冊曆)과 음양 괘상을 통해 인물의 운명을 설명하면서 시간과 공간에 갇힌 인간의삶을 표현한다. <동사서독>은 무협 이야기를 통해 기억과 망각이라는 주제를 다룬다. 이러한 주제는 홍콩반환을 앞둔 홍콩인의 불안한 정서를 반영한다. 왕가위는 무협영화를 통해 철학과 종교를 이야기한다.이러한 점에서 왕가위의 <동사서독>은 홍콩의 무협영화 장르를 해체하고 재구축했으며, 인문 무협영화의시작을 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재

        明淸時代의 地域中心市場

        수선사학회 2008 史林 Vol.0 No.31

        区域中心市场是指对某一区域农村市场及城市市场均有强大影响力辐射作用的特大型市场。这种市场可近一步发展成为全国性市场。关于区域的划分标准,学界意见不一,大体包括地理、人文,历史诸因素。明清时期区域市场发展较快的区域(如江南,华北),其共同之处在于,各自拥有一个既是区域中心市场,又是全国性市场的经济中心地(苏州、北京),相比之下,西北、西南、东北等区域市场发育相对缓慢的地区,虽说也有局部的市场拓展(如川东盆地),但其整体态势泽逊于前者。限于篇幅,这里仅讨论江南,华北及岭南的区域中心市场,以及区域中心市场之超级形态(全国性市场)。 江南区域中心市场包括两个层级:最高一级是苏州,它既是区域中心市场,也是全国性市场; 第二级是杭州、南京、无锡、上海等超级都市,以及若干个超级市镇。华北区域中心市场可分为两个层级:最高一级是北京,它既是华北地区最大的中心市场,也因其政治中心之地位而成为全国性市场;第二级是天津、临清、济宁、开封等超级都市,以及若干超级市镇。岭南区域中心市场较为特殊,该地有两个平行的中心市场,也即广州与佛山镇即是。 在市场史的研究方法中,市场网络、市场体系、市场结构是使用频率较高的概念。从语义学的角度看,这三个概念是可以相互置换的,在表示市场关系的几何方面没有实质性差异。他们是空间的概念,时间的概念,历史的概念和分析的概念。既然存在市场网络,那么确定网络的中心市场就是必须的和重要的。在一定程度上,中心市场的衰竭或缺失将导致市场体系的萎缩或瓦解。反之,中心市场的健康发展则必将促进市场结构的优化,提高资源配置的效率。以次观之,研究历史上区域中心市场的实际状况,其意义不言自明。

      • KCI등재

        근대 중국 都市史 연구의 시각과 전망

        박상수(朴尙洙),지동(任吉東) 도시사학회 2010 도시연구 Vol.4 No.-

        This article examines important Western and Chinese literatures on modern urban history of China since the early 20th century. The authors managed to identify main characteristics and perspectives of vast scholarly works of the field. According to the authors, the interests in urban life of China could be found in the missionaries’ and journalists’ reports on Chinese city life and its history from mid-19th century, but the urban studies, in the true meaning of the word, starts from H.B. Morse who studied treaty ports and China’s changing commercial system. The main Western works having an important influence on the studies of Chinese cities were Max Weber’s, which found no urbanism in the Chinese traditional cities. Weber’s theses continued to be influential in the Western academia, within which the notion “urban-rural continuum” of traditional China was widely accepted. Studies of Shanghai are still main stream in modern urban history of China, both in the West and in China. But the authors find some newly arising characteristics in the field: diversification of research themes, adoption of various methodologies, broadening of research interest beyond Shanghai, etc. As for Tianjin history, the research trends could be divided into three phases: the first(1949-1978), scholars focused on Communist revolutionary movement, mass movements including Boxers and labors; the second(1978-1990s), new methodologies were used, various historical materials including official archives were compiled, and local gazetteers in various administrative levels were published; the third(21st century), deepening of researches and dissemination of research achievements including popular publications. This article proposes, finally, some points for enhancing studies of Chinese urban history: creation of analytical frame and new theoretical method, combination of micro and macro approaches and expanding of material collection including about historical figures.

      • KCI등재

        실시간 영상 공유를 통한 소셜 인터랙티브 아트

        김상욱,이정은,류재하,장승은,런하오 한국영상학회 2015 한국영상학회 논문집 Vol.13 No.6

        본 연구에서는 실시간으로 영상을 공유하는 기술을 기반으로 다수의 사용자가 여러 기종의 스마트 기기를 사용하여 화면을 실시간으로 대형 화면에 공유하는 소셜 인터랙티브 아트를 설명한다. 영상 공유 기술은 하나의 대형 화면에 여러 사용자의 스마트 기기 화면을 동시에 중첩 투영시키는 기술이다. 이 기술을 통해 관람자는 자신의 스마트 기기의 화면을 대형 화면에 실시간으로 나타낼 수 있으며, 이를 다른 관람자와 공유할 수 있다. 관람자는 직관적으로 시스템에 쉽게 접근할 수 있으며 이는 관람자에게 새로운 방식의 예술 참여 환경을 제공한다. 본 논문에서 제안하는 기술은 참여하는 모든 관람자를 관리할 수 있으며, 필요에 따라 확장할 수 있도록 설계하였다. 이는 여러 관람자의 의도, 메시지, 개인 콘텐츠를 네트워크로 공유하는 협업 예술이다. 이러한 기술은 쇼핑몰, 학교, 공원, 전시회 및 여러 공공장소 등 다양한 분야에 응용할 수 있다. In this paper, we show social interactive art through the technique of sharing media with multiple devices with multiple persons in real time. This technique of sharing media projects multiple device screens onto one large screen. Through this method, spectators can display the media contents of their mobile devices and share them with others by showing them on a large screen. Spectators need not progress through many tedious steps; they can easily join this system and have a very interesting experience. We designed several models to add functionality to this method. The system can manage every spectator who joins it while also reducing errors and mitigating congestion by using a platform with high scalability. Through this system, we show collaborative art which is shared through the intentions of multiple spectators and with messages, and artwork content. This system can be used in many application areas, such as shopping malls, schools, parks, exhibitions and other public places.

      • KCI등재

        엘리트 여자 필드하키선수의 포지션별 및 쿼터별 러닝 퍼포먼스 프로파일링

        최호경,김지응,김윤,런하오,김태규 한국운동생리학회 2023 운동과학 Vol.32 No.2

        PURPOSE: This study aimed to compare the running-related variables during competitions across playing positions and quarters in elite female field hockey players. METHODS: A total of 136 data from 41 players were collected using GPS units during national-level competitions. The running-related variables included the total distance covered (TD, unit: m), relative distance (RD, unit: m/min), proportion of low-(LID, 0-6 km/h), moderate-(MID, 6.1-15 km/h), and high-intensity (HID, ≥15.1 km/h) distance of the total distance covered (unit: %), and sprint efforts (SE, ≥19.1 km/h, ≥1s; unit: bouts). RESULTS: The defenders’ TD (5,619.77±1,046.14 m) was shorter than that of midfielders (5,475±1,043.33 m) and forwards (4,684.22± 1,066.11 m), and the RD of midfielders (103.64±9.10 m/min) was longer than that of forwards (99.03±10.37 m/min) and defenders (92.42±10.85 m/min). The midfielders had the highest MID(47.08±5.51%), while the highest HID (16.23±3.62%) was observed in the forwards. Defenders performed 35.12±5.25 bouts, with the highest number of sprints among the playing positions. Regardless of the playing positions, 1 quarter had the highest TD, RD, and HID, and the SE was the highest in 4 quarter. CONCLUSIONS: The players’ specific requirements can be managed by practitioners and coaches using the running performance profile; further, it can be used to design training programs containing suitable running volumes to improve players’ performance.

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