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        로제 마르탱 뒤 가르의 인생론 (人生論)

        김현숙(Hyon Sook Kim) 한국프랑스학회 1997 한국프랑스학논집 Vol.23 No.-

        Albert Camus a crit la preface des Oeuvres Completes de Roger Martin du Gard dans la Pliade aux Editions Gallimard de 1955. Il y a parl de I$quot;crivain, des oeuvres et de fart Bans un style sublime. Cette preface nous aide mieux comprendre R. Martin du Gard. D$quot;apres le point de vue d`Albert Camus, nous aeons relu de pros des passages des oeuvres et des lettres de R. Martin du Gard concernants sa conception de la vie. Donc, nous aeons analyst son attitude devant la vie, le sens et la valeur du travail, le problme de 1`ducation et un conseil pour la jeunesse future etc. Comme les Essais pour Montaigne, les lettres estaient un mode d`existence pour R. Martin du Gard. Littkrature et existence se rconcilient entre elles et s`entreaident en s`enrichissant mutuellement. Ainsi Albert Camus prend R. Martin du Gard comme un maitre et un complice i; la fois pour ses contemporains aussi bien que pour les g~n~rations venir.

      • KCI등재

        세네갈의 사회현실과 문학 : ‘마리아마 바’(Mariama B?)의 소설 ‘아주 긴 편지’를 중심으로

        김현숙(Kim Hyon-Sook) 한국아프리카학회 2006 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.23 No.-

        In the 2002 ZIMBABWE International Book Fair, the list of the 100 best African books in the 20th century was announced. Mariama Ba's novel, 'So Long a Letter' was ranked as one of the top twelve best books throughout the 20th century in the whole African Continent. The novel written in French in 1979 won the first Noma Award of Publishing in Africa and were translated in more than 12 other languages. In that regard, the Book Fair was introduced at first and then Mariama Ba's novel, 'So Long a Letter' was analyzed. This novel is filled with descriptions of the culture clash apparent in 1970s' Senegal. The frustration from the fate of African women is well portrayed. In this novel, the narrative is told through just one very long letter from the protagonist 'Ramatoulaye' to her friend. The letter works almost as a diary. She records both her feelings and several events that take place around her in the modern Senegal society. She reflects on the past and then looks forward to the future. This novel seriously reflects on the African and Islamic traditions, especially the polygamous marriages. Many subjects on the west African society are found in this novel, such as family, marriage, motherhood, racial discrimination, education as well as human rights. Understanding the modern African social issues clearly, Mariama Ba delivers the very effective messages on the development of the African society through her own unique way of story telling. The author not only raises several issues of the modem African society in this novel, but also shows deep perspectives on the African women's rights. The importance of expanding educations for African women and improving their social status is well communicated.

      • KCI등재

        마다가스카르의 문학과 정체성 : 시인 라베아리벨로의 작품을 중심으로

        김현숙(Kim Hyon-Sook) 한국아프리카학회 2008 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.27 No.-

        The poetry of Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo gives us a wider understanding to the reality of Malagasy life during the colonial period. To begin with, we reviewed the cultural histories of Madagascar and Malagasy literature. We then analyzed Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo's poetry in his most renowned works, the Presque-Songes(Nearly dream, 1934) and the Traduit de la nuit(Translated from the Night. 1935). He spoke of the Malagasy spirit in his poetry with a gentle voice but firm tone. Throughout his poetry, issues concerning Malagasy identity can be found. As a Malagasy citizen, the poet revealed a strong affection for his mother tongue and the Malagasy tradition. His critique of French colonialism was very subtle and he wondered how he could conciliate Malagasy culture with French culture. His poetry also showed us the spiritual aspect of Malagasy culture. especially the Malagasy point of view on death. These two poetical works were published in bilingual form, written in Malagasy and French. Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo's poetry was introduced to the world after his death. His works were published in the, I'Anthologie de la nouvelle po?sie n?gre et malgache(Anthology of a New Negro and Madagascan French-Language Poetry). by L?opold S?dar Senghor in 1948. So he is considered as an early member of the 'Negritude Mouvement'.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        문학작품에 투영된 아프리카의 이미지 : 콩고 강을 바라보는 서구와 현지의 시선들

        김현숙(Kim Hyon-Sook) 한국아프리카학회 2007 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.25 No.-

        In our research on "the Image of Africa in Literatures", we have studied various literary works of both western and local origins dealing with the Congo River. First of all, we have reviewed the histories of the Congo and Congolese literatures written in French. Then we analysed the English novel ''Heart of Darkness"(1899) by Joseph Conrad and the French journal "Le Voyage au Congo"(l927) by Andre Gide to illuminate the western perspectives. These two literary works above published during the colonial period of Congo, reflect the authors' personal experiences of the Congo river as Europeans who experienced cultural shocks at African realities. They lead readers to share emotional feelings on African reality by showing sympathy for African poverty and entrenched racial discrimination. In reviewing modem Congolese literature, we've analysed the most famous poet Tchicaya U Tam'si's poem Vive la mari?e/Hail to the bride). We also looked at Songe fluvial(River Fantasy) of Jean-Baptist Tati-Loutard and J'ai r?v?(l Dreamed) of Maxime N'Debeka, The Congo River reflected in these poems mean the confirmation on their identities, the object for hope and universality as a human. These poems reflect contemporary sensibilities and African images connected with the ideal of humankind. In that sense, the Congolese literatures not only show the cultural uniqueness of Congo, but also can be claimed to be cosmopolitan literatures that inherit the spirits of World literatures. It's because universal values of peace and coexistence are well respected in the literature of the Congo, a country once referred to as 'Heart of Darkness'. This study will help understand further the literature of Central Africa rarely introduced to Korea so far.

      • KCI등재

        Les idees litteraires de Roger Martin du Gard

        김현숙(Kim Hyon-Sook) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2000 인문사회과학연구 Vol.1 No.-

        20세기 프랑스의 소설과 로제 마르탱 뒤 가르(1881-1958)는 거의 20년 간 방대한 분량의 대하소설, “티보가의 사람들”을 썼다. 이 작품은 20세기 전반부의 유럽 역사와 새로운 세기를 향한 인간의 이상주의를 그린소설인데, 특히 제7부 “1914년 여름”은 1937년 노벨문학상을 수상하기도 하였다. 그런데 작가의 개인 생활을 살펴보면 그는 대중 앞에 작가로서의 자신을 드러내는 것을 싫어하였다. 그는 실증적인 자료에 근거해 사실주의기법으로 작품을 썼지만, 자신의 문학이론을 공개적으로 발표하지는 않았다. 우리는 다만 그가 평생 동안 기록했던 일기장, 앙드레 지드와 자주 교환했던 서간문들 그리고 노벨 문학상 수상식장에서 “스톡홀롬의 연설”등을 통해서 그의 창작세계를 엿볼 수 있을 뿐이다. 마르탱 뒤 가르의 문학에 대한 생각은 크게 다음 몇 가지로 이야기할 수 있을 것?. 그는 문학의 객관성을 중시하였고, 이것은 자신의 문학적 스승으로 여긴 톨스토이에게서 배웠다고 하였다. 한편 작가는 항상 자유롭고 공정 한 탐구정신을 갖추기 위해 의식적으로 노력해야한다고 하였다. 또 그는 작가의 상상력에 주목하여 작품 속에서 시각적 효과를 극대화하기 위해서는 마치 연극 속의 장면을 그리듯이 글을 써야 한다고 하였다. 그리하여 마치 사건이 눈앞에 펼쳐지듯이 집중적이고 구체적으로 형상화할 것을 요구하였다.

      • KCI등재

        일차성 쇼그렌증후군 환자에서 나타나는 자가항체와 선외증상의 양상

        서수홍 ( Soo Hong Seo ),김현숙 ( Hyun Sook Kim ),곽승기 ( Seung Ki Kwok ),주지현 ( Ji Hyeon Ju ),김상현 ( Sang Hyon Kim ),윤종현 ( Chong Hyeon Yoon ),김호연 ( Ho Youn Kim ),박성환 ( Sung Hwan Park ) 대한류마티스학회 2007 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Objective: To investigate the extraglandular manifestations and serological features of Korean patients with primary Sjogren`s syndrome (pSS). Methods: Clinical and laboratory data of 125 patients with pSS attending rheumatology clinic of Kangnam St. Mary`s hospital, with a mean follow-up period of 64.8 months, were assessed retrospectively. Results: Arthralgia was the most common extraglandular manifestation of pSS. Other extraglandular manifestations, such as myalgia, peripheral neuropathy, Raynaud`s phenomenon, and hypothyroidism were frequently presented, but lymphoma was rare manifestation in Korean patients with pSS. Some extraglandular manifestations of pSS were associated with hypocomplementemia and antibodies against Ro, and La, and antinuclear antibody. Conclusion: The clinical manifestations and extraglandular manifestations of Korean patients with pSS patients were similar to other studies except low prevalence of lymphoma. Positivity of anti-Ro/SS-A, anti-La/SS-B antibodies and hypocomplementemia were closely associated with extraglandular manifestations in patients with pSS.

      • KCI등재

        재가 취약계층 여성 노인을 대상으로 한 우울·자살예방 프로그램의 효과

        유재순(Yoo, Jae-Soon),김현숙(Kim, Hyun-Sook),연현진(Yon, Hyon-Jin) 한국산학기술학회 2014 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.15 No.5

        본 연구는 재가 취약계층 여성 노인을 대상으로 한 우울?자살예방 프로그램을 개발하고 그 효과를 검증하여 지역사 회에서 용이하게 활용할 수 있는 프로그램을 보급하고자 하는 데 그 목적을 두고 있다.우울?자살예방 프로그램은 인지행동 이론에 기초하고,선행연구결과를 토대로 연구자들에 의해 개발되었다.프로그램의 효과는 시계열설계를 이용한 실험연구설 계로 12명의 재가 여성노인을 대상으로 검증하였다.우울?자살예방 프로그램을 적용한 결과 중재 직전에 비해 중재 직후에 는 대상자의 우울,자살생각,무망감 수준에서 통계적으로 유의한 변화가 없었으나,중재 직전에 비해 중재 4주 후에는 우울, 자살생각,무망감 수준에서 통계적으로 유의한 변화가 나타났다.이상 결과에 근거하여 지역사회 정신건강증진센터 또는 복 지관의 종사자들이 본 프로그램을 적극 활용할 것을 제언한다. The purpose of this study was to develop a program to prevent depression and suicidality in vulnerable community-dwelling elderly women, then to furthermore demonstrate the effectiveness of the program in a community setting. The researchers designed the depression and suicide prevention program by combining a cognitive behavioral theory model with prospective research data. The effects of the program were measured by time-series design based on survey results from 12 vulnerable community-dwelling elderly women. The depression and suicide prevention program was implemented and feelings of depression, suicidal ideation, and hopelessness were measured 4 weeks before implementation, prior to implementation, immediately following implementation, and 4 weeks after implementation. Although there was no statistically significant difference in feelings of depression, suicidal ideation, and hopelessness immediately after implementation of the program, there was a statistically significant difference in all parameters 4 weeks following the implementation of the program. Therefore, we recommend the implementation of our program in community mental health care centers or welfare facilities.

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