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      • KCI등재

        자동차용 에어백 센서의 패키징 방법에 따른 신호 전달 해석

        김영국,강현진,김준기,Kim, Yeong K.,Kang, Hyun Jin,Kim, Joon Ki 한국마이크로전자및패키징학회 2015 마이크로전자 및 패키징학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        In this study, a new airbag sensor packaging technique of directly attachment by adhesive to the automobile frame is introduced. To assess the feasibility for the packaging, a test instrument was manufactured to examine the impact sensibility by drop tests. The conventional sensor module attached mechanically by bolts with plastic housing and the new sensor packaging were installed to aluminum channel, and the results were compared with each other. Numerical analysis was also performed to investigate the signal characteristics created by the sensors. The preliminary results showed that the pattern of the MEMS sensor signal was strongly dependent on the structural behavior of the frame where the sensors were installed, which indicated the complexity of the packaging design for proper airbag deployments. 이 연구에서는 자동차용 에어백 작동에 쓰이는 가속 센서에 대해, 그 실장 방법에 따른 신호 전달 차이를 해석하였다. 실장 방법은 기존에 쓰이는 하우징을 사용한 모듈 형태와, 센서를 직접 자동차의 구조물에 접합재를 사용하여 부착하는 두 가지 방법을 고려하였다. 신호 전달을 분석하기 위하여, 충격 실험 장비가 구축되었고, ㄷ자형 알루미늄 채널을 이용하여 그 표면에 기존의 모듈 채결 방법과 센서를 직접 부착하는 방법을 사용하여 시편을 제작하여, 충돌 실험 후 측정된 파형을 비교하여 그 차이를 분석하였다. 또한 유한요소법을 이용하여 충격 실험을 모사하였고, 계산 결과를 실험 데이터와 비교하였다. 그 결과, 기존의 모듈형태의 부착 방법보다, 이 연구에서 제시된 접착제에 의해 직접 부착된 센서가 측정한 신호가 상대적으로 잡음없이 깨끗하고 강한 것을 알 수 있었으며, 또한 에어백 센서와 같은 MEMS 센서는 부착 방법에 따라 주변의 간섭 효과에 의해 그 성능이 크게 변하는 것을 알 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        위법·불공정한 전환사채의 발행과 다중대표소송

        김영국 경북대학교 법학연구원 2015 법학논고 Vol.0 No.49

        This study seeks to explore ways of validating shareholders’ right protectionbased on the analysis of rulings on illegal and unfair convertible bond issuance. Regarding convertible bonds, the suspension claim of new stock issues isapplied in the commercial code, the nullity suit of new stock issues is appliedby the inference, and shareholders can raise a representative action. However,the suspension claim is a preemptive measure to be taken prior to convertiblebond issue, facing an effectiveness issue if convertible bonds have alreadybeen issued. The nullity suit, unlike in the case of new stock issue, requiresstrict criteria, exposing its shortcoming in shareholder right protecting. Shareholders’ representative actions are minority equity and it is not easyfor them to meet the requirements for such a legal action during a shortperiod of time after convertible bond issues. In order to reasonably addressconvertible bonds issue-determining procedures, illegality and unfairness inits content, it seems necessary to introduce a system to hold managementincluding directors, liable. In South Korea, chaebeol-cause enterprise concentration is excessive. Thusa failure in affiliate company management is highly likely to damage itsparent company and shareholders to a serious extent. For this reason, multiplederivative suits are necessary for the protection of parent-company shareholderrights. In the country, the supreme court does not allow a multiple derivativesuit for the absence of any specified provision on it, sparking discussionson relevant legislation. Although the current commercial code allows shareholdershaving at least 1/100 of the total outstanding stocks of a company to file a multiple derivative suit, such a suit has not been actively relied on. Citingthis lower level of multiple derivative suit use and opposition from themanagement, some argue against the legislation of multiple derivative suits. However, for shareholder protection and corporate profit maximization, shareholders’multiple derivative suits need to be activated in its application and effectivenessthrough proper legislative improvement. In Japan, the issue of managing-companyshareholder protection has enacted in relation to a managing-companyshareholder right reduction. As its solution, multiple derivative suit introductionhave been decided. However, along with the multiple derivative suit system,the possibility of suit abuse has also become a subject of concern. In thissense and to ease management opposition, there should be full discussions fromvarious perspectives. As the present simple representative suit has not beenmuch activated as of now, it is hopped that the introduction of multiple derivativesuit system will contribute to shareholder interest protection. 이 논문은 위법하고 불공정한 전환사채발행 관련 사건의 검토를 통해 주주의정당한 권리 보호 방안을 모색하고 있다. 전환사채와 관련하여 상법상 신주발행유지청구권을 준용하고, 판례에서 신주발행무효의 소를 유추적용하고 있으며, 주주는 대표소송을 제기할 수 있다. 그러나 유지청구권은 전환사채발행 전에 취할 수있는 사전 예방수단이어서 이미 전환사채가 발행된 경우 실효성에 의문이 있고,전환사채발행무효의 소는 엄격한 기준을 요구하고 있으므로 주주의 권리 보호에미흡하며, 주주대표소송은 소수주주권이어서 전환사채발행 후 소송제기 요건을 충족하여 짧은 시간 내에 대표소송을 하기가 쉽지 않다. 전환사채발행을 결정하는절차와 내용상의 위법성 및 불공정성을 합리적으로 해소하기 위해서는 이사 등경영진에 책임을 물을 수 있는 제도의 도입이 필요해 보인다. 우리나라는 재벌로 인한 기업집중 현상이 과도하여 자회사의 경영 실패가 모회사 및 그 주주에게 큰 손해를 발생시킬 가능성이 높다. 이로 인해 모회사 주주의이익 보호를 위해서는 다중대표소송을 입법할 필요성이 있다. 또한, 대법원이 명문의 규정이 없는 다중대표소송을 허용하지 않고 있어 관련 입법논의가 활발히전개되고 있다. 현행 상법은 발행주식 총수의 100분의1 이상의 주식을 소유하고있는 주주는 대표소송을 제기할 수 있도록 규정하고 있음에도 실제 이 제도의 활용도가 높지 않다. 이와 같은 대표소송의 낮은 활용도와 경영계의 반발을 이유로다중대표소송의 입법화를 반대하는 주장도 제기되고 있다. 그러나 주주 보호와 회사의 이익 증대를 위해서는 주주의 대표소송을 활성화하고 그 실효성을 강화하는입법 개선이 필요하다. 일본에서도 지배회사 주주의 주주권 축소와 관련하여 지배회사의 주주 보호 문제가 대두하였고, 그 해결책으로서 다중대표소송이 입법되었다. 다만 다중대표소송 제도의 도입 시 남소의 가능성이 제기되므로 경제계의 반발을 완화하기 위해서라도 다각도의 논의 과정이 필요해 보인다. 현행 단순대표소송이 활성화되지 못하고 있는 상황에서 다중대표소송제도의 도입이 주주의 이익보호에 기여할 수 있기를 기대해 본다.

      • KCI등재

        수학 기피유형의 분류와 치유 효과의 분석

        김영국,박기양,박규홍,박혜숙,박윤범,권오한,박노경,백상철,이선아 한국수학교육학회 2003 수학교육 Vol.42 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find out effective ways to take care of the 8th and 10th graders' disposition causing math. disliking. To accomplish this goal, we proceeded as follows; First, we categorized the 11 factors recognized as the reasons of math. disliking into 4 math. disliking causes such as psychological & environmental cause, conceptual cause, relational cause and application related cause. Second, to take care of these four causes, we developed materials which are closely related with the contents of the 8th and 10th graders' school mathematics. Third, with these materials we taught the students who had proved to have the math. disliking trend, for one semester. As a consequence of this experiment we arrived at the following results. As for psychological & environmental causes, 35.7% of the 8th graders and 17% of the 10th graders proved to have been improved significantly. This result shows that the curing of the psychological & environmental causes is more effective in the 8th graders than in the 10th graders. i.e., the curing effects of the students' psychological & environmental cause for disliking math. decline as they get older. As for conceptual cause, 35% of the 8th graders and 30% of the 10th graders proved to have been improved significantly. In case of the 8th graders this ratio was similar to that of the other causes. But as for the 10th graders this ratio was a little low compared with that of the case of relation causes and application related cause. As for relational causes, 35% of the 8th graders and 49% of the 10th graders proved to have been improved significantly. Especially the 10th graders improved greatly. Among the four factors that compose this cause, especially hierarchy and connection factors were effectively cured. On application related causes, 47% of the 8th graders and 57% of the 10th graders proved to have been cured significantly. And among the four types of causes listed above, this was most successfully cured one. Of the two factors of this cause, the basic application factor appeared to have been improved in all experimental groups. In connection with teaching methods, we found out the followings two facts. First, the more teachers push students to solve their tasks with their own efforts, the higher is the ratio of cure. Second, the more teachers teach students personally, the more effective are the teaching results.

      • 최근 사범대학 수학교육과 교육과정 개정 현황 : 1997년까지 개정된 교육과정을 중심으로

        김영국 서원대학교 교육연구소 1999 敎育發展 Vol.18 No.1

        Recently, Korean teacher's colleges have confronted with problems of substantiality and the over - production of prospective teachers. In fact, these problems were caused by recent fast growth in the number of universities and enrolled students. To coup with theme problems, from 1996, all teacher's college began to study the reformation of curricula which could facilitate a major-minor system or double major system. For this, the main idea was to reduce the students' burden of getting necessary credits for graduation. To inspire the advancement of teachers education, the Ministry of Education had planed to evaluate all teacher's college comprehensively in 1998. Among many evaluation items, the reformation of curriculum occupied the most important portion. In this paper, I investigated the recent curriculum reformative trends of departments of mathematics education and made some suggestions which must be taken into consideration in applying the new one. They are listed as follow. (1) The structure of the newly reformed curriculum followed the former styles. i.e., the new curricula kept the liberal art area, teaching professional category, math. category and math. educational category. Changes were made only in the ratio of credits among these categories. (2) The results proved to be increase of total credits for graduation and math. education category. But the minimum credits of liberal arts and mathematics categories decreased heavily. To facilitate the double major systems and major-minor systems, there had been many recommendations to reduce the minimum credits for graduation to 130. On the contrary, the reformed result showed that average credits increased by 4.4 to 144.4. They reduced the credits of required subjects only. (3) Almost all mathematics education processors think that only with the credits of the required subjects, it is impossible for students to be well equipped with mathematics knowledge which is required for competent math. teachers. To cope with the shortage of the credits, we recommend to devide the courses in mathematics category into two groups and to apply different teaching methods. First, considering the allocated credits, select a group of principal courses which are closely related with the four basic fields of school mathematics. Then, the teaching of these courses should be done from a pure mathematical point of view, strictly to their mathematical nature. The other complementary courses which connect the principal courses with secondary school math., would be better if coordinated with math education courses. (4) Since the credits of teaching professional category are reduced, We recommend all courses in this category should be made and taught in connection with math. education courses. Through this, we could increase the relationship among the teaching professional category, math. education category, and the group of non principal mathematics. (5) In the reformed curriculum, the credits of teaching practicum course proved to be increased only average 0.7 credits. The 2.7 credits are far behind the expectations. This course gives students not only teacher experience, but also opportunities to establish themselves more firmly as secondary school teachers. So, it would be better to strengthen this course.

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