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        고정희 연시 연구

        이경희(Lee Kyong Hee) 돈암어문학회 2007 돈암어문학 Vol.- No.20

        고정희 시인은 1948년 《현대시학》에 등단한 이후, 12권의 시집을 남기면서 왕성한 시작 활동을 하다가 1991년 타계했다. 고정희는 그의 『누가 홀로 술틀을 밟고 있는가』(1979, 평민사)를 시작으로 유고시집 『모든 사라지는 것들은 뒤에 여백을 남긴다』(1992, 창작과 비평사)에 이르기까지 12권의 시집을 남겼는데 주로 실험적 의식이 강한 시편들을 다수 남겼다. 그럼에도 불구하고 그의 가장 내면적인 목소리는 그의 연시들 속에 간직되어 있다. 때문에 그의 연시를 살펴보는 것은 그의 시세계의 핵심을 조명하는 중요한 작업이 될 수 있다. 그래서 본고에서는 『아름다운 사람 하나』에 수록되어 있는 서정성이 뛰어난 연시들을 중심으로 그 내용과 형식의 특성을 살펴보기로 한다. 먼저, 연시에 나타나는 지향대상을 보면, 고정희의 연시에 보이는 사랑의 대상인 ‘그대’는 다양한 범주를 드러낸다. 첫째는 초월적인 힘을 지닌 신적인 존재로서의 ‘그대’이다. 시인은 초월적인 존재로부터 삶의 희망과 생명을 새로이 회복한다. 둘째는 자연으로서의 ‘그대’이다. 시인이 그리워하는 자연은 ‘그대’ 가슴처럼 내 고단함을 묻는 포근한 대상, ‘나’가 안식을 취하면서 바라는 세계를 의미하기도 한다. 셋째는 구체적 현존으로서의 ‘그대’이다. 고정희의 시에서 사랑하는 ‘그대’는 ‘아름다운 사람 하나’이며 가장 서정적 의미로 다가오는 구체적 현존이다. 이 세 가지 의미는 각각의 작품에 나타나기도 하지만 때로는 한 작품에서 세 가지 모두가 드러나는 것과 같이 다양한 대상을 수렴하고 있다. 다음으로 고정희의 연시에 주로 나타나는 기법 양상을 살펴보기로 한다. 첫째, 형태시 기법이다. 시각적인 효과를 주며 음절과 구문의 배행을 달리 함으로써 시가 지니는 주제를 좀 더 선명한 이미지로 표현하고 있다. 둘째는 음절과 구문의 반복으로 인한 주제와 의도의 강조이다. 이는 의미의 점층과 확장을 가져오는 효과를 갖는다. 셋째는 시어의 선택에서 자기 연민의 어조와 담백한 표현을 쓰고 있는 점이다. 넷째는 패러디형식으로 성경을 패러디한 것이 많다. 보통 패러디는 적대감과 친밀감이라는 상호 모순의 양면성을 띠는데 고정희의 「더 먼저 더 오래」에서는 모방과 친밀감이 강조되어 있다. 본 소고가 미비하기 때문에 정신분석학이나 시인의 체험 등을 참고한다면 이 주제의 연구는 더욱 풍성해질 수 있을 것이다. 앞으로 계속 고정희의 시세계에 대해 연구할 것이기에 차후의 과제로 남기기로 한다. After Goh Jung Hee (1948~1991) established herself as a poet on 「Mordern Poetics」 in 1975, she wrote 12 poetries actively. Goh Jung Hee composed a lot of experimental poems which are about traditional longpoems, feminism, eternity of Christian and populace. Still, she described her most internal voice in her love poems. Therefore studying her love poems can be the important thing to illuminate her core of her poetic world. This paper is about the study of contents and forms of her poems, especially love ones in ‘A Beautiful Person’. First of all, in her love poems she intends to express ‘He’, which is the object of love, could be interpreted variously. First, ‘He’ is God who is transcendent and means salvation. So his love is absolute and everlasting. At this point there is special quality that God is the absolute being and his love is continued absolutely. ‘I’ love one who is transcendent and feel his existence which holds myself by an irresistible force. Second, ‘He’ is like nature. She wrote many poems of which motifs are mountains and rivers. They are the key to link the theme directly. Mountains and rivers plays an important role in the subject of her poem like expression and creative writing motif in literature. That is, mountains and rivers, objects of ardent desire as motifs are in the category of ‘He’. Finally, ‘He’ is a person who is ‘A Beautiful Person’. ‘He’ could be the meaning of concrete being rather than transcendental being or nature which is mentioned above. It is the most lyrical interpretation. He is existing but away from her consistently in her poems. These three meanings are expressed in each poem, but sometimes all the three meanings are expressed in one poem. Let me examine her technic in her love poems. First, formal technic visualizes poems and expresses the clear image by making a difference of lining syllables and constructions. We can see the technic in her love poems like 「Triangular Love」, 「Late Autumn」, 「Autumn Night」, 「Confession」. Formal technic effects on her poetic meaning through visualizing effect. Second, she repeated a syllable or a construction to emphasize themes and her intentions. Also, these refrains show not simply a few times but many times in her lyric. And this effect gives her love poems soft rhythm. Third, she uses self-sympathetic tone and simple expression in choosing poetic words. She uses poetic words which are not florid and less metaphorical. She appeals to us frankly and simply. In her love poem 「Thinking of You」, she thinks she should leave him, but she sees herself get closer to him. She feels painful sympathy for herself seeing the process of this. Many poems have this aspect. Finally there are parodies in her poems, especially many from the bible. Unlike other parodies which express mutual contradiction like hostility and familiarity, she emphasizes imitation and familiarity in her lyric 「The Earlier, the Longer」. In her love poems, she parodied Matthew. It is far from objection and hostility. And it is similar to the value of Matthew flowing internal. Afterwards the discussion on Goh Jung Hee's lyric will take a turn for the better. I think that the study on Goh Jung Hee's love poems will be more plentiful when you refer to mental analytics or poet's experience because this study is incomplete.

      • 金井山 林道開設에 따르는 問題点에 관한 硏究

        이경재,류창희,김승환,박승범 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1993 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.2 No.1

        Mt. Gum-Jung is a very important mountain of Pusan which is connected to the large branch of Mt. Baek-Du, range including Mt. Baek-Du, Mt. Un-Ju, Mt. Ka-Zi, Chui-Seo and Mt. Gum-Jung. It is also attached to Nak-Dong river linked to Mt. Baek-Yang and Mt. Seung-Hak. Regarding the Korean peninsula as one natural ecosystem, the large branch of Mt. Gum-Jung. Therefore, it is very important to primarily preserve it from ecological point of view. In case of constructing the forest road, the width of the road is 4 meters approximately, but the actual damaged width of the forest which includes the shoulder of both sides of the road, drainage ditches and the areas cutting the lower plants of trees, will be around 20∼28 meters. Since the forest road paved with concrete pavements and the gravel divides the ecosystem of the forests and thus destroys the ecological system, it should be paved with the natural materials, such as soils, herbals and so forth. The forests of Mt. Gum-Jung which have almost been in the 2nd transitional stage, have some areas showing active ecosystem restoration, such as Carpinus spp., so they should be preserved very thoroughly. The marshy ecosystem of about 27,720㎡ which is at the height of 600meters above sea level, west to North Gate of Mt. Gum-Jung Castle, has the high watertable formed naturally. The existence of the marshy at the near of the mountain top is a remarkably rare phenomenon, the preservation of as the marshy ecosystem is absolutely necessary. At present, this area is completely destroyed by the thoughtless use. Furthermore, the construction of the drainage due to the forest roads may cause the change of the waterable height of the marshy ecosystem. The construction of the forest road near to the to of the mountain, having th egood landscape and the historic relics, results in many problems with the landscape. Putting together, the construction of the forest roads should consider the totality of Mt. Gum-Jung instead of only considering forest preservation. Also the scientific method of a sustainable use should be sought, which fully incorporates the problems such as the width and size of the forest roads, the pavement methods and materials, and the choice of sites without ecological and landscape problems.

      • Orthoclase-Albite 고용체의 상변화

        李卿喜,鄭允中 명지대학교 1983 明大論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        For studying the shift of X-ray diffraction pattern and IR absorption band, orthoclase-albite solid solutions were synthesized with 10% (weight) orderly varied components from the pure of orthoclace and albite, respectively. 201 plane which represents the inherent properties of feldspar shift 21 to 22°(2θ of X-ray diffraction patterns) with linear according to the albite contents were increased in orthoclase-albite solid solution. Absorption band of the varied solid solution shift from 595 cm^(-1) to 575 cm^(-1) an from 535 cm^(-1) to 542 cm^(-1), respectively with linear, according to the albite contents are increased in orthoclase-albite solid solution.

      • KCI등재

        중국에서 이식한 종어 (Leiocassis longirostris Gunther)의 외부 형태 및 초기생활사

        이완옥,김경환,김대희,조용철,김응오 한국어류학회 2004 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.16 No.1

        한국에서 절멸된 것으로 알려진 종어 (Leiocassis longifostris)를 국내에 복원하고, 양식대상종으로 개발하기 위하여 중국에서 도입하여 외부형태를 비교하고, 난발생 과정 및 부화자어의 형태를 연구하였다. 도입된 표본의 계수·계측형질을 국내와 중국에 알려진 문헌과 비교한 결과 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 중국에서 도입한 암수 한쌍의 성어에서 채란하였고, 습식법으로 수정하였다. 수정란의 크기는 2.01∼2.10 mm(n=10)이었으며, 알의 형태는 원반형이고, 난막은 무색투명하였으며, 강한 접착력이 있었다. 난황은 담황색이고 유구는 없었다. 수정 1시간 후에 배반이 완성되었고, 1시간 30분 후에 난할이 시작되었다. 수정란의 수온을 21.5∼23.0℃로 유지할 때 30∼50분 간격으로 이후 난할이 계속되었다. 수정 후 상실기는 6시간에 도달하였고, 낭배기는 20시간 20분 후에 완성되었다. 난황 표면에서 관찰되는 특이한 연동운동은 상실기에 시작되어 포배기 말기인 30% epiboly기까지 계속되었다. 수정 75시간 후에 부화에 이르렀고, 부화 직후 자어의 크기는 전장 5.91∼6.10 mm 이었다. 부화 3일 후에 입이 열리고, 수염과 부레가 완성되었으며, 전장 9.07 ∼9.37 mm까지 자랐다. 부화 15일후에는 모든 지느러미가 완성되어 후기자어기 상태이었고, 전장 14.80∼16.50 mm로 자랐으며, 부화 25일 후에는 체형, 체색 그리고 생활습성 등이 성체와 유사하고, 전장은 18.59∼22.35 mm까지 성장하였다. The Long-snout bullhead, Leiocassis longirostris, is an introduced fish from China which had become extinct in Korea. Its morphological characteristics and early life history was studied to obtain useful information required for restoration of the species and also for its utilization as an aquaculture fish. Measurements and counts of specimens introduced into Korea were included in the range of those taken from the known literature of Korea and China. Eggs were obtained by fertilization by wet method in the laboratory using one mature male and female adults of introduced L. longirostris. The fertilized eggs measured 2.01-2.10 ㎜ (n = 10) in diameter. The eggs were diskshaped and strongly adhesive, with colorless transparent membrane. The yolk was pale yellow in color with no oil globule. The blastodisc was formed in about 1 hour and cleavage started around 1 hour 30 minutes after fertilization. The cleavage intervals were about 30-50 minutes at 21.5-23℃. The morula stage was reached at 6 hours, and gastrulation was completed at 20 hours 20 min. after fertilization. Peristalsic movements of the yolk surface started at the morula stage and continued to the blastula stage (30% epiboly). Hatching occurred 75 hours after fertilization, and newly hatched larvae were 5.91-6.10 ㎜ (n = 10) in total length (TL). The mouth was open, and barbels and the air-bladder were completely formed 3 days after hatching, at 9.07-9.37 ㎜ TL. All the fin rays were completely formed and the larvae became a postlarva 15 days after hatching at 14.80-16.50 ㎜ in TL. Body shape, color pattern, and habitat behavior were similar to those in the adult at 25 days after hatching and a size of 18.59-22.35 ㎜ TL.

      • KCI등재

        백서의 우울모형에서의 칼슘통로 길항제 에타베린(Ethaverine)의 항우울효과

        이상경,김선희,김록우,윤성환,김용관,김경태,김영훈 대한신경정신의학회 2000 신경정신의학 Vol.39 No.2

        연구목적: 본 전임상연구에서는 우울증의 두가지 동물모형을 통해 에타베린이 단독 혹은 이미프라민과 병용처치 되었을 때의 효과를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 표준화된 검사법인 강제수영검사를 사용하여 옹성백서에게 에타베린(20mg/kg) 및 이미프라민 (20mg/kg)을 단독 혹은 병용 처치하였을 때의 부동시간의 변화를 관찰하였고, 경도의 만성 스트레스를 3주간 가한 후 4주간 에타베린과 이미프라민을 단독 혹은 병용 처치하였을때의 자당섭취량의 변화를 관찰하였다. 결과: 약물을 1회 단기처치 및 7일간 장기처치한 강제수영검사에서 이미프라민 및 에타베린 단독처치는 대조군에 비하여 부동시간의 단축을 보였고 에타베린은 이미프라민의 부동시간 감소에 대한 증강작용을보였다. 경도의 만성스트레스 실험에서도 3주간의 스트레스로 인하여 감소된 백서의 자당섭취량을 이미 프라민 및 에타베린이 회복시켰으며, 치료초기에 두 약물의 병용처치효과가 두드러졌다. 결론: 본 연구의 결과는 에타베린이 향우울 효과를 가지고 있음을 시사하며, 삼환계 항우울제인 이미프라민의 항우울효과를 증강시키므로 에타베린의 임상적 활용 가능성을 보여준다. Objectives: This pre-clinical study was performed to assess the effects of ethaverine in the two kinds of behavioral models of depression in rats. Methods: We observed the changes of the immobility time in the froced swimming test and the quantity of sucrose consumed in the chronic mild stress model, using ethaverine(20mg/kg) alone, imipramine(20mg/kg) alone, or ethaverine and imipramine concomitantly. Results: In the forced swimming test, both single treatment and chronic treatment(for 7days) with imipramine or ethaverine significantly reduced the immobility time, and concomitant chronic treatment with ethaverine potentiated the effect of imipramine. In the chronic mild stress model, both imipramine and ethaverine reversed the decreased sucrose consumption induced by 3-week stress and concomitantly treated ethaverine potentiated the effect of imi-pramine in the early phase of treatment. Conclusions: The data suggest that ethaverine can be used alone or concomitantly with other antidepressants in the clinical situation.

      • 無機質水和物의 白華現象에 관한 硏究

        李卿喜 명지대학교 1979 明大論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        The mechanism of the efflorescence in Caleium Silicate hydrates Products was Studied. Test bricks were prepared from an Han Kang Sand and a Commercial CaO, and auto claved for 6 hours at 16㎏/㎠ pressure. The amount of the efflorescence material and the chemical composition were calculated from the experimental data. At was found that the chemical. composition of the efflorescence material is Na_2SO_410H_2O and the mechanism. of the Efflore-scence can be explain by Through Solution mechanism.

      • 영화홍보 웹 사이트의 재미요소에 관한 감성공학적 분석

        이경희,정홍인 경성대학교 공학기술연구소 2003 공학기술연구지 Vol.S2 No.1

        Usability has been regarded as the most significant principle at designing web sites. The 'Fun' elements causing fun emotion, however, can be more important for some web sites especially developed for specific purposes. Movie publicizing web sites contain various multimedia such as motion graphic, voice of actor and actress, interactive game inducing users to feel the 'Fun'. Eleven elements which induces the 'fun' feeling was extracted from the magazine jungle web sites and fifteen movie publicizing web sites were evaluated. The elements were then analyzed by using a questionnaire and web design guideline was suggested which might induce the 'Fun' feeling of web sites.

      • 고순도 PZT 분체의 저온합성법과 그 응용에 관한 연구

        이경희,이병하,문병욱 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 1986 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        Formation of powders and piezoelectric properties of Pb (Zro.52 Tio.48) O₃ by chemical methods are described. The chemical methods were accomplished at 30℃∼70℃ for 1∼24 hrs. The PZT specimens of disc shape were sintered respectively at 1100℃, 1150℃, 1200℃ and 1250℃ for 5 hrs. The optimum sintering temperature were found to be between 1200℃ and 1250℃. The dielectric constant of the sintered samples reached a maximum while the dielectric dissipation factor showed a minimum at the sintering temperature of 1200℃. The value of planar coupling coefficient, Kp was about 0.43∼0.47 at 1200℃.

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