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      • KCI등재

        영성과 모더니티-생명, 씨, 율려로 본 한국적 진보의 궤적-

        이철호 ( Lee Chul-ho ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2014 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.35

        이 글은 이돈화(李敦化), 함석헌(咸錫憲), 김지하(金芝河)가 공유하는 사상적 패턴을 중심으로 하나의 정신사적 계보를 구성하는 데 주된 목적이 있다. 『신인철학(新人哲學)』에서 이돈화는 천도교와 진화론을 결합해 독자적인 종교철학을 수립했다. 이를테면 ‘지기(至氣)’라는 천도교 용어가 ‘생명’이라는 진화론적 어휘로 변주되면서 그의 종교론은 과학적 엄밀성을 획득하게 된다. 이렇듯 이돈화는 진화론을 통해 인내천(人乃天) 사상의 과학화를 구현하고, 유기체적 생명주의를 통해서는 탈서구화를 지향했다. 그럼에도 그의 종교철학은 범신론 중심의 또 다른 보편주의를 강화하고 ‘생존경쟁’에 입각한 세계관을 재생산했다는 한계를 지닌다. 그에 비해, 함석헌은 기독교와 진화론이 결합된 역사주의를 바탕으로 반독재민주화 운동을 주도했다. 그에 의하면, 자아 내부에서 약동하는 생명력이야말로 위기를 혁명으로, 수난을 영광으로 바꾸는 원천적인 에너지다. 그 생명의 원리를 터득할 때 비로소 인격개조도 혁명도 가능해진다. 함석헌은 생명론에 의거해 세계주의를 주창했다는 점에서 이돈화와 변별되지만, 그 세계주의가 민족국가의 경계를 부정하지 않았기에 문제적이다. 김지하는 생명운동이나 율려운동을 통해 동북아공생(東北亞共生)을 강조했으나, 함석헌보다 더 민족주의적이면서 이돈화보다 더 서구의 가치체계를 내면화했다. The main purpose of this paper is to organize one-lined spiritual genealogy of ideological basis which is shared by Lee, Donhwa, Ham, Seokheon, and Kim, Jiha. In his work, Sinin Cheolhak (New Human Philosophy), Lee, Donghwa has combined Cheondogyo with Evolutionism, establishing his unique philosophy of religion. That is to say, by accepting the theory of evolution, he embodied scientific systemization of Innaecheon Thought, and through the organic Vitalism (Life-ism), he also aimed for De-Westernization. However, his religious philosophy reinforced another Universalism focused on Pantheism; furthermore his though had the limit in the aspect of representing the world view based on a struggle for existence. Ham, Seokheon, supporting the historicism which was generated by the combination of Christianity and Evolutionism, led the Korean democracy movement against despotism. According to him, it is an energetic vitality, the original energy, inside one’s self which can convert ‘crises into ‘revolution’ and ‘ordeal’ into ‘glory’. The understanding of this life principle makes personality rebuilding and revolution possible. Although Ham’s theory had discrimination against Lee’s thought in that he advocated cosmopolitanism relying on Vitalism (life-ism), it is problematic because his cosmopolitan outlook does not deny national boundaries basically. Although Kim, Jiha put an emphasis on the coexistence of North-East Asia through Vitalism and Yulryeo movement, his thought is much more nationalistic than Ham, Seokheon’s theory, and internalized value system of the Western more firmly than Lee, Donhwa’s did.

      • KCI등재

        장치 (dispositif)로서의 연좌제 -1980년대 이문열의 초기 단편과 “중산층” 표상

        이철호 ( Chul Ho Lee ) 한국문학연구학회 2015 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.56

        이문열 소설은 근본적으로 유럽 부르주아의 한국적 판본인 ``중산층``의 서사이며, 그것은 당대가 요구하는 중산층의 미덕과 자질을 분별하고 터득하는 데 있어 최적의 텍스트였다. 소위 ``이문열 신드롬``은 그의 소설이 단순히 대중적인 흥미와 자극적인 소재에 의존하지 않았기에 가능했던 현상이었고, 당대의 애독자들은 그의 소설에서 중산층이 갖추어야 할 지식과 교양을 기대할 수 있었다. 게다가 1980년대 초반만하더라도 중산층에 대한 공론화가 재가열되었을 만큼 그 계층의 규정 자체가 모호할 수밖에 없었다. 다시 말해 이 시기의 중산층은 명확히 규정 가능한 실체라기보다 1980년대 초반 본격화된 중산층 담론을 통해 상상적으로 재구성된 계층에 해당하며 이 들 불특정 계층을 역사적 실체, 즉 특정한 텍스트를 구매하고 소비하는 독자층으로 만들어가는 데-더 중요하게는 중산층 특유의 감성을 구조화하는 데-기여한 것이 바로 이문열 소설이라 할 수 있다. 중산층이 등장하는 이문열 초기 단편에서 두드러진 특징 중 하나는 ``연좌제``의 모티프이며, 그것은 단순히 소재적 차원을 넘어 주체화를 가능케 하는 일종의 장치(dispositif)로 작동한다. 다시 말해, 반공 이데올로기의 장치로서 연좌제는 개인의 자아에게 부단히 원죄 의식을 부과하면서도 그와 동시에 중산층이라는 주체를 생산 해내는 핵심 기제가 된다. The novels of Lee, Munyeol are highly useful texts for us to distinguish ``corrupt`` middle class of 1970s from healthy one of 1980s, and more importantly, his books are entirely suitable to represent social identities of middle class. The term ``middle class`` actually refers to a class restructured by the discourse of middle class which was fully discussed in the early of 1980s rather than a reality which is precisely definable. Lee``s works contributed to imagining this non-specific class as a historical reality and to structuralizing its unique sensibility. In this sense, it might be more reasonable to think that he shapes the image of middle class in his books than to say that people of middle class read Lee``s works avidly and eagerly. The remarkable characteristic of his early short novels in which a character of middle class appears is the motif of ``the implicative system.`` This implicative system serves a ``dispositif`` which makes subjectivation possible. In other words, this system, as an ideological device of anticommunism, imposes the consciousness of original sin on the self of an individual, and, at the same time, as an important agent, creates a subject who means middle class.

      • KCI등재

        PGA2-induced HO-1 attenuates G2M arrest by modulating GADD45α expression

        Yun-Jeong Choe,고경원,Hyein Lee,이선영,Byung-Chul Kim,Ho-Shik Kim,Ho-Shik Kim 대한독성 유전단백체 학회 2015 Molecular & cellular toxicology Vol.11 No.4

        Prostaglandin (PG) A2, a cyclopentenone PG, arrested the growth of U2OS cells in the G2M phase. While inducing G2M arrest, PGA2 increased the expression of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) at the level of transcription along with the accumulation of ROS and the activation of MAPKs including JNK, p38MAPK, and ERK1/2. Among the MAPKs, the inhibition of p38MAPK by a specific chemical inhibitor SB203580, or by RNA interference, but not JNK or ERK1/2, attenuated the PGA2-induced transcription of HO-1. Nacetylcysteine (NAC), a ROS scavenger, prevented PGA2-induced G2M arrest, p38MAPK activation and transcriptional induction of HO-1. PGA2 also stimulated GADD45α expression at the level of transcription, and the knockdown of GADD45α repressed PGA2- induced G2M arrest. Finally, the knockdown of the HO-1 protein elevated PGA2-induced GADD45α expression as well as G2M arrest. Collectively, these results suggest that PGA2 causes an increase in ROS accumulation which initiates both HO-1 transcription via p38MAPK, and G2M arrest via GADD45α transcription, and HO-1 attenuates G2M arrest by modulating the expression of GADD45α.

      • KCI등재

        작업관련성 수근관증후근 감시체계

        정우철,권호장,하미나,노상철,권범선,현정근,이성재,이종민,권정이,김준성,백남종,이호,이경우,이삼규 大韓産業醫學會 2004 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        목적: 작업관련 근골격계질환은 중요한 직업관련성 질환 중의 하나이고 작업관련 수근관증후군은 이러한 작업관련 근골격계질환 중에서도 많은 부분을 차지한다. 이 연구는 작업관련 수근관증후군의 역학적 특성에 대해 알아보고자 수행되었다. 방법: 본 연구에서는 '수근관증후군 감시체계'를 통해 2000년 6월부터 2003년 2월까지 보고 된 672례의 수근관증후군 사례를 분석하였다. 직업력이 확인된 314명을 대상으로는 직업 및 작업내용에 따라 작업관련성 수근관증후군의 비율이 어떻게 달라지는지를 분석함으로써 수근관증후군 위험요인을 조사하였다. 결과: 직업력이 확인된 314명의 환자 중 작업 관련성이 의심되는 사람은 228명 (72.6%) 이었다. 직업별로는 '단순노무종사자', '농림어업숙련자', '서비스종사자' 등에서 작업관련 수근관증후군의 비율이 여성에서 유의하게 높게 나타났으나 연령, 비만도 지수, 과거병력 등에 따른 차이는 관찰되지 않았다. 주관적 증상 중에 '손을 많이 사용한 후 심해진다'와 '손을 털면 덜해진다'라는 항목을 작업관련성 수근관증후군 환자에서 더 많이 호소하였고 다른 증상은 별다른 차이를 보이지 않았다. 작업관련성 수근관증후군 환자가 비교적 많이 노출되는 작업은 '지나치게 손을 뻗쳐서 하는 일', '손을 불편한자세로 유지하는 일' 등이었다. 결론: 전체 수근관증후군 중 작업관련성이 있다는 비율이 매우 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 수근관증후군 감시체계가 작업관련성 수근관증후군의 여러 특성을 밝히는데 매우 효과적인 것으로 나타났으나 현재까지는 중재 대상을 구체적으로 특정하기에는 한계가 있다. Objectives: Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is one of the most important work related musculo-skeletal diseases in Korea. However, there are few epidemiologic studies on the work-related CTS (WR-CTS). This study aimed to investigate the epidemiologic characteristics of WR-CTS in Korea. Methods: Data obtained from the "CTS Surveillance System". Physician case-reports in the surveillance were used to document patterns of WR-CTS by age, gender, occupation, sign, symptom, working history. Results: Six hundred and seventy-two cases of WR-CTS were ascertained of which 3 14 with complete information on occupational history were analyzed. It has been estimated that as many as 72% of' all CTS cases are work-related. The highest proportion of WR-CTS was observed in 'elementary occupation workers', followed by 'skilled agricultural, forestry and fishery worker'. The distributions of WR-CTS cases were similar with respect to age, obesity, and past medical history. The proportion of WR-CTS was higher in females. There was no significant difference in physical examination findings between WR-CTS and non WR-CTS cases. Repetitive work and the inappropriate hand posture seemed to be the risks for WR-CTS. Conclusion: WR-CTS is a significant public health problem. The CTS surveillance system is quite useful to elucidate the characteristics of WR-CTS, but it remains of limited use in targeting specific industries and occupations for intervention.

      • Study of decreased melanin production through p53 by heme oxygenase-1 inhibitor in normal human melanocytes

        ( Hee Sun Lim ),( Sun A Jin ),( Jee Bum Lee ),( Seong Jin Kim ),( Seung Chul Lee ),( Young Ho Won ),( Sook Jung Yoon ) 대한피부과학회 2015 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.67 No.2

        Background: Heme oxygenase (HO)-1 is induced by oxidative stress and plays important roles in anti-apoptosis and the rapid growth of several solid tumors. p53 has a central role in skin pigmentation and may impact onmelanoma at all stages. However, there has been little study of HO-1 in relation with p53 on melanin production Objectives: To know the effect of HO-1 on melanogenesis through p53 in normal human melanocytes Methods: Human melanocytes (hM) were primarily cultured from foreskin. After incubation, cells were rinsed twice with PBS then transfection with p53 siRNA Results: Melanin content was detected with ELISA and Western blot analysis and RT-PCR of tyrosinase, MITF were performed after ZnPP treatment and p53 transfection. After ZnPP treatment, melanin content was decreased, and tyrosinase and MITF protein levels were decreased. Tyrosinase and MITF mRNA levels were also decreased. However, melanin content and tyrosinase and MITF protein levels were increased after CoPP treatment. After p53 transfection, HO-1 expression was decreased when HO-1 stimulator was treated. In addition, melanin content was decreased, and tyrosinase expression was decreased in Western blot analysis Conclusion: These results suggest that melanogenesis is inhibited by ZnPP by decreased melanin production, tyrosinase and MITF protein and mRNA levels. Furthermore, those inhibitory effects of ZnPP may be dependent on p53 in normal human melanocytes. Therefore, HO-1 may play an important role in melanogensis

      • Sauchinone Suppresses Pro-inflammatory Mediators by Inducing Heme Oxygenase-1 in RAW264.7 Macrophages

        Li, Bin,Lee, Dong-Sung,Choi, Hyun-Gyu,Kim, Kyoung-Su,Kang, Dae-Gil,Lee, Ho-Sub,Jeong, Gil-Saeng,Kim, Youn-Chul Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 2011 BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN Vol.34 No.10

        <P>Sauchinone, a biologically active lignan isolated from the roots of <I>Saururus chinensis</I> (L<SMALL>OUR</SMALL>.) B<SMALL>AILL</SMALL>. (Saururaceae), is reported to exert a variety of biological activities, such as hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory actions and inhibitory effects on bone resorption. In this study, we investigated the effect of sauchinone in suppressing cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, leading to a reduction in COX-2-derived prostaglandin E<SUB>2</SUB> (PGE<SUB>2</SUB>) and iNOS-derived nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated RAW264.7 macrophages. Present study also demonstrates the effects of sauchinone in inducing heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression and an increase in heme oxygenase (HO) activity in RAW264.7 macrophages. The effects of sauchinone on LPS-induced PGE<SUB>2</SUB>, NO, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interlukine-1β (IL-1β) production were partially reversed by the HO-1 inhibitor Tin protoporphyrin was also seen in this study. In addition, we found that treatment with extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) inhibitor (PD98059) reduced sauchinone-induced HO-1 expression. Sauchinone also increased ERK phosphorylation. These results suggest that sauchinone inhibits pro-inflammatory mediators through expression of anti-inflammatory HO-1 <I>via</I> ERK pathway.</P>

      • KCI등재

        뇌혈관 협착 환자에서 SPM과 확률뇌지도를 이용한 기저/아세타졸아미드 SPECT의 정량적 분석법의 유용성

        이호영,이동수,팽진철,오창완,조맹제,정준기,이명철 대한핵의학회 2002 핵의학 분자영상 Vol.36 No.6

        목적: 뇌혈관질환에 있어서 뇌혈류와 뇌혈류예비능을 기저/아세타졸아미드 뇌혈류SPECT로 평가 가능하나 재관류 수술효과를 비교 평가하기 위해서는 정량적인 평가가 필요하다. 대상 및 방법: 12명의 환자(51±15세, 남:녀=6:6)의 수술 전후 기저 시와 아세타졸아미드 부하 뇌관류 SPECT를 SPM에서 공간정규화하고 소뇌의 계수를 기준으로 계수정규화한 후 확률뇌지도(statistical probabilistic anatomical map, SPAM)를 이용하여 부위별 혈류를 정량화하였다. 이 결과로부터 수술 전후 및 정상대조군(59±15세, 남:녀=10:11)과의 비교를 McNemar test와Mann-Whiteny test를 이용하여 비교하였다. 혈류예비능은 기저 시와 부하시의 차이를 기저 시 계수를 기준으로 백분율로 표현하였다. 결과: 수술 후 수술 부위의 기저 시와 아세타졸아미드 부하 시 혈류 그리고 혈류예비능 모두가 유의하게 향상되었다(p<0.05). 정상군과의 비교에 있어서는 기저 시 혈류는 정상군과 차이가 없을 정도로 호전되었으나, 아세타졸아미드 부하시 혈류와 혈류예비능은 수술 후에도 유의한 차이를 보였다(p<0.05). 혈류예비능은 주로 수술부위를 중심으로 향상되었다. 결론: SPM 및 SPAM을 이용하여 기저/아세타졸아미드 뇌혈류 SPECT의 수술 전후결과를 정량적, 객관적으로 쉽게 비교 평가할 수 있다. Purpose: While cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reserve could be evaluated with basal/acetazolamide Tc-99m-HMPAO SPECT in cerebrovascular disease, objective quantification is necessary to assess the efficacy of the revasculariztion. In this study we adopted the SPM method to quantify basal cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reserve on basal/acetazolamide SPECT in assessment of the patients who underwent bypass surgery for linternal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis. Materials and Methods: Twelve patients (51±15 years) with ICA stenosis were enrolled. Tc-99m-HMPAO basal/acetazolamide perfusion SPECT was performed before and after bypass surgery. After spatial and count normalization to cerebellum, basal cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reserve were compared with 21 age-matched normal controls and postoperative changes of regional blood flow and reserve were assessed by Statistical Parametric Mapping method. Mean pixel values of each brain region were calculated using probabilistic anatomical map of lobes. Perfusion reserve was defined as the % changes after acetazolamide over basal counts. Results: Preoperative cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reserve were significantly decreased in involved ICA territory, comparing with normal control (p<0.05). Postoperative improvement of cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reserve was observed in grafted ICA territories, but cerebrovascular reserve remained with significant difference with normal control. Improvement of the cerebrovascular reserve was most prominent in the superior temporal and the angular gyrus, nearest to the anastomosis sites. Conclusion: Using SPM quantification method on basal/acetazolamide Tc-99m-HMPAO SPECT, the cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular reserve could be assessed before revascularization and so could the efficacy of the bypass surgery. (Korean J Nucl Med 2002;36;357-67)

      • 광미를 사용한 폴리머 시멘트 콘크리트의 강도 특성 및 내약품성

        이병철,이주경,이윤수,이필호,이구연,전철수 강원대학교 부설 석재복합신소재 제품연구센터 1999 석재연 논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 세골재의 일부를 광미로 치환하고 혼화제로 SBR 라택스를 사용하여 폴리머 시멘트 콘크리트 공시체를 제작한 후 강도특성 및 내약품성을 실험적으로 구명한 것이다. 그 결과 광미를 사용하지 않고 P/C비가 10%일 때 압축강도가 323㎏/㎠로 최고 값을 나타냈으며, 휨강도는 P/C비가 증가할수록 증가하여 P/C비가 10%일 때 89㎏/㎠를 나타냈다. 그리고 광미를 사용한 경우는 P/C비가 10%일때 압축강도가 357㎏/㎠, 휨강도가 92㎏/㎠로서 광미를 사용하지 않은 경우보다 높게 나타났다. 한편 10% HCI, 20%, NaOH 10% NaCl 수용액에 공시체를 3, 7, 14, 21, 28일간 침적 시킨 후 중량변화를 측정하여 내약품성을 실험한다. 광미를 사용한 경우가 우수한 내약품성을 나타냈다. 즉광미를 사용하지 않은 경우 P/C=0%일 때 28일 후 중량 변화가 11%였으나 P/C=20%일 때는 2%였고, 광미를 사용한 경우는 P/C=0%일 때 질량 변화가 6%였으나 P/C=20%일 때는 1.5%였으며 20% ,NaOH 10% NaCl 수용액에서는 질량이 증가하는 경향을 보였다. Polymer cement concrete is made by the modifying ordinary cement concrete with polymer additive. Until now polymer cement concrete is not used for the structural member, but it is growing to be considered as developing uses such as a waterproof of roof slab, and a road pavement. The polymer cement concrete, being used for those uses, is superior to the cement concrete against the inorganic, organic acid, salt of acetic acid and organic solvents generally. In this paper, the polymer cement concrete was made by the ratio of 1:1 of sands and metal-mine waste rocks in fine aggregate in order to solve the environmental pollution which causes the social problem by metal-mine waste rocks. It was measured for the compressive strength, flexural strength, and chemicals resistance was tested by dealing with 10% HCI, 20% NaOH and 10% NaCI aqueous solution.

      • 동충하초 투여가 최대하 운동 시 지방연소에 미치는 영향

        김철우,이용수,이상현,이상호,하민수,윤영조,이재일 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of Cordyceps militaris on fat oxidation during submaximal exercise. Fifteen healthy male collegiate students(ingestion group, N=7; control group, N=8) participated as subjects after signing an informed consent following overnight, subjects completed maximal graded execise test on treadmill to determine exercise intensity(50%VO2max). To evaluate the fat oxidation using indirect calorimeter, it was performed submaximal treadmill to determine exercise lasting. 40min at 50%VO2max after 5day and consumed Cordyceps militaris on separate days. This study was used 2×4 two way repeated ANOVA to analyze physiological and metabolic variables between two groups and metabolic variables between two groups and four exercise periods(l0min, 20min, 30min 40min), and used Scheffe to post-hoc test. Significance was set at α=.05. The results of this study were as followed: First, there were significantly highest in ingestion group for V02, percentage of fat oxidetion(%fat), fat per kilocarolies(Fkcal), and total per kilocarolies(Tkcal)(p<.05), but respiratory exchange ration(RER) and heart rete(HR) were significantly lower in ingestion group(p<.05). Second, RER, %fat, Fkcal were significantly difference in 10, 20, 30, 40min of exercise period(p<.05). This results suggest that there is the effect of Cordyceps militaris on fat oxidation submaximal exercise. Additionally, to evaluate effect of Cordyceps militaris as ergogenic aid, it should be required the future study that included extend subjects, various dosage, and chronic consumption.

      • Platycodon grandiflorum root-derived saponins attenuate atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions via suppression of NF-kB and STAT1 and activation of Nrf2/ARE-mediated heme oxygenase-1

        ( Jae Ho Choi ),( Sun Woo Jin ),( Eun Hee Han ),( Bong Hwan Park ),( Hyung Gyun Kim ),( Tilak Khanal ),( Yong Pil Hwang ),( Minh Truong Do ),( Hyun Sun Lee ),( Young Chul Chung ),( Hee Suk Kim ),( Tae 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 2014 영남대학교 약품개발연구소 연구업적집 Vol.24 No.0

        Purpose: The consequences of precipitously rising allergic skin inflammation rates worldwide have accelerated the risk of atopic dermatitis (AD). Natural product-based agents with good efficacy and low risk of side effects offer promising prevention and treatment strategies for inflammation-related diseases. We have already reported that Platycodon grandiflorum root-derived saponins (Changkil saponins, CKS) have many pharmacological effects, including anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, but its influence on AD remains unclear. Therefore, we evaluated the inhibitory effect of CKS, mainly platycodin D, on AD-like skin symptoms in mice and the possible mechanisms in cells. Methods: Mice were sensitized and challenged with 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB). Four weeks after challenge, mice were treated with oral administration of CKS for 4 weeks. In addition, cells were used to evaluate the effect of CKS, mainly platycodin D, on the TARC expression regulated mechanism. Results: CKS attenuated DNCB-induced dermatitis severity, serum levels of IgE and TARC, and mRNA expression of TARC, TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13 in mice. Histopathological examination showed reduced thickness of the epidermis/dermis and dermal infiltration of inflammatory cells and mast cells in the ears. Moreover, CKS and platycodin D inhibited TNF-α/IFN-γ-induced TARC expression through the suppression of NF-κB and STAT1 and induction of Nrf2/ARE-mediated hemeoxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression in cells. Conclusion: We suggest that CKS and platycodin D inhibited the development of AD-like skin symptoms by regulating cytokine mediators and may be an effective alternative therapy for AD-like skin symptoms.ⓒ2014 Elsevler Gmbh. All rights reserved.

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