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      • KCI등재

        잿빛만가닥버섯(Lyophyllum decastes)의 발효톱밥에 의한 인공재배 특성에 관한 연구

        우성미 외 한국버섯학회 2009 한국버섯학회지 Vol.7 No.4

        잿빛만가닥버섯의 인공재배법을 개발하고자 국내·외에서 수집한 균주의 균사배양 특성을 검정하고 자실체 발생을 위한 다양한 재배방법을 구명하였다. 잿빛만가닥버섯 9균주를 공시하여 선발한 결과는 다음과 같다. 균사생장속도가 빠르고 균사밀도가 양호한 SPA 202 및 SPA 205균주를 선발하였으며 선발배지는 BC배지가 가장 양호하였다. 인공재배 시 참나무톱밥과 포플러톱밥이 균사생장속도가 가장 빠르고 균사밀도가 가장 치밀하였으며 최적배지는 발효톱밥을 사용한 참나무톱밥(Quercus aliena)40%+포플러톱밥(Populus deltoides)40%+미강(Rice bran)10 %+밀기울(Wheat bran)10% 배지로서 이 때균사배양적온은 20-25℃이며 배양기간은 접종 후 50일, 복토 후 7일이 소요되었으며, 원기형성 및 자실체생육기간은 17-18℃에서 각각 10~11일, 7~8일이 소요되었다. SPA 202균주의 수확적기의 자실체는 갓의 직경이 60mm, 대의 길이가 67mm이며, 수량은1,100㎖병당 130g이었으며 SPA 205균주의 수확적기의 자실체는 갓의 직경이 51mm, 대의 길이가 81mm, 129g이었다. 잿빛만가닥버섯 인공재배 결과, 배지는 발효톱밥 처리구가 미발효톱밥 처리구보다 수량이 많아 SPA 202균주와 SPA 205균주가 가장 양호한 균주로 선발되었다. These experiments were carried out to determine the optimal culture conditions for nine strains of collected Hatakeshimeji, Lyophyllum decastes (Fr.:Fr.) Sing. SPA 202 and SPA 205 strains were selected because mycelium grew fast and showed fine density. All strains showed fast mycelial growth and mycelial density on BC(Burke compost) media for 20 days of incubation. The optimal sawdust species for the mycelial growth were the fermented sawdusts of Quercus aliena and Populus deltoides. Spawn running period on the fermented sawdust substrate required 50 days at 20 to 25℃ and additional 7 days after soil casing. Cultivation period and temperature forprimordia formation and fruitbody development appeared from 10 to 11 days and from 7 to 8 days at 17 to 18℃ respectively. The length of pilei and stipes of SPA 202 harvested in optimal stage showed 60mm and 67mm, respectively. Yield of SPA 202 strain grown on fermented sawdust substrate was 130g per 1,100㎖ in bottle cultivation. The length of pilei and stipes of SPA 205harvested in optimal stage showed 51mm and 81mm, respectively. Yield of SPA 205 strain grown on fermented sawdust substrate was 129g per 1,100 ㎖ in bottle cultivation. SPA 202 strain and SPA 205 strain in artificial bottle cultivation of Lyophyllum decastes used in fermented sawdust substrate were selected as themost appropriate strain in yield.

      • KCI등재

        잿빛만가닥버섯(Lyophyllum decastes)의 ITS 영역염기서열 및 RAPD에 의한 계통학적 유연관계 분석

        우성미 외 한국버섯학회 2009 한국버섯학회지 Vol.7 No.3

        인공재배된 만가닥버섯(Hypsizygus mamoreus)과 잿빛만가닥버섯(Lyophyllum decastes)을 ITS I·IV 부위의 염기서열에 의해 종속간 유연관계 및 RAPD 다형성을 분석하였다. ITS I·IV영역부위 종속간 유연관계에서 Group1(SPA 100, 101, 102)은 만가닥버섯 에 속하였으며, Group2(11균주) 잿빛만가닥버섯 의 대조 분리군 11균주는 동일한 종으로 동정되었다. ITS결과 14개 균주 시 4개 그룹으로 분류되었으며, Cluster I과 Cluster II는 58%의 유사도를 Cluster III과 Cluster IV는 41%의 유사성을 보였다. 또한 인공재배한 잿빛만가닥버섯의 종 다양성을 분석하기위해 RAPD를 수행한 결과 가장 수량이 양호하며 우량계통인 SPA 202는 잿빛만가닥버섯인 Lyophyllum decastes SPA 203과 그룹화 되었으며 75%의 유사성을 보여주었고, Lyophyllum decastes 공시균주인 SPA 103과 SPA 104의 유사성은 65%로 나타났다. Phylogenetic relationships of Hypsizygus mamoreus and Lyophyllum decastes artificial cultivated using ITS sequences and RAPD polymorphism have been analyzed. Based on ITS region sequences of 14 strains, we could divide into 2 group as group1 to Hypsizygus mamoreus and the control isolated group2 to Lyophyllum decastes were identified as the same species. Restrict analysis of rDNA ITS region which was amplified by PCR, 14 collected strains could be classified into 4 clusters. There was approximately 58% genetic similarity between cluster I (SPA 100, 101, 102) and cluster II (SPA 200, 208 and SPA 201, 202), 41% between cluster III (SPA 104, 103, 203) and cluster IV (SPA 204, 206, 207, 205) by BLAST analysis. RAPD polymorphisms were used to analyze the species diversity of artificially cultivated Lyophyllum decastes SPA 202. As a result, similarity between SPA 202 and SPA 203 was 75%, at the same time, similarity between SPA 202 and Pleurotus eryngii SPA 103 and SPA 104 was 65%.

      • 심청전의 심리적 해석

        한상미 가톨릭대학교 학생생활상담소 2006 학생생활상담 Vol.24 No.-

        우리만의 정서ㆍ사상을 함축하고 있는 고전을 재음미하는 것은 우리의 정서를 바르게 이해 할 수 있다는 측면에서 의미 있는 일이다. 그러므로 한국인의 실존을 다루고 있으며 민중의 마음의 표상이라 볼 수 있는 판소리의 연구를 통해 우리는 우리 민중의 내면세계의 공통된 정서와 무의식에 대해 추론해 봄으로써 그들이 사람을 어떻게 보고 문제를 어떻게 해결하려 했는지 유추해 볼 수 있을 것이다. 이 연구는 우리 민중의 내면세계의 공통된 심리구조와 심성을 추적하고, 그들이 삶의 문제에 당면하여 어떻게 해결하려 하는지 분석하는 작업을 위해 그 자료로서 심청전을 택하였다. 심청전의 핵심은 심청의 죽음에 있다고 볼 수 있는데 이것은 소아(小我)의 죽음이며 심정의 환생과 심봉사의 개안은 대아(大我)의 탄생으로 보아야 할 것이다. 우리가 생활을 의미 있게 생각하려면 먼저 죽음을 생각해야 하며 죽음의 인식은 삶에 대한 의미를 부여하는 인간의 기본조건이다. 이에 심청전에서 보여주는 일련의 심청의 행위는 죽음의 수용을 통해 삶이 자유롭고 원만할 수 있으나, 죽음의 거부를 통한 삶은 살아있으나 죽어있는 것과 다를 바 없음을 보여주고 있다고 하겠다. 아울러 심청전은 판소리를 시청하는 민중에게는 자신들의 삶을 투시하고 승화하여 그들의 고단한 삶을 달래고 미래에 희망을 걸게 하는 역할을 했다고 보인다.

      • KCI등재

        일자리 대란과 탈근대 생산체계

        정성기 영남대학교 민족문화연구소 2002 민족문화논총 Vol.26 No.-

        A job crisis is coming again. It is resulted from recent internal and international conditions. First, the increase of domestic demand based on low interest rate and speculative investment in real estate is limited. Second, long-run 'new economy' boom of America is ended Now, world-wide great recession is beginning in the commodity market and labor market. But fiscal & monetary policy-means are drying up as government-debt is increasing and interest rate decline. And there is no subject who regulte commodity and money market because of globalization of market The restriction of resources and ecology is strong. These are so different situation compared with great depression of 1930's. Therefore, in the long-run, it is impossible to solve job-crisis problem. We have to reflect the fundmental causes of job crisis or unemployment crisis. Selfish, economic rationalism and competitive, non-communicative cannot protect job crisis, but cause the crisis. Another main cause of job crisis is the bubble of science which believe blindly the regulating function of market and government. Fundmental alturnative is realising post-modern link-up of production This aiturnative can be realised on the premise of eliminating the economic, cultural bubble, of recognizing the market as a social exchange system. For this purpose, above all, we have to accept a new, economic-philosophical view of man, that is post-modern self-reflective living man instead of modern rational, homo-economicus. if self-reflective living man labor, and produce not for money, but life itself in the social link-up, over-production and unemployment will be resolved ultimately.

      • 플라톤의 지식 개념

        한상기 全北大學校 哲學科 1996 饗宴 Vol.3 No.-

        플라톤 지식론의 본성에 관해서는 많은 논란이 있어 왔다. 무엇보다도 그의 지식론이 형상론으로 불리는 형이상학에 의존하고 있기 때문에 그의 전 철학 체계에서 지식론만을 따로 분리시켜 다룬다는 것은 매우 위험한 일이며, 경우에 따라서는 플라톤의 진의를 왜곡시킨 해석이나 설명을 가져올 수 도 있다. 게다가 플랕ㄴ이 남긴 기록들의 독특한 특징상 플라톤 자신의 생각과 스승인 소크라테스의 생각을 명확하게 구분하기가 쉽지 않다는 사실 또한 그의 지식론에 대한 정확한 이해를 더욱 어렵게 하고 있다. 그러나 필자는 가능한 한 형이상학과는 별도로 그의 지식 개념을 이해하고 그 독자적인 의의를 찾아보고자 하였다. 그런 과정에서 플라톤이 결국 지식에 대한 만족스러운 답을 제공하지 못했음을 밝혔지만, 그럼에도 그가 지식이란 무엇인가라는 물음을 탐구하면서 보여준 몇 가지 통찰은 후대의 철학에 많은 영향을 끼쳤을 뿐만 아니라 오늘날에도 여전히 유효한 것으로 인정할 만하다고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        유아교사관련 학위논문의 경향 분석

        고선미,박은혜 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2000 교육과학연구 Vol.31 No.3

        본 연구는 유아교사관련 논문을 연구문제별로 그 내용과 변인을 분석함으로서 현재까지 이루어진 유아교사에 관한 연구 동향의 기초 자료를 제공하고 앞으로 유아교사 관련 논문의 바람직한 연구방향을 함께 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 1974년부터 1999년 2월까지 발표된 석·박사 학위논문 중 유아교사와 관련된 총 292개 논문의 연구문제 976개를 분석한 결과 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 첫째, 교사교육에 영향을 주는 요인과 교사의 행동이 연결된 연구가 가장 많았으나 교사교육과정에 대한 연구는 미흡하며 교사교육과정에 영향을 주는 요인과 교사교육과정 및 교사의 행동이 모두 연결된 연구는 거의 이루어지지 않았다. 둘째, 유아교사에 관한 학위논문에서 사용된 연구 변인은 개인적 변인이 기관 변인보다는 조금 더 많이 사용되었다. 개인적 변인은 인구통계학적인 외적 요인에 편중되어 있으며, 기고나 변인은 설립유형 및 기관유형 등에 편중되어 있었다. The purpose of this study was to analyze the trends in master´s thesis and doctoral dissertations in the area of early childhood teacher education.292 master´s thesis and doctoral dissertations published between 1972 and 1999 were analyzed according to Yarger and Smith(1990)´s category.Data were processed with a frequency and percentage were calculated.The results are as follows.First, most of the research were conducted to investigate the area of antecedent conditions, outcomes, or antecedent conditions,-outcomes relationships.But, much fewere research were done on the area of process.Special trends in the research questions in terms of period were not found.The second, personal research variables are more used than institutional research variables.Among the personal research variables, career, academic career, age, marriage status were the most frequently used.Among the institutional variables, kinds of establishments (public/private), the kinds of institution (kindergarten/ nursery/ day care center elementary school), the number of children, the number of class were most frequently used.

      • 韓國經濟發展과 中小企業 : 系列化를 中心으로 Concentrated on the formation of interrelationship among industries

        최성기,김승학 安東大學 1983 安東大學 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        The development of Korean economy during past two decades was characterized by rapid industrialization and dramatic expansion of exports. In Korean economy, development of the small and medium industrial sector requires a radical support of the government as well as autonomous effort`s on the part of the small and medium industries themselves. The current problems of small and medium industry has become an important social and economic issue among both developed and developing countries. Under these circumstances, they are not only because of high Weight, in statics, in national economy, but also because of playing an important role of economic growth and stabilization, in the process of reproduction of national economy. It, therefore, is meaningful that economic sector under small and medium industry in Korean economy should be recognized as a driving power for the self-sustaining economic development. Economic development means qualitative change as well as quantitative increase. Especially, economic development of the developing countries means the structural reform of the industry toward the selfsustaining economy. Small and medium industry have (greatly) been contributed to the growth of national economy, but they have been characterized by premodern, small scale and irrational management. In Korean economy, we can find a rapid reorganization of general industrial structure and the structure of busines sorts and the scale, in the higher economic growth and the course of higher degree of industry. The interrelation mother industries shift their responsibilities, financial problems on the small and medium industries. Moreover, due to the unreadiness of a law or system as for small and medium industry of our country, and lack of understanding of small and medium industry, it is appeared 10 be a phenomenon to weed it out. In the consideration of all the conditions, it is understood that the organization of industry is a significant task of small and medium industrial policy for fostering small and medium industry. Accordingly, this study created the following problems as for the organization of industry in order to bring up small and medium industry. First, the character of small and medium industry will be understood and analyzed, at the same time, the character as well as the theory of growth would be studied. Secondly, the function and actual condition of small and medium industry will be analyzed to find out the program of industrial organization. Lastly, a general policy and direction both of the government and industry snould be suggested for the purpose of improving medium indusry.

      • 칼슘첨가 Pr-ZnO 바리스터의 전기적 특성

        이상기,방만식 진주여자전문대학 1999 論文集 Vol.22 No.-

        ZnO varistors containing 5.0 at% Co_(3)O_(4). 0.7at% Pr_(6)O_(11) and CaCO_(3) ranging from 0 to 1.0 at%, were sintered at 1200℃ 1250℃ and 1300℃. The densities are 93-98% relative densities of pure ZnO. The liquid phase mainly consisting of praseodymium oxide was observed at the grain boundaries for the specimens sintered at 1250℃ and 1300℃, but second phase isn't found at grain boundaries for those sintered at 1200℃. The reported data for the liquid phase formation temperature of ZnO-Co_(3)O_(4)-Pr_(6)O_(11) ternary composition is higher than 1280℃. Therefore it is concluded that the addition of Ca decreases the liquid phase formation temperature and pronounced increase of grain size for the specimens sintered at 1250℃ and 1300℃ is resulted from liquid phase sintering. The increase of grain size with sintering temperature result in low breakdown field and high leakage current for the specimens sintered at higher temperature. For the samples sitered at 1200℃ and 1250℃ the nonlinear coefficient, the breakdown voltage per grain boundary and the leakage current changed significantly above 0.8at% Ca. However, those measured for the specimens sintered at 13009: did not show the same trend except the leakage current. The different effect of C a content for the specimens sintered at 1200℃ and 1250℃ and for those fired at 1300℃ is attributable to the liquid phase formed along the grain boundaries. The liquid phase completely surrounds the grains for the specimens sintered at 1300℃, which possibly makes any change in grain boundary property due to excess amount of Ca insignificant. The carrier density and potential barrier heights were obtained using capacitance-voltage plot. For the specimens sintered at 1200℃ and 1250℃ the carrier density increased with Ca content up to 0.6at%. Again the decrease of the carrier density for the samples with excessive Ca content, 0.8at% and 1.0at%, was observed. The barrier heights estimated for the specimens did not show specific relation with Ca content nor sintering temperature.

      • 제주도 삼양연안해역의 해양환경학적 연구 : 수온, 염분 및 용존산소의 분포

        양성기 제주대학교 해양연구소 1984 해양자원연구소연구보고 Vol.8 No.-

        The seasonal distribution and characteristics of temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen on the coast of Samyang were studied based on the oceanographic data compiled from February to November of 1983. The peculiar coastal sea water of the are a was annually formed by the temperature and salinity Iower than open sea water. and it was extended to about 1 Km off the coast. covering only the surface layer and such a phenomenon was most developed in summer. And then, the open sea water was strenuously appoached to the coast in winter, particularly, at middle and bottom layer mainly influenced by Tsushima warm current and it formed vertically homogeneouswater owing to the strong wind and tidal current. In summer, the sea surface temperature and salinity of coastal water were 28.5℃ and 29.7‰ by inflowing of much fresh water, while in winter they were. 13℃ ahd 34.7‰. repectively. Mean value of dissolved oxygen concentrated at surface layer of the coastal water during the period Feb. - June was 5.5-6.5㎖/ℓ, and it was higher than open sea water by about 0.3 ㎖/ℓ (3%). Through out the year. vertical mixing layer influenced by wind and tidal current the coastal area was formed at depth of 20m and it was deeper at open sea area about 10m depth than that of the area , but comparatively stable stratificationwas seen at the open sea area in summer. The shallow tidal front was found near the enterance of Samyang and Shinchon.

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