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      • KCI등재

        도시공원내 잔디밭 가로지르기 흔적 분석

        노재현,강인애 한국조경학회 2004 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.32 No.1

        This study is aimed to redesign established parks and to propose a series of devices protecting them from vandalism. To solve the problems, we ascertained the damaged areas of the park greens. The trace analysis was performed to grasp the transverse inside the parks of Jeonju and Iksan in Collabuldo. Then, we presented the basic plan for minimizing park damage and for remodeling the system of movement. The results of the study are summarized as follows: it is identified that the transverse phenomenon is considerably wide-spread in majority of parks, and has no relationship to the park area or the green area. It is considered that the $\ulcorner$Condition rating class$\lrcorner$ of grass damage, which is grade 6, is extraordinarily high and the damage is accumulated considerably. Also, the damage part of other grade is discovered equally, and when unattended, the acceleration of damage is positive. A damage width a 0.5∼1.5m makes up the greater part of 79.6%. It also constitutes most of a rectilinear form. The difference in the height between the original point and destination point is below 0.7m, which is above 70%. It is identified that the interrelationship between the damage continuation length and plan distance is relatively high by the simple regression: analysis and by Pearson' correlation analysis. In spite of the normal damage continuation length is 20m, the frequency degree is downward with extreme point at 10m. Accordingly, it is assumed that park users have physical and psychological pressure when they cross the lawn field. Damage types are classified as the Simple cut cross type, the Behavioral facilitates type, Access advantage type and the Strolling type through type classification. It is considered that this classification is effective when identifying short pass type on lawn field according to the damage length and intensity.

      • KCI등재

        소상팔경(瀟湘八景), 전통경관 텍스트로서의 의미와 결속구조

        노재현,Rho, Jae-Hyun 한국조경학회 2009 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.37 No.1

        소상팔경은 중국에서 태동하여 오랫동안 동아시아의 시와 그림에 지대한 영향을 미쳤으며, 한국과 일본에서 전통 경관의 원형을 이끄는 문화현상으로 자리하였다. 지금까지 팔경 등 '경(景)'에 대한 연구는 지속적으로 이루어져 왔지만 정작 국내 팔경문화의 원류가 되는 소상팔경의 형식과 의미를 집중적으로 조명한 조경학적 연구 성과는 찾을 수 없다. 본 연구는 '문화경관 텍스트'로서의 소상팔경가와 소상팔경도에 담겨진 정형적 모습은 무엇이며 소상팔경이라는 문화현상 속에는 과연 어떠한 인식체계와 사유방식(思惟方式)의 결속구조가 엮여져 있는가를 밝히기 위해 시도되었다. '팔(八)'의 상징성을 정리하고 경관 어휘소의 분절 및 해체를 통해 '소상팔경' 각 경의 표층구조와 상관관계를 기호학적 관점에서 아이콘과 코드로 풀이하는 한편 텍스트 '소상팔경가'와 '소상팔경도'의 결속구조와 그 의미를 파악하였다. 소상팔경은 음양관과 팔괘(八卦)를 기본으로, 인생과 자연의 순환 및 변환 원리를 문자와 그림 텍스트로 정리한 언어기호이며, 문장의 문법적 구조와 형식은 단어의 상징성을 강조한 함축언어를 유사성과 대비성의 원리로서 전개 대응시킴으로서 자연의 섭리를 인간의 의식 안으로 옮겨오려고 시도한 결속구조와 결속성이 강하게 작용하고 있다. 또한, '소상팔경'은 다양한 경관 요소를 일정한 형식과 구조의 틀 속에서 배열함으로써 인생과 자연의 생멸 과정과 교감 그리고 소통을 변증법적으로 묘사하고 있다. 소상팔경의 이미지 기호는 결국 인생과 자연의 순환론을 강조하기 위한 것으로 보이며, 시간 및 계절 순환체계에서 인간이 관조하여 바라본 서사적 풍경이다. 고려에서 조선으로 이입된 "소상팔경"의 문화현상은 성리학적 풍경으로 덧칠되면서 조선의 문예미학을 이끄는 원동력이 되었고, 그 결속구조는 조선의 색채 풍경으로 변형되었지만 결속력은 꾸준히 전승되어 전래 문화경관의 기본 텍스트이자 한국적 풍경의 원형이 되었다. Sosang Pal-Kyung(瀟湘八景), which originated in China and means eight scenes of So River and Sang River, greatly influenced the poems and the pictures in East Asia for a long time and became a cultural phenomenon leading the stereotype of the traditional landscapes in Korea and Japan. Studies on 'Kyung(a scene)' such as 'Pal-Kyung(八景)', have been made continuously until now, but there are no results of a study intensively focusing on the meaning and the form of Sosang Pal-Kyung, which is the origin of the domestic Pal-Kyung culture. The goal of this study is to investigate the typical form observed in Sosang Pal-Kyung-Ga(瀟湘八景歌) and Sosang Pal-Kyung-Do(瀟湘八景圖), as a text of a cultural landscape, and to clear up the coherence structure between a recognition system and a way of thinking that existed in the cultural phenomenon of Sosang Pal-Kyung. In this study, the symbolism of Pal(八) was summarized and the surface structure and the correlation of each Kyung of Sosang Pal-Kyung was explained in light of semiotics through segmenting and disjointing the lexeme of a landscape while the coherence structure and the meaning of Sosang Pal-Kyung-Ga and Sosang Pal-Kyung-Do as a text were investigated. Sosang Pal-Kyung is based on the view of the Sun and the Moon(or Positive and Negative) and the Eight Trigrams(八卦) for divination and is a linguistic symbol in which human life and the principle of circulation and conversion of nature are expressed as characters and picture texts. Its structure has strong coherence and cohesion, which attempt to move the abstruse truth of nature into human consciousness by developing and corresponding the grammatical structure and form of the sentences and the implicative languages emphasizing the symbolism of the words to the characteristics of similarities and contrast. In addition, Sosang Pal-Kyung expresses human life, the processes of birth and death of nature and the mutual response dialectically by putting various factors of the landscape in the frame of regular formality and structure. It is considered that the image signs in Sosang Pal-Kyung emphasize the theory of circulation of human life and nature are narrative scenery, which one looks at with a contemplative view in the circulation system of the time and the season. The cultural phenomena of Sosang Pal-Kyung in the Joseon Dynasty, which had been handed down from the Goryeo Dynasty, had become the driving force of leading aesthetics of Joseon's art and literature by adding the scenery of the point of view of Sung Confucianism. Its coherence structure was changed, but its cohesion was handed down continuously so that it became not only the basic text of the traditional and cultural landscape but also, the typical Korean-style stereotype of a landscape.

      • KCI등재

        치(置)와 화(和)의 개념으로 분석한 남계서원의 경관짜임

        노재현,신상섭,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Shin, Sang-Sup 한국조경학회 2009 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.37 No.4

        본 연구는 인간 활동을 담는 형식과 의미의 총체라 할 수 있는 서원, 그 중에서도 경상남도 함양의 남계서원을 대상으로 공간 및 시각구성상에 내재된 형식미와 의미 파악을 통해 서원 조영에 담겨진 경관짜임 원리를 풀이하고 현대 유사 전통적 공간의 경관설계 시 적용하기 위한 착안점을 구하기 위해 시도되었다. 남계서원은 생성과 풍요를 거쳐 초월과 회귀로 이어지는 비산비야(非山非野)의 풍수적 명처[연화부수형]에 생거사유(生居死幽) 형국에서부터 치(置)와 화(和)를 이루고 있다. 그리고 사당-내삼문-강당-동서재-외삼문으로 이어지는 위계는 일상제-삼신-오제로 연결되는 삼신오제사상의 투영이자 주자가례에 의한 예제적 틀을 준용한 비례부동(非禮不動)의 의미 넣기 기법이다. 또한 남계서원의 환경설계에는 산수의 물질적 대립 항 그리고 전후(前後), 종횡(縱橫), 동정(動靜)이라는 방향과 운동의 이진부호적 복합체계를 개입시켜, 경직된 축선을 고집하지 않으면서도 자연지형에 밀착된 건물과 마당의 공간 및 시각구성상의 비대칭 균형원칙을 추구하여 '치와 화'의 교집합 공간을 구축하였다. 한편, 건물 이름 짓기는 학문수양과 관련하여 성리학적 가르침과 풍수사신사(風水四神砂) 구조와 연계시켜 이루어짐으로서 기능과 의미를 일체화시킨 치와 화의 경관 놓기와 경관 맞추기가 드러나고 있다. 또한, 건물과 마당의 폐쇄감으로 볼 때 강학(講學) 및 유상(遊賞)공간 그리고 제향공간은 그 공간성격에 따라 개방감과 위요감, 긴장감과 안도감, 상승감과 위계감이 적절히 부여되는 등 청각적으로 의사 전달이 가능한 인간적 척도 개념이 반영되고 있다. 남계서원의 초기 건립과 이후의 변모과정에서 드러난 자연과 유연하게 이어지는 기능, 완결을 지향하는 비완결의 열림 그리고 긴장과 이완이 반복되는 동세적 아름다움을 구현하기 위한 치(置-놓기)와 자연과 일체감을 갖는 질서와 연속, 기념성과 일상성의 공유 등을 구현하기 위한 화(和-맞추기)의 경관짜임 의도는 오늘날 토지이용계획은 물론 캠퍼스 환경설계 분야에 시사하는 바가 크다. This study attempts to examine the principles of landscape composition for a 'Suhwon(書院)' and the meaning and value of its traditional landscape architecture, in order to apply the results to the design of modern landscape architecture. A 'Suhwon' is a vital space containing the form and meaning of human activity. This study analyzes the characteristics of landscape composition in the construction of the Namgea Suhwon, located in Hamyang, by examining the form and meaning of its area and composition. The Namgea Suhwon was constructed with a suitable configuration and harmony in a good location, neither field nor mountain, and which encompasses transcendence and a return after passage through a period of birth and abundance. Its appearance means 'life existence and hidden death(生居死幽)'. Its spatial system is a reflection of the idea of Samshinoje(三神五帝: The three abilities of Providence and its five subjects) connected with Ilsangje -Samshin -Ohje. It was built based on the idea of Biryebudong(非禮不動) meaning that one should follow only good decorum and avoid discourtesy, complying with "the frame of decorum" developed by the family rites of Chu Hsi. The environmental design of the Namgea Suhwon was interrupted by the material confrontation between mountains and water and a binary code system, such as front to rear, length to breadth, and movement to stillness. The design did not adhere to stiff axes, but pursued the harmonic principles of asymmetric balance in the building and the yard, which are very naturalistic. The name 'Namgea Suhwon' is closely related with the view of placement(置) and harmony(和), which are unified with the function and meaning formed by connecting Sung Confucianism with the Pungsu-Sasinsa structure in the layout of the grounds. When examining the D/H ratio of the building and yard, it can be seen that the spaces of Ganghak, Yusang and Jehyang were built appropriately, according to the natural characteristics of each space, such as a sense of openness, enclosure, tension, relief, enhancement, and hierarchical order. The spaces also reflect human scale concepts that take advantage of auditory features. The transition process after the construction of 'Namgea Suhwon' reveals the intentions of the builder to create an ecological landscape composition based on Placement and Harmony. Placement embodies' a purposeful space in which nature and the building are connected naturally, 'incomplete open space pursuing completion', and 'potential beauty in which tension and relaxation are repeated'. Harmony embodies 'order and continuity having a sense of unity with the natural environment' and the 'sharing of daily life and memory'. 'Namgea Suhwon' contains many ideas for landscape planning, land use and the design of a campus environment.

      • KCI등재후보

        외상성 두개내 경막하출혈과 동반된 척추 경막하출혈에서 발생한 요천추 신경근병증 1예

        노재현,김준연,김동협,이양수,김철현,정태두 대한근전도전기진단의학회 2008 대한근전도 전기진단의학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Spinal subdural hematoma (SDH) with intracranial subdural hemorrhage is a rare disease entity and spinal SDH may compress or irritate spinal cord, cauda eqiuna or spinal nerve roots. However, there are few literatures that had showed nerve compromise by electrodiagnostic study. In our report, thirty-two years old man who had post-traumatic intracranial SDH complained lumbar radiculopathic symptoms and signs 6 days after traffic accident, and spine magnetic resonance image (MRI) demonstrated spinal SDH extending from Ll to S1. Electromyography revealed left L5, Sl radiculopathies 4 weeks after the accident.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 개발사업의 리스크 저감 및 사업 주체간 역할의 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 주택개발사업을 중심으로 한 사례연구 -

        노재현,황욱선,김용수,Roh Jae-Hyun,Hwang Uk-Sun,Kim Yong-Su 한국건설관리학회 2005 건설관리 : 한국건설관리학회 학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        본 연구는 부동산 주택개발사업의 리스크를 저감시키고 개발사업에 참여하는 사업 주체간의 업무분담 및 역할 개선방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 리스크 관리와 사업주체별 역할에 대한 문제점을 분석하고 사례분석과 전문가 조사를 실시하였다. 이를 통해 개발사업의 추진 단계별 리스크 저감방안과 사업주체간 역할 및 업무분담에 대한 개선방안을 제시한 결과를 요약하면 다음과같다. : 1)리스크를 저감시키기 위한 방안으로는 설계, 시공과정의 검토와 시공사와의 원활한 커뮤니케이션이 가능하도록 디벨로퍼의 엔지니어링 능력의 확보가 필요하다. 그리고 리스크 인자의 조기식별을 통하여 사업타당성 분석시 리슬크 대응비용을 사업비에 반영하여 사업추진파정에서 사업비 부족에 따른 재정적 리스크가 발생되지 않도록 하여야 한다 9)사업주체간 역할 및 업무분담에 대한 개선방안으로는 디벨로퍼의 개발사업에 대한 진입장벽을 높여 우량 디벨로퍼의 성장이 가능하도록 시공사와 디벨로퍼의 협력업체 등록제 도입을 제안하고 금융기관은 프로젝트 파이낸싱 실행시 투자형 파이낸싱 구조로의 변화를 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to diminish the risk through identifying the risk factors occurring in the process of real estate development projects, and analyzing and coping with the risk factors, and enable stable advance in the development process by improving the roles and work distribution of the project investor. The results of this study are as follows : 1) identifying the risks of contractions from the step of selecting the sites must be made possible through supplemental human resources expertise in plan and construction of the operation 2) as an improvement scheme, heightening the penetration wall of development projects from the investors, proposing a registration law and a selection standard of construction companies to investors' cooperating companies enabling the growth of superior investors.

      • KCI등재

        국가대표 레슬링 선수들의 경기력 결정요인 탐색

        노재현,송홍선,이유나 한국스포츠심리학회 2024 한국스포츠심리학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        목적: 본 연구는 국가대표 레슬링 선수들이 인식하고 있는 경기력 결정요인들을 그레코로만형과 자유형 두 종목으로 구분하여 탐색하는데 목적이 있다. 방법: 이를 위하여 2022년 레슬링 세계선수권대회에 출전한 국가대표 레슬링 선수 19명(그레코로만형 9명, 자유형 10명)과 그들의 지도자 5명을 대상으로 개방형 설문, IZOF 수행프로파일과 심층면담을 실시하여 종목별 경기력 결정요인들을 구체화하였다. 결과: 국가대표 레슬링 선수들이 인식하고있는 경기력 결정요인의 영역은 그레코로만형과 자유형 모두 기술(동작), 체력, 심리영역으로 범주화되었다. 구체적으로는 첫째, 그레코로만형의 경우 체력영역에서 2개의 하위요인(기능체력, 형태체력)과 18개의 세부항목이 확인되었고, 기술(동작)영역은 3개의 하위요인(그라운드 기술, 스탠드 기술, 전략)과 16개의 세부항목이 확인되었다. 심리영역에서는 2개의 하위요인(심리기술, 심리기법)과 15개의 세부항목이 나타났다. 둘째, 자유형 종목은 체력영역에서 2개의 하위요인과 13개의 세부항목이 나타났고, 기술(동작)영역에서 2개의 하위요인(스탠드 기술, 그라운드 기술)과 20개의 세부항목이 확인되었다. 심리영역에서는 2개의 하위요인과 총 12개의 세부항목이 확인되었다. 결론: 국가대표 레슬링 선수들이 인식하고 있는 경기력 결정요인은 종목별, 선수 개인별 특수성이 크게 작용되며, 후속연구에서는 이러한 특수성을 고려하여 선수 개인별 맞춤형 프로그램 자료들이 누적되고 적용되어야 할 필요가 있다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors affecting the performance that national wrestlers. Methods: Date were collected from the open-ended questionnaire, IZOF Sprot performance profiles and in-depth interview conducted with participants in the study included 19 national wrestlers(the nine people are Greco-Roman style and ten people are Free-style wrestlers) and five of their coaches who competed in the 2022 World Wrestling Championships. Results: As a result of the search for performance determinants, both Greco-Roman style and freestyle were categorized into skill(position), physical strength, and psychological areas. Specifically, First, in the case of the Greco-Roman style, a total of three upper categories(Ground position, Standing position, strategy) and 16 sub-factors were identified in the skill(position) area. In the physical strength factor, a total of two upper categories(functional fitness, physique) and 18 sub-factors were identified, and in the psychological factor, a total of a two upper categories(skills, tools) and 15 sub-factors appeared. Second, in the case of free-style, a total of two categories (ground position, standing position) and 20 sub-factors were identified in the description (position) area. As for the physical strength factor, a total of 13 sub-factors were identified, and a total of 12 sub-factors were identified in the psychological factor. Conclusion: Even with the same factors, the determining factors for the searched performance were explored differently depending on the athlets. In other words, the performance determinants recognized by national wrestlers are highly affected. by the specificity of each event and individual athletes, and it is necessary to accumulate and apply personalized program data for each athletes in consideration of these specificities in follow-up studies and sports science support for performance improvement.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        신문 아파트광고에 나타난 조망지향성과 그린마케팅의 속성

        노재현,김옥경,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Kim, Ok-Kyung 한국조경학회 2007 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.34 No.6

        This study analyzed the key words in Korea's leading apartment brands and newspaper advertisements to examine especially their view-oriented advertising characteristics and green marketing properties. Four study topics were established and examined for this purpose. The following are the results; 1. The key words on apartment brands and catch phrases are $\ulcorner$emotion-oriented$\lrcorner$ words, such as taste, pride, and happiness, and $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$ to appeal to customers with beautiful views of the nature. Also key words on newspaper advertisement headlines stress views for $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics as well as $\ulcorner$emotion-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics for elegance and luxury, and $\ulcorner$function-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics for the future. Views, nature and park are key words and everything about illustration that are especially emphasized even on the headlines of newspaper advertisements. 2. Unlike brands or headlines, sub-headlines and body copies stress $\ulcorner$modern-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics for life, culture, and accessibility, followed by $\ulcorner$emotion-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics. Key words on caption were also highly $\ulcorner$modern-oriented$\lrcorner$, followed by $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$function-oriented$\lrcorner$ characteristics for practical aspects. 3. In result of $X^2-test$, $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$ key words that convey good views, naturalism, parks, and nature are the major representation of green marketing strategies of apartment brands and newspaper advertisements. However, brands were strongly $\ulcorner$emotion-oriented$\lrcorner$, whereas captions were $\ulcorner$modern-oriented$\lrcorner$ and body copies were $\ulcorner$investment-oriented$\lrcorner$. Both apartment brands and advertisements were consistently $\ulcorner$environment-oriented$\lrcorner$, but were not consistent in other factors. 4. Different parts of newspaper advertisements are focusing on green marketing strategies in terms of environmental protection, but are actually leaning toward modern-oriented lifestyles and accessibility. Thus, it is more well-being marketing rather than green marketing. To pursue true green marketing despite the limits of newspaper advertisements, it is necessary to present products and pricing strategies that represent sustainable.

      • KCI등재

        익산 금마 황각동 유상곡수 유적 일대의 현황과 장소성에 대한 일고찰

        노재현,한민순,서윤미,박율진,Rho, Jae-Hyun,Han, Min-Soon,Seo, Youn-Mi,Park, Yool-Jin 한국전통조경학회 2022 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.40 No.3

        This study was conducted on the locational results of the 'Yusanggoksu(流觴曲水)' petroglyphs located in Hwanggak-dong(黃閣洞), Shinsong-ri, Geumma-myeon, Iksan-si through literature study, analysis of old maps and aerial photos, field observations, drone photography, elevation surveys, and interviews with residents. It was attempted for the purpose of illuminating and preserving the relics of the domestic Yusanggoksu garden by clarifying the spatiality of this place by tracing the spatiality and examining the possibility of enjoying the Yusanggoksu water system in this place. The conclusion of this study is as follows. The area around Hwanggak-dong, where the Yusanggoksu remains, has been selected as the most beautiful scenic spot in Iksan in various documents. The origin of 'Hwanggak' is considered to be closely related to the nickname of Uijeongbu(議政府). In other words, he paid attention to the relationship with Yanggok, So Se-yang(蘇世讓), who served as Chan-seong Jwa(左贊成). In particular, he paid attention to the relationship with his birthplace, Taeheojeong, a separate book, and Toehyudang, a retreat hall), tombs, and posthumous Confucian academies were distributed in the vicinity. Haseo-dae(荷鋤臺), a wide rock on which a hoe is hung on a rock after field work, seems to express a leisurely rural life and a simple and hermit life, based on the examples of Chinese and Korean poetry. The dark blood on the upper part of the Seobwi Rock with the inscription 'Yusanggoksu', which is the core of this site, is identified as a chailgong(遮日孔) to support the water system, and Ilgan-pavilion and Mojeong(茅亭) nearby are to support the yusanggoksu. It seems to have performed a spatial function for The inscription 'Hwanggak-dong' engraved on the front of Deungzanbawi is the gateway to Hwanggakdongcheon(黃閣洞天) and identified the idealized world existing in the village. Judging from the documentary records of the Iksan-gun 『Chongswaelog(叢瑣錄)』, the rock letters 'Hwanggak-dong' and 'Haseodae' were engraved on March 29, 1901, the 5th year of Gwangmu, the 5th year of the Korean Empire, by Iksan-gun Governor Oh Haeng-mook(吳宖默) and his acquaintance Seokseong Kim In-gil(金寅吉) Confirmed. Also, considering the tense of Lee Bong-gu's 「Hwanggakdongun(黃閣洞韻)」 and So Jin-deok, a descendant of Yanggok, 「Hwanggakdongsihoe(黃閣洞詩會)」, it is presumed that it was related to Goksuyeon(曲水宴) in Hwanggak-dong. It can be inferred that the current affairs meetings were held at least until the early days of Japanese colonial rule. Meanwhile, the maximum width of the current curved waterway was calculated as 11.3m and the transverse slope was 15.0%. If so, it is estimated that the width and extension distance of the curved waterway would have been much longer. Judging from the use of mochun(暮春), drinking and poetry, the tense 'Hwanggakdongsihoe' related to the Yusanggoksu relics in Hwanggak-dong, and the existence of a pavilion presumed to be Yusangjeong(流觴亭) called Ilgan-pavilion in the nearby Yusanggoksu site It is confirmed that it was a space where Yusanggoksuyeon(流觴曲水宴) spread at least until the end of the Joseon Dynasty. Unfortunately, it remains a limitation of the study that it cannot be confirmed due to lack of data on the rock characters of 'Yusanggoksu' and those who enjoyed it before the end of the Joseon Dynasty. This is an area that needs to be elucidated through continuous efforts to find data on this issue in the future.

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