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      • KCI등재후보

        개념 언어화를 위한 질문방법

        이종일 한국사회과교육연구학회 2004 사회과교육 Vol.43 No.2

        Bruner가 교육의 목적을 지식의 '일반적 전이'라고 주장한 이후 개념 학습은 학문중심 교육과정에서 주요 문제로 대두되었다. 그런데 우리나라에서 개념 학습은 입시에서 지식중심 평가의 영향으로 '일반적 전이'보다는 개념 자체 '이해'에 그치는 경향이 높다. 이 결과 개념 학습은 개념 자체를 아는 정도이면 평가에 아무런 문제가 없기 때문에 그것을 '언어화'하여 타인에게 이야기하는 상태로 나아가는 경우가 드물다. 하지만 개념을 일상성 속에서 언어화하여 사용하는 것이 학습자가 고등사고로 나아가는데 토대가 된다는 점을 이해한다면, 개념 언어화를 위한 질문은 교사의 필수적 자질의 하나라 할 수 있다. 필자는 개념 언어화를 위한 질문으로 Taba의 질문전략을 제시하고, 그의 질문전략이 이후 여러 연구자들의 개념 언어화 질문의 토대가 되고 있음을 밝혀보고자 한다. The concept learning has been highly recognized in a curriculum since Bruner mentioned 'general transfer' of knowledge was the major purpose of education. The way of differentiation of students has been strongly influenced by the entrance examination in Korea. The concept learning has placed more weight on understanding concept itself than 'general transfer'. Many Korean teachers have assumed that students have needed to know the concept itself, and that they have not needed to transfer the concept to others with verbal. However, when the Korean teachers understand that verbalizing concept helps learners to improve their thinking power, they consider the essential disposition of teacher as making questions that encourage students to verbalize concepts. This research utilizes Taba's strategy of Questioning as a method of making Questions that stimulate students to verbalize concepts. It discovers that Taba's strategy of questioning has been adopted in much research dealing with strategies of questionings for verbalizing concept. It suggests that the formation of concepts in textbooks in the USA has followed the Taba's strategy of questioning.

      • KCI등재

        The difference of time concept between the Koreans and Westerners

        ( Kim Young-sook ) 대한영어영문학회 2010 영어영문학연구 Vol.36 No.1

        Many Studies on intercultural communication have described the differences of nonverbal behavior including the time concept between Koreans and Westerners, but with no supportive data. This study testify the claim that Koreans have polychronic time concept1 contrary to Westerners by correlating verbal and nonverbal communicative behavior, which was based on the data gathered from real communication by observing people in ordering setting. The results are then discussed, showing Koreans’ time concept is different from that of Westerners’. This difference of time concept derived from underlying cognitive culture could lead misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication because people tend to encode or decode a message from the framework of their own cultural background. Thus the aim of this paper is to testify the difference of time concept with empirical base in order to reduce the misunderstanding and improve the effectiveness of intercommunication in cross cultural interactions. (Ulsan University)

      • KCI등재

        Concept-Based Instruction: Imagistic and Metaphorical Understanding of Phrasal Verbs

        이혜원 한국영어교육학회 2016 ENGLISH TEACHING(영어교육) Vol.71 No.4

        The current project investigated the effects of concept-based instruction (CBI) in phrasal verbs learning. CBI was carefully designed on the basis of two important principles of cognitive linguistics (CL): image-schemas and conceptual metaphors. The analysis focused on conceptual development in the participants who were graduate students registered in an ESL speaking course. Specifically, the influence of the image schema and conceptual metaphor was examined with various data sets. This study focuses on one of the datasets, verbalization tasks. They were provided as a homework assignment to familiarize participants with the new way of understanding particles and phrasal verbs and to internalize the relevant image schemas and conceptual metaphors by externalizing their understanding. The analysis showed that the metaphorical and imagistic associations that students made had a strong impact on their subsequent accounts of the meanings of the phrasal verbs. The metaphorical and imagistic performance of some students demonstrated that CBI can fundamentally impact on learner understanding of the semantics of particles and phrasal verbs.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국인 한국어 학습자의 중간언어와 보편문법

        이숙 ( Sook Lee ) 영주어문학회 2010 영주어문 Vol.20 No.-

        This paper seeks to analyze from the perspective of the interlanguage theory the transitional constructions that Chinese lerners of the Korean language acquire through the use of nominative and accusative case markers and suggests the pedagogical solution to prevent fossilization of interlanguage. The data presented in this paper shows that Chinese learners acquire the case marking system in Korean by means of universal grammar that encompasses case concept. However, the ommission of case marking is a phenomenon that occurs due to the under-development of spontaneousness that is required in applying the case marking principle. Thus, it is suggested that the teaching material include a solution that encourages learners to apply the principle of case-marking spontaneously. Moreover, this paper finds that the errors of replacing nominative case with accusative case is due to a transitional construction which is acquired when the learners have not yet recognized that some intransitives (i.e. ergative verbs) have only one argument that generates at the object position in the underlying structure but realizes at the subject position in the surface structure. Thus, it is important for the teaching material to encompass not only the distinction between transitives and intransitives, but also that between ergative intransitives and unergative transitives. Lastly, in order to understand the errors that replaces accusatives with nominatives, this paper analyzes the characteristics that the student has not yet learned to distinguish whether the complex verbal phrases are constructed by incorporation of verbal heads or by clausal incorporation. Thus, in order to avoid fossilization of transitional constructions of case marking in Korean, it is important to include the grammar education that accounts for the constructional difference of the complex verbal phrases.

      • KCI등재

        성서신학 방법에 관한 논고

        이영진(Young-Jin Lee) 한국신약학회 2011 신약논단 Vol.18 No.1

        필자는 성서신학 방법에서 주로 드러나는 역사개념의 편중성에 문제를 제기하고자 이 논문을 작성하였다. 이미 그것은 중립적이고도 균형감 있게 정리되었을 동향과 전망에 관한 보고서 상에서도 어렵지 않게 접할 수 있는 문제인데, 예를 들어 ① 텍스트 이전(以前) ② 텍스트 내(內) ③ 컨텍스트 순으로 대별해 놓고서 그 각각에게 배열되는 방법론 경향들을 역사비평, 문학비평, 그리고 사회과학비평으로 그 범주를 규정짓는 일종의 관념 형태로 드러난다. 왜냐하면 마치 그 분류는 텍스트 이전 내지 텍스트 외(外)로 나아갈 수 있는 방법은 오로지 역사적이거나 사회과학적으로만 가능한 것처럼 보이기 때문이다. 이러한 소극적 역사 태도를 넘어 적극적 역사 이해를 성서신학의 한 방법으로 받아들일 때 우리는 다음과 같은 분류 방식을 제안 받을 수 있다. (1) 이성적 역사개념: 문자 방법 (2) 전이해적 역사개념: 언어 방법 (3) 전역적 역사개념: 탈 문자-언어 방법이다. The purpose of this study is to argue that most biblical theological methods have a biased historical concept. It has been assumed that the methods have ensured the neutrality on the tendency and prospects. The problem is found in such a stereotype as categorizations of biblical-theological methods. The stereotype divides the text pre-text, inter-text, and context while methodologies are categorized as historical criticism, literary criticism, and social sciences criticism. This can lead to miscommunication that we cannot go both forward and out of the text with any method other than historical method of social scientific method. I propose that there is a more flexible approach for a more active rather than a passive from history. It is to be categorized as follows; 1) a historical concept of rationalism: Script, 2) a historical concept of pre-understanding; Verbal script, and 3) Historical concept of gamut: Post script.

      • KCI등재

        The difference of time concept between the Koreans and Westerners

        김영숙 대한영어영문학회 2010 영어영문학연구 Vol.36 No.1

        Many Studies on intercultural communication have described the differences of nonverbal behavior including the time concept between Koreans and Westerners, but with no supportive data. This study testify the claim that Koreans have polychronic time conceptThere are two different concepts of time made by culturally determined time concept monochronic type(monochronic time concept); doing one thing at a time, to center the attention first on one thing and then move on to something else polychronic type(polychronic time concept); doing several things at a time. non-linear. contrary to Westerners by correlating verbal and nonverbal communicative behavior, which was based on the data gathered from real communication by observing people in ordering setting. The results are then discussed, showing Koreans’ time concept is different from that of Westerners’. This difference of time concept derived from underlying cognitive culture could lead misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication because people tend to encode or decode a message from the framework of their own cultural background. Thus the aim of this paper is to testify the difference of time concept with empirical base in order to reduce the misunderstanding and improve the effectiveness of intercommunication in cross cultural interactions. (Ulsan University)

      • KCI등재

        브랜드 콘셉트의 시각화에 관한 연구 -나들가게 서비스공간을 중심으로 -

        김성진 ( Seongjin Kim ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.5

        (연구배경 및 목적) 최근 글로벌 브랜드의 편의점과 대형마켓이 성장해가면서 소규모 동네 슈퍼마켓의 소멸 현상은 점차 가속화되고 있다. 이에 정부 중소기업청 주도로 '나들가게'라는 브랜드를 만들고 운영과 홍보를 위한 예산도 투입되었다. 그러나 정부의 이러한 수년간의 노력에도 불구하고 나들가게에 대한 소비자들의 이해와 인식은 여전히 저조하다. 본 연구의 목적은 다른 어떤 디자인 특성보다 고객에게 경제적이며 인지성에도 효과적인 디자인 요소인 컬러를 통해 나들가게가 지향하고 있는 브랜드 콘셉트를 나들가게의 외관 컬러를 통해 시각적으로 표현하여, 나들가게에 대한 이해와 인지를 제고를 위한 주요한 시사점을 제시하는 것이다. (연구방법) 나들가게가 지향하는 브랜드 콘셉트를 제시하고, 이를 고객이 생각하는 언어적 이미지와 시각적 이미지(컬러 이미지)로 각각 조사하였다. 나들가게가 표현하고자 하는 브랜드 콘셉트(정이 있어 내 집 같이 드나드는, 나들이하고 싶은 마음으로 가고 싶은 가게)에 대한 언어적 이미지와 시각적 이미지의 차이를 이해하기 위해 본 연구는 우선, 이론고찰과 20-50대 성인 남성과 여성에 대한 대면 인터뷰를 실시했다. 둘째, IRI 색 구성표를 토대로 총 24개의 색채 자극제물을 만들어 실험하였다. 셋째, 결과를 SPSS 23.0을 이용하여 기술 통계 분석, 상관 분석, 분산 분석, 요인 분석 및 회귀 분석을 수행하였다. (연구결과) 고객이 생각하는 나들가게 브랜드 콘셉트에 대한 언어 이미지와 컬러 이미지는 IRI MAP상에서 N(자연스러운), S(경쾌한), G(온화한) 영역에 공통적으로 분포했다. 그러나 이러한 결과는 선행연구에서 분석한 현재 나들가게의 와관색채에 사용되고 있는 색상 영역(S(경쾌한), GO(화려한), D (다이나믹한)과는 차이가 크다. 또한 나들가게의 브랜드 콘셉트에 대한 언어 이미지와 색채이미지가 동일한 영역(N(Natural), S(Spring) 및 G(Gentle)에 분포하는 것으로 나타났으나 그 비율에 있어서는 다소 차이가 나타났다. (결론) 본 연구의 결과는 나들가게에 대한 고객의 인지를 제고하기 위한 방안으로, 나들가게의 브랜드 콘셉트(언어적 이미지)가 외관 색채로 표현될 때 소비자가 적절하다고 생각하는 색상 영역에 대한 것이다. 결과로 도출된 (N(자연스러운), S(경쾌한) 및 G(온화한) 색상 영역은, 현재 나들가게의 외관에 사용된 색상영역과는 매우 다르다. 본 연구의 의의는 나들가게에 대한 지역 소비자의 이해와 인지를 제고하기 위한 방안으로, 나들가게에 적용되어야 하는 외관 색채계획 방향의 시사점을 제시했다는 점이다. 결과 분석을 통해 소비자의 인구통계학적 특성 중 성별보다 연령에 의해 유의미한 차이가 분석되었는데, 이는 향후 해당지역 소비자 연령이 나들가게에 적용될 색채 계획 과정에서 고려할 수 있는 요소로서 가능성을 시사하였다. 마지막으로 본 연구는 언어로 이루어진 브랜드 콘셉트를 시각적으로 표현하는 과정에서 소비자에게 이해와 인지측면에서 효과적인 색채영역을 도출하기 위해, 나들가게를 이용하는 지역 소비자를 대상으로 실험연구를 수행했다는 점에서도 의의가 있다. (Background and Purpose) The disappearance of the neighborhood supermarket, superseded by large department and convenience stores of global brands, is a gradually accelerating phenomenon. To mitigate this issue, the government, through the Small and Medium Business Administration, initiated the measure of branding small supermarkets as nadulgage to give importance to these neighborhood businesses. However, despite years of government-led efforts to revive neighborhood supermarkets, customers’ perception of nadulgage has remained low. This study aimed to raise awareness of how Korean small supermarkets are better recalled by color than any other design characteristic. (Method) This study hypothesized that brand concept image is not reflected in the colors used in the appearance of current nadulgage. Therefore, the verbal and color images that the customer perceives would need to be identified with regard to the brand concept that nadulgage stores aim to embody. To differentiate between the verbal and visual color image regarding customers’ perception of the brand concept that the nadulgage strive to portray, this study first conducted face-to-face interviews with adult men and women in the 20s 50s age group. Second, a total of 24 stimulants representing the - IRI color schemes were created and used in an experiment. Third, statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 23.0, including positive, descriptive statistical, correlation, factor, and regression analyses, as well as ANOVA, were used as methods of statistical analysis. (Results) The verbal and color images of the brand concept ranked high by customers were in the areas of natural (N), spring-like (S), and gentle (G). In addition, these results were starkly different from the state of color application (predominance of S, GO, and D areas) of elevation signage colors in nadulgage stores in a previous study (Kim, Seongjin, 2017). The results of the analysis also showed differences in the relevant ratios between the verbal and color images for the nadulgage brand concept, with predominance observed in the same area stimulants (N, S, and G). (Conclusions) The results of this study suggest a new direction for the color plan of representative nadulgage and representative color areas (N, S, and G), which should consider customers’ recognition characteristic; the colors currently applied in nadulgage shops do not match these preferences. Meanwhile, the age group of consumers may be an important factor in determining the colors for nadulgage in the planning process. Finally, the current study is meaningful in that it conducted a survey of customers’ perception of nadulgage to shed light on the verbal and color images that express brand concept well, thereby verifying the adequate color images for nadulgage.

      • KCI등재

        미술치료사가 인식하는 비언어적 접근의 개념에 대한 주제 분석

        김도희,안다혜 한국미술치료학회 2024 美術治療硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        언어를 활용하는 전통적인 상담과 달리, 미술치료는 비언어적인 것으로 특징지어지는 창의적인 미술 작업을 통해 내담자의 자기표현과 의사소통을 촉진하는 혁신적인 접근 방식을 사용한다. 이 분야에서 비언어적 접근의 개념은 잘 알려져 있지만, 이와 관련된 체계적인 설명이나 학술적 논의는 부족하여 이를 보완하기 위한 논의가 필요하다고 여겨진다. 본 연구는 비언어적 접근에 대한 포괄적인 정의를 확립하기 위하여 5명의 미술치료사와 일대일 면담을 진행하고 주제 분석을 실시하였다. 조사 결과, 21개의 하위 주제를 포함하는 5개의 중심 주제를 도출하였다: (1) 미술치료에서의 비언어적 접근 [개념], (2) 비언어적 요소 [분위기, 신체 언어, 상징, 작품의 형식적 요소, 상호작용 방식], (3) 치료 기술 [치료적 환경 조성, 단서 제공, 매체 제안, 모델링, 행동 제안, 반영하기, 관점 바꾸기, 언어화, 창의적으로 변형시키기], (4) 치료자 역할 [민감한 관찰자, 보조자], (5) 주요 효과 [긍정적 상호작용, 성찰과 통찰, 몰입, 자기조절]. 본 연구는 비언어적 접근에 대한 구조적인 개념화를 시도함으로써 비언어적인 요소가 임상적 맥락에서 어떻게 촉진되고 활용되는지 설명하였다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구의 의의와 제한점을 논의하였다. Art therapy, distinct from conventional verbal counseling, employs innovative approaches to foster client self-expression and communication through creative artistic endeavors, often characterized as a non-verbal modality. While the concept of non-verbal approaches is widespread in art therapy, it lacks a systematic framework and academic discourse, which requires an alternative perspective for comprehension. This study conducted one-on-one interviews with five art therapists, employing thematic analysis to establish the comprehensive definition of the non-verbal approach. The investigation discovered five core themes including 21 sub-themes: First, Non-verbal Approaches in Art Therapy [concept], second, Non-verbal Elements [atmosphere, body language, symbols, formal elements of artwork, interaction techniques], third, Therapeutic Techniques [establishing a therapeutic milieu, providing cues, suggesting artistic media, modeling, proposing actions, reflecting non-verbal elements, shifting perspectives, verbalizing, creative transformation], fourth Therapist Role [attentive observer, facilitator], and fifth, Principal Outcomes [enhanced interaction, reflection and insight, creative flow, self-regulation]. This study offered a structured conceptualization of non-verbal approaches, explaining how these elements harnessed and promoted within clinical contexts. The implications and limitations of this study were also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Visualization of Brand Concepts by Color

        김성진 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) The disappearance of the neighborhood supermarket, superseded by large department and convenience stores of global brands, is a gradually accelerating phenomenon. To mitigate this issue, the government, through the Small and Medium Business Administration, initiated the measure of branding small supermarkets as nadulgage to give importance to these neighborhood businesses. However, despite years of government-led efforts to revive neighborhood supermarkets, customers’ perception of nadulgage has remained low. This study aimed to raise awareness of how Korean small supermarkets are better recalled by color than any other design characteristic. (Method) This study hypothesized that brand concept image is not reflected in the colors used in the appearance of current nadulgage. Therefore, the verbal and color images that the customer perceives would need to be identified with regard to the brand concept that nadulgage stores aim to embody. To differentiate between the verbal and visual color image regarding customers’ perception of the brand concept that the nadulgage strive to portray, this study first conducted face-to-face interviews with adult men and women in the 20s–50s age group. Second, a total of 24 stimulants representing the IRI color schemes were created and used in an experiment. Third, statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS 23.0, including positive, descriptive statistical, correlation, factor, and regression analyses, as well as ANOVA, were used as methods of statistical analysis. (Results) The verbal and color images of the brand concept ranked high by customers were in the areas of natural (N), spring-like (S), and gentle (G). In addition, these results were starkly different from the state of color application (predominance of S, GO, and D areas) of elevation signage colors in nadulgage stores in a previous study (Kim, Seongjin, 2017). The results of the analysis also showed differences in the relevant ratios between the verbal and color images for the nadulgage brand concept, with predominance observed in the same area stimulants (N, S, and G). (Conclusions) The results of this study suggest a new direction for the color plan of representative nadulgage and representative color areas (N, S, and G), which should consider customers’ recognition characteristic; the colors currently applied in nadulgage shops do not match these preferences. Meanwhile, the age group of consumers may be an important factor in determining the colors for nadulgage in the planning process. Finally, the current study is meaningful in that it conducted a survey of customers’ perception of nadulgage to shed light on the verbal and color images that express brand concept well, thereby verifying the adequate color images for nadulgage.

      • KCI등재후보

        심상 이미지를 통한 움직임 개념 교육 : 라반 움직임 분석요소 중 에포트(Effort)를 중심으로

        김형숙,김수연 한국무용과학회 2008 한국무용과학회지 Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to understand the effects of the mental imagery method for studying movement concept, which is based on Effort theory from Laban movement analysis. The subject were 7 four and five-year-old children in city of Seoul, Korea. Qualisys Motion Capture System is used for analysing subject's force and velocity. The results of this study are as follows; Mental imagery method increased young children's motor performance. It was found that subject perforrmed bigger force when using mental imagery guidance than verbal guidance for expressing strong walking. Also, subject perforrmed with faster speed when using mental imagery guidance than verbal guidance for expressing strong walking. Otherwise, It was found that subject perforrmed smaller force when using mental imagery guidance than verbal guidance for expressing light walking. Also, subject perforrmed with faster speed when using mental imagery guidance than verbal guidance for expressing light walking. These results suggest that the mental imagery method can be an effective educational method for young children's movement learning. 본 연구는 심상 이미지 통한 움직임 개념 교육의 효과를 운동학적으로 검증해 보고자 하는데 있다. 본 연구의 학습법에 있어 널리 사용되는 가이던스 방법 중 대표적인 언어 가이던스와 심상 이미지 가이던스를 움직임 학습에 적용하여 그 차이를 살펴보았다. 피험자는 라반 움직임 분석 요소 중 에포트(Effort) 의 두 요소 즉, Strong과 Light의 구분이 가능한 전조작기 단계의 만 4, 5세 7명으로 구성하였다. 측정도구는 영상 분석을 위한 측정도구인 Qualisys Motion Capture System을 사용하였다. 본 연구의 자료 처리는 종속표본 t-검정을 실시하였고 유의도는 p<.05였다. 이러한 방법을 통하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 라반 움직임의 에포트(Effort) 요소 중 하나인 무게(Weight)를 표현하기 위한 걷기에 있어 Strong 걷기 움직임 개념 교육의 경우, 감각 이미지 가이던스 방법이 언어적 가이던스 방법보다 더 큰 수직 힘 값을 보였으며, 속도는 더 빠르게 나타났다. 둘째, Light 걷기 움직임 개념 교육의 경우, 감각 이미지 가이던스 방법이 언어적 가이던스 방법보다 더 작은 수직 힘 값이 나타났으며, 속도는 더 빠르게 나타났다. 이상의 연구결과는 언어적 가이던스보다 심상 이미지 가이던스가 더 긍정적인 움직임 개념 교육을 이끌 수 있다는 결론을 내릴 수 있다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 실제 유아 움직임 학습이 이루어지는 현장에 보다 효과적인 움직임 수업 교수 모델로 적용해 볼 수 있으리라 판단된다.

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