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      • KCI등재

        역세권 2030 청년주택의 정책도입과 변동에 관한 연구: 정책형성과정에서 ‘협력’은 어떠한 영향을 미치는가?

        한선회 ( Seonhoe Han ),김성훈 ( Seonghun Kim ),정용찬 ( Yong Chan Jung ) 중앙대학교 국가정책연구소 2021 국가정책연구 Vol.35 No.4

        본 연구는 Kingdon의 다중흐름모형에 기초하여 ‘역세권 2030 청년주택(이하 역세권 청년주택)’의 정책형성과정을 분석하고 ‘협력’이 정책형성과정에 미치는 영향을 탐구해보고자 한다. 이를 위해 조례 제정을 기점으로 정책형성과정을 정책 도입기와 정책 변동기로 구분하고, 문헌 검토, 언론분석, 인터뷰 등을 활용하여 비교분석하였다. 정책 도입기에는 정책 혁신가인 서울시장을 중심으로 역세권 청년주택이 신속하게 추진되었으나, 이 과정에서 청년 당사자는 배제되었다. 이로써 조례 제정이라는 가시적 성과를 조기에 성취하였지만, 지속적으로 공공성에 대한 비판에 직면하였다. 그러나 정책 변동기에는 서울시와 청년 당사자의 ‘협력’이 시작되어, 청년 당사자가 정책 혁신가로 부상하기 시작했다. 서울청년정책네트워크 활동을 통한 청년당사자의 시정참여, 서울시와 청년당사자의 면담 및 간담회와 함께 청년당사자의 청년주택 운영자문위원회 참여 등 공적 기구를 통한 제도화된 ‘협력’이 나타나게 된 것이다. 이로써 청년 당사자는 정책의 장에 안정적으로 접근할 수 있었다. 이는 정책의 공공성이 향후 ‘역세권 청년주택 2.0 계획’에서 개선되는 결과로 이어졌다. 연구결과는 정치행위자들 간의 ‘협력’이 정책의 공공성 개선에 기여하였으며, 그 메커니즘은 ‘협력’의 제도화를 통해 ‘협력’의 제도화를 통해 마련되었음을 시사한다. This study aims to investigate the formation process of ‘Seoul’s 2030s Youth Housing Policy in the Station District’(hereinafter, Youth Housing Policy in Station Area)’ and examine the impact of collaboration that led to policy changes using Kingdon’s multiple-stream framework. The policy formation process is divided into two time periods based on the enactment of the ordinance and analyzed with literature review, media analysis, and interviews. First, during the policy adoption period, the Mayor of Seoul, a policy innovator, carried out the Youth Housing policy in Station Area but the opinion of young people were excluded. As a result, the ordinance was quickly enacted but it countinued to face criticism of publicness. However, during the policy change period, Seoul Government and young people collaborated and young people emerged as policy innovators. WIth the collaborative governance, young adults participated in the Youth Housing Operation Advisory Committee which is the‘institutionalized’ collaboration. This means that young adults were able to access the policy field. Thus, the revised version of this policy with enhanced publicity was released. This study concluded that collaboration among political actors in policy formation process improved the publicness of policy.

      • S&T collaboration in developing countries

        Daniel Fink,Tahir Hameed,Minho So,Youngsun Kwon,Jae Jeung Rho 과학기술정책연구원 2012 STI Policy Review Vol.3 No.2

        An active policy role is suggested for collaboration that will enhance national level Science and Technology (S&T) capabilities. In contrast, some studies see a limited role of policy support for collaborative S&T research at the individual level (including research groups or institutional levels) due to their self-organizing nature. Two views on S&T collaboration look at different levels but existing research largely ignores the context of developing countries. This paper shows how S&T collaborations between Brazil and Korea have developed over the past two decades. The paper indicates the gaps between initiation and the actual establishment of collaborative research at national and individual levels, differences in the focus areas of research, differences in resources and project planning, and the nature of collaborations. Collaborative research activities at the national level were initiated before the individual level but activated later than the individual level; in addition, the focus areas of research were laid down earlier at the national level with individual collaborations focused on different areas. Project types remained different at each level (i.e. top-down and bottomup) or with a slightly changing mix. This study suggests appropriate policy measures (such as the timely and effective information collection of activities at different levels and proactive coordination) that could reduce the gaps in the timing and alignment of research areas. This paper also alludes to an evolutionary model to develop S&T collaboration among developing countries.

      • 도시정책과 지역발전정책의 융합적 추진 방안

        이영은(Lee, Young-Eun),김기홍(Kim, Ki-Hong) 한국지역개발학회 2013 한국지역개발학회 세미나 논문집 Vol.2013 No.1

        The objective of this study is to draw a measure to collaborate the urban policy and the regional development policy. The research method are Comparing and analyzing the urban policy and the regional development policy from 1960s to 2010s. There are many issues about intensive national spatial policy, fragmented government, indiscriminate urban areas projects and physical approaches to sustainable environment. However, two policies converge to the same direction; to realize a collaborative supporting of central government and regional self-sustained growth and specialization. Therefore, this research reveals current urban and regional issues through considering the urban regeneration policy and the pivotal urban area policy which are recently announced by the government. Through the research, the realization of the regional development and collaborative policy it is necessary to establish the powerful organization for manage nation affairs and to realign the support system.

      • KCI등재

        지방정부의 협력적 정책기획의 경험과 성공조건

        김창수 한국지방정부학회 2009 지방정부연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구는 기피시설 입지를 위한 경기도의 인근 3개 지방정부 정책기획의 성공과 실패 경험을 소개하면서 협력적 정책기획의 성공조건을 모색하고자 했다. 선행연구의 건토결과 정책목표에 대한 합의 포용적이고 투명한 정책과정, 정책참여자들의 함께 일하는 책임감, 반대의견에 열려있는 협력적 리더십이 협력적 정책기획의 성공을 위한 중요한 조건으로 도출되었다. 사례분석결과 구리시는 4가지 조건에 충실하여 쓰레기소각장을 위한 협력적 정책기획을 성공적으로 추징하여 원하는 정책효과를 얻을 수 있었다. 그러나 독단적이고 폐쇄적인 정책기획을 추진한 남양주시의 소각잔재매립장과 하남시의 광역화장장의 경우 높은 정책비용을 초래하면서 원하는 정책효과를 얻지 못한 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 지방정부가 도심하천 살리기와 같은 비교적 갈등이 작은 사안뿐만 아니라 기피시설 입지정책처럼 갈등이 매우 큰 사안 역시 협력적 정책기획의 지혜를 발휘해야만 입지결정과 정책집행이 원활함을 제안했다. The purpose of this paper is to explore the successful conditions of collaborative policy planing in local governments. The agreement of policy goals, inclusive and transparent policy process, the responsibility of policy participants, and cooperative leadership were considered as the main factors for the framework of this study about location conflicts of the unwanted public facilities. For this purpose, I analyzed the experiences of collaborative policy planning in 3 adjacent local governments which experienced location conflicts dealing with unwanted public facilities. I found out that the waste incinerator created in Guri city was successfully established by meeting the conditions of collaborative policy planning. I also found out that the trash-incinerated ashes disposal facilities created in Namyangju city and the large regional cremation facilities created in Hanam city failed in consensus building without satisfying the conditions of collaborative policy planning. I suggest that local governments facing conflicts of the unwanted public facilities should try set goals in policy-planning and use collaboration to make policy with outside partners for smooth implementation. I also suggest that policy leaders of local governments should listen to the vices of every stakeholder carefully first of all for the successful policy planning.

      • 지방자치단체의 국가정책 집행 실효성 확보를 위한 사례연구

        김필두 ( Pil-doo Kim ),류영아 ( Young-aa Ryoo ) 한국지방행정연구원 2009 한국지방행정연구원 기본연구과제 Vol.2009 No.-

        본 연구는 전국적으로 통일된 행정서비스를 제공하는 것으로 중앙에서 결정한 정책들이 실제 지방에서는 각기 다르게 집행되는 문제에 주목하면서 시작하였다. 정책이 본래의 의도대로 집행되지 못하고 왜곡되는 현상은 국민생활에 불편을 줄 뿐만 아니라 국가와 지방자치단체에게 행·재정적인 피해를 줄 수 있고 의도한 정책 효과를 달성하지 못한다는 점에서 낭비와 비효율성이 야기될 수 있다. 따라서 국가정책이 당초 의도했던 정책 목표를 효과적으로 달성하기 위한 전략의 모색이 필요하게 되었다. 이에, 본 연구는 중앙에서 결정한 정책이 지방에서 집행되는 실태를 분석하여 중앙의 정책이 지방에서 일관성있게 집행될 수 있는 방안을 모색하였다. 본 연구의 이론적 측면은 정책집행과 관련한 국내외 문헌분석, 정부간 관계, 갈등관리, 순응과 불응 등 다양하게 이루어졌다. 이러한 기존의 문헌들을 검토하여 불완전한 국가정책 집행을 분석하는 분석틀을 구상하였다. 본 연구의 실제적 측면은 중앙의 의도대로 집행되고 있지 않는 정책사례들을 심층분석하여 각 사례가 가지고 있는 개별적 문제점과 공통적 문제점을 도출하고, 중앙정부 공무원과 지방자치단체 공무원을 대상으로 설문조사와 심층면담을 실시하여 향후 바람직한 국가정책 집행의 실효성 확보방안을 제시하였다는데 있다. 실태 분석과 설문조사 분석을 통해 도출된 본 연구의 연구 결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중앙정부와 지방자치단체의 의사소통과 협력이 선행되어 불필요한 갈등과 자원 낭비를 막아야 한다. 즉, 거버넌스 차원에서 중앙정부와 지방자치단체가 수평적인 정책파트너로서의 긴밀한 관계를 구축하는 것이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 협력에 대한 제도적 유인장치를 마련하거나 행정의 분권화를 추진하는 전략이 선행되어야 한다. 또한, 중앙정부와 지방자치단체 간의 지속적인 정보의 교류 활동과 중앙과 지방 간 연계 시스템(협력 시스템)을 구축하는 전략이 필요하다. 둘째, 중앙정부 차원에서 정책의 정당성을 확보해야 한다. 정책이 정당성을 인정받기 위해서는 정책목표가 명확하게 설정되어야 하고, 정책의 개념정의나 관련 용어가 분명해야 하며, 정책에 대한 합리적인 근거가 필요하다. 또한, 정책의 합법성을 확보해야 한다. 정책의 합법성을 확보하기 위해서는 정책과 관련된 법규들을 일관성있게 조정하고 수정, 보완하여 관련 법률 간의 중복·상치가 없도록 해야 한다 또한 전체적인 정책과정에 대한 표준 매뉴얼을 작성·보급하는 방안도 제안할 수 있다. 표준 매뉴얼에는 정책의 목표, 각 용어설명, 정책집행시 지방자치단체가 가질 수 있는 재량의 정도 및 범위 등을 한정하여 중앙과 지방간의 불필요한 대립이 발생하지 않도록 해야 한다. 중앙정부는 결정된 정책을 집행하는 지방자치단체에 대한 특성·실정을 파악하는 작업이 필요하고 지방자치단체의 정책추진 역량을 분석하는 작업이 필요하다. 셋째, 지방자치단체 차원에서는 중앙정부의 정책지침이나 표준 매뉴얼을 바탕으로 하여 그 지역의 특수한 여건 등을 반영한 자체적인 정책집행 계획을 수립하는 작업이 필요하다. 또한 집행에 필요한 인적·물적 자원을 확보하는 작업 또한 중요하다. 설문조사와 심층면담 결과 모두 지방자치단체의 인적·물적 자원부족을 지적하고 있는데, 집행에 필요한 자원을 확보하는 것이 정책의 성공적인 집행에 반드시 필요한 요소라는 점을 간과해서는 안될 것이다. 또한, 중앙정부가 결정한 정책이 원래의 의도대로 집행될 수 있기 위해서는 정책을 실제로 집행하는 지방자치단체가 집행 상의 재량을 확보하여 정책에 대한 지방자치단체의 순응과 지지를 확보하는 것이 필요하다고 할 수 있다. PURPOSE Many policies for achieving national objectives for instance the promotion the welfare of the people, the activity of local economics, and improvement of the quality of life are being made every year. However, these national policies have a big problem when local governments implement, these national policies are different from the original intention that central government determine. In other words, though central government decide a nationally uniform policies, these national policies are implemented differently in reality. In particular, since the advent of popularly elected local government heads and the heads of local government autonomy has been strengthened, the symptoms of national policy distortion are often found. Distortion of national policies are caused the inconvenience to people’s lives as well as the administrative and financial damage to central government and local governments. Also, as the national policies do not achieve the intended policy effects, the waste and inefficiency can be caused Therefore, there need to explore a strategy how national policy achieve its originally intended policy objectives effectively. However, there is likely to cause centralization if we require local governments which have variety of environments and situations of uniform policy implementation. In other words, national policy implementation at the local government level needs the essence of the local autonomy and the effective national policy implementation. In addition, local governments should not implement every policies decided in central government uniformly. Some policies required unity and national interests are asked to enforce a consistent position. The uniform policy implementation could cause the problem that we disregarded the attributes of various local governments and violated the fundamental principles of local autonomy. In other words, we face with a moment to develop the policy implementation principle of coexistent with both the central and local governments. This study analyze the actual conditions of policy implementation in local governments and seek for plans how national policy implement consistently across the local governments. The purpose of this study states that find out various barriers and other distorting factors occurred during the policy implementation, and seek for some solutions. To achieve the purpose of this study, we search for domestic and international policy theory, analyze the actual conditions and current problems of the policy implementation, and propose the future development device. This study focuse on policy making of central government and policy implementation of local governments. Despite the importance of the connection between policy making of the central government and policy implementation of the local governments, the in-depth discussion has not currently being began to emphasize. We expect that this study is a scientific contributions through a variety of academic concepts and theoretical approaches related policy implementation. In addition, we analyze the actual conditions, status, causes, issues, and problems of policy implementation in local governments, and provide informations what local governments want to have when they implement national policy without distortion. In other words, this study has political implications that national policy can be carried out as intended. SCOPE The contents scope of this study are as follows. First, we examine the concepts and significance of the policy making and implementation and analyze domestic and international theories regarding policy. Second, we constitute the policy implementation framework based on the analysis elements, variables, and indicators derived from theories. Third, we analyze the actual conditions and problems of the national policy implementation and national policy distortion. Fourth, we propose the future development device what the central and local governments want to, when they are faced the problems. The object scope of this study are as follows. First, we search the national policy which is needed the unity but actually is implemented separately by regions, and analyze it deeply. Second, if the policy has its problems when central government makes that policy, we find out what the problem is. Third, we analyze the central government and local government officials, and in-depth interview survey was conducted to investigate. This will be complementary materials for current level of the case. METHODS We use a case study analysis methods, a survey targeting stakeholders and experts, and a depth interviews targeting stakeholders and experts. First, the cases analyzed in this study were selected from the Auditor’s 'Audit Report’, the 'Public Satisfaction Surveys’ about government’s major policy challenges, 'Quality Improvement Practices’ of state policy coordination, the ‘Joint Assessment Report’ of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. National policies which is not intended implemented were selected. Case study examples of this study were selected from the principle of selection cases, chosen according to the brainstorming process for experts and officials of local governments, and fixed finally four cases. Second, in surveys we compared the recognition of the central government officials and local government officials. The Central government officials targets of the survey were the Ministry of Knowledge Economy(plant-related regulations), the Ministry of Environment(diesel vehicle emissions reduction projects), the National Emergency Management Agency(flood damage prevention and repair projects), the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and the Committee and the regional balance(local government fiscal assistance business). The Local government officials targets of the survey were the metropolitan area(Seoul, Incheon), Chungcheong area(Chungcheongnam Province), Jeolla area (Jeollabuk Province), Gyeongsang area(Gyeongsangnam Province). In particular, we executed the quantitative analysis utilized the SPSS 14.0K to compare the perception of the central and local government officials, Third, in-depth interviews was conducted to government officials who belongs to the Metropolitan area, Chungcheong area, Jeolla area, Gyeongsang area. The in-depth interviews gave some informations what local governments want to get when they should implement national policy uniformly. THEORETICAL STUDY We analyzed the meaning and location of policy implementation in the whole policy process by collecting literature. We listed the theory related to the policy implementation, because we explained the success of policy implementation and the achievement of policy objectives. In addition, we included the inter-governmental relations theory, conflict management theories, and the host agent theory, because we analyzed the relationships between central and local governments. As you confirm in the theoretical analysis in this study, policy making and policy implementation influence each other so they have the mutual relationship. In addition, as the central and local governments have horizontal and comparable relationship rather than vertical relationship, they could amplify the conflict. FRAMEWORK We included the theories of the policy implementation and past researches of the leading scholars, and divided several factors into the policy itself factors and the factors associated with policy implementation. We made the framework by Policy variables, Environment variables, Central government variables, Local government variables from two factors. We selected the obscurity of policy, the lack of validity of causal theory, the conflict of interest about the results of the policy indicators as the Policy variables. We selected the change of environment, the obscurity of business separation, the differences in political vision, the discrimination of resource distribution indicators as the Environment variables. We selected the constraints of policy-making technologies, a central sticking vested interests, the weak central government control indicators as the Central government variables. We selected the discretion of local authorities, the local self-seeking, the lack of capacity of local governments indicators as the Local governments variables. CASE STUDY We Analyzed the cases of the 'Plant-related regulations' 'Diesel vehicle emissions reduction projects’, ‘Flood damage prevention and repair projects’, and ‘Local government fiseal assistance projects’. ‘Plant-related regulations’ have green standards disagreed with laws. There is a problem to management. In addition, the standards require citizens too many documents to establish a plant. So few citizens utilize it. This case is an example of the lack of central government’s regulatory, so policy itself is unclear. ‘Diesel vehicle emissions reduction projects’ have problems that there are no sanctions against no measurement of previous state. In other words, management is not enough. This case is an example of the business distinction between the Minis仕y of the Environment Agency and Local Environmmt is unclear. 'Flood damage prevention and repair projects’ have problems of the site map and site investigations are not thoroughgoing enough. This case is an example of the weak central government control. ‘Local government fiscal assistance projects’ have problems that different local governments were subsidized by the central government unlike true. This case is an example of the excessive discretion of local governments. SURVEY RESULTS As a result of empirical study, we found that we need to analyze the policy implementation steps because survey respondents responded that the policy implementation was insufficient in all stages of policy. First, we could emphasize the problems of the policy environment is bigger than those of policy itself, the central government, and the local governments. In other words, survey respondents responded that the policy(business) could not achieve its objectives because of the problems of the policy environment rather than other problems. In the future, we need to preview the change of the policy environment and prepare a scenario about some changes before policy implementation. Second, survey respondents responded that the lack of logical connection between policy making and implementation, the differences in political vision between the central and local governments, the constraints of policy-making technologies, the local self-seeking, and the lack of capacity of local governments were pointed out as obstacles. It proves the point that several indicators of the framework suggested obstacles of the implementation of the policy. Third, survey respondents responded that the interests between central and local governments are conflicted and the work classification was unclear between central and local governments. We recognize the role separation and function allocation between the central and local governments are necessarily needed Fourth, central government survey respondents responded that the local self-seeking and the local government’s abuse of discretion are the major obstacles of the implementation of the policy. Local government survey respondents responded that a central sticking vested interests, the strong control power of the central government are the major obstacles of the implementation of the policy. In other words, a difference of opinion between response groups could be seen. This means cooperation and coordination between the central and local governments should be built into the system. Fifth, survey respondents most commonly responded that the lack of validity of causal theory indicators among the Policy variables. This expose as the policy itself lacked causality and logical connection between policy making and implementation, so policy making and implementation were not connected consistently. Sixth, survey respondents most commonly responded that the differences in political vision between the central and local governments indicators among the Environment variables. This expose as the differences in political vision between the central and local governments occurred in the process of the national policy making and implementation, the national policy didn’t implement intendedly. Seventh, survey respondents most commonly responded that a central sticking vested interests indicators among the Central government variables. This expose as the central government emphasized their vested interests while the central government made the national policy decisions, so the national policy rather didn’t implement smoothly. Eighth, survey respondents most commonly responded that the local self-seeking indicators among the Local governments variables. This expose as the local governments emphasized their region rather than the entire countries, so the local governments are interested in the development of their region and the national policy didn’t implement smoothly. DEPTH INTERVIEW RESULTS We examine the depth interview to government officials who belongs to the Metropolitan area, Chungcheong area, Jeolla area, Gyeongsang area. First, interviewee pointed out that the policy made by the central government had the complexity and vagueness of the concept and content, so the policy itself was unclear. Second, the contents of laws were unrealistic and duplicated. Each laws were incompatible with other laws. So, interviewee pointed out that policy making and implementation are a separate form. Third, the law provided a large frame. And as practical details were ambiguous, the implementation of the policy itself is difficult. Fourth, as the human and material resources for policy implementation were insufficient, the implementation of the policy was difficult. In other words, as the number of civil servants responsible for policy implementation was short, and the budget support of central government was lack, the policy implementation has not made as the original intent. RECOMMENDATIONS Finally, we suggest some policy recommendations. Following recommendations would be important considerations to develop national policies implementation. We need a relations establish between the nature of local autonomy and effective implementation of national policy, because national policy should be implemented uniformly at the level of local governments. Of course, all the policies made by central government should not implemented uniformly. This means that if we require unity of policy implementation and national interests, local governments should implemented uniformly the national policy. In fact, so that we apply the results of this study, the consideration of several factors should be involved. In particular, the central and local governments communicate and cooperate each other, and they should prevent unnecessary conflict and waste of resources. In other words, the central and local governments need to make a close relationship as a horizontal policy partners in the governance dimension. To accomplish this,the institutional lure of cooperation and the strategy of administrative decentralization should be followed. In addition, the continued flow of information over the central and local governments is needed. A strategy to build the cooperative systems between the central and local governments is needed. In addition, we can suggest various detailed plan which each actors should be achieved. First, the central government should ensure the legitimacy of the policy. Policy can be admitted its’ legitimacy that policy objectives are clearly set. And the definition of concepts and related terms should be obvious. Reasonable basis for the policy is needed And we should ensure the legality of the policy. So that we ensure the legality of the policy, we control and modify the regulations related to the policy. In other words, overlap and conflict between laws should not be existed. In addition, we need the central government’s policy guidelines and standards manual in the overall policy. The central government would make and distribute the central government’s policy guidelines and standards manual. In guidelines and standards manual have the policy objectives, description of each term, and must be limited some discretions the local government can have. In other words, unnecessary conflict between the central and the local governments should avoid. The central government needs to figure out the attributes and actual conditions of local governments. And the central government needs to analyze the operation abilities of the local governments. Second, the local governments required their own plans of the policy implementation reflected their special conditions and circumstances. Their own plans of the policy implementation are underneath the central government’s policy guidelines and standards manual. It is also important to secure the human and material resources what is needed for policy implementation Results of surveys and in-depth interviews all pointed out the human and material resources are insufficient. It is necessary we secure the requisite resources for successful implementation of the policy. In addition, the local governments would have some discretions and implement the national policy subjectively.

      • KCI등재

        대학 산학협력정책의 경로의존성 분석

        신현석,선애경 안암교육학회 2019 한국교육학연구 Vol.25 No.4

        This study is aimed to unravel the issues of industryuniversity collaboration policy through analysis of its historical path in the Korean context and to suggest some implications for developing the policy. To attain the purpose this study divides the changing process of the industryuniversity collaboration policy into two periods at the turning point of enacting the law of promoting industryuniversity collaboration and analyzes the changing process of the industryuniversity collaboration policy in the perspective of such the causes of its path dependency as power asymmetries, goal displacement, institutional interdependence, and policy legitimation. Based upon the results of the analysis, this study suggests the following implications: ① to understand the particularity of the industryuniversity collaboration policy as a complex entity, ② to pursue the higher goal and value of industryuniversity collaboration activities rather than focusing on the activities themselves, and ③ to create the foundation of inducing autonomous collaboration between industries and universities. 본 연구는 산학협력정책이 지나온 역사적 경로를 한국적 맥락에서 분석하여 정책 변화과정의 경로의존 현상을 분석하고, 이를 통해 대학 산학협력정책의 발전을 위한 시사점을 제공하는 데에 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 산학협력촉진법의 제정을 분기점으로 하여 산학협력정책의 흐름을 크게두 시기로 나누고 각 시기에서 이루어진 정책의 변화과정을 권력 불균형, 목표대치 현상, 제도의 상호의 존성, 정책의 정당성이라는 경로의존의 원인으로 분석하였다. 분석결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 ① 복합체 적인 산학협력정책의 특수성을 이해하고자 하는 노력의 필요, ② 산학협력 활동 자체가 목적이 아니라 산학협력 활동을 통해 보다 상위의 목적 및 가치 추구, ③ 대학과 산업계 및 다양한 관련 주체들이 자발적으로 산학협력을 이끌어갈 수 있는 기반의 조성 등의 시사점을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        다수부처 관련 정책·사업의 효과적 대응을 위한 과제

        하복동(Bokdong Ha) 한국정책분석평가학회 2006 政策分析評價學會報 Vol.16 No.2

          With the advent of results-based management in the public sector, collaboration beyond institutional boundaries has emerged as the answer to many cross-cutting issues that could have been either hardly addressed or done with no effects. This study briefly explains the backgrounds of emergence of collaboration instead of silo approach, in public policy making, discusses benefits and costs of collaboration approach, and extracts critical requirements for enhancing the effectiveness of collaboration, mainly from the lessons learned from the collaboration experiences of selective OECD countries. Then it assesses the service industry fostering policy of Korean government from the viewpoint of collaboration, and finds that collaboration form remains at the range of sharing information, and that more advanced forms of collaboration like shared policy objectives and shared resources are yet to be introduced, as well as its performance measurement. It may take some time to acquire needed skills and promote work cultures for effective collaboration. Furthermore, more strategic decision-making framework to design best collaboration approach given policy objectives rather than one-size fits all approach is required.

      • KCI등재

        The changing dynamics of policy experiment in Singapore does the 2011 general election make a difference

        Celia Lee 서울대학교행정대학원 2017 Asian Journal of Political Science Vol.25 No.3

        The city-state of Singapore is proactive in harnessing policy experimentation to incubate innovations, transfer knowledge and facilitate collaborations across different public sectors. Given the country’s strong knack for pragmatism, international practices and lessons are usually first tested and adapted in policy experiments before scaling up to nationwide policies. Singapore’s practice of policy experimentation, however, has also demonstrated evolution over time. This article reviews the evolving role of experimentation in Singapore’s policy decision-making and implementation, and analyses pilot programmes in public housing to elicit the key attributes and commonalities of its policy experiments. It finds that policy experiments have been increasingly used after the 2011 general election, which witnessed a radical political rebalancing in Singapore’s governance history. Pilot projects have thus transformed from a utilitarian to citizencentric, design-thinking approach after 2011. Pilot programmes are used for multiple purposes in policy innovations, among which civil service mentoring, knowledge transfer and crossboundary collaboration are the values primarily pursued. The article discusses the contributions of the findings to the literature and policy implications for practitioners.

      • KCI등재

        공중보건정책과 건강 형평성

        김창엽 ( Chang-yup Kim ) 한국보건행정학회 2016 보건행정학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        Equity-focused public health policy has solid theoretical and practical basis, in addition to ethical one. In the Republic of Korea (hereafter Korea), however, equity in health has not had a high priority in policy goals, regardless of policy areas and particular actors or approaches. Equitable health has been only a minor concern in most public health issues and their decision-making. Generic public health policies are needed to reduce inequity in health, but the importance of a firm basis for sound policy-making cannot be overemphasized. Health equity should be `mainstreamed` in all public health policies. Potential approaches include intersectoral collaboration, health impact assessment, and `Health in All Policies.` Public policy agendas for equitable health cannot be formulated without measurement and recognition of the problem. Korea is still suffering from the lack of reliable information on the current status of health inequity, resulting in a relatively weak awareness of the problem among both the general public and policy-makers. More information is needed to increase recognition and awareness that will increase intervention and actions. The absence of decision-making and actions should not be justified even by the lack of information on determinants and pathways of health inequities. Generic plausible solutions can often work in the real world according to political and social commitment. I have discussed several aspects of public health policy from the perspective of health equity, focusing on current status and plausible explanation. Policy process, agenda setting in particular, is highlighted and theories and concepts are presented along with analysis and description of current situation.

      • KCI등재

        시민 참여를 통한 지방정부 안전정책 개발 활성화 방안 - 부산시를 중심으로

        조민상 한국치안행정학회 2024 한국치안행정논집 Vol.21 No.1

        지방자치법이나 지자체의 조례 등에는 지역사회의 주요 정책의제 설정이나 결정에 주민이 참여할 수 있는 다양한 제도적 장치를 마련하고 있다. 이 연구는 지방정부 안전 정책 개발에서 시민참여를 활성화 방안을 모색하는데 중점을 두고 있다. 연구 방법은 문헌연구 및 사례 분석으로 수행하며, 연구자가 숙의지원단으로서 직접 참여한 경험에 기반하여 진행하였다. 연구범위는 지방정부에 해당하며 부산광역시로 한정하고, ‘2022년 시민정책숙의단’ 운영으로 설정하였다. 시민참여형 정책 개발과정의 전반을 살펴봄으로써 다른 지자체에서도 관련 제도를 활성화하는데 기초자료가 되기를 희망한다. 시민제안 정책숙의 제도는 시민 참여를 확대하고, 정책의 질을 향상시키는 데 중요한 역할을 한다. 시민참여를 통한 안전정책 개발의 활성화 방안은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 시민 의견이 개입되는 시점의 설정이 필요하다. 둘째, 정책 실현의 가능성에 대한 검토와 공유가 필요하다. 셋째, 정책숙의 참여 범위의 다양화가 고려되어야 한다. 넷째, 낮은 빈도의 요구 사항에 대한 검토가 필요하다. 다섯째, 지역사회 위험요소 발굴 위주의 안전정책 논의가 지속되어야 한다. The Local Autonomy Act and ordinances of local governments in South Korea establish various institutional mechanisms for residents to participate in setting and deciding major policy agendas of the community. This study focuses on exploring ways to activate citizen participation in local government safety policy development. The research method was conducted through literature research and case analysis, and was based on the researcher's direct experience as a deliberation support group member. The study focuses on local governments, specifically Busan Metropolitan City, and the operation of the '2022 Citizen Policy Deliberation Group'. This study aims to provide foundational data for activating related systems in other local governments by examining the entire process of citizen-participatory policy development. The Citizen Proposal Deliberation System plays a crucial role in expanding citizen participation and enhancing the quality of policies. Measures to revitalize safety policy development through citizen participation are as follows. First, it is necessary to set the point at which citizen opinions are involved. Second, it is necessary to review and share the feasibility of policy implementation. Third, diversification of the scope of participation in policy deliberation should be considered. Fourth, low-frequency requirements need to be reviewed. Fifth, safety policy discussions focusing on identifying community risk factors should continue.

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