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        Ke Chen,Yi Xie,Luping Zhu,Zhuzhu Xu 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction Social media communication has become a popular way for firms to engage with customers. Research shows that firms/brands engagement with fans or customers on social media is effective to improve brand equity (Kim & Ko, 2012), drive sales (eMarketer, 2015), and enhance both transactional and relational customer behaviour (Kumar, Bezawada, Rishika, Janakiraman, & Kannan, 2016). Given the influences of social media communication, how brands effectively engage with fans or followers on social media is an important question for marketers. Most research on this topic is from the applied psychology and consumer behaviour literature, whose theories and content are dominantly tested in laboratory setting. Very few research (e.g., Lee, Hosanagar, & Nair, 2017) applied real behaviour data of field settings to study this issue. Additionally, existent research primarily focuses on social media like Facebook and Twitter in developed counties. To our knowledge, no research examines global brands social media communications in developing country, like China. Due to the policy constraints, people in mainland China have no access to foreign social media platforms. There is a local social media platform in China, named Weibo. Weibo is a NASDAQ-listed company and has nearly 100 million active users monthly. Many brands, both global and local ones, have created Weibo accounts and keep engaging with their fans. For example, there are 1,452 luxury brands and 3,707 beverage brands or firms on Weibo (Weibo Data Centre, 2017). This paper focuses on global brands’ communication practices on Weibo. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how brand posts that global brands put on their social media page are correlated with fan engagement. By using real data form Weibo, we answer the following questions: (1) what attributes of brand posts on Weibo do affect fan engagement with global brands? (2) how do these attributes affect fans engagement behaviour (i.e. liking, sharing, and commenting) differently? Conceptual Framework We decompose the attributes of global brand social media posts into five aspects, which are proposed to affect fans engagement. The first two aspects, interactivity and vividness, are derived from computer-mediated-communication research (Frotin & Dholakia, 2005; Hoffman & Novak, 1996). The next two, informative and emotional attributes, are developed from the literature of advertising (Hong, Muderrisoglu, & Zinkhan, 1987; Geuens, Pelsmacker, & Faseur, 2011). The last one is localization-related attributes, which is from global marketing communication literature (Kanso & Nelson, 2002) to capture the special characteristics of global brand posts on a local social media platform. We argue that all these five aspects of global brand posts affect fans engagement on brand page. Fans engagement is conceptualized as fans behavioural response to brand posts, which will influence attitude and behaviour of other fans. There are three kinds of fans responses on brands social media page, i.e., liking, sharing and commenting. We do control the time and date of post issued, the text length of post, whether having celebrity in post, whether related to a remarkable event, the number of followers of brand on Weibo, and product category. Interactivity Interactivity is defined as “the degree to which two or more communication parties can act on each other, on the communication medium, and on the messages and the degree to which such influences are synchronized” (Liu & Shrum 2002, p.54). Interactivity requires two-way interaction between not only customers and companies, but customers themselves (Hoffman & Novak, 1996). Brand posts on Weibo differ in the degree of interactivity. Some posts only have text, picture, or video to deliver messages of brands, which has no possibility to interact with fans. Some posts include a link that fans can click to get more information, which enhances the interactivity of communication. Other posts have questions, which stimulate interaction with fans and followers. There are posts inviting people to indicate their like or comment on social media, which are considered as high interactivity as well. Advertising research has found the positive correlation between interactivity of ads and consumers’ attitude (Coyle & Thorson, 2001). De Vries, Gensler and Leeflang (2012) found interactivity of brand post on brand fan pages partially positively related to brand popularity (measured by number of likes and comments). Empirical research (Lee et al., 2017) using Facebook data showed that having links negatively associated with customer engagement, and having questions increased comments but reduced likings. For the inconsistent findings in the literature, we re-examine this relationship by focusing on global brands on a not well-examined Chinese social media, Weibo. Vividness Vividness refers to the format richness of the message (Daft & Lengel, 1986; Fortin & Dholakia, 2005). As for brand posts, vividness is reflected by the number of sensory dimensions and senses presented (text, colours, pictures, and videos, etc.). The degree of vividness influences what and how multiple senses are stimulated (Coyle & Thorson, 2001). For example, a picture post will activate more senses than a text post because the former has colour that stimulates sight more vividly than the later. Vividness is related to but differs from interactivity. Interactivity focuses on the characteristic of two-way interaction of the communication, while vividness stands for the multiple senses stimulated by the communication. Some advertising research found that a vivid web advertisement results in higher attention and more clicks (Lohtia, Donthu, & Hershberger, 2003). As a result, we differentiate vividness of each post and predict that more vivid post associated with higher customer engagement. A vivid post attracts more likes, shares and comments. Localization-related attributes Localization-related attributes are symbols that posts have reflecting the characteristics of local culture and people. The debate of globalization (standardization) versus localization has lasted several decades. Even though a global standardized marketing strategy saves money and gains scale economy, the localization approach (Keegan, 1969) is supported by the reality that each market has unique tastes. In the international advertising literature, some scholars found that many multinational firms “plan globally and act locally” (Blackwell, Ajami, & Stephan, 1991). “Global-local dilemma” exists when global luxury brands internationalize into the Chinese market (Liu et al., 2016). The marketing communication research found that it is not advised for global brands to use the same appeals and symbols in advertising across different countries (Kanso & Nelson, 2002). In other words, the combination of global advertising theme and local communication expertise can result in enhanced effectiveness. We propose, on Weibo, people are more actively engaged to like, share, or comment global brand posts when Chinese elements, such as Chinse handwriting, Chinese festivals, and Chinese celebrity spokespeople, are present. Informative attributes Besides interactivity and vividness, which capture the format characteristics of global brand posts, content-related attributes are associated with customer engagement as well. Informative content is an important side of content attributes. One important function of brand posts is to deliver messages to customers. Research shows that on social networks people tend to have positive attitudes towards informative ads (Taylor, Lewin, & Strutton, 2011). Global brand posts with specific information should result in higher customer engagement than less informative posts. Additionally, global brand posts on social media may have different types of marketing information, such as product, price, promotion and placerelated ones respectively. The posts with varying degree of informative content may change customer engagement as well. Emotional attributes Emotional attributes are another side of the content characteristics of brand posts besides informative ones. Advertising research shows that using emotion appeal in ads is an effective way to gain people attention and generate actions (Holbrook & Batra, 1987). Emotional connections between customers and brands are considered more stable than cognitive association (Heath, Brandt, & Nairn, 2006). Some scholars find that emotional appeal on banner advertising result in positive effects on click-through rates in both B2B and B2C contexts (Lohtia et al., 2003). Empirical research (Lee et al., 2017) on Facebook shows that perceived emotion in brand posts strongly boost users’ likes and comments. Similarly, we propose that emotional attributes of global brand posts on Weibo are correlated with fans engagement. We conceptualize emotional attributes with three elements, emotional tone, emotional icon and emotional core. Emotional core reflects the type of emotions, such as humour, happiness, and love, etc. Emotional tone stands for the strength of emotion, i.e. the emotion is weak or strong. Emotional icon refers to whether the content of posts has emotional symbols, which can take form of icons or net slangs. Research Design Operationalization Dependent variables Customer engagement is operationalized as three variables, the number of likes, the number of shares, and the number of comments of each global brand post. Independent variables Vividness. Vividness is operationalized as four categories standing for different vividness degree, text only, (text and) static picture, (text, static and) animated picture, (text, picture and) video. Interactivity. Interactivity is operationalized as five 0-1 variables, having link, having question, having invitation/incentive to like, having invitation/incentive to share, having invitation/incentive to comment. Localization-related attributes. This part is operationalized as four 0-1 variables, having Chinese culture image, having Chinese culture colour, having Chinese festival, and having Chinese celebrity spokespeople (we include celebrity as a control variable). Informative attributes. This part is operationalized as seven 0-1 variables, whether a post having information of (1) brand name, (2) promotion/trial, (3) price, (4) segmentation, (5) product lunch time, (6) purchase distribution, and (7) public relation event. Emotional attributes. This part is operationalized as three variables, (1) emotional icon, a 0- 1 variable, having emotional symbols or not, (2) emotional core, a categorical variable, different type of emotions identified by surveyed respondents, and (3) emotion tone, a scalerating variable from 1 to 3, standing for none, weak and strong emotion. Control Variables. There are five control variables, (1) time of posts, including date and hour; (2) length of posts, i.e., the number of Chinese characters; (3) celebrity, whether there is a celebrity in a post; (4) event, whether a post is related to a remarkable event; (5) the number of fans of brand, and (6) product category (3 dummy variables to differentiate four categories). Data We chose 6 global brands across five product categories, specifically, beverage (Coca-cola and Starbucks), cosmetics (Olay and L’Or?al), and sports (Nike and Adidas). All these global brands created Weibo account before 2012 and have cumulated a large number of followers. We select the posts from Sept. 1, 2016 to Feb. 28, 2017, within 6 months. This time duration is long enough to get analytical data. This period covers main Chinese traditional festivals, such as Mid-Autumn Festival, National Day, and Chinse New Year, which results in more variances in localization-related variables. Data were collected through two stages. The first stage was to download raw data from Weibo’s brand pages with Internet worm program directly. Each brand has its page which contains all posts it issued and the number of people’s likes, shares, and comments for each post. The second stage is to code content and get the final dataset. Most of 0-1 variables, such as interactivity, localization-related attributes, and informative attributes were coded by two research assistants. Variables of vividness were also coded by them. Variables of emotional attributes were coded by a survey to ask 500 Weibo users. This survey-based coded method is well applied in published research (e.g., Kumar et al., 2016; Lee et al., 2017). Model The three dependent variables, the numbers of likes (y1), shares (y2), and comments (y3), are count data with a Poisson distribution. As a result, the basic model is as following: ?ij = ? + ???(Σ3p=1 ?1p ?????pj + Σ5q=1 ?2q ?????qj + Σ4r=1 ?lr ?????rj + Σ7s=1 ?4s ????sj + Σ3p=1 ?5t ????tj + ?6 ????j + ?7 ????j + ?8 ???j + ?9 ????j + ?10 ?????j + ?11 #??????j + Σ4u=1 ?12u ??????uj) + ?ij (1) Expected Results This research is among the first initiative to examine social media communication in China. We are still working on the data analysis so far. We intend to identify the influence of global posts on fans engagement, which are from not only the content of posts (informative and emotional attributes), but also the design of posts (vividness and interactivity), and especially the localization considerations. We expect to find that the content foci differ fans engagement. Posts of sales promotion should be more effective to enhance fans engagement than those of product demonstration. We can identify what form of posts stimulates fans participation more effectively. We will know whether a video post is more effective than a picture post. Most interestingly, we will know how the posts combined with Chinese cultural elements on social media are responded. For example, we could compare the difference between posts having foreign and local celebrity people. We will know how different customer engagement behaviour influence by the same characteristic of posts. We can identify the most influential factors to each of three customer responses (liking, sharing, and commenting). Comparing with the research using data from Facebook or other social media outlets, we can obtain implications guiding global brands to implement social media strategy across countries.

      • 세계화(지구화) 이론의 모순

        한수경 ( Su Kyung Han ) 한국정치평론학회 2011 정치와 평론 Vol.8 No.-

        Globalization has been one of the most controversially discussed issues over the last decades. Some authors have tried to explain all problems and newly emerging changes of the world in the context of globalization. Many globalization theorists assert that globalization is neither cultural (media) imperialism nor Americanization. It should also not be understood as homogenization or standardization. According to the globalization thesis, local or indigenous cultures are not supplanted by global culture which is often perceived as western or American culture, but both coexist and complement one another in terms of ``glocalization`` or ``hybridization`` within the scope of globalization. Some media and communications scholars influenced by sociology, especially cultural studies, have adopted a new explanation approach for globalization called ``transcultural communication``. In line with the concept of ``culture`` as homogenous national culture in the context of conventional international and intercultural communication, they state that cross-cultural and-border communication cannot be explained. Many scholars are also sure that the nation states lose their function as a result of globalization along with an increase of tourists, diasporas, and media communications worldwide which affects not only a society but also identities of individuals in terms of culture. This allows for a ``global village``, ``global society``, or ``global culture`` with multicultural or hybrid characteristics. However, what is missing in such a theoretical approach is an empirical verification. According to globalization theorists, meta-theories such as globalization cannot be verified, although several parts of them are based on concrete empiricism. Another problem is that the ``digital divide``, colonial history, and multicultural compositions in many societies of the world have not been concerned in their approach. For these reasons, this paper gives the answer to the question why the assumptions of the globalization theory are not justified.

      • KCI등재

        평화역량을 강화하는 기독교 평화교육

        조미영 한국기독교교육학회 2020 기독교교육논총 Vol.0 No.63

        The purpose of this study is to present a model for Christian peace education requested in the era of globalization. Globalization increases interdependence and unifies the global economy due to the development of innovative communication and transportation systems. The world is currently experiencing a period of unlimited competition without borders. Globalization has promoted growth and development, but has also caused problems. In the face of this absence of peace, this study was conducted to determine whether a Christian understanding of peace and peace education can serve as a way to overcome the challenges facing modern society and to meet people's desire for peace. It examines the concept of globalization and the situation of the absence of peace due to problems in the era of globalization, and examines the concept of peace and peace education from a Christian perspective. After that, the concept of Christian peace required in the era of globalization and the peace capability to be strengthened in peace education will be presented, and how to proceed. The christian peace education model strengthens students' peace capabilities which can be used to build a peaceful future world. The purpose of christian peace education in the face of globalization is to develop a peaceful relationship with oneself, others, the world, and the environment. The goal of christian peace education is to cultivate peaceful human beings by strengthening their peace capabilities, namely peace sensitivity, nonviolent communication, and peace imagination. This study's significance is that it presented an christian peace christian education model that strengthens learners' peace capabilities through a biblical and theological approach in the face of non-peaceful situations arising as a result of globalization. 본 연구는 세계화 시대에 있어 요청되는 기독교 평화교육 모형을 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 세계화의 흐름 속에서 정보통신 및 교통체계의 혁신적 발전으로 인해 상호의존성이 증대되고 세계경제가 단일화 되어가며 국경 없는 무한경쟁시대가 도래하였다. 세계화로 인하여 다양한 면에서 개발과 발전이 이루어졌지만, 그에 따른 문제들도 발생하고 있다. 무엇보다 세계화로 인하여 발생하게 된 양극화 현상, 다문화 상황, 환경의 위기는 평화 부재의 상황을 보여준다. 이러한 상황을 마주하면서, 현대 사회의 평화에 대한 도전과 요청에 기독교의 평화 이해가 하나의 대안이 될 수 있음을 제시하고, 그 대안으로 기독교 평화교육 모형을 제안하고자 하는 것이다. 세계화의 개념과 세계화 시대의 문제점으로 인한 평화 부재의 상황들을 살펴보고, 특히 기독교의 영역에서 바라보는 ‘평화’에 대한 이해를 살펴본 후, 세계화 시대에 요청되는 기독교 평화 개념과 평화교육에서 강화해야 할 평화역량을 제시하며 어떻게 진행해나가야 할 것인지를 살펴보았다. 평화로운 미래 사회의 건설에 기여할 수 있는 평화역량을 강화하는 기독교 평화교육의 목적은 자신, 타인, 세계 그리고 환경과의 평화로운 관계맺음을 지향하는 것이고, 교육 목표는 평화역량 즉, 평화감수성, 비폭력 의사소통, 평화 상상력을 강화하여 평화적 인간을 양성하는 데 있다. 본 연구의 의의는 기독교교육의 분야에서 세계화 시대의 비평화적 상황들을 마주하는 가운데 평화에 대한 성서적, 신학적 접근을 시도하여 기독교 평화 개념을 재조명하고 평화역량을 강화하는 기독교 평화교육 모형을 제시했다는 데 있다.

      • What's in a Word? Findings from Experiential Group Intercultural Communication Projects

        Susan L. Luck,Stephanie Swartz 한국경영커뮤니케이션학회 2018 Business Communication Research and Practice Vol.1 No.2

        Objectives: To compete and be successful in the world businesses, no matter at what level of employment, employees need intercultural communication competency skills. As many universities teach theories about intercultural communication, the researchers created an experiential exercise designed to make students apply this theoretical knowledge. Methods: We paired students from a Business Communication course in the United States with a similar course in Germany for group projects. For each course with between 25 and 30 students, teams of two or three members were formed. Students experienced intercultural communication in their teams by working to create policies for a new company formed by the merger of a German and an American company. The project taught the students that the theories alone were not enough to make a global team effective. Students were tasked to keep track of all communications, which were then discussed in class. Results: One of the most interesting results lay in how the exact use of specific words could change the communication. Specific and direct knowledge of how each culture used specific phrases and terms is vital for the group to communicate well and go beyond differences to achieve results. Conclusions: Teaching intercultural communication competency skills with experiential projects allows students to be prepared for the reality of today’s workplace. It does help educators understand that incorporating experiential intercultural projects within coursework is not optional; it is vital to the students’ post-graduation success.

      • KCI등재

        Bible Translation and Globalization —a Cognitive Perspective

        Ernst-August Gutt 한국번역학회 2009 번역학연구 Vol.10 No.4

        As the range of information on offer in the global information market keeps growing, the Bible, as one of the most widely translated books, faces increasing competition. Applying cognitive insights into the inferential nature of communication, this paper highlights the significance of the cognitive communicability condition for successful communication. This condition is particularly important in Bible translation because the incongruity in cognitive environments between receptors and original readership is often very high. Another problem is the term ‘translation’ in that the expectations it raises tend not to be standardized and that they lack in realism with respect to the cognitive workings of communication. The paper makes suggestions for how both these problem areas might be addressed. It ends by pointing out how a clearer recognition of the cognitive communicability condition can be of value more generally in globalization.

      • KCI등재

        국가와 기업의 소프트파워를 연계한 효율적 커뮤니케이션 방안모색

        진용주(Jin, Young Ju),김광협(Kim, Gwang Hyep),박창일(Park, Chang Il),황성분(Hwang, Seong Boon) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2014 한국사회과학연구 Vol.33 No.2

        This study aims to analyse the key image factors of global communication activity and to find the efficient ways for Nation and Global company to communicate with the local country. This research largely reviewed 3 parts of communication fields to find the solutions. That is to say, ‘the conceptual and operational definition of soft power and importance of soft power’, ‘the current status of Korea’s national brand and the connecting situation of Nation and global company for global communication’, ‘the soft power factors which Chinese think about Korea and Korea companies’. The research results were as follows. First, soft power, which are ethical principle, persuasive manner and cultural contents, is more important communication factor than hard power, which are economic scale and military power, for Nation and global company to persuade regional consumer. Second, the importance of National brand, which strongly support the global companies’ credibility to local people, became much higher than any other previous economic ages. Especially Korea’ National brand power has rapidly increased due to K-POP, TV-CM drama, international sports celebrities. For these reasons, Korea’s global companies should consider the uses of National brand image on the contrary. Third, the soft power which Chinese think about Korea was K-POP, TV DRAMA, Movie & TV stars for Korea, and ICT technique, strong brand preference for SAMSUNG.

      • KCI우수등재

        기업의 정당성과 지속가능성 커뮤니케이션 : 지속가능성 정보공시의 결정요인에 관한 비교분석

        윤태일(Tae-Il Yoon),변혜영(Hae-Young Byun) 한국언론학회 2020 한국언론학보 Vol.64 No.6

        When business activities are considered desirable, proper, or appropriate within some social system of norms and values, corporations can maintain legitimacy. Given that companies can survive and become competitive after gaining legitimacy, coping with corporate legitimacy is the foundation for crisis management and reputation management. In this context, corporate sustainability communication (CSC) has emerged as an important area of strategic communication. CSC is a form of social responsibility management that contributes to the sustainable development of a society and involves actively communicating the information to the public. One effective CSC channel is the sustainability report, an annual publication that discloses information about how much a company has practiced sustainability management. Among many theories that explain the determinants affecting the disclosure of sustainability information, the legitimacy theory argues that the greater the visibility of a company, the greater the legitimacy pressure that a company should fulfill its social responsibilities, and that companies more actively disclose information on sustainability management to cope with this legitimacy pressure. As the business environment becomes global, stakeholders expectations for corporate legitimacy vary from country to country, and accordingly, the factors affecting sustainable information disclosure may also differ. Although understanding which legitimacy pressures affect sustainability information disclosure is more important in the global environment, there has been little research on this. To fill this research gap, this paper examines which determinants drive Korean companies to disclose their sustainability information to cope with legitimacy pressures, and how they are similar and different in some respects compared to global companies. Specifically, we measure the level of information disclosure contained in sustainability reports of Korean and global companies, and then combine it with the corporate financial data by using GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) sustainability disclosure database and business data platform. The results indicate that Korean and global companies differ in the determinants of sustainability disclosure in relation to the legitimacy pressure. The more Korean companies are exposed to the media, the greater the legitimacy pressure, leading to a higher level of sustainability disclosure. On the other hand, global companies from environmentally sensitive industries face strong legitimacy pressure, which leads to a higher level of sustainability disclosure. The findings suggest that the legitimacy pressure of Korean companies resulting from media exposure is exogenous and conditional, whereas the legitimacy pressure of global companies due to environmental sensitivity is inherent and inevitable. Theoretical and practical implications of this paper are discussed. Theoretically, This paper presents a new research agenda for Korean communications research in analyzing group-level corporate behavior based on objective data platform and attempting a cross-national analysis. From a practical perspective, this paper stresses the need for policy intervention that effectively leverages legitimacy pressure for Korean companies to secure global competitiveness.

      • KCI등재

        글로벌 커뮤니케이션에 따른 전자무역의 특성이 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구

        김용덕(Yong-Duk Kim),김종욱(Jong-Wook Kim) 한국무역연구원 2018 무역연구 Vol.14 No.1

        This paper proposes to empirically analyze effects of the characteristics of the Korea’s E-trade based on global communications on performance of E-trade of export firms. To this end, this study reviewed a various theories concerning characteristics of E-trade, the level of information technology, and performance of E-trade, and developed conceptual research models based on these theories. Results of analysis utilizing the structural equation model show that organization traits, export traits, and technological traits from corporate factors had positive(+) effects on the level of information technology while support of outside professional group and external business relations from environmental factors had no effects. Also, especially for combined export product manufacturing and export firms, general English communication from global communication factors had positive(+) effects on the level of information technology. Additionally, operational Informationization and operational supportability from the level of information technology had positive(+) effects on performance of E-trade. From these empirical results, this study suggests the need for global communication and the link between the characteristics and performance of E-trade based on global communication.

      • KCI등재

        한국과 인도의 이문화 규범차이에 따른 비즈니스 커뮤니케이션 연구

        이제홍 국제e-비즈니스학회 2019 e-비즈니스 연구 Vol.20 No.5

        The factors for implementing this study were divided into collectivism, masculineism, long-term orientation, future orientation, uncertainty avoidance, power-oriented factors and global communication smoothness and parameter global communication performance. This study analyzes the cross-cultural trends between Korea and India, and analyzes the effects on the cross-cultural trends and communication smoothness of young Indians. In addition, the necessity of investigating Indian cultural factors necessary for Korean companies to enter the Indian market was raised. Based on this research, Korean companies enter into India and conduct in-depth study of cross-cultural communication necessary for growth. As a result of analyzing the cross-cultural tendencies of Korea and India, almost all of the cross-cultural factors were high except for the collectivism. In Korea, there are more factors such as progressive thinking, positive action and positive life patterns than Indian youths. In the collectivist cross-cultural tendency, Indian youths are very collective. This is because India is still living with traditional values and group life is the center of all economic values. Uncertainty Avoidance Cross-cultural value orientation is high in Korea. This is high because Korean youth tend to try to overcome uncertainty in everything and judge and act according to a given situation. The progressive and aggressive future-oriented cross-cultural propensity is driving Korean youth to pursue future-oriented ambitions and achievements. As a result of empirical analysis, young Indians have a positive influence on global communication through collectivism, future-oriented intercultural, uncertainty avoidance and power-oriented disposition. On the other hand, India's masculine and long-term cross-cultural cultures do not facilitate global communication. 인도의 이문화 연구과 한국과의 이문화 차이를 분석하기 위한 본 연구 요인은 집단주의, 남성주의, 장기지향성, 미래지향성, 불확실성 회피, 권력지향성 요인과 매개 변수인 글로벌 커뮤니케이션 원활화와 결과변수인글로벌 커뮤니케이션 성과 요인으로 구분하였다. 본 연구는 한국과 인도의 이문화 차이 성향을 분석하고그리고 인도청년의 이문화 성향과 커뮤니케이션 원활에 미치는 영향 분석과 이문화 커뮤니케이션 성과에대한 연구를 하였다. 아울러 한국 기업의 인도시장에 진출하는데 있어서 필요한 인도의 문화요인을 조사해야할 필요성이 제기되었다. 이의 연구를 바탕으로 한국 기업이 인도에 진출하여, 성장하는데 필요한 이문화커뮤니케이션의 심층연구를 하는데 있다. 한국과 인도의 이문화 성향 분석결과 한국의 이문화 성향 중 집단주의 성향을 제외하고는 거의 모든 이문화요인이 높게 나타났다. 한국은 인도 청년보다 진취적 사고와 적극적 행동 그리고 긍정적 적극적 생활 패턴등의 요인이 높게 나타났으며, 집단주의적 이문화 성향은 인도의 청년이 매우 집단적인 성향을 보이고 있다. 이는 아직 인도는 전통적 가치관 가지고 생활하고 있으며, 집단생활이 모든 경제가치의 중심이기 때문이다. 불확실성 회피 이문화 가치지향성은 한국이 높게 나타났다. 이는 한국 청년은 매사에 불확실성을 극복하려하고, 주어진 상황에 따라 판단하고 행동하는 경향 때문에 높게 나타났다. 진취적이며 적극적인 미래지향적이문화 성향은 한국 청년이 미래지향적 야망과 성취를 위해 질주하고 있다. 실증분석 결과 인도 청년은 집단주의 이문화, 미래지향적 이문화, 불확실성 회피지향성, 권력지향적 성향이글로벌 커뮤니케이션 원활하게 긍정적 영향을 미치고 있다. 반면, 인도의 남성주의 이문화, 장기지향성 이문화가 글로벌 커뮤니케이션이 원활하게 이루어지지 못하고 있다.

      • Intercultural Competency and Communication

        Elisabeth Pohl 국제지역연구학회 2013 국제지역학논총 Vol.6 No.1

        지난 몇 년간, 국가 간의 세계화와 현존하는 그리고 새로운 시장들의 개방은 엄청나게 확대되었다. 상품과 원자재의 교류는 국제적으로 진행되고 있으며, 세계화는 나날이 확대되어 국가적 차원을 넘어, 대륙들 간의 교류로 발전하고 있다. 모든 것들을 언제나 이용할 수 있고 상품이 과잉 공급됨에 따라, 경쟁과 교류의 험난한 세계에서 살아남기 위하여 문화 간의 적응 능력 그리고 소통은 이전보다도 훨씬 더 많이 요구된다. 이를 위해 문화 간 적응 능력과 소통의 의미에 대하여 이해하고 그를 규정해야 한다. 이는 단지 외국어를 말하는 것이나 다른 국가의 사회 기반 시설과 정치적, 사회적 상황을 아는 것 그 이상의 일이다. 철학적, 사회학적 그리고 심리학적 관점에서 보면, 문화 간 적응 능력 및 소통은 어느 세대에서건 가장 중요한 필수요소 일 것이다. 인력, 문화적 양상들과 상품들의 교류와 유통, 소통, 은 몇 년간 빠르게 성장해왔으며 미래에도 이는 지속될 것이다. 그러므로 통합 없이 “살아남기 위하여”, 새롭고 도전적인 상황에 적응하는 것은 문화 간 교류를 지향하는 자발적 의지 없이는 불가능할 것이다. Over the last years, the international globalization and the opening of existing and new markets were growing enormous. The exchange of products and raw materials is international and the globalization is growing from day to day not only across countries but also across continents. Due to the availability of everything and the “over” offer of products, intercultural competency and communication is more than needed to survive in the hard world of exchangeability and competition. Having said that, it must be understood and defined, what is meant by intercultural competency and communication. It is much more than just speaking foreign languages or knowing about the infrastructure and the political or social situation in another country. From a philosophical, sociological and psychological standpoint of few, intercultural competence and communication will be most important necessity for any generation. The exchange and flow of products communication, people and cultural aspects has grown very fast over the years and will still grow in the near future. Therefore to “survive” without Integration, Adaption to new and challenging situation will not be possible anymore without the willingness for intercultural exchange.

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