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      • KCI등재

        Prevalence of Feline Panleukopenia Virus in Stray and Household Cats in Seoul, Korea

        김승곤,이교임,김하정,박희명 한국임상수의학회 2013 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        We investigated the prevalence of feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) in stray and household cats in different regions of Seoul, Republic of Korea. Blood samples were collected from a total of 200 cats (100 stray cats and 100 household cats) and examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The overall prevalence of FPV was 2%. Among test-positive cats, 3% (3/100) were stray cats and 1% (1/100) was a household cat. The incidence of FPV was higher in juvenile cats (< 1 year, 1.5%) than in adult cats (> 1-year-old, 0.5%). The FPV-positive rates of healthy infected cats and sick cats were 1.9% (3/156) and 2.2% (1/44), respectively. We found the positive rate of vaccinated and unvaccinated cats to be 1.3% (1/77) and 2.4% (3/123), respectively. Unlike antibody tests, FPV antigen tests detected current infections in stray and household cats. Therefore, these tests can help in disease diagnosis and treatment. To our knowledge, our study is the first to survey the prevalence of FPV in different cat populations across Seoul. We found a high prevalence of FPV infection in stray and juvenile cats. Therefore, proper vaccination and surveillance are important to prevent FPV outbreaks.

      • KCI등재

        광주지역 길고양이 구강질환의 임상적 특성

        명보영,김세은,심경미,유지원,김성호,문창종,배춘식,최석화,강성수,박현정,Myung, Bo Young,Kim, Se Eun,Shim, Kyung Mi,Ryu, Ji Won,Kim, Sung Ho,Moon, Changjong,Bae, Chun-Sik,Choi, Seok-Hwa,Kang, Seong Soo,Park, Hyunjeong 대한수의학회 2010 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.50 No.4

        Demand on specialized feline dentistry has increased over the years, partly due to growing feline population in Korea. Despite the notable increase in the population, not much researches has been conducted on oral disease for stray cats. Thus this research was conducted on 81 adult stray cats from Gwangju in Korea (42 males and 39 females) with average weight of 3.4 kg and also focused on occurrence of periodontal disease (plaque and calculus), feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion (FORL), stomatitis and tooth anomaly. Formation of dental plaque and calculus were abundant on maxilla than mandible, especially distributed much on 4th premolar teeth and 1st molar teeth. After thorough examination of oral cavity, 33 stray cats (40.7%) were found to have oral disease. Eighteen stray cats (22.2%) had tooth fracture which was evident on cuspid and missing teeth were present on 2nd premolar tooth of maxilla and 2nd incisor of mandible amongst 20 stray cats (24.7%). FORL was present on cuspids and 2nd premolar tooth of maxilla among 10 stray cats (12.3%). Stomatitis was involved with FORL, missing tooth, and tooth fracture. Therefore, it was determined that stomatitis, FORL, and periodontal disease were closely associated.

      • KCI등재

        교차하는 존재로서 동물-여성과 난잡한 돌봄

        권수빈 부산대학교 여성연구소 2023 여성학연구 Vol.33 No.2

        본 연구는 한국 사회에서 특정하게 재현되고 배치되어 온 동물-여성에 관해 주목한다. 구체적으로 길고양이와 캣맘을 중심으로 인간과 동물의 교차적 배치와 공생적 돌봄을 논의했다. 길고양이는 도시의 다른 어떤 동물보다 인간과 깊이 관계 맺고 있는 동물이다. 길고양이들과 긴밀한 관계를 맺고 있는 인간은 캣맘이다. 캣맘과 길고양이는 동물로서 여성, 여성으로서 동물로 서로를 체현한다. 이 글은 그들을 둘러싼 사회문화적 재현과 의미들을 살필 뿐 아니라 캣맘과 길고양이의 행위자성과 돌봄의 관계성을 다뤄보고자 했다. 이를 위해 교차성과 배치를 주요 개념으로 삼고, 다큐멘터리를 중심 연구대상으로 삼아 어떻게 교차적 존재로서 동물-되기를 실현하는지 분석했다. 또한 캣맘과 길고양이가 동물화되고 여성화된 몸으로서 상호의존하는 ‘난잡한 돌봄’을 보여주고 있으며 도시의 주변부에서 인간/동물 경계를 넘어서는 공동체를 생성하고 있음을 분석했다. This study delves into the unique phenomenon of the animal-woman that has emerged within Korean society. Specifically, it investigates the intersecting assemblage and symbiotic care between humans and animals, focusing on stray cats and their caretakes, referred to as “cat-moms”. Stray cats have a deeper relationship with humans than any other animal in the city, specifically, with cat-moms who form intimate bonds with stray cats. The cat-mom and the stray cat become intertwined, blurring the boundaries between womanhood and animality. This article examines the social and cultural representations and meanings surrounding cat-moms and stray cats. It also considers the relationship between their agency and caring. Therefore, an analysis is conducted on how becoming animals is realized as an intersectional existence by using intersectionality and assemblage as the main concepts, and “Don't Feed The Stray Cats”(2021) as the main subject for analysis. Furthermore, it was analyzed that cat-moms and stray cats, as embodiments of femininity and animality, engage in co-dependent care in which they rely on each other and create a community that transcends the human–animal boundary in the periphery of the city.

      • KCI등재

        국내 서식 야생 고양이의 톡소플라즈마증, 한타바이러스 감염증 및 리켓치아성 질병에 대한 혈청학적 조사

        한동운(Dong Un Han),이정길(Chung Gil Lee),강문일(Mun Il Kang),장환(Hwan Jang),김희선(Hee Sun Kim),김홍집(Hong Jib Kim),위성환(Sung Hwan wee) 한국예방수의학회 1999 예방수의학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        1995년 11월부터 1997년 10월까지 2년간 전국을 5개 구역으로 구분하여 야외에서 서식중인 고양이 212두를 포획하여 톡소플라스마와 한타바이러스 및 리켓치아에 대한 항체보유율을 조사하였다. 톡소플라스마 항체 검출을 위하여 포획된 고양이의 혈청에 대하여 Latex 응집반응을 실시한 결과 79.3% (168/212)가 음성소견인 32배 미만의 항체가를 나타냈고 20.7% (44/212)에서 32배 이상의 항체가를 나타냈다. 항체 양성소견을 보인 44두에 대한 항체 역가별 분포도는 1:32~256 배가 38.6%, 1:512~2,048 배가 31.8% 그리고 4,096 배 이상이 29.5%로 역가별로는 유의성 있는 차이를 보이지 않았다(P<0.05). 국내의 야외 고양이의 톡소플라스마에 대한 암수간의 항체 보유율의 차이는 수컷이 22.3%(23/103)로 암컷의 19.3%(21/109)에 비해 다소 높게 나타났다. 고양이의 지역별 항체보유율은 서울ㆍ경기(31.9%)가 가장 높았고, 다음으로 강원(24.4%), 전라(17.5%), 충청(15.0%)지역의 순으로 나타났으며, 경상(12.5%)지역이 가장 낮은 항체수준을 나타냈다. 연령증가에 따른 항체보유율은 4세 이상이 25%(3/12), 2~4세가 21.6%(11/51), 1~2세가 22.4%(19/87), 1세미만에서 19.4%(11/62)으로 연령별로는 유의성있는 차이가 관찰되지 않았다. 검사대상 야외고양이 중 지역별로 165두에 대하여 한타바이러스와 scrub typhus, murine typhus와 spotted fever group rickettsia 등 3종의 리켓치아에 대한 간접형광항체법으로 검사한 결과 다른 질병의 감염 여부와 관계없이 혈청내에서 항체 양성소견이 관찰되지 않아 현재까지 국내의 고양이들은 이들 질병에 감염이 이루어지지 않은 것으로 판단되었다. This study was performed to obtain the recent information of sero-prevalence against zoonotic diseases including toxoplasmosis, hantanvirus infection, scrub tyhpus, murine typhus, and spotted fever group, transmitted by cats. Serum, samples of cats were collected from five regions in Korea from November 1995 to Octorber 1997. Basic anatomic and pathophysiologic conditions of all cats collected were recorded. Sera were screened by indirect immunoflurescent antibody assay for the presence of specific antibodies against Rickettsia tsutsugamushi, R. typhi and R. sibirica, and hantavirus. For Toxoplasma gondii, there was used by latex aggultination test. Seropositives against T. gondii in 212 stray cats from SeoulㆍKyounggi (47), Kangwon (45), Choungchong (40), Cholla (40), and Kyoungsang (40) were 20.7% (44 cases). Seropositive antibody titers tested were classified as 38.6% in 1:32~256, 31.8% in 1:512~2,048, and 29.5% in 1:4,096~32,768. By sex, male(22.3%) showed higher in seropositives than female (19.3%). No seropositives to hantavirus, Rickettsia tsutsugamushi, R. typhi and R. sibirica in 165 stray cats were detected. Stray cats in Korea were fortunately not invaded by zoonotic causative agents including hantavirus and main zootic rickettsial pathogens.

      • KCI등재

        국내 서식 야외 고양이의 심장사상충 감염예

        한동운 한국수의공중보건학회 2003 예방수의학회지 Vol.27 No.3

        This survey of heartworm infections among sbay cats in Korea has been carried out during November 1995 to October 1997. A total of 215 stray cats were collected from Seoul ㆍKyounggi (54), Kangwon (38), Chungchong (34), Cholla (38), and Kyoungsang (51) areas. The specimens were examined routinely by sugar flotation, formalin-ether sedimentation techniques and necropsy. The positive rate of dirofilariasis was 1 cats among 215. Of the cats examined 0.5 percents with D. immitis. D. e t i s was identified in only one of the sbay cats (0.5%) by necropsy. But microfilaria were not detected in the peripheral blood of any sbay cats. Results of this survey strongly suggest that D. immitis prevention measures should be taken under consideration, especially among cats living in a high canine heartworm prevalence area.

      • KCI등재

        도둑고양이인가, 길고양이인가? - 도시의 경계 동물의 윤리

        최훈 서울시립대학교 도시인문학연구소 2020 도시인문학연구 Vol.12 No.2

        This thesis emphasizes the necessity of the ethics of so-called “liminal animals” living in urban areas and then discusses the case of cats as liminal animals. First, I will define liminal animals and address the need for ethics regarding them. The ethics of liminal animals is necessary because of the harm they do to humans or other animals. So, I will look at the specific harms. Among the harms, the most important issue that has not received any attention is the issue of predation, i.e. the issue of the liminal cat eating other animals. I will argue that euthanasia can be ethically permissible as a way of preventing the predation of liminal cat and other harms it does. This thesis concludes that treating cats differently from the animals the cats eat is another kind of “speciecism”. 이 논문은 도시에 사는 이른바 ‘경계 동물’의 윤리의 필요성을 역설하면서 경계 동물인 고양이를 사례로 논의를 진행한다. 우선 경계 동물을 정의하고 그것을 대상으로 하는 윤리의 필요성을 언급할 것이다. 경계 동물의 윤리가 필요한 이유는 경계 동물이 인간 또는 다른 동물에게 끼치는 해악 때문이다. 그래서 그 해악이 구체적으로 어떤 것이 있는지를 살펴볼 것이다. 그 해악 중 그동안 관심을 못 받았지만 가장 중요하게 살펴보아야 할 문제로 경계 고양이가 다른 동물을 잡아먹는 문제, 곧 포식의 문제를 다루겠다. 그럼으로써 포식과 여타 해악을 막는 방법으로 안락사도 윤리적으로 허용될 수 있음을 주장하겠다. 이 논문은 고양이와 고양이가 포식하는 동물을 다르게 대우하는 것은 또 하나의 ‘종 차별주의’라고 결론 내린다.

      • KCI등재

        반려동물 돌봄과 인터넷 소비

        한희정 한국콘텐츠학회 2022 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.22 No.9

        This study analyzed the Internet consumption behavior concerning pet care through in-depth interviews with 11 people who take care of pets. In this study, along with owners of domestic companion animals, stray cat caregivers were included as pet consumers, which have not yet been included in this category in existing research. Internet consumption was found to differ between people with dogs and people with cats. In the case of dog owners, they bought a lot of bath products, clothes harnesses, and strollers that were not appropriate for cats. Although the pet-poor phenomenon is known to occur a lot among young consumers, who care for pets behavior at the cost of money spent on themselves, even stray cat caregivers, mostly middle-aged women, are wary of becoming pet-poor. It cannot be said that there are gender differences in online shopping of pet consumers. In general, women, who did mainly Internet shopping, and if they are not used to using the Internet, their husbands made purchases online instead. 본 연구는 반려동물을 돌보는 반려인 11인의 질적 인터뷰를 통해 반려동물 돌봄과 관련한 인터넷 소비 현상을 분석했다. 본 연구에서는 그동안 전혀 다루지 않았던 길고양이 돌보미를 인터뷰 대상인, 반려동물 소비자로 포함했다. 인터넷 소비는 개와 고양이의 종 차에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 개의 반려인들은 고양이에게는 필요하지 않은, 목욕제품, 미용기구, 옷, 하네스, 유모차 등을 많이 구입했다. 그동안 펫 푸어(pet-poor) 현상은 자신에게 소비할 돈을 절약하여 반려동물을 위해 소비하는 행동을 보이는 젊은 소비자들에게 많이 나타난다고 알려졌다. 그러나 이번 연구에서 펫 푸어 현상은 중장년, 노년층에서도 나타났으며 이들은 경제적으로 넉넉하지 않아도 반려견을 위해 값비싼 옷, 하네스 등을 구매하는 것으로 드러났다. 또한 중장년 여성의 길고양이 돌봄이도 펫 푸어로의 전락 가능성을 경계하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 반려동물용품의 인터넷 소비는 젠더 차이를 보인다고 할 수 없었다. 대체로 가족을 위해 생필품 구매를 주로 해 오던 여성이 반려동물용품도 온라인으로 구매했고, 부인이 인터넷 사용에 서툰 경우에는 남편이 대신 온라인으로 반려동물용품을 구매했다.

      • KCI등재

        PCR-based detection of feline vector-borne pathogens in Daejeon

        Tae-Hyung Kim,서경원,송근호 한국동물위생학회 2018 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.41 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate the detection of various vector-borne pathogens in such cats. A total of 48 stray cats collected in Daejeon were included in this study. The total positive rate of he-motropic mycoplasmas and Babesia spp. was 25% and 4%, respectively. It is recommended that spe-cies-level classification of hemotropic mycoplasmas and Babesia spp. is needed and that a large-scale prevalence study of infectious agents in all the regions of South Korea be conducted.

      • KCI등재

        PCR-based detection of feline vector-borne pathogens in Daejeon

        Kim, Tae-Hyung,Seo, Kyoung-Won,Song, Kun-Ho The Korean Society of Veterinary Service 2018 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.41 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate the detection of various vector-borne pathogens in such cats. A total of 48 stray cats collected in Daejeon were included in this study. The total positive rate of hemotropic mycoplasmas and Babesia spp. was 25% and 4%, respectively. It is recommended that species-level classification of hemotropic mycoplasmas and Babesia spp. is needed and that a large-scale prevalence study of infectious agents in all the regions of South Korea be conducted.

      • KCI등재후보

        국내서식 야외 고양이의 기생충 감염 조사

        강문일,한동운 한국임상수의학회 2003 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        This survey of endoparasite infections among stray cats in Korea has been carried out during November 1995 to October 1997. A total of 215 stray cats were collected from SeoulㆍGyeonggi (54), Gangwon (38), Chungchong (34), Jeonla (38), and Gyeoungsang (51) areas. The positive rate of endoparasites was 184 (85.6%) cats among 215. Of isolated parasites, nematodes were the most often detected parasites especially Toxocara cati (102 cats), Ancylostoma tubaeformae (9 cats). The next most often detected parasites were cestodes (60/215; 27.9%) sepecially Spirometra erinaecei (34 cats), Taenia taeniaformis (26 cats). Opisthorchis tenuicollis was found in bile duct (9 cats) and Isospora spp. were identified in 41 cats (19.1 %). In mixed parasite infection, the rate of infections of nematodes, trematodes and protozoas was 3.3%, nematodes and cestodes with 8.8%, nematodes and protozoa with 4.2%, cestodes and protozoa with 1.9%. In parasitic infection by a considering age category, age from 2 to 4 years had the highest infection (92.3%), 1-2 years were 87.6%, over 4 years was 80.0%. 79.6 percents of the stray cats in SeoulㆍKyounggi areas were ranked the 1st in parasite infection. The next was Kyoungsang 76.5%, Kangwon 65.8%, Cholla 63.2% and Chungchong 61.8% in order. Considering age categories from birth to greater than 4 years, parasite infections were most prevalent in cats 2 to 4 years old; other ages seemed to have no effect on prevalence of parasitism. Also sex seemed to have no effect on prevalence of parasitism. In endoparasite infection, nematode and cestode infections were most frequently found, trematode infections were low, coccidiosis was showed very often.

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