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        A Study on the Effective Management of Public Rental Housing Maintenance

        In-Sun JANG(In-Sun JANG),Sun-Ju KIM(Sun-Ju KIM) 국제융합경영학회 2022 융합경영연구 Vol.10 No.5

        Purpose: This study discusses efficient operation plans in terms of public rental housing maintenance in terms of LH, a major supplier. Research design, data, and methodology: After reviewing problems related to the maintenance and management of public rental housing discussed in several previous studies, problems in technology setting for repair maintenance costs for public rental housing, lack of public assistance for maintenance and management of public rental housing, management of housing funds, and lack of role of local governments in the supply and repair of public rental housing were derived. Based on this, the researcher conducted using literature research methods to present relevant improvement measures based on reasonable arguments. Results: this study presented four operational plans related to (1) realization of repair costs for public rental housing, (2) a public subsidy system for covering the maintenance costs for public rental housing, (3) efficient operation of the Housing City Fund, and (4) establishment of the public rental housing. This study aims to provide a foundation for the qualitative growth of the domestic public rental housing system. Conclusions: With this study, it is expected that social interest in maintenance of public rental housing centered on LH will be amplified to improve the quality of maintenance problems of public rental housing.

      • KCI등재

        공공주택 공급 관련 법제에 관한 연구

        김성은 한국집합건물법학회 2022 집합건물법학 Vol.43 No.-

        Public housing refers to housing that is built, purchased, or leased and supplied by a public housing business entity under the Special Act on Public Housing with financial support from the State or local governments or the Housing and Urban Fund. Public housing can be broadly divided into public rental housing and public sale housing. Public rental housing is divided into eight types: permanent rental housing, national rental housing, happy housing, and etc.. In addition, so-called public-private self-owned housing was introduced in 2021. Korea's public rental housing system has changed according to the policy regimes of governments on public rental housing, and with these changes, new types of public rental housing have been introduced and the supply of certain types of public rental housing has increased or decreased. And there were also changes in the name and legal basis of public rental housing. The integrated public rental housing type was introduced in 2020 to unify the various types of public rental housing and simplify the occupancy qualifications. Follow-up measures are needed for the establishment of the integrated public rental housing type. Meanwhile, there are doubts about the effectiveness of so-called public-private self-owned housing, such as accumulated equity housing unit for sale and profit-sharing housing unit for sale, introduced in 2021. And until now, public housing was supplied by the State and LH Corporation, but now there is an opinion that the social housing supplied by local governments and social economy entities should be revitalized. However, due to the nature of social housing, social economy entities will experience financial difficulties just like LH Corporation, and these difficulties will eventually be resolved only with the support of the State or local governments. However, such support for social economic entities would be a burden to the State or local governments, and therefore, social consensus on such support should be preceded. In addition, social conflicts are occurring due to the supply of public housing, and social mix policies are being attempted to solve this problem, but another type of social conflict is occurring as a result. Ultimately, social conflicts caused by public housing can only be resolved when there is a social consensus on the overall public housing policy.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on the Effective Management of Public Rental Housing Maintenance

        JANG, In-Sun,KIM, Sun-Ju International Convergence Management Association 2022 융합경영연구 Vol.10 No.5

        Purpose: This study discusses efficient operation plans in terms of public rental housing maintenance in terms of LH, a major supplier. Research design, data, and methodology: After reviewing problems related to the maintenance and management of public rental housing discussed in several previous studies, problems in technology setting for repair maintenance costs for public rental housing, lack of public assistance for maintenance and management of public rental housing, management of housing funds, and lack of role of local governments in the supply and repair of public rental housing were derived. Based on this, the researcher conducted using literature research methods to present relevant improvement measures based on reasonable arguments. Results: this study presented four operational plans related to (1) realization of repair costs for public rental housing, (2) a public subsidy system for covering the maintenance costs for public rental housing, (3) efficient operation of the Housing City Fund, and (4) establishment of the public rental housing. This study aims to provide a foundation for the qualitative growth of the domestic public rental housing system. Conclusions: With this study, it is expected that social interest in maintenance of public rental housing centered on LH will be amplified to improve the quality of maintenance problems of public rental housing.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Effective Management of Public Rental Housing Maintenance

        JANG, In-Sun,KIM, Sun-Ju International Convergence Management Association 2022 The East Asian Journal of Business Economics Vol.10 No.5

        Purpose: This study discusses efficient operation plans in terms of public rental housing maintenance in terms of LH, a major supplier. Research design, data, and methodology: After reviewing problems related to the maintenance and management of public rental housing discussed in several previous studies, problems in technology setting for repair maintenance costs for public rental housing, lack of public assistance for maintenance and management of public rental housing, management of housing funds, and lack of role of local governments in the supply and repair of public rental housing were derived. Based on this, the researcher conducted using literature research methods to present relevant improvement measures based on reasonable arguments. Results: this study presented four operational plans related to (1) realization of repair costs for public rental housing, (2) a public subsidy system for covering the maintenance costs for public rental housing, (3) efficient operation of the Housing City Fund, and (4) establishment of the public rental housing. This study aims to provide a foundation for the qualitative growth of the domestic public rental housing system. Conclusions: With this study, it is expected that social interest in maintenance of public rental housing centered on LH will be amplified to improve the quality of maintenance problems of public rental housing.

      • KCI등재

        조기분양전환의 문제점과 해결 방안에 관한 연구

        이순배(Lee, Sun-Bae) 한국토지공법학회 2015 土地公法硏究 Vol.72 No.-

        Public rental housing units, with an option to be owned at the end of a ten-year obligatory rental period, started to be constructed in Pankyo New Town from May, 2006. When they were rented to tenants, any guidelines for calculating prices relating to the prospective conversion of public rental housing for sale had not been established except for an upper limit therefor. In June 25, 2009, the regulation governing the obligatory rental period was relaxed. If a public rental housing business and a tenant agrees to make conversion of a rental housing unit for sale after the obligatory rental period reaches a half of the period, an earlier conversion than the expiration of the obligatory 10-year period could be made. However, the regulatory relaxation raised a question. When the concerned parties agree to make an earlier conversion, the most important matter is to decide a price for conversion. However, since appropriate guidelines for calculating such price did not exist, only the provision prescribing that such a conversion could be made only if both of the parties reach an agreement had been applied to the transactions of publicly-built rental housing units, which is quite a similar way in transacting privately-built housing units. A problem arising in such cases was that public rental housing business operators, who were supposed to work for the pubic interest, pursued their profits and there was no good faith principle shown in the process For instance, conversions made earlier than the expiration of the ten-year period in August 2015 were based upon the prices relating to conversion of public rental housing units for sale (appraisal prices) in which the public rental housing entity unilaterally asked tenants to pay for public rental housing units constructed at A3-2 block in Pankyo new town. In comparing and analysing profits gained by the public rental business entity and by the tenants, it turned out that the business entity gained a net profit (343,370,000 won) while the tenants lost (-53,640,000 won). This type of early conversion system had provided rental business entities an opportunity to hit a jackpot in taking advantage of tenants’ weakness. In the name of constructing public rental housing, the ownership of housing sites from public institutions was transferred to the rental business entity in exchange for 65 ~ 85 percent of the costs to prepare housing sites. The State neglected that those business entities had been sought their profits, which would be almost like the abandonment of governmental authority This study suggests securing a normal profit, which is 15 percent of construction costs, as the guidelines for conversion at the expiration of an obligatory rental period. The rental business entity can end up being paid depreciation costs, rental deposits, and increased rents incurred during the obligatory rental period in addition to the normal profit guaranteed. As a result, the total profits gained from the sale in lots of rental housing can be 1.4 times larger than those gained from sale in lots of privately-built housing. When applying this proposal to conversion earlier than the expiration of an obligatory rental period, securing a profit rate not exceeding 50 percent shall be provided in addition to the guaranteed reasonable profit rate of 15 percent. If restriction not to exceed the total max profit of 22.5 percent (= 15 percent + 7.5 percent) is imposed in consideration of depreciation costs and increased rents during the obligatory rental period, such restriction may refrain the business entity from gaining potential profits occurred when earlier conversion is deliberately delayed by the rental business entity. 임대의무기간이 10년인 공공건설임대주택은 2006년 5월에 판교신도시에 처음 도입·건설하기 시작했지만, 장래에 진행될 분양전환에 대한 가격의 산정기준을 유보시킨 채 상한선만 정해놓고 임차인들에게 임대되었다. 2009.6.25자에 임대의무기간 2분의 1이 지나서 임대인과 임차인이 합의하면 10년 이전에도 조기분양전환을 할 수 있도록 임대의무기간의 규정만을 완화시킴으로써 문제의 발단이 시작되었다. 합의 조기분양전환에 있어서 가장 중요한 것은 분양전환가격의 수준을 결정하는 것인데, 구체적인 산정기준이 없기 때문에 당사자들 간에 합의만 이루어지면 분양전환이 될 수 있도록 규정함으로써 공공건설임대주택이 마치 일반주택처럼 거래되었다. 여기서의 문제는 공익성을 추구하는 공공건설임대주택이 임대사업자가 이윤만을 추구하는 사적 수단으로 전락했다는 것이다. 예를 들어, 2015년 8월에 판교신도시 A3-2 블록 공공건설임대주택에서 임대인이 일방적으로 요구하는 분양전환가격(≊감정평가금액)을 기준으로 조기분양전환이 진행되었는데, 관련된 임대인과 임차인 간의 수혜를 비교·분석하면 임대인은 조기분양전환으로부터 순차익금(3억 4,337만원)을 얻는 반면에 임차인은 오히려 손해(-5,364만원)를 보는 것으로 나타났다. 이런 조기분양전환은 임대인에게 ‘대박’을 터트려주고 임차인을 수탈하는 제도가 되어버렸다. 공공건설임대주택을 건설한다는 명분으로 공공기관으로부터 택지조성원가의 65%∼85%로 택지 소유권을 이전받은 임대사업자에게 어떤 공익적인 요구도 없이 사적 이윤추구만 할 수 있도록 방임하는 것은 국가의 공권력을 포기한 것과 같다. 이러한 문제들을 해결할 수 있는 대안처럼 자주 등장한 것이 바로 ‘5년 공공건설임대주택에 적용되는 분양전환가격 산정기준’을 10년 공공건설임대주택에 그대로 적용하자는 것이었다. 5년 공공건설임대주택의 적용 기준으로 판교신도시 A17-1블럭(LH)의 임대인과 임차인 간에 분배되는 수혜를 분석하면, LH(임대)는 임차인 대비 1.9배, 일반분양의 3.5배의 혜택을 더 누릴 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러므로 5년 기준에 의한 10년 공공건설임대주택의 만기분양전환방식 역시 ‘임대인을 위한’, ‘임대인에게 대박을 터트려주는’ 나쁜, 매우 불공정한 대안인 것으로 판명되었다. 여기서도 문제는 임대주택에 의한 임차인들의 주거안정과 임대주택의 소득재분배기능을 거의 찾을 수 없다는 것이다. 그래서 본 연구는 만기분양전환가격의 산정기준으로 ‘건설원가에 15%의 적정이윤율을 보장해 주는 안’을 제안한다.: 임대인은 보장된 적정이윤 외에 임대기간동안 감가상각비와 임대보증금과 임대료의 인상분을 추가로 취하게 됨으로 임대주택의 이윤은 일반주택의 이윤보다 1.4배나 높게 나타난다. 그리고 이 제안을 조기분양전환에 적용하려면 건설원가에 15%의 기본 적정이윤율 외에 50% 내의 이윤율을 추가로 보장해주되, 임대의무기간동안 감가상각비와 임대료 인상분을 고려하여 총 22.5%(=15%+7.5%) 이내의 이윤율을 넘지 않도록 제한할 경우 임대인의 의도적인 조기분양전환의 지연이득을 차단시킬 수 있다. 만기분양전환에도 총 22.5% 이내의 이윤율을 적용하면 된다. 본 연구의 ‘적정이윤 보장방식’은 지금까지 임대주택법을 무력화시켜왔던 조기분양전환에 의한 임차인의 수탈문제, 임대기간 중 임차인이 직면하는 생계위협 문제와 차임의 인상문제, 감정평가업체의 선정·평가문제, 시·군·구의 관리·감독문제 그리고 무엇보다도 임차인과 임대인 간의 수혜분배의 갈등문제 또는 임차인과 국토교통부의 갈등문제를 동시에, 통째로 해결해 줄 수 있는 장점을 갖고 있다. 특히, 임대주택법 시행규칙 제21조의3(규제의 재검토)의 과제를 합목적적으로 수행하는데 기여할 수 있는 대안으로 본다.

      • KCI등재

        장기공공임대주택의 유형별 주택시장 안정효과 분석

        이재영,박태원 한국부동산연구원 2016 부동산연구 Vol.26 No.2

        In this paper, we have investigated the impact of the public rental housing, which has been provided for the housing welfare, on the housing market in surrounding areas. Existing-unit- sing public rental housing, such as purchased rental housing and Jeon-se rental housing, as well as construction public rental housing, such as permanent rental housing and national rental housing, has significant impact on the private housing market. Therefore it was analyzed how the public rental housing in each region had impacts on the purchase price and Jeon-se price by using the fixed-effect model of Seoul panel data. As the result of analysis, public rental housing is effective in lowering the Jeon-se price of the surrounding area, but is found to have rather raised the purchase price. Broken down by category, construction public rental housing's effect on the charter price is relatively great. On the other hand, existing- nit-using public rental housing is found not to be statistically significant for the Jeon-se price. In conclusion, the public rental housing, which let down directly resident's burden through low rent, stabilizes the Jeon-se price. Therefore it is necessary to try to expand the government's public rental housing inventory. In particular, there is a need to increase the supply of construction public rental housing to enhance the effect of stabilizing the market. 본 연구는 최근 전월세난에 대응하여 서민 주거안정을 위해 공급하는 장기공공임대주택이 인근지역의 주택시장에 미치는 효과를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 임대주택 재고 증가율이 주택 전세 및 매매가격에 미치는 영향을 서울지역을 대상으로 패널데이터를 구축하여 고정효과모형을 이용한 회귀분석을 수행하였다. 아울러 영구임대, 국민임대 등 건설공공임대주택과 매입임대, 전세임대 등 기존 주택을 활용한 임대주택은 그 특성상 주택시장에 미치는 영향에 차이가 있는 만큼, 임대유형별 효과를 비교분석하였다. 실증분석 결과, 장기공공임대주택은 주변지역의 전세가격을 낮추는 효과가 뚜렷했던 반면 매매가격에 대해서는 일반의 인식과 달리 오히려 상승시키는 것으로 분석되었다. 유형별로는 건설임대주택은 전세가격 안정효과가 컸던 반면, 매입⋅전세임대주택은 전세가격에 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 결국, 장기공공임대주택은 저렴한 임대료를 통해 직접적으로 입주자의 주거비 부담을 완화할 뿐만 아니라 간접적으로는 전세가격 안정에도 영향을 주기 때문에 재고 확충에 정부의 노력이 집중될 필요가 있으며, 시장안정효과를 제고하기 위해서는 건설공공임대주택의 확충이 더욱 필요한 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        공공임대주택의 공급․관리에 관한 문제점 및 개선방안

        임숙녀(Lim, Suk-Nye) 한국토지공법학회 2015 土地公法硏究 Vol.71 No.-

        공공임대주택제도는 저소득층과 사회적 약자의 주거권을 보장하기 위하여 정부 또는 공공기관이 공적자금을 투입, 건설하여 임대주택을 공급하는 제도이다. 궁극적인 목표는 국민주거생활의 안정을 추구하는 것이고, 그 목표를 달성하기 위한 과제로는 주택의 절대량 부족문제를 해소하기 위한 주택의 대량건설・공급과 가격안정이었다. 사회적 동의와 공공의 재원을 충분히 확보하지 못한 상황에서 양적확대를 위해 추진된 목표 지향적 정책은 공공임대주택의 질적 저하와 사후관리 미흡에 따른 단지의 빠른 노후화 등 여러 가지 문제점을 발생시켰다. 주거 빈곤층이 정책에서 소외되고 계층간의 주거 격차가 심하여 상당수의 저소득층은 아직도 최저주거기준 이하의 주택에 거주하고 있으며, 소득에서 주거비가 차지하는 비중도 매우 높아 가계 부담으로 작용하고 있어서 주택문제는 여전히 해결되어야 할 과제로 남아있는 실정이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 저소득계층의 주거문제의 해결을 위하여 공공임대주택의 공급 및 관리상의 문제점을 살펴보고 개선방안을 찾고자한다. 첫째, 다양한 주거복지정책의 효율성을 높이기 위해서는 공공임대주택의 적정재고를 확보하여야 한다. 양적인 확대뿐만 아니라 직주근접에 따른 수요를 기반으로 공공임대주택을 공급하는 것이 필요하다. 둘째, 공공임대주택의 적정재고의 확보를 위한 공공택지 확보 및 재원마련의 근본적인 제도가 필요하다. 셋째, 복잡한 입주자 선정 절차와 자격을 단순화하여 정책의 사각지대를 최소화하고 수혜대상을 확대할 필요가 있으며, 현재의 일원화된 임대료 체계를 개인의 소득수준과 부담능력을 고려하여 탄력적으로 운영하여야 한다. 넷째, 공공임대주택의 내구연한을 높이고 시설물 관리와 유지수선비에 필요한 장기보수 계획의 종합적인 관리방안이 필요하다. 다섯째, 불법전대를 방지하기 위한 방안 마련과 임차인 관리가 필요하다. 장기적인 관점으로는 평등 문제와 사회문제를 동시에 고려하여 영구입대주택을 비롯한 공공임대주택의 공급을 크게 늘려 서민층은 물론 중산층의 일부까지 포괄할 수 있어야 한다. 현재 우리나라의 주택정책은 주택시장에 부분적으로 개입하면서 공공부분의 역할은 제한적인바 국가의 개입을 보다 확대하는 일관성 있는 정책을 추진하여야 하며 또한 공공임대주택의 유형을 다양화해야 할 것이다. In order to guarantee the right to housing of low-income families and the socially disadvantaged Public rental housing scheme is scheme to supply rental housing which government or public institution is inject public funds. The ultimate goal is to seek the stability the National dwelling life, and problem in order to achieve that goal is price stability, the mass dwelling construction and supply of the housing. The aim oriented policy that was promoted for quantitative expansion was generated various problems in the situations that could not be sufficiently secured. Housing poor is marginalized in policy, because severe residential difference between hierarchy, a quite a large number of low-income families live still in the housing of minimum housing standard substandard. A quite a large number of low-income families In come, is very high in importance of housing costs and household burden. therefore housing problem still remains circumstance which must be resolved. Therefore, this study tries to problem and improvement plan about the supply and management of public rental housing to solve housing problems for low-income families. First, it is necessary to ensure proper inventory of public rental housing in order to increase the efficiency of various residential welfare policy. It is necessary to supply the public rental housing the quantitative demand by proximity not only in the foundation. Second, there is a need for a fundamental system of land for the public and ensure financial resources available for ensuring proper inventory. Third, simplify the eligibility and complex tenant selection procedures to minimize the blind spot of the policy and there is a need to expand the beneficiaries and shall operate the current unifying the rent system flexibly, taking into account the individual's income level and affordability Fourth, increase the useful life of public rental housing requires a comprehensive management plan for long-term maintenance plan necessary repairs to the facility management and maintenance. Fifth, provide ways to prevent illegal sublease and the tenant of care is needed. Long-term perspective must be able to account for equality and social issues, including at the same time significantly increasing the supply of public rental housing, including permanent housing to enlist some of the populace and the middle class. Currently, Korea's housing policies must be promoting a consistent policy to expand the involvement of the state and also need to diversify the types of public rental housing. because South Korea's housing policy is partly involved in the housing market, but the role of the public sector because it is limited.

      • KCI등재

        공공건설임대주택 관련법의 위헌성 및 개선방안 연구 — 구「임대주택법」의 ‘임차인 분양전환승인신청’ 제도를 중심으로 —

        이중근 한국경영법률학회 2022 經營法律 Vol.32 No.4

        Due to the failure of the government's housing policy, the housing problem of the homeless is spreading not only to the low-income class but also to the middle class. The supply of public rental housing is becoming very important in a situation where it is difficult to purchase privately because of the rapid increase in housing prices. However, legal disputes between tenants and rental business enterpriser are frequently occurring because of the lack of consistency and inadequacy of laws related to public rental housing. Apart from the meaning and importance of the Public Rental Housing Act, Article 21 (5) of the「Rental Housing Act」have a serious question of unconstitutionality, especially from the point of view of private rental housing supplier This study examines four points or reasons relating to the unconstitutionality of the tenant's right to buy for public rental housing under Article 21 (5) of the「Rental Housing Act」. And it was confirmed that it was unconstitutional. 1. There is a problem in applying the amended law even to rental houses that have met the mandatory rental period before the amendment of the law. This does not respect the protection of trust in the Constitution. In addition, there is a problem of unconstitutionality that goes against Article 13(2) of the Constitution, which prohibits the deprivation of property rights. 2. It discriminates without rationality between a private rental business enterpriser that has supplied public rental housing in accordance with the Rental Housing Act, and a public housing business enterpriser that is working on the same project or a similar business enterpriser in accordance with the「Special Act on Private Rental Housing」. This violates the “principle of equality” in the Constitution and the basic right of the people, the right to equality. 3. This does not have any restrictions on the period for exercising the right to buy for public rental housing. Therefore, this excessively violates the property rights(Article 23(1) of the Constitution) and freedom of economic activities(Article 119(1) of the Constitution) of private rental business enterpriser. 4. This was enacted for unreasonable reasons, and it violates the 'principle of prohibition of excess' of Article 37(2) of the Constitution, which must keep the principle of 'minimum damage' caused by excessive regulation. The purpose of public housing policy is primarily for the socially underprivileged who are homeless. However, if the law excessively discriminates against private rental business enterpriser by way of excuse for the legitimacy of its purpose, it is not in line with the definition and direction of the law, which always have balance and harmony. If the law is out of balance, private rental business enterpriser will not be able to participate in public rental housing construction projects, and as a result, there will be a shortage of public rental housing supply. This can lead to housing instability for the tenant. Therefore, there is a need to improve the unconstitutional elements related to Article 21 (5) of the「Rental Housing Act」. 정부의 부동산정책 실패로 무주택 서민의 주거문제는 저소득층 뿐 아니라 중산층까지 확산되고 있다. 주택가격 급등으로 자가 마련이 어려워진 상황에서 공공임대주택의 공급은 더욱 중요해 지고 있다. 그러나 공공임대주택 관련법 재․개정과정에서 일부 내용의 일관성 부족과 미비로 임차인과 임대사업자간에 분양전환과 관련된 법적 분쟁이 빈번하게 발생하고 있다. 공공임대주택 관련법의 의미와 중요성과는 별도로 구「임대주택법」제21조 제5항은 특히 민간임대사업자 입장에서 위헌성 문제가 심각하게 제기되고, 개선되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 이 논문은 구「임대주택법」제21조 제5항의 ‘임차인의 분양전환승인신청’ 제도의 위헌성에 대해 4가지를 검토하였고, 위헌적 요소를 가지고 있음을 확인하였다. 첫째, 법 개정(2008. 3. 21, 제8966호) 이전 종전 법에 따라 임대의무기간이 만료된 단지에 대해서도 개정법률을 소급적용하여 신뢰보호를 정당하게 형량하지 않았고, 재산권 박탈을 금지하고 있는 헌법 제13조 제2항에도 반하는 위헌성 문제를 내포하고 있다. 둘째, 구「임대주택법」제21조 제5항의 적용을 받는 민간임대사업자는 동일한 사업을 추진하고 있는 공공주택사업자나「민간임대주택특별법」에 따라 유사사업을 추진하고 있는 민간임대사업자와도 합리적인 근거가 없이 차별당하여 헌법상 ‘평등원칙’에 반하는 국민의 기본권인 평등권을 침해받고 있다. 셋째, ‘임차인의 분양전환승인신청’의 권리행사기간에 대하여 전혀 제한을 두고 있지 않아, 법익의 균형성을 고려한다고 하더라도 공익을 위해 기여한 민간임대사업자의 재산권(헌법 제23조 제1항)과 경제활동의 자유(헌법 제119조 제1항)를 과도하게 침해하고 있다. 넷째, 이 규정은 ‘잘못된 이유’에서 제정되어 ‘지나친 규제’로 헌법 제37조 제2항의 ‘과잉금지의 원칙’을 위배하고 있다. 공공주택정책의 목적이 무주택 서민으로 대변되는 사회적 약자들을 위한 것이지만, 너무 목적의 정당성을 앞세우는 입법으로 인해 공공에 기여한 민간사업자가 과도한 차별을 받고 있다. 이것은 항시 균형과 조화를 전제로 하는 법의 정의와 지향성에도 맞지 않는다. 균형을 잃은 규제 입법은 민간임대사업자로 하여금 공공임대주택 건설사업 참여를 기피하게 만들며, 결과적으로 공급부족 문제를 가져오게 되어 서민의 주거불안정을 초래할 수 있다. 따라서 구「임대주택법」제21조 제5항과 관련된 위헌적 요소를 개선할 필요성이 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        공공주택건설(객체보조)에 대한 정책연구

        박은병(Park, Eun Byong),엄수원(Eunm, Soo Won) 한국부동산학회 2010 不動産學報 Vol.42 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The Korean government plans to supply 100,000 of permanent rental housing, 400,000 of public rental housing and 1,500,000 of bokumjari housing(small and medium size and rental housing) by 2018 in order to dispel housing problems among homeless low-income brackets. It is in discussing on how public rental housing is defined with the opinion that public rental housing supply and its policy should be carried based on the law, and it is raised that the matter of this public rental housing supply and private rental housing activation in supply-side and the matter of equity of public rental housing supply in the regional level. And further, it is needed at this time that study on the government intervention to the market and government support policy on the raising problems such as excluded class in move-in due to supplier aid-centered support policy, frequent occurrence of antisocial behaviors due to dwelling of low-income groups and creating a sense of incongruity among classes due to occurrence of keeping them apart from neighboring community in the public rental housing supply regard. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study will examine the origin and development of public housing in Germany which played a role in order to stabilize the residing of low-income groups, the background of establishment and abolishment of the "law of public housing", government policy toward the public housing company which was a major supplier of public housing and the subject assisting policy which support the rent for its residents. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The result of this study is deducting implications on public rental housing policy in Korea by considering the policy in Germany which experienced those problems before. 2. RESULTS This study deduces implications focusing on activation of private rental housing and public rental housing supply, establishment of relation laws, theoretical definition, a standard of value which is the main issue of public rental housing.

      • KCI등재

        공공임대주택제도 개선 방안 연구 - 공공임대주택 공급 방법론을 중심으로 -

        강병기,서진형 한국부동산경영학회 2021 부동산경영 Vol.24 No.-

        본 연구는 우리나라의 공공임대주택 제도 중 공급 방법론의 개선 방안을 제시하여 국민 의 주거안정은 물론 무주택 서민의 주거수준 향상에 기여하기 위하여 작성된 것이다. 이를 제2장에서는 공공임대주택의 개념을 정립하였다. 또한 현재의 공공임대주택 제도를 구성하고 있는 총 31개 법령을 체계적으로 정리하고, 그 변천 과정도 살펴보았다. 또한 2019년 현재 시장에서 존재하는 공공임대주택의 재고량과 연간 공급량도 함께 분석하였다. 이를 근거로 현재 문제가 되는 다양한 공공임대주택 제도의 운용 관련 문제점 중 가장 중 요한 것으로 판단되는 3가지 문제점을 제시하고 이를 해결하기 위한 방법론을 제시하였다. 이들 3가지 문제점은 갭투자를 조장하는 기존주택전세임대주택의 문제와 상위법과 하위 법이 충돌하는 법률 체계의 혼란 문제, 총 631개 조문에 달하는 복잡하고 과다한 법령 체 계의 문제이다. 문제 해결 방법의 첫 번째는 방대하고 복잡한 현행 「공공주택 특별법」 중 공공임대주택의 입주자 선정과 운용 등에 대해 별도로 규율하는 가칭 「공공임대주택 공급 에 관한 법률」 제정 방안과 주요 구성 내용을 제시한 것이다. 두 번째는 현재 상호 충돌의 문제가 있는 「공공주택 특별법 시행령」 제47조 제2항 제4호 및 제5호와 「공공주택 특별법 시행규칙」제25조 제8항 제1호와 동조 제9항 개정 방안을 제 시하였다. 세 번째는 현재 공급되는 공공임대주택 중 갭투기 조장 등 문제를 야기하고 있 는 기존주택전세임대주택 제도를 기존주택매입임대주택제도로의 전환하는 방법을 제시하 였다. The purpose of this study is to contribute to improving the nation's housing stability and the living standards of the low-income earners by suggesting an improvement plan for the supply methodology among the public rental housing systems in Korea.Chapter 2 established the concept of public rental housing. This part of the study systematically organized a total of 31 laws and regulations composing the current public rental housing system and further examined the transition process of the system itself. In addition, this study also analyzed the inventory and annual supplies of public rental housing that are currently available on the market. On that basis, this study presented three problems that are considered to be the most important among the other problems related to the operation of various public rental housing systems that are currently problematic to suggest a methodology to solve them. These three problems are as follows: First, the existing rental housing, 'jeonse', encourages gap investment. Second, there is confusion in the legal system in which the upper and lower laws collide. Third, the legal system is too complicated and excessive with a total of 631 articles. There are three ways to solve these problems. The first way is to propose a plan to partly amend a current law of 'Special Act on Public Housing' and suggest its main contents to make it less complicated and vast. This can be done by the enactment of a special law with the provisional title 'Act on the Supply of Public Rental Housing' separately regulating the selection and operation of occupants of public rental housing. The second solution would be the revision of the particular provisions. The provisions that are currently in conflict are as follows: Article 47, Paragraph 2, Items 4 and 5 of the Enforcement Decree of the Special Act on Public Housing, and Article 25, Paragraph 8, Item 1, and Paragraph 9 of the Enforcement Rule of the Special Act on Public Housing. The last way is to propose a method to convert the leasehold rental system to the housing purchase rental system since the current system is causing problems such as encouraging gap speculation among public rental housing available now.

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