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      • Craves병 환자에서 백혈구와 갑상선 조직의 HLA-DR β 유전자 부위의 비교

        양인명,우정택,팽정령,서광식,김성운,김영설,김광원,최영길 경희대학교 유전공학연구소 1989 遺傳工學論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        정상 갑상선세포에서는 HLA-DR 항원이 발현되지 않았으나, 그레이브스병 환자의 갑상선세포 표면에는 HLA-DR 항원이 발현됨이 보고되어, 이러한 현상은 이 질환의 자가면역 기전에 중요한 역할을 하고 있을 것으로 생각되고 있다. 한편 최근 DR이나 DQ 유전자의 상부 159kb 이내에는 이들의 발현을 조절하는 유전자가 존재함이 알려져 있고, 이 부위의 구조적인 변화로 인하여 DR DQ 유전자의 발현을 유도하는 여러 가지 핵내 인자들과 interferon-r 와 같은 외부인 자들이 보고되고 있다. 그러나 그레이브스병에서 이들 유전자 부위의 구조적인 변화에 관해서는 아직 보고가 없다. 이에 본 연구자 등은 이러한 가능성 여부를 규명하고자 2명의 전형적인 그레이브스병 환자의 수술 우 얻어낸 갑상선 조직에서 RNA를 분리한 우 DR β유전자를 소식자로 northem blotting을 하여 mRNA의 발현을 관찰하였으며, 말초혈액 백혈구와 갑상선 조직으로부터 분리된 DNA를 EcoRI BamHI. HindⅢ PvuⅡ TaqI, PstI등의 6가지 제한효소로 소화한 후 DR β유전자를 소식자로 하여 RFLP 양상을 비교한 결과, 환자 모두에서 mRNA의 발현이 관찰되었으나, 환자 모두에서 6가지 제한효소에 의한 RFLP 양상이 동일하였다. 이러한 결과는 Graves병 환자의 DR 유전자의 발현에 있어서 이 유전자 부위의 구조적인 변화가 관여할 가능성이 적음을 시사하는 사실이라고 사료되나 향후 더 많은 예와 더 많은 제한효소를 이용한 주시가 필요할 것이다. The requirement for major histocompatibility antigen class Ⅱ molecules in the recognition of antigen by helper T cells suggests that the expression of class Ⅱ antigen may be important in the initiation and prolongation of immunopathology. HLA class Ⅱ antigenes are expressed on the surface of thyrocytes of the patients with graves disease. The increased expression of class Ⅱgene can be induced by trans acting factor such as interferon However the possibility of rearrangement of their regulatory genes has not been explored so far. We studied the mRNA expression in the thyrocytes of 2 patients with Graves' disease and compared the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) between thyroid and peripheral leukocyte DNA. The prominent expression of mRNA was observed in the thyroid tissues of all the two patients. But we did not find any difference in RFLP pattern in both patients. These results suggest the possibility that the rearrangement of the regulatory gene located in the upstream of DR- β gene can be a role in expression of DR antigen is less likely.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        카라기난 분해효소 생산균의 분리, 동정, 및 효소생산 최적 조건

        양승택,주동식,박중제,이정석,김명식,이응호 한국미생물생명공학회 ( 구 한국산업미생물학회 ) 1996 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.24 No.6

        해양 동식물, 토양 등으로부터 분리한 카라기난 분해능이 확인되었던 80여 균중에서 환원당 생성능이 가장 높았던 strain no.43 균주를 최종 시험균주로 선택하여 이 균주의 최적 효소 생산 조건을 실험하였다. 질소원으로는 nutrient broth 0.7% 농도가 가장 적절한 조건이었고, 탄소원의 농도는 카라기난 0.2%가 가장 높은 효소활성을 나타내었다. NaCl 농도는 1.5%, pH, 온도는 각각 7.0, 30℃로 이 조건에서 96시간 배양하는 것이 가장 적절한 효소 생산 조건이었음이 확인되었다. 각종 생화학 실험을 통해 동정을 행한 결과 그람음성 간균으로 oxidase, catalase 생성의 호기성균, indole 비생성, proline, arginine, serine, citrate, lactate 이용성, gelatin 액화, glucose, fructose, maltose 비이용, mannitol 이용 등의 특성으로부터 Pseudomonas alcaligenes로 동정할 수 있었고 Pseudomonas alcaligenes JCL-43으로 명명하였다. The 80 strains which produce carrageenan degrading enzyme were isolated from soils, mud, seaweed, marine moluscus and echonodermata samples. Among them, one isolated strain, which showed the highest activity to produced carrageenan degrading enzyme, was used for this study. The isolated strain was identified as Pseudomonas alcaligenes through its morphological, biochemical, and physiological characteristics. The best conditions for enzyme production were 0.7% nutrient broth and 0.2% carrageenan as nitrogen and carbon source, respectively. The optimal pH, NaCl, temperature and culture time for carrageenan degrading enzyme were 7.0, 1.5%, 30* and 96hrs, respectively.

      • Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzyme의 Cellulose Acetate Microzone 電氣泳動 및 組織化學的 檢索

        楊聖基,金在植,金重明 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1979 慶北醫大誌 Vol.20 No.2

        正常 成人의 血淸 ALP 活性은 主 分劃이 α_2 肝分劃이었고, 副 分劃은 α_2 /β骨分劃을 나타내었고 發育期의 小兒에서는 骨分劃이 主 分劃으로 나타났고, 肝分劃은 副 分劃이었으며, 新生兒 臍帶血淸에서는 骨分劃만을 主로 나타내었으며, 胎兒에서는 骨分劃과 가장 移動度가 바른 Alb分劃을 나타내었고, 姙婦의 血淸에서는 骨分劃과 같은 移動度를 보였으나 熱에 安定한 胎盤分劃을 나타내었다. 各種 病患別로 ALP CAM 血淸電氣泳動像에서 肝癌은 主로 肝分劃, 骨分劃 및 α_1分劃을 보였고 急性바이러스性肝炎은 主로 肝分劃, 骨分劃 및 Alb分劃을 나타내었고, Choloangioma는 主로 肝分劃과 骨分劃에 α_1과 Alb分劃을 同時에 나타내어 比較的을 特異하였고, 骨病患에서는 거의 特徵的으로 骨分劃을 나타내었고, 胃腸病患과 肺硬化症에서 드물게 特異的 腸分劃을 타타내었다. L+α_1分劃像을 나타낸 肝癌 69例中 原發性肝癌의 從來의 診斷手段을 통하여 cold area만 시행되었던 例가 35例(50.7%), 符合되었던 例中 cold area에 肝針生檢 또는 肝針吸引細胞診 供行例가 15例(21.7%) 細胞診만 施行된 例가 2例(2.9%)이었으며, 이것은 肝癌에 特異하다고 보았다. 各種 臟器組織의 抽出液에 對한 ALP CAM 電氣泳動像에서 肝臟은 血淸의 肝分劃에 該當되는 肝分劃을, 骨은 骨分劃을, 胎盤은 胎盤分劃을, 腸은 腸分劃을, 그리고 腎臟은 腎分劃을 보여 주었고 腎分劃은 血淸에서 아주 드물게 나타나는 것 같았다. 名種 臟器組織에 있어서 ALPI의 活性度는 凍結簿切標本의 肉眠的 所見으로 胎盤, 肝, 腎, 腸, 脾의 順으로 낮았고, 肉筋은 陰性이었으며, 腎臟은 皮質에만 陽性이었고, 鏡檢으로 肝은 主로 bile canaliculi에 極度의 活性을 보였고 肝細胞內에도 若干 認定되었고, 腎臟은 皮質의 近位曲細尿管上皮細胞屬에 ALP活性을 極度로 나타내었으며, 胎盤은 syncytial troplast에 ALP活性을 極度로 나타내었고, 脾臟은 red pulp의 sinusoid에, 그리고 腸은 粘膜屬에만 中等度로 活性을 나타내었고, 空腸에서는 極度로 ALP活性을 보였다. 白血球增加症 例의 미소백혈구 에는 細胞質內에 多樣하게 顆粒狀의 ALP活性을 보였다. 姙娠週數에 胎盤組織과 姙婦血淸에 對한 ALP CAM 電氣泳動 및 組織化學的 檢索에서 ALP 活性은 共히 姙娠週數에 比例하여 增加하였고 末期에 極度에 達하였다. The cellulose acetate microzone electrophoreses of CAME (ALPI) were performed on the sera and various organ tissues, to estimate the source of ALP in the serum of normal physiological and pathological conditions. On the ALP CAME finding, normal adult serum revealed α_2 fraction(liver)as the major fraction and α_2/βfaction (bone) as minor, However, opposite results were obtained from sera of growing child and newborn infant. Sera of premature infants revealed the fastest moving albumin fraction (Alb) and α_2βfraction, and sera of pregnant women, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy revealed heat stable α_2βfraction (placenta) as the major ones and trace of α_2 fraction as the minor. On the ALPI CAME finding in various diseases, liver and α_1 pattern(L+α_1) mainly confined to hepatoma in 94.0 percent, followed by liver abscess in 88.9%, liver and Alb pattern (L+Alb )to acute viral hepatitis and extrahepatic obstructive jaundice in 100% respectively, liver, Alb and α_1 pattern (L+Alb+α_1)to cholangioma in 87.5% liver and β/γ(intestine) pattern(L+I) only to liver cirrhosis, and liver and bone pattern (L+B) to bone diseases only. Therefore these patterns seemed to be specific in the clinical diagnosis. On the ALP CAME findings of various organ-tissue extracts, liver revealed liver fraction, bone and spleen bone fraction, kidney γ/ fraction (kidney) as well as liver fraction as a minor fraction, placenta heat stable α_2/β(placenta) as a major fraction, intestine of fraction, the lung broad fraction from liver to intestineal fraction. However hepatoma and brain tissues did not showed any fraction at all. On the gross inspection of stained slides of ALP from various organ-tissues, such as placenta of the third thrimester pregnancy, kidney, liver, spleen and lymph node, revealed diffuse and strong activity, lung and thyroid revealed diffuse and moderately strong activities, the mucosa of jejunum and the lobule of the breast, revealed strong activities, the mucosa of stomach, colon, rectum, gall bladder and endometrium moderate activities, muscle did not showed any visible activity. Microscopically the organ-tissue ALP were observed mainly in bile canaliculi and portal triad, syncycial bud and sprout of placenta, mucosal cell of jejunum and around the mucosal cells of stomach, colon, rectum, proximal convoluted tubule of renal cortex, osteoblast, sinusoid of splenic red pulp, around the germinalcenter in lymph node, intima of blood vessel, alreolar cell in lung, colloidal follicle of thyroid gland, and endometriu in. Along with progression of gestational weeks, ALP activities of both serum and placental tissue were increased gradually and reached maximum at 40 weeks gestation. The source of elevation of serum ALP activity seemed to be originated mainly from diseased liver and bone, infrequently from kidney and intestine, and possibly from the other tissues.

      • 廢 乾電池로 부터 有價金屬의 循環利用

        李成植,金種和,姜奉根,梁種奎 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1991 硏究報告 Vol.14 No.1

        The recovery and recycling of the rare metal from spent batteries have been investigated. It was proposed the synthetic processes of recovery of rare metal from various spent batteries, and spent batteries have to be considered as a resource and the collection system with separation should be established.

      • 제강더스트로부터 붕소의 분리·회수

        이성식,양종규 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1994 硏究報告 Vol.17 No.1

        A process for recovery of boron from steelmaking dust in which it exists at very low concentration with a mixture of high concentration of less desirable species was studied. Of the boron contained in, 72% can be leached with 3.0 ㏖/l sodium hydroxide solution. The leached liquor contains aluminum, cupper and zinc in addition to boron. The selective concentration of boron was carried out using a glucamine type chelating resin column, and the eluate containing 1.8g/1 of B was obtained employing EHD (2-ethyl-1, 3-hexanediol) as an extractant. Concentrated boron liquor having 98% purity for borax production was obtained in this process.

      • KCI등재

        응급실 내원환자에 대한 병원전 응급체계와 후송체계에 대한 조사

        김영식,황성오,임경수,윤양구 大韓應急醫學會 1992 대한응급의학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        A prospective research of 1,573 patients who visited emergency room was completed by the emergency physician of Wonju College of Medicine of Yonsei University, and Youngdong Hospital. This prospective study demonstrate the problems of prehospital emergency care and transfer system of the emergency patient. Among 1,573 patients, 86.9% were admitted to the Emergency room by the non-emergency vehicle such as taxi and bus, and only 13.1% was admitted via ambulance. At the situation of emergency, the most of patients and patient`s families could not call for the help to emergency telemetry center because only 3.1% among total patients knew the emergency call number(Tel. No: 129). Because the emergency delivery system between emergency centers from Level. Ⅰ, Ⅱ to Level Ⅲ was not established yet, only 492 patients(31.3%) were transferred from Level Ⅰ, Ⅱ emergency room to our emergency room to our emergency center but 1081 patients(68.7%) were admitted directly to Level Ⅲ emergency center from emergency fields. Among 1,081 patients who visited Level Ⅲ emergency center directly, only 240 patients(23%) were admitted for further treatment, but in transferred cases(492 patients), 271 patients(55%) were admitted. Especially in the injured patients, severely injured patients(ISS 16) occupied only 6% among 441 patients who visited directly, but it occupied 21% among 150patients who were transferrd from local community hospital. This result means that many non-urgent patients visited Level Ⅲ emergency centers without the previous visiting of Level ⅠⅡ emergency room. This study reveals that EMSS(Emergency Medical Services System) including the telemetry systems must be organized in short-time to reduce the mortality and morbidity of emergency patients. First, the educations about the emergency call system and First Aids to the people must be stsryed initially through the school and mass-media such as television and radio network. Second, emergency delivery system between Level Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ emergency center must be organized for the effective and rapid transportaion of acute ill patients.

      • 어린이에서 안검봉합시 흡수봉합사의 이용

        김상덕,양연식,김재덕 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1995 圓光醫科學 Vol.11 No.1

        This prospective clinical study was conducted to observe the outcome of surgical skin wound closure in the lower eyelid using absorbable suture material in young children. We operated 30 eyes of 15 patients for entropion and epiblepharon using 6-0 chromic catgut. The patients were carefully examed 1 day, 7 days, 10 days, and 3 months postoperatively for inflammation, wound infection and grossly visible scar. During the follow-up, 6-0 chromic catgut was absorbed and spontaneously disappeared between 7 days and 10 days. There were no inflammation and wound infection in all cases. But the partial visible scar by wound dehiscences was noted in one case. Considering these finding, we think that skin closure with chromic catgut has the advantages of the avoidance of patient discomfort, suture removal, and time spared for the surgeon. Especially, this is extremely helpful in young children.

      • 총담관 결찰후 집토끼 소엽사이담관의 미세구조적 연구

        이상은,박경호,양남길,안의태,고정식 순천향의학연구소 1995 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        담소관은 담즙의 성분중 수분과 무기전해질의 분비 및 흡수기능을 가지고 있는데, 총담관을 결찰하여 인위적으로 담즙울체를 일으킨 후 담소관상피세포의 미세구조적변화를 알아보기 위하여 본 실험을 시행하였다. 집토끼의 총담관을 결찰하고 1일, 3일, 5일, 7일, 및 14일이 경과된 후 간조직을 떼어 전자현미경관찰을 위한 통상적인 방법에 따라 고정, 탈수, 포매의 과정을 거친 다음 전자현미경관찰용 절편을 만들어 JEM 100CX Ⅱ 투과전자현미경으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 정상 담소관상피세포는 입방형이며, 내강이 커질수록 원주상으로 변하며, 가끔 전자밀도가 높은 세포가 나타났다. 2. 담소관담상피세포의 자유면은 미세융모가 돌출되어 있으며, 드물게 섬모도 관찰되었다. 세포의 위쪽 측면은 폐쇄띠, 부착띠, 부착반을 가진 연접을 이루었으며, 아래 쪽은 미세주름이 나타났고, 기저면은 기저막으로 둘러 싸여 있었다. 3. 총담관결찰 후 담소관은 그 내강이 확장되면서 상피세포의 미세융모의 수는 줄었으며 팽대되었고, 미세사의 증식이 현저하였다. 4. 총담관결찰 후 담소관상피세포 사이의 부착띠가 더욱 발달되는 경향을 보였다. 5. 총담관결찰 후 담소관상피의 기저막은 부분적인 파괴가 관찰되었다. 이상의 결과에서 미세융모의 감소, 내강의 확장 및 기저막의 부분적인 파괴등은 담즙울체로 인하여 담관내의 압력이 증가하므로 나타나는 담소관상피세포의 형태적 변화라 생각된다. The bile ductule is known to have the function of and the secretion and the reabsorption of the bile juice, especially water and inorganic electrolytes. This experiments was performed to study the ultra sturctural changes of the bile ductule of the rabbit liver after common bile duct ligation. Common bilt duct ligation was performed under ether anesthesia. The rabbits were sacrificed on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th and 14th day after the operation. Small blocs of livers were fixed 2.5% glutaraldehyde-1.5% paraformaldehyde solution, followed by 1% osmium tetroxide, embedded in araldite mixture, cut with LKB-V ultratome, stained with uranyl acetate- lead citrate, and observed with JEM 100CX II electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1. The cytoplasm of normal bile ductular epithelial cell shows lighter density as compared with that of the of the hepatocyte. Occasional dark cells can be seen between the light ductular cells. 2. On the apical free surface of the normal ductular cells, numerous microvilli project into the lumen, and occasional cilia have been observed. The apical pole of lateral surface exhibits junctional complex, including tight junction, intermediate junction and desmosmes, whereas basal pole have a complex interdigitations. Ductular cell rests on a basal lamina. 3. After the common bile duct ligation, bile ductule showed enlargement of lumen, swelling and reduction of microvilli and proliferation of microfilaments. 4. After the common bile duct ligation, bile ductule showed well developed junctional complex and focally duplicated and thickened basal lamina. From the above results, it was concluded that in the acute cholestasis induced by common bile duct ligation, bile ductular cell shows morphological changes, probably to keep the ductular wall from the increasing intraductular pressure.

      • KCI등재

        針葉樹材의 南洋闊葉樹 문틀材 代替 可能性 調査

        姜琥陽,張相埴,李華珩 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1994 농업과학연구 Vol.21 No.2

        Since the supply of the Southeast Asian tropical timber decreases and its price steeply increases in the international lumber market, door and window frame manufacturers in this country are eagerly searching for their substitutes. This is the first step to replace Southeast Asian tropical timber by low grade North American softwoods. whose reliable and steady supply is expected, but their appearances are not as good as the tropical timber. In this study, knot distribution on the softwood boards and their warp were examined. The yield and production cost were calculated. The average number of knots on a door frame were 7.2 for Douglas-fir and 3.4 for Western hemlock. Only 11% of the knots of Douglas-fir door frames are larger than 5cm in diameter, while are 35% of the knots of Western hemlock. The deformations of door frames, after 2 months air-drying, were measured with a warp table. The deformation, of Western hemlock door frames were mostly less than 6mm, while those of Douglas-fir distributed in the range of 0.5 and 9.5mm. The yield of Western hemlock is higher than that of Douglas-fir. It can be concluded that the door frames made of the softwoods are compatible with those made of the tropical timber in most aspects except appearance.

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