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      • 일부지역 중·고등학생들의 흡연실태 조사연구

        신옥순,남철현,김복용,최연희,박선희,박경옥,구재희 慶山大學校 保健福祉硏究所 2002 保健福祉硏究 Vol.7 No.-

        This study was conducted to examine aspects of middle and high school students' drinking and smoking with analysis of related factors. The subjects of this study was 540 students in Kyungbuk Province. Data were collected from July, 2002 to September, 2002. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. 43.6% of the boy students experienced smoking, while 12.2% of the girl students experienced it. 5.3% of the students at academy schools experienced smoking, while 44.7% of the students at vocational schools experienced it. 11.4% of the middle school students experienced smoking, while 33.9% of the high school students experienced it. 15.5% of them who lived in towns or villages experienced smoking and 38.3% of them who lived in small or medium sized cities experienced it.37.5% of the students who belonged to the lower economic class experienced smoking and 20.7% of the students who belonged to the upper economic class experienced it. 24.0% of the students who belonged to the middle economic class experienced it. It appears that the respondents showed significantly different smoking experience rates by gender, school types, grades, the number of family members, residences, and economic classes. 2. 14.5% of the respondents who lived with grandparents and parents experienced smoking and 26.5% of them who lived with parents experienced it. The smoking rate was significantly high in the groups of having one-parent, being unsatisfied with family life, making poor grades in studies, and having the father or the mother working as a salesperson. 3. 45.3% of the respondents who were unsatisfied with family life experienced smoking. The smoking rate of the respondents who were unsatisfied with it was significantly higher than that of the other groups. On the other hand, the smoking rates were not significantly different by daily life, schoolmate relation, health condition, and feeling stress. 4. According to smoking rate by frequency of drinking, 16.4% of the respondents who drank less than once a month smoked and 54.8% of them who drank more than twice a month smoked. The more frequently they drank, the higher their smoking rate was. Those who did exercise displayed significantly higher smoking rate than those who did not do exercise. Among the rates of the respondents' agonies, family disharmony was 50.5% and love problem was 39.2%. Economic condition preblem was 34.6%. It appeared that smoking was most influenced by the family disharmony. 5. The factors significantly influencing smoking experience were gender, school grade, schoolmate relation, score in studies, and exercise. From above results, it can be concluded that the students' smoking is a serious problems which can be resolved by simple approaches because it is interrelated complicatedly with gender, grade, family, school, etc. Schools, related organizations, and the government must closely work together to maximize the effectiveness of policy implementation concerning the smoking and drinking problem of the middle and high school students.

      • 나리屬의 花粉學的 觀察

        辛昌男,方在旭,吳炅煥 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1979 學術硏究誌 Vol.6 No.2

        Pollen morphology of Lilium 1ancifolium L. leichtlinii var, tigrinum and L, distichum was examined by the light microscopy in conjunction differences of pollen Character in Kwangnung, The pollen character of three species was similar except the grain size, The average polar axis and equatrial axis of L,lancifolium showed the highest values among three species and L.distichum was lowest. The differences of them in three species were significant judging from the F-test (p<0.05). And the differences in size of pollen grain in three species were significant (P<0.05). It was possible for grain size to classify the pollen of species of Lilium.

      • 노인생활문화의 디지털 스마트화 공간제안 연구

        신한나;남경숙 한양대학교 2010 韓國 生活 科學 硏究 Vol.30 No.2

        This research studies Digital Smart Home of the elderly, one of the most prevailing social phenomenon, in the context of eco-space living. The rapid economic growth and industrialization of our society have not only facilitated urbanization and created a lot of nuclear families but also affected traditional and cultural norms. In this regard, this research examines the life-style of the elderly and conducts domestic and cross-country studies to understand the characteristics of Digital Smart Home of the elderly. In consideration of Digital Smart Home, this study suggests how interior design should be modified and adjusted as we go through this sort of social changes.

      • 머리부분에 방사선조사를 받은 흰쥐 샘뇌하수체의 변화에 대한 면역전자현미경적 연구

        신기호,박경호,안의태,양남길,고정식 순천향의학연구소 1995 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.1 No.2

        본 실험은 과다한 X-선에 머리부분이 노출되었을 때, 샘뇌하수체의 변화를 알아보기 위하여 시행하였다. 체중 200-250g의 Sprague Dawley계 숫흰쥐를 실험동물로 사용하였으며, 정상군과 방사선조사군으로 나누었다, 방사선조사군은 조사량에 따라 3,000 rad 조사군과 6,000 rad조사군으로 나누어, 방사선 조사후 6시간, 2일 및 6일 후에 도살하여 조직을 절취하였다. 방사선조사는 흰쥐를 sodium thiopental로 마취한 후 방사선선형가속기(Mitsubishi Linear Accelerator ML-4MV)를 사용하여 머리부위를 조사하였다. 조사조건은 조사거리 80 cm, 조사구역 30 cm X 30 cm, 조사깊이 1.2 cm(100% skin dose)였으며, 분당 200 rad씩 조사하였다. 샘뇌하수체는 1% glutaraldehyde- 1% paraformaldehyde액으로 일차 고정한후, 2% osmium tetroxide액에 이차고정하였으며, 고정이 끝난 조직은 alcohol과 acetone으로 탈수한 후 araldite혼합액에 포매하였다. 포매된 조직은 , LKB-V ultratome으로 60-70nm두께의 절편을 작성하여 300 mesh nickel grid에 붙인 다음 젖샘자극호르몬과 성장자극호르몬에 대한 단독면역염색 및 이중면역염색을 시행하였다. 면역염색이 끝난 절편은 uranyl acetate와 lead citrate로 염색한후, JEM 100CX-Ⅱ 전자현미경으로 관찰하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 젖샘자극호르몬분비세포는 불규칙한 모양을 한 큰 분비과립(300-700 nm)을 가진 성숙세포, 크기가 다양한 둥근 분비과립(150-200 nm)을 가진 중간 세포와 크기가 작은 둥근 분비과립(100-150 nm)을 가진 미성숙세포로 나눌 수 있었다. 2. 성장자극호르몬분비세포는 크고 둥근 분비과립(200-500 nm)을 가진 제 1 형 세포와 상대적으로 작고 둥근 분비과립 (150-200 nm)을 가진 제 Ⅱ형 세포로 나눌 수 있었다. 3. 방사선 조사후 6 시간군에서 3,000 rad에서는 큰 변화가 없었고, 6,000 rad에서는 사립체와 과립형질내세망의 수조 확장이 관찰되었다. 방사선 조사후 2일군에서는 큰 변화가 없었으며, 6일군에서는 핵막구조의 확장이 관찰되었다. 4. 세포의 종류도 젖샘자극호르몬분비세포는 3,000 rad 조사군과 6,000 rad 조사군 모두 2일군에서는 성숙형이 감소하고 중간형과 미성숙형이 자주 관찰되었으며, 6일군에서는 정상군과 같은 분포양상을 보였으나 분비과립의 금입자표지가 감소한 것을 관찰할 수 있었다. 성장자극호르몬분비세포에서는 뚜렷한 세포형이 분포변화는 관찰할 수 없었으나 금입자표지의 감소는 나타났다. 5. 방사선조사후 6시간군에서 부터 mammosomatography가 나타났는데, 한 세포 내에 젖샘자극호르몬과 성장자극호르몬을 지닌 분비과립이 함께 존재하였으며, 세포의 모양은 다핵세포의 형태를 하고 있는 것과 불규칙한 모양을 한 것이 있었는데, 이와같은 결과는 방사선조사 후 샘뇌하수체의 기능저하에 따른 보상작용으로 나타난 현상이라 생각된다. 이상의 결과로 보아 방사선 조사를 받은 초기에는 분비과립의 방출이 과다하게 일어나며, 방사선 조사의 영향으로 세포질소기관의 기능이 약화되어 6일이 지나면 샘뇌하수체의 호르몬분비능력이 저하되는 것 같다. This experiment was performed to study the morphological changes of the adenohypophysis of rat following X-ray irradiation. Male rats were divided into normal and X-ray irradiation groups. The heads of rat were exposed to 3,000 rads or 6,000 rads of radiation in a single dose. X-ray source was a Mitsubishi Linear Accelerator ML-4MV. Only the heads of animals were exposed at the distance of 80 cm, within the area of 30 X 30 cm, in the depth of 1 cm, with the speed of 200 rad/min. Animals of X-ray irradiation group were sacrificed on 6 hours, 2 days and 6 days after the irradiation. Tissue blocks of adenohypophysis were fixed in the 1% glutaraldehyde - 1% paraformaldehyde solution, followed by refixation in the 2% osmium tetroxide solution. Dehydradted blocks were embedded in araldite mixture. The sections were cut on a LKB V ultrotome, and ultrathin sections were places on bare nickel grid(200 mesh). The section-bearing grids were floated upside down on the solutions in a moisture chamber at room temperature. Sections were single immunostained or double immunostained for prolactin and/or growth hormone. And the sections were jet washed with distilled water. The immunostained sections were contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead citrate, and observed with JEM 100CX II electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1. Three types of the prolactin cells according to their size and shape of secretory granules were found; mature type cells contained large pleomorphic secretory granules(above 500 nm). intermediate type cells contained round granules of varying size(200-250 nm), and immature type cells contained small round granules(100 nm). 2. Two types of the growth hormone cells according to their size of secretory granules were found: type I cells contained large round secretory granules(200-300 nm) and type II cells contained small granules(100-200 nm). 3. Six hours after the irradiation, adenohypophysis showed swollen cisternae of granular endoplasmic reticulum and alterations of mitochondrial cristae, but only in doses of 6.000 rads. 4. Adenohypopysis showed decrease in number of mature type prolactin cells on 2 days after irradiatin, and recovered number of mature typer prolactin cell. but their immunoreactiveity were gradually decreased following the irradiation, as compared with that in normal adenohypophysis. 5. Six hours after the irradiation, mammosomatotrophs were found to contain prolactin and growth hormone within different granules each other. Some cells were multinucleated, and some cells exhibited irregular cytoplasmic processes. Summarizing the above results, adenohypophysis rapidly released the secretory granules after the irradiation, and cell organelles of prolactin cells and growth hormone cells were altered or degenerated. It means that adenohypophysis decreased its hormone producing activity on 6 days after irradiation.

      • KCI등재후보

        환기정도에 따른 수술실용 신발 종류가 수술실 오염에 미치는 영향 : How to Choose Suitable Shoes?

        남경동,정혜선,박영신,원진희,주미자,성화신,이지혜,이병희,조경숙,배재춘 한국의료QA학회 2000 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Background : Various types of protective footwear have been used to minimize bacterial contamination in operating rooms. In recent years, debate has arisen concerning the need for use of such protective footwear. This study was designed to provide useful data about choosing shoes most suitable for the surgical environment. Methods : Between November, 1999 and January, 2000, we performed this experimental study by comparing effect of three types of shoes (i.e., disposable shoescover, operating room-restricted shoes, and ordinary shoes) on bacterial contamination of operating rooms equipped with two different ventilation systems (i.e., high air-change, low air-change) respectively. Data were collected during two-hour sham operations in which subjects and their activities were strictly standardized. Bacterial flora were sampled from the study area floor and air colony-counts were measured. Results : In experiments involving high air-change ventilation system, there was a significant difference of floor contamination between three types of shoes, but no difference of air contamination. Under low air-change system, there was a significant difference of both floor and air contamination between three types of shoes. Conclusion : The results show that protective footwear would be unnecessary in the operating room with high air-change ventilation system, but it is important to choose suitable shoes carefully under low air-change system. Therefore, the use of outdoor shoes can be considered under high air-change system, but it would seem sensible to apply their first use in less bloody operations at the day surgery center or out-patient department to prevent transfer of body fluid into the outside environment.

      • 나리屬 花粉의 人工發芽에 關하여

        辛昌男,趙斗漢,吳炅煥 충남대학교 자연과학연구소 1980 學術硏究誌 Vol.7 No.2

        Artificial pollen germination was examined to determine the suitable concentration of sugar medium, temperature and pH in four species of Lilium. Germination ratio was highest in the 5% sugar medium and at 25℃. And the most favorable pH was 6. In these conditions, elongation of pollen tube was also longest.

      • KCI등재
      • Redundant Binary 수치계를 이용한 radix-2 부동소수점 제산기

        이종남,신경욱 金烏工科大學校 2000 論文集 Vol.21 No.-

        This paper describes a design of radix-2 SRT divider unit, which supports IEEE-754 floating-point standard, using redundant binary number system (RBNS). With the RBNS, the partial quotient selection logic can operate about 20-% faster, as well as can be implemented with simple hardware, compared to the conventional methods based on two's complement number. By using a new redundant binary adder proposed in this paper, the mantissa divider is efficiently implemented resulting in about 20% smaller area than other works based on RBNS. The divider unit supports double precision format, five exceptions (invalid operation, division by zero, overflow, underflow and inexact) and four rounding modes (nearest even, toward 0, toward -∞, toward +∞), except denormalized number operation. It was verified with Verilog HDL (Hardware Description Language) and Verilog-XL.

      • 다중양자 NMR 역학에 관한 연구

        김남수,양경승,신용진 조선대학교 기초과학연구소 1999 自然科學硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        Studied in this paper is how multiple quantum coherence develops in the anisotropic distribution of dipolar couplings. The magnitude of dipolar couplings was varied with oriented angles. The larger dipolar coupling was, the bigger frequency of multiple quantum coherence was. The multiple quantum coherence is decided with proportion of the magnitude of dipolar couplings. The theory equation for multiple quantum coherence and the magic angle 54.7˚in the solid NMR spectroscopy was verified in our research. The excitation pattern of n-Quantum coherence, which can induce the effective size to characterize spin system, is expected in larger and more complicated spin system for understanding the relation of dipolar coupling and multiple quantum coherence.

      • SVD 알고리즘 및 HMM을 이용한 얼굴 및 눈 패턴 검출

        진경찬,김명남,신장규,손병기,조진호 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1998 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.9 No.1

        The studies about automatic pattern detection of the eye and face from the human image acquired by the CCD image sensor have good applicabilities in the industry, home automation, and data communication field. In general, pattern detection method consists of feature based matching and template matching. In feature based matching, the feature vector is extracted with DLM(dynamic linking matching), EBGM(elastic bunch graph matching), HMM(hidden markov model) matching and knowledge based matching using statistical characteristics. In template matching, in general, the template vector is extracted with PCA(principal component analysis). When these method applied in the face and eye detection, each method has its own merits and some disadvantage. Therefore, by combined utilization of SVD(singular value decomposition) and HMM algorithm, is expected that we can selectively make use of each methods advantage and it result in improved detection accuracy. In this paper, we proposed the method for face and eye detection, which was combined by the two algorithms, to be suitable for the high speed image processing using DSP chip or microprocessor. In the beginning, template matching was followed by a template extraction using batch SVD algorithm and then face pattern was classified and recognized by HMM algorithm which is one of feature based matching technique. Finally, eye pattern detection was performed by pattern search neural network utilizing eigeneye image.

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