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        사진측정(寫眞測定)에 의한 백제석탑(百濟石塔)의 조형미(造形美)에 관한 연구(硏究)

        유복모,강인준,정창식,송인성,Yeu, Bock Mo,Kang, In Joon,Jong, Chang Sik,Song, In Seong 대한토목학회 1985 대한토목학회논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        본(本) 연구(硏究)는 현존(現存)하는 백제시대(百濟時代)의 두 석탑(石塔)인 미륵사지(彌勒寺址) 석탑(石塔)과 정림사지(定林寺址) 오층석탑(五層石塔)의 조형(造形)에 관한 기하학적(幾何學的) 해석(解析)이다. 두 석탑(石塔)을 지상측정용(地上測定用) Camera P31과 정밀입체도화(情密立體圖化)에 A-10을 이용하여 현존(現存) 복발(覆鉢)부분까지 남아있는 정림사지(定林寺址) 오층석탑(五層石塔)과 손상부분이 많은 미륵사지(彌勒寺址) 석탑(石塔)을 비교고찰(比較考察)한 결과 같은 조형원리(造形原理) 즉, 기준면(基準面)(module)으로부터 정삼각형을 작도하고 그 정삼각형의 정점(頂點) 윗부분에 있는 옥개석폭(屋蓋石幅)의 비(比)가 9 : 8 : 7 : 6 : (5)로 체감(遞減)되어 나가는 것을 알 수 있었고, 손상되기전의 복발(覆鉢)부분까지의 높이를 추정(推定)할 수 있었다. This paper is a study on a analysis of geometrical composition about two Back-Jae stone pagodas-stone pagoda at the site of Mir$\bar{u}$k-Sa Temple in Iksan and five storied stone pagoda at the site of Ch$\check{o}$ngrim-Sa Temple in Puy$\check{o}$, existing stone pagodas which Were built in Back-Jae Dynasty. By using P31 terrestrial metric camera and A-10 for precision stereo plot, Ch$\check{o}$ngrim-Sa stone pagoda which has Bock-bal and Mir$\bar{u}$k-Sa stone pagoda which has many broken area are analyzed comparatively. From this result same geometric composition principle; orthotrigon is drawn in respect to module and the length ratio of the widths of Okgesuks which exist at the end-point of the orthotrigon, is found to be decrease as 9 : 8 : 7 : 6 : (5) also the height up to Bock-bal before broken, is able to estimate.

      • 姙娠中 梅毒에 關한 臨床統計學的 硏究

        禹福姬 梨花女子大學校 韓國生活科學硏究院 1978 韓國生活科學硏究院 論叢 Vol.21 No.-

        姙娠中 梅毒의 子宮內 感染으로 인하여 發生되는 先天性 梅毒의 初期症候로는 發疹, 鼻炎(Rhinitis), 貧血, 肝脾臟腫大, 黃疸, 骨軟骨炎에 의한 僞似痲痺(Pseudiparalysis)를 招來하게 된다. 그리고 T.pallidum에 의해 胎兒에게 感染이 일어난 후에는 VDRL 陽性反應을 일으키며, 特殊 FTA-ABS 檢査 梁性反應을 일으키는데 成人에 있어서 1차 感染에서는 VDRL抗體가 檢出되기 전에 FTA-ABS 抗體가 나타날 수 있다. 著者의 경우 (1) FTA-ABS 檢査에서 總患者 6718例中 25例 즉 0.37%에서 陽性反應을 나타내었다. (2) 産前看護에서 發見된 姙娠婦梅毒은 總姙娠婦 梅毒患者 25例中 6例(24%)에 不過했다. (3) 姙娠婦 梅毒患者에서 全體 胎兒 死亡은 48%나 있었다. (4) 2例의 先天性 梅毒兒를 經驗하였다. 그러므로 梅毒의 感染으로 인하여 姙娠婦에게 招來되는 모든 合倂症을 豫防하기 위하여서는 姙娠婦 梅毒을 早期 診斷하기 위하여 VDRL 또는 FTA-ABS檢査를 適用하여 早期診斷 및 早期治療에 이바지하여야 할 것이다. The fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test has gained wide ac-ceptance as the standard by which the diagnosis of syphilis is confirmed, and a probable false-positive reaction to the FTA-ABS test was observed in a patient during pregnancy. Up to 80 percent of infants born to untreated syphilitic mothers in an early stage of the disease will be infected prior to delivery. Of these, approximately 25 percent will die in the uterus, and a high percentage of those infants born alive will be delivered prior to term. Therefore a serologic test for syphilis before delivery must be checked early and late in the course of pregnancy. From January 1974 to December 1977, 6718 Gravida women were screened using the initial V D R L test, and the next step was confirmed by the FTA-ABS test at Ewha Womans University Hospital. Among them positive V D R L test was 0.53 percent, and positive FTA-ABS test was 0.37 percent. Flase positive V D R L test was 0.07 percent. Only 24 percent of those syphilitic pati-ents were found in the course of prenatal care. In this study, 12 percent of the infants died after birth, stillbirth was 32 percent, and 12 percent of 25 syphilitic patients delivered prior to term.

      • 理想音의 創造를 위한 피아노演奏의 技法

        卞福順 群山大學校 1982 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        Die Klaviermusik ist mit gutem Recht als ein Mikrokosmos bezeichnet worden, der in begrenztem Klangraum die Essenz und Entwicklung der gesamten, grossen Musik enthalt. Das Klavier ist ausser der Orgel das einzige Instrument, durch das ein einzelner Spieler einen voll entwickelten musikalischen Organismus vollstandig reproduzieren kann. Darauf beruhen die Selbstandigkeit des Klaviers und der monologische Charakter seines Vortags und seiner Literatur. Fast alle Komponisten haben ihm bedeutende Gedandken und Werke. Dokumente und Bekenntnisse von hohster personaicher Orginalitat, anvertraut. In diesem Text werden die Spielweisen der beruhten Klavierspieler uber die musikalischen Technik des Klaveirvortrags analysiert in Betracht gezogen und nach der Auswahl der richtigen, idealen Spielweise werden die allgemeinen Grundsatze fur die Klavierspieler erreichtet. Diese Abhandlung wird durch die Nachfoschung nach der ausserlichkeit und innerlichkeit von ihnen recht gemacht und mit den Vorzugen der Klassischen Spielweise und remantischen Spielweise hebt die ausdruckliche Spielweise auf. Von den Techniken der Klavierspiele wird die grobe Betonnung auf das Anschlag und pedal fur die shopfung des idealtons gelegt.

      • Laurence Sterne의 作品世界 : Tirstram Shandy 를 中心으로

        金福善 東國大學校 1973 論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        끝으로 소설사적인 측면에서 그가 문학전통에 남긴 영향을 일고할 때, 첫째, Sterne의 작품 가운데 이십세기의 의식의 흐름의 소설에서처럼, 내성적 독백이라는 것이 없고 끊임없이 독자에게 말을 걸어오는 대화의 형식이 있을 뿐이어서 20세기의 The stream-of conclousness-novelists의 수법과는 적지 않는 차이가 있기는 하지마는 그러나 년대기적인 시간질서를 깨뜨리고 의식의 연상작용을 쫓아서 작품을 전개해 나갔다는 점에서 이십세기 현대소설에 지대한 영향을 주었다고 볼 수 있고, 둘째로 진술방식이며 문두제시의 방법이 자유스럽다는 점이 있고, 셋째로, 소설의 결말이 죽음이라든지 결혼 등으로 끝나는 재래소설의 Convention에 대해서, 이 소설에는 일중의 미완결성이 있다는 점 등이라 할 수 있을 것이다. 물론 이 작품의 결말의 미완결성이 있는 것은 사실이지마는 그러나 그것은 어디까지나 작품형식의 기교상의 간제로 제시되는 것이지, 이 작품가운데 자기자신의 완결되고 통일된 세계가 미완결로 끝마치고 있다는 것을 뜻하지 않는 것은 말할 나위도 없는 것이다.

      • 초음파 진동을 이용한 초정밀 가공에 관한 연구

        한복수,김기수 충남대학교 공업교육연구소 1996 論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        This paper deals with the ultrasonic vibration cutting for the precision machining of aluminum alloy. When the ultrasonic vibration is applied on the tool, the cutting tool makes periodical contact with workpiece. And, the cutting is performed by vibrating impact force while the cutting tool contacts the workpiece. In this paper, the horn of ultrasonic vibration system were designed and manufactured, to compare the ultrasonic vibration cutting with the conventional cutting, the machined surface roughness of aluminum alloy in turning were experimentally measured. The experiments revealed that the ultrasonic vibration cutting had the best surface roughness than the conventional cutting under the same cutting condition.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        로트카 법칙과 학술정보의 생산성 연구

        한복희 한국문헌정보학회 1993 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.24 No.-

        In 1926, Alfred Lotka examined the frequency distribution of scientific productivity of chemists and physicists. He observed that the number of persons making n contributions is about 1/n²of those making one and the proportion of all contributions that make a single contribution is about 60%. Investigator studing the applicability of "Lotka's Law" to Mathematics and to Mechanical engineers have fitted Lotka's Law and concluded that the law applied to these subject fields

      • 우리나라 大學에서 實施되고 있는 日本語敎育에 對한 認識度의 調査硏究

        李福淑 건국대학교 1980 學術誌 Vol.24 No.1

        Now that the Japanese language has been taught at the Korean universities for more that 20 years, it is considered that we have come to the stage we have to make evaluation on the results of conducts. In this point of view, the writer has ventured to carry out an investigation on recognition level of Japanese language learning at the universities in Korea and made comparative study of the recognition level among the various age groups, between the Japanese major and the non-Japanese major, and between the university students and the existing generation to find out the following results ; 1.Among the various age groups, the recognition level of Japanese language learning was remarkably lower as the age grows higher. 2.Between the Japanese major and the non-Japanese major, the recognition level of Japanese language learning showed outstanding differences. 3.Between the university students and the existing generation, the recognition level of Japanese language learning of the university students was distinctively higher than that of the existing generation. As a result, the Japanese language learning at the universities well prospects a promising future in our country.

      • KCI등재

        젓갈 및 키토산을 첨가한 양파 김치의 이화학적 특성

        박복희,조희숙,오봉윤 한국조리과학회 2004 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.20 No.4

        This study was conducted to examine the effects of Jeot-kal and chitosan on the physicochemical characteristics and hardness during onion Kimchi fermentation. The onion Kimchi was stored at 4±1℃, for 42 days. The study results were as follows. The pH of control onion Kimchi and the experimental groups was in the range 5.30~5.80. The pH of the experimental groups slowly decreased during the fermentation. The total acidity of the four kinds of onion Kimchi was increased. The reducing sugar content was maximized at 4 days of fermentation, after which it decreased gradually as the fermentation processed. The ascorbic acid content of control onion Kimchi and the experimental groups was increased rapidly at 21 days and then decreased. The hardness of onion Kimchi measured instrumentally was higher in onion Kimchi treated with the salt-fermented Toha jeot juice than in control onion Kimchi.

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