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      • KCI등재

        《수이전》일문 〈최치원〉의 장르적 성격과 소설사적 의미

        유정일 한국어문학회 2005 語文學 Vol.0 No.87

        The present study identified the genre characteristics of 〈Choi Chi-won'(崔致遠)〉 included in 《Sui-jeon(殊異傳)》Ilmuns(逸文) and examined its meanings in the history of novels. This study took note of ‘the writer's intentionality' as a criterion for distinguishing 〈‘Choi Chi-won’〉 from other Jigoi narrative works in 《Sui-jeon》Ilmuns. It showed that, while other Jigoi narrative works in 《Sui-jeon》Ilmuns are semi-historical writings with the characteristic of supplementary history, 〈‘Choi Chi-won'〉 is a fictional literary work written in a literary intention. The basic romantic characteristic of the 《Sui-jeon》 period is giving shape to unreal world, acknowledging the intention or value of supplementary history. All writings in 《Sui-jeon》Ilmuns except 〈‘Choi Chi-won'〉 do not go far beyond the category. However, 〈‘Choi Chi-won'〉 is meaningful in that, as its fictional literary intention is acknowledged different from Jigoi narrations, it shows the characteristic of a romantic novel describing an unreal world. Although the work was modeled on historical figure 〈‘Choi Chi-won'〉, the figure was appropriate for being fictionalized into a mystic character. Moreover, because Choi Chi-won was a literary man, the work was successful in displaying his literary talents in the world of the novel by inserting poems. The limitation of 〈‘Choi Chi-won’〉 as a Korean romantic novel is summarized into two points. One is that, as it put up a historical figure as a romantic character, the novel could not completely break away from the category of the jigoi narration of historical figures and the other is that it was not free from the influence of ‘Romances in the Tang Dynasty'(唐傳奇) because China was used as its background.

      • KCI등재

        相聲의 起源論的 檢討와 인접 장르와의 辨別的 距離

        柳正一 한국중국소설학회 2012 中國小說論叢 Vol.38 No.-

        本論文的主要內容是對圍繞相聲起源論展開的各方觀點進行探討, 指出其問題所在, 並通過對具體作品的分析探究相聲與其相關體裁間的距離。 這種探討不僅是對相聲的起源論問題的究明,同時也可稱之為是對相聲的體裁指向性進行溯源探索的過程。 通過本文的分析可以得知, 相聲是一種在具有戲劇性要素的同時, 兼有多重體裁屬性的體裁, 然而其體裁屬性的核心要素是以‘說’來表現‘逗’。 對相聲起源的探究可以在笑話中找到其端倪, 18世紀笑話集《笑得好》的價值值得肯定。通過其所錄作品〈黑齒妓白齒妓〉, 可以確認相聲作品〈慈禧入宮〉的傳承脈絡。 依據這一事實,可以瞭解到傳統時期令人發笑的文學經過近代時期, 演變成了現代的一種怎樣的題材形態。 《笑得好》超越了笑話集這一體裁固有的作為以引人發笑為目的而流通的讀物的性質, 而是具有了一種作為向多人‘說’笑話的腳本的價值。 《笑得好》具備了相聲最體裁特徵中重要的‘說’和‘逗’, 相聲是在笑話體裁的延長線上, 於清末張三祿時確立為一種完整的體裁的

      • KCI등재

        漫談과 相聲의 웃음 구현방법 및 특성에 대한 비교 연구

        유정일 열상고전연구회 2015 열상고전연구 Vol.45 No.-

        본고는 근대시기 한국과 중국의 공연예술 장르 가운데 하나인 만담과 相聲에 드러난 특성과 웃음의 구현 방법에 대해 살핀 글이다. 그 결과, 초기 만담의 경우에서는 시사적이며 현실적인 문제들과 상황들을 그대로 구현해 청중에게 공감대를 얻는 방법으로 ‘재미’를 주고 있으며 교술적 성격에 근접하는 양상을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 만담에서는 웃음을 유발시키는 소재로 세태를 풍자하는 해학적인 내용과 언어유희에 적잖이 의존하고 있는 모습도 볼 수 있었다. 만담은 소재적인 측면에서 웃음과 재미를 유발하고 있었던 점을 밝혔다. 반면, 相聲에서는 구조적인 측면인 이른바 ‘包袱’를 중심으로 웃음을 구현하고 있다고 했다. 相聲에 있어서 包袱는 웃음거리를 만들어 가는 일련의 수사적 과정이며 일종의 구조적 장치라는 점을 드러냈다. 공연예술로서 초기 만담이 형성되기까지의 미분화적인 양상에 대해 논의한 뒤, 만담의 형식을 크게 獨漫談, 對話漫談, 群漫談 그리고 민요만담 등으로 나눌 수 있다고 했다. 이 가운데 대중의 인기나 작품의 완성도로 볼 때 대화만담이 만담의 대표적인 형식인 것으로 보았다. 대화만담에서는 주연과 조연이라는 역할상의 구분 없이, 상식을 뛰어 넘는 ‘정상’과 그렇지 못한 ‘비정상’의 대립을 통해 ‘비정상’이 ‘정상’을 웃음으로 압도하는 패턴을 반복적으로 드러낸다고 했다. 相聲의 경우는 單口相聲이 형성되고, 이후 對口相聲과 群口相聲 등으로 발전되어 왔으며 化裝相聲, 相聲小品, 相聲劇 등의 새로운 형식을 창출해 냈다고 했다. 만담은 相聲과 형식적 측면에서 가장 근접해 있다는 사실을 발견할 수 있었다. 相聲 작품의 대부분을 차지하는 對口相聲은 주연과 조연으로 나뉘어 구연된다는 점에서 만담과 다르고, 웃음의 구현 방식에 있어서는 두 사람 간의 상호 모순이나 충돌을 통해 包袱를 만들어 웃음을 자아내는 구조를 취한다고 점도 알 수 있었다. 만담에 비해 相聲은 엄격한 사승 관계와 전문적인 학습을 통해 전승되고 있다는 사실도 본고를 통해 확인할 수 있었다. This research is on the comparison between the different methods of bring out laughter and the characteristics of the laughter called out from mandam and Chinese xiangsheng. Focusing on this noteworthy difference, this study will try to find the reasons for why only mandam because of what reason lost their productivity and led to their dissipation. According to the results of the study, the story source aspect of mandam puts the main purpose on bringing out laughter and fun, whereas the plot structure of xiangsheng is based on ‘bao fu’ to bring out laughter. Also whoever holds the superiority in humor is the winner and the one who could not is the loser, who becomes a sidekick, and then a fool in the unreal world which is the world of humor and the world of mandam. Xiangsheng has dankou xiangsheng which is performed by one actor, duikou xiangshen which is performed by two actors, and qunkou xiangsheng which is performed by three or more actors. Mandam’s structures are sorted into dokmandam, daehwamandam, and gunmandan which depend on the number of actors. There are a total of four types, including the minyomandam that has folk songs in the mandam. Daehwamandam is the representative structure of mandam, out of the four types, according to popularity and degree of completion. Based on these truths mandam and xiangsheng are similar in the structural aspect. Compared to xiangsheng, mandam genre does not require a lot of time to hone the art. However, xiangsheng is considered a considerably professional performing art because of the fact that it is passed on from a master to the protégé through a training process.

      • KCI등재후보

        <書齋夜會錄>의 構造와 意味

        유정일 국어국문학회 2003 국어국문학 Vol.- No.133

        This article studied the romantic novel characteristics of <Seojaeyahoirok>, the novel collection of Gwang-han Shin. When looking into the structure and the meaning of <Seojaeyahoirok>, followings were discovered. Firstly, in this article <Seojaeyahoirok> was defined as a romantic novel not as a pseudo-romantic novel (假傳). The combination of multiple genres was named as 'Formatting Phenomenon (樣式化現象)' and addressed this phenomenon would necessarily appear when a certain genre or trend transits into another genre or bend. Secondly, <Seojaeyahoirok> described a romantic event that the hem met ghost in his study, a space of everyday life. It must be noted that the meeting between the hero and the ghost was made not in the dream but in an ordinary space in his sober consciousness. It implies that <Seojaeyahoirok> is more realistic in the aspect of subject material. Third, <Seojaeyahoirok> is very important in that it is the only work that dealt with the meeting between man and ghost among Korean romantic novels. The subject of romantic meetings shown in Korean romantic history was getting more realistic such as 'God → Ghost - Spirit - Man'. Fourthly, the subject of <Seojaeyahoirok> is based on the logic of Confucism.

      • KCI등재

        Prospective phase II trial of regional hyperthermia and whole liver irradiation for numerous chemorefractory liver metastases from colorectal cancer

        유정일,박희철,최두호,노재명,오동열,박준수,장지현,김승태,이지연,박세훈,박준오,박영석,임호영,강원기 대한방사선종양학회 2016 Radiation Oncology Journal Vol.34 No.1

        Purpose: A prospective phase II trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and toxicity of regional hyperthermia and whole liver irradiation (WLI) for numerous chemorefractory liver metastases from colorectal cancer. Materials and Methods: Enrolled patients had numerous chemorefractory hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer. Five sessions of hyperthermia and seven fractions of 3-gray WLI were planned. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) was determined using the Korean version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer quality of life questionnaire C-30 and the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Hepatobiliary version 4.0. Objective and pain response was evaluated. Results: A total of 12 patients consented to the study and the 10 who received WLI and hyperthermia were analyzed. WLI was completed as planned in nine patients and hyperthermia in eight. Pain response was partial in four patients and stable in four. Partial objective response was achieved in three patients (30.0%) and stable disease was seen in four patients at the 1-month follow-up. One patient died 1 month after treatment because of respiratory failure related to pleural metastasis progression. Other grade III or higher toxicities were detected in three patients; however, all severe toxicities were related to disease progression rather than treatment. No significant difference in HRQoL was noted at the time of assessment for patients who were available for questionnaires. Conclusion: Combined WLI and hyperthermia were well tolerated without severe treatment-related toxicity with a promising response from numerous chemorefractory hepatic metastases from colorectal cancer.

      • KCI등재

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