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      • KCI등재

        대학생의 데이트 폭력 관련 전문적 도움추구 태도 영향 요인

        김영은,윤미선,이현정,Kim, Youngeun,Yoon, Mi-Sun,Lee, Hyun-Jung 중소기업융합학회 2021 융합정보논문지 Vol.11 No.10

        본 연구는 최근 데이트폭력의 심각성이 부각되고 있는 추세에 부합하여 대학생의 데이트폭력 인식을 포함한 다양한 영향 요인과 전문적 도움추구 태도와의 관계를 통합적으로 탐색하고 그 상대적 설명력의 크기를 살펴보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 충청권 소재 1개 대학교의 508명의 대학생이 자기보고식 질문지에 응답하였고 수집된 자료는 SPSS 22.0을 사용하여 상관관계 및 회귀분석을 하였다. 연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 심리적 불편감 노출 및 상담에 대한 유용성기대는 전문적 도움추구 태도와 정적 상관관계를 보였고, 연인 간의 비합리적 폭력인식과 지각된 사회적지지, 상담에 대한 위험기대, 및 도움 요청 장애 요인은 전문적 도움추구 태도와 부적 관계로 나타났다. 위 변인들의 총 설명량은 46.1% 으로 상담에 대한 유용성기대가 가장 큰 설명력을 지니고 위험기대와 도움요청 장애요인이 그 다음으로 큰 설명력을 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 데이트폭력 연구 주제의 확장 및 대학생의 전문적 도움 서비스 활용 활성화를 위한 방향성 제시를 했다는 의의를 지닌다. The purpose of this study was to explore relations between college students' dating violence perception and professional help-seeking attitudes and other factors that affect professional help-seeking attitude and their effect size. 508 students from a college in Chungcheong region responed to self-report questionnaires. Data were analyzed by Partial correlation coefficients and regression analysis using the SPSS 22.0 program. As a resullt, self-disclosure and anticipated utility on self-disclosure had positively effect on professional help-seeking attitudes. In contrast, violence perception, perceived social support, risk on self-disclosure and barriers to seeking help had negative effect on professional help-seeking attitudes. The total effect size was 46.1%, and the effect size of anticipated utility on self-disclosure was the largest, followed by risk on self-disclosure and barriers to seeking help. This study contributed to the broading of dating violence research topics and provided the directions to the endavour to increase the use of professional services among college students

      • KCI등재

        인공고관절의 설계인자들이 해리현상에 미치는 영향에 대한 해석

        김영은,정정화,Kim, Young-Eun,Chung, Chung-Hwa 대한의용생체공학회 1993 의공학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        The human's biomechanical structure keeps an optimal state by adapting the original biomechanical structure according to a change in the physical environment. This phenomenon is believed to be the main cause of loosening of the total hip replacement which is used widely in these days. In this study the bone density change due to artificial hip joint, which is generally believed as bone-remodeling, was investigated by the finite element method. For this, 2-D FEM models with 4 nodal point elements were constructed for intact and implanted cases. The density was calculated by comparing the relative amounts of effective stress for these two cases. In this way, calculated new density values were used in the next step as input values and this procedure repeated until convergence was obtained. Severe density change was detected at the femoral cortex of the proximal-medial side as expected. Moreover, following surprising result was found from this analysis. Titanium alloy prosthesis showed less density change compared to stainless steel prosthesis at earlier stage, however, almost same amount of the density change was detected at final stage. It was also found that other design parameters could not significantly affect its density change.

      • KCI등재

        Chromosomal Modification in Human Embryonic Stem Cells Cultured in a Feeder-Free Condition after Single Cell Dissociation using Accutase

        김영은,이영희,박정아,Yang-Wha Ha,박상규,Hee Sun Kim,Sun Kyung Oh 한국발생생물학회 2012 발생과 생식 Vol.16 No.4

        Human embryonic stem (ES) cells are a potential source of cells for developmental studies and for a variety of applications in transplantation therapies and drug discovery. However, human ES cells are difficult to culture and maintain at a large scale, which is one of the most serious obstacles in human ES cell research. Culture of human ES cells on MEF cells after disassociation with accutase has previously been demonstrated by other research groups. Here, we confirmed that human ES cells (H9) can maintain stem cell properties when the cells are passaged as single cells under a feeder-free culture condition. Accutase-dissociated human ES cells showed normal karyotype, stem cell marker expression,and morphology. We prepared frozen stocks during the culture period, thawed two of the human ES cell stocks, and analyzed the cells after culture with the same method. Although the cells revealed normal expression of stem cell marker genes, they had abnormal karyotypes. Therefore, we suggest that accutase-dissociated single cells can be usefully expanded in a feeder-free condition but chromosomal modification should be considered in the culture after freeze-thawing.


        녹용의 약효성분에 관한 연구 ( 2 ) 녹용의 Acid Mucopolysaccharide 성분에 관하여

        김영은,이승기,유희자 ( Young Eun Kim,Seung Ki Lee,Hee Ja Yoo ) 생화학분자생물학회 1976 BMB Reports Vol.9 No.3

        A fresh antler from Cervus nippon taiouanus was cut and frozen. The constituents were divided into water soluble and lipid soluble fractions for elucidation of the chemical composition and structure of the antler. For the water soluble fraction of the antler we reported the data in this Journal(Kim et a1.1975). The data of qualitative and quantitative analysis of neutral sugar, hexosamine, uronic acid, hydroxyproline, ash, ester sulfate, sialic acid and total nitrogen were reported. In the present paper, acid mucopolysaccharides were isolated from antler velvet layer, antler spongybone layer and whale nasal cartilage by the extraction procedure of Mathews and Kubota. Acid mucopolysaccharides were extracted by digestion with pepsin, papain followed by hydrolysis with alkaline solution. The yield of acid mucopolysaccharides from antler velvet layer was approximately 0.16% to the defatted dried weight of antler velvet layer. Fractionation was performed by ECTEOLA-cellulose column chromatography, developing with 0.05∼2.5M NaCl and HCl (equimolarly mixed) as given by Ringertz et al. The elution profile was divided into five fractions, namely Fr. I(0.05M-Cl`), Fr. II (0.05M-Cl`), Fr. III (0.1M-Cl`), Fr. IV (0.2M-Cl`) and Fr. V (0.5M-Cl`) from antler velvet layer, and four fractions, Fr. I`(0.5M-Cl`), Fr. II` (0.7M-Cl`), Fr. III` (1.1M-Cl`) and Fr. IV` (2.5M-Cl`) from whale nasal cartilage. The nature of each fraction was examined by celllulose acetate membrane electrophoresis and infrared spectroscopy. Fraction I of antler velvet layer (eluted with 0.05 M-Cl`) showed identical electrophoretic mobility and absorbance pattern for infrared spectroscopy to hyaluronic acid standard. Fr. V from antler velvet layer and Fr. I` from whale nasal cartilage (eluted with 0.5M-Cl`) showed the same electrophoretic mobility and gave identical spectra to chondroitin sulfate A standard.

      • 단어 단위 접근법을 이용한 음운장애 아동과 정상 아동의 음운 분석

        김영은,최성일,박상희,Kim, Young-Eun,Choi, Sung-Il,Park, Sang-Hee 한국음성학회 2006 음성과학 Vol.13 No.4

        Recently, many researchers have been interested in children with phonological disorders. The purpose of this study was to examine those children in comparison with normal children and to find better assessment criteria of the whole-word approach. Three children with phonological disorders and three normal children of 5 to 7 years old participated in the picture description tasks. Results of this study were as follows: there was a significant difference in the whole-word assessment between normal and phonological disorder children. Such criteria as whole-word correctness, whole-word complexity, whole-word intelligibility proved to be good for diagnosing children's phonological disorders. Further studies would be desirable to apply the approach to more children of various age groups.

      • 동물 경조직 단백성분의 조성과 생리기능에 관한 연구 녹각의 경단백질에 대하여

        김영은,이승기,윤웅찬,Kim, Young-Eun,Lee, Seung-Ki,Yoon, Ung-Chan 생화학분자생물학회 1973 한국생화학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        동물 경조직 단백성분의 연구의 일환으로 녹각 및 녹용의 생화학적 기능을 나타내는 성분을 밝히기 위하여 녹각 분말을 0.5M 초산으로 탈칼슘을 한 후 5M 요소로 단백질부분을 추출하였다. 추출한 녹각단액의 아미노산 구성은 16종류에 달했으며 이중 glycine은 24.51%; proline 11.09%; glutamic acid는 10.26%가 되어 검출된 전 아미노산의 45.86%를 차지하고 있음이 밝혀졌다. 박충크로마토그라피로 glucose와 galactose 및 hexoamine의 존재를 확인하였고 정량분석 결과 총 hexose의 양은 추출단백의 0.74%이고, 총 hexoamine의 양은 0.87%였다. 본보에서 보고한 바와 같은 아미노산의 구성비율로 미루어 녹각단백은 일종의 collagen으로 추정하였다. 그러나 녹각단백중에 존재하는 아미노산 구성중 특기할 점은 cystine이 존재하는 반면 valine이 검출되지 않았다는 점이다. emission spectroscopy로 검출된 무기원소의 종류는 13종이며 회화잔사의 함량은 녹각무게의 55.6% (w/w)이며 이 회화잔사중 Ca은 회화잔사의 36.79%이고 Mg은 1.42%를 차지하고 있음을 청량분석의 결과 규명하였다. With an attempt to elucidate the biologically functioning groups of deer horn, we obtained, in this investigation, a protein fraction after extraction of the pulverized deer horn with 5M-urea followed by decalcification with acetic acid. The amino acid composition of deer horn extracted came up to 16 kinds. And analysis of the protein extracted with 5M-urea gave values, as per cent, glycine, 24.51%; proline, 11.09%; glutamic acid, 10.26%, which come up to 46.86% of the total amino acids initially present. The existence of glucose and galactose is confirmed with the results of thin-layer chromatography being carried out many times. And the total amounts of hexose and hexosamine are accounting for 0.74% and 0.87% for each. The present communication described as above has affirmed the protein from deer horn to be a sort of collagen. However, it can be focused on the significance of the existence of cystine and the absence of valine in deer horn. The contents of inorganic elements detected with emission spectroscophy are listed as following: total inorganic elements are detected to be 13 kinds. And the ash-contents of deer horns are 55.6% (w/w). The quantitative analysis for the ash shows that it contains 36.79% of Ca and 1.42% of Mg against ash contents by weight per weight.

      • KCI등재

        기혈양허로 변증한 파킨슨병 환자 증례 보고

        김영은,김일화,이재화,이성근,이기상,Kim, Young-Eun,Kim, Il-Wha,Lee, Jae-Hwa,Lee, Seoung-Geun,Lee, Key-Sang 대한한방내과학회 2009 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.30 No.4

        Parkinson's disease is a slowly progressive degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. It is characterized by tremor when muscles are at rest, increased muscle tone, slowness of voluntary movements, and difficulty maintaining balance. In oriental medicine, these symptoms are diagnosed as yin(陰)-deficiency of liver and kidney, deficiency of qi(氣) and blood, retention of phlegm(痰), qi-stagnation and blood stasis. In this case, we diagnosed patients as deficiency of qi(氣) and blood type according to symptoms and treated by herbs that strengthen yang and benefiting yin for two weeks, while maintaining existing parkinson's western medication. After treatment, clinical symptoms were improved, while UPDRS (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale) score was decreased. These cases suggest that oriental medicine therapy maybe effective in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.

      • Glass dosimeter와 PCXMC Program을 이용한 소아피폭선량 측정 및 분석

        김영은,이정화,홍선숙,이관섭,Kim, Young-Eun,Lee, Jeong-Hwa,Hong, Sun-Suk,Lee, Kwan-Seob 대한디지털의료영상학회 2012 대한디지털의료영상학회논문지 Vol.14 No.2

        Exposed dose of young child should be managed necessarily. Young child is more sensitive than adult of a Radioactivity, especially, and lives longer than adult. Must reduce exposed dose which follows The ALARA(As Low As Reasonably Achievable)rule is recommended by ICRP(International Commission on Radiological Protection)within diagnostic useful range. Therefore, We have to prepare Pediatric DRL(Diagnostic Reference Level) in Korea as soon as possible. Consequently, in this study, wish to estimate organ dose and effective dose using PCXMC Program(a PC-Based Monte Carlo Program), and measure ESD(Entrance surface dose)and organ dose using Glass dosimeter, and then compare with DRL which follows EC(European Commission)and NRPB(National Radiological Protection Board). Using glass dosimeter and PCXMC programs conforming to the International Committee for Radioactivity Prevention(ICRP)-103 tissue weighting factor based on the item before the organs contained in the Chest, Skull, Pelvis, Abdomen in the organ doses and effective dose and dose measurements were evaluated convenience. In a straightforward way to RANDO phantom inserted glass dosimeter(GD352M)by using the hospital pediatric protocol, and in a indirect way was PCXMC the program through a virtual simulation of organ doses and effective dose were calculated. The ESD in Chest PA is 0.076mGy which is slightly higher than the DRL of NRPB(UK) is 0.07mGy, and is lower than the DRL of EC(Europe) which is 0.1mGy. The ESD in Chest Lateral is 0.130mGy which is lower than the DRL of EC(Europe) is 0.2mGy. The ESD in Skull PA is 0.423mGy which is 40 percent lower than the DRL of NRPB(UK) is 1.1mGy and is 28 percent lower than the DRL of EC(Europe) is 1.5mGy. The ESD in Skull Lateral is 0.478mGy which is half than the DRL of NRPB(UK) is 0.8mGy, is 40 percent lower than the DRL of EC(Europe) is 1mGy. The ESD in Pelvis AP is 0.293mGy which is half than the DRL of NRPB(UK) is 0.60mGy, is 30 percent lower than the DRL of EC(Europe)is 0.9mGy. Finally, the ESD in Abdomen AP is 0.223mGy which is half than the DRL of NRPB(UK) is 0.5mGy, and is 20 percent lower than the DRL of EC is 1.0mGy. The six kind of diagnostic radiological examination is generally lower than the DRL of NRPB(UK)and EC(Europe) except for Chest PA. Shouldn't overlook the age, body, other factors. Radiological technician must realize organ dose, effective dose, ESD when examining young child in hospital. That's why young child is more sensitive than adult of a Radioactivity.

      • KCI등재

        문제 중심 학습(PBL)을 적용한 ?무기화학실험?수업의 효과

        김영은,신예진,윤회정,우애자,Kim, Young-Eun,Shin, Ye-Jin,Yoon, Heo-Jeong,Woo, Ae-Ja 대한화학회 2010 대한화학회지 Vol.54 No.6

        본 연구에서는 서울시 소재 대학의 "무기화학실험" 수강생을 대상으로 문제 중심 학습(Problem-based Learning; PBL) 전략을 적용한 실험 수업을 한 학기 동안 진행한 후, PBL 전략이 '자기 주도 학습 능력'과 '과학에 대한 태도'에 미치는 영향을 알아보았다. 이와 더불어 실험 수업에 적용한 PBL 문제와 PBL 실험 수업 과정에 대한 학생들의 인식을 조사하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, PBL 전략을 적용한 "무기화학실험" 수업 후, 학생들의 '자기 주도 학습 능력'과 '과학에 대한 태도'가 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 나타냈다(p < .05). 특히, '자기 주도 학습 능력'은 7개의 하위 영역 중 '학습자적 신념'을 제외한 6개의 영역에서, '과학에 대한 태도'는 5개의 하위 영역 중 '과학의 유용성'을 제외한 4개의 영역에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다(p < .05). 둘째, 학생들은 PBL 문제가 '자기 주도 학습'을 가능하게 하며 책임감을 가지고 학습할 수 있도록 하는 기회를 제공한다고 응답하였다. 하지만 스스로 문제를 정의하면서 학습 과제를 선정해 나가는 수업 과정에 대해서는 어렵다고 응답하였다. 셋째, 학생들은 PBL 실험 수업을 통해 효과적인 학습을 할 수 있었다고 생각하였으며, PBL이 실험 교과에 적합하고 자기 주도적으로 학습을 할 수 있도록 하는 수업 방식이라고 응답하였다. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of PBL (Problem-based Learning) strategy applied to the "Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory" class. Especially, the changes in 'self-directed learning ability' and 'attitudes toward science' of undergraduate students were examined. In addition, perception on PBL problem and the PBL classes were investigated. The results of this study were as follows: First, after the course, 'self-directed learning ability' and 'attitude toward science' of students were significantly improved (p < .05). There were significant improvements in every sub-categories except 'self-confidence as a learner' for 'self directed learning ability' and every sub-categories except 'usefulness of science' for 'attitude toward science'. Second, the students expressed that PBL strategy provided opportunities to learn self-directively and responsibly, but the process of defining the problem was difficult. Finally on the survey toward PBL strategy, the students responded that PBL problems were authentic and helpful to learn problem solving ability. In conclusion, PBL laboratory course is effective for developing self-directed learning ability and positive attitude toward science.

      • KCI등재

        RF 마그네트론 스퍼터 방법에 의한 다결정 NiO 박막의 비저항 변화

        김영은,노영수,박동희,최지원,채근화,김태환,최원국,Kim, Youmg-Eun,No, Young-Soo,Park, Dong-Hee,Choi, Ji-Won,Chae, Keun-Hwa,Kim, Tae-Hwan,Choi, Won-Kook 한국진공학회 2010 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.19 No.6

        NiO 산화물 타겟을 이용한 RF 마그네트론 스퍼터 방법으로 유리 기판 위에 NiO 박막을 Ar 가스만을 사용하여 증착하였으며, 증착 온도에 따라 NiO 박막 특성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. XRD 측정으로부터 증착된 박막의 결정구조는 $200^{\circ}C$ 이하에서 (111) 면의 우선 배향성으로 보이다가 $350^{\circ}C$ 이상에서 (220) 면의 우선 배향성을 가지는 다결정 입방구조임을 확인하였다. NiO 박막의 전기적 특성의 변화는 기판의 온도가 $200^{\circ}C$까지는 $10^5\;{\Omega}cm$의 부도체에 가까운 높은 비저항을 보였고 기판의 온도가 $300^{\circ}C$ 이상에서는 $10^{-1}{\sim}10^{-2}{\Omega}cm$의 도체의 특성을 보이는 낮은 비저항으로 감소하는 Mott-Insulator Transition(MIT) 현상을 관측하였다. NiO 박막 내의 증착 온도 변화에 따른 ${\sim}10^7$ 정도의 큰 비저항 변화를 결정성, 결정립의 변화 및 밴드 갭의 변화 등으로 설명하였다. Polycrystalline NiO thin films were deposited on glass substrate by RF magnetron sputtering using only Ar as a plasma sputter gas. based on the analysis of x-ray diffraction (XRD), NiO films had a polycrystalline cubic (NaCl type) structure. NiO thin films grown below and above $200^{\circ}C$ showed preferred orientation of (111) and (220) respectively. It showed colossal change in electrical resistivity as much a ${\sim}10^7$ order form an insulating state of $105\;{\Omega}cm$ below $200^{\circ}C$ to a conducting state of $10^{-2}{\sim}10^{-1}\;{\Omega}cm$ above $300^{\circ}C$ such a Mott metal-insulator transition (MIT) in polycrystalline.

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