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        헤어숍(Hair Shop)의 규모·직급·매출·업체형태에 따른 미용매니저(중간관리자)의 수요와 필요성에 관한 연구

        김유라(Yu Ra Kim),조지훈(Ji Hoon Cho) 한국인체미용예술학회 2016 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of the study is to provide information for developing beauty manager training programs. Samples consist of 248 hairdressers in Daejeon·Chungcheongdo. They participated in the study via questionnaire method. The data was analyzed through cross tabulation, multiple regression, One-way ANOVA on SPSS v. 21.0. The results were as follows. Firstly, regarding the demand of the beauty manager, 66.9% of the participants are in favor of having a beauty manager. Larger, franchise shops, and shops with higher profit are more aware of the need for beauty managers. Second, the survey showed that participants chose ‘boosting customer satisfaction’ and ‘improving effectiveness of employee performance’ as the top two roles and benefits of beauty managers. Third, while most participants answered beauty managers are needed for ‘improving effectiveness of employee performance.’ in general, employees answered that beauty managers are needed for ‘employee performance’ and shop owners chose ‘customer service.’ Lastly, 80.7% percent of participants showed high awareness toward the need for the training system for beauty managers. Respondents who showed high awareness in the role and the benefit of beauty managers showed higher awareness in the need for them also. The study found out that higher awareness in the role of beauty managers lead to higher awareness in the demand and need for them, which again lead to higher awareness in the need for education program for the beauty manager. It was also discovered that most participants only viewed the role and benefit of having beauty manager in restricted domains.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 한국의 인성교육에 대한 도전: 슈타이너로부터 배우는 거꾸로 발상

        김유라 ( Yu Ra Kim ) 한국교육철학회 2015 교육철학 Vol.56 No.-

        The research on character education has been actively done with an interest in character education, and teachers try to practice character education in school. Recently character education direction in Korea is to expand the hours of ‘character education’. The pan subject areas of national curriculum is added to ‘character education’, many programs for character education have been developed. Teachers take efforts to teach ‘character’ to students with a variety of theories and programs. However, since good character has made with one subject of ‘character education’, when character education is integrated with knowledge education in the whole process of education curriculum, students will grow up to be whole persons. This study is to learn character education from Rudolf Steiner’s anthroposophy in terms of Korea’s practice of character education. Steiner’s character education to be in harmony with the world will provide many implications in the practice of our character education.

      • KCI등재

        오르프의 음악교육론

        김유라(Kim, Yu-Ra) 한국교육철학회 2013 교육철학 Vol.49 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to understand the music education doctrine of Carl Orff in a view of modem inheritance of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's the natural music education doctrine. Orff is an acknowledged 20th century's German music educator. Orff’s influential teaching approach has still been researched around the world, including United States, Asia, and Europe, as well as implemented in the field of education. Orff’s teaching approach has opened a new era for music education with a method never been used before. That is the reason Orff’s music education is widely studied beyond his time. Orff suggested the music education for children with detailed ideas and implemented child-centered music education. Orff’s education is influenced by Rousseau's child-centered approach and has a foundation of the naturalism. 111e purpose of Rousseau's education is to raise a natural human being by promoting a child's natural abilities, which is the basic of the doctrine. Also, Rousseau's music education is deeply involved with this view of nature which is its origin. The pursuit of nature-congruent music education is about seeking a simple and natural life in compliance with the laws of nature. This perspective is presented well on Rousseau's educational view of music which is about a simple melody, sensory training, musical expression from inside, respect for creativity, and discovery of a self-song. Orff’s music education has a foundation of naturalism, called 'Elementary music'. It says: music has to be simple and easy so that every child plays and enjoys; also, music education should be complied with the laws of nature to meet the developmental stages of their own; children need to discover and develop their own world of music; music classes should be the time to learn the true fun of it, not to learn music for a study; this can inspire children's own creative musicality; music activity does not necessarily require musical talent to be a subject of music. It shows that Orff’s music education has been understood and implemented in same terms of Rousseau's. Understanding Orff’s doctrine is helpful to learn the implications of how to practice child-centered music education.

      • KCI등재

        이익투명성이 기업가치에 미치는 영향: 기업지배구조 특성별 차이를 중심으로

        김유라(Kim, Yu-Ra),오현민(Oh, Hyun-Min),신호영(Shin, Ho-Young) 글로벌경영학회 2018 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구에서는 이익투명성이 기업가치에 미치는 영향과 기업지배구조 특성별 차이에 따른 이익투명성이 기업가치에 미치는 영향을 살펴보고자 한다. 이익투명성이 높을수록 기업가치는 향상될 것으로 예측된다. 이는 선행연구를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 세 가지 관점에서 논의될 수 있다. 첫째, 자본비용의 감소로 수익성이 증대될 것이다. 둘째, 정보비대칭과 대리인비용 감소로 신뢰성 있는 투자기회 및 투자효율성 증가로 이어질 것이다. 셋째, 상대적으로 높은 감사품질을 갖기 때문에 이익조정 가능성이 감소하고 이익의 질이 향상되어 기업가치가 향상될 것이다. 이익투명성의 측정은 Cheng and Subramanyam(2008)의 방법론을 사용하였고, 기업가치 평가는 토빈Q를 사용하였다. 분석기간은 2011년부터 2017년까지 유가증권시장에 상장된 비금융업 12월 결산법인을 대상으로 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 이익투명성과 기업가치는 양(+)의 상관관계로 나타나 이익투명성이 높을수록 기업가치가 향상된다고 해석된다. 둘째, 기업지배구조 변수로 다섯 가지를 이용한 결과 최대주주지분율이 낮을수록, 대규모기업집단에 소속될수록, 사외이사비율과 이사회 규모가 클수록, 외국인지분율이 높을수록 이익투명성으로 인한 기업가치 효과는 증가하였다. 다만, 최대주주지분율은 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 본 연구결과는 회계투명성과 기업가치가 비례적 관계라는 기존 선행연구와 같은 맥락에서 이익투명성이 회계투명성 설명변수의 하나로 사용될 수 있다는 주장을 지지한다. 또한 우수한 기업지배구조를 가질 때 이익투명성이 기업가치에 미치는 긍정적인 영향을 더욱 강화하는 효과가 있다는 실증결과는 국내 기업의 이익투명성 관리를 더욱 촉진시킬 것이다. 무엇보다 연구의 주요 가설을 토대로 투명한 이익정보에 따른 주가가 기업의 실질적인 내재가치 평가에 기여할 것이다. The issues of accounting transparency have been dealt significantly by the accounting association. In Korea, because of the foreign exchange crisis in the late 1990s, accounting transparency issues have become important to enterprises, the expansion of the stock market and the use of K-IFRS have proved it already. However, despite of the growth of Korean companies and accounting systems, the IMD(International Institute for Management Development) ranked Korea as the lowest among 61 countries surveyed in the accounting transparency category in 2016. To guarantee accounting transparency to overcome this problem is a very emergency task because it is closely related to economic growth. Therefore, this paper studies the subject of earnings transparency. This study examines the effect of earnings transparency on the firm value and also the differences of the impact by corporate governance characteristics. In this study, earnings transparency is proxied by measures developed by Cheng and Subramanyam(2008) and firm value proxied by Tobin s Q. The sample consists of firm-year which has December fiscal year-end and listed on the securities market over 2011-2017. Empirical results are as follows. First, earnings transparency is significantly and positively associated with the firm value. This means that higher the earnings transparency is, the greater the firm value is. Second, this study finds that the firm value increased on the earnings transparency when firms with business group affiliation, outside director system and board size, foreign ownership ratio are high. Non-significant results are observed when the largest shareholder ownership ratio are low. This results support some arguments that earnings transparency can be used as one of the explanatory variables for accounting transparency. Our research findings will facilitate the management of earnings transparency in domestic enterprises and contribute to the practical assessment of the company s intrinsic value.

      • KCI등재

        펀 디자인: 행동변화와 소셜 인터랙션을 위한 핵심요소 분석 - 사회적 디자인 사례들을 중심으로 -

        김유라 ( Kim Yu-ra ),이선민 ( Lee Sun-min ),강부경 ( Kang Bu-kyung ),윤재영 ( Yun Jae-young ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회(구 시각디자인학회) 2017 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.61 No.-

        ‘재미(Fun)’적 요소가 더해진 제품과 서비스, 캠페인은 사용자들에게 신선한 경험과 즐거움을 제공하며 사용자들의 긍정적 반응 및 행동을 이끌어 낸다. 이는 수익성에만 그치는 것이 아니라 공익성까지 이끌어 내는 결과로 이어진다. 본 연구에서는 사회적 디자인 사례 분석을 통해 사용자의 행동변화를 유도하는 ‘펀 디자인(Fun Design)’의 정의와 핵심요소에 대해 이야기한다. 펀 디자인의 핵심요소는 크게 세 가지로, ‘트리거(Triggers)’, ‘피드백(Feedback)’, ‘소셜 인터랙션(Social interaction)’이 있다. 트리거는 매체의 유형과 시청각적 요소들로 이루어져 있으며, 피드백은 비물질적 피드백과 물질적 피드백으로 구분된다. 분석 결과 트리거는 사용자의 호기심을 유발하여 자발적 참여와 행동을 이끌어 내는 역할을 하였고, 피드백은 행동에 대한 보상인 동시에 지속적인 행동을 유도하는 것으로 나타났다. 소셜 인터랙션은 펀 디자인이 감정적 맥락에서의 재미 뿐 아니라 사회적인 맥락 안에서 사용자 간의 소통과 상호적 관계를 형성한다는 점에서 의미가 있다. Recent products, services and campaigns combined with “fun” elements are providing a new experience and enjoyment for many users, drawing further positive behavior and response. The results of such participation and behavior extend beyond profitability, effectively promoting the public interest. We defined and analyzed key elements of “Fun Design” through fifteen social design cases that induce optimistic changes in people’s behavior. In this study, we highlight three major elements: triggers, feedback, and social interaction. Triggers consist of a medium, visual and/or auditory elements, whereas feedback can be categorized into either non-material or material. Our results indicate that although triggers first stimulate one’s interest and curiosity to take actions, feedback, which is given in reward for one’s behavior, appears to be a more significant factor in maintaining that behavior. Social interaction, in particular, is meaningful because it makes Fun Design effective in creating interactive relationships between individuals within the social context.

      • KCI등재

        루소의 언어교육론

        김유라 ( Kim Yu-ra ),박창언 ( Park Changun ) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2016 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.17 No.4

        루소는 인류에게 아동중심의 교육이라는 새로운 장을 열게 해 주었으며, 루소의 아동중심 교육은 아동이 중심이 되는 언어교육에서도 적용되고 있다. 루소의 언어교육관은 그의 언어관에 잘 나타나있다. 언어의 발달과정은 개인의 발달과정과 사회의 발달과정과 일치하기 때문이다. 최초의 언어는 감각을 통한언어에서 체계적인 문자의 언어로 진화하였고, 이것은 인간의 감각의 발달과 이성의 발달과 정과도 일치한다. 원시사회에서 문명화된 사회일수록 체계성과 많은 약속들이 생겨나고 복잡한 제도가 생겨나기 때문이다. 이러한 이유로 루소는 어린이에게 감각을 통한 언어를 충분히 습득하고, 이성이 발달한 시기에 비로소 문자의 언어를 학습할 수 있도록 한 것이다. 루소의 교육론은 오랜 시간이 흐른, 현대에 이르러서도 현대교육에 많은 시사점을 제공하고 있다. 본 연구를 통하여 현대 어린들을 위한 언어교육에도 시사점을 제공하고자 한다. Rousseau has opened a new chapter for children-centered education which has been applied to language education. Rousseau`s philosophy of language education is also fully seen in his view on language because the development process of language is similar with the development process of individuals and society. The initial language was evolved from language through senses to language with systematic letters, which also accords with the development process of human`s senses and rationality. Additionally, civilized societies rather than primitive society have more systemicity, promises, and complex system. That is why Rousseau made children fully learn language through senses, and then learn a written language when their rationality is developed. Rousseau`s theory or former education might have some parts that do not match with those in the recent centuries. However, it provides an aspect for modern early childhood language education in from the perspective of historicity such as circulation and repetition.

      • 전두엽 손상 환자를 위한 실행기능 중재의 효과: 체계적 고찰

        김유라 ( Kim Yu-ra ),조영남 ( Cho Young-nam ) 대한인지재활학회 2023 대한인지재활학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        목적: 전두엽 손상 환자를 위한 실행기능 중재의 효과를 확인하고, 향후 인지재활의 발전을 위해 필요한 사항들을 도출하기 위함이다. 연구방법: 2009년 1월부터 2023년 5월까지 학술지에 게재된 논문 중 한국어 검색어는 “전두엽”, “실행기능”, “중재”, “실험연구”, 영어 검색어는 “frontal lobe”, “executive function”, “intervention” 또는 “rehabilitation”, “experimental study” 키워드로 학술연구정보서비스(RISS), Pubmed, Google 학술검색의 데이터베이스를 사용하여 총 8편의 논문을 선정하였다. 결과: 8편의 연구에서 실행기능 향상을 위해 사용된 중재 프로그램은 Goal Management Training(GMT) 중재가 2편, Attention and problem solving(APS) 치료 접근법이 1편, Short-term Executive Plus(STEP)가 1편에서 사용되었다. 전산화 인지재활 치료에서는 CoTras와 Rehacom이 각각 1편에서 사용되었으며. 음악치료 연구 2편에서는 Functionally-Oriented Music Therapy(FMT)와 Music - Supported Training(MST)로 중재가 진행되었다. 중재를 통하여 실행기능의 향상뿐만 아니라 감정적인 동요의 감소, 기본적인 인지기능과 일상생활활동 기능 향상, 그리고 실생활로의 일반화에서도 효과가 나타났다. 결론: 3가지의 중재 효과를 비교해보았을 때 전산화 인지재활은 하위 인지기능의 향상에 더 효과적임을 나타냈으며, 음악치료는 후속 치료 효과의 유지가 어렵다고 언급하였다. 따라서 앞으로 실행기능의 세부 항목을 포함한 효과적인 치료법을 찾기 위해 더 많은 연구가 수행되어야 한다. Purpose: This study was to investigate the effect of executive function interventions for patients with frontal lobe damage on cognitive function. Methods: A total of eight papers were selected from among papers published in the journal between January 2009 and May 2023 using databases from RISS, Pubmed, and Google Scholar. The search terms were “frontal lobe”, “executive function”, “intervention” or “rehabilitation”, “experimental study”. Result: The intervention programs used to improve executive function in 8 studies, two were goal management training (GMT) interventions, one attention and problem solving (APS) therapeutic approach, and one Short Executive Plus (STEP). In computerized cognitive rehabilitation therapy, CoTras and Rehacom were used in one study each. Two studies of music therapy conducted interventions with Functionally Oriented Music Therapy (FMT) and Music-Supported Training (MST). The intervention not only improved executive function, but also reduced emotional agitation, improved basic cognitive function and activities of daily living, and generalized to real life. Conclusion: Comparing the effects of the three interventions, computerized cognitive therapy was found to be more effective in improving lower cognitive functions, and it was mentioned that music therapy was difficult to maintain the subsequent treatment effect. Therefore, more research should be conducted to find effective treatments including details of executive functions in the future.

      • 패션점포의 POP광고 유형별 소비자 반응 연구

        김유라(Yu ra Kim),나상원(Sang Won Na),박진수(Jin su Park),신고은(Go Eun Shin),김은영(Eun Young Kim) 충북대학교 생활과학연구소 2015 생활과학연구논총 Vol.19 No.2

        This study is to examine a consumer response to POP ads and its effect on impulse buying behavior in the context of fashion retailing. Three types of POP (e.g. discount sales, odd price, bundling price) were selected and a total of six stimuli were created. For collecting data, a self-administered questionnaire was developed based on literatures. A total of 378 responses were obtained from university students who are aged from 18 to 26 years old. Findings showed that there were differences in cognitive and emotional responses among different POP types. Specifically, consumers' cognitive and emotional responses were rated more highly in the POP with discount sales(e.g. Up to 50%), than in the others. For cognitive responses, favorable attitude toward POP ads had positive effect on impulse buying behavior. Also, as a emotional response, pleasure had a positive effect on impulse buying behavior. This study discussed a managerial implication into developing effective promotional advertising in retail environments.

      • KCI등재

        경영진의 LH부채권(Inside Debt)OI 배당정책에 미치는영향에 관한 연구

        김유라 ( Yu Ra Kim ),윤정선 ( Jeong Sun Yun ),최현우 ( Hyun Woo Choi ),황규영 ( Gyu Young Hwang ) 한국파생상품학회(구 한국선물학회) 2015 선물연구 Vol.23 No.1

        주주와 채권자 간의 이해상충에 관한 최근 연구는 경영진의 퇴직연금 둥 내부채권이 회사채나 은행대출에 비하여 만기가 길고 담보가 제공되지 않아 경영진에게 파산회피 유인을 제공함으로써 주주와 부채의 대리인 비용을 감소시킬 수 있음을 강조하고 있다. 본 연구는 내부채권으로 인한 경영진의 파산회피유인이 배당정책에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 경영진의 내부채권이 증가할수록 배당확률과 배당 수준이 모두 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, KZ 인텍스가 높은 기업은 배당이 감소 하지만 이와 같은 KZ 인텍스와 배당정책의 부(- )의 관계는 경영진의 내부채권이 증가할수록 현저히 약화되는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구의 분석결과는 경영진이 내부 채권을 보유한 기업은 긴축적 배당정책에 대한 필요성이 완화되며, 또한 재무제약으로 인한 배당감소유인 또한 완화된다는 것을 시사한다. Literature documents that executives`` inside debt holdings (debt-based managerial compensation) such as defined-benefit pensions and retirement funds are often unfunded and unsecured and have long maturities, and thus provide managerial incentives to pursue strategies to avoid the overall firm risk. This study investigates the effect of managerial inside debt compensation relative to equity-based compensation on a firm``s dividend payout policy. We find that a inside debt holdings are positively associated with various measures of a firm``s dividend payout policy. Additionally, we find empirical evidence in firms with inside debt holdings that the inverse relationship between high default risk measured by KZ index and dividend payout weakens as the portion of inside debt relative to equity-based compensation rises. This finding indicates that the needs for the firm to restrain dividend payouts to equity hoiders is reduced as the executive``s debt-to-equity compensation ratio becomes larger. Overall, the results suggests the mitigating effect of executives`` inside debt holdings on the conflicts between bondholders and shareholders can lead to generous payout policy.

      • KCI등재

        슈타이너의 인지학에 기초한 발도르프교육이 한국의 생태유아교육에 주는 시사점 고찰

        김유라 ( Yu Ra Kim ) 한국어린이문학교육학회 2014 어린이문학교육연구 Vol.15 No.4

        본 연구는 생태유아교육과 슈타이너의 인지학에 기초한 발도르프교육의 공통점을 이해하고 차이점을 살펴봄으로써 발도르프교육이 생태유아교육에 줄 수 있는 시사점을 알아보려는 것을 목적으로 한다. 공통적으로 생태유아교육과 발도르프교육은 산업시대의 물질만능주의와 인간소외, 그리고 생명파괴의 문제를 극복하기 위한 대안적인 교육으로서 성격을 갖고 있어 자연과 삶을 체험하는 프로그램을 운영하는 등 교육방법 및 내용에서도 이들 간에 공통점이 나타나고 있다. 슈타이너 인지학과 그에 기초한 발도르프교육은 인간본질에 대한 이해로부터 발달단계를 설정하여 유아교육에서부터 초중등교육에까지 지속되는 체계적인 교육과정을 제시하고 있다. 생태유아교육역시 유아교육에서부터 초중등교육을 포함하는 체계적이고 연계성 있는 교육과정을 운영하는 것이 중요할 것이다. 이러한 점에서 인간에 대한 본질적 이해로부터 학습원리와 방향을 제시하는 슈타이너의 인지학내 기초한 발도르프교육은 생태유아교육이 체계적인 교육과정을 구성하고 교과교육과 연계하는 방법을 마련하는 데 시사점을 줄 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. This research aimed at investigating the implication of Waldorf education on eco-early childhood education by understanding common ground between eco-early childhood education and Waldorf education based on Steiner`s anthroposophy and exploring the difference. Commonly, eco-early childhood education and Waldorf education have the characteristic of alternative education to overcome mammonism, human alienation of industrial era, and the problem of destruction of life, therefore, there are common points between them in respect of educational method and content, e.g. operating the program to experience the nature and the life. Steiner`s anthroposophy and Waldorf education based on that suggest systematic educational process which is continued from the early childhood education to the elementary and middle school education, by establishing developmental stage from the understanding of human essence. Eco-early childhood education, also, it is important to operate a curriculum which is systematic and connective, including from the early childhood education to the elementary and middle school education. In this regard, the researcher considers that Waldorf education based on Steiner`s anthroposophy, which suggests the essential understanding of human, leaning principle and direction can give an implication on eco-early childhood education to compose systematic curriculum and prepare the method to connect to curriculum education.

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