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        GONG MING 한국동양예술학회 2019 동양예술 Vol.45 No.-

        중국의 사회 구조는 점차 전통적인 농업 사회에서 현대의 도시 생활로 전환되는 과정을 거친 후 대중들에게 사회 경제와 정치의 발전으로 인한 물질적 발전뿐만 아니라 더 많게는 이데올로기의 전환을 일으켰다. 이 과정에서 현대 예술도 이에 상응하는 변화를 일으켰고, 현대 예술의 가장 중요한 일부인 유화에도 다소 나타났다. 위에서 언급한 여러 가지 원인의 작용 하에 현대의 유화 예술은 “새로운 구도”를 형성하는 동시에 심미(審美) 가치 성향의 전환을 완성하였다. 즉 심미(審美) 습관도 점차 옛 것을 그리워하던 향토 유화에서 현재 성행하는 도시 유화로 전환되었고, 물론 심미(審美) 가치의 전환도 다른 변화들이 동반하였다. 본문은 옛 것을 그리워하는 향토 유화이든 도시 유화이든 이 두 가지 서로 다른 “가치 시스템”은 현대 중국 유화의 심미(審美) 정취가 보다 지역 특색을 지닐 수 있도록 하고, 그 가운데 내포하고 있는 인문 가치의 영향 이야말로 현대 예술가들이 주목해야 할 것임을 강조하려 하였다. 사실 다원화 사회와 문화 변혁 속에서 현대의 예술 형태는 여전히 융합과 변화의 단계에 처해있고, 중국 본토화를 대표할 수 있는 현대 예술 형태도 없다. 본문은 향토 소재에서 착수하여 현대의 중국 사실주의 유화의 현황에 대한 분석과 연구를 진행하였다. 중국 특색이 있는 경제와 정치적 구도 하에 다원화의 예술 맥락은 중국의 사실주의 유화가 서양의 현대주의와 현대 예술의 흐름에 편성하지 않고, 오히려 사실주의의 길에 전념하여 예술가와 감상자의 회화 언어 면에서의 공통성에 주목하였다. 뿐만 아니라 본문은 영향력이 있는 일부 화가들을 사례로 들어 이들의 작품에 대한 분석을 통해 다음과 같은 내용을 증명하였다: 옛 것을 그리워하는 향토 감정이든 도시 생활 감정을 표현하는 사실주의 유화이든 모두 훌륭한 전망을 지니고 있고, 중국 사회주의 정신 문명을 추진하는 부분에서 매우 중요한 역할을 일으키고 있다. 연구 방법 면에서 본문은 열거법, 분석법, 문헌 연구법 및 전체 귀납법을 활용하였고, 분석을 통해 다음과 같은 도출하였다: 중국 현대의 사실주의 유화는 현재 다원화의 예술적 맥락 속에서 시대적 양분에 대해 적극적으로 수용하여 심미(審美) 가치의 전환 과정에서 그 속의 인문 가치를 부각시킨다. 청년 예술가 시각에서 볼 때 중국 특색이 있는 인문 가치는 모든 예술가들에게 명확한 연구와 발전 방향을 제시하고 현대 유화 예술의 발전을 촉진한다.

      • Mining and Verification of Cold Stress-responsive Genes Correlated with the Cryogenic Autolysis of Volvariella volvacea

        Ming Gong,Hong Wang,Mingjie Chen,Dapeng Bao,Qiuming Zhu,Qi Tan 한국버섯학회 2017 버섯 Vol.21 No.2

        In Volvariella volvacea, a species of edible mushroom, cryogenic autolysis is a typical part of abnormal metabolism. Previous functional annotation cluster analyses of cold-induced gene expression profiles have shown that the ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 (UBE2) and the cyclin-like F-box domain (FBDC) form the functional clusters. Among them, a specific FBDC gene has been found to be in response to cold stress and correlated with the cryogenic autolysis of V. volvacea. In this study, analysis of gene expression profiling showed that only one type of UBE2 in V. volvacea (UBEV2) was significantly up-regulated. Further quantitative real-time PCR analysis confirmed that the expression of UBEV2 was significantly up-regulated (P < 0.05) after cold-treatment lasting 4, 6, and 8 h. Western-bolt analyses confirmed that the protein expression of UBEV2 was in response to cold stress. This provided evidence that UBEV2 was a cold stress-responsive gene and closely correlated with cryogenic autolysis. The specific distribution of UBEV2 in recently diverged herb decay fungi indicated that UBEV2 was not evolutionarily correlated with early diverging fungi. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that UBEV2 was generated by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) from the ancestry of Selaginella moellendorffii UBE2. Further relative time estimation and detection of natural selection showed that there has been recent positive selection after HGT in UBEV2. Molecular modeling and logo analysis showed that the cysteine-cysteine motif is the characteristic of the UBEV2 family. These observations indicate that UBEV2 and FBDV1 are the newly discovered cold stress-responsive genes correlated with the cryogenic autolysis of V. volvacea.

      • KCI등재


        MING GONG,이광춘 한국동양예술학회 2019 동양예술 Vol.44 No.-

        艺术是一种宏观的认知方式,它随着当下的伦理 、 经济 、 科技 、历史与神话一直向前走。我们正处在一个不确定的时刻,流动变化的全球化进程正对个体思想进行着俞演俞烈的摧毁与重构。这也对艺术家提出了要重新从个体性的角度去重新考虑艺术问题。全球化始于文艺复兴。当时的人们设想了一个以欧洲为中心,以男性为主体的意识形态世界。而后的工业革命和殖民化进程中树立了一种以西方文化为依据的全球文化。这种文化在以种族中心为背景的潮流中不断强化中心价值。并逐步形成完整的社会制度,价值观,语言体系。而在当下的时代,这一文化格局不可避免的对地域差异性带来负面影响,价值观逐步趋同,抹平。当下所谓的全球化本体价值依旧是以文化中心国为存在的西方价值。自浪漫主义以后,艺术的先行者们一直在"非叙事"、"非模仿"、"自主性"的旗帜下寻找艺术的本质,恰如一层层地剥洋葱皮,以为外层是表面的,内里才是本质。但这样的主体价值虽然抹杀了地域带给文化的丰富性,却无疑大大改善了区域之间的沟通,促生着更加多元化的意识。大众文化打通了所有边界,使之成为交流的村落和政治经济权力的阶级体现。大众亦可以通过消费反抗消费。这种由广泛大众参与文化建设的形势—即个体和公共主体的交互影响,是已经到来的后工业时代的文化特点。艺术发展到这里,艺术品正在成为奢饰品与炫耀资本,成为高回报硬通货与洗钱途径,在所谓“普遍价值”下,迅速膨胀了整个市场,导致视觉艺术体系都已沦为以市场为中心。这意味着巨大的利益使得艺术家追求文化以及社会价值的功能变得困难。商业艺术有其存在价值,但其本体是可耻的,它出售的是艺术的圣光,而投机和圣光是不可兼容的,所以资本一直试图躲藏在艺术行动背后。波普艺术作为世界多种文化的汇聚点之一,是一种以消融边界为载体的开放精神,本文从近期大卫霍克尼的一幅拍卖作品说起,浅析波普艺术市场化的进程及其基本脉络,探讨艺术作品价格的几个主要成因以及个体因素对市场的影响,并对成因背后的基本要素和历史原因进行总结归纳和评析。

      • KCI등재


        궁명 ( Gong Ming ),( Lee Guang Chun ) 한국동양예술학회 2019 동양예술 Vol.44 No.-

        全球化始于文藝复興。當時的人們設想了一個以歐洲爲中心, 以男性爲主體的意識形態世界。而后的工業革命和殖民化進程中樹立了一種以西方文化爲依据的全球文化。這種文化在以種族中心爲背景的潮流中不斷强化中心价値。幷逐步形成完整的社會制度, 价値觀, 語言體系。而在當下的時代, 這一文化格局不可避免的對地域差異性帶來負面影響, 价値觀逐步趨同, 抹平。當下所謂的全球化本體价値依舊是以文化中心國爲存在的西方价値。自浪漫主義以后, 藝術的先行者們一直在"非敍事"、"非模倣"、"自主性"的旗幟下尋找藝術的本質, 恰如一層層地剝洋蔥皮, 以爲外層是表面的, 內里才是本質。但這樣的主體价値雖然抹殺了地域帶給文化的豊富性, 却无疑大大改善了區域之間的溝通, 促生着更加多元化的意識。大衆文化打通了所有邊界, 使之成爲交流的村落和政治經濟權力的階級體現。大衆亦可以通過消費反抗消費。這種由廣泛大衆參與文化建設的形勢―卽個體和公共主體的交互影響, 是已經到來的后工業時代的文化特点。藝術發展到這里, 藝術品正在成爲奢饰品與炫耀資本, 成爲高回報硬通貨與洗錢途徑, 在所謂“普遍价値”下, 迅速膨脹了整個市場, 導致視覺藝術體系都已沦爲以市場爲中心。這意味着巨大的利益使得藝術家追求文化以及社會价値的功能變得困難。商業藝術有其存在价値, 但其本體是可恥的, 它出售的是藝術的聖光, 而投机和聖光是不可兼容的, 所以資本一直試圖躲藏在藝術行動背后。 Art is a macrocognitive cognitive mode, with its current ethics, economics, technology, history and mythology. We are at an uncertain moment, and the process of changing the flow of globalization is carried on by Yu Yu-lIeh's destruction and reconstruction. This is also a matter for artists to re-establIsh artistic issues. Globalization dates from the Renaissance. At that time, the people thought of an ideological world based on Europe as the main theme of the world. Then the Industrial Revolution and colonialism established a global culture based on Western culture. This culture constantly contemplates the central value of the central trend in the race. And gradually forming a complete social system, values and language systems. In the present era, this cultural pattern inevitably brings negative effects on regional heterogeneity, and values gradually Interface. The so-called globalization value of the so-called globalization is still the value of Western culture. Since romanticism, the vanguard of art has always been " non-archItectural " and " non-ImpaIred " and " independence ". However, although the value of the community has not been brought to a cultural level, it has greatly improved the communication between the region and the region, and it is undoubtedly a great improvement on the scope of communication between the region and the community. The mass culture has penetrated all the boundaries, making it a class of communication villages and political and economic power. The public can also resist consumption by means of consumption. This is the cultural characteristic of the post-IndustrIalIst era, namely, the interaction between individuals and public entities. Art has developed here, and art is becoming a luxury and display of capital, and it becomes a high reward for the high return of hard currency and money laundering. This means that great interests make artists pursue culture and social values. The commercial art has its value, but it is shameful that it is the sacred light of art, and speculation and holy light are incompatible, so capital has been spent trying to hide behind art. As one of the convergence points of the world's many cultures, the author analyzes the main factors of the art market, and discusses the main factors and the influence of the basic factors and the influence of the factors on the basis of the basic factors and the reasons for the analysis of the factors behind the market, and the basic factors and historical causes of the factors behind the factors and historical causes.

      • KCI등재

        Synthesis of metal organic framework (MOF-5) with high selectivity for CO2/N2 separation in flue gas by maximum water concentration approach

        Gong-Ying Wang,Zhiyong Deng,Ning Jiang,Shaoying Liu,Cong-Ming Tang 한국화학공학회 2016 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.33 No.9

        Water plays a crucial role in the synthesis mechanism of metal organic framework-5 (MOF-5). Synthesized MOF-5 with good phase structure and large specific surface area is largely determined by an important synthesis factor: the total water concentration of the initial synthesis solution (Ctw). An understanding of the effects of different and high Ctw on the synthesis of MOF-5 and the investigation of the maximum Ctw suitable for the synthesis of MOF-5 are important to guide the synthesis of MOF-5. Through the research of the maximum Ctw, a favorable synthetic approach was established which could realize the synthesis of MOF-5 with fine performance on CO2 adsorption and separation. The research results show that the maximum Ctw could be as high as 1,440mmol/L, and synthesized MOF- 5 still has a good phase structure and a large specific surface area of 2,136m2/g (BET). Synthesized MOF-5 by the maximum Ctw exhibits a high CO2 adsorption capacity of 2.5mmol/g and a low N2 adsorption capacity of 0.2mmol/g at 298 K and 100 kPa. More importantly, synthesized MOF-5 by the maximum Ctw exhibits a high selectivity for CO2/N2 of 18-22 at 298 K and 20-130 kPa in simulated flue gas.

      • KCI등재

        Vector Control of Stator-Permanent Magnet Memory Machine Based on Three Magnetization State Manipulations

        Gong-De Yang,Ming-Yao Lin,Nian Li,Li Hao 대한전기학회 2019 Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology Vol.14 No.1

        Owing to the estimated permanent magnet (PM) flux linkage fluctuation, the stator-PM memory machine employing the continuous magnetization state (MS) manipulation may suffer from frequent MS manipulations and the accidental inverter damage in its extended speed range. In order to deal with this issue, in this paper, a novel vector control based on three MS manipulations is proposed and implemented on the existing hybrid PM axial field flux-switching memory machine. After a brief analysis of the researched machine configuration, the principle of the three MS manipulations, the remedial sliding mode speed regulator and the current distribution strategy are discussed. The simulated results show that the proposed scheme reduces the speed and electromagnetic torque overshoot and improves the dynamic performance. Meanwhile, compared with the flux-weakening control, the wide speed range can be obtained. Finally, the experiment is carried out to verify the validity of the theory.

      • KCI등재

        Port-Site Metastases and Chimney Effect of B-Ultrasound-Guided and Laparoscopically-Assisted Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Perfusion Chemotherapy

        Ming-Chen Ba,Hui Long,Xiang-Liang Zhang,Yuan-Feng Gong,Zhao-Fei Yan,Shuai Wang,Yun-Qiang Tang,Shu-Zhong Cui 연세대학교의과대학 2017 Yonsei medical journal Vol.58 No.3

        Purpose: CO2 leakage along the trocar (chimney effect) has been proposed to be an important factor underlying port-site metastasisafter laparoscopic surgery. This study aimed to test this hypothesis by comparing the incidence of port-site metastasis betweenB-ultrasound-guided and laparoscopically-assisted hyperthermic intraperitoneal perfusion chemotherapy (HIPPC). Materials and Methods: Sixty-two patients with malignant ascites induced by gastrointestinal or ovarian cancer were divided into two groups to receive either B-ultrasound-guided or laparoscopically-assisted HIPPC. Clinical efficacy was assessed from the objective remission rate (ORR), the Karnofsky Performance Status (KPS) score, and overall survival. The incidence of port-site metastasis was compared between the two groups. Results: Patients in the B-ultrasound (n=32) and laparoscopy (n=30) groups were comparable in terms of age, sex, primary diseasetype, volume of ascites, and free cancer cell (FCC)-positive ascites. After HIPPC, there were no significant differences between the B-ultrasound and laparoscopy groups in the KPS score change, ORR, and median survival time. The incidence of port-site metastasis after HIPPC was not significantly different between the B-ultrasound (3 of 32, 9.36%) and laparoscopy (3 of 30, 10%) groups, but significantly different among pancreatic, gastric, ovarian, and colorectal cancer (33.33, 15.79, 10.00, and 0.00%, p<0.001). Conclusion: The chimney effect may not be the key reason for port-site metastasis after laparoscopy. Other factors may play a role, including the local microenvironment at the trocar site and the delivery of viable FCCs (from the tumor or malignant ascites) to the trauma site during laparoscopic surgery.

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