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      • 대학생의 등교통행 교통수단 선택행태의 분석

        윤대식,최준호,김상황 영남대학교 지역발전연구소 2001 영남지역발전연구 Vol.27 No.-

        This research develops a model of travel mode choice for university students' commuting trips. A binormial logit model was found to be an appropriate approach. Data from students of Yeungnam University, collected in 1999, were used for empirical estimation of model parameters. The empirical results confirmed several behavioral aspects associated with travel mode choice for university students' commuting trips. The paper presents a discussion on implocations that can be inferred from the empirical results. Finally, future potential research questions are also discussed.

      • KCI등재

        적정서비스 지수 개발을 위한 서비스 제공량의 정량화에 관한 연구

        김형식(Kim, Hyeong Sic),고영준(Ko, Young Jun),김종배(Kim, Jong Bae) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2013 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.14 No.-

        최근 들어 서비스디자인 방법론에 대한 활용방안과 응용에 관한 연구들이 활발히 진행되고 있다. 이는 빠르게 변화하는 현대 사회의 흐름에 부합하고자 함과 기존 디자인 프로세스가 다루지 않던 영역에 까지 디자인적사고의 요구가 발생되고 있기 때문이며, 이러한 사회적 요구를 해결하기 위하여 전통적인 디자인 산업 또한, 유형, 무형의 가치를 창출하는 서비스산업과 연계하여 더 넓은 의미의 서비스디자인 영역이 개발되어야 할 것이다. 서비스디자인 프로세스 중 가장 대표적인 영국 디자인 카운슬의 서비스디자인 프로세스를 보면 첫째, 발견(Discover)과 둘째, 구체화(Define)와 셋째, 개발(Develop) 넷째, 전달(Deliver)하는 4단계로 구성되어 있으며, 고객과 서비스제공자 간의 맥락(Context)적이고 경험(Experience)적인 사고에 핵심적 가치를 두고 있으며, 확산과 수렴을 반복하는 더블 다이아몬드(Double Diamond) 구조를 가지고 있다. 또한, 고객의 니즈를 찾아내고 이를 해결하기 위하여 대표적인 고객여정 맵(Customer Journey Map)과 다양한 이해관계자(Stakeholder)를 분석하며, 이를 다시 다양한 경험을 가진 전문가들과의 공동 창작(Co-Creation)을 통하여 다양한 형태의 시나리오(scenario) 제작을 통하여 해결방법을 제시하고 있다. 이렇게 도출된 시각적이고 맥락적인 아이디어를 바탕으로 서비스디자인 기획자에 의해 터치 포인트(Touch Point)가 개발되며 이를 종합하여 서비스 블루프린트(Service Blueprint)가 작성된다. 이러한 과정에서 서비스디자인 기획자가 고객의 니즈를 해소 시키고자 할 때 얼마나 많은 서비스를 제공해야 하는가에 대한 것은 아직도 서비스디자인 기획자의 주관적인 판단에 의해 정해진다. 본 연구에서는 주관적인 판단보다는 적정한 서비스의 제공량에 대한 정량화 방법을 개발하기 위해 첫째, 문헌 및 논문을 중심으로 기존 서비스 평가법에 대한 자료를 수집 분석하였고 둘째, 국내의 사회적 이슈가 되고 있는 서비스 사례를 조사하였다. 또한, 한국소비자 보호원 구제마당에 등록된 불만족스러운 사례를 분석하였다. 셋째, 이를 통하여 서비스 제공시에 제공되어야할 핵심구성요소를 도출하여 서비스의 제공량을 정량적으로 도출할 수 있는 핵심적인 구성요소로 도출하였으며, 도출된 구성요소별 개념을 정의 하였다. 넷째 도출된 정적서비스(Adequate Service) 개념을 정량적으로 분석 할 수 있도록 적정서비스 지수(Adequate Service Index) 평가표를 제작하였다. 이를 통하여 기존에 제공되고 있는 서비스의 문제점에 대하여 정량적인 지수로 표현할 수 있게 하였다. 그리고 정량화된 적정서비스 지수를 서비스디자인 프로세스에 적용한 적정서비스디자인 프로세스를 제안하였다. 본 연구는 적정서비스 지수 개념을 적용한 서비스디자인 결과물이 고객과 서비스제공자 간의 상호작용을 최적화시킴으로써 사회적 낭비를 최소화 하고 핵심 서비스를 효율적으로 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. Recently, active studies are under progress on how to make use of service design methodology. This is because there is tendency to accord with the flow of modern society which changes rapidly, and also because thinking based on design is required even in the areas that design process used to be irrelevant previously. To satisfy this social requirement, the traditional design industry should also be associated with the service industry, which creates visible and invisible values, to develop to the service design area in the broader framework. Of the service design processes, the most representative is the one of UK Design Counsel, which is composed of the following 4 steps: 1. Discover, 2. Define, 3, Develop, and 4, Deliver, and puts its core value on the thought of context and experience between customers and service provider, and has the Double Diamond structure that repeats divergence and convergence. In the service design process, to find customer needs and satisfy them, a representative Customer Journey Map and various Stakeholder are analyzed and, based on these, the solution is proposed through numerous forms of scenario and Co-Creation with experts who have various backgrounds. Based on ideas derived this way, Touch Point is developed by the service design planner and the Service Blueprint is prepared by putting these together. In this process, how much service the service design planner should provide to satisfy customer needs is still determined by the subjective judgment of the service design planner. In this study, to develop quantization of the adequate service rather than subjective judgment, first, data on the previous service evaluation was collected in the books and papers for analysis, second, instances of domestic service satisfaction were investigated. Also, instances of dissatisfaction registered to the Relief Field, Korea Consumer Agency were analyzed. Third, core components to be provided along with service were derived through these and defined as the core components to derive the adequate service quantitatively, and concept was defined for each derived component. Forth, Adequate Service Index evaluation table was prepared for quantitative analysis of the derived concept of Adequate Service. Through this, problems in the previous service can be discovered and quantized. And, an adequate service design process was proposed by applying the quantized Adequate Service Index to service design processes. The purpose of this study is to minimize social waste and realize the most critical service through that the service design output of applying adequate service index developed in this study optimizes interaction between customers and service provider.

      • KCI등재

        실버케어로봇 개발을 위한 디자인 연구 - 실버층의 이동지원을 중심으로

        김형식(Kim Hyeong-Sic),고영준(Ko Young-Jun),박승배(Park Seung-Bae) 한국상품학회 2008 商品學硏究 Vol.26 No.1

          인구의 급격한 고령화로 인해 신체적 능력이 저하된 노인들을 돌보기 위해 가족 등의 보살핌이 불가피하게 되고 경제활동 인구의 부족이 심화되며, 노인부양비용이 증가하는 등 사회적 문제가 야기되고 있다. 이러한 문제와 관련하여 전 세계적으로 기술발달이 가속화되고 있는 로봇기술의 활용가능성은 시사하는 바가 크다. 일본, 미국 등에서는 휴머노이드 로봇 외에 인간을 대신하여 청소, 경비, 폭발물제거 등을 하는 로봇개발에 열중하고 있으며 국내에서도 청소로봇 외에 홈 시큐러티로봇, 휴머노이드 로봇 등이 활발히 개발되고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 본 연구는 실버케어로봇의 사용자인 노인의 특성에 맞는 케어로봇 개발 시에 활용될 수 있는 디자인가이드라인 제시와 디자인 제안을 목표로 진행되었다.<BR>  이를 위해 본 연구에서는 실버케어로봇의 개념과 국내외 기술동향에 관한 문헌 고찰과 자료 수집을 하였고, 이것을 토대로 전문가 집단에 의한 실버케어로봇의 미래 시나리오를 작성하였다. 또한 자료조사에서 확보된 엔지니어링 기술 로드맵을 통해 케어로봇의 활용시기를 예측해 보았다. 그리고 사전조사 성격의 노인 소비자와 개호인의 관찰과 인터뷰, 그리고 일반인을 대상으로 유니버설 디자인 원칙을 적용한 실증분석을 통하여 실버케어로봇에 적용될 디자인 가이드라인을 도출하였다. 이러한 디자인 가이드 라인을 바탕으로 실버케어로봇 디자인을 제시하였다.   With the rapid increase of the aged in the population, various social problems such as decrease of labors and limitation in economic development are emerging. With the age, human beings suffer from various degenerative diseases. However, it is not desirable for healthy community if we leave those degenerative diseases to threat the independent life of the aged. If we can help the aged walk by themselves even though they do not have perfect mobility, we can reduce the risks that the community should endure with the increase of the aged population. Relating with this issue, new technology such as robot suggests many things. For the study of design of walkers utilizing new technologies, multi discipline approach including product design, medical science for the aged, physiology for the aged, marketing and engineering is needed.<BR>  To overcome the limitations of conventional walkers, we grafted new technology such as robot technology and aimed to design a walker with various characteristics for the silver age.<BR>  o Theoretical Review : We investigated silver markets in USA, Japan and Europe and performed literature review to identify the general characteristics and walking related characteristics of the aged. Additionally, the concept of the walker for the silver age, which is the issue of this article, was defined.<BR>  o Analysis of Walkers : We analyzed the development trend of silver care robots and walkers in and out of Korea to get an idea for a new concept walker and reviewed the previous literature to have a technology development road map. Additionally, we executed SWOT analysis on domestic walker manufacturing industry.<BR>  o Observation of Behavioral Characteristics of the Aged : Through the observation and interviews with the aged, we identified their uncomfortable situations and individually different statuses in details. Based on the data, we induced design guideline that can be referred in the process of care robots for the silvers.<BR>  o Design Development for Walkers : To get the body dimension of the silver age, we referred to the data in "Human body size and function configuration report for the universal design of Size Korea"(Kim Jeong Ryong 2005). We selected human body parts and applied them to model for walkers. We designed a walker which is consistent with the guidelines of the universal design principles and supporting principles.

      • KCI등재

        중증장애인의 사회활동 증진을 위한 손작업의 수행방법 제안에 관한 연구

        김형식(Kim, Hyeong Sic),안광옥(An, Kwang Ok),고영준(Ko, Young Jun),김종배(Kim, Jong Bae) 한국전시산업융합연구원 2014 한국과학예술융합학회 Vol.16 No.-

        본 연구에서는 중증장애인의 사회참여 증진을 목적으로 중증장애인의 소실된 신체기능을 구현할 로보틱가젯(Robotic Gadget)의 개발에 앞서 중증장애인들이 사회활동을 하는데 필요로 하는 손작업 기능이 무엇이고, 그러한 기능을 하는데 있어 가장 핵심적인 태스크 도출하고 핵심태스크의 수행방법 제안을 목표로 진행하였다. 연구의 대상인 중증장애인 중 후천적 장애인의 경우 비장애인으로서의 삶에 대한 향수와 자존감에 있어 선천적 장애인보다 사회활동에 대한 열망이 많은 것을 재활훈련 관련 물리치료사와 작업치료사의 인터뷰를 통하여 알 수 있었다. 후천적 장애인의 경우 물리적 사고에 의한 신체기능의 소실이 대표적이며 증상의 종류와 장애레벨이 다양한 것이 특징이었다. 이러한 장애인들을 보조하기위해 개발된 국내외의 로봇 팔과 보조기기의 사례조사를 통해 로봇 팔의 경우 인간의 팔기능 구현에 목표를 두고 개발되어 부피가 크고 무거우며, 작동이 복잡하여 적정서비스를 제공하지 못해 실생활에는 부적합하다는 것을 알 수 있었으며, 반면 장애인의 니즈를 충분히 반영하여 개발된 보조기기의 경우 간단한 구조를 갖더라도 장애인의 생활에 매우 유용하고 부피와 무게를 최소화할 수 있었다. 이러한 장애인의 니즈를 찾고 이를 최적화하기 위해 척수손상 환자 및 신경/근육질환 환자를 대상으로 한 설문조사와 중증장애인 포커스그룹인터뷰를 실시하여 이동하기, 스마트단말기 사용, 신분증제출/신용카드결제하기, 음료 마시기, 명함교환하기, 받침대 사용하기의 6가지 영역의 핵심태스크를 도출하였고, 이를 바탕으로 이해관계자 맵을 작성하여 중증장애인이 사회활동을 할 때 필요한 손작업과 이해관계자를 분류하였으며, 태스크 영역에 따른 핵심태스크의 수행방법을 제안하였다. This study was made to suggest how to derive and perform the key tasks for manual working function of the persons with severe impairment in social activities before developing the robotic gadget which will realize the physical functions which were lost in the persons with severe disability with a view to improving the participation of the persons with severe disability into society. In case of the acquired handicapped persons out of the persons with severe disability who were the objects of study, it was known from the interview with the physical therapists and work therapists related to the rehabilitation training that they were more eager to the social activities than native disabled persons in the yearning to the life and self-regard as non-disabled persons. However, nonetheless of these requests, in case of the acquired disabled persons, the loss of the physical functions due to the physical accident was typical and they were characterized with the various types of symptoms and disability severity. It was known that the arm robot was bulky and heavy as it was developed by aiming at the realization of human arm function and it was improper to the real life because the adequate service was not provided due to its complexity in operation through the case studies on the domestic and foreign robot arms and assistive aids to support such disabled. On the other hand, in case of the assistive aids developed with full reflection of the needs of the persons with severe disability, their volume and weight could be minimized to be useful to the life of the persons with severe disability in spite of simple structure of them. The key tasks for 6 areas, moving, using the smartphone terminal, suggestion of ID/paying with credit card, beverage drinking, name card exchanging and using the support base were derived through questionnaire and focus group interviewing with persons with severe disability who were the patients suffering from the spinal cord injury and nerve/muscle disease to find the needs of these persons with severe disability and to optimize such needs. The map for the persons concerned was made based on these and manual working which was necessary for social activity and the persons concerned were classified and the method of performing the key tasks were suggested depending on the task areas.

      • Cryogenic measurement of alpha decay in a 4π absorber

        Lee, Sang-Jun,Lee, Min Kyu,Jang, Yong Sic,Kim, Il Hwan,Kim, Sun Kee,Lee, June Sur,Lee, Kyoung Beom,Lee, Young Hwa,Kim, Yong-Hamb IOP Pub 2010 Journal of Physics. G, Nuclear and Particle Physic Vol.37 No.5

        <P>We established <I>Q</I> spectroscopy, a novel method for the study of alpha decay, by combining 4π detection scheme with a low-temperature microcalorimeter. A 4π metal absorber guarantees absolute measurement of radioactivity without energy loss in the source and absorber. As a clear demonstration of <I>Q</I> spectroscopy, the <SUP>241</SUP>Am alpha source enclosed by a thin gold foil was measured below 100 mK. Its resulting energy spectrum has two dominant peaks with 10 keV FWHM. The more dominant one corresponds to the complete absorption of the <I>Q</I> value, the total decay energy, and the less dominant one to γ-ray escapes. Consequential one-to-one correspondence with high-energy resolution appears between mixed radioisotopes and peaks in <I>Q</I> spectroscopy, which will simplify procedures of nuclear material analysis.</P>

      • 벽체일체형 환기장치의 열회수율에 관한 연구

        김명호(Myung-Ho Kim),유성연(Seong-Yeon Yoo),김태호(Tae-Ho Kim),김강식(Kang-Sic Kim),강형철(Hyung-Chul Kang),윤홍익(Hong-Ik Yoon),박준택(Jun-Taik Park) 대한기계학회 2014 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2014 No.11

        A wall-integrated ventilation systems were developed to supplement the weakness of a conventional floor-standing type or ceiling type ventilation system, and their heat recovery rates were investigated. Two types of plastic heat exchangers, square dimple and hexagon-corrugated, were used in this study. The effectiveness of the heat exchangers and heat recovery rates of the ventilation systems were measured and compared in the actual weather conditions. The effectiveness of each heat exchanger was almost constant during a day, but the heat recovery rates are varied remarkably depending on the outdoor temperature.

      • KCI등재

        When do we need more than local compression to control intraoral haemorrhage?

        Jun-Bae Sohn,Ho Lee,Yoon-Sic Han,Da-Un Jung,Hye-Young Sim,Hee-Sun Kim,Sohee Oh 대한구강악안면외과학회 2019 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.45 No.6

        Objectives: The aims of this study were to determine the effectiveness of local compression in patients presenting to the emergency room with intraoral bleeding and to identify when complex haemostatic measures may be required. Materials and Methods: Five hundred forty patients who had experienced intraoral haemorrhage were retrospectively reviewed. The outcome variable was the haemostasis method used, i.e., simple (local compression with gauze) or complex (an alternative method after local compression has failed). Predictor variables were sex, age, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) class, hepatic cirrhosis, bleeding disorder, use of antithrombotic agents, and site/cause of haemorrhage. Results: The mean patient age was 48.9±23.9 years, 53.5% were male, 42.8% were ASA class II or higher, and 23.7% were taking antithrombotic agents. Local compression was used most often (68.1%), followed by local haemostatic agents, sutures, systemic tranexamic acid or blood products, and electrocautery. The most common site of bleeding was the gingiva (91.7%), and the most common cause was tooth extraction (45.7%). Risk factors for needing a complex haemostasis method were use of antithrombotic agents (odds ratio 2.047, P=0.009) and minor oral surgery (excluding extraction and implant procedures; odds ratio 6.081, P=0.001). Conclusion: A haemostasis method other than local compression may be needed in patients taking antithrombotic agents or having undergone minor oral surgery.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        1,683예의 대장내시경 검사에서의 대장용종에 대한 전향적 분석

        김태수,김도선,정승용,이두한,강윤식,조항준 대한소화기내시경학회 1999 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.19 No.6

        Background/Aims: The colorectal polyp, particularly the adenoma, has been regarded as a precursor of cancer. The incidence of colorectal polyps has been reported at various rates according to investigation centers in foreign countries. In Korea, the incidence of colorectal polyps has been reported as very low according to the few reports, which was involved a few cases and were partial. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate prospectively the incidence and the clinicopathologic features of colorectal polyps. Methods: A colonoscope was inserted up into the cecum in 1,889 patients among 2,001 trials from Oct. 1996 to Aug. 1997 (success rate: 94.4%). Of the 1,889 full colonoscopies, the following were excluded; 1) referred patients with suspicious colorectal cancer or polyps, 2) patients with suspicious rectal cancer determined by rectal examination, 3) patients who had follow-up colonoscopy after a polypectomy or cancer surgery, and 4) patients who had periodic colonoscopy due to FAP or HNPCC. There were a total of 1,683 full colonoscopies in this study. The majority of the total cases involved a colonoscopy due to benign anal disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or routinechecks for health. Results: There were 946 men (56.2%) and 737 women (43.8%). The mean age was 48.2 yrs (13∼88 yrs) for men and 48.1 yrs (18∼89 yrs) for women. 422 patients were found to have 645 colorectal polyps (1.52 polyps per patient). The incidence of polyps was 25.1% (32.0% for men, 16.1% for women) and increased after the 6th decade in men (44.0%) and in women (23.0%). 281 patients were found to have 426 colorectal adenomas. The incidence of adenomas was 16.6% (21.9% for men, 9.9% for women) and increased after the 6th decade, 32.0% in men, and 15.9% in women. Solitary polyps were present in 277 patients (65.6%) while 94 patients (22.3%) had two polyps and 51 patients (12.1%) had between 3 and 8 polyps. The polyp retrieval rate was 96.9%. There were 426 adenomas (66.0%), 75 hyperplastic (11.7%), 120 inflammatory (18.6%), and 24 mcellaneous (3.7%) polyps. Of the 426 adenoma, there were 397 tubular adenoma (93.2%), 18 tubulovillous adenoma (4.3%), 4 villous adenoma (0.9%), 6 in situ carcinoma (1.4%), and 1 invasive carcinoma (0.2%). 6 in situ carcinoma's were detected in tubular adenoma and 1 invasive carcinoma in tubulovillous adenoma. Of 645 polyps, the sessile type was 87.9%. The polyp size varied from 1 mm to 25 mm and 79.2% were under 5mm. Also, 85.7% of adenomas were sessile and 74.7% were under 5mm. 22.0% of polyps were located in rectum, 35.4% in sigmoid colon, 9.5% in descending colon, 13.3% in transverse colon, 19.8% in ascending colon and cecum. The distribution of adenoma was similar to that of polyp. 40.1% of adenoma showed moderate to severe dysplasia. Conclusions: This study revealed that the incidence of polyp in Korea was higher than that in previous reports and 42.6% of polyps were proximal to rectosigmoid colon. Therefore, we suggest that we should try to detect and remove colorectal polyps by more active colonoscopy.

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