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        국가교육과정 개혁 맥락에서의 초등 예비 영어 교사의 교육실습 경험 및 발전

        안경자(Ahn Kyung ja) 한국초등영어교육학회 2015 초등영어교육 Vol.21 No.1

        The study aims to examine the experiences and development of student teachers during their practicums under the CLT-based curricular reform context. The participants are one mentor teacher and her three student teachers in a laboratory elementary school. The data include an English lesson per student teacher, interviews with each student teacher and the mentor teacher as well as the practicum journals, lesson plan drafts, classroom materials, and survey of the student teachers. The student teachers' practicum experiences differed depending on their personal prior experiences and knowledge regarding English and English language teaching; interactions with mentor teachers, peer student teachers, and pupils; and the classroom contexts. These factors led to the different levels of development of the student teachers as English teachers. The student teachers basically understood the core concepts of the curricular reforms and made efforts to improve their pupils' communicative competence with different foci across student teachers such as considering intercultural communication, enhancing pupils' interest in learning English, emphasizing natural English input and use. However, each student teacher had difficulties implementing the curricular reforms due to the limitations of her English and teaching skills, classroom management, simple and unnatural English use recommended by the textbook based on the National Curriculum. Despite the overall satisfaction with the practicum experiences, the student teachers wanted more substantial and active mentoring of the mentor teacher. Further suggestions regarding student teaching, mentoring, and pre-service English teacher education are discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등 예비교사를 대상으로 한 과정 기반 영어 마이크로티칭 모형의 개발 및 적용

        안경자 ( Kyung Ja Ahn ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2015 한국초등교육 Vol.26 No.1

        본 연구는 과정 기반 영어 마이크로티칭 모형을 개발하고, 이를 초등 예비교사교육 강좌에 적용해 초등 예비교사들의 경험 및 인식을 탐구했다. 초등 예비교사 21명을 대상으로 모형을 적용하고, 마이크로티칭 성찰문, 사후 설문지를 비롯해 배경요인 설문지, 수업지도안, 동료평가 자료를 수집하여, 내용 및 빈도분석을 거친 결과 주요 연구 및 분석 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 과정기반 마이크로티칭 모형은 예비교사들의 영어 수업계획, 실연, 평가에 대한 역량을 증진시키기 위해 마이크로티칭 전, 중, 후 단계로 고안되었다. 마이크로티칭 전 단계에서는 수업실연을 위한기본 역량을 강화하기 위해 영어 수업지도안, 교실영어, 영어 수업 평가 관련 워크숍을 진행했다. 수업지도안은 초안, 수정본, 최종본을 작성하면서 발전시키도록 했다. 마이크로티칭 후 단계에서는 교수, 동료, 자기평가를 시행했다. 둘째, 예비교사들은 수업지도안 계획 및 수정시 학습목표에 적합하고 실제적 의사소통 기회를 제공하며 학습자의 흥미와 참여를 높이는 활동을 단계별로 적절히 구성하는 것을 중요하게 생각했다. 또한 문법적이고 적절한 영어 표현을 사용하고자 했다. 자기성찰을 통해 본인 수업실연의 장단점을 분석하고 영어 수업실연 능력을 증진할 수 있는 계획을 세우기도 했다. 셋째, 예비교사들은 전반적으로 마이크로티칭 모형이 유용하다고 인식했다. 그러나 수업실연의 절차와 소요시간 등에서 임용시험과 동일하기를 원했다. 또한 교수, 동료, 자기평가가 예비교사들의 영어 교수 능력 향상에 유용하다고 인식했으나, 보다 자세하고 분석적이고 비판적인 교수 및 동료평가와 보다 자유롭게 성찰하는 자기평가가 되기를 원했다. 이러한 연구 결과를 바탕으로 본 연구는 마이크로티칭 모형의 개선 방향과 영어 예비교사교육에 대한 제언 및 시사점을 주고 있다. This study aims to develop a model for process-based English microteaching (PEM) for pre-service primary English teachers. It also examines pre-service teachers’ experiences and perceptions of their microteaching and the microteaching model when this model was implemented in one of their teacher education courses. The participants were 21 pre-service primary teachers who were enrolled in an primary ELT methodology class taught by the researcher. Data collected include the participants’ personal reflections on microteaching and post-survey responses about the microteaching model as well as three lesson plan drafts from each pre-service teacher, video-recorded microteaching sessions, and feedback from peers and the instructor. The data were analyzed both qualitatively (content analysis) and quantitatively (frequency analysis) using a mixed research design. In order to improve the pre-service teachers’ competence in planning, teaching, and evaluating English lessons, PEM was developed based on pre-, while-, and post-microteaching stages. When PEM was implemented, the participants focused on planning and revising their lessons based on the presentation-practice-production model to achieve the lesson objectives, provide the pupils opportunities for real-life communication, and improve their level of interest and participation. Also, the participants wanted to use grammatical and more appropriate English expressions. Through self-reflection on their microteaching, they analyzed the strong and weak points of their own lessons and created plans to improve their English and teaching skills. While the participants perceived the PEM as useful for lesson planning and teaching, they wanted the format of the microteaching to be closer to that found in the Teacher Employment Test. Whereas the participants found the feedback from the peer, instructor, self-assessments helpful, they wanted more analytical feedback from more competent peer evaluators, more detailed and critical instructor feedback, and more open self-reflection opportunities. Based on these findings, suggestions to improve PEM for pre-service English teachers are made. Moreover, implications for teachers, teacher educators, and policy makers regarding increasing the English instructional skills of pre-service English teachers are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어교사의 교사연구자로서의 인식 및 정체성

        안경자 ( Ahn Kyung Ja ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2017 한국초등교육 Vol.28 No.1

        본 연구는 대학원 재학생 및 박사과정에 있는 초등영어 교사들의 교사연구자로서의 인식 및 정체성을 분석하고자 했다. 대학원생인 초등 교사 22명을 대상으로 설문 응답 및 자서전적 에세이를 수집했고, 박사과정에서 연구 수행 중인 초등 교사 4명을 대상으로 설문 응답, 자서전적 에세이, 성찰 일지, 연구 산출물 등을 수집하여 내용분석을 통해 질적으로 분석했다. 대학원생들의 교사연구자로서의 인식과 정체성에는 대학원 수학 경력 및 연구 경험이 큰 영향을 미쳤다. `입문 단계`에서는 대학원 수학 및 연구 경험이 적어 연구에 대한 불안감과 초조감이 높았다. `진행 단계`는 주로 학위논문을 진행하는 과정에서 나타났으며 수업 개선 연구를 시도하고 그 성과를 기대했다. `확장 단계`는 연구 경험에 대한 성찰과 함께 다른 연구로 확장해 나가는 양상을 보였다. 박사과정 대학원생의 경우는 한 학기 동안 연구를 수행해 가면서, 우선, `연구학습자`로서 대학원 수업 및 자율적인 학습을 통해 연구 방법을 습득하며 연구자로서의 역량을 향상시켰다. 둘째, `연구탐색자`로서 선행연구를 살펴보면서 본인 연구의 범위, 주제, 설계에 대해 탐구해 이를 구체화시켰다. 셋째, `연구협상자`로 연구를 진행하면서 연구 맥락에 따라 연구 방향, 방법 및 논문의 논리 전개에 문제점을 발견하고 해결하며 연구를 수정·보완했다. 마지막으로, `연구성찰자`로서 본인이 수행한 연구의 과정과 결과를 되돌아보고 교육적, 학문적인 시사점을 찾고자 했다. 교사연구자 4명의 차이를 가져온 것은 진행하려는 연구에 대해 연구 수행 이전에 가진 연구 경험, 연구 주제, 방법 및 맥락에 대한 구체성 및 준비성의 정도였다. 본 연구 결과는 교사, 교사연구자, 교사교육가 및 정책입안자에게 초등영어교육 및 교사교육에 대한 시사점을 주고 있다. This study aims to examine the identities of elementary English teachers as teacher-researchers in a graduate program in general and those in the doctoral program in particular. Survey responses and autobiographic essays from 22 graduate students were collected. Also, survey responses, autobiographic essays, reflective journals, and final papers from four doctoral students were gathered. All the data were analyzed qualitatively through content analysis. It was found that the graduate students went through three different stages as teacher-researchers based on their amounts of experience in research and how long they had been in the graduate program: The initial, implementation, and expansion stages. While conducting their own research during the semester, the four doctoral students each displayed four types of teacher-researcher identities: research learners, research explorers, research negotiators, research reflectors. Individual differences were mainly related to how specific their research topics and methodology were and how prepared they were when they started their research at the beginning of the semester. Important implications for teachers, teacher researchers, teacher educators, and policy makers surrounding elementary English education and teacher education are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        초등영어 말하기 교육의 실태 분석과 발전 방안

        이경임(Lee Kyung Yim),이완기(Lee Won Key),안경자(Ahn Kyung ja) 한국초등영어교육학회 2015 초등영어교육 Vol.21 No.4

        The purpose of this research is to analyze the current state of teaching speaking in primary ELT, and to suggest some strategies for improving the current practice. For this purpose, teacher perception of teaching of the speaking was surveyed by questionnaire and interview, and also a classroom observation was made. The observation results were closely analyzed in a variety of aspects including students' participation in learning and their output during and after the class. As a result, a discrepancy was found between teacher perception and their actual teaching in the classroom. On the basis of the survey and observation results, a practical suggestion was made for improving the teaching of speaking in primary English, and finally some pedagogical implications were sought.

      • KCI등재

        패턴이 있는 이야기책 학년교차 읽어주기를 통한 초등영어 학습부진학생의 읽기 지도

        박정은(Park Jung Eun),안경자(Ahn Kyung ja) 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2014 영어교육연구 Vol.26 No.4

        This study aims to examine the effects of cross-age reading on elementary underachievers' English reading abilities and their attitudes towards English learning. Nine sixth-grade underachievers were chosen as tutors and participated in experimental lessons twice a week for 13 weeks. During the lessons, they practiced reading six patterned storybooks and took part in cross-age reading during which each worked with one tutee who was in first or second grade. The data include recorded lessons for the underachievers and the cross-reading sessions; underachievers' worksheets in the lessons, pre- and post-reading fluency and comprehension tests, and pre- and post-surveys about English learning attitudes; and interviews with the underachievers and their teachers. Major findings are as follows: (1) the underachievers' reading abilities improved in terms of reading fluency and comprehension; (2) their reading confidence and participation in reading activities were enhanced; (3) their concentration during English lessons and questions about English language increased; (4) they enjoyed learning with others and developed various English teaching and learning skills for their tutees; and (5) they grew in responsibility and motivation for English learning. Important implications regarding teaching English underachievers and using cross-age reading in English classrooms are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        스마트폰 앱을 활용한 초등영어 학습부진학생의어휘학습 사례연구

        최수희 ( Su Hee Choi ),안경자 ( Kyung Ja Ahn ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2015 현대영어영문학 Vol.59 No.1

        This study aims to investigate the vocabulary learning experiences of underachieving elementary English students while they used smartphone applications. Their vocabulary acquisition and vocabulary learning attitudes according to the application type they used were also examined. The participants were eight fifth-grade underachievers who were divided into two 4-person groups who used word card and game-type applications, respectively. Each student participated in his or her assigned vocabulary-learning activities for about twenty minutes each weekday for 9 weeks. The data sources included student interviews, the teacher’s journal, surveys of the students about their vocabulary learning attitudes, and their vocabulary tests. The findings revealed that the students’ lack of motivation, weak concentration, and repeated failure experiences could be overcome by giving rewards, re-creating a learning environment, and offering the opportunity to experience success. Also, obstacles such as technological problems with the smartphones and insufficient time at school to study vocabulary with the applications were surmounted by gaining the cooperation of the participants’ families and encouraging the students’ practice of self-directed learning. It was also found that through using smartphone applications, the learners’ vocabulary skills and the attitudes of most of the participants towards English vocabulary learning improved. Both applications had a positive effect on the underachievers’ vocabulary learning and attitudes, while the group using the word card application showed slightly higher achievement. Important implications regarding teaching and learning English vocabulary using smartphone applications are also discussed.(Suwn Songjook Elementary School, Seoul National University of Education)

      • KCI등재

        한국 초등영어 학습자의 말하기 능력 수준에 따른 말하기 오류 양상 및 교사의 교정 피드백

        김성수 ( Sung Soo Kim ),안경자 ( Kyung Ja Ahn ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2014 현대영어영문학 Vol.58 No.1

        This study examined primary English learners` speaking errors and the subsequent teacher feedback. The participants were two teachers and sixty fifth-grade students from a Korean primary school. The students were taking part in extracurricular English speaking lessons in which different types of feedback were used: Input-providing feedback (IPF: recasts, explicit correction) and output-providing feedback (OPF: prompts). All 20 lessons (10 lessons per level group) were videotaped and transcribed. The data include student surveys and interviews with five students from each group. The findings are as follows: (1) Whereas high level students made errors in grammar (function words) most frequently, low level students made errors in vocabulary (content words) most frequently. (2) Grammar errors were the error type for which the students received the most frequent teacher feedback. (3) High level learners preferred OPF, while low level learners preferred IPF. (4) IPF was more effective for students` error correction for both levels of students, specifically for lower level students. In particular, the low level students did not recognize OPF as useful teacher feedback and wanted feedback with clearer and more helpful clues. The study results offer teachers and teacher educators insights into teaching speaking at the primary school level in EFL contexts. (Yangbul Elementary School, Seoul National University of Education)

      • KCI등재

        영어교사 심화연수프로그램 평가: 연수교사들의 인식과 발전을 중심으로

        김진완 ( Jin Wan Kim ),안경자 ( Kyung Ja Ahn ) 글로벌영어교육학회(구 호남영어교육학회) 2011 Studies in English education Vol.16 No.1

        This study aims to evaluate a six-month domestic intensive English teacher training program (IETTP). It specifically examines what the participating teacher Learners expected from the program, how they perceived its effectiveness. It also investigates how they developed in terms of Linguistic and instructional skills through the program. Mixed methods were used to investigate 28 participants` Learning experiences in the program. The data include the program manuals, the participants` pre- and post-test results, their surveys on the program and the courses, instructors` feedback and evaluations on the teacher Learners` microteachings, and the interviews with the program and academic coordinators. The results of the participants` pre- and post-tests showed statistically significant improvement in their English skills except their speaking skills. In addition, the performance-based evaluation of their teaching demonstrations revealed their development in instructional skills. Overall, the teacher Learners perceived that their Language and teaching skills improved through the IETTP. However, some teacher learners suggested that more direct support should be made to improve the communication skills. This study provides important implications for teacher Learners, teacher educators, and policy makers. (177 words)

      • KCI등재

        초등영어 수행평가의 운영 현황과 교사 및 학생의 인식

        임은화(Lim Eun hwa),안경자(Ahn Kyung ja) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2015 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.15 No.3

        본 연구는 초등영어 수행평가의 실행 현황 및 영어과 국가교육과정 목표와의 부 합성을 조사했다. 또한 영어 수행평가에 대한 교사들과 학생들의 인식을 분석했다. 서울 경기 지역의 11개 초등학교에서 41명의 영어교사와 453명의 5, 6학년 학생들을 대상으로 설문조사를 했고, 그 중에서 교사 3명과 6학년 학생 3명을 심층면담했다. 자료는 양적 및 질적으로 분석되었다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다: (1) 초등영어 수행평가는 운영 주체들 간의 협의가 원활하지 않은 상황에서 진행되는 경우가 많 았고, 평가 기준안의 적용에 혼란을 느끼고 있었다. 이런 상황에서 교사들은 실질적 인 영어수행평가와 관련된 교사 연수를 받은 경험 및 연수 자체가 미흡한 실정이었 다. (2) 교육과정에서 지향하는 의사소통적 평가의 특성(예: Bachman, 1991)에서 볼 때, 수행평가는 직접적이고, 절대평가적이며, 수행평가적인 측면을 가지고 있었지만, 학생들의 요구에 기반하고 예측불가능한 평가의 측면은 다소 미흡했다. (3) 수행평 가는 국가교육과정의 인지적, 정의적 목표 달성에는 긍정적이었으나 문화적 목표 달 성에는 불충분한 것으로 나타났다. (4) 교사와 학생간 수행평가에 대한 인식의 차이 가 나타났다. 교사들은 수행평가가 계획 및 실행에 시간과 노력이 많이 투자되며, 평가 자료와 적절한 기준이 부족하기 때문에 수행평가에 대해 학생들보다 더 많은 부담을 가지고 있었다. 학생들은 교사들보다 더 다양한 평가과업 유형에 관심이 있 었고, 선호하는 평가과업유형은 학생별로 개인차가 있었다. 본 연구는 초등영어 수 행평가 발전을 위한 제언 및 영어 수행평가와 관련하여 교사, 교사교육가, 정책입안 가에게 중요한 시사점을 주고 있다. This study examines the implementation of performance-based assessment (PBA) in elementary English classes in South Korea and the extent to which PBA corresponds with the goals of the National English Curriculum. It also investigates teachers’ and students’ perceptions of PBA. The data include survey responses from 41 English teachers and 453 fifth and sixth graders. Interviews were also conducted with three of the sixth grade participants and three of the teachers. The data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings are as follows: (1) PBA was used in these teachers’ lessons despite a lack of collaboration with stakeholders and even though the teachers were unsure of how to apply assessment standards to their students’ performance. Furthermore, the teachers had had insufficient teacher education experiences and appropriate training regarding PBA in elementary English instruction. (2) Of the characteristics of assessment deemed suitable for measuring learners’ communicative competence in previous research (e.g., Bachman, 1991), PBA has the features of direct, criterion-referenced, task-based assessment; however, it is not student-needs-based, unpredictable assessment. (3) The teachers used PBA to determine whether students achieved the cognitive and affective objectives prescribed in the National English Curriculum, but they felt that PBA measure learners’ achievement in cultural objectives inadequately. (4) Discrepancies between teachers’ and students’ perceptions of PBA were found. Teachers felt more of a burden from the implementation of PBA than the students did due to the time and effort in planning and implementing PBA as well as a lack of testing resources and adequate assessment standards. The students were interested in more diverse test task types than the teachers were, and the preferred test task types varied from student to student. Based on these findings, suggestions to improve PBA in elementary English classes are made. Moreover, important implications for teachers, teacher educators, and policy makers regarding PBA in English instruction are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 6학년 EFL 학습자들이 겪는 원어민 영어 보조교사와의 학습 경험에 대한 현상학적 연구

        임은화 ( Lim Eun Hwa ),안경자 ( Ahn Kyung Ja ),배한숙 ( Bae Han Suk ) 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구소 2017 한국초등교육 Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구는 현상학적 분석의 방법을 통해 초등학교 6학년 EFL 영어 학습자들이 겪는 원어민 영어 보조교사와의 학습 경험의 본질을 탐구하였다. 서울 A초등학교 6학년 학생 6명을 연구 참가자로 선정했다. 원어민 영어 보조교사와의 수업을 관찰하고 관찰노트를 기록하였으며, 반구조화된 개별 심층 면담 및 집단 면담을 실시하고 녹음 후 전사하였다. 면담 자료 전사, 중요 발화 선정 및 의미 추출, 주제 발견의 순서로 수집된 자료를 분석하여 원어민 영어 보조교사와의 영어 학습 경험의 의미를 6가지의 대주제(성공과 좌절의 반복, 영어 학습자로서의 나에 대한 성찰, 수업에서 가로새기, 영어학습, 문화학습, 이상적인 교사상의 확립)와 12가지의 소주제(성공, 좌절, 영어 학습에 대한 성찰, 더 넓은 시공간으로 나를 옮겨두기, 해방, 필요성 회피, 실제적인 영어의 사용, 영어 지식의 확장, 우리나라에 대한 외국인의 시선 확인, 우리나라와 다른 나라의 차이 확인, 교사와의 관계에 대한 성찰, 온정적 대화에의 참여)로 구조화했다. 이로부터 원어민 영어 보조교사와의 학습은 기존 연구들에서 주로 초점을 맞춰온 영어 능력 및 영어 학습에 대한 인지적·정의적인 측면에만 영향을 미치는 것이 아니라 문화적 측면, 인간적인 관계 형성에 대한 성찰 등에 까지 폭넓은 영향력을 행사함을 확인했다. 본 연구의 결과는 영어 학습의 본질을 반영한 초등 영어 교육 관련 정책, 초등 영어 교수학습의 방법과 내용, 초등 영어 교사교육에 관한 시사점을 제안하며, 관련 후속 연구의 방향을 제시한다. The purpose of this study is to make an phenomenological exploration of the grade six Korean EFL learners` experience with a native English speaking teacher. To achieve the purpose, participants (N=6) were chosen using a purposeful sampling strategy. Semi-structured interviews and classroom observations were conducted. Interview data was transcribed and qualitatively analyzed. Field notes were taken for each observation. Data triangulation, peer debriefing, and member checking techniques were used to establish validity. As a result, six themes and twelve sub-themes were established to describe the meanings of the grade six Korean EFL learners` learning experiences with a native English speaking teacher. On the basis of the result, some implications and suggestions were provided for the researches and practice in the future.

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