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      • 요셉 로트의 소설「욥기」(Hiob)와 작가의 종교관

        이정길 漢陽大學校 人文科學大學 1994 人文論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        Joseph Roth, ein j??discher Schriftsteller, der auto Ostgalizien stammte und ??sterreichische Nationalit??t matte, war haupts??chlich in Deutschland t??tig und hatte sics der deutschen Denkweise hingegeben. ln seinem. In seinem Roman 'Hiob', dessen Figuren Ostju sien sind, wind dart Judentum verdeutlicht, wobei man die religi??se Anschauung des Actors deutlich erkennen kann. W??hrend die Figuren in semen anderen Romanen mit der Zeit jeweils ihr gesellschaftliches sowie politisches Engagement verlieren und allm??hlich in eine Art Dekadenz verfallen, gewinnt Singer, ein frommer, gottesf rchtiger und ganz allt glicher Jude, durch manche Ungl cksf lle und Leiden eine positive Lebenseinstellung und wind als Sieger des Judentums symbolisiert. Pers??nlich aber neigt rich Roth zum Katholizisinus, w hrend in ihm zu ??sterreich, dessen Bewohner ??berwiegend Katholiken sind, eine Vaterlandsliebe keimt. Er sehnt sich nach der untergegangenen, K. u. K. Monarchie, die "universal, katholisch. ??bernational, gottgl??ubig und gottwohlgef??llig" gewesen ist, und vertritt die politische Anschauung, da nor ein ??bernationaler Staat wie die Monarchie Habsburgs f??hig ist, Europa aus seiner fatalen Situation zu retten. Konsequenterweise wendet er sich gegen die Protestanten, die dam Preußentum n??her stehen, und erkehrt auch dem Zionismus, der einen nationalen Staat schaffen will, den R cken. Er ha t den Nationalsozialismus, von dem er sp ter verfolgt wird. In Paris, wo er sich als Korrespondent der Frankfurter Zeitung aufh??lt, erlebt or eine weltoffene "katholische" Atmosphiire. W hrend er sich zum Katholizismus neigt, wendet er sich aber nicht vom Judentum ab, wie auch die Figur im 'Hiob' darin einen positiver Weg zum Glauben finder. Es ist festzustellen, da sich Singer in der Haderzeit mixt Gott nicht von dieses entfernt. Durch die Erf llung der Prophezeiung des Rabbis erf hrt er ein Wunder und wendet sich in einer Art Vers hnumg winder Gott Jehovah zu. Der Autor selbst aber erf hrt das Wonder, da erneut eine bernationale, katholische Monarchic gegr ndet wird, niche. Doch er markiert mit dem Roman 'Hiob' einen Wendepunkt im kofEssionellen Sinne, der ion winder zum Judenttun f hrt, Der Schriftsteller Roth verirrt sich nicht zwischen Judentum und Katholizismus, sondern strebt als Jude danach, such den Katholizismus zu umfassen, Es int f r ihn nicht notwendig, zur katholischen Konfession zu konvertieren, und Hit der Niederschrift des Romanes gelingt es derm Autor, eine Vers hnung der orthodoxen, chassidischen Religion Kit dem katholischen Christentum zu verwirklichen. Persiinlich isle er weiterhin im Judentum fast verwurzelt, wobei sich ein Teil seiner selbst sum Katholizismus hingezogen f hlt.

      • 기술가치평가모형의 개선 방안에 관한 연구 : 산업기술요소를 중심으로

        이정길 釜山外國語大學校國際通商硏究所 2014 國際經營論集 Vol.27 No.-

        A Study on the Estimating Methods of Industrial Intangible Asset and Technology Asset Lee, Jeong Gil This study analyzes the estimating methods on the industrial factor of technology composed of intangible assets and technology ratio. This study compares the existing methods and the alternatives of intangible asset and technology asset estimating. The results are as followed. First, in the case of estimating method of intangible asset, existing method is appropriate. This method is used and is theoretically supported by many researchers . Second, in the case of estimating method of technology ratio of intangible asset, a new method is required. The existng method has some problems. And The difference among various methods are significant. We suggest that alternative 1 or 2 are considered seriously. Alternative 3 is rejected because of rejecting the new method of intangible asset estimating. Key Words : Technology Valuation, Intangible Asset, Technology Asset 본 연구는 기술가치 평가에서 수익가치법을 적용할 때 사용되는 산업기술요소의 추정방법에 대해 분석한다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 기존의 무형자산 및 기술자산 추정방법에 대해 각각의 가능한 대안을 이론적으로 제시하고 이들 대안간의 차이를 분석하였다. 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 무형자산 가치 추정방법의 경우 신방법이 기업전체의 무형자산 가치를 추정한다는 면에서 적절하나, 기술가 평가라는 목적과 비교할 때에는 기존 방법이 과거 활용 사례, 이전 연구의 방법적인 사례 및 기술가치 평가 목적과의 정합성 등의 측면에서 보다 적정한 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 기술자산의 추정방법의 경우 기존 방식은 상당한 논쟁이 있을 것으로 보이며, 오히려 손익계산서나 인건비 지출액을 고려하는 대안1이나 대안2가 보다 적절한 것으로 평가된다. 그러나 방법론적인 적합성과 관련하여 향후 추가적인 분석이 필요한 것으로 보인다. 대안3의 경우 무형자산 가치의 신 추정방식과 결합된 것으로, 기존의 무형자산 가치 추정방식을 사용할 경우 적절하지 않은 것으로 보인다. 셋째, 통계적인 차이 분석 결과를 보면 방법론의 선택에 따라 산업무형자산의 차이가 매우 크게 나타나는 바, 향후 기술가치 평가의 적정성 강화를 위해서라도 산업기술요소 추정방법의 신뢰성을 확보하는 것이 중요한 것으로 보인다. 주제어: 기술가치평가, 무형자산, 기술자산

      • 現代 中國語에서 '比喩'의 槪念 및 運用 小考

        이정길 주성전문대학 2008 論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        A recognition of the traditional figurative language is considered a method for the rhetoric or literary expression to use effective languages or a fluent communication. But, Figurative Language is not an exclusive possession of the rhetorics or the stylistics but a creative peculiarity of the recognition system enlarging a category of the daily experience and understanding. Therefore a usage of the figurative language is in charge of the important part of transmission in human mind. A pertinent usage and understanding of the language as the most important factor which is considered a human being as a human being have a recognitive peculiarity of symbol of the human being. And also a figurative language which turns a difficult conception into an easy passage is used as a means of communication for understanding through a simplicity and clarity of the difficult and abstract conception. Therefore figurative language can be an a means of transmission. A important point of this research purpose is a building of the system through an analysis of figurative language in Chinese. It will be result from looking for a special point through analyses of a few kinds of figuratve languages. This thesis will be used examples of simile, metaphor, borrowing figurative language and leading figurative language etc. as a research method of analysis. Finally I expect that we can understand Chinese language which is revealed as methods of the language expressions through this analysis.

      • KCI등재

        W-CDMA 통신 시스템에서 적응배열안테나의 Beamformer 성능분석

        이정길,홍상완,이병섭 한국통신학회 2000 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.25 No.6

        적응배열안테나 시스템에서 적응과정을 수행하는 Beamformer는 DS-CDMA의 특성상 다중사용자에 의한 신호의 열화 및 처리해야하는 데이터 속도에 영향을 받게 된다. 이러한 문제점들을 고려해서 다양한 방법들이 제안되고 있는데, 본 논문에서는 Beamformer 전단에서 역확산 과정을 수행해 Beamformer가 상대적을 느린 데이터 속도 및 보상된 신호레벨에서 동작하게 되도록 하는 심볼 레벨 시스템과 역확산 과정없이 칩 레벨의 신호를 바로 처리하는 칩 레벨 시스템을 채널 특성이 변화하지 않는 고정 채널과 시변하는 다양한 채널 환경에서 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션하고, 그 성능을 MSE와 빔 패턴 그리고 Beamformer 출력 신호 분포점등을 근거로 분석해 보았다. 고정채널에서는 비슷한 성능을 보인 반면, 시변하는 채널 환경하에서는 칩 레벨 시스템이 심볼레벨 시스템에 비해 전반적으로 더 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다. The beamforming procedure in Adaptive Array Antenna System is affected by signal degradation and data rate due to DS-CDMA characteristics. Until this time, a lot of techniques are suggested to overcome this problems. This paper shows the simulation result about the beamforming performance of symbol level system that process slow data rate, compensated signal by despreading procedure in front of beamformer, and that of chip level system that process chip level signal without it. we analysis the performance using MSE, beam pattern, scattering points of beamformer output. chip level system is superior to symbol level system in time varying channel, while the performance of them didn't have difference in static channel.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        전남지방의 우유에 발생하는 준임상형 케토시스 조사

        이정길,조신형,위성기 한국임상수의학회 1996 한국임상수의학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        Ketosis can exist in both clinicla and subclinical forms. Detection of the subclinical form of ketosis by the use of a nitroprusside based test powder gas been shown to be a relatively simple and reliable procedure. Howere, very liffle is known about the indcidence or prevalence of the subclinical ketosis in Korea. In the present study, samples of urine taken from 288 dairy cows in Chonnam area were examined to demonstrate the presence of ketone bodies, using ross test. All the cows were within 4 weeks either before or after parturition. The gerd size was from 10 to more than 100 cows, and the cows did not show any clinical signs of ketosis. Of the 288 cows, 85 (29.5%) were positive to Ross test; of the positive cases 42.4% were +, 44.7% were ++, and the remaining 12.9% were +++. The prevalence increased from 3rd parity, peaked at 6th parity and thereafter decreased. The prevalence was higher after parturition than before parturition, with the highest occurrence during the 2nd week after calving. The prevalence was higher during winter. Also cows kept indoor throughout the year showed higher occurrence of the subclinical ketosis. The subclinical ketosis did not affect the specific gravity of the urine; however, increasing amount of ketone bodies in the urine decreased the pH of urine.

      • Roth의 소설 "치페르 父子"와 新즉물주의

        이정길 漢陽大學校 人文科學大學 1992 人文論叢 Vol.22 No.-

        Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt auf eine Erlauterung der Neuen Sachlichkeit in dem 1928 von Josenph Roth geschriebenen Roman 『Zipper und sein Vater』 ab. Dabel wird besonders die Rolle des ‘Ich-Erzahlers’ untersucht, der sich in gewissem Sinne mit dem Autor selbst identifiziert. Eigentlich berichtet der Erzahler das Leben vom Freund Arnold Zipper und dessen Vater, was er erfahrt und beobachtet, so daβ die Geschichten der beiden Generationen sachlich dargestellt werden. Der alte Zipper verkorpert sich in einer symbolischen Person, die vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg unter der Monarchismus eine neue Qudnung fur sich sucht, wahrend sein Sohn die Rolle desijenigen spielt, der mit der zeit sein politisches, gesellschaftliches Engagement gegenuber der Welt verliert und keine Ich-identitat mehr findet. Stillistisch ist der Roman mit den Berichten des Erzahlers auf der Ebene von konstruiert worden, inhaltlich beschaftigt er sich mit dem Therma der neuen Wirklichkeit uber die sozialen und realistischen Probleme. Daher ist es klar, daβ der Roman zut Neuen Sachlichkeit gehort und der Autor in der deutschen Literaturgeschichte als ein Vertreter dieser Stromung klassifiziert wird.

      • 요셉 로트의 「엉터리 저울추」에 나타난 인간관계의 단절

        이정길 漢陽大學校 人文科學大學 1998 人文論叢 Vol.28 No.-

        Nach 12 Jahren Militardienst ubernimmt Anselm Eibenschutz den Posten eines k.u.k-Eichmeisters. Er pruft MaBe und Gewichte der handler. Im Grenzgebiet, wo Bestechung und Betrug an der Tagesordnung sind, findet der redliche Eichmeister keine wahre Kommunikation mit den nachsten, sondern wird von den kaufleuten als ein geborener Feind behandelt. Einsam inmitten der Gauner, Spieler und Deserteure, findet Eibenschutz auch kaum moglichkeiten zur Kommunikation mit seiner Frau, sondern wird von ihr betrogen. Sie schiebt ihm das Kind seines Schreibers Nowak unter. Der einsame Eibenschutz sucht nach nachstenliebe, indem er sich in die schone Zigeunerin Euphemia verliebt. Sie ist die Freundin von Leibusch Jadlowker, dem groBten aller Halunken. Es gelingt dem Eichmeister, ihn hinter Gitter zu bringen. Einen Sommer lang scheint es ihm zu gelingen, bei Euphemia Nachstenliebe zu vollig Kontakt zu den menschen, und aus der Einsamkeit gibt er sich dem Alkohol hin und sehnt sich vergebens nach dem Tod, als seine Frau und ihr uneheliches Kind an der Cholera starben. Jadlowker entkommt aus dem Zuchthaus und erschlagt den Beamten Eichmeister aus Rache. Dieser sieht sich im Sterben selbst als Handler mit falschen Gewichten, der nun dem groBen Eichmeister Rede und Antwort stehen muB. Eibenschutz findet wegen der Kommunikationslosigkeit mit seinem Mitmenschen keinen Sinn mehr im Leben und verliert daher seine eigene Identitat. Unausweichlich scheint sein untergang, der nicht nur seinen personlichen, sondern auch seinen gesellschaftlichen Untergan bedeutet. Damit laBt Roth die Welt des sterbenden k.u.k.-Osterreich erstehen.

      • 全南地方 乳牛 및 韓牛의 內部 寄生虫調査

        李政吉,朴永埈 전남대학교 한국농어촌개발연구소 1981 농산어촌개발연구 Vol.16 No.2

        A survey of bovine internal parasites was conducted on herds totaling 406 dairy cows and 563 Korean native cattle in Chonnnam area. Samples of feces were collected from cattle in Kwangju, Soonchun and Youngahm. On the basls of egg counts. dairy cows one to 7 years of age were examined during July to September 1979, and Korean native cattle of same age were examined during July to September 1981. The results obtained are as follows. 1. In dairy cows.14 kinds of eggs of parasites(ll Nematodes. 2 Trematodes and 1 Protozoa) were detected. whereas 19 kinds of eggs were identified in Korean native cattle(l2 Nematodes. 3 Trematodes, 1 Cestode and 3 Protozoans). 2. Of the parasites identified. Neoascaris vitulorum(26.4%). Trichostrongylus sP. (16.8%). Paramphistomum sp. (l6.3%) and Fasciola sþ. (l4.0%) showed relatively high infection rates in dairy cows. 1n Korean native cattle. Eimeria sp.(50.3%). Fasciola sp.(30.4%) and Paramphistomum sþ. (28.6%) showed high infection rates. 3. Of the dairy cows. 66.0% were examination positive. while 85.4% of Korean native cattle were examination positive. 4. Age did not affect the infection rates of parasites in cattle except that Paramþhistomum sþ. in Korean native cattle. in which the infection rates increased with age. 5. Higher incidence in several kinds of parasitism was noted in Korean native cattle reared unsanitarily under intensive farms compared with dairy cattle or Korean native cattle from sanitary intensive farms or reared conventionally.

      • 家兎의 實驗的 고사리 中毒에 관한 硏究

        李政吉,朴永埈 전남대학교 농어촌개발연구소 1979 농어촌개발연구 Vol.14 No.1

        고사리中毒은 牛, 馬, 羊등에서 發生하며 그原困物質은 아직 確實하게 알려져 있지 않 다· 그동안 많은 種類의 實驗動物을 使用한 實驗的 고사리中毒에 關한 硏究가 遂行되었 으나 토끼를 使用한 例는 아직發表되지 않았다. 本 實驗에서는 토기에 陰乾한 고사리와 生고사리를 各各 55日間 급여하면서 定期的으로 採血해서 그 血液像의 變化를 觀察하여 正常토끼의 血液像과 比較하였다. 實驗中 體重을 測定하였고, 實驗終了時에 모든 토끼를 屠殺하여 剖檢을 實賣하였으며 骨髓의 壓捺標本을 만들에 檢査했다.實驗에서 얻은 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 고사리를 給與한 토끼의 體重 은 增加하지 않았거나 減少했다. 2. 고사리를 給與한 토끼에서는 對照群에 比하여 總白血球數의 현저한 감소를 보였다. 3. 고사리를 給與한 토끼에서는 對照群에 比하여 血小板數의현저한 감소를 보였다. 4. 骨髓細胞의 檢査結果 造血作用이 抑制되었음을 認定할 수 있었는데 特히 白血球系의 細胞數가 감소되어 있었다. 5. 全般的인 檢査結果로 보아 生고사리의 毒性 陰乾한 고사리의 毒性보다 强하다는것 을 알 수 있었다.

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