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        치과기공소의 보철 기공물 제작 과정에 사용되는 재료 및 방법에 관한 실태조사 연구

        황경숙,Hwang, Kyung-Sook 대한치과기공학회 1994 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the extent to which dental laboratories use proper materials, procedures, devices, and equipments to fabricate crown & bridge, PFM(Porcelain Fused to Metal) crown & bridge, partial denture, complete denture, and other prosteses. 100 laboratories in Seoul were selected for this investigation. Questionnaires were constructed focusing on five topocs:crown & bridge, PFM crown & bridge, partial denture, complete denture, and other prostheses. The results from this survey were as follows : 1. Most dental laboratories used old, inexpensive, and familiar materials rather than newly developed ones. 2. Most of the dental technicians did not stick to the standard procedures of handling materials, but to their own experiences. 3. Newly developed equipments to fabricate dental prostheses were possessed by nearly 30% dental laboratories. 4. About 80% of dental laboratories were using the procedures they had learned in the school : die trimming for accurate crown margin and softening heat treatment after RPD gold casting. But less than 30% of laboratories were shown to follow the boxing procedure to produce master cast and laboratory remounting in the process of complete denture. The findings show that dental laboratory procedures to fabricate dental prostheses are incomplete and inaccurate in some instances. So, further studies are neededs to clarify the causes of some inaccurate procedures, the better and more equipments should be supplied to produce the more accurate dental posthesis, and more efforts at enancing the appropriate use of dental materials and procedures should be made.

      • KCI등재

        치기공과 학셍들의 임상실습만족도에 관한 연구

        황경숙,Hwang, Kyung-Sook 대한치과기공학회 1997 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        An aim of this study is to find out influenced factors of satisfaction degree on the clinical practice for the dental technology student and it can be provided the basic necessary data for the educational planning of the curriculum for the clinical practice. The target of study are selected form 7 junior health college students and colleges are located in around seoul form 14 junior health college throughout the nation. The questionnaries were distributed between 24th Feb to 30th July in 1997 to the 100 dental technicians who finished clinical practice and entered profession in 1997. All collected data were analysed by using SPSS/PC, Technical Statistic, One-Way ANOVA, Ttest, Person Correnlation Coefficient, Chrobach Alpha Coefficient and the result of the study is follow. 1) The satisfaction degree were classificated as 7 aspect and overall average score was 3.042. During that period satisfaction of personal relation aspect(M=3.737) shows highest level. Satsfiaction of clinical parctice(M=3.571) shows as second, Satisfiaction of environment(M=3.028), Satisfaction of guidance(M=2.915), satisfaction of subject are ordered of their scores. According to above study satisfaction's degree of subject show lowest level. 2) According to the result of verification of study. general character of student and satisfiaction degree has not much relation with sex, location of college, religion, period for enrolling college, teaching method of clinical practice. But the result show similar relation with following items. Satisfaction if subject and satisfaction of clinical practice(P=0.000), place of clinical practice and satisfaction of clinical practice(P=0.002), Academic record of college and satisfaction of clinical practice(P=0.000). 3) The relation of satisfaction(Subject, method of teaching, environment, period, rating, personal relation) of clinical practice and age of investigation's target Older student show higher satisfaction(P=0.040). Also method of teaching, environments, period, rating, personal relation has similarities with satisfaction. Therefore student who has higher satisfaction of clinical practice they also have higher rate for subject, environment, period, personal relation. 4) The result fo investigation, most interesting subject was crown & bridge and most difficult factor was too many simple-works to the student. One of ideal factor was discussing with counselor before they choose place for clinical practice. Third grade and first semester is most efficient time for clinical practice and 8 week is proper period for clinical practice. Clinical practice is absilutory mecessary and we find out most student rated positively. However we need more specific study about satisfcation of each subject. Because it shows lowest level and we need more pay attention for planning of clinical practice.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Social Studies Education in the Unified Korea

        황경숙 ( Hwang Gyeong Sug ) 한국사회과교육학회 2003 시민교육연구 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 남북한 통일 후의 사회통합을 위한 교육의 역할과 통일교육의 방향에 대해 모색한 것이다. 본 연구에서 상정한 통일한국은 자유민주주의의 이념적 기초 위에서 형성된다. 이러한 의미에서 통일에 대비하는 교육은 민주시민교육이어야만 한다. 민주시민교육은 민주적인 생활태도를 함양하고, 민주주의 체계에 대한 확신을 갖는 것이다. 또한 통일 이후 발생할지 모르는 여러 갈등상황을 민주적인 방식으로 해결해 나가는 문제해결능력을 길러주는 것도 사회과 교육을 통해 가능하다. 따라서 통일 한국의 사회과 교육은 민주주의의 기본적인 가치, 즉 인간의 자유, 평등. 존엄성을 그 자체로 존중하는 시민교육이 이루어져야 한다. 그렇지만 민주주의의 기본가치를 제외한 다른 문제에 대해서는 의견차이를 수용할 수 있는 열린 마음, 혹은 통합할 수 있는 인격을 키워야 한다. 그렇다면 통일문제와 민족통합의 문제에 있어 실마리를 풀 수 있는 위치에 있는 개인과 집단은 누구일 수 있는가? 그것은 바로 사회 교사이다. 사회과 교육은 통일한국의 사회적 통합을 준비하는 내용을 중심으로 이루어져야 한다. 통일에 대한 의지와 이상을 심어주고 동시에 통일문제에 대한 합리적 관점을 소유할 수 있도록 가르쳐야 한다. 통일은 과거로의 회귀가 아니라 새로운 정체성을 만들어내는 것이다. 우리가 지향하는 통일은 동질성의 복귀를 추구하는 것이 아니라 다름을 인정하는 민족공동체의 형성을 의미하는 것이다. 본 연구는 남북한 사회통합을 위한 사회과 교육과정을 구안하기 위한 통일교육의 방향에 대한 논의를 제기한 점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 그러나 교육 통합 방안을 위한 시론적 성격에 불과하다. 앞으로 현장 교육에 대한 체계적인 분석을 함으로써 사회과 교육과정 통합 방안을 구체적으로 제시해 보겠다. This study has examined the role of education for post-unification social integration and the direction of unification education. Unified Korea presented by this study is formed on the ideological basis of free democracy. In this aspect, unification-preparing education should be democratic civic education. Democratic civic education is to cultivate democratic living attitude and be confident of the democratic system. In addition, social studies education can also foster problem-solving ability to settle diverse possible post-unification conflicts in democratic ways. Therefore, social studies education in unified Korea should be equal to civic education respecting basic democratic values such as freedom, equality and dignity as themselves. But, when it comes to other issues save the basic values, open mind to accept different opinions or integrative personality must be fostered. Then, who can be the individual and the group with the first step to the solution of unification and integration problems? They are social studies teachers. Social studies should be educated laying emphasis on preparing for social integration in unified Korea. It must inspire will and ideal about and teach rational point of view on unification. Unification is not the return to the past, but the creation of a new identity. The unification we pursue means to form a national community admitting differences rather than to seek return of homogeneity. This study is significant in that it suggests discussion about the direction of unification education to conceive social studies curriculum for inter-Korean social integration. However, it is still only a start for education unification plans. Hereafter, programs to unify social studies curriculum will concretely be presented by systematically analyzing education site.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영업용 차량 운전자들의 자동차고사와 속신

        황경숙(Hwang Kyung-Suk) 한국민속학회 2005 韓國民俗學 Vol.42 No.-

        자동차와 관련된 고사문화, 속신문화는 근대 이후 새롭게 형성된 산생된 신생민속 중 하나다. 본고에서는 자동차 운송업계 종사자들에 대한 조사 결과를 바탕으로 현행되고 있는 자동차고사와 속신문화에 내재해 있는 민간 신앙의 전통과 변화양상을 살펴보고자하였다. 자동차 운송업계에서 행해지고 있는 자동차고사는 두 유형으로 나눌 수 있다. 하나는 새로 차를 구입하였을 때 행하는 고사이며, 다른 하나는 운행 중 손님이 격감하거나 사고가 발생하였을 경우 행하는 고사이다. 현행되고 있는 두 유형은 모두 재액의 근원이라 관념되는 부정적 귀류와 사기를 위무하거나 주물로 제압하여 물리치고자 하는 주술적 벽사의례가 중심을 이루고 있다. 고사에 소용된 주물은 이후 수호부적으로 활용된다. 자동차고사는 전통사회의 액막이고사의 제의방식을 그대로 차용하고 있다. 이는 자동차고사가 전통사회에서 형성 전승되어 왔던 액막이고사의 전통 속에서 배태되었음을 말해 준다. 그런데, 대상신에 대한 관념이 약화되고 전통적 제의공간에 대한 인식이 변모되고 있는 특징을 보인다. 이는 자동차고사에 나타난 근대적 문화요소의 대표적인 사례라 할 수 있다. 현대사회에서 자동차고사와 속신은 개인의 안위를 도모하는 의례를 넘어서 소속된 혈연적, 사회적 집단 간의 친목과 일체감을 도모하는 사회적 기제로 작용하고 있다. 특히, 속신은 집단적 끼리 문화의 단면을 엿볼 수 있는 대표적인 민속문화다. 자동차 운행을 생업으로 하는 운전자들 경우 자가 운전자들과 달리 안전 운행과 관련한 속신들이 팽배해 있다. 현전하는 속신 중 상대적으로 강한 전승력을 지니고 있는 속신은 첫손님으로 하루의 운행 운수를 가름하는 예조와, 안전운행을 도모하기 위한 일상적 금기, 귀신손님과 헛깨비 차와 헛깨비 보행자에 대한 이방 등이다. Based on the field survey findings among taxi drivers and bus drivers in Busan area, this study aims to examine traditional religion and its modem transformational procedures by considering the aspects of sacrificial rites for vehicles and the cultures of divination and taboo related vehicle service. Beyond the limits as the past study placed too much importance on relic culture, the recent study of folk beliefs has focused on establishing a new academic status as the current study which examines all the aspects of traditional culture of modem and present society. However, by putting stress on seeking a theoretical basis, the objective case analysis study in all situations of both modem folk and city folk leaves much to be desired. In spite of the fact that the cultures of sacrificial rites and folk beliefs related vehicles as a newborn folk have been the noticable situations of city folks since modem times, among the academic world, the substantial research findings, including the sacrificial rites for vehicles and the culture of folk beliefs, are totally lacking. Consequently, this study is significant in that it objectively seeks to the academic basis of city folk study. The organization system and content of this thesis are as follows. 1. It deduced the types of performed sacrificial rites for vehicles, and examined the proposal form of sacrificial rites, the symbolic meaning of time and space of proposal, the aspects of fetish and the principle of incantation step by step. Through the contradistinctive examination of the traditional culture of sacrificial rites it studied the tradition of sacrificial rites and its modem transformational procedures. 2. It patterned the divination and folk beliefs related vehicle service, such as cases regared as affecting service among daily experience, functional relation between first customer and service, the tabooed first customer, and taboo cases that drivers keep for the sake of safe drive, and analyzed the internal meaning. 3. It provided the social and cultural function, meaning of sacrificial rites, and the culture of folk beliefs.

      • KCI등재

        종묘일무의 사상과 미학적 구조 탐색

        황경숙(Kyung Sook Hwang) 한국체육철학회 2001 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate aesthetic nature and structure of Ill-Mu which is a Korean traditional dance performed in court in Chosun Dynasty period, from the historical perspective. For doing this, Siyoungmubo which is a classic music and dance book in this period was reviewed critically to interpretate traditional version of Korean court dance concept and style. The followings were proposed as the result of this study: 1. Ill-Mu reflect the concept of Yin and Yang and Samjae which have been major philosophical and religious thoughts in Eastern Culture. 2. Aesthetic structure and movement in Ill-Mu reflect various Eastern art concepts which are line, color, shape etc. 3. Ill-Mu is consisted of music, song, and dance for ritual ceremony. 4. Movement and dance style in Ill-Mu were utilized as self-defense in a some sense. 5. Ill-Mu reflect Eastern ethical concept including respect, virtue, reputation and cultivation in Confucianism.

      • KCI등재

        골프의 기원설과 미싱 링크

        황경숙 ( Kyung Sook Hwang ),하남길 ( Nam Gil Ha ) 한국체육사학회 2011 체육사학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 네덜란드, 스코틀랜드, 중국 등이 자국 골프의 기원론을 주장하는 근거를 보다 깊이 고찰·정리한 다음 골프 기원론에 대한 정확한 설명의 방향을 잡을 수 있는 자료 확보를 위해 수행된 것이다. 세 국가의 골프 기원론을 고찰한 결과 현 골프의 기원은 안개 속에 가려져 있다는 결론을 얻었다. 근대적 골프는 스코틀랜드에서 조직화되어 세계화되었다. 그러나 목동의 게임과 15세기 골프의 연결고리가 되는 단서는 없었다. 네덜란드 콜벤이나 콜프의 존재는 명확하지만 그것이 스코틀랜드로 전해졌다는 근거 또한 없다. 차이니스 버전 골프 취완의 존재 근거는 명확하다. 그러나 그것 역시 유럽으로 전해진 근거가 없기 때문에 취완이 골프의 조상이라는 주장은 문제가 있다. 향후 골프 기원의 정설은 미싱 링크의 발굴 여부에 달려있다는 결론이다. This articles aims to find an accurate narrative for the prevailing theory behind the origin of golf, after considering, in depth, the said theory. After considering the theories behind the origins of golf from three different countries, it was difficult to come to a definitive conclusion. Modern golf became an organised sport in Scotland and subsequently became a global sport. However, there was no evidence to suggest that the "Shepherd`s game" had a link to 15th century Scottish golf. It is also certain that "Kloven" or "Kolf" did exit in the Netherlands, but there is no basis to say that this sport was exported to Scotland. The Chinese version of golf "Chuiwan"also clearly existed but there is no evidence to support the theory that "Chuiwan" found its way into Europe. Therefore, the definitive theory behind the origins of golf will depend on the discovery of the missing link. If the missing link is not found, then the idea that Golf had its genesis in Scotland, its modern home, will remain forever.

      • 한국 현대동화에 나타난 자아의 양상과 방어기제에 관한 연구

        황경숙(Hwang, Gyeong-suk) 한국어문교육학회 2009 어문학교육 Vol.39 No.-

        This study is an attempt at clarifying self-aspect and defence mechanism shown in Korea's modern fairy tales. This endeavor is to shed light on meaning of psychological trait of ego, based on heroes in Korean modern fairy tales, through examination of ego aspect and defence mechanism. As a result of research history on this study, I came to know that research on the protagonist's ego in modern fairy tales of korea has not been prosecuted sufficiently. As its cause I can indicate that ego has not revealed itself well enough in Korean modern fairy tales. That ego in fairy tales is not displayed well is deemed to point out that use of spiritual energy has not been well utilized, which makes korea's modern plays become little noted in the field of psychological study. However, we need to do study on ego to understand diverse aspects of life. while comprehending the use of spiritual energy for many children reading fairy tales, along with contribution to understanding of theme of korean modern fairly tales. It is necessary to review fairy tales and ego for deeper research on modern fairy tales in Korea. Ego in fairy tales is located on some point of ego growth and in it we can find psychological world of fantasy, revealing the way a case is coped with. You can find inherent desire for ego in fairy tales. And ego in fairy tales and spiritual energy in it displays the degree of ego maturity. Protagonist in fairy tale is, in general, an immature figure, and such a hero in the fairy tale operates defense mechanism in him for ego protection. We can see that In korea's modern fairy tales, aspect of ego becomes different according to degree of hero's maturity. The aspect of ego in Korea's modern fairy tales were divided into three categories; ego appearing slowly, ego with impetus and inhibition conflicting with each other and ego in successful aspect with harmony and adaptation. "Rock Lily" in "Rock Lily and Baby Star" is weak and feeble, a narcissistic figure, trying to avoid reality. The ego aspect where impetus and inhibition seriously conflict with each other is found in modern fairy tales like in "A black boy in Africa". In "African Black Boy" I show hostile attitude of attack against the handicapped boy, Sang-Jun. In the process I feel awakening call of conscience called super-ego, showing a will to improve use of spiritual energy. I reveal the aspect of ego, which aspire for maturity through Sang-Jun. We can see "Oseam rock" in modern fairy tales, which are related to successful ego equipped with harmony and adjustment. "Oseam", though the little kid at the age of five shows anxiety of growth process through behavior, reaches an ultimate purpose through effective use of ego. The aspect of ego in the hero shown in modern Korean fairy tales stems from operation of defence mechanism. In the works such as "Rock Lily and Baby Star", we can detect self-awakening and defence mechanism. In "Rock Lily and Baby Star" the baby star is moved by immature self-awakening and neurotic self-protection mechanism. Examining selfdefence mechanism operating in the baby's mentality, we can recognize the kid star is a type of fairy tale in which psychological energy is still feeble. In "African Black Boy" we can point out self-exploration and functioning of self-defence mechanism. In "African Black Boy" the hero reveals immature defence mechanism and neurotic defence mechanism in the process of coping with accidents, along with bellicosity of instinct. However, in the end it turns out to be a style of self-exploration which longs for mature defence mechanism. In "Oseam Rock" we can detect self-realization and defence mechanism. In "Oseam Rock" is a kind of fairy tale in which the hero, Kilson, undergoes diverse and mature defence mechanism, which enables him to realize ego in consummate form. In conclusion I am able to pursue and detect psychological trait of ego through research of ego aspect and defence mechanism. Firstly, I examine pr

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