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        EU의 탈러시가아스 정책의 추진과 세계 LNG 시장 영향 연구

        허윤지,도현재 재단법인 에너지경제연구원 2023 에너지경제연구 Vol.22 No.1

        In 2022, the EU announced sanctions against Russia and policies to reduce energy dependence on Russia after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. To reduce Russian gas imports, the EU announced ‘REPowerEU Plan’ and regulations for gas storage and gas consumption reduction. This paper studies the EU policies to reduce Russian gas imports, identifies the policy development progress, and analyzes the impact on the global LNG market. In 2022, the EU had significant achievements in replacing Russian gas imports by importing more LNG, filling gas storage, and reducing gas consumption. Due to spikes in gas spot prices, the European market has turned into a premium gas market and dominated LNG import flows with upsurged demand in 2022. While revived investments in the new liquefaction facilities are actively taking place in 2022-2023, the current tight global LNG supply situation will be sustained until 2025. Korea should consider managing the portfolio of term contracts and including flexibility to secure stable supply and demand. Also, should consider adding a rolling gas storage management plan with a 2-year span, and reduce gas demands through various demand response programs. EU는 2022년 러시아의 우크라이나 침공에 대한 경제 제재와 함께 러시아의 가스 무기화에 대응하여 대러 에너지의존도 감축 정책을 시행하였다. 특히 EU는 가스소비의 40%를 차지하는 러시아산 가스의 수입 감축을 위해 ‘REPowerEU Plan’을 마련하여 가스 저장 및 소비 감축 의무화 등 일련의 긴급 수급조정 정책을 시행하고 있다. 본 논문은 2022년 EU의 탈러시아가스 정책의 발달과정과 추진경과를 파악하고 이러한 정책이 세계 LNG 시장에 미친 영향을 분석한다. EU는 2022년 한 해 동안 LNG 도입 확대를 통한 러시아산 가스수입 대체, 가스 재고확보, 가스소비 감축 등에서 유의미한 성과를 보인 것으로 나타났다. 한편, EU의 가스현물가격이 급등하며 유럽 시장이 프리미엄 가스시장으로 전환되었고, 2022년 LNG 수요는 EU가 주도하였다. 높은 현물가격이 장기계약 체결을 촉발하면서 액화설비 투자가 다수 이루어지고 있으나 가동까지의 기간을 고려하면 단기적으로 세계 LNG 수급에 압박이 예상된다. 한정된 LNG 공급물량을 놓고 유럽과 경쟁해야 하는 우리나라는 현물시장의 높은 변동성을 감안하여 적정 비중의 기간계약 포트폴리오를 구성하고 계약상의 유연성 조항을 최대한 확보하여 가격 및 수급 안정을 도모하고, EU의 저장의무를 감안한 재고 관리와 더불어 다양한 수요 관리 방안을 병행해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Relative Predicting Power of Vocabulary Depth and Grammar in Korean EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension

        허윤지 한국응용언어학회 2014 응용 언어학 Vol.30 No.3

        The present study was designed to investigate the roles of grammar and two main domains of vocabulary depth, syntagmatic and paradigmatic vocabulary in reading comprehension. In an attempt to explore their effects and relationships, the relative impact of vocabulary depth and grammar knowledge on reading comprehension was examined. In addition, which of the two domains of vocabulary depth, syntagmatic or paradigmatic vocabulary, contributes more to reading comprehension was investigated. A total of 54 Korean students in the first grade of middle school participated in this study, and their syntagmatic vocabulary, paradigmatic vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension abilities were measured and analyzed. The results revealed all three variables, syntagmatic and paradigmatic vocabulary, and grammar, to be significantly correlated to reading comprehension, and interrelated with each other. In addition, vocabulary depth knowledge proved to be a more powerful predictor of reading comprehension than grammar, furthermore, between the two fundamental domains of vocabulary depth, paradigmatic vocabulary knowledge played a more critical role than syntagmatic vocabulary in explaining reading comprehension. These findings demonstrated the prominence of vocabulary depth, specifically paradigmatic vocabulary knowledge, for facilitating reading comprehension abilities of middle school students in the Korean EFL context.

      • KCI등재

        Cross-linguistic View on Pain Language between English and Korean

        허윤지 담화·인지언어학회 2015 담화와 인지 Vol.22 No.3

        Despite the fast growing research field, cross-linguistic studies regarding English and Korean pain language have not been conducted. Thus, this study examines whether there are differences between English and Korean pain expressions in terms of part of speech, figure of speech, and intensifiers. For this study, 30 English monolinguals and 30 Korean monolinguals participate, and they are asked to write a narrative about their past pain. Pain words and expressions used in each narrative are analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The quantitative analysis reveals that there are significant differences between the two languages, and more pain lexical diversities are found in Korean narratives. In addition, findings from the qualitative analysis indicate that significant statistical differences are attributed to a variety of Korean pain words containing distinctive meaning and usage, but there is not much difference in lexico-grammatical representations of pain expressions between English and Korean. These findings suggest that language for pain expression is language-specific, thus it is nearly impossible to find an equivalent pain word in other languages.

      • KCI등재

        Relative Contribution of Lower and Higher Level Comprehension Skills to Reading Comprehension

        허윤지 한국영어학회 2016 영어학 Vol.16 No.4

        Youn-Jee Huh. 2016. Relative Contribution of Lower and Higher Level Comprehension Skills to Reading Comprehension. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 16-4, 773-795. The present study was designed to examine the role of lower and higher level comprehension skills in explaining individual differences of reading comprehension among Korean EFL learners. To this end, one hundred Korean middle school students were recruited, and their Korean reading comprehension abilities as a control variable, English lower (vocabulary and grammatical knowledge) and higher level comprehension skills (literal and inferential comprehension skills), and English reading comprehension were evaluated and analyzed. The findings of this study demonstrated that all variables were significantly correlated to English reading comprehension, but higher level comprehension skills explained more of the variance in reading comprehension, compared to lower level comprehension skills, when controlling for each other's effect. Furthermore, the relative prominence of higher level comprehension skills were more distinctive in skilled readers group, while lower level comprehension skills were not even significant when higher level comprehension skills were taken into account. The findings shed light on the pedagogical importance for higher level comprehension instructions for promoting Korean EFL learners' reading comprehension.

      • KCI등재

        Claims problem을 활용한 부문별 온실가스 감축목표 분석

        허윤지 한국환경경제학회 2022 자원·환경경제연구 Vol.31 No.4

        Korean government established the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) in 2015. After revising in 2019, the government updated an enhanced target at the end of last year. When the NDC is addressed, the emission targets of each sector, such as power generation, industry, and buildings, are also set. This paper analyzes the emission target of each sector by applying a claims problem or bankruptcy problem developed from cooperative game theory. The five allocation rules from a claims problem are introduced and the properties of each rule are considered axiomatically. This study applies the five rules on allocating carbon emission by sector under the NDC target and compares the results with the announced government target. For the power generation sector, the government target is set lower than the emissions allocated by the five rules. On the other hand, the government target for the industry sector is higher than the results of the five rules. In other sectors, the government's targets are similar to the results of the rule that allocates emissions in proportion to each claim. 우리나라는 2015년 국가 온실가스 감축목표(Nationally Determined Contribution, 이하 NDC)를 수립한 이래, 2019년 한 차례 수정 후 지난해 말 상향안을 발표하였다. 전환, 산업, 건물 등 각 부문별 탄소배출량은 NDC 목표 달성을 위해 설정된다. 본 연구는 협조적 게임이론의 claims problem 또는 파산문제(bankruptcy problem)를 활용하여 부문별 온실가스 감축목표를 분석한다. Claims problem에서 다루는 대표적인 5개의 분배규칙을 정의하고 각 규칙의 특성을 공리적으로 확인하였다. 또한, NDC 목표 달성을 위한 부문별 탄소배출량 분배문제에 각 분배규칙을 적용하고 그 결과를 정부목표와 비교분석하였다. 전환 부문에 책정된 정부목표는 5개 분배규칙에서 할당하는 배출량보다 낮은 반면, 산업 부문의 정부목표 배출량은 5개 분배규칙의 결과보다 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 그 외 부문은 정부목표가 클레임 수준에 비례하여 배출량을 할당하는 분배규칙의 결과와 유사한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        Unique Contribution of Korean Literal, Inferential, and Evaluative Comprehension Skills to English Reading Comprehension

        허윤지 한국영어학회 2014 영어학 Vol.14 No.4

        The present study was designed to examine the relationship between Korean literal, inferential, and evaluative comprehension skills and English reading comprehension, compared to English linguistic knowledge, in Korean EFL context. Furthermore, unique predicting power of each Korean comprehension skill in explaining English reading comprehension was measured. For this study, fifty four Korean middle school students were recruited as participants, and their Korean comprehension skills (literal, inferential, and evaluative skills), English linguistic knowledge (vocabulary and grammar), and English reading comprehension performance were assessed and analyzed. The findings of this study demonstrated that all variables were significantly correlated to English reading comprehension, but English linguistic knowledge was more predictable in accounting for English reading comprehension than Korean comprehension skills. In addition, among Korean comprehension skills, only Korean literal comprehension skill explained uniquely and significantly English reading comprehension. Some speculations regarding the findings were discussed in the latter part of the article.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of cooking methods on the β-carotene levels of selected plant food materials

        신정아,허윤지,서미미,최영민,이기택 한국식품과학회 2016 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.25 No.4

        In the present study, the β-carotene contents of 14 plant food materials prepared byboiling, steaming, or baking or when they are raw were analyzed and compared. After boiling threepulse species, namely, peas, kidney beans, and dried mung beans, β-carotene contents of peas andkidney beans increased significantly, whereas that of mung beans (dried material) decreased. Trueretention factors of β-carotene contents in the cooked kidney beans, peas, and mung beans afterboiling were 174.2, 128.3, and 91.8%, respectively. After steaming, the β-carotene content of regularmillets significantly decreased but that of taros increased, in which the true retention factors wereobserved with β-carotene contents of 72.4% in the steamed regular millets and 160.9% in the steamedtaros. Moreover, β-carotene contents in yellow-fleshed sweet potato (raw: 896.2 μg/100 g) decreasedby baking (786.4 μg/100 g) and steaming (steaming: 553.1 μg/100 g). These results suggest that β-carotene contents in the selected plant food materials markedly depend on the cooking method andplant food materials classification.

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