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한상호,김윤중,김정현,김동준,정종윤,김성인,조광섭,Han, S.H.,Kim, Y.J.,Kim, J.H.,Kim, D.J.,Jung, J.Y.,Kim, S.,Cho, G.S. 한국진공학회 2011 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.20 No.4
The heat temperature of a light emitting diode (LED) is investigated with the thermoelectric device (TED). The Peltier effect of the thermoelectric device is used to control the heat radiation and the junction temperature of high-power LEDs. For the typical specific current (350 mA) of high-power (1 W) LEDs, the LED temperature and the p-n junction temperature become $64.5^{\circ}C$ and $79.1^{\circ}C$, respectively. For 0.1~0.2 W driving power of TED, the LED temperature and the junction temperature are reduced to be $54.2^{\circ}C$ and $68.9^{\circ}C$, respectively. As the driving power of the TED increases over 0.2 W, the temperature of LED itself and the junction temperature are increased due to the heat reversed from the heat-sink to LED. As the difference of temperature between LED and the heat-sink is increased, the quantity of reversed heat becomes larger and it results to degrade the cooling capability of TED.
읽을거리 - 항공기 실전원리(8) - 낙뢰와 항공사고 -
한상호,Han, Sang-Ho 한국항공우주산업진흥협회 2009 航空宇宙 Vol.103 No.-
장마와 태풍의 계절 여름. 특히 하늘을 짖기라도 하듯 어마어마한 전기를 일으키는 낙뢰를 하늘을 나는 항공기로서는 정말 위협적인 존재가 아닐 수 없다. 하지만 낙뢰를 알고 이에 대한 철저한 보호대책이 따른다면 낙뢰에 의한 항공사고는 충분히 줄일 수 있다.
국내 실정에 적합한 스마트팜 개발 전략 -6차산업의 발전을 위한 ICT 기술적 특성을 중심으로-
한상호,주형근,Han, Sang-Ho,Joo, Hyung-Kun 한국디지털정책학회 2022 디지털융복합연구 Vol.20 No.4
본 연구는 국내 사정에 적합한 스마트팜 기술 전략을 ICT 기술의 국내 사정에 적합한 차별화를 중심으로 제안하고자 했다. 해외 농산업 선진국의 경우 각 나라의 지형적 특성, 농산업 특성, 국민 수요 특성 등을 전반적으로 반영한 특정 단계 개발에 주력함을 확인했으나, 국내 스마트팜의 경우 해외 기술을 여과 없이 수용하여 국내사정에 적합한 기술의 선별적 개발이 수행되지 않음을 확인했다. 따라서, 본 연구는 국내 농촌 인구의 급격한 감소, 인구 고령화, 농작물 가격 경쟁력 상실, 휴경지 증가, 경지 이용률 감소 등 문제에 따라, 차후 스마트팜 ICT 기술 개발 방향성을 품질 좋은 농산물을 창출하여 가격 경쟁력을 갖추기 위한 성능의 우수함, 노동인구 고령화에 따른 사용의 용이성, 영세한 경영규모에 적합한 경제성 등에 주목하여 스마트팜을 추진해야 함을 제시했다. 첫째, 경제성 차원에서 영세농가(1차) 경영환경에 필요한 기능들만 선별하여 ICT 기술을 구성하고, 이들과 원활한 의사소통 체계를 ICT 기술에 적용하여 실제 농가에서 필요로 하는 기능을 점차적으로 업데이트함으로써 비용 감소에 일조할 수 있음을 제안했다. 둘째, 성능차원에 있어서는 국내 고령화 인구에 적합한 빅데이터 난이도 조절, 이들에게 적합한 언어사용, 이들의 예측 성향을 반영한 알고리즘 설정 등 ICT의 의사소통 기능 개선에 주목한다면 작동 정확성을 증대할 수 있음을 제안했다. 셋째, 사용용이성 차원이다. 6차산업(1차(농업,임업)+2차(농수산물가공)+3차(서비스,농어촌체험,유통)) 발전을 위한 ICT 기술에 기반한 스마트팜은 특정 명령어에 따라 동작을 수행하는 바, 특정 명령에 빅데이터에 근거한 추론을 통한 추가적 기능들이 자동적으로 수반될 것과, 각 지역적 환경에 맞춤화된 빅데이터 구성에 기반한 장치를 미리 세팅, 표준화하여 사용용이성을 촉진할 수 있음을 최종 제시했다. This study tried to propose a smart farm technology strategy suitable for the domestic situation, focusing on the differentiation suitable for the domestic situation of ICT technology. In the case of advanced countries in the overseas agricultural industry, it was confirmed that they focused on the development of a specific stage that reflected the geographical characteristics of each country, the characteristics of the agricultural industry, and the characteristics of the people's demand. Confirmed that no enemy development is being performed. Therefore, in response to problems such as a rapid decrease in the domestic rural population, aging population, loss of agricultural price competitiveness, increase in fallow land, and decrease in use rate of arable land, this study aims to develop smart farm ICT technology in the future to create quality agricultural products and have price competitiveness. It was suggested that the smart farm should be promoted by paying attention to the excellent performance, ease of use due to the aging of the labor force, and economic feasibility suitable for a small business scale. First, in terms of economic feasibility, the ICT technology is configured by selecting only the functions necessary for the small farm household (primary) business environment, and the smooth communication system with these is applied to the ICT technology to gradually update the functions required by the actual farmhouse. suggested that it may contribute to the reduction. Second, in terms of performance, it is suggested that the operation accuracy can be increased if attention is paid to improving the communication function of ICT, such as adjusting the difficulty of big data suitable for the aging population in Korea, using a language suitable for them, and setting an algorithm that reflects their prediction tendencies. Third, the level of ease of use. Smart farms based on ICT technology for the development of the Industry6.0 (1.0(Agriculture, Forestry) + 2.0(Agricultural and Water & Water Processing) + 3.0 (Service, Rural Experience, SCM)) perform operations according to specific commands, finally suggested that ease of use can be promoted by presetting and standardizing devices based on big data configuration customized for each regional environment.
Fe-30%Mn-6% Si 합금의 형상기억효과에 미치는 Training(SIM↔γ)의 영향
한상호,전중환,최종술 ( Sang Ho Han,Joong Hwan Jun,Chong Sool Choi ) 한국열처리공학회 1994 열처리공학회지 Vol.7 No.2
Five alloys were selected randomly in the composition range showing the best shape memory effect in Fe-Mn-Si system reported by Murakami. The shape memory effects of those alloys were mainly investigated through the training treatment which consisted of the repetition of 2% tensile deformation at room temperature and subsequent annealing at 600℃ above A_f temperature. At the same deformation degress in rolling 600℃-annealing for 1hr. showed the best shape memory effect, and 10% deformation degrees represented maxima of the shpae memory effects at all annealing temperatures, 500℃, 600℃ and 700℃. The shape memory effects of the alloys were increased by increasing training cylcle up to 5 cycles. This was because a large number of dislocations introduced by training process gave rise to increase in the austenite yield stress, and acted as nucleation sites for stress induced s martensite. The thermal cycling treatment, repetition of cooling in nitrogen at -196℃ and heating to 300℃ for 5 min., did not improve the shape memory effect.
한상호,김윤중,김정현,정종윤,김현철,조광섭,Han, S.H.,Kim, Y.J.,Kim, J.H.,Jung, J.Y.,Kim, H.C.,Cho, G.S. 한국진공학회 2012 Applied Science and Convergence Technology Vol.21 No.3
The dependance of degradation on the blue-peak wavelength is investigated with the blue light-emitting diode (LED) of InGaN/GaN with respect to the optical and the electrical characteristics of the devices. The LED devices emitting the blue-peak wavelength ranging from 437 nm to 452 nm is prepared to be stressed for a long aging time with three different currents of 60 mA, 75 mA and 90 mA, respectively. The degradation of optical intensity is observed with and without phosphor in the devices. The device without phosphor has been degraded significantly as the wavelength of blue-peak is decreased while the optical intensity of LED device with phosphor become less sensitive than that of device without phosphor. The electrical property does not depend on the emission peak wavelength. However, the series-resistance of LED device is slowly increased as the aging time is increased. The deformation of device is observed severely the short wavelength of blue-peak even with the same current since the short wavelength is absorbed substantially at the materials of device during the aging time. Consequently, in order to enhance the lifetime of LED devices, it is important to understand the optical degradation property of the materials against the specific wavelengths emitted from the blue chip.
한상호(Han Sang-Ho) 팬코리아영어교육학회(구 영남영어교육학회) 2006 영어교육연구 Vol.18 No.4
This study presents a wavicular approach to glocalization of research-practice in English education. The author argues against the trends of globalization which tend to be unidirectional imposition of predominant Anglo-European perspectives of English language teaching. Upon critical analysis of the term glocalization, the author reveals that hidden agendas of neoliberal commercialism reside at the heart of the term itself. As a consequence, he proposes that the concept of glocalization should be reconstituted with locally sensitive attributes such as subjectivity, self-direction, critical awareness, along with that of intercultural understanding, which have been excluded in the usual value-neutral sense. Following an analysis of aspects of glocalization represented in some of keynote and plenary presentations at major English education conferences in Korea from 1997 to 2002, the author suggests the following wavicular approach to glocalization of research-practice: 1) establishing ownership of research-practice on the part of teachers, 2) reaching the state of Nirvana in research-practice, 3) accomplishing learner-centered English education through application of ‘natural’ taoistic teaching, 4) attaining the Tao awareness of teaching as language teacher, 5) developing receptivity toward students" identities, 6) fostering learner autonomy and authenticity in the learning and use of English, and 7) making students constantly cross the bridge between localness and globalness.