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      • KCI등재

        키워드 분석에 대한 최신 접근법 비교 연구: 성경 코퍼스를 중심으로

        하명호,Ha, Myoungho 한국디지털정책학회 2021 디지털융복합연구 Vol.19 No.7

        This paper aims to analyze lexical properties of keyword lists extracted from NLT Old Testament Corpus(NOTC), NLT New Testament Corpus(NNTC), and The NLT Bible Corpus(NBC) and identify that text dispersion keyness is more effective than corpus frequency keyness. For this purpose, NOTC including around 570,000 running words and NNTC about 200,000 were compiled after downloading the files from NLT website of Bible Hub. Scott's (2020) WordSmith 8.0 was utilized to extract keyword lists through comparing a target corpus and a reference corpus. The result demonstrated that text dispersion keyness showed lexical properties of keyword lists better than corpus frequency keyness and that the former was a superior measure for generating optimal keyword lists to fully meet content-generalizability and content distinctiveness. 본 연구는 구약 성경 코퍼스와 신약 성경 코퍼스, 그리고 구약과 신약 성경을 통합한 코퍼스에서 추출된 키워드 목록의 어휘적 특징을 분석하고, 또 사용빈도 기반의 키워드 분석보다 분포도 기반 키워드 분석이 더 우수한 분석 방식임을 밝히고자 하였다. 이를 위해 Bible Hub의 NLT 웹사이트에서 성경 파일을 다운받아 약 57만 어절의 구약 성경 코퍼스와 약 20만 어절의 신약 성경 코퍼스를 구축하였다. 목표 코퍼스와 참조 코퍼스의 비교를 통한 키워드 목록을 추출하기 위해서 Scott(2020)의 WordSmith 8.0 프로그램을 사용하였다. 그 결과, 분포도 기반 키워드 분석이 사용빈도 기반의 키워드 분석보다 키워드 목록의 어휘적 특징을 보다 더 잘 나타낼 수 있었고, 또 코퍼스 내용의 대표성과 변별성을 충분히 충족시킬 수 있는 최적의 키워드 목록을 추출하기 위해서는 분포도 기반 키워드 분석이 더 우수한 방식임을 밝혔다.

      • KCI등재

        행정소송법 개정의 필요성과 방향

        하명호 한국행정판례연구회 2022 행정판례연구 Vol.27 No.2

        The current Korean Administrative Litigation Act needs to be revised to complete the modern administrative litigation system at the social-state stage and to establish a litigation system to respond to modern legal disputes. The direction of the revision can be considered in three ways. The first one is to divide the types of administrative litigation into three (confirmation, formation, and performance litigation), organize the standing to sue based on the traditional view of infringement of rights, and prepare separate legislation to deal with modern legal disputes. The second one is to expand the concept of disposition to include the act of fact (Realakt) and administrative legislation, reorganize the types of administrative litigation to focus on appellate litigation, and adopt the theory of the relief of interests worthy of legal protection in determining the standing to sue. Finally, the third one is to complete the modern administrative litigation act system at the level of refining the current administrative litigation law. The amendment proposal submitted by the Korean Supreme Court in 2006 set the main purpose of administrative litigation as legality control among the two streams of designing a modern administrative litigation system. And as a way to resolve disputes under public law, it was the view that the Administrative Litigation Act should be reformed so that the Revocation suit could be the centerpiece. When revising the Administrative Litigation Act in Japan, there was also an argument that the administrative litigation system should be reformed with a single litigation system centered on the Appeals suit. On the other hand, like in Germany and Taiwan, there was the three-type theory that administrative litigation should consist of formation litigation, performance litigation, and confirmation litigation, but this has never been legislatively attempted in Korea. Although such measures are highly likely to satisfy the objectives of the reforms presented above, they were difficult to accept in academia familiar with the existing theoretical system. In addition, there is a difficulty in that it cannot be easily accommodated by the executive, who is concerned about strengthening the influence of the judiciary. In the end, the realistic justification that "To secure the effectiveness and relevance of the system, active public interest realization administration should be considered in addition to strengthening the people's rights remedies" can be identified as a more important factor. As a result, a partial improvement with continuity will likely be sought rather than a full revision of the administrative litigation system. In that case, even a revision similar to the amendment proposal in 2012, which was agreed upon to some extent by the academic and legal communities, should be completed urgently. However, given Japan's experience, it should be considered that there is a limit to the change in precedents, no matter how interpretive supplementation is made as long as it maintains the standard of legal interest of the standing to sue. In addition, it is necessary to supplement the types of litigation for administrative legislation and administrative plans, and legislative consideration should be given to class action (Verbandsklage). In addition, it is necessary to gradually push forward the reform goal of establishing a litigation system to respond to modern legal disputes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        공법상 부당이득의 법리

        하명호 대한변호사협회 2020 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.490

        The legal Principle of unjust enrichment has its origins in Roman law and has been primarily discussed in civil law as one of statutory bonds. The claim for restitution of unjust enrichment means not a correction of illegality, but a request for the restitution of the transferred property without legal cause in terms of the justification of holding. In the field of ​​public law, the transfer of property without legal cause may be also occurred. The unjust enrichment in public law are independent of the unjust enrichment in civil law and the provisions of civil law cannot be applied. In unjust enrichment in public law is ruled the principle of the legal legitimacy of administration, not the idea of ​​justice or fairness. And the scope of restitution cannot be judged by good faith or malice according to Article 748 of the Civil Code. In case of individua’s claim to the state, the state cannot insist that is not a beneficiary in good faith and return only the existing benefits. On the other hand, In case of the state’s claim to the individual, when the beneficiary disposes of the payment provided by the state with legitimate expectation, the beneficiary can be exempted from liability to restitute. Especially in the area of social security administration, there may be cases where special consideration should be given according to the principles of social state. 부당이득의 법리는 로마법에서 기원을 두고, 주로 민법학에서 법정채권의 하나로 논의되어왔다. 부당이득반환청구권은 위법성의 교정이 아니라 보유의 정당성이라는 관점에서, 법률상 원인 없는 재화의 이전에 대한 환원을 요구하는 것이다. 공법영역에서도 법률상 원인 없이 재화가 이전될 수 있는데, 이렇게 성립한 공법상 부당이득은 사법상 부당이득에서와 다른 독자적인 법리에 따라 반환되고, 민법의 규정이 적용될 수 없다. 공법상 부당이득에서는 정의 또는 공평의 관념이 아니라 행정의 법률적합성의 원칙이 지배하고, 반환의무의 존부 및 그 범위도 민법 제748조에 따라 선의와 악의로 나누어 판단할 수 없다. 개인의 행정주체에 대한 부당이득반환청구권에서는 행정주체가 선의의 수익자라고 하면서 현존이익만의 반환을 주장할 수 없다. 한편, 행정주체의 개인에 대한 부당이득반환청구권에서도 수익자가 행정주체로부터 받은 급부를 처분하였다고 하더라도, 신뢰보호의 원칙이 작동하여 원상태로 회복되지 않는 것이 정당화될 수도 있고, 특히 사회보장행정영역에서는 사회국가의 원리에 따라 특별한 고려를 하여야 하는 경우도 있을 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        처분기준 설정 ‧ 공표의무와 이를 위반한 처분의 효력

        하명호 한국행정판례연구회 2021 행정판례연구 Vol.26 No.1

        The issue in this case is whether the disposition in violation of the obligation to establish and publish the disposition standards required by Article 20 (1) of the Administrative Procedures Act should be canceledbecause it is illegal. In response, the Supreme Court ruled that even if the administrative agency applied an unpublished disposition standards, it would not immediately result in cancellation of the disposition, but onlyif the disposition violated general administrative principles, such as the provisions of higher statutes or the principle of trust protection. The establishment and publication system of Korea's disposition standards is original and innovative, which is not found in other countries except Japan. It guarantees the citizens’ participation in the establishment of disposition standards and by promulgating the set disposition standards, it performs the function of presenting the direction of protection of its rights and interests to the other party of the disposition. Therefore, this system is not merely a disciplinary rule or a guiding rule, but is a major procedure for disposition under the Administrative Procedure Act and a procedure to promote the subjective rights of interested parties such as applicants, and the disposition that violates this obligation itself is considered to be a reason for cancellation. However, the Supreme Court is in a position that the violation of the above obligations does not constitute a reason for cancellation of the disposition, and that the disposition can be canceled only when it is combined with other reasons for the offense. If so, other means of implementing these obligations other than the cancellation suit are required, and I would like to propose the use of the national compensation claim suit and the complement of procedural defects as such means. 이 사건의 쟁점은 행정절차법 제20조 제1항에서 요구하는 처분기준의 설정 ‧ 공표의무를 위반한 처분이 위법하여 취소되어야 하는 것인지 여부이다. 이에 대하여 대법원은 행정청이 미리 공표하지 않은 처분기준을 적용하여 처분을 행하였다고 하더라도, 그러한 사유만으로 곧바로 해당 처분에 대한 취소사유에 이를 정도의 흠이 존재하는 것은 아니라고 판시하였다. 다만 해당 처분에 적용한 기준이 상위법령의 규정이나 신뢰보호의 원칙 등 행정의 일반적인 원칙을 위반하였거나 객관적으로 합리성이 없는 구체적인 사정이 있다면 해당 처분은 위법하게 된다고 판시하였다. 우리나라의 처분기준 설정ㆍ공표제도는 일본을 제외하고는 유래를 찾아볼 수 없는 독창적이고 획기적인 행정절차로서, 처분기준의 설정단계에서 올바른 재량권의 통제를 위하여 처분기준의 설정에 국민의 참여를 보장하고, 설정된 처분기준을 공표함으로써 당해 처분을 받는 이해관계인에게 자신의 권익을 위하여 무엇을 주장하고 증명하여야 하는지의 방향을 제시하는 기능을 수행한다. 따라서 이 제도는 훈시규정이나 지도적 규정에 불과한 것이 아니라 행정절차법상 처분에 대한 주요절차이자 신청인 등의 이해관계인의 주관적 권리를 도모하는 절차로서, 이 의무를 위반한 처분은 독자적인 취소사유가 된다고 생각된다. 그러나 대법원은 위와 같은 의무의 위반만으로는 처분의 취소사유가 되지 않고, 다른 위법사유와 결합하여야만 처분을 취소할 수 있다는 입장에 있다. 그렇다면 이러한 의무에 대한 취소소송 이외의 다른 관철수단이 요구되는데, 그 수단으로 국가배상 청구소송의 활용과 절차적 하자의 치유 등을 제안하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        영어교육 코퍼스 기반 키워드와 어휘다발 분석: 교재 및 학술논문 코퍼스를 중심으로

        하명호,남정미 새한영어영문학회 2019 새한영어영문학 Vol.61 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to conduct a comparative study of a specialized corpus (English Education Corpus) and a general corpus (BNC Baby). The English Education Corpus is divided into three sub-corpora, which are Foreign Writer Article Corpus (FWAC), Korean Writer Article Corpus (KWAC) and Textbook Corpus (TBC). These sub-corpora consist of about 2.5 million words compiled from textbooks and research articles of journals. This paper is to analyze the keywords and lexical bundles using Scott’s(2016) WordSmith 6.0 and to provide language learners or instructors with authentic language materials rendering services to effective English language learning or teaching. The result of this analysis shows that FWAC, KWAC and TBC have genre-specific features sharply different from BNC Baby in terms of the use of keywords and structural patterns of 4-word lexical bundles.

      • KCI등재

        영어 유의어 perfect와 absolute의 코퍼스 기반 분석

        하명호 한국중앙영어영문학회 2015 영어영문학연구 Vol.57 No.2

        For many non-native speakers of English it can be challenging to distinguish the subtle differences between near-synonyms and know which word to use in a specific context. This study deals with the two synonymously used adjectives, perfect and absolute, and aims at exploring comprehensively 1) the stylistic and diachronic variation of them; 2) the semantic differences between them. For the first goal, the stylistic variation was investigated across the five different genres provided by the COCA and BNC, and the diachronic variation of them via COHA. The results showed that perfect was used more frequently than absolute in all the rest registers, except for Spoken and that the use of perfect became more prevalent compared with absolute after hitting the bottom in 1940s. To achieve the second goal, this study compared and analyzed the dictionary meanings of these adjectives via two online available dictionaries and the noun collocations measured by MI-score(>3) through BNC. The results of the study revealed that there was a clear difference between these two near-synonyms, a need to pay close attention to use them, and furthermore, a requirement to add a specific meaning to the dictionary definitions.

      • KCI등재

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