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      • KCI등재후보

        중·고등학교 역사 교육과정 한국 근현대사 내용 요소 선정의 적합성 검토

        최병택 역사학연구소 2017 역사연구 Vol.- No.33

        Some researchers suggest there should be a focus on value such as Justice and democracy in history education fields. This kind of arguments have gained much of its validity. This study researched opinions of history teachers and experts on the argument about civil education in history education to confirm importance of civil history education by face-to-face interview. Experts on history surveyed urged to extract new content clements from the perspective of civil education on history. But the history teachers are opposed to this kind of opinion that have proposed by history experts. Instead, teachers preferred to hold on the existing contents in history textbooks and describing current learning elements in the way of enriching the contextual meaning of historical facts that have included in history textbooks. They wanted to strengthen democratic civic education in history education by putting interpretations of significant historical facts. History education experts needs to Keep in mind opinions of history teachers that have checked by this research on validity of civil education in history education. 최근 역사교육에 있어 가치교육적 측면이 강조되고, 민주주의 및 인권 중심의 가치를 중시하자는 논의가 일고 있다. 이 논문은 그러한 지적의 유용성을 인정하면서 민주시민교육이나 인권 등의 가치가 역사교육의 목표로 설정될 수 있는가하는 문제를 검토하기 위해 작성된 것으로서, 전문가 및 교사 등을 대상으로 진행한 면담 조사 결과를 분석한 글이다. 필자가 면담 조사한 역사교육 전문가들은 민주주의 교육이라는 방향성 위에서 새롭게 근현대사 내용 요소를 선정하자는 입장을 보였다. 그러나 이러한 주장은 학교 현장의 역사 교육 현실을 돌아볼 때 적절성이 높지 않을 수 있다. 교사들은 새로운 내용 요소를 추출함으로써 바람직한 민주시민교육이 가능할지에 대해 다소 유보적인 태도를 보였다. 그 대신 교사들은 기존의 내용 요소에 새로운 학습 요소를 추가하는 것보다 교과서 서술 과정에서 각각의 역사적 사건과 사실들이 지니는 한계와 의의를 적극적으로 평가하는 방식을 선호했다. 이러한 점에 유의하여 앞으로 효과적이고 유의미한 학습 요소 선정 방안에 대한 논의가 깊어져야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        남장로회선교부 한센병 환자 수용정책의 성격(1909~1950) : 여수 애양원을 중심으로

        최병택 한국기독교역사학회 2010 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.32 No.-

        This article deals with American Southern Presbyterian Missionary's activities on treating Hansen’s disease patients and providing shelter for them through AeYangWon. Earlier studies urged that the missionary segregated many patients from society and confined them in leprosy asylums, and by this they treated lepers as social issue for the first time. And on this account lepers be treated discriminatingly. But at that time there were no adequate measures except keeping patients in isolation. Conventionally Western people take lepers as sinner since Middle Ages. By contrast the missionary in korea considered lepers as the blessed for they receive benefits from God through missionary leprosy asylum. The Patients did not protest against segregation and discrimination, but wanted to remain in asylum. In this environment AeYangWon maintained stable relationship between inmate. The leader that keeping order in AeYangWon was the church. pastors of AeYangWon-church emphasized the importance of preparing for The Second Advent of Christ, and pushed lepers to concentrate on religious life. Because of them the lepers stuck on religious belief on the millennium, so that they couldn't prepare economical background to meet the new policy on lepers that focus on building settlements in 1960s'. 이 논문은 일제하~1950년까지 한센병 환자 수용 시설인 애양원의 환자 수용 정책과 그 영향을 다룬 글이다. 그동안 일제하 기독교 선교사들의 한센병 환자 수용 시설이 환자들을 외부사회와 격리함으로써 환자들의 인권을 침해하였다는 비판적 시각이 있어왔다. 그러나 기독교계의 한센병 수용 시설이 그 활동을 시작할 무렵 전세계적으로 한센병에 대해서는 환자들을 격리하는 것이 유일한 대책이었다. 이 점에서 환자들을 격리하였다는 것만으로 이를 비판적으로 바라보기는 어려울 것이다. 서구에서는 한센병 환자를 ‘죄’로 인해 병을 얻게 된 자로 규정하고 이를 차별하는 경향이 있었다. 그러나 선교사들은 환자들을 병을 통해 복음을 접하게 된 ‘선택된 자’로 여기는 경향을 보였다. 애양원의 ‘격리’ 방침은 환자가 외부인을 접촉함으로써 병을 옮기지 않도록 하는 그야말로 전염병 예방 차원에 머무르는 것으로 환자들을 평생 격리하는 것과는 거리가 멀었고, 완치될 경우 환자들은 자유로이 퇴원할 수 있었다. 그러나 환자들이 퇴원 후 격심한 사회적 편견 속에 살아갈 길이 사실상 없었으므로 대부분의 환자들은 경제적 안정이 보장된 애양원에 남기를 원하였고 이 때문에 애양원 내 환자 구역은 비교적 안정된 공동체를 형성할 수 있었다. 이 환자 공동체의 질서를 유지하고 규율하는 역할은 교회에 주어져 있었다. 교회는 그리스도의 재림과 함께 병이 완전히 치유될 것이라는 믿음을 심어주는 방식으로 환자들로 하여금 신앙생활에 더욱 전념하도록 하였다. 그러나 이러한 조건 속에서 애양원 수용자의 상당수는 외부와 단절된 채 개인적 신앙생활에 매달리게 되었고 결과적으로 1960년대에 정착촌으로 이주할 당시 경제적, 사회적 기반을 마련하는 데에 어려움을 겪어야 했다.

      • 차미리사의 기독교 민족운동관

        최병택 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2016 인문과학연구 Vol.22 No.-

        차미리사는 기독교적 사회복음주의에 입각하여 인격 양성, 실업 교육을 통한 ‘실력양성’을 중시했다. 인격 양성을 중심으로 하는 실력양성론은 1920년대 당시 감리교계 민족운동가들의 사회운동론과는 그 지향점이 달랐다. 당시 감리교계는 경제적실력양성론에 치우쳐져 ‘미곡 생산량만 늘리면 경제력을 강화할 수 있고, 민족 독립의 여지도 높아질 것’이라는 식이라는 논리 하에서 사회운동을 전개하고 있었다. 경제적 실력양성론을 주장하던 감리교계의 신흥우와 박인덕 등은 1930년대에 감리교 교권을 장악하기 위하여 여러 가지 활동을 펼쳤는데, 그 과정에서 경제적 실력양성론과 다른 입장에 서 있던 차미리사가 공격의 표적이 되었다. 그로 인해 차미리사는 덕성여자실업학교 운영에서 손을 떼야 했다. Cha-Mirisa carried out the Movement of Improving Ability in 1920’, which featured character-building. That was different from other leaders in the Korean Methodist church who had persisted that improvement in standards of economic state of korea is crucial. That idea of improving character underlaid much of his work on DukSung-school. In 1930’, Many leaders in the church turned coat and became pro-Japanese . They tried to drive out other leaders who held a different opinion on nationalistic movement such as Cha-Mirisa. The result brought Cha-Mirisa’s resignation from the council of DukSung.

      • KCI등재

        조선총독부의 화전 정리 사업

        최병택 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2012 한국문화 Vol.58 No.-

        The Chosun Governor-General claims to remove the slash-and-burn farming fields for forest conservancy during colonial rule of the Korean peninsula. From the day of promulgation the Forest Law in 1908, Japanese authorities officially announced they would control the slash-and-burn farming field by granting a license setting fire on forest. But this policy didn’t apply widely, because the range of applications of the Forest Law that contained prohibition on slash-and-burn farming was not settled. Japanese authorities decided to implement distinguishing the slash-and- burn farming field that must be removed and the land to be allowed, during Chosun Land Survey Project(1910~1918) and Forest Survey Project (1917~1924). Governor-General announced that the slash-and-burn farming field which has a gradient of under 30° would be defined as a farming field officially so that could be cultivated normally. The slash-and-burn farming fields which are in excess of those gradient forbidden to cultivate. In 1916, Japanese authorities decided to carry out the displacement of the slash-and-burn farmers who had the slash-and-burn farming fiel with a gradient of over 30°. but this policy on slash-and-burn farming field turned out a failure, because the pushout return to their former home and residential area. To rectify this problem, the Chosun Governor-General established new policy toward slash-and-burn farmers who displaced from their fields severely restricts their access to former residential area. in 1928, Japanese authorities created the special commission on slash-and-burn farmering fields to prevent disturbance that would be occur by korean farmer with an official business in the government-owned forest. The commission decided to set up ‘slash and burn farmers-cooperative societies’. the societies that contained all the slash-and-burn farmers who displaced by authorities, and monitored the farmer's living habits and moving. The Chosun Governor-General claims to remove the slash-and-burn farming fields for forest conservancy during colonial rule of the Korean peninsula. From the day of promulgation the Forest Law in 1908, Japanese authorities officially announced they would control the slash-and-burn farming field by granting a license setting fire on forest. But this policy didn’t apply widely, because the range of applications of the Forest Law that contained prohibition on slash-and-burn farming was not settled. Japanese authorities decided to implement distinguishing the slash-and- burn farming field that must be removed and the land to be allowed, during Chosun Land Survey Project(1910~1918) and Forest Survey Project (1917~1924). Governor-General announced that the slash-and-burn farming field which has a gradient of under 30° would be defined as a farming field officially so that could be cultivated normally. The slash-and-burn farming fields which are in excess of those gradient forbidden to cultivate. In 1916, Japanese authorities decided to carry out the displacement of the slash-and-burn farmers who had the slash-and-burn farming fiel with a gradient of over 30°. but this policy on slash-and-burn farming field turned out a failure, because the pushout return to their former home and residential area. To rectify this problem, the Chosun Governor-General established new policy toward slash-and-burn farmers who displaced from their fields severely restricts their access to former residential area. in 1928, Japanese authorities created the special commission on slash-and-burn farmering fields to prevent disturbance that would be occur by korean farmer with an official business in the government-owned forest. The commission decided to set up ‘slash and burn farmers-cooperative societies’. the societies that contained all the slash-and-burn farmers who displaced by authorities, and monitored the farmer's living habits and moving.

      • KCI등재

        일제하 목재 생산 정책의 성격과 그 변화

        최병택 전북사학회 2016 전북사학 Vol.0 No.48

        The Japanese colonial authority issued the new forestry policy at the beginning of colonial rule by suggesting the principles of Sustained Yield Management, which means maintaining sustainable development. Japanese Governor-General of Chosun carried out that policy in an irregular manner that marked schematic role division between national forests as cutover zone and civil-owned forest as planting area. Under this policy, Governor-General of Chosun forced forest owners to plant trees, while logging national forests aggressively. In 1930’ Japan's forestry policy for civil owned forest switched off from the principles of Sustained Management to promoting forest production as arising the ambition to invade the chinese continent. In accordance with the policy change, the amounts of timber that produced in private forests had soared dramatically. Meanwhile, timber productive capacity of national forests had also continuously expanded. At late 1930’ Japanese colonial authority built the system of consignment production by establishing Chosun forestry Development Company which was civil corporation operating under the authorities supervising. As Forestry authority produced a glut of timber, vast tracts of forests had devastated. Forest denudation under the japanese colonial rule was triggered by policy-based indiscriminate felling of trees.

      • KCI등재

        1910~20년대 식민지 조선에서 개최된 공진회와 박람회의 성격

        최병택 전북사학회 2018 전북사학 Vol.0 No.53

        1910년대에 식민 당국은 ‘조선의 문명화를 위해 노력하는 일제‘라는 이미지를 만들고자 지방 공진회를 개최했다. 조선총독부는 1915년에 열린 조선물산공진회를 통해 그러한 이미지를 더욱 강화하고자 하였다. 당시 조선총독부는 조선이 도달해야 할 미래의 ‘발전상’을 상정하고, 조선인들이 총독부의 지도에 순응해야 그와 같은 발전된 사회를 이룰 수 있다는 메시지를 전하려 했다. 공진회를 통해 일제가 제시한 내러티브는 조선인들에게 설득력이 없었다. 공진회에 전시된 물품들도 그다지 새로울 것이 없었다. 이러한 분위기 속에서 일제는 자신이 구사한 내러티브를 주입하기 위해 행정력을 동원하여 관람객을 강제적으로 동원했다. 1920년대에 접어들어 경성의 상공업자들은 식민 당국이 보여준 이 관람객 동원 능력을 이용해 상업 경기를 활성화시키고자 했고, 그러한 이유에서 조선박람회의 개최를 여러 차례 요청해 관철시켰다. 1920년대의 박람회는 공진회와 내용상으로 크게 다를 바 없는 행사였다. 또 조선인들의 관심 저하로 상공인들이 노린 경기 진작 효과도 많지 않았다. In the 1910s, the colonial authorities held a regional Competitive Exhibition to create an image of ‘Japanese people working for the civilization of Joseon’. The Japanese Government-General of Joseon wanted to further strengthen this image through the Joseon Competitive Exhibition in 1915. Japanese colonial rule forced visitors to spread their images that they made through the exhibition to Koreans. but The image that Japan presented to Koreans at the exhibition was not convincing. Entering the 1920s, the merchants in seoul requested several Joseon Expositions to be held to boost commercial events. The Japanese Government General accepted the request and held the Joseon exhibition. This exhibition was not much different from the Joseon Competitive Exhibition in 1910s.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 부 학교평의회의 구성과 학교비(學校費) 논란: 경성부 학교평의회의 사례를 중심으로

        최병택 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2017 한국문화 Vol.77 No.-

        Japanese Governor-General increased elementary school since 1920' as koreans demanded the establishment of more schools. But Japanese authority did not want to invest in education for colonial koreans. The Chosun Government-general set forth Beneficiary pays principle as management policy for colonial territories. For this reason the full cost of the education fell on korean people. In 1920s The Chosun Government-general made Local School council(學校評議會) in every county including Kyung-Sung(京城, Seoul), and held elections for the councils. Japanese authority wanted the School Councils to play along with the Government- general, but korean members of the councils was opposed to the policy on schools of the colonial authority. School Council of Kyung-Sung wanted to reserve the right to dicussion on school budge autonomously, and raising state aid to local schools. however, Japanese Governor-General ignored the issue on the korean educations. They didn't give any subsidies to school councils, and did not allow the right on educational autonomy. This caused shrinking of activities of local councils.

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