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        토지이용규제를 위한 지역·지구·구역 등의 명칭에 관한 연구

        최대식,정연우,성장환,이삼수 국토연구원 2008 국토연구 Vol.59 No.-

        This study purposes to establish the concept of the land use regulation terms such as ‘jiyeok’, ‘jigu’ and ‘guyeok’, and to classify the regulations, in order to suggest how to select the terms. The fundamental survey was made on the land use regulation terms in 4,238 laws, ordinances, and regulations. The regulations were classified in aspects of the form and substance of behavior restrictions. The terms, ‘jiyeok’, ‘jigu’, ‘guyeok’, etc. were conceptualized through the analysis on the various features including purpose, regulation extent, content of behavior restriction, field, and designation characteristic. The analysis, as a partial result, showed ‘jiyeok’ has been frequently used for the purpose of the management of urban or rural areas and the preservation or use of the natural objects. ‘Jigu’ has had the main purposes such as land development and protection of the specific activities or facilities. The regulations named ‘guyeok’, which had relatively many behavior restrictions, were frequently applied to protect the specific activities or facilities and to preserve or use the natural objects. These results were followed by suggestion of guidances to select the terms.

      • 피구 失業理論硏究

        崔大植 大邱大學校 社會科學硏究所 1999 社會科學硏究 Vol.7 No.2

        이 논문은 피구가 1933년에 발간한 失業理論(The Theory of Unemployment)을 요약한 것이다. 이 이론은 직접으로 구체적인 실업정책을 수립한 것이 아니고 순 이론적 연구를 목적으로 하고 있다. 케인즈는 피구의 이론을 현대정통학파의 대표로 보고, 동시에 이것에 대해서 전면적인 논란을 더하고 있다. 그러나 두 사람이 대립하고 있는 주요한 점은 노동의 공급함수의 분석에 있지 피구가 이것에 주력하고 있는 수요분석에는 없다. 따라서 피구의 이론은 비교적 희귀한 연구로서 실업문제를 연구하는 연구자와 정책입안자들의 이해를 돕기 위한 사고적 무기를 제공한 것이라 할 수 일다.

      • 新 福祉經濟學의 體系 : Paul A. Samuelson의 理論을 中心으로 Im zusammenhang mit der Theorie Von Paul A. Samuelson

        崔大植 韓社大學 1981 대학논문집 Vol.11 No.-

        Diese Abhandlung erklart die Theorie von der Bedingiung und dem System der neuen Wohlfahrts wirtschafeslehre nach Samuelson. Obgleich ich viele Aufgaben von der Samuelsons theorie nach J. de V. Graaffs Theoretical Welfare Economics studieren kann, mochte ich diejenigen als Forschungsmaterialien zurucklassen. Ich mochte einen SchluB ziehen, nachdem ich zwei Aufgaben von der Wohlfahrstwirtschaftslehre und Littles Kritik wie Samuelson vorgezeigt hatte. (1) Erste Aufgabe: Wenn die angemessenste Bedingung nicht ver wirklicht wurde, Was ist die beste Methode? Wie sollten wir von der ubrigen Bedingung tun, zu der unsere Fahigkeik reichen kann. Wenn die Angebotselastizitat des Produktionselements null ware, so wurde das Verhaltnis des Grenznutzens ubereinstimmen. Zum Beispiel, das die Anderung der ubrigen Bedingung zeigt, konnen wir die Wohlfahrt vermehren, wenn wir unter dem preis des Grenznutzens verkaufen wurden. Wenn das unrechte Einkommen recht verteilt wird, wird der Zustand andern. Es ist besser, wenn die angemessenste Bedingung verwirklicht wird. (2) Zweite Aufgabe ist der Beschreibung der angemessensten Bedingung einige Anderung bedurftig zu sein. Auf dem Standpunkt der bleibenden Wissenschaft urteilend, Monopol und Sondererlaubnis ist bose im Vergleich mit Konkurrenz und dem freien Handel, aber auf dem Standpunkt der bewegenden Wissenschaft urteilend ist umgekehrt. Kapitalismus zu unterstutzen ist der Faktor zu der Entfaltung. Monopol ist nicht die angemessenste Industriestruktur, obgleich wir die Monopoloberhand im Vergleich mit der Konkurrenz und dem freien Handel erkenn wurden. Zum SchluB mochte ich I.M.D. Littles theorie uberlegen, die Paretoschule und Wohlfahrtsfunktionschule kritiserte. Jene Kritik ist ful den Verteilungseffekt und diese ist fur theoretische Vollkommenheit. Ich mochte der Behauptung Paretoschules das Verteilungsurteil einfuhren, die Variabilitat der Utilitat nicht erlaubt, aber individueller Vergleich des Grenznutzens moglich ist. Ich mochte wirkliche Wohlfahrtsnorm vorschlagen und die Politiksanleitungrolle wieder beleben.

      • 技術進步와 經濟成長의 加速化를 위한 數理的 Model分析에 관한 硏究 : Disembody的 技術進步를 中心으로

        崔大植 韓社大學H 1973 대학논문집 Vol.4 No.-

        Technological Progress is a principal contributor to Economic Growth, therefore the purpose of this thesis is to prove and study on the Mathematical Model Analysis for Technological Progress and Acceleration of Economic Growth. its contents is followed: (1) Technological Progress and Economic Theory. (2) The plot of Disembodied Technological Progress Model. (3) The fix of Economic Growth Model. (4) The Connection of Disembodied Technological Progress Model and Economic Growth Model. (5) The stratigic factor of Disembodied Technological Progress for the Acceleration of Economic Growth. Disembodied Technological Progress or systematic reform is one factor for the realization of Economic Growth and Industrial Modernization. Indeed, It is long ago for role of Technology and Technological Progress to recognize the acceleration of Economic Growth, but it is the latest thing to modelize the theory of Economic Growth. It is said that Technological Progress is the process of judgement power which is formed by objective law in the practical production of human-being. This meaning is called only the Productive Technology in the Economic theory. and Technological Progress belongs to one of three meanings of Techical Innovation which is defined by J.A. Schumpeter. so to speak, it means an application to productive process of labour means or object which is formed and made newly by science and Technological Progress, and production of new good manufactured goods. The aboved defination means is the creative of new value and the depreciation of value. And the development details of Economic theory on theory on the Technology and Technological progress is followed: (1) A. Smith stands on the division of labour and capital accumulation which is basic factor for increase of national wealth and national economy. In particular, the division of labour on the Technological Progress is one factor for the promotion of labour skill and the curtailment of productive period through differentiation of labour as well as the improvement of labour productivity and increase or national wealth by invention of machine equipment. (2) J.A. Schumpeter made a fundamental distinction between invention, which was the discovery of new Technique, and innovation, which consists in the practical application of an invention in production for the market. so to speak, ① Introduction of new goods. ② Adoption of new productive methods. ③ Cultivation of new markets. ④ Occupation of new materials. ⑤ Innovation investment for industrial improvement and also, it has been brought to light for the adherence of Technological progress and Economic Growth by analysing the relation of industrial fluctuotion and Technological progress. (3) J.M. Keynes is asserted that population and capital equipment is given factor of short-run and static character in the acceleration process of Economic Growth, but Technological Progress is one outward variable. and then, is growing constently capitalistic Economy by improving labour productivity. (4) W.W. Rostow is said that two given factors or total production level is demend and supply, one factor of supply is the status of Technologica Progress. and also studied J. Robinson and R.F. Harrod theory. How did Technological Progress on the operative process of Economic Growth and how did it realize in the industrial revolution? (1) Technological Progress is the process of differentiation of labour, and development of co-operation through the invention and improvement of machine as well as establishment of industrial capital by height of organic composition of capital. (2) Technological Progress is the operated process of Economic Growth through innovation of new goods→ Occurance of new investment by the creative process of new demand→ Machanism of social production increase. (3) Technological progress is the enlarged process of labour's saves→ Increase of labour productivity→ Increase of capital. output ratio→ Possibility of mass production→ decrease of production cost→ Intensification of competitive power in the market→ Enlarge of reproduction process. Disembodied Technological Progress means the Disincarnation for new capital. and the development of production function is followed: (1) General production function: Y=F(K,L,t) (2) Hicks Model production function: Y=A(t) G(K,L) (3) Harrod Model production function: Y=G{K,A(t)L} (4) Solow Model production function: Y=G{A(t)K,L} But these production function is connected with Disembodied Technological production function. This Disembodied Technological Progress production function is followed: (1) Hicks Model: F(K,L,t)=A(t) G(K,L) (2) Harred Model: F(K,L,t)=G{K,A(t)L} (3) Solow Model: F(K,L,t)=G{A(t)K,L} (4) HHS Model: Cobb-Douglas production function model and the elasticity of substitute equalsl. As a result of the combination of Disembodied Technological Progress model and Economic Growth model. Harrod model and basic model of Economic Growth was consist of stabilized balance Growth path generally, Harrod model and neo-classial Growth model Kaldor model-Kaldor model save function and s=s(r)-was conducted it, Hicks model and neo-classical Growth model came into existence of it as only introduction of cobb-douglass production function, and Solow model and neoclassical Growth model also done. The aboved theory was proved mathematically. Finally, it has brought light on stratigic factors of accelaration of Economic Growth due to Disembodied Technological Progress. (1) Promotion of Research and Development. (2) Decision of Research Investment. (3) Development of manpower. these factors has a great influence upon material life environment of human-being and social Economic activities as well as cultural thought world. We study Science and Technology world in the modern social science fields, and then every country give impetus to accelerated Economic Growth with their Economic system.

      • 經濟學的 福祉基準論

        崔大植 韓社大學 1977 대학논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        I introduced and commented theories for economic welfare standards between old welfare economics and new economics welfare on the scholarly docterine in this thesis. The contents of thesis are follow : Chapter Ⅰ provided the meanings and goals of this thesis. Chapter Ⅱ offere the relation between economy and wefare. that is, the meaning of economic welfare and the dawning of economic welfare principle. Chapter Ⅲ introduced theories for economic welfare standards between old welfare economics and new welfare economics. the former belongs to A.C.Pigou theories, the latter the compensation principle of London school on the N.Kaldor and J.R.Hicks theories, social welfare function of Harvard school asserting A. Bergson and P.A. samuelson, and then welfare standards of I.M.D. Little principle. Welfare standards of economic meaning is production, distribution and stability. these are an important factor increasing national welfare and political goals in the concrete and practical aspacts. There are three kinds of economic policy for national welfare increase in the ultimate goals. that is, economic growth, economic equality, economic stability. Finally in the practical aspacts, for the aboved theoretical standards, I would like to build pan-national slogan for the constructive welfare countries. that is, (1) for the sake of national welfare, (2) On the policy key for welfare (3) transformation from economic growth to welfare growth, (4) for the sake of acting welfare society, etc. I urged that the aboved slongans are an important Royal roads promoting the national welfare increase in the academic and practical aspacts of this thesis.

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