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      • 원양어업의 발전과 국가기구의 재편 - 해무청의 해체와 수산청 창설 과정을 중심으로

        주현희(Ju Hyeon Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2022 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2022 No.7

        In this study, the dissolution of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Agency in the early days of the Ocean fishing industry and the establishment of the Fisheries Agency will be examined and the function of the Fisheries Agency as a state organization for the growth of the Ocean fishing industry in the early days will be examined. In previous studies, there were several studies dealing with the process of establishing the Maritime Affairs Agency and reorganizing the organization. However, previous studies dealing with the significance of the dissolution of the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Agency and the creation of the Fisheries Agency in the development of Ocean fishing in the early days are insufficient. Therefore, this study aims to examine the dissolution of the Maritime Affairs Agency in the process of raising economic development funds that were the basis for the growth of Ocean fisheries in the early days, and to resolve diplomatic friction in the process of setting up overseas fishing grounds. Through this, we will examine the functions of state agencies in handling maritime administrative affairs and also examine how this leads to the development of Ocean fishing in the 1960s.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 부산의 중등학교 여학생 교육 고찰 - 피란학교의 과외활동을 중심으로 -

        주현희 ( Ju Hyeon-hee ) 조선대학교 인문학연구원 2022 인문학연구 Vol.- No.63

        본 연구에서는 전시 상황에서 여학생을 대상으로 시행된 교육이 어떻게 이루어졌는지 정규 교과를 대체하여 운영된 다양한 교육활동을 통해 살펴보고 이러한 여학생 전시교육이 전후 국가 기반 조성과 국가 재건에 어떠한 역할을 했는지를 아울러 살펴보았다. 한국전쟁기 피란수도 부산에는 많은 피란민들이 유입되어 이들을 수용할 학교나 교실이 부족하였고 교육 자료의 수급도 어려웠다. 이러한 상황에서 1951년 2월 문교부에서 「전시하 교육특별 조치요강」을 공포하였고 피란수도 부산의 교육제도 및 교육과정은 이에 맞춰 긴급하게 전개되었다. 한국전쟁으로 많은 남학생들이 국가를 지키기 위해 학도병으로 징집되었고 이로 인해 피란학교에는 남학생이 줄고 여학생의 수가 더 늘어났다. 이 시기를 전후로 여자 중학교, 여자 고등학교의 운영이 활발해졌으며 여학생의 진학을 위해 여자고등학교도 신설되었다. 이처럼 전시 하에서 군 징용으로 남성들이 부재한 상황에서 여성들은 생계를 꾸려나가기 위해서 한글을 배우고 기술을 익혀야 했다. 그리고 국가 차원에서는 전후 재건에 필요한 인적 자원의 육성을 위해 여성 교육의 필요성이 대두되었다. 전쟁 중에는 정규 교과를 운영할 수 없었기 때문에 여학생들을 대상으로 한 전시 교육은 다양한 활동을 통해 이루어졌다. 한국전쟁기의 피란수도 부산의 여학생 교육은 근대 시기에 태동한 여성 교육이 전시하의 어려운 여건 속에서도 성숙, 발전하였던 시기였다. 전근대적인 여성 교육에서 탈피하여 사회 구성원으로서의 여성의 역할에 대한 인식 전환이 근대 여성교육으로 이어졌다. 여학생들은 중등교육을 위해 고등학교, 대학교로 진학한 이후 고급 인력으로 성장하여 전후 국가 재건의 인적 자원으로 활용되었다. 그러므로 이러한 피란수도 부산의 여학생 교육을 되살피고 발굴하는 작업은 교육사적인 측면에서 의의가 있다. In this study, Wartime education for female students conducted in Busan during the Korean War was examined through the educational activities of the Refugee School. After the war broke out, schools for refugees began to open in September 1950. In this situation, in February 1951, the Ministry of Education promulgated the "Special measures for education during the war," and the education system and curriculum in Busan, the capital of refugees, were urgently developed accordingly. From the second half of 1951, the situation stabilized to some extent, and the curriculum began to operate systematically. Due to the Korean War, many male students applied as student soldiers to protect the state, which reduced the number of male students and increased the number of female students in schools. Around this period, the operation of girls' middle and high schools became active, and girls' high schools were also established to allow high school girls to enter the school. In this way, in the absence of men due to military conscription during wartime, women had to learn Hangul and learn skills to make a living. And at the national level, the need for women's education emerged to secure insufficient human resources for post-war reconstruction. The education of Busan, the capital of refuge during the Korean War, was the beginning of Korean wartime education, and as Busan became the capital of refuge, the educational foundation that was completely destroyed by the Japanese colonial period could be developed in a short period of time. Therefore, the work of reviving, restoring, and discovering education in Busan, the capital of refuge, is meaningful in terms of educational history.

      • KCI등재

        노기주의 『應用自在朝鮮語法詳解』(1924) 고찰

        주현희 ( Ju Hyeon-hee ) 영주어문학회 2022 영주어문 Vol.51 No.-

        본 연구에서는 근대 시기 일본인을 위한 한국어 학습서에 나타나는 한국어 문법과 일본어 문법간의 영향 관계를 고찰하는 한편 어문정책에 따른 언문철자법의 기술 양상을 살펴보기 위해 노기주(魯璣柱)가 저술한 『應用自在朝鮮語法詳解』(1924)의 문법 기술 양상을 고찰하였다. 먼저 저자의 생애와 이력을 살펴 이 책이 간행된 계기를 고찰하였고 음운 및 발음의 기술 양상과 품사 항목 설정, 교육 내용의 구성을 살펴보았다. 저자 노기주는 경찰관강습소 교관으로 근무한 경험을 살려 경찰관의 한국어 강습 및 한국어 시험 대비 목적으로 이 책을 저술하였다. 또한 이 책은 음운 및 품사 분류 등의 문법 내용을 체계적으로 수록하여 문법 설명에 충실한 학습서라는 점이 특징적이다. 음운 및 발음의 기술에서는 조선총독부에서 1921년 3월에 개정, 공포한 「보통학교용 언문철자법대요」를 반영하였으며 영어 알파벳으로 발음을 표기하였음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 토(吐), 수사 등의 품사 설정에서 한국인 문법가의 문법 체계에 영향을 받은 것을 알 수 있었으며 조동사의 설정은 일본어 문법의 영향을 받은 것으로 보인다. 한편 한자의 천자음과 단어집을 수록하였으며 화문선역(和文鮮譯)의 주의 사항을 제시하여 조동사 및 토(吐)의 용법을 주의하도록 하고 있는데 이는 조선어장려시험에 대비하기 위한 학습 내용 구성으로 여겨진다. 조선어장려시험의 화문선역(和文鮮譯)의 문항은 문어체로, 국어선역(和語鮮譯)의 문항은 구어체로 답안을 작성해야 하는데 노기주(魯璣柱)의 『應用自在朝鮮語法詳解』(1924)에서는 이러한 한국어의 문어체와 구어체를 모두 학습할 수 있도록 학습 내용을 구성한 것을 알 수 있었다. This article examines the descriptional aspects of phonology and grammar of Noh Ki-ju’s 『應用自在朝鮮語法詳解』(1924), a Korean language study book for Japanese during the modern period. The author Noh Ki-ju worked as a police officer’s instructor, and since this book was published around the time of the < Joseon Language Encouragement Regulations > and < Joseon Language Tests >, this book examined the composition of Korean language classes and Korean language tests for police officers at that time. Meanwhile, in March 1921, the Chosun Governor-General revised and promulgated < Ordinary school Spelling system >, and a large number of learning books reflecting this in the learning contents were published. While many Korean language books around this time were written for various learning purposes for beginners, this book is characterized by setting public officials of a certain status as learners and for special educational purposes of preparing for the Korean language test. In addition, Noh Ki-ju’s 『應用自在朝鮮語法詳解』(1924) is characterized by being faithful to grammar explanations by systematically recording grammar contents. In addition, unlike other Korean language books written for police officers, it seems that the grammar system of Korean grammarians was introduced in the composition of grammar contents to describe the classification and content of parts. In terms of phonology and pronunciation, the < Ordinary school Spelling system Summary > revised and promulgated by the Governor-General of Joseon in March 1921 was reflected, and the pronunciation was written in English alphabets. In addition, it was influenced by Korean grammarians in the setting of parts such as ‘postposition’ and ‘numeral’, and the setting of ‘auxiliary verb’ seems to have been influenced by Japanese grammar. On the other hand, a collection of Chinese characters and a vocabulary book, and precautions for <和文鮮譯> are presented to pay attention to the use of ‘auxiliary verbs’ and ‘postposition’, which is in preparation for the < Joseon Language Recommend Test >. The questions of <和文鮮譯> should be written in written form, and the questions of <和語鮮譯> should be written in spoken form, Noh Ki-joo’s 『應用自在朝鮮語法詳解』(1924) found that the learning contents were composed so that both the written and spoken Korean could be learned.

      • KCI등재

        시데하라『朝鮮教育論』(1919)에 나타나는 식민교육정책 고찰 - 동화교육을 중심으로

        주현희(Ju Hyeon-Hee),이상원(Lee Sang-Won) 대한일어일문학회 2021 일어일문학 Vol.92 No.-

        일제가 통감부시기부터 한국인에게 강요한 제국주의의 식민교육정책은 일제에 대한 충성심과 애국심을 이식하여 일제에 동화하도록 교육하는 것이자 지배의 수단으로 이용되기 시작했으며 일제강점기에 접어들어서는 궁극적으로 식민지 조선인의 정체성을 삭제하여 일제의 황국신민으로 기르기 위함이었다. 통감부시기 일제의 문부성의 명령으로 외국인 교사의 신분으로 도한(渡韓), 외국인 교사로서의 활동을 시작으로 한국 학부의 ‘학정참여관’으로 활동한 인물이 있었는데, 바로 일제의 식민지교육정책의 기반을 만든 시데하라 다이라(幣原坦,1870-1953)이다. 학정참여관으로 근무하며 작성한 「한국교육개량안」은 ‘모범교육’으로 구현되며그의 퇴임 후, 1911년 제1차 ‘조선교육령‘의 기초가 되며, 그가 저술한 한국사 및 식민지 조선에 대한 교육정책에 관련 된 다수의 편찬서는 일제가 강요한 식민교육정책에 적지 않게 영향을 미쳤음을 부정할 수 없다. 본 논문은 이러한 일제의 식민교육정책의 기반을 만든 시데하라의 행적과 동향을 분석하고, 그가 일본으로 귀국 후 식민지 교육의 이론가로 활동하면서 저술한 『조선교육론』(1919)를 중심으로 그가 가진 조선인 동화교육에 관한 견해와 방법, 그리고 신념에 초점을 맞추어 비판적으로 분석한다. 이를 통해 일제가 식민지 조선에 이식하고 창출하고자 했던 내용과 양상, 아울러 조선인들에게 어떠한 영향을 미쳤는지에 대한 고찰을 목적으로 한다. The colonial education policy of imperialism imposed on Koreans since the Residency-General period was to instill loyalty and patriotism towards Japan into Koreans, thus assimilating them as part of the imperial Japan. Later, it came to be used as a tool for governance and was ultimately used as a means to remove the Korean identity and instead raise them as subjects of the Japanese Empire. By the decree of the Ministry of Education of the Residency-General, one Japanese teacher came to Korea and served as an adviser on education policy. He was Shidehara Taira(幣原坦,1870-1953), who laid the foundation for the colonial education policy of the Japanese Empire. The 「Korean Education Improvement Plan」he drew up while working as adviser was put to practice as a ‘model education.’ After his retirement, it became the basis of the first ‘Chosun Education Ordinance’ in 1911, and it cannot be denied that a compilation he wrote on Korean history and educational policy for colonial Chosun had a considerable impact on the colonial education policy actually enforced by the Japanese Empire. This paper analyzes the records and history of Shidehara, who formed the basis of the Japanese colonial education policy, and critically examines the 『Theory on Chosun Education』(1919), which he wrote while working as a theorist on colonial education after returning to Japan, particularly focusing on his view, methodology, and belief in terms of assimilation education for the Korean population. This will show what and how much impact, both in theory and in practice, the imperial Japan and its education policy had on the Korean population.

      • 한국전쟁 시기 거제도 피란민의 교육

        주현희(Ju, Hyeon-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2021 동북아시아문화학회 국제학술대회 발표자료집 Vol.2021 No.07

        After the outbreak of the Korean War, many refugees entered Busan by land or sea route. Busan"s population, which was about 470,000 before the Korean War, has nearly doubled since the January 4 recession. The refugees, who came down naked amid urgent wartime conditions, devoted themselves to economic activities and education to survive and to settle in a new life. During the Korean War, Busan is Provisional Capital. It was paralyzed by the influx of people exceeding the limit. The significance of Geoje Island, which restored it and played an auxiliary role, was considered. In particular, we looked at the educational environment of Geoje Island at that time and closely looked at how Geoje Island educated refugees based on oral materials of five refugees. At that time, Geoje Island was a quiet fishing village with a beautiful natural landscape with a population of 100,000 and was a place where the tension of war did not reach. This Geoje Island was responsible for the auxiliary functions of Busan, the capital city, which was already oversaturated with many refugees, and played a role of education and socialization as well as accepting prisoners of war and refugees. Through these oral materials, many refugees who came to Geoje Island by LST from North Korea, often disembarked in Geoje Island and moved back to Busan. They moved to Busan, where the foundation of economic activities was established, and raised funds to support their families through commerce, collaboration, and manufacturing, and it was shown that their children were educated while living in Geoje Island. In addition, the abundant natural environment of Geoje Island provided food for the survival of seafood, wild greens, and firewood, and provided land for the expansion of facilities such as schools and houses. In addition, it was found that the government procured insufficient supplies through sea routes, carried out education and socialization of refugees, childcare of refugee children, and treatment of the injured.

      • KCI등재

        최재익의 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918) 고찰 -품사 분류 및 내용 기술 양상을 중심으로-

        주현희(Ju Hyeon-hee) 한글학회 2021 한글 Vol.- No.332

        이 글은 최재익이 저술한 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918)에 나타난 품사 분류 및 내용 기술 양상을 고찰한 논문이다. 저자 최재익은 관립 일어학교를 졸업한 후 관립 한성일어학교 교관으로 근무하면서 한국인을 위한 일본어 학습서 『普通日本語典』(1906)을 저술하였다. 또한 일본인을 대상으로 한 한국어 학습서 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918)를 저술하였다. 이 책은 조사나 조동사와 같은 독립된 하나의 품사를 의미나 기능에 따라 분류하고 그 하위 항목을 목차식으로 제시하던 기존 문법서의 품사 기술 방식과는 확연히 다른 양상을 보인다. 문법 항목을 목차식으로 제시하지 않고 필요에 따라 간단한 주의 사항만 제시하고 구문과 연습 문항으로 한과를 구성한 것이 특징이다. 이는 어려운 문법 설명은 최소화하고 일상생활에서 즉시 활용 가능한 회화를 일본인에게 교육하기 위해서였던 것으로 여겨진다. 한편 저자가 한국인들이 일본어를 배울 때 이 교재를 활용할 수 있도록 편찬하였다고 서언에서 밝힌 것처럼 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918)는 근대 신문물에 관한 다양한 읽을거리를 강독문으로 제공하여 어학 교육뿐만 아니라 한국인들의 문화 교육에도 활용되었을 것으로 보인다. This article discusses the content of Choi Jae-ik’s Korean language study book 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918) and its part-of-speech system. After the Japanese invasion of Korea, a large number of Korean language study books were published for Japanese learners. 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918) was a book for Korean language learners published during this period. The author, Choi Jae-ik, had published various books about learning foreign languages and had conducted many studies on books for learning Japanese. However, not many studies have been conducted on books for Korean language learners, so this paper reviews his book for learning Korean, 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918), and compares it to another book by him, 『普通日本語典』(1906). 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918) be influenced by many language-learning books how described the contents writing aspects and partof-speech system. So this article was consider to relations 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918) between various Korean language-learning books published in the 1920s. 『朝鮮語の先生』(1918) provides various reading samples from contemporary new culture of modern era and is said to have served not only as an excellent language-learning material for Japanese but also a source of learning about the culture and education for Koreans.

      • KCI등재

        근대 지식의 전파와 확산에 대한 고찰 - 송헌석(宋憲奭)의 생애와 저술을 중심으로 -

        주현희(Ju, Hyeon-Hee),채영희(Chae, Young-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.63

        This article considers the aspects of East Asian knowledge acceptance and dissemination surrounding Korea in the modern era through Song Heon-Seok"s life and his writings. The modern period was a time of overflowing with various new culture and knowledge brought in from the West. These new culture, knowledge and new values, was unfamiliar for modern Koreans, but that have broken away from traditional values and brought about a shift in modern thinking. New knowledge that was introduced through books published in large quantities during the period also played a part in this shift of Korean thinking and transition to the modern period. In this article, we looked at the aspects of the inflow and propagation of new knowledge through the publication and educational activities of Song Heon-seok, how it was introduced, reproduced and diffused by his hands. We also considers how the new knowledge and new culture influenced the changing consciousness of Koreans during the modern era. He wrote a heroic novel about a historical figure to enhance the pride of the Korean people, while ostensibly taking a friendly attitude toward the Japanese, in order to pass the censorship of the Japanese colonists, which became strict amid the Japanese colonial rule. Meanwhile, his Japanese-language study book for Koreans seems to have not only served as a language study book aimed at acquiring language ability but also served as a function of disseminating and modern knowledge that contains a variety of new knowledge of Western medicine, science and geography. He adopted various grammatical knowledge that was introduced through China and Japan in the language study book of Korea, China and Japan. He was also able to see the formation and expansion of his own grammatical system in the process of developing this grammatical knowledge. In addition, he is believed to have actively engaged in the translation of the ancient books, contributions from academic organizations to academic journals and magazines, and as a publisher of magazines.

      • KCI등재

        한국전쟁기 피란수도 부산의 중·고등학교 국어교육 연구 - 교육과정의 편제 및 교과서 내용 구성을 중심으로 -

        주현희 ( Ju Hyeon-hee ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 인문과학연구 Vol.- No.45

        In this study examined how Korean language education was developed in the refugee capital of Busan during the Korean War and how it was operated by refugee School. The teaching points established during the U.S. military period were not properly reorganized due to the outbreak of the Korean War when the curriculum reorganization was discussed, and each school partially modified and used the teaching points of the U.S. military period according to the war situation. During the Korean War, many refugee schools were established in the refuge capital of Busan, but it was difficult to conduct regular classes due to insufficient supplies and educational facilities. However, despite difficulties in the operation of the regular curriculum under special circumstances during wartime, education continued. Accordingly, the refugee School operated school classes by applying a curriculum according to their respective conditions. A ceasefire agreement was signed in July 1953,and the curriculum was revised and promulgated on April 20,1954 Accordingly, each school also returned to school to reorganize the school system, and school classes were normalized. In addition, Korean language education was actively conducted at each school. Wartime education m the refuge capital of Busan, was developed into real-life-oriented Korean language education that overcomes the disconnection of education and uses Korean in real life. And this can be said to be the basis for the reconstruction of post-war Korean language education. In this study, how Korean language education developed during the Korean War was examined through the U.S. military regular and middle and high school curriculum during the Korean War, and compared with the post-war revised and promulgated curriculum. In addition,the curriculum is intended to substantially implement education, and it is the textbook that consists of specific educational materials specified m the curriculum. Therefore, based on this curriculum, it was also examined how Korean textbooks were compiled and what contents and composition systems Korean textbooks published during the Korean War had.

      • KCI우수등재

        수사 면담의 언어학적 접근 - 일본 재심 사건을 중심으로

        도선희(Do Seon Hui),주현희(Ju Hyeon Hee) 한국언어학회 2020 언어 Vol.45 No.4

        In this study, it was found that false confessions in recent Japanese retrial cases were related to human interviews focusing on Linguistics structure. This study analyzed the case of the Japanese retrial case, the Asikaga case, in Forensic linguistics. In particular, the suspect of the Asikaga case appears to have considered the specific appropriateness of the investigator"s question. This was claimed by Austin (1962), indicating that the result of the interaction of the participants was a ‘Speech Act’. The ‘Speech Act’ appears through repeated and induced questions from the investigator, and the suspect has no choice but to answer such questions. This means that even in the same sentence, the sentence is interpreted differently by considering the context in which it is actually spoken. In this study, the actual case analysis analyzed a series of questions from investigator and interviews with suspect in a series of Forensic linguistic analyses, and found the following results. This study, with the Forensic Linguistics approach Discourse Analysis, was able to analyse the false confessions as a ‘conformity condition’ referred to by the recognized Austin (1962). This could be described as an ‘locutionary act-illocutionary act-perlocutionary act’. In the future, it is expected to be a basic study of Forensic linguistics, which investigates the risk of rapport building as a question of the investigator in an investigative interview that prevents suspects from making false confessions.

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