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      • KCI등재

        일본 오이타현 우스키 마애불상군의 환경변화와 염풍화 특성

        조지현,이찬희,Cho, Ji Hyun,Lee, Chan Hee 대한자원환경지질학회 2020 자원환경지질 Vol.53 No.6

        우스키 마애불상군의 모암은 아소-4 화산쇄설암층군에 속하는 암회색 응회암이다. 이 불상군은 상부에서 유입되는 강수와 지반에서 상승하는 지하수로 인한 백화현상과 암반의 토양화가 상당히 진행되어 보존대책이 시급한 상태였다. 불상군 표면 염풍화의 주요 원인인 백색오염물에서는 세나다이트, 석고, 백운석이 동정되었다. 이들의 용출실험 결과, 세나다이트는 교반초기에 용해되었다가 4시간 이후 재용출되고, 석고는 2시간 교반까지 검출되다가 4시간 교반 후 용해되는 특성을 보였다. 백색오염물의 재결정 환경을 파악하기 위해 11개월간 미기후 환경을 모니터링한 결과, 봄철에는 세나다이트와 미라빌라이트의 상전이가 넓게 나타나고, 여름과 가을철에는 고온으로 인해 수용액 상태로 유지된다. 겨울철에는 온도가 하강하면서 미라빌라이트의 분포대가 가장 넓게 도시된다. 따라서 석불군 일대의 수분 이동통로를 차단하고 보호각 내에서 유지되는 다습한 환경을 제어하기 위한 초정밀 관측이 요구된다. The host rock of the Usuki Stone Buddha Statues is dark gray welded tuff involved the Aso-4 pyroclastic flow sediments. This Buddha Statues are processing chlorosis from rainfall flowing above and underground water which were urgently needed for conservation measurement. White precipitates, the main source of salt weathering, on the surface of the Buddha Statues are mainly consisted of thenardite, gypsum and dolomite. Extraction experiment result shows that thenardite was dissolved at the beginning of stirring and then redissolved after 4 hours, and gypsum was detected until stirring for 2 hours, and then dissolved after stirring for 4 hours. As a result of monitoring the microclimate environment for 11 months to determine the recrystallization environment of white precipitates, the phase transition between thenadite and mirabilite appears widely in spring, and is maintained in an aqueous solution due to high temperatures in summer and fall. In winter, mirabilite is shown the widest by decreasing temperature. Therefore we requires details monitoring for blocking water transfer port and solved humidity environment in shelter.

      • KCI등재

        수동적 답변의무로서의 고지의무

        조지현 ( Ji Hyun Cho ) 한국상사판례학회 2013 상사판례연구 Vol.26 No.3

        Die deutsche VVG-Reform zum 1.1.2008 hat auch eine grundlegende Anderung der Vorschriften uber die vorvertragliche Anzeigepflicht mit sich gebracht. Nach der Gesetzesbegrundung zur Reform sollte die wichtigste Neuerung in § 19 Abs. 1 VVG darin liegen, dass der Versicherungsnehmer grundsatzlich nur solche ihm bekannten Umstande anzeigen muss, nach denen der Versicherer in Textform gefragt hat. Das Risiko einer Fehleinschatzung, ob ein Umstand gefahrrelevant ist, liegt also nicht mehr beim Versicherungsnehmer. Zusatzlich muss der nachgefragte Umstand auch objektiv erheblich sein. Also entfallt im geltenden Recht die sog. spontane Anzeigepflicht, die den Vertragsnehmer veranlasste, auch ungefragte Umstande, die fur die Ubernahme der Gefahr erheblich sein konnten, anzuzeigen. Geandert wurde auch der Zeitpunkt fur die Erfullung der Anzeigepflicht. § 19 Abs. 1 Satz. 1 stellt auf die auf den Vertragsschluss gerichtete Willenserklarung des Vertrags- nehmers und nicht mehr auf den Vertragsschluss ab. Nach alte Fassung war der Vertragsnehmer gehalten, gefahrerhebliche Umstande, die zwischen der Stellung seines Antrages und der Annahme eintraten, anzuzeigen, und zwar auch ohne entsprechende Fragen des Versicherers. Nach dem neuen Recht besteht gemaß § 19 Abs. 1 Satz 2 eine Nachmeldepflicht, nur wenn der Versicherer nach der Vertragserklarung des Vertragsnehmers, aber vor der Vertragsannahme entsprechende Fragen in Textform stellt. Zum Versicherungsverbraucherschutz musste § 651 des koreanischen Handelsgesetzbuchs wie die deutsche VVG-Reform verbessert werden.

      • KCI등재

        주식회사 이사에 대한 책임추궁방안 연구- 독일 주식법 규정을 중심으로-

        조지현 ( Ji Hyun Cho ) 한국상사판례학회 2015 상사판례연구 Vol.28 No.1

        If the directors violated their duties and that resulted in the damages of such corporations, director should compensate for those damages. In principle, the corporation preserves the right to demand compensation against the directors who caused the damages. But if the corporation doesn’t claim against the concerned directors, the minority shareholders could do it for the corporation. Under the German Stock Corportion Act, the corporation’s creditor also could bring a suit for the corporation. If the creditor could not obtain satisfaction from the corporation, the corporation’s creditor can make a claim for the corporation in their own name and up to the amount of their claims against the directors who are subject to the indemnifications. But the directors who are subject to the indemnifications could compensate those damages not only to the corporation but also to its creditor, by which they are relieved from the obligations. The creditors doesn’t preserve any priorities over the corporation and its creditors. If insolvency proceeding were initiated over the corporation’s property, the creditor cannot make any more claims for the corporation. Therefore, creditor’s right to resort the corporation’s claim is meaningful only when the filing for initiating insolvency proceeding is rejected.

      • 컬러스케이프와 사운드스케이프의 상관관계 연구

        조지현(Cho Ji-hyun) 한국색채학회 2010 한국색채학회 학술대회 Vol.2010 No.1

        경관은 시(視)환경, 음(音)환경, 온열(溫熱)환경, 공기환경 및 복합적인 요소들의 작용뿐 아니라 그 속에서 삶을 영위하는 인간의 인지와 활동까지 포함되는 복합 유기체다. 이렇듯 하나의 요소로 정의 내릴 수 없는 복합 유기체인 경관을 한 가지 요소만을 고려하여 계획하고 있는 현 시점에서 다양한 요소들 간의 상관관계 규명을 통해 보다 상호 유기적인 계획을 실현하는 새로운 방법을 모색할 필요성이 요구된다. 따라서 본 연구는 인간의 인지에 가장 큰 영향력을 미치는 색채와 소리에 주목해 경관에서의 컬러스케이프(colorscape)와 사운드스케이프(soundscape)의 상관관계를 규명하고 이를 통해 각 경관의 정체성을 살리며 조화롭게 계획할 수 있는 방안 마련의 가능성을 실험하고자 하였다. 계획에 앞서 경관색채 계획에서 일반적으로 잘 사용되지 않는 용어인 컬러스케이프를 ‘경관에서의 소리풍경’을 의미하는 사운드스케이프에 대별되는 의미로 ‘경관에서의 색채풍경’으로 정의하였다.

      • 남북 및 국제화물철도 운송을 대비한 동해선 철도인프라 확충에 관한 연구

        조지현(Cho Chi-Hyun),윤동희(Yun Dong-Hee),이선관(Lee Sun-Kwan) 한국철도학회 2009 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2009 No.11월

        Kyung-eui line freight railway transport has disconnected after 1 year of opening between South and North Korea. Kyung-eui line between Munsan and Panmun has opened early by the construction of Kaesung Industrial Complex, but railway freight transport didn't make productive by the slowdown development of Kaesung Industrial Complex, political tensions between South and North Korea, and transport service irrespective of shipper's circumstances. On the other hand, Donghae line didn't have regular freight transport after trial run, and it didn't receive attention by locating far away from Seoul metropolitan area. This study want to consider the importance of Donghae line for preparing future international railway era, and discuss the necessity of railway infrastructure by analyzing freight transport items considering logistics surrounding.

      • KCI등재

        임신부의 철분 보충제 사용과 임신결과

        조지현(Ji Hyun Cho),안홍석(Hong Seok Ahn),배현숙(Hyun Sook Bae) 대한지역사회영양학회 2009 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        It is known that Korean pregnant women take iron supplements at a higher than the recommended level. This study was designed to provide data on current iron intake levels both from food sources and supplement to better guide iron supplement use during pregnancy. We also explored associations of iron supplement intake levels with various sociocultural factors and pregnancy outcomes. Dietary intakes of 510 pregnant women were assessed by a validated 102-item food frequency questionnaire, and information on types and amounts of nutritional supplement intakes were also attained. While dietary intake levels of most nutrients exceeded the KDRIs (Korea Dietary Reference Intakes: EAR: Estimated Average Requirements), folate fell short of the KDRIs. A total of 428 women (83.9%) reported to take iron supplement. The pregnant women were divided into the three groups (group I: Fe supplement intake≤EAR, group II: EAR<Fe supplement intake≤3 times of EAR, group III: 3 times of EAR<Fe supplement intake). The mean dietary intake of iron was 24% of the total iron intake for pregnant women. Iron intake from food was not significantly different among I, II, and III. In case of iron intake from supplements, the most frequent dose (34.1%) was 90-100 mg/day, and the mean iron supplement intake was 362% of the EAR. The study findings showed that those with higher levels of iron supplements had better meal quality measured by NAR (Nutrient Adequacy Ratio) and INQ (Index of Nutrient Quality). In addition iron supplement intake levels were significantly related to age (20s: 66.5±38.6 mg/day, 30s: 77.3±47.8 mg/day, p<0.0116) and experience of childbirth (1st pregnancy: 70.9±41.2 mg/day, 2nd pregnancy: 64.5±39.5 mg/day, ≥3rd pregnancy: 94.4±63.8 mg/day, p<0.005). However, no significant difference was found between iron supplement intake levels and various pregnancy outcomes including birth weight, birth height, gestational age, weight gain during pregnancy, and jaundice. It is worrisome that iron intake by supplement use greatly exceeded the EAR, suggesting the need of appropriate guidelines for iron supplement intake during pregnancy. Thus iron overdose from supplements in pregnancy should be considered as a serious condition. (Korean J Community Nutrition 14(3):327~339, 2009)

      • KCI등재

        연구논문(硏究論文) : 노후소득보장제도연구 -연금크레딧을 중심으로-

        조지현 ( Ji Hyun Cho ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2011 법학논총 Vol.35 No.1

        This article analyze the welfare needs of the elderly that presented as a category of new social risk with the advent of post-industrial society. There happens the change of the employment model, family model and the weakening of welfare states in the post-industrial society. The point is that it brings about the various categories of new social risks; youth unemployment, poverty of women, suffering from child-bearing. In addition to these risks, the elderly become one of the new social risk bearer. The purpose of this study is to suggest the elderly income guarantee policy. The one is policy alternatives for childcare credit in National pension which strengthens current childbirth credit. In order to suggest policy alternatives for childcare credit, care credit on other countries are compared. The other is unemployment credit. Unemployment credit system is a system to protect members who would have trouble in their silver years due to unemployment. When Korea adopts the unemployment credit system in its national pension, it is expected that the blind spot would decrease.

      • KCI등재

        업무집행관여자의 책임에 관한 독일 주식법과 상법의 비교연구

        조지현 ( Ji Hyun Cho ) 한국금융법학회 2016 金融法硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        In Commercial Code of each country is specified the liability of the person, has affected the company actually with the power like directors, despite he is not a director. The Korean Commercial Code Art. 401.2 has been instituted in reference to the German Stock Corporation Act Art. 117. But both make a little difference. The Korean Commercial Code Art. 401.2 regulate widely the liability of the shadow directors, including de facto directors. In contrast the German Stock Corporation Act Art. 117 regulate only the liability of the person, with influence on the company has instigated the director an act, cause damage to the company. Consequently in German law the liability of de facto directors is resolved not by the Art. 117 but by the Art. 93. Therefore legal entity can not be a de facto directors. Legal entity is responsible by the company law relating to group (konzern law). The German Stock Corporation Act Art. 117 doesn``t regulate the liability of the shadow directors to a third party. So this liability in German law shall be resolved by the civil tort liability. In contrast the Korean Commercial Code regulate the liability for damage of the directors to a third party.

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